List of usage examples for java.lang ClassLoader getSystemClassLoader
@CallerSensitive public static ClassLoader getSystemClassLoader()
From source
static Driver getDriver(String url, String driverClassName, String classpath) throws SQLException { assert !StringUtils.isBlank(url); final boolean hasClasspath = !StringUtils.isBlank(classpath); if (!hasClasspath) { for (Driver driver : new ArrayList<Driver>(drivers)) { if (driver.acceptsURL(url)) { return driver; }/*ww w. j a va2s .c o m*/ } } List<File> jars = new ArrayList<File>(); ClassLoader cl; if (hasClasspath) { List<URL> urls = new ArrayList<URL>(); for (String path : classpath.split(pathSeparator)) { final File file = new File(path); if (isJarFile(file)) { jars.add(file); } try { urls.add(file.toURI().toURL()); } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { log.warn(ex.toString()); } } cl = new URLClassLoader(urls.toArray(new URL[urls.size()])); } else { jars.addAll(getJarFiles(".")); jars.addAll(driverFiles); List<URL> urls = new ArrayList<URL>(); for (File file : jars) { try { urls.add(file.toURI().toURL()); } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { log.warn(ex.toString()); } } cl = new URLClassLoader(urls.toArray(new URL[urls.size()]), ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader()); } driverFiles.addAll(jars); final boolean hasDriverClassName = !StringUtils.isBlank(driverClassName); if (hasDriverClassName) { try { Driver driver = DynamicLoader.newInstance(driverClassName, cl); assert driver != null; return driver; } catch (DynamicLoadingException ex) { Throwable cause = (ex.getCause() != ex) ? ex.getCause() : ex; SQLException exception = new SQLException(cause.toString()); exception.initCause(cause); throw exception; } } final String jdbcDrivers = System.getProperty("jdbc.drivers"); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(jdbcDrivers)) { for (String jdbcDriver : jdbcDrivers.split(":")) { try { Driver driver = DynamicLoader.newInstance(jdbcDriver, cl); if (driver != null) { if (!hasClasspath) { drivers.add(driver); } return driver; } } catch (DynamicLoadingException ex) { log.warn(ex.toString()); } } } for (File jar : jars) { try { Driver driver = getDriver(jar, url, cl); if (driver != null) { if (!hasClasspath) { drivers.add(driver); } return driver; } } catch (IOException ex) { log.warn(ex.toString()); } } for (String path : System.getProperty("java.class.path", "").split(pathSeparator)) { if (isJarFile(path)) { Driver driver; try { driver = getDriver(new File(path), url, cl); if (driver != null) { drivers.add(driver); return driver; } } catch (IOException ex) { log.warn(ex.toString()); } } } throw new SQLException("driver not found"); }
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/** * Required by Parcelable mechanism//w w w. ja v a2s .c o m * * @param in * the input parcel */ public ParcelableAdapterWebRequest(Parcel in) { super(in); if (dataObject == null) { dataObject = new WebRequest(); } dataObject.setProcessorId(in.readInt()); dataObject.setRequestType((Type) in.readSerializable()); dataObject.setUrl((URL) in.readSerializable()); dataObject.setReadTimeout(in.readInt()); dataObject.setConnectionTimeout(in.readInt()); dataObject.setFollowRedirects(in.readInt() == 1); boolean first = (in.readInt() == 1); if (first) { ParcelableAdapterTempFile tmp = in.readParcelable(ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader()); dataObject.setTmpFile(new Pair<Boolean, TempFile>(first, tmp.getDataObject())); } dataObject.setHeader(readStringMap(in)); dataObject.setCacheTime(in.readLong()); dataObject.setNumberOfRetries(in.readInt()); dataObject.setRetryInterval(in.readInt()); dataObject.setCancelled(in.readInt() == 1); dataObject.setCheckConnectivity(in.readInt() == 1); dataObject.setCheckConnectivityPing(in.readInt() == 1); dataObject.setUseOfflineCache(in.readInt() == 1); }
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public static URLClassLoader decideDriverLoader(String dbType, String dbVersion) throws MalformedURLException { URL[] urls = null;/*from w w w. ja va*/ JarUtil ju = new JarUtil(JarUtil.class); String jarPath = ju.getJarPath() + File.separator + "jdbcjar" + File.separator; System.out.println("jarPath==>" + jarPath); if ("oracle".equalsIgnoreCase(StringUtils.trim(dbType))) { urls = new URL[1]; if ("8".equalsIgnoreCase(dbVersion)) { urls[0] = new File(jarPath + "oracle_classes12.jar").toURL(); } else { urls[0] = new File(jarPath + "oracle_ojdbc6.jar").toURL(); } } else if ("teradata".equalsIgnoreCase(StringUtils.trim(dbType))) { urls = new URL[2]; urls[0] = new File(jarPath + "teradata_tdgssconfig.jar").toURL(); urls[1] = new File(jarPath + "teradata_terajdbc4.jar").toURL(); } else if ("db2".equalsIgnoreCase(StringUtils.trim(dbType))) { urls = new URL[2]; if ("8".equalsIgnoreCase(dbVersion)) { urls[0] = new File(jarPath + "db2_db2jcc-v8.jar").toURL(); urls[1] = new File(jarPath + "db2_db2jcc_license_cu-v8.jar").toURL(); } else { urls[0] = new File(jarPath + "db2_db2jcc-v9.7.jar").toURL(); urls[1] = new File(jarPath + "db2_db2jcc_license_cu-v9.7.jar").toURL(); } } else if ("mysql".equalsIgnoreCase(StringUtils.trim(dbType))) { urls = new URL[1]; urls[0] = new File(jarPath + "mysql_connector_5.1.15_bin.jar").toURL(); } return new URLClassLoader(urls, ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader()); }
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/** * Initialize the classpath to include tools.jar. * //w w w. j a va2 s . c o m * @param jdkHome * the jdkHome option value (if not set or not found, fall back * to the JAVA_HOME environment variable) * @param handler * the transpilation handler that should report an error if * tools.jar is not found (if null uses the default logger) */ public static void initClassPath(String jdkHome) { try { URLClassLoader urlClassLoader = (URLClassLoader) ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader(); boolean found = false; for (URL url : urlClassLoader.getURLs()) { if (url.getPath().endsWith("/tools.jar") || url.getPath().endsWith("/Classes/classes.jar")) { found = true; logger.debug("tools.jar already in classpath"); break; } } if (!found) { logger.debug("adding tools.jar in classpath"); File toolsLib = null; if (!StringUtils.isBlank(jdkHome)) { logger.debug("lookup in " + jdkHome); toolsLib = new File(jdkHome, "lib/tools.jar"); if (!toolsLib.exists()) { // we may be pointing to the JDK's jre toolsLib = new File(jdkHome, "../lib/tools.jar"); } // for Mac if (!toolsLib.exists()) { toolsLib = new File(jdkHome, "/Classes/classes.jar"); } if (!toolsLib.exists()) { toolsLib = new File(jdkHome, "../Classes/classes.jar"); } } if (toolsLib == null || !toolsLib.exists()) { logger.debug("lookup in JAVA_HOME=" + System.getenv("JAVA_HOME")); toolsLib = new File(System.getenv("JAVA_HOME"), "lib/tools.jar"); if (!toolsLib.exists()) { // we may be pointing to the JDK's jre toolsLib = new File(System.getenv("JAVA_HOME"), "../lib/tools.jar"); } // for Mac if (!toolsLib.exists()) { toolsLib = new File(System.getenv("JAVA_HOME"), "/Classes/classes.jar"); } if (!toolsLib.exists()) { toolsLib = new File(System.getenv("JAVA_HOME"), "../Classes/classes.jar"); } } if (!toolsLib.exists()) { return; } Method method = URLClassLoader.class.getDeclaredMethod("addURL", URL.class); method.setAccessible(true); method.invoke(urlClassLoader, toolsLib.toURI().toURL()); logger.debug("updated classpath with: " + toolsLib); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } }
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public static StackManager createTestStackManager() throws Exception { String stack = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader().getResource("stacks").getPath(); return createTestStackManager(stack); }
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private void setupPriorityPostProcessor() throws Exception { // declare variables File src_dir = new File(ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader().getResource("testlm").getPath()); int lm_order = 5; // setup test languagemodelserver setup_LM_Server(src_dir, lm_order);// ww w. j a v a2 s . c o m // setup priority post processor _prio = new DecesiveValueProducerPerplexity(); _prio.setRmihost(_host); _prio.setRmiport(_rmiport); _prio.setServiceID(_serviceId); _prio.getTextExtractor().setUtf8Cleaner(new UTF8CleanerExt()); _prio.setCrawlController(new CrawlController()); _prio.setSentenceMaker(new SentenceMaker()); _prio.start(); }
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/** * Tests the {@link CastorJAXBContextFactory#createContext(String, ClassLoader, java.util.Map)} * method when contextPath is null./*from ww w .j ava 2 s .c o m*/ * <p/> * {@link IllegalArgumentException} is expected. * * @throws Exception * if any error occurs during test */ @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testCreateContextContextPathNull1() throws Exception { CastorJAXBContextFactory.createContext(null, ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader(), new HashMap<String, Object>()); }
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public static synchronized boolean copyFile(final String in, final String out) { try {// w w w. ja v a 2 s . co m File outFile = new File(out); if (!outFile.exists()) { if (!outFile.createNewFile()) { return false; } } return copyFile(ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(in), new FileOutputStream(outFile)); } catch (final Exception e) { log.debug("Failed copying file: " + in + " -> " + out, e); return false; } }
From source
/** * Returns the specified resource by checking the current thread's * {@link Thread#getContextClassLoader() context class loader}, then the * current ClassLoader (<code>ClassUtils.class.getClassLoader()</code>), then the system/application * ClassLoader (<code>ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader()</code>, in that order, using * {@link ClassLoader#getResourceAsStream(String) getResourceAsStream(name)}. * * @param name the name of the resource to acquire from the classloader(s). * @return the InputStream of the resource found, or <code>null</code> if the resource cannot be found from any * of the three mentioned ClassLoaders. * @since 0.9/*from w ww. jav a 2s.c om*/ */ public static InputStream getResourceAsStream(String name) { InputStream is = null; ClassLoader cl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); if (cl != null) { is = cl.getResourceAsStream(name); } if (is == null) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Resource [" + name + "] was not found via the thread context ClassLoader. Trying the " + "current ClassLoader..."); } cl = ClassUtils.class.getClassLoader(); is = cl.getResourceAsStream(name); if (is == null) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Resource [" + name + "] was not found via the current class loader. Trying the " + "system/application ClassLoader..."); } cl = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader(); is = cl.getResourceAsStream(name); if (is == null && log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Resource [" + name + "] was not found via the thread context, current, or " + "system/application ClassLoaders. All heuristics have been exhausted. Returning null."); } } } return is; }
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static void addURL(URL url) throws Exception { URLClassLoader classLoader = (URLClassLoader) ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader(); Class clazz = URLClassLoader.class; // Use reflection Method method = clazz.getDeclaredMethod("addURL", URL.class); method.setAccessible(true);//from w w w.j av a 2s . co m method.invoke(classLoader, url); }