Example usage for java.lang Double isInfinite

List of usage examples for java.lang Double isInfinite


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang Double isInfinite.


public static boolean isInfinite(double v) 

Source Link


Returns true if the specified number is infinitely large in magnitude, false otherwise.


From source file:com.anhth12.optimize.solvers.BackTrackLineSearch.java

public double optimize(INDArray line, int lineSearchIteration, double initialStep, INDArray x, INDArray g)
        throws InvalidStepException {
    INDArray oldParameters;/*from  ww w.ja  v a  2  s. co m*/
    double slope, test, alamin, alam, alam2, tmplam;
    double rhs1, rhs2, a, b, disc, oldAlam;
    double f, fold, f2;
    oldParameters = x.dup();

    alam2 = 0.0;
    f2 = fold = optimizer.score();
    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
        logger.trace("ENTERING BACKTRACK\n");
        logger.trace("Entering BackTrackLinnSearch, value = " + fold + ",\ndirection.oneNorm:"
                + line.norm1(Integer.MAX_VALUE) + "  direction.infNorm:" + FastMath.max(Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY,

    BooleanIndexing.applyWhere(g, new Or(Conditions.isNan(), Conditions.isInfinite()),
            new Value(Nd4j.EPS_THRESHOLD));
    double sum = line.norm2(Integer.MAX_VALUE).getDouble(0);
    if (sum > stpmax) {
        logger.warn("attempted step too big. scaling: sum= " + sum + ", stpmax= " + stpmax);
        line.muli(stpmax / sum);

    //dot product
    slope = Nd4j.getBlasWrapper().dot(g, line);
    logger.debug("slope = " + slope);

    if (slope < 0)
        throw new InvalidStepException("Slope = " + slope + " is negative");

    if (slope == 0)
        throw new InvalidStepException("Slope = " + slope + " is zero");

    // find maximum lambda
    // converge when (delta x) / x < REL_TOLX for all coordinates.
    //  the largest step size that triggers this threshold is
    //  precomputed and saved in alamin
    INDArray maxOldParams = Transforms.abs(oldParameters);
    BooleanIndexing.applyWhere(maxOldParams, new Condition() {
        public Boolean apply(Number input) {
            return input.doubleValue() < 1.0;

        public Boolean apply(IComplexNumber input) {
            return false;
    }, new Value(1.0));

    INDArray testMatrix = Transforms.abs(line).divi(maxOldParams);
    test = testMatrix.max(Integer.MAX_VALUE).getDouble(0);
    //no longer needed
    testMatrix = null;
    alamin = relTolx / test;

    alam = 1.0f;
    oldAlam = 0.0f;
    int iteration;
    // look for step size in direction given by "line"
    for (iteration = 0; iteration < maxIterations; iteration++) {
        // x = oldParameters + alam*line
        // initially, alam = 1.0, i.e. take full Newton step
        logger.trace("BackTrack loop iteration " + iteration + " : alam=" + alam + " oldAlam=" + oldAlam);
        logger.trace("before step, x.1norm: " + x.norm1(Integer.MAX_VALUE) + "\nalam: " + alam + "\noldAlam: "
                + oldAlam);
        assert (alam != oldAlam) : "alam == oldAlam";

        if (stepFunction == null)
            stepFunction = new DefaultStepFunction();
        stepFunction.step(x, line, new Object[] { alam, oldAlam }); //step

        double norm1 = x.norm1(Integer.MAX_VALUE).getDouble(0);
        logger.debug("after step, x.1norm: " + norm1);

        // check for convergence
        //convergence on delta x
        if ((alam < alamin) || smallAbsDiff(oldParameters, x)) {
            f = function.score();
            logger.trace("EXITING BACKTRACK: Jump too small (alamin = " + alamin
                    + "). Exiting and using xold. Value = " + f);
            return 0.0f;

        oldAlam = alam;
        f = function.score();

        logger.debug("value = " + f);

        // sufficient function increase (Wolf condition)
        if (f >= fold + ALF * alam * slope) {

            logger.debug("EXITING BACKTRACK: value=" + f);

            if (f < fold)
                throw new IllegalStateException(
                        "Function did not increase: f = " + f + " < " + fold + " = fold");
            return alam;

        // if value is infinite, i.e. we've
        // jumped to unstable territory, then scale down jump
        else if (Double.isInfinite(f) || Double.isInfinite(f2)) {
            logger.warn("Value is infinite after jump " + oldAlam + ". f=" + f + ", f2=" + f2
                    + ". Scaling back step size...");
            tmplam = .2f * alam;
            if (alam < alamin) { //convergence on delta x
                f = function.score();
                logger.warn("EXITING BACKTRACK: Jump too small. Exiting and using xold. Value=" + f);
                return 0.0f;
        } else { // backtrack
            if (alam == 1.0) // first time through
                tmplam = -slope / (2.0f * (f - fold - slope));
            else {
                rhs1 = f - fold - alam * slope;
                rhs2 = f2 - fold - alam2 * slope;
                if ((alam - alam2) == 0)
                    throw new IllegalStateException("FAILURE: dividing by alam-alam2. alam=" + alam);
                a = (rhs1 / (FastMath.pow(alam, 2)) - rhs2 / (FastMath.pow(alam2, 2))) / (alam - alam2);
                b = (-alam2 * rhs1 / (alam * alam) + alam * rhs2 / (alam2 * alam2)) / (alam - alam2);
                if (a == 0.0)
                    tmplam = -slope / (2.0f * b);
                else {
                    disc = b * b - 3.0f * a * slope;
                    if (disc < 0.0) {
                        tmplam = .5f * alam;
                    } else if (b <= 0.0)
                        tmplam = (-b + FastMath.sqrt(disc)) / (3.0f * a);
                        tmplam = -slope / (b + FastMath.sqrt(disc));
                if (tmplam > .5f * alam)
                    tmplam = .5f * alam; // lambda <= .5 lambda_1

        alam2 = alam;
        f2 = f;
        logger.debug("tmplam:" + tmplam);
        alam = Math.max(tmplam, .1f * alam); // lambda >= .1*Lambda_1


    return 0.0f;

From source file:r.base.Types.java

public static boolean isFinite(@Recycle double value) {
    return !Double.isInfinite(value);

From source file:org.tsho.dmc2.core.chart.TrajectoryMultiRenderer.java

private void computeRanges() {

    Stepper.Point2D point;/* ww  w  .ja  v a 2s  .  c  om*/
    double xLower, xUpper;
    double yLower, yUpper;

    for (int i = 0; i < stepperList.length; i++) {

    point = stepperList[0].getCurrentPoint2D();
    xLower = point.getX();
    xUpper = point.getX();
    yLower = point.getY();
    yUpper = point.getY();

    for (index = 0; index < rangeIterations; index++) {

        for (int i = 0; i < stepperList.length; i++) {

            point = stepperList[i].getCurrentPoint2D();

            if (xLower > point.getX()) {
                xLower = point.getX();
            } else if (xUpper < point.getX()) {
                xUpper = point.getX();

            if (yLower > point.getY()) {
                yLower = point.getY();
            } else if (yUpper < point.getY()) {
                yUpper = point.getY();


            if (stopped) {

    if (Double.isInfinite(xLower) || Double.isInfinite(xUpper) || Double.isInfinite(yLower)
            || Double.isInfinite(yUpper) || Double.isNaN(xLower) || Double.isNaN(xUpper) || Double.isNaN(yLower)
            || Double.isNaN(yUpper)) {

        throw new ModelException("Exception during range calculations: (infinite or not-a-number value found)");

    if (!timePlot) {
        plot.setDataRanges(new Range(xLower, xUpper), new Range(yLower, yUpper));
    } else {
        plot.setDataRanges(new Range(transients, transients + iterations), new Range(yLower, yUpper));

    computeRanges = false;

From source file:org.tsho.dmc2.core.chart.TrajectoryRenderer.java

private void computeRanges() {
    Stepper.Point2D point;/*from   w  w w. ja  v  a 2s  . com*/
    double xLower, xUpper;
    double yLower, yUpper;


    point = stepper.getCurrentPoint2D();
    xLower = xUpper = point.getX();
    yLower = yUpper = point.getY();

    for (index = 0; index < rangeIterations; index++) {
        if (stopped) {
            state = STATE_STOPPED;

        point = stepper.getCurrentPoint2D();

        if (xLower > point.getX()) {
            xLower = point.getX();
        } else if (xUpper < point.getX()) {
            xUpper = point.getX();

        if (yLower > point.getY()) {
            yLower = point.getY();
        } else if (yUpper < point.getY()) {
            yUpper = point.getY();

    if (Double.isInfinite(xLower) || Double.isInfinite(xUpper) || Double.isInfinite(yLower)
            || Double.isInfinite(yUpper) || Double.isNaN(xLower) || Double.isNaN(xUpper) || Double.isNaN(yLower)
            || Double.isNaN(yUpper)) {
        throw new ModelException("Exception during range calculations: (infinite or not-a-number value found)");

    if (!timePlot) {
        plot.setDataRanges(new Range(xLower, xUpper), new Range(yLower, yUpper));
    } else {
        plot.setDataRanges(new Range(transients, transients + iterations), new Range(yLower, yUpper));

    computeRanges = false;

From source file:mase.mason.world.DistanceSensorArcs.java

public double[] normaliseValues(double[] vals) {
    double[] norm = new double[vals.length];
    double max = Double.isInfinite(range) ? fieldDiagonal : range;
    for (int i = 0; i < vals.length; i++) {
        if (binary) {
            norm[i] = Double.isInfinite(vals[i]) ? -1 : 1;
        } else {//from  w ww  .  j  a  v  a 2 s .com
            norm[i] = Double.isInfinite(vals[i]) ? 1 : vals[i] / max * 2 - 1;
    return norm;

From source file:r.base.Types.java

public static boolean isInfinite(@Recycle double value) {
    return Double.isInfinite(value);

From source file:org.jactr.core.module.declarative.four.learning.DefaultBaseLevelActivationEquation.java

 * Description of the Method//from   w  ww. j  a v a 2s .  com
 * @param model
 *          Description of the Parameter
 * @param c
 *          Description of the Parameter
 * @return Description of the Return Value
public double computeBaseLevelActivation(IModel model, IChunk c) {
    IDeclarativeModule4 declarativeModule = getDeclarativeModule();
    IDeclarativeLearningModule4 declarativeLearningModule = getDeclarativeLearningModule();

    ISubsymbolicChunk ssc = c.getSubsymbolicChunk();
    double baseLevelActivation = 0;
    double noiseActivation = 0;

    if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
        LOGGER.debug("Computing activation for " + c);
    if (declarativeLearningModule.isBaseLevelLearningEnabled()) {
        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
            LOGGER.debug("base level learning is enabled, calculating");
        double now = ACTRRuntime.getRuntime().getClock(model).getTime();
        // compute base level activation
        double minusD = -1.0 * declarativeLearningModule.getBaseLevelLearning();
        double defAct = getProceduralModule().getDefaultProductionFiringTime();
        double base = 0.0;

        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
            LOGGER.debug("defAct=" + defAct + " minusD=" + minusD);

        IReferences referenceList = ssc.getReferences();
        int optimization = 0;

        if (referenceList instanceof IOptimizedReferences)
            optimization = ((IOptimizedReferences) referenceList).getOptimizationLevel();

        // exact portion
        double[] times = referenceList.getRelativeTimes(now);

        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
            LOGGER.debug("Snagged " + times.length + " delta access times for " + c);

        if (optimization != 0) {
            for (double element : times) {
                double tMinusD = Math.pow(Math.max(defAct, element), minusD);
                base += tMinusD;
                if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
                    LOGGER.debug("tMinusD for " + element + " = " + tMinusD + " base = " + base);

            if (times.length == 0)
                base = Math.pow(defAct, minusD);

        baseLevelActivation = base;

        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
                    "NoOpt-BaseLevelActivation " + baseLevelActivation + " with " + times.length + " accesses");

         * optimized is : 1-d 1-d (n-m)(t0 - tn-m ) ----------------------
         * (1-d)(t0 - tn-m) where m is the optimization level (# of reference
         * times stored) n is the number of references total t0 is the creation
         * time tn-m is the largest time differential in the references stored

        long nMinusM = referenceList.getNumberOfReferences() - times.length;
        double defActT0 = Math.max(defAct, (now - ssc.getCreationTime()));
        double defActTnm = Math.max(defAct, (times.length == 0 ? 0 : times[times.length - 1]));
        // t0 - tn-m to the 1-d
        double numerator = 0;
        double denom = 0;

        // it's zero..
        if (optimization == 0) {
            numerator = Math.pow(defActT0, minusD);
            denom = 1;
        } else {
            numerator = Math.pow(defActT0, 1 + minusD) - Math.pow(defActTnm, 1 + minusD);
            denom = Math.max(defAct, defActT0 - defActTnm);

        base = nMinusM * numerator / ((1 + minusD) * denom);

        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOGGER.debug(nMinusM + "," + numerator + "," + denom + "," + times.length);
            LOGGER.debug("defActT0 = " + defActT0 + " defActTnm = " + defActTnm);
            LOGGER.debug("referenceCount = " + referenceList.getNumberOfReferences() + " Optimization = "
                    + optimization + " times=" + times.length);
            LOGGER.debug("Opt-BaseLevelActivation " + base);

        if (!Double.isNaN(base) && !Double.isInfinite(base))
            baseLevelActivation += base;

        baseLevelActivation = Math.log(baseLevelActivation);

        baseLevelActivation += declarativeModule.getBaseLevelConstant();

        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
            LOGGER.debug("Adding constant " + _declarativeModule.getBaseLevelConstant()
                    + " BaseLevelActivation " + baseLevelActivation);
    } else {
        baseLevelActivation = ssc.getBaseLevelActivation();
        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
            LOGGER.debug("forcing baselevel activation to " + baseLevelActivation);

    IRandomModule randomModule = getRandomModule();

    if (randomModule != null)
        noiseActivation = randomModule.logisticNoise(declarativeModule.getActivationNoise());
    // System.err.println("IModel time is now "+now);

    if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
        LOGGER.debug(c + ".BaseLevelActivation = " + baseLevelActivation);
    return baseLevelActivation + noiseActivation;

From source file:org.hyperic.hq.bizapp.server.session.DashboardPortletBossImpl.java

@Transactional(readOnly = true)
public List<Map<String, Object>> getMeasurementData(AuthzSubject subj, Integer resId, Integer mtid,
        AppdefEntityTypeID ctype, long begin, long end) throws PermissionException {
    List<Map<String, Object>> result = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>();

    DateFormat dateFmt = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ", Locale.US);
    long intv = (end - begin) / 60;
    Map<String, Object> chartData = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    Resource res = resourceManager.findResourceById(resId);

    if (res == null || res.isInAsyncDeleteState()) {
        return result;
    }/*from   w  w  w.j  a  va 2s.  c  om*/

    AppdefEntityID aeid = AppdefUtil.newAppdefEntityId(res);

    try {
        chartData.put("resourceName", res.getName());

        AppdefEntityID[] aeids;

        if (aeid.isGroup()) {
            List<AppdefEntityID> members = GroupUtil.getCompatGroupMembers(subj, aeid, null,

            aeids = (AppdefEntityID[]) members.toArray(new AppdefEntityID[members.size()]);
        } else if (ctype != null) {
            aeids = measurementBoss.getAutoGroupMemberIDs(subj, new AppdefEntityID[] { aeid }, ctype);
        } else {
            aeids = new AppdefEntityID[] { aeid };

        List<Measurement> metrics = measurementManager.findMeasurements(subj, mtid, aeids);

        // Get measurement name
        if (!metrics.isEmpty()) {
            Measurement measurement = metrics.get(0);

            chartData.put("measurementName", measurement.getTemplate().getName());
            chartData.put("measurementUnits", measurement.getTemplate().getUnits());

        List<HighLowMetricValue> data = dataManager.getHistoricalData(metrics, begin, end, intv, 0, true,

        Map<String, List<Double>> metricData = new LinkedHashMap<String, List<Double>>();

        for (HighLowMetricValue pt : data) {
            List<Double> metricValues = new ArrayList<Double>();
            double val = pt.getValue();

            if (Double.isNaN(val) || Double.isInfinite(val)) {


            Date date = new Date(pt.getTimestamp());

            metricData.put(dateFmt.format(date), metricValues);

        chartData.put("data", metricData);

    } catch (AppdefEntityNotFoundException e) {
        log.error("AppdefEntityNotFound: " + aeid);
    } catch (GroupNotCompatibleException e) {
        log.error("GroupNotCompatibleException: " + aeid);

    return result;

From source file:geogebra.common.kernel.cas.AlgoIntegralDefinite.java

public final void compute() {
    if (!f.isDefined() || !ageo.isDefined() || !bgeo.isDefined()) {
        n.setUndefined();// www . j  a  v  a 2 s. com

    // check for equal bounds
    double lowerLimit = a.getDouble();
    double upperLimit = b.getDouble();
    if (Kernel.isEqual(lowerLimit, upperLimit)) {

    // check if f(a) and f(b) are defined
    double fa = f.evaluate(lowerLimit);
    double fb = f.evaluate(upperLimit);
    if (Double.isNaN(fa) || Double.isInfinite(fa) || Double.isNaN(fb) || Double.isInfinite(fb)) {
        if (!this.evaluateNumerically && !evaluateOnly() && !f.isFreehandFunction()) {
        } else {

    // return if it should not be evaluated (i.e. is shade-only)
    if (evaluateOnly()) {

     * Try to use symbolic integral
     * We only do this for functions that do NOT include divisions by their
     * variable. Otherwise there might be problems like: Integral[ 1/x, -2,
     * -1 ] would be undefined (log(-1) - log(-2)) Integral[ 1/x^2, -1, 1 ]
     * would be defined (-2)
    if (symbIntegral != null && symbIntegral.isDefined() && !f.includesDivisionByVar()
            && !f.includesNonContinuousIntegral()) {
        double val = symbIntegral.evaluate(upperLimit) - symbIntegral.evaluate(lowerLimit);
        if (n.isDefined())
    } else if (symbIntegral != null && symbIntegral.isDefined() && !this.evaluateNumerically) {

    // numerical integration
    // max_error = ACCURACY; // current maximum error
    // maxstep = 0;

    if (f.isFreehandFunction()) {
        n.setValue(freehandIntegration(f, lowerLimit, upperLimit));

        // AbstractApplication.debug(n.getValue()+" "+numericIntegration(f,
        // lowerLimit, upperLimit));

    } else {

        // more accurate numeric-integration for polynomials

        Function inFun = f.getFunction();

        // check if it's a polynomial
        PolyFunction polyIntegral = inFun.getNumericPolynomialIntegral();

        // it it is...
        if (polyIntegral != null) {
            // ... we can calculate the integral more accurately
            n.setValue(polyIntegral.evaluate(upperLimit) - polyIntegral.evaluate(lowerLimit));

        } else {

            n.setValue(numericIntegration(f, lowerLimit, upperLimit));
     * Application.debug("***\nsteps: " + maxstep);
     * Application.debug("max_error: " + max_error);

From source file:gov.nasa.ensemble.common.CommonUtils.java

 * Check whether two doubles are equal concerning a delta. If either value is infinity then the delta value is ignored.
 * /*from ww w . ja v a 2s  .co m*/
 * @param d1
 * @param d2
 * @param delta
 * @return boolean
public static final boolean equals(double d1, double d2, double delta) {
    // handle infinity specially since subtracting two infinite values gives NaN
    if (Double.isInfinite(d1) || Double.isInfinite(d2))
        return d1 == d2;
    return Math.abs(d1 - d2) <= delta;