Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2012  DCA-FEEC-UNICAMP
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License v3
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * Contributors:
 *     K. Raizer, A. L. O. Paraense, R. R. Gudwin - initial API and implementation

package br.unicamp.cst.learning.glas;

import java.util.ArrayList;

import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;

import br.unicamp.cst.behavior.glas.GlasEvent;
import br.unicamp.cst.behavior.glas.GlasSequence;
import br.unicamp.cst.behavior.glas.GlasSequenceElements;
import br.unicamp.cst.behavior.glas.Individual;
import br.unicamp.cst.core.entities.Codelet;
import br.unicamp.cst.core.entities.MemoryObject;
import br.unicamp.cst.core.entities.RawMemory;
import br.unicamp.cst.core.exceptions.CodeletActivationBoundsException;
import br.unicamp.cst.memory.WorkingStorage;

 * @author klaus
public class LearnerCodelet extends Codelet {
    ArrayList<Individual> indi_list = new ArrayList<Individual>();

    private static int maxEventsSequenceLenght = Integer.MAX_VALUE; // Defines a maximum number of events that can be stored in EVENTS_SEQUENCE_MO (used mostly for experiments and debug purposes)
    boolean first_run = true;
    double goal_fitness = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;

    private MemoryObject EVENTS_SEQUENCE_MO;
    private MemoryObject SOLUTION_TREE_MO; //Holds a phenotype of the best solution until now
    private boolean plot_solution = false;

    //GlasPlot ploter =null;

    //TODO The algorithm should be able to find out the following variables on its own   
    static int nNodes = 7;
    static int nReRuns = 1;

    static int nActions = 1;
    static int nStimuli = 1;

    JSONArray best_solution_tree = new JSONArray();
    private int last_number_of_events = 0;

    private boolean enabled = true;
    private boolean printSequenceUsedForLearning = false;

    private boolean printLearnedSolutionTree;

    private int maxNumberOfSolutions = Integer.MAX_VALUE; //When learner reaches maxNumberOfSolutions, it stops learning. Used primarily for debug and experimental purposes. 

    private int maxNumberOfNodes = 10;

    private int minNumberOfNodes = 2;

    private RawMemory rawMemory;

    public LearnerCodelet(int nStimuli, int nActions, RawMemory rawMemory, WorkingStorage ws) {
        this.nStimuli = nStimuli;
        this.nActions = nActions;

        this.rawMemory = rawMemory;

        //this.setTimeStep(0); // No waiting between reruns?

        if (rawMemory != null)
            this.SOLUTION_TREE_MO = rawMemory.createMemoryObject("SOLUTION_TREE", "");
        if (ws != null)

        GlasOptProblem gop = new GlasOptProblem(nNodes, nStimuli, nActions);
        //TODO Which is better here, getting a random initial solution or a fixed standard one? 
        // Such as: [0,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,0,1,1,1,1,1,1]

        //      IntegerGenotype random_tree_gen = gop.getGlasGenotype();
        //      int[] random_tree_gen_fixed = {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,1,1,1,1,1};
        int[] initial_solution_tree_int = { 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1 };

        JSONArray initial_solution_tree_json = new JSONArray();

        for (int i = 0; i < initial_solution_tree_int.length; i++) {


        //      [0,1,1,2,3,4,5,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,0,1,1,1,1,2,2]
        if (ws != null)
            ws.registerCodelet(this, "EVENTS_SEQUENCE", 0);


    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see br.unicamp.cogsys.core.entities.Codelet#accessMemoryObjects()
    public void accessMemoryObjects() {

        EVENTS_SEQUENCE_MO = this.getInput("EVENTS_SEQUENCE", 0);


    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see br.unicamp.cogsys.core.entities.Codelet#calculateActivation()
    public void calculateActivation() {
        try {
        } catch (CodeletActivationBoundsException e) {


    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see br.unicamp.cogsys.core.entities.Codelet#proc()
    public void proc() {

        if (enabled) {

            if ((first_run || (SOLUTION_TREE_MO.getEvaluation() < this.getGoal_fitness()))
                    && !((String) EVENTS_SEQUENCE_MO.getI()).isEmpty()) {

                //         System.out.println("Init proc ... ");

                try {
                    JSONArray sequence_json = new JSONArray(EVENTS_SEQUENCE_MO.getI());

                    int sequence_lenght = sequence_json.length();
                    //If (maxEventsSequenceLenght==Integer.MAX_VALUE), it tries to learn a new tree as soon as possible (if it has new events and previous learning is over)
                    //TODO Increment this condition for it to start learning only if it makes a mistake?
                    //If maxEventsSequenceLenght is a finite integer (set by the user) it waits until maxEventsSequenceLenght new events are presented to the current solution. Only then does it start learning a new sequence.
                    if (maxEventsSequenceLenght == Integer.MAX_VALUE
                            || (sequence_lenght - last_number_of_events) >= maxEventsSequenceLenght) {

                        while (sequence_json.length() > maxEventsSequenceLenght) { // learns only with the last MAX_EVENTS_SEQUENCE_LENGHT events
                        if (this.printSequenceUsedForLearning) {
                        GlasSequence mySequence = new GlasSequence();
                        if (this.printSequenceUsedForLearning) {
                            System.out.println("Sequence used for learning: ");
                        for (int e = 0; e < sequence_json.length(); e++) {
                            //TODO Should be inside GlasSequence?            
                            JSONObject event_json = sequence_json.getJSONObject(e);
                            int stim = event_json.getInt(GlasSequenceElements.SENSED_STIMULUS.toString());
                            int act = event_json.getInt(GlasSequenceElements.EXPECTED_ACTION.toString());
                            double rew = event_json.getDouble(GlasSequenceElements.REWARD_RECEIVED.toString());

                            //                     Sequence used for learning: 
                            //                        0,2,0,-1.0 //TODO

                            if (this.printSequenceUsedForLearning) {
                                System.out.println(e + "," + stim + "," + act + "," + rew);

                            mySequence.addEvent(new GlasEvent(stim, act, rew));

                        //TODO Store WHO acted on this sequence, and its results

                        JSONArray solution_tree_phenotype_jsonarray = new JSONArray(SOLUTION_TREE_MO.getI());
                        int[] solution_tree_phenotype_int = new int[solution_tree_phenotype_jsonarray.length()];
                        for (int i = 0; i < solution_tree_phenotype_jsonarray.length(); i++) {
                            solution_tree_phenotype_int[i] = solution_tree_phenotype_jsonarray.getInt(i);

                        int[] genotype_int = this.getGenotypeFromPhenotype(solution_tree_phenotype_int);

                        int nNodesIndi = (solution_tree_phenotype_int.length / 3);
                        Individual indi = new Individual(nNodesIndi, nStimuli, nActions);

                        double max_fit = this.getMaxFitnessForSequence(mySequence);
                        double fit = indi.getFitness(mySequence);
                        indi.setNormalizedFitness(fit / max_fit);

                        if (this.printLearnedSolutionTree) {
                            //                     System.out.println("");
                            System.out.print(fit + ",");
                            System.out.print(fit / max_fit + ",");
                            System.out.print(nNodesIndi + ",");
                            for (int i = 0; i < genotype_int.length; i++) {
                                System.out.print(genotype_int[i] + ",");

                        //LEARNING PHASE
                        System.out.println("I just started learning from a new sequence...");
                        int[] temp_best_found_int = { 1, 1, 1 };
                        double temp_best_found_fit = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
                        double normalized_fitness = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;

                        GlasLearner myLearner = new GlasLearner(nNodes, nStimuli, nActions);
                        for (int local_nNodes = minNumberOfNodes; local_nNodes <= maxNumberOfNodes; local_nNodes++) {

                            myLearner = new GlasLearner(local_nNodes, nStimuli, nActions);
                            boolean show_gui = false;
                            //      int max_number_reRuns=500;  //int max_number_reRuns=500;
                            //      int nParticles = 1000;            //int nParticles = 1000;
                            //      myLearner.setMax_number_reRuns(max_number_reRuns);
                            //      myLearner.setnParticles(nParticles);

                            if (myLearner.getBest_found_fit() > temp_best_found_fit) {
                                temp_best_found_int = myLearner.getBest_found_solution();
                                temp_best_found_fit = myLearner.getBest_found_fit();

                            if (this.printLearnedSolutionTree) {
                                double temp_max_fit = this.getMaxFitnessForSequence(mySequence);
                                //                        System.out.println("");
                                System.out.print(temp_best_found_fit + ",");
                                normalized_fitness = temp_best_found_fit / temp_max_fit;
                                System.out.print(normalized_fitness + ",");
                                System.out.print(local_nNodes + ",");
                                for (int i = 0; i < temp_best_found_int.length - 1; i++) {
                                    System.out.print(temp_best_found_int[i] + ",");
                                System.out.println(temp_best_found_int[temp_best_found_int.length - 1]);


                        System.out.println("...finished learning.");
                        int[] best_found_int = temp_best_found_int; //TODO Unnecessary?

                        int[] new_solution_tree_int = this.getPhenotypeFromGenotype(best_found_int);

                        double best_found_fit = temp_best_found_fit; //TODO Unnecessary?

                        best_solution_tree = new JSONArray();
                        for (int i = 0; i < new_solution_tree_int.length; i++) {

                        //                  SOLUTION_TREE_MO.setEvaluation(best_found_fit);
                        first_run = false;

                        //                  }
                        if (SOLUTION_TREE_MO.getEvaluation() >= this.getGoal_fitness()) {
                            System.out.println("Found goal fitness = " + SOLUTION_TREE_MO.getEvaluation());

                        if (plot_solution) {

                            double[] best_found_double = new double[best_found_int.length];

                            for (int i = 0; i < best_found_double.length; i++) {
                                best_found_double[i] = ((double) best_found_int[i]);

                            double[] sol = new double[nNodes * 3];
                            int count = 0;
                            for (int i = 0; i < sol.length; i++) {
                                if ((i % nNodes) == 0) {
                                    sol[i] = 0;

                                } else {
                                    sol[i] = best_found_double[count];


                            //                     ploter = new GlasPlot(sol);

                            //                     ploter.plot();


                        sequence_json = new JSONArray(EVENTS_SEQUENCE_MO.getI());
                        last_number_of_events = sequence_json.length();

                        //                  System.out.println("##########################################");

                    } //if(sequence_json.length()>=MAX_EVENTS_SEQUENCE_LENGHT)

                } catch (JSONException e) {
                    System.out.println("This should not happen! (at LearnerCodelet)");


            if (indi_list.size() >= this.maxNumberOfSolutions) {
                System.out.println("Stopped learning.");
        } else {//if enabled
                //         System.out.println("Learning is halted."); //Do nothing


    private int[] getPhenotypeFromGenotype(int[] genotype) {

        int number_of_nodes = (genotype.length / 3) + 1;
        int[] solution_tree_phenotype = new int[number_of_nodes * 3];

        int count = 0;
        solution_tree_phenotype[count] = 0;


        for (int i = 0; i < genotype.length / 3; i++) {
            solution_tree_phenotype[count] = genotype[i];

        solution_tree_phenotype[count] = 0;

        for (int i = genotype.length / 3; i < 2 * genotype.length / 3; i++) {
            solution_tree_phenotype[count] = genotype[i];

        solution_tree_phenotype[count] = 0;

        for (int i = 2 * genotype.length / 3; i < 3 * genotype.length / 3; i++) {
            solution_tree_phenotype[count] = genotype[i];

        return solution_tree_phenotype;

    private double getMaxFitnessForSequence(GlasSequence mySequence) {
        double max_fit = 0;
        ArrayList<GlasEvent> events = mySequence.getEvents();
        for (GlasEvent event : events) {
            max_fit = max_fit + Math.abs(event.getReward());

        return max_fit;

    public double getGoal_fitness() {
        return goal_fitness;

    public void setGoalFitness(double goal_fitness) {
        this.goal_fitness = goal_fitness;

     * @return the maxEventsSequenceLenght
    public static int getMaxEventsSequenceLenght() {
        return maxEventsSequenceLenght;

     * @param Max_Events_Sequence_Lenght the Max_Events_Sequence_Lenght to set
    public void setMaxEventsSequenceLenght(int Max_Events_Sequence_Lenght) {
        maxEventsSequenceLenght = Max_Events_Sequence_Lenght;

    public int[] getGenotypeFromPhenotype(int[] phenotype) {

        int number_of_nodes = Math.round(phenotype.length / 3);
        int[] genotype = new int[(number_of_nodes - 1) * 3];

        int count = 0;
        for (int i = 1; i < number_of_nodes; i++) {
            genotype[count] = phenotype[i];
        for (int i = number_of_nodes + 1; i < 2 * number_of_nodes; i++) {
            genotype[count] = phenotype[i];
        for (int i = 2 * number_of_nodes + 1; i < 3 * number_of_nodes; i++) {
            genotype[count] = phenotype[i];

        return genotype;

     * @return the enabled
    public boolean isEnabled() {
        return enabled;

     * @param enabled the enabled to set
    public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) {
        this.enabled = enabled;

     * @return the nNodes
    public static int getnNodes() {
        return nNodes;

     * @param nNodes the nNodes to set
    public static void setnNodes(int nNodes) {
        LearnerCodelet.nNodes = nNodes;

     * @return the nActions
    public static int getnActions() {
        return nActions;

     * @param nActions the nActions to set
    public static void setnActions(int nActions) {
        LearnerCodelet.nActions = nActions;

     * @return the nStimuli
    public static int getnStimuli() {
        return nStimuli;

     * @param nStimuli the nStimuli to set
    public static void setnStimuli(int nStimuli) {
        LearnerCodelet.nStimuli = nStimuli;

     * @return the nReRuns
    public static int getnReRuns() {
        return nReRuns;

     * @param nReRuns the nReRuns to set
    public static void setnReRuns(int nReRuns) {
        LearnerCodelet.nReRuns = nReRuns;

     * @return the printLearnedSolutionTree
    public boolean isPrintLearnedSolutionTree() {
        return printLearnedSolutionTree;

     * @param printLearnedSolutionTree the printLearnedSolutionTree to set
    public void setPrintLearnedSolutionTree(boolean printLearnedSolutionTree) {
        this.printLearnedSolutionTree = printLearnedSolutionTree;

     * @return the printSequenceUsedForLearning
    public boolean isPrintSequenceUsedForLearning() {
        return printSequenceUsedForLearning;

     * @param printSequenceUsedForLearning the printSequenceUsedForLearning to set
    public void setPrintSequenceUsedForLearning(boolean printSequenceUsedForLearning) {
        this.printSequenceUsedForLearning = printSequenceUsedForLearning;

     * @return the maxNumberOfSolutions
    public int getMaxNumberOfSolutions() {
        return maxNumberOfSolutions;

     * @param maxNumberOfSolutions the maxNumberOfSolutions to set
    public void setMaxNumberOfSolutions(int maxNumberOfSolutions) {
        this.maxNumberOfSolutions = maxNumberOfSolutions;

     * @return the maxNumberOfNodes
    public int getMaxNumberOfNodes() {
        return maxNumberOfNodes;

     * Higher bound for number of nodes the solution tree can have.
     * Must be: minNumberOfNodes<= maxNumberOfNodes
     * Default: maxNumberOfNodes=10
     * Warning: Large values of maxNumberOfNodes might make learning too slow
     * @param maxNumberOfNodes the maxNumberOfNodes to set
    public void setMaxNumberOfNodes(int maxNumberOfNodes) {
        if (maxNumberOfNodes >= minNumberOfNodes) {
            this.maxNumberOfNodes = maxNumberOfNodes;

     * Lower bound for number of nodes the solution tree can have.
     * Must be: minNumberOfNodes>=1 and minNumberOfNodes<= maxNumberOfNodes
     * Default: minNumberOfNodes=1
     * @return the minNumberOfNodes
    public int getMinNumberOfNodes() {
        return minNumberOfNodes;

    //   /** //TODO Verify the utility for this method..
    //    * Lower bound for number of nodes the solution tree can assume.
    //    * Must be: minNumberOfNodes>=2 and minNumberOfNodes<= maxNumberOfNodes
    //    * Default: minNumberOfNodes=2
    //    * 
    //    * @param minNumberOfNodes the minNumberOfNodes to set
    //    */
    //   public void setMinNumberOfNodes(int minNumberOfNodes) {
    //      if(minNumberOfNodes>=2 && minNumberOfNodes<= maxNumberOfNodes){
    //         this.minNumberOfNodes = minNumberOfNodes;
    //         int[] random_tree_gen_fixed = new int[(minNumberOfNodes-1)*3];
    //         int count=1;
    //         for(int i=0;i<(minNumberOfNodes-1)*3;i++){
    //            if(i<(minNumberOfNodes-1) || i>=2*(minNumberOfNodes-1)){
    //               random_tree_gen_fixed[i]=1;
    //            }else{
    //               random_tree_gen_fixed[i]=count;
    //               count++;
    //            }
    //         }
    //         JSONArray initial_solution_tree = new JSONArray();
    //         for(int i = 0; i<random_tree_gen_fixed.length;i++){
    //            initial_solution_tree.put(random_tree_gen_fixed[i]);
    //         }
    //         this.SOLUTION_TREE_MO.updateInfo(initial_solution_tree.toString());
    //      }
    //   }
