Java tutorial
/* * JSweet transpiler - * Copyright (C) 2015 CINCHEO SAS <> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ package org.jsweet; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import; import; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; /** * This class contains static constants and utilities. * * @author Renaud Pawlak */ public abstract class JSweetConfig { private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(JSweetConfig.class); private JSweetConfig() { } /** * The properties coming from */ public static Properties APPLICATION_PROPERTIES = new Properties(); static { try (InputStream in = JSweetConfig.class.getResourceAsStream("/")) { APPLICATION_PROPERTIES.load(in); in.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * The version coming from Maven. */ public static String getVersionNumber() { return APPLICATION_PROPERTIES.getProperty("application.version"); } /** * The build date coming from Maven. */ public static String getBuildDate() { return APPLICATION_PROPERTIES.getProperty("application.buildDate"); } /** * Initialize the classpath to include tools.jar. * * @param jdkHome * the jdkHome option value (if not set or not found, fall back * to the JAVA_HOME environment variable) * @param handler * the transpilation handler that should report an error if * tools.jar is not found (if null uses the default logger) */ public static void initClassPath(String jdkHome) { try { URLClassLoader urlClassLoader = (URLClassLoader) ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader(); boolean found = false; for (URL url : urlClassLoader.getURLs()) { if (url.getPath().endsWith("/tools.jar") || url.getPath().endsWith("/Classes/classes.jar")) { found = true; logger.debug("tools.jar already in classpath"); break; } } if (!found) { logger.debug("adding tools.jar in classpath"); File toolsLib = null; if (!StringUtils.isBlank(jdkHome)) { logger.debug("lookup in " + jdkHome); toolsLib = new File(jdkHome, "lib/tools.jar"); if (!toolsLib.exists()) { // we may be pointing to the JDK's jre toolsLib = new File(jdkHome, "../lib/tools.jar"); } // for Mac if (!toolsLib.exists()) { toolsLib = new File(jdkHome, "/Classes/classes.jar"); } if (!toolsLib.exists()) { toolsLib = new File(jdkHome, "../Classes/classes.jar"); } } if (toolsLib == null || !toolsLib.exists()) { logger.debug("lookup in JAVA_HOME=" + System.getenv("JAVA_HOME")); toolsLib = new File(System.getenv("JAVA_HOME"), "lib/tools.jar"); if (!toolsLib.exists()) { // we may be pointing to the JDK's jre toolsLib = new File(System.getenv("JAVA_HOME"), "../lib/tools.jar"); } // for Mac if (!toolsLib.exists()) { toolsLib = new File(System.getenv("JAVA_HOME"), "/Classes/classes.jar"); } if (!toolsLib.exists()) { toolsLib = new File(System.getenv("JAVA_HOME"), "../Classes/classes.jar"); } } if (!toolsLib.exists()) { return; } Method method = URLClassLoader.class.getDeclaredMethod("addURL", URL.class); method.setAccessible(true); method.invoke(urlClassLoader, toolsLib.toURI().toURL()); logger.debug("updated classpath with: " + toolsLib); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } /** * The Maven group id where candies are deployed. */ public static String MAVEN_CANDIES_GROUP = "org.jsweet.candies"; /** * The Maven artifact full name for the Java override project. */ public static String MAVEN_JAVA_OVERRIDE_ARTIFACT = "jsweet-core-strict"; /** * The constant for the JSweet lib package (where the definitions need to * be). */ public final static String LIBS_PACKAGE = "def"; private final static String JAVA_PACKAGE = "java"; private final static String JAVAX_PACKAGE = "javax"; private final static String ROOT_PACKAGE = "jsweet"; /** The constant for the JSweet lang package. */ public final static String LANG_PACKAGE = ROOT_PACKAGE + ".lang"; /** The constant for the JSweet lang package. */ public final static String LANG_PACKAGE_ALT = LIBS_PACKAGE + ".js"; /** The constant for the JSweet util package. */ public final static String UTIL_PACKAGE = ROOT_PACKAGE + ".util"; /** The constant for the JSweet dom package. */ public final static String DOM_PACKAGE = LIBS_PACKAGE + ".dom"; /** * The constant for the package generates top-level classes (one cannot use * unnamed package in Java). */ public static final String GLOBALS_PACKAGE_NAME = "globals"; /** * The constant for the classes where members are generated as top-level * elements (global variables and functions). */ public static final String GLOBALS_CLASS_NAME = "Globals"; /** The constant for predefined utilities. */ public static final String UTIL_CLASSNAME = UTIL_PACKAGE + ".Globals"; /** * The constant for the interface name that contains all the generated * string types (short name). */ public static final String STRING_TYPES_INTERFACE_NAME = "StringTypes"; /** The constant for the function classes package. */ public static final String FUNCTION_CLASSES_PACKAGE = UTIL_PACKAGE + ".function"; /** The constant for the tuple classes package. */ public static final String TUPLE_CLASSES_PACKAGE = UTIL_PACKAGE + ".tuple"; /** The constant for the tuple classes prefix. */ public static final String TUPLE_CLASSES_PREFIX = "Tuple"; /** The constant for the package containing union types. */ public static final String UNION_PACKAGE = UTIL_PACKAGE + ".union"; /** The constant for the Union core class full name. */ public static final String UNION_CLASS_NAME = UNION_PACKAGE + ".Union"; /** The constant for indexed access function. */ public static final String INDEXED_GET_FUCTION_NAME = "$get"; /** The constant for indexed assignment function. */ public static final String INDEXED_SET_FUCTION_NAME = "$set"; public static final String INDEXED_DELETE_FUCTION_NAME = "$delete"; public static final String INDEXED_GET_STATIC_FUCTION_NAME = "$getStatic"; /** The constant for indexed assignment function. */ public static final String INDEXED_SET_STATIC_FUCTION_NAME = "$setStatic"; public static final String INDEXED_DELETE_STATIC_FUCTION_NAME = "$deleteStatic"; public static final String NEW_FUNCTION_NAME = "$new"; public static final String ANONYMOUS_FUNCTION_NAME = "apply"; public static final String ANONYMOUS_STATIC_FUNCTION_NAME = "applyStatic"; /** * Default name of the directory where the TypeScript definition files can * be found. */ public static final String TS_LIBS_DIR_NAME = "typings"; /** * The constant for main functions (translate to global code, which is * executed when the file is loaded). */ public static final String MAIN_FUNCTION_NAME = "main"; /** * The TypeScript module file names, when transpiling with modules (without * extension). */ public static final String MODULE_FILE_NAME = "module"; public static final String OBJECT_CLASSNAME = JSweetConfig.LANG_PACKAGE_ALT + ".Object"; public static final String ANNOTATION_DISABLED = JSweetConfig.LANG_PACKAGE + ".Disabled"; public static final String ANNOTATION_ERASED = JSweetConfig.LANG_PACKAGE + ".Erased"; public static final String ANNOTATION_SYNTACTIC_ITERABLE = JSweetConfig.LANG_PACKAGE + ".SyntacticIterable"; public static final String ANNOTATION_AMBIENT = JSweetConfig.LANG_PACKAGE + ".Ambient"; public static final String ANNOTATION_MIXIN = JSweetConfig.LANG_PACKAGE + ".Mixin"; public static final String ANNOTATION_OBJECT_TYPE = JSweetConfig.LANG_PACKAGE + ".ObjectType"; public static final String ANNOTATION_MODULE = JSweetConfig.LANG_PACKAGE + ".Module"; public static final String ANNOTATION_INTERFACE = JSweetConfig.LANG_PACKAGE + ".Interface"; public static final String ANNOTATION_OPTIONAL = JSweetConfig.LANG_PACKAGE + ".Optional"; public static final String ANNOTATION_STRING_TYPE = JSweetConfig.LANG_PACKAGE + ".StringType"; public static final String ANNOTATION_ROOT = JSweetConfig.LANG_PACKAGE + ".Root"; public static final String ANNOTATION_NAME = JSweetConfig.LANG_PACKAGE + ".Name"; public static final String ANNOTATION_DECORATOR = JSweetConfig.LANG_PACKAGE + ".Decorator"; public static final String ANNOTATION_FUNCTIONAL_INTERFACE = FunctionalInterface.class.getName(); /** * This map contains the Java keywords that are taken into account in the * generation for avoiding keyword clashes. */ public static final Set<String> JAVA_KEYWORDS = new HashSet<String>(); /** * This map contains the JS keywords that are taken into account in the * generation for avoiding keyword clashes. */ public static final Set<String> JS_KEYWORDS = new HashSet<String>(); /** * This map contains the TS keywords that are taken into account in strict * mode (within classes). */ public static final Set<String> TS_STRICT_MODE_KEYWORDS = new HashSet<String>(); /** * This map contains the TS keywords that are taken into account at top * level. */ public static final Set<String> TS_TOP_LEVEL_KEYWORDS = new HashSet<String>(); /** * The prefix to add to variables that clash with JS keywords. */ public static final String JS_KEYWORD_PREFIX = "__"; /** * The prefix to add to variables that clash with methods. */ public static final String FIELD_METHOD_CLASH_RESOLVER_PREFIX = "__"; /** * The configuration file name. */ public static final String CONFIGURATION_FILE_NAME = "jsweetconfig.json"; static { // note TS keywords are removed from that list JAVA_KEYWORDS.add("abstract"); JAVA_KEYWORDS.add("assert"); // JAVA_KEYWORDS.add("boolean"); JAVA_KEYWORDS.add("break"); JAVA_KEYWORDS.add("byte"); JAVA_KEYWORDS.add("case"); JAVA_KEYWORDS.add("catch"); JAVA_KEYWORDS.add("char"); // JAVA_KEYWORDS.add("class"); JAVA_KEYWORDS.add("const"); JAVA_KEYWORDS.add("continue"); JAVA_KEYWORDS.add("default"); JAVA_KEYWORDS.add("do"); JAVA_KEYWORDS.add("double"); JAVA_KEYWORDS.add("else"); // JAVA_KEYWORDS.add("enum"); JAVA_KEYWORDS.add("extends"); JAVA_KEYWORDS.add("final"); JAVA_KEYWORDS.add("finally"); JAVA_KEYWORDS.add("float"); JAVA_KEYWORDS.add("for"); JAVA_KEYWORDS.add("goto"); JAVA_KEYWORDS.add("if"); // JAVA_KEYWORDS.add("implements"); JAVA_KEYWORDS.add("import"); JAVA_KEYWORDS.add("instanceof"); JAVA_KEYWORDS.add("int"); // JAVA_KEYWORDS.add("interface"); JAVA_KEYWORDS.add("long"); JAVA_KEYWORDS.add("native"); JAVA_KEYWORDS.add("new"); JAVA_KEYWORDS.add("package"); JAVA_KEYWORDS.add("private"); JAVA_KEYWORDS.add("protected"); JAVA_KEYWORDS.add("public"); JAVA_KEYWORDS.add("return"); JAVA_KEYWORDS.add("short"); JAVA_KEYWORDS.add("static"); JAVA_KEYWORDS.add("strictfp"); JAVA_KEYWORDS.add("super"); JAVA_KEYWORDS.add("switch"); JAVA_KEYWORDS.add("synchronized"); JAVA_KEYWORDS.add("this"); JAVA_KEYWORDS.add("throw"); JAVA_KEYWORDS.add("throws"); JAVA_KEYWORDS.add("transient"); JAVA_KEYWORDS.add("try"); // JAVA_KEYWORDS.add("void"); JAVA_KEYWORDS.add("volatile"); JAVA_KEYWORDS.add("while"); JS_KEYWORDS.add("function"); JS_KEYWORDS.add("var"); JS_KEYWORDS.add("typeof"); JS_KEYWORDS.add("in"); JS_KEYWORDS.add("arguments"); TS_STRICT_MODE_KEYWORDS.add("as"); TS_STRICT_MODE_KEYWORDS.add("implements"); TS_STRICT_MODE_KEYWORDS.add("interface"); TS_STRICT_MODE_KEYWORDS.add("let"); TS_STRICT_MODE_KEYWORDS.add("package"); TS_STRICT_MODE_KEYWORDS.add("private"); TS_STRICT_MODE_KEYWORDS.add("protected"); TS_STRICT_MODE_KEYWORDS.add("public"); TS_STRICT_MODE_KEYWORDS.add("static"); TS_STRICT_MODE_KEYWORDS.add("yield"); TS_STRICT_MODE_KEYWORDS.add("symbol"); TS_STRICT_MODE_KEYWORDS.add("type"); TS_STRICT_MODE_KEYWORDS.add("from"); TS_STRICT_MODE_KEYWORDS.add("of"); TS_TOP_LEVEL_KEYWORDS.add("require"); } public static boolean isJDKReplacementMode() { return "java.lang".equals(LANG_PACKAGE); } /** * Tells if this qualified name belongs to the JDK (starts with * {@value #JAVA_PACKAGE} or {@value #JAVAX_PACKAGE}). */ public static boolean isJDKPath(String qualifiedName) { return qualifiedName.startsWith(JAVA_PACKAGE + ".") || qualifiedName.startsWith(JAVAX_PACKAGE + "."); } /** * Tells if this qualified name belongs to any TypeScript library definition * (starts with {@value #LIBS_PACKAGE}). */ public static boolean isLibPath(String qualifiedName) { return qualifiedName.startsWith(LIBS_PACKAGE + "."); } /** * Tells if this qualified name belongs to one of the JSweet core package. */ public static boolean isJSweetPath(String qualifiedName) { return qualifiedName.startsWith(ROOT_PACKAGE + ".") || qualifiedName.startsWith(LANG_PACKAGE_ALT + ".") || qualifiedName.startsWith(DOM_PACKAGE + "."); } }