List of usage examples for java.lang Double isInfinite
public static boolean isInfinite(double v)
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@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @Deprecated/*w w w .j a v a2 s.c o m*/ @Override public OpenMapRealVector ebeMultiply(RealVector v) { checkVectorDimensions(v.getDimension()); OpenMapRealVector res = new OpenMapRealVector(this); OpenIntToDoubleHashMap.Iterator iter = entries.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { iter.advance(); res.setEntry(iter.key(), iter.value() * v.getEntry(iter.key())); } /* * MATH-803: the above loop assumes that 0d * x = 0d for any double x, * which allows to consider only the non-zero entries of this. However, * this fails if this[i] == 0d and (v[i] = NaN or v[i] = Infinity). * * These special cases are handled below. */ if (v.isNaN() || v.isInfinite()) { int n = getDimension(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { double y = v.getEntry(i); if (Double.isNaN(y)) { res.setEntry(i, Double.NaN); } else if (Double.isInfinite(y)) { double x = this.getEntry(i); res.setEntry(i, x * y); } } } return res; }
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public static boolean wellFormedDouble(final double val) { return !Double.isInfinite(val) && !Double.isNaN(val); }
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public static boolean isValidNumber(Object raw) { if (raw == null) { return false; }//from w ww . j a va 2s. c o m Double value; try { value = Double.parseDouble(raw.toString()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return false; } return !(Double.isNaN(value) || Double.isInfinite(value)); }
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/** * Compute the value of f(t) = \frac{\partial r(t) t}{\partial t} at t=x * @param xValues Data r_i/*from w w w .jav a2 s .com*/ * @param yValues Data r(t_i) * @param x Key larger than min{r_i} * @return f(x) */ public double interpolateFwds(final double[] xValues, final double[] yValues, final double x) { final PiecewisePolynomialResult result = interpolateFwds(xValues, yValues); final DoubleMatrix2D coefsMatrix = result.getCoefMatrix(); final int nKnots = coefsMatrix.getNumberOfRows() + 1; final double[] knots = result.getKnots().getData(); int indicator = 0; if (x <= knots[1]) { indicator = 0; } else { for (int i = 1; i < nKnots - 1; ++i) { if (knots[i] < x) { indicator = i; } } } final double[] coefs = coefsMatrix.getRowVector(indicator).getData(); final double res = getValue(coefs, x, knots[indicator]); ArgumentChecker.isFalse(Double.isInfinite(res), "Too large/small data values or xKey"); ArgumentChecker.isFalse(Double.isNaN(res), "Too large/small data values or xKey"); return res; }
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@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @Test/* w ww . ja va 2 s. c o m*/ public void testMaxMin() { Dataset a = DatasetFactory.createRange(12, Dataset.FLOAT64); a.setShape(3, 4); assertEquals("Max", 11, a.max().doubleValue(), 1e-6); assertEquals("Max 0", DatasetFactory.createFromObject(new double[] { 8, 9, 10, 11 }), a.max(0)); assertEquals("Max 1", DatasetFactory.createFromObject(new double[] { 3, 7, 11 }), a.max(1)); assertEquals("Max arg", 11, a.argMax()); assertEquals("Max arg 0 ", DatasetFactory.createFromObject(new int[] { 2, 2, 2, 2 }), a.argMax(0)); assertEquals("Max arg 1 ", DatasetFactory.createFromObject(new int[] { 3, 3, 3 }), a.argMax(1)); a.set(Double.NaN, 1, 0); System.out.println(a.toString(true)); assertTrue("Max", Double.isNaN(a.max().doubleValue())); assertTrue("Max", !Double.isNaN(a.max(true).doubleValue())); assertTrue("Max 0", equalsWithNaNs(DatasetFactory.createFromObject(new double[] { Double.NaN, 9, 10, 11 }), a.max(0))); assertTrue("Max 1", equalsWithNaNs(DatasetFactory.createFromObject(new double[] { 3, Double.NaN, 11 }), a.max(1))); assertEquals("Max arg", 4, a.argMax()); assertEquals("Max arg 0 ", DatasetFactory.createFromObject(new int[] { 1, 2, 2, 2 }), a.argMax(0)); assertEquals("Max arg 1 ", DatasetFactory.createFromObject(new int[] { 3, 0, 3 }), a.argMax(1)); assertEquals("Max", 11, a.max(true).doubleValue(), 1e-6); assertEquals("Max 0", DatasetFactory.createFromObject(new double[] { 8, 9, 10, 11 }), a.max(0, true)); assertEquals("Max 1", DatasetFactory.createFromObject(new double[] { 3, 7, 11 }), a.max(1, true)); assertEquals("Max arg", 11, a.argMax(true)); assertEquals("Max arg 0 ", DatasetFactory.createFromObject(new int[] { 2, 2, 2, 2 }), a.argMax(0, true)); assertEquals("Max arg 1 ", DatasetFactory.createFromObject(new int[] { 3, 3, 3 }), a.argMax(1, true)); a.set(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, 1, 1); System.out.println(a.toString(true)); assertTrue("Max", Double.isNaN(a.max().doubleValue())); assertTrue("Max", !Double.isNaN(a.max(true).doubleValue())); assertTrue("Max", Double.isNaN(a.max(false, true).doubleValue())); assertTrue("Max", !Double.isNaN(a.max(true, false).doubleValue())); assertEquals("Max", 11, a.max(true).doubleValue(), 1e-6); assertTrue("Min", Double.isNaN(a.min().doubleValue())); assertTrue("Min", !Double.isNaN(a.min(true).doubleValue())); assertTrue("Min", Double.isNaN(a.min(false, true).doubleValue())); assertTrue("Min", !Double.isNaN(a.min(true, false).doubleValue())); assertTrue("Min", !Double.isInfinite(a.min().doubleValue())); assertTrue("Min", !Double.isInfinite(a.min(true).doubleValue())); assertTrue("Min", !Double.isInfinite(a.min(false, true).doubleValue())); assertTrue("Min", Double.isInfinite(a.min(true, false).doubleValue())); assertEquals("Min", 0, a.min(true).doubleValue(), 1e-6); // test other code path Dataset b = DatasetFactory.createRange(12, Dataset.FLOAT64); b.setShape(3, 4); b.mean(); // trigger summary stats calculation assertEquals("Max", 11, b.max().doubleValue(), 1e-6); assertEquals("Max arg", 11, b.argMax()); b.set(Double.NaN, 1, 0); b.mean(); // trigger summary stats calculation assertTrue("Max", Double.isNaN(b.max().doubleValue())); assertEquals("Max arg", 4, b.argMax()); b.mean(true); assertEquals("Max", 11, b.max(true).doubleValue(), 1e-6); assertEquals("Max arg", 11, b.argMax(true)); // check strided datasets give same max/min positions a = DatasetFactory.createRange(12, Dataset.FLOAT64).reshape(3, 4); b = a.getSliceView(new Slice(1, null), new Slice(0, null, 2)); Dataset c = a.getSlice(new Slice(1, null), new Slice(0, null, 2)); Assert.assertEquals(c.argMax(), b.argMax()); Assert.assertEquals(c.argMin(), b.argMin()); }
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/** * Handles the work of converting values to JSON. * /* w w w.j a v a 2s .c o m*/ * @param nodeRef NodeRef * @param propertyName QName * @param key String * @param value Serializable * @return the JSON value */ @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) protected Object propertyToJSON(final NodeRef nodeRef, final QName propertyName, final String key, final Serializable value) { if (value != null) { // Has a decorator has been registered for this property? if (propertyDecorators.containsKey(propertyName)) { JSONAware jsonAware = propertyDecorators.get(propertyName).decorate(propertyName, nodeRef, value); if (jsonAware != null) { return jsonAware; } } else { // Built-in data type processing if (value instanceof Date) { JSONObject dateObj = new JSONObject(); dateObj.put("value", JSONObject.escape(value.toString())); dateObj.put("iso8601", JSONObject.escape(ISO8601DateFormat.format((Date) value))); return dateObj; } else if (value instanceof List) { // Convert the List to a JSON list by recursively calling propertyToJSON List<Object> jsonList = new ArrayList<Object>(((List<Serializable>) value).size()); for (Serializable listItem : (List<Serializable>) value) { jsonList.add(propertyToJSON(nodeRef, propertyName, key, listItem)); } return jsonList; } else if (value instanceof Double) { return (Double.isInfinite((Double) value) || Double.isNaN((Double) value) ? null : value.toString()); } else if (value instanceof Float) { return (Float.isInfinite((Float) value) || Float.isNaN((Float) value) ? null : value.toString()); } else { return value.toString(); } } } return null; }
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/** * Method for computing measure default value based on the data type * * @param columnSchema/* ww w. ja va2s . c o m*/ * @param defaultValue * @return */ public static Object getMeasureDefaultValue(ColumnSchema columnSchema, byte[] defaultValue) { Object measureDefaultValue = null; if (!isDefaultValueNull(defaultValue)) { String value = null; switch (columnSchema.getDataType()) { case SHORT: case INT: case LONG: value = new String(defaultValue, Charset.forName(CarbonCommonConstants.DEFAULT_CHARSET)); measureDefaultValue = Long.parseLong(value); break; case DECIMAL: BigDecimal decimal = DataTypeUtil.byteToBigDecimal(defaultValue); if (columnSchema.getScale() > decimal.scale()) { decimal = decimal.setScale(columnSchema.getScale(), RoundingMode.HALF_UP); } measureDefaultValue = decimal; break; default: value = new String(defaultValue, Charset.forName(CarbonCommonConstants.DEFAULT_CHARSET)); Double parsedValue = Double.valueOf(value); if (!Double.isInfinite(parsedValue) && !Double.isNaN(parsedValue)) { measureDefaultValue = parsedValue; } } } return measureDefaultValue; }
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/** * Calculate minimum and maximum for a dataset *///from w w w . jav a 2s .c om protected void calculateHash() { IndexIterator iter = getIterator(); double hash = 0; while (iter.hasNext()) { for (int j = 0; j < isize; j++) { final double val = getElementDoubleAbs(iter.index + j); if (Double.isInfinite(val) || Double.isNaN(val)) { hash = (hash * 19) % Integer.MAX_VALUE; } else { hash = (hash * 19 + val) % Integer.MAX_VALUE; } } } int ihash = ((int) hash) * 19 + getDType() * 17 + getElementsPerItem(); setStoredValue(STORE_SHAPELESS_HASH, ihash); }
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private boolean exp_max(Vector<TaggedInstance> AS, double[] CK, double QUAL, double S) { double D = E - 2; double R = Math.sqrt(E - 1); // System.out.println("CK= "+Arrays.toString(CK)); double[] RD = calculateDistances(AS, CK); // System.out.println("RD = "+Arrays.toString(RD)); int samples = RD.length; int MAXITER = 500; double CDIF = 0.001; double count = 0;// float sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < RD.length; i++) { if (RD[i] < QUAL) { count++;//from ww w . j a v a 2 s. c o m // sum += RD[i]; } } // System.out.println("count = "+count); // System.out.println("RD.length = "+RD.length); double PC = count / RD.length;// sum / RD.length; double PB = 1 - PC; // System.out.println("PC = "+PC); // System.out.println("PB = "+PB); double tmpVAR = 0; // double sum=0; for (int i = 0; i < RD.length; i++) { if (RD[i] < QUAL) { // sum += RD[i]; tmpVAR += RD[i] * RD[i]; } } // System.out.println("sum = "+sum); // System.out.println("tmpVAR = "+tmpVAR); double VAR = (1 / D) * tmpVAR / count; boolean CONV = false; for (int i = 0; i < MAXITER && !CONV; i++) { // System.out.println("\tEM iteration: "+i); // System.out.println("\tVAR = "+VAR); double[] prc = clusterdistrib(RD, VAR, D, R); // System.out.println("PRC = "+Arrays.toString(prc)); double[] prb = background(RD, D, R); double[] prcpc = new double[prc.length]; for (int j = 0; j < prc.length; j++) { prcpc[j] = prc[j] * PC; } double[] prbpb = new double[prb.length]; for (int j = 0; j < prb.length; j++) { prbpb[j] = prb[j] * PB; } double[] pr = new double[prcpc.length]; for (int j = 0; j < prc.length; j++) { pr[j] = prcpc[j] + prbpb[j]; } double[] pcr = new double[prcpc.length]; for (int j = 0; j < prc.length; j++) { pcr[j] = prcpc[j] / pr[j]; } double SM = 0; for (int j = 0; j < prc.length; j++) { SM += pcr[j]; } // System.out.println("\tSM = "+SM); if (MathUtils.eq(SM, 0) || Double.isInfinite(SM)) { i = MAXITER;// will return from loop } float tmpVAR_new = 0; for (int j = 0; j < prc.length; j++) { tmpVAR_new += RD[j] * RD[j] * pcr[j]; } // System.out.println("tmpVAR_new = "+tmpVAR_new); double VAR_new = (1 / D) * tmpVAR_new / SM; // System.out.println("PCR = "+Arrays.toString(pcr)); // System.out.println("\tVAR_new = "+VAR_new); // System.out.println("\tPC = "+PC); double PC_new = SM / samples; // System.out.println("\tPC_new = "+PC_new); double PB_new = 1 - PC_new; if (Math.abs(VAR_new - VAR) < CDIF && Math.abs(PC_new - PC) < CDIF) { CONV = true; } PC = PC_new; PB = PB_new; VAR = VAR_new; } if (CONV) { if (MathUtils.eq(PC, 0) || MathUtils.eq(PB, 0)) { System.out.println("EM: No or incorrect convergence! - PC==0 || PB==0"); CONV = false; RADNW = 0; return false; } double SD = (2 * Math.pow(Math.PI, D / 2)) / (GammaFunction.gamma(D / 2)); double SD1 = (2 * Math.pow(Math.PI, (D + 1) / 2)) / (GammaFunction.gamma((D + 1) / 2)); // System.out.println("SD = "+SD); // System.out.println("SD1 = "+SD1); double CC = SD * (1 / (Math.pow(2 * Math.PI * VAR, D / 2))); double CB = (SD / (SD1 * Math.pow(Math.sqrt(D + 1), D))); double LO = (S / (1 - S)) * ((PB * CB) / (PC * CC)); // System.out.println("PB = "+PB); // System.out.println("PC = "+PC); // System.out.println("S = "+S); // System.out.println("CC = "+CC); // System.out.println("CB = "+CB); // System.out.println("LO = "+LO); if (LO <= 0) { System.out.println("EM: Impossible to calculate radius - LO<0!"); return false; } double DIS = -2 * VAR * Math.log(LO); // System.out.println("DIS = "+DIS); if (DIS <= 0) { System.out.println("EM: Impossible to calculate radius - DIS<0!"); System.out.println(); return false; } RADNW = (float) Math.sqrt(DIS); return true; } else { System.out.println("EM: No or incorrect convergence! Probably not enough iterations for EM"); return false; } }
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static boolean isDefined(double d) { return !(Double.isInfinite(d) || Double.isNaN(d)) && d > 0; }