Java tutorial
package com.dbmojo; /* Copyright (C) 2010 Nick Crafford <> This file is part of dbmojo dbmojo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. dbmojo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with dbmojo. If not, see <>. */ import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.Properties; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.json.JSONException; import java.lang.ClassLoader; /** A threaded HTTP 1.0 server implemented on top of NanoHTTPD. <br><br> * The default config file location is <i>config.json</i> */ public class DBMojoServer extends NanoHTTPD { private static String defaultConfigPath = "config.json"; private boolean useGzip; private short serverPort; private short maxConcurrentRequests; private ConcurrentHashMap<String, ConnectionPool> dbPools; private DBMojoServer(boolean useGzip, short serverPort, short maxConcReq, ConcurrentHashMap<String, ConnectionPool> dbPools) { this.useGzip = useGzip; this.serverPort = serverPort; this.dbPools = dbPools; this.maxConcurrentRequests = maxConcReq; } private void start() throws IOException { super.start(this.serverPort, this.maxConcurrentRequests); } /** Consume the HTTP request, delegate to the QueryExecutor, and * return the HTTP response. <br<br> * Each request POST/GET request should contain the following params:<br> * <ul> * <li><strong>alias</strong> - The database to connect to</li> * <li><strong>json</strong> - The json containing the query/update set to * execute</li> * </ul> * Optional params: * <ul> * <li><strong>update</strong> - Does the query set contain updates? (Y/N). * If not specified the query set will be executed as queries, * not updates.</li> * <li><strong>cache</strong> - The time (in seconds) to set the * 'Cache-Control' header to. * If not specified the header will be set to 'no-cache'</li> * </ul> */ public Response serve(String clientIp, String uri, String method, Properties header, Properties parms) { final String json = parms.getProperty("json"); final boolean update = Util.getBoolean(parms.getProperty("update")); final boolean documentFormat = false; final int cache = update ? 0 : Util.getInt(parms.getProperty("cache")); String alias = parms.getProperty("alias"); //Log each access attempt if (AccessLog.enabled) { AccessLog.add(clientIp, method, useGzip, uri, alias, update, json); } //Catch malformed request errors if (json == null || alias == null) { final String err = "Malformed request"; if (DebugLog.enabled) DebugLog.add(this, err); return respond(Util.getErrorJson(err).toString(), 0); } try { return respond(executeStatement(update, alias, json), cache); } catch (Exception e) { final String err = e.toString(); if (DebugLog.enabled) DebugLog.add(this, err); return respond(Util.getErrorJson(err).toString(), 0); } } private String executeStatement(boolean update, String alias, String json) throws Exception { ConnectionPool pool = dbPools.get(alias); //Catch incorrect aliases if (pool == null) { throw new DBMojoServerException("Alias '" + alias + "' is missing"); } QueryExecutor ex = new QueryExecutor(pool); String results = ex.execute(json, update); if (useGzip) { results = Util.gzipString(results); } return results; } private Response respond(String text, int cache) { NanoHTTPD.Response resp = new NanoHTTPD.Response(HTTP_OK, MIME_PLAINTEXT, text); if (useGzip) { resp.addHeader("Content-Encoding", "gzip"); } //Cache time is usefull for the web accelerators that might front //DBMojo such as Varnish, Squid, or Oracle WebCache if (cache > 0) { resp.addHeader("Cache-Control", "public, max-age=" + cache); } else { resp.addHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); } resp.addHeader("Content-Length", text.length() + ""); return resp; } //Parse the provided config file json and return a ready to start //DBMojoServer object private static DBMojoServer getMojoServerFromConfig(String[] args) { DBMojoServer server = null; try { String configFilePath = null; String json = null; JSONObject jObj = null; parseJson: { //If a command line argument is passed then assume it is the config file. //Otherwise use the default location if (args.length > 0) { configFilePath = args[0]; } else { configFilePath = DBMojoServer.defaultConfigPath; } try { json = Util.fileToString(configFilePath); } catch (Exception fileEx) { throw new Exception( "the specified config file, '" + configFilePath + "', could not be found and/or read"); } if (json == null || json.equals("")) { throw new Exception("the specified config file, '" + configFilePath + "', is empty"); } try { jObj = new JSONObject(json); } catch (Exception je) { throw new Exception( "the specified config file, '" + configFilePath + "', does not contain valid JSON"); } } //Load basic config data short serverPort = (short) jObj.optInt("serverPort"); boolean useGzip = jObj.optBoolean("useGzip"); short maxConcReq = (short) jObj.optInt("maxConcurrentRequests"); String accessLogPath = jObj.optString("accessLogPath"); String errorLogPath = jObj.optString("errorLogPath"); String debugLogPath = jObj.optString("debugLogPath"); checkMaxConcurrentReqeusts: { if (maxConcReq <= 0) { throw new Exception("please set the max concurrent requests to " + "a resonable number"); } } checkServerPort: { //Make sure serverPort was specified if (serverPort <= 0) { throw new Exception("the server port was not specified"); } //Make sure serverPort is not in use ServerSocket tSocket = null; try { tSocket = new ServerSocket(serverPort); } catch (Exception se) { tSocket = null; throw new Exception("the server port specified is already in use"); } finally { if (tSocket != null) { tSocket.close(); } tSocket = null; } } startLogs: { if (!accessLogPath.equals("")) { //Make sure accessLogPath exists Util.pathExists(accessLogPath, true); //Start logging AccessLog.start(accessLogPath); } if (!errorLogPath.equals("")) { //Make sure errorLogPath exists Util.pathExists(errorLogPath, true); //Start logging ErrorLog.start(errorLogPath); } if (!debugLogPath.equals("")) { //Make sure debugLogPath exists Util.pathExists(debugLogPath, true); //Start logging DebugLog.start(debugLogPath); } } ConcurrentHashMap<String, ConnectionPool> dbPools = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, ConnectionPool>(); loadDbAlaises: { ClassLoader classLoader = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader(); final JSONArray dbAliases = jObj.getJSONArray("dbAliases"); for (int i = 0; i < dbAliases.length(); i++) { final JSONObject tObj = dbAliases.getJSONObject(i); final String tAlias = tObj.getString("alias"); final String tDriver = tObj.getString("driver"); final String tDsn = tObj.getString("dsn"); final String tUsername = tObj.getString("username"); final String tPassword = tObj.getString("password"); int tMaxConnections = tObj.getInt("maxConnections"); //Seconds int tExpirationTime = tObj.getInt("expirationTime") * 1000; //Seconds int tConnectTimeout = tObj.getInt("connectTimeout"); //Make sure each alias is named if (tAlias.equals("")) { throw new Exception("alias #" + i + " is missing a name"); } //Attempt to load each JDBC driver to ensure they are on the class path try { Class aClass = classLoader.loadClass(tDriver); } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnf) { throw new Exception("JDBC Driver '" + tDriver + "' is not on the class path"); } //Make sure each alias has a JDBC connection string if (tDsn.equals("")) { throw new Exception("JDBC URL, 'dsn', is missing for alias '" + tAlias + "'"); } //Attempt to create a JDBC Connection ConnectionPool tPool; try { tPool = new JDBCConnectionPool(tDriver, tDsn, tUsername, tPassword, 1, 1, 1, tAlias); tPool.checkOut(false); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception( "JDBC Connection cannot be established " + "for database '" + tAlias + "'"); } finally { tPool = null; } //If the max connections option is not set for this alias //then set it to 25 if (tMaxConnections <= 0) { tMaxConnections = 25; System.out.println("DBMojoServer: Warning, 'maxConnections' " + "not set for alias '" + tAlias + "' using 25"); } //If the connection expiration time is not set for this alias then //set it to 30 seconds if (tExpirationTime <= 0) { tExpirationTime = 30; System.out.println("DBMojoServer: Warning, 'expirationTime' not " + "set for alias '" + tAlias + "' using 30 seconds"); } //If the connection timeout is not set for this alias then //set it to 10 seconds if (tConnectTimeout <= 0) { tConnectTimeout = 10; System.out.println("DBMojoServer Warning, 'connectTimeout' not " + "set for alias '" + tAlias + "' using 10 seconds"); } //Make sure another alias with the same name is not already //defined in the config if (dbPools.containsKey(tAlias)) { throw new Exception( "the alias '" + tAlias + "' is already defined in " + " the provided config file"); } //Everything is nicely set! Lets add a connection pool to the //dbPool Hashtable keyed by this alias name dbPools.put(tAlias, new JDBCConnectionPool(tDriver, tDsn, tUsername, tPassword, tMaxConnections, tExpirationTime, tConnectTimeout, tAlias)); } } loadClusters: { final JSONArray tClusters = jObj.optJSONArray("clusters"); if (tClusters != null) { for (int c = 0; c < tClusters.length(); c++) { final JSONObject tObj = tClusters.getJSONObject(c); final String tAlias = tObj.getString("alias"); final String tWriteTo = tObj.getString("writeTo"); if (dbPools.containsKey(tAlias)) { throw new Exception("the alias '" + tAlias + "' is already defined."); } if (!dbPools.containsKey(tWriteTo)) { throw new Exception( "the alias '" + tWriteTo + "' is not present in the valid dbAliases. " + "This alias cannot be used for a cluster."); } //Add the dbAlias to the cluster writeTo list ConnectionPool writeTo = dbPools.get(tWriteTo); final JSONArray tReadFrom = tObj.getJSONArray("readFrom"); ArrayList<ConnectionPool> readFromList = new ArrayList<ConnectionPool>(); for (int r = 0; r < tReadFrom.length(); r++) { final String tRead = tReadFrom.getString(r); if (!dbPools.containsKey(tRead)) { throw new Exception( "the alias '" + tRead + "' is not present in the valid dbAliases. " + "This alias cannot be used for a cluster."); } //Add the dbAlias to the cluster readFrom list readFromList.add(dbPools.get(tRead)); } dbPools.put(tAlias, new JDBCClusteredConnectionPool(tAlias, writeTo, readFromList)); } } } server = new DBMojoServer(useGzip, serverPort, maxConcReq, dbPools); } catch (Exception jsonEx) { System.out.println("DBMojoServer: Config error, " + jsonEx); System.exit(-1); } return server; } /** Read the config file and spawn the DBMojo server instance. */ public static void main(String[] args) { //Create DBMojoServer object from config file //This also starts all the necessary loggers DBMojoServer mojo = getMojoServerFromConfig(args); //Attempt to start the server try { mojo.start(); } catch (Exception e) { if (ErrorLog.enabled) { ErrorLog.add(mojo, "Service could not be started: " + e, true); } System.exit(-1); } //Welcome message System.out.println( "\nDBMojoServer: Now listening on port: " + mojo.serverPort + "\nPress 'q + Enter' to exit\n"); //Wait until the user enters: q + Enter to stop the server //113 is the ASCII code for q try { while (true) { if ( == 113) { mojo.stop(); if (DebugLog.enabled) { DebugLog.add(mojo, "Service has exitted normally"); } System.exit(0); } } } catch (Exception se) { if (ErrorLog.enabled) { ErrorLog.add(mojo, "Service has exited abnormally", true); } } } }