List of usage examples for java.lang Double isInfinite
public static boolean isInfinite(double v)
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@Override protected List<List<E>> getShortestPathsIntern(V source, V target, int k) { PriorityQueue<WeightedPath> prioQ = new PriorityQueue<WeightedPath>(); List<List<E>> found_paths = new LinkedList<List<E>>(); Transformer<E, Double> delta = prepareTransformations(target); // Initialize with start vertex. prioQ.add(new WeightedPath(source)); while (!prioQ.isEmpty() && found_paths.size() < k) { WeightedPath curPath = prioQ.poll(); // get & remove next shortest V curV = curPath.getLast();/*ww w .ja v a2 s .c o m*/ if (curV.equals(target)) { found_paths.add(curPath.getPath()); continue; } // Create new paths for every expanded vertex ... for (V nextV : graph.getSuccessors(curV)) { if (curPath.contains(nextV)) continue; // Prevent looping! // ... and every possible edge. for (E e : graph.findEdgeSet(curV, nextV)) { if (Double.isInfinite(delta.transform(e))) continue; // Skip unreachable vertices. WeightedPath tmpPath = new WeightedPath(curPath); // clone tmpPath.addHop(e, delta.transform(e), nextV); prioQ.add(tmpPath); } } } return found_paths; }
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public boolean hasProbability() { return !Double.isInfinite(_logCumulativeProb); }
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/** * Evaluates the function with the specified parameters. * * The parameters describe a set of gaussian generators (which are the Clusters). * * @param parameters A RealVector containing the values of all the parameters of each Gaussian, ordered so that all the parameters of a single gaussian are together, then the next gaussian, etc. * @return The negative log likelihood of having observed the ClusterObjects at their locations, given the parameters describing the Gaussian clusters. */// w ww . ja v a 2 s. c o m public double evaluate(RealVector parameters) { int nClusters = parameters.getDimension() / nParametersEach; //java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger("edu.stanford.cfuller.imageanalysistools").info("nClusters: " + nClusters + " abdMatrices_size: " + abdMatrices.size() + " det_dim: " + det.getDimension()); if (det.getDimension() != nClusters) { clusterProbs = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(this.objects.size(), nClusters); det = new ArrayRealVector(nClusters); pk = new ArrayRealVector(nClusters); if (abdMatrices.size() < nClusters) { int originalSize = abdMatrices.size(); for (int i = 0; i < nClusters - originalSize; i++) { abdMatrices.add(new Array2DRowRealMatrix(numDim, numDim)); } } else { abdMatrices.setSize(nClusters); } } pk.mapMultiplyToSelf(0.0); //java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger("edu.stanford.cfuller.imageanalysistools").info("nClusters: " + nClusters + " abdMatrices_size: " + abdMatrices.size() + " det_dim: " + det.getDimension()); for (int i = 0; i < nClusters; i++) { /* double ct = Math.cos(parameters.getEntry(nParametersEach*i+3)); double st = Math.sin(parameters.getEntry(nParametersEach*i+3)); double sin2t = Math.sin(2*parameters.getEntry(nParametersEach*i+3)); double a = (ct*ct/(2*parameters.getEntry(nParametersEach*i+2)) + st*st/(2*parameters.getEntry(nParametersEach*i+4))); double b = (sin2t/(4*parameters.getEntry(nParametersEach*i+4)) - sin2t/(4*parameters.getEntry(nParametersEach*i+2))); double d = (st*st/(2*parameters.getEntry(nParametersEach*i+2)) + ct*ct/(2*parameters.getEntry(nParametersEach*i+4))); */ double a = parameters.getEntry(nParametersEach * i + 2); double d = parameters.getEntry(nParametersEach * i + 4); double b = Math.sqrt(a * d) * parameters.getEntry(nParametersEach * i + 3); abdMatrices.get(i).setEntry(0, 0, a); abdMatrices.get(i).setEntry(1, 0, b); abdMatrices.get(i).setEntry(0, 1, b); abdMatrices.get(i).setEntry(1, 1, d); LUDecomposition abdLU = (new LUDecomposition(abdMatrices.get(i))); det.setEntry(i, (abdLU).getDeterminant()); //det.setEntry(i, a*d-b*b); try { abdMatrices.set(i, abdLU.getSolver().getInverse()); } catch (org.apache.commons.math3.linear.SingularMatrixException e) { return Double.MAX_VALUE; } } for (int n = 0; n < this.objects.size(); n++) { ClusterObject c = this.objects.get(n); double max = -1.0 * Double.MAX_VALUE; int maxIndex = 0; for (int k = 0; k < nClusters; k++) { mean.setEntry(0, c.getCentroid().getX() - parameters.getEntry(nParametersEach * k)); mean.setEntry(1, c.getCentroid().getY() - parameters.getEntry(nParametersEach * k + 1)); x = abdMatrices.get(k).operate(mean); double dot = x.dotProduct(mean); // java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger("edu.stanford.cfuller.imageanalysistools").info("k, n: " + k + ", " + this.objects.size()); // java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger("edu.stanford.cfuller.imageanalysistools").info("parameters: " + parameters.toString()); // java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger("edu.stanford.cfuller.imageanalysistools").info("abd matrix: " + abdMatrices.get(k).toString()); // java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger("edu.stanford.cfuller.imageanalysistools").info("det: " + det.getEntry(k)); // java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger("edu.stanford.cfuller.imageanalysistools").info("mean: " + mean.toString()); // java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger("edu.stanford.cfuller.imageanalysistools").info("dot: " + dot); double logN = negLog2PI - 0.5 * Math.log(det.getEntry(k)) - 0.5 * dot; // java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger("edu.stanford.cfuller.imageanalysistools").info("logN: " + logN); clusterProbs.setEntry(n, k, logN); if (logN > max) { max = logN; maxIndex = k; } if (Double.isInfinite(logN) || Double.isNaN(logN)) { return Double.MAX_VALUE; } } c.setMostProbableCluster(maxIndex); } for (int k = 0; k < nClusters; k++) { double tempMax = -1.0 * Double.MAX_VALUE; for (int n = 0; n < this.objects.size(); n++) { if (clusterProbs.getEntry(n, k) > tempMax) tempMax = clusterProbs.getEntry(n, k); } pk.setEntry(k, tempMax + Math.log( clusterProbs.getColumnVector(k).mapSubtract(tempMax).mapToSelf(new Exp()).getL1Norm()) - Math.log(this.objects.size())); } double pkMax = -1.0 * Double.MAX_VALUE; for (int k = 0; k < nClusters; k++) { if (pk.getEntry(k) > pkMax) pkMax = pk.getEntry(k); } double logSumPk = pkMax + Math.log(pk.mapSubtract(pkMax).mapToSelf(new Exp()).getL1Norm()); pk.mapSubtractToSelf(logSumPk); //java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger("edu.stanford.cfuller.imageanalysistools").info("pk: " + pk.toString()); double L = 0; for (int n = 0; n < this.objects.size(); n++) { RealVector toSum = clusterProbs.getRowVector(n).add(pk); double tempMax = -1.0 * Double.MAX_VALUE; for (int k = 0; k < nClusters; k++) { if (toSum.getEntry(k) > tempMax) tempMax = toSum.getEntry(k); } double pn = tempMax + Math.log(toSum.mapSubtract(tempMax).mapToSelf(new Exp()).getL1Norm()); //java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger("edu.stanford.cfuller.imageanalysistools").info("pn: " + pn); L += pn; } return -1.0 * L; }
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/** * Sample a SPT using a SPTWalker and an AccumulativeGridSampler. * /*from w w w .j av a 2s . c o m*/ * @param spt * @return */ public static void sampleSPT(ShortestPathTree spt, ZSampleGrid<WTWD> sampleGrid, final double d0, final double gridSizeMeters, final double v0, final double maxWalkDistance, final double cosLat) { final DistanceLibrary distanceLibrary = SphericalDistanceLibrary.getInstance(); // Below is a closure that makes use of the parameters to the enclosing function. /** * Any given sample is weighted according to the inverse of the squared normalized distance * + 1 to the grid sample. We add to the sampling time a default off-road walk distance to * account for off-road sampling. */ AccumulativeMetric<WTWD> accMetric = new AccumulativeMetric<WTWD>() { @Override public WTWD cumulateSample(Coordinate C0, Coordinate Cs, WTWD z, WTWD zS) { double t = z.wTime / z.w; double b = z.wBoardings / z.w; double wd = z.wWalkDist / z.w; double d = distanceLibrary.fastDistance(C0, Cs, cosLat); // additionnal time double dt = d / v0; // t weight double w = 1 / ((d + d0) * (d + d0)); if (zS == null) { zS = new WTWD(); zS.d = Double.MAX_VALUE; } zS.w = zS.w + w; zS.wTime = zS.wTime + w * (t + dt); zS.wBoardings = zS.wBoardings + w * b; zS.wWalkDist = zS.wWalkDist + w * (wd + d); if (d < zS.d) zS.d = d; return zS; } /** * A Generated closing sample take 1) as off-road distance, the minimum of the off-road * distance of all enclosing samples, plus the grid size, and 2) as time the minimum * time of all enclosing samples plus the grid size * off-road walk speed as additional * time. All this are approximations. * * TODO Is there a better way of computing this? Here the computation will be different * based on the order where we close the samples. */ @Override public WTWD closeSample(WTWD zUp, WTWD zDown, WTWD zRight, WTWD zLeft) { double dMin = Double.MAX_VALUE; double tMin = Double.MAX_VALUE; double bMin = Double.MAX_VALUE; double wdMin = Double.MAX_VALUE; for (WTWD z : new WTWD[] { zUp, zDown, zRight, zLeft }) { if (z == null) continue; if (z.d < dMin) dMin = z.d; double t = z.wTime / z.w; if (t < tMin) tMin = t; double b = z.wBoardings / z.w; if (b < bMin) bMin = b; double wd = z.wWalkDist / z.w; if (wd < wdMin) wdMin = wd; } WTWD z = new WTWD(); z.w = 1.0; /* * The computations below are approximation, but we are on the edge anyway and the * current sample does not correspond to any computed value. */ z.wTime = tMin + gridSizeMeters / v0; z.wBoardings = bMin; z.wWalkDist = wdMin + gridSizeMeters; z.d = dMin + gridSizeMeters; return z; } }; final AccumulativeGridSampler<WTWD> gridSampler = new AccumulativeGridSampler<WTWD>(sampleGrid, accMetric); SPTWalker johnny = new SPTWalker(spt); johnny.walk(new SPTVisitor() { @Override public final boolean accept(Edge e) { return e instanceof StreetEdge; } @Override public final void visit(Coordinate c, State s0, State s1, double d0, double d1) { double wd0 = s0.getWalkDistance() + d0; double wd1 = s0.getWalkDistance() + d1; double t0 = wd0 > maxWalkDistance ? Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY : s0.getActiveTime() + d0 / v0; double t1 = wd1 > maxWalkDistance ? Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY : s1.getActiveTime() + d1 / v0; if (!Double.isInfinite(t0) || !Double.isInfinite(t1)) { WTWD z = new WTWD(); z.w = 1.0; z.d = 0.0; if (t0 < t1) { z.wTime = t0; z.wBoardings = s0.getNumBoardings(); z.wWalkDist = s0.getWalkDistance(); } else { z.wTime = t1; z.wBoardings = s1.getNumBoardings(); z.wWalkDist = s1.getWalkDistance(); } gridSampler.addSamplingPoint(c, z); } } }, d0); gridSampler.close(); }
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public JSONObject toMonitorJSON() throws JSONException { JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); json.put("time", sample().time()); json.put("point", GeometryEngine.geometryToWkt(estimate().point().geometry(), WktExportFlags.wktExportPoint)); Polyline routes = monitorRoute(estimate()); if (routes.getPathCount() > 0) { json.put("route", GeometryEngine.geometryToWkt(routes, WktExportFlags.wktExportMultiLineString)); }//w ww . j a va2s . c om JSONArray candidates = new JSONArray(); for (MatcherCandidate candidate : vector()) { JSONObject jsoncandidate = new JSONObject(); jsoncandidate.put("point", GeometryEngine.geometryToWkt(candidate.point().geometry(), WktExportFlags.wktExportPoint)); jsoncandidate.put("prob", Double.isInfinite(candidate.filtprob()) ? "Infinity" : candidate.filtprob()); routes = monitorRoute(candidate); if (routes.getPathCount() > 0) { jsoncandidate.put("route", GeometryEngine.geometryToWkt(routes, WktExportFlags.wktExportMultiLineString)); } candidates.put(jsoncandidate); } json.put("candidates", candidates); return json; }
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public boolean canSample() { return !_entriesToLogProbs.isEmpty() && !Double.isInfinite(_logCumulativeProb); }
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/** * Returns a {@code Complex} whose value is {@code this * factor}. * Implements preliminary checks for {@code NaN} and infinity followed by * the definitional formula://from w ww .j a v a 2 s.c o m * <pre> * <code> * (a + bi)(c + di) = (ac - bd) + (ad + bc)i * </code> * </pre> * Returns {@link #NaN} if either {@code this} or {@code factor} has one or * more {@code NaN} parts. * <br/> * Returns {@link #INF} if neither {@code this} nor {@code factor} has one * or more {@code NaN} parts and if either {@code this} or {@code factor} * has one or more infinite parts (same result is returned regardless of * the sign of the components). * <br/> * Returns finite values in components of the result per the definitional * formula in all remaining cases. * * @param factor value to be multiplied by this {@code Complex}. * @return {@code this * factor}. * @throws NullArgumentException if {@code factor} is {@code null}. */ public Complex multiply(Complex factor) throws NullArgumentException { MathUtils.checkNotNull(factor); if (isNaN || factor.isNaN) { return NaN; } if (Double.isInfinite(real) || Double.isInfinite(imaginary) || Double.isInfinite(factor.real) || Double.isInfinite(factor.imaginary)) { // we don't use isInfinite() to avoid testing for NaN again return INF; } return createComplex(real * factor.real - imaginary * factor.imaginary, real * factor.imaginary + imaginary * factor.real); }
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public synchronized void setEmpiricalQuality(final double empiricalQuality) { if (empiricalQuality < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("empiricalQuality < 0"); if (Double.isInfinite(empiricalQuality)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("empiricalQuality is infinite"); if (Double.isNaN(empiricalQuality)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("empiricalQuality is NaN"); this.empiricalQuality = empiricalQuality; }
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public static boolean isFinite(double d) { return !Double.isInfinite(d) && !Double.isNaN(d); }
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public LPPresolver(double unboundedLBValue, double unboundedUBValue) { if (!Double.isNaN(unboundedLBValue) && !Double.isInfinite(unboundedLBValue)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The field unboundedLBValue must be set to Double.NaN or Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY"); }/*from w ww .j a v a 2 s . com*/ if (!Double.isNaN(unboundedUBValue) && !Double.isInfinite(unboundedUBValue)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The field unboundedUBValue must be set to Double.NaN or Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY"); } // this.unspecifiedLBValue = unspecifiedLBValue; // this.unspecifiedUBValue = unspecifiedUBValue; this.unboundedLBValue = unboundedLBValue; this.unboundedUBValue = unboundedUBValue; }