Example usage for java.lang ClassLoader getSystemClassLoader

List of usage examples for java.lang ClassLoader getSystemClassLoader


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang ClassLoader getSystemClassLoader.


public static ClassLoader getSystemClassLoader() 

Source Link


Returns the system class loader.


From source file:org.springframework.data.hadoop.mapreduce.ExecutionUtils.java

 * Utility method used before invoking custom code for preventing custom classloader, set as the Thread
 * context class-loader, to leak (typically through JDK classes).
 *//*from w  w  w .j  a v a  2  s.c  o  m*/
static void preventJreTcclLeaks() {
    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        log.debug("Preventing JRE TCCL leaks");

    // get the root CL to be used instead
    ClassLoader sysLoader = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();

    ClassLoader cl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
    try {
        // set the sysCL as the TCCL

        // Handle security

        // Policy holds the TCCL as static
        ClassUtils.resolveClassName("javax.security.auth.Policy", sysLoader);
        // since the class init may be lazy, call the method directly
        // Configuration holds the TCCL as static
        // call method with minimal side-effects (since just doing class loading doesn't seem to trigger the static init)
        try {
            javax.security.auth.login.Configuration.getInstance(null, null, (String) null);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            // ignore
        // seems to cause side-effects/exceptions
        // javax.security.auth.login.Configuration.getConfiguration();

        // load the JDBC drivers (used by Hive and co)
        // Initialize
        // sun.awt.AppContext.getAppContext()

    } finally {

From source file:org.mypsycho.util.PropertiesLoader.java

private ClassLoader getClassLoader(Class<?> type) {
    ClassLoader loader = type.getClassLoader();
    return (loader != null) ? loader : ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();

From source file:de.tudarmstadt.ukp.clarin.webanno.webapp.standalone.ServerDetector.java

private static Boolean _detect(String className) {
    try {/*  w w  w .  j  ava 2 s  .c  o  m*/

        return Boolean.TRUE;
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
        ServerDetector sd = _instance;

        Class<?> c = sd.getClass();

        if (c.getResource(className) != null) {
            return Boolean.TRUE;
        } else {
            return Boolean.FALSE;

From source file:org.rzo.yajsw.app.WrapperManagerImpl.java

public void init(String[] args, ClassLoader wrapperClassLoader) {
    /*/*w ww . j a v a2  s.  c o  m*/
     * System.out.println(Scheduler.class.getClassLoader());
     * System.out.println(Configuration.class.getClassLoader());
     * System.out.flush(); try { Thread.sleep(10000); } catch
     * (InterruptedException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block
     * e1.printStackTrace(); }
    ClassLoader currentClassLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
    instance = this;
    String outFile = System.getProperty("wrapper.teeName");
    String outPath = System.getProperty("wrapper.tmpPath");
    String vStr = System.getProperty("wrapper.console.visible");
    boolean visible = vStr != null && vStr.equals("true");
    if (outFile != null) {
        teeSystemStreams(outFile, outPath, visible);

    String preScript = System.getProperty("wrapper.app.pre.script");
    if (preScript != null & !"".equals(preScript)) {
        Logger logger = new MyLogger();
        logger.addHandler(new ConsoleHandler());
        Script script = ScriptFactory.createScript(preScript, "", null, new String[0], null);
        if (script != null)

    YajswConfigurationImpl config = new YajswConfigurationImpl();

    try {
        _overrideStdErr = config.getBoolean("wrapper.java.dump.override", false);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        System.out.println("Error getting wrapper.java.dump.override " + ex.getMessage());
    String mainClassName = config.getString("wrapper.java.app.mainclass");
    String jarName = config.getString("wrapper.java.app.jar");
    String groovyScript = config.getString("wrapper.groovy");
    if (mainClassName == null && jarName == null && groovyScript == null)
        mainClassName = config.getString("wrapper.app.parameter.1");
    if (jarName == null && mainClassName == null && groovyScript == null) {
        System.out.println("missing main class name or jar file or groovy file. please check configuration");
    if (jarName != null) {
        mainMethod = loadJar(jarName);
    } else if (mainClassName != null)
        try {
            Class cls = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader().loadClass(mainClassName);// Class.forName(mainClassName,
            // currentContext);
            mainMethod = cls.getDeclaredMethod("main", new Class[] { String[].class });
        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.out.println("error finding main method in class: " + mainClassName + " : " + e.getMessage());
            // log.throwing(WrapperMain.class.getName(), "main", e);
        _groovyScript = groovyScript;

    String stopConfig = config.getString("wrapper.stop.conf");
    if (stopConfig != null) {
        File f = new File(stopConfig);
        _externalStop = true;
    System.out.println("external stop " + _externalStop);

    exitOnMainTerminate = config.getInt("wrapper.exit_on_main_terminate", DEFAULT_EXIT_ON_MAIN_TERMINATE);

    exitOnException = config.getInt("wrapper.exit_on_main_exception", DEFAULT_EXIT_ON_MAIN_EXCEPTION);

    mainMethodArgs = getAppParam((Configuration) config);
    setConfiguration((Configuration) config);
    if (_config.getBoolean("wrapper.java.jmx", false))

    String control = _config.getString("wrapper.control", DEFAULT_CONTROL);
    if ("TIGHT".equals(control) || "APPLICATION".equals(control))
        _haltAppOnWrapper = true;


    // setDebug(true);
    setPingInterval(_config.getInt("wrapper.ping.interval", Constants.DEFAULT_PING_INTERVAL));

    _startupTimeout = _config.getInt("wrapper.startup.timeout", DEFAULT_STARTUP_TIMEOUT) * 1000;
    _debug = _config.getBoolean("wrapper.debug", false);

From source file:Which4J.java

 * Search the specified classloader for the given classname.
 * /*from  www  .jav a  2s .  com*/
 * @param classname the fully qualified name of the class to search for
 * @param loader the classloader to search
 * @return the source location of the resource, or null if it wasn't found
public static String which(String classname, ClassLoader loader) {

    if (isArrayType(classname)) {
        classname = getElementType(classname);

    if (isPrimitiveOrVoid(classname)) {
        return "'" + classname + "' primitive";

    String classnameAsResource = classname.replace('.', '/') + ".class";

    if (loader == null) {
        // some VM's return null from getClassLoader to indicate that
        // the class was loaded by the bootstrap class loader
        loader = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();
    URL it = loader.getResource(classnameAsResource);
    if (it != null) {
        return it.toString();
    } else {
        return null;

From source file:com.ibm.team.build.internal.hjplugin.RTCFacadeFactory.java

private static RTCFacadeWrapper newFacade(String fullClassName, File toolkitFile, PrintStream debugLog)
        throws Exception {

    if (!toolkitFile.exists()) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
    }//from w  w  w  .ja  v a  2s.com
    if (!toolkitFile.isDirectory()) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(

    RTCFacadeWrapper result = new RTCFacadeWrapper();

    URL[] toolkitURLs = getToolkitJarURLs(toolkitFile, debugLog);

    Class<?> originalClass = RTCFacadeFactory.class;
    ClassLoader originalClassLoader = originalClass.getClassLoader();
    debug(debugLog, "Original class loader: " + originalClassLoader); //$NON-NLS-1$

    // Get the jar for the hjplugin-rtc jar.
    URL[] combinedURLs;
    URL hjplugin_rtcJar = getFacadeJarURL(debugLog);
    if (hjplugin_rtcJar != null) {
        combinedURLs = new URL[toolkitURLs.length + 1];
        combinedURLs[0] = hjplugin_rtcJar;
        System.arraycopy(toolkitURLs, 0, combinedURLs, 1, toolkitURLs.length);
    } else {
        combinedURLs = toolkitURLs;
    debug(debugLog, "System class loader " + ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader()); //$NON-NLS-1$

    // We want the parent class loader to exclude the class loader which would normally
    // load classes from the hjplugin-rtc jar (because that class loader doesn't include
    // the toolkit jars).
    ClassLoader parentClassLoader = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();

    // Normally the system class loader and the original class loader are different.
    // However in the case of running the tests within our build, the system class loader
    // is the original class loader with our single jar (and not its dependencies from the
    // toolkit) which results in ClassNotFound for classes we depend on (i.e. IProgressMonitor).
    // So use the parent in this case.
    if (parentClassLoader == originalClassLoader) {
        debug(debugLog, "System class loader and original are the same. Using parent " //$NON-NLS-1$
                + originalClassLoader.getParent());
        parentClassLoader = originalClassLoader.getParent();
    if (Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty(DISABLE_RTC_FACADE_CLASS_LOADER_PROPERTY, "false"))) { //$NON-NLS-1$
        debug(debugLog, "RTCFacadeClassLoader disabled, using URLClassLoader"); //$NON-NLS-1$
        result.newClassLoader = new URLClassLoader(combinedURLs, parentClassLoader);
    } else {
        result.newClassLoader = new RTCFacadeClassLoader(combinedURLs, parentClassLoader);

    debug(debugLog, "new classloader: " + result.newClassLoader); //$NON-NLS-1$

    Class<?> facadeClass = result.newClassLoader.loadClass(fullClassName);
    debug(debugLog, "facadeClass: " + facadeClass); //$NON-NLS-1$
    debug(debugLog, "facadeClass classloader: " + facadeClass.getClassLoader()); //$NON-NLS-1$

    // using the new class loader get the facade instance
    // then revert immediately back to the original class loader
    ClassLoader originalContextClassLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
    try {
        result.facade = facadeClass.newInstance();
    } finally {

    debug(debugLog, "facade: " + result.facade); //$NON-NLS-1$
    return result;

From source file:com.dbmojo.DBMojoServer.java

private static DBMojoServer getMojoServerFromConfig(String[] args) {

    DBMojoServer server = null;//from  ww  w.  j  ava 2  s .  co  m

    try {
        String configFilePath = null;
        String json = null;
        JSONObject jObj = null;

        parseJson: {
            //If a command line argument is passed then assume it is the config file.
            //Otherwise use the default location
            if (args.length > 0) {
                configFilePath = args[0];
            } else {
                configFilePath = DBMojoServer.defaultConfigPath;

            try {
                json = Util.fileToString(configFilePath);
            } catch (Exception fileEx) {
                throw new Exception(
                        "the specified config file, '" + configFilePath + "', could not be found and/or read");

            if (json == null || json.equals("")) {
                throw new Exception("the specified config file, '" + configFilePath + "', is empty");

            try {
                jObj = new JSONObject(json);
            } catch (Exception je) {
                throw new Exception(
                        "the specified config file, '" + configFilePath + "', does not contain valid JSON");

        //Load basic config data
        short serverPort = (short) jObj.optInt("serverPort");
        boolean useGzip = jObj.optBoolean("useGzip");
        short maxConcReq = (short) jObj.optInt("maxConcurrentRequests");
        String accessLogPath = jObj.optString("accessLogPath");
        String errorLogPath = jObj.optString("errorLogPath");
        String debugLogPath = jObj.optString("debugLogPath");

        checkMaxConcurrentReqeusts: {
            if (maxConcReq <= 0) {
                throw new Exception("please set the max concurrent requests to " + "a resonable number");

        checkServerPort: {
            //Make sure serverPort was specified
            if (serverPort <= 0) {
                throw new Exception("the server port was not specified");

            //Make sure serverPort is not in use
            ServerSocket tSocket = null;
            try {
                tSocket = new ServerSocket(serverPort);
            } catch (Exception se) {
                tSocket = null;
                throw new Exception("the server port specified is already in use");
            } finally {
                if (tSocket != null) {
                tSocket = null;

        startLogs: {
            if (!accessLogPath.equals("")) {
                //Make sure accessLogPath exists
                Util.pathExists(accessLogPath, true);
                //Start logging

            if (!errorLogPath.equals("")) {
                //Make sure errorLogPath exists
                Util.pathExists(errorLogPath, true);
                //Start logging

            if (!debugLogPath.equals("")) {
                //Make sure debugLogPath exists
                Util.pathExists(debugLogPath, true);
                //Start logging

        ConcurrentHashMap<String, ConnectionPool> dbPools = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, ConnectionPool>();
        loadDbAlaises: {
            ClassLoader classLoader = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();
            final JSONArray dbAliases = jObj.getJSONArray("dbAliases");

            for (int i = 0; i < dbAliases.length(); i++) {
                final JSONObject tObj = dbAliases.getJSONObject(i);
                final String tAlias = tObj.getString("alias");
                final String tDriver = tObj.getString("driver");
                final String tDsn = tObj.getString("dsn");
                final String tUsername = tObj.getString("username");
                final String tPassword = tObj.getString("password");
                int tMaxConnections = tObj.getInt("maxConnections");
                int tExpirationTime = tObj.getInt("expirationTime") * 1000;
                int tConnectTimeout = tObj.getInt("connectTimeout");

                //Make sure each alias is named
                if (tAlias.equals("")) {
                    throw new Exception("alias #" + i + " is missing a name");

                //Attempt to load each JDBC driver to ensure they are on the class path
                try {
                    Class aClass = classLoader.loadClass(tDriver);
                } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnf) {
                    throw new Exception("JDBC Driver '" + tDriver + "' is not on the class path");

                //Make sure each alias has a JDBC connection string
                if (tDsn.equals("")) {
                    throw new Exception("JDBC URL, 'dsn', is missing for alias '" + tAlias + "'");

                //Attempt to create a JDBC Connection
                ConnectionPool tPool;
                try {
                    tPool = new JDBCConnectionPool(tDriver, tDsn, tUsername, tPassword, 1, 1, 1, tAlias);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    throw new Exception(
                            "JDBC Connection cannot be established " + "for database '" + tAlias + "'");
                } finally {
                    tPool = null;

                //If the max connections option is not set for this alias 
                //then set it to 25
                if (tMaxConnections <= 0) {
                    tMaxConnections = 25;
                    System.out.println("DBMojoServer: Warning, 'maxConnections' " + "not set for alias '"
                            + tAlias + "' using 25");

                //If the connection expiration time is not set for this alias then 
                //set it to 30 seconds
                if (tExpirationTime <= 0) {
                    tExpirationTime = 30;
                    System.out.println("DBMojoServer: Warning, 'expirationTime' not " + "set for alias '"
                            + tAlias + "' using 30 seconds");

                //If the connection timeout is not set for this alias then 
                //set it to 10 seconds
                if (tConnectTimeout <= 0) {
                    tConnectTimeout = 10;
                    System.out.println("DBMojoServer Warning, 'connectTimeout' not " + "set for alias '"
                            + tAlias + "' using 10 seconds");

                //Make sure another alias with the same name is not already 
                //defined in the config
                if (dbPools.containsKey(tAlias)) {
                    throw new Exception(
                            "the alias '" + tAlias + "' is already defined in " + " the provided config file");

                //Everything is nicely set! Lets add a connection pool to the 
                //dbPool Hashtable keyed by this alias name
                dbPools.put(tAlias, new JDBCConnectionPool(tDriver, tDsn, tUsername, tPassword, tMaxConnections,
                        tExpirationTime, tConnectTimeout, tAlias));

        loadClusters: {
            final JSONArray tClusters = jObj.optJSONArray("clusters");

            if (tClusters != null) {
                for (int c = 0; c < tClusters.length(); c++) {
                    final JSONObject tObj = tClusters.getJSONObject(c);
                    final String tAlias = tObj.getString("alias");
                    final String tWriteTo = tObj.getString("writeTo");

                    if (dbPools.containsKey(tAlias)) {
                        throw new Exception("the alias '" + tAlias + "' is already defined.");

                    if (!dbPools.containsKey(tWriteTo)) {
                        throw new Exception(
                                "the alias '" + tWriteTo + "' is not present in the valid dbAliases. "
                                        + "This alias cannot be used for a cluster.");

                    //Add the dbAlias to the cluster writeTo list
                    ConnectionPool writeTo = dbPools.get(tWriteTo);

                    final JSONArray tReadFrom = tObj.getJSONArray("readFrom");
                    ArrayList<ConnectionPool> readFromList = new ArrayList<ConnectionPool>();
                    for (int r = 0; r < tReadFrom.length(); r++) {
                        final String tRead = tReadFrom.getString(r);
                        if (!dbPools.containsKey(tRead)) {
                            throw new Exception(
                                    "the alias '" + tRead + "' is not present in the valid dbAliases. "
                                            + "This alias cannot be used for a cluster.");
                        //Add the dbAlias to the cluster readFrom list

                    dbPools.put(tAlias, new JDBCClusteredConnectionPool(tAlias, writeTo, readFromList));

        server = new DBMojoServer(useGzip, serverPort, maxConcReq, dbPools);

    } catch (Exception jsonEx) {
        System.out.println("DBMojoServer: Config error, " + jsonEx);

    return server;

From source file:com.eucalyptus.bootstrap.BootstrapClassLoader.java

private BootstrapClassLoader(URL[] urls) throws MalformedURLException {
    super(urls, ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader());
    List<String> fpaths = Lists.newArrayList();
    for (URL path : Loader.getClassPaths()) {
        LOG.debug(path);//from www .  j  a  v  a2  s  .co m
        if ("file".equals(path.getProtocol())) {
    // set paths to be used for loading referenced classes
    String[] dirs = (String[]) fpaths.toArray(new String[0]);
    // reset static information accumulation for binding

From source file:org.ploin.pmf.impl.MailReader.java

 * //from   ww w. ja  v  a  2 s.c  o m
 * @param fileName the name of the file
 * @return
private String getFilename(final String fileName) {
    log.debug("getFilename: " + fileName);
    ClassLoader loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
    if (loader == null)
        loader = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();
    URL url = loader.getResource(fileName);
    if (url != null) {
        return url.getPath().replaceAll("%20", " "); // workaround for Windows homedir.
    } else {
        return null;

From source file:org.apache.ranger.policyengine.CommandLineParser.java

public static URL getInputFileURL(final String name) {
    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOG.debug("==> getResourceFileURL(" + name + ")");
    }/*from ww  w  .j  a  v a2 s .c  o m*/
    URL ret = null;
    InputStream in = null;

    if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(name)) {

        File f = new File(name);

        if (f.exists() && f.isFile() && f.canRead()) {
            try {

                in = new FileInputStream(f);
                ret = f.toURI().toURL();
                if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    LOG.debug("URL:" + ret);

            } catch (FileNotFoundException exception) {
                LOG.error("Error processing input file:" + name + " or no privilege for reading file " + name,
            } catch (MalformedURLException malformedException) {
                LOG.error("Error processing input file:" + name + " cannot be converted to URL " + name,
        } else {

            URL fileURL = CommandLineParser.class.getResource(name);
            if (fileURL == null) {
                if (!name.startsWith("/")) {
                    fileURL = CommandLineParser.class.getResource("/" + name);

            if (fileURL == null) {
                fileURL = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader().getResource(name);
                if (fileURL == null) {
                    if (!name.startsWith("/")) {
                        fileURL = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader().getResource("/" + name);

            if (fileURL != null) {
                try {
                    in = fileURL.openStream();
                    ret = fileURL;
                } catch (Exception exception) {
                    LOG.error(name + " cannot be opened:", exception);
            } else {
                LOG.warn("Error processing input file: URL not found for " + name
                        + " or no privilege for reading file " + name);
    if (in != null) {
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // Ignore
    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOG.debug("<== getResourceFileURL(" + name + ", URL=" + ret + ")");
    return ret;