List of usage examples for java.lang ClassLoader getResources
public Enumeration<URL> getResources(String name) throws IOException
From source
/** * Creates a <code>CatalogManager</code>, used to resolve DTDs and other entities. * * @return A <code>CatalogManager</code> to be used for resolving DTDs and other entities. *///www .j a va 2 s .c om protected CatalogManager createCatalogManager() { CatalogManager manager = new CatalogManager(); manager.setIgnoreMissingProperties(true); ClassLoader classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); StringBuffer builder = new StringBuffer(); boolean first = true; for (int i = 0; i < catalogs.length; i++) { final String catalog = catalogs[i]; try { Enumeration enumeration = classLoader.getResources(catalog); while (enumeration.hasMoreElements()) { if (!first) { builder.append(';'); } else { first = false; } URL resource = (URL) enumeration.nextElement(); builder.append(resource.toExternalForm()); } } catch (IOException ioe) { getLog().warn("Failed to search for catalog files: " + catalog); // Let's be a little tolerant here. } } String catalogFiles = builder.toString(); if (catalogFiles.length() == 0) { getLog().warn("Failed to find catalog files."); } else { if (getLog().isDebugEnabled()) { getLog().debug("Catalogs to load: " + catalogFiles); } manager.setCatalogFiles(catalogFiles); } return manager; }
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@VisibleForTesting void loadStages() { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { for (ClassLoader cl : stageClassLoaders) { LOG.debug("About to load stages from library '{}'", StageLibraryUtils.getLibraryName(cl)); }//from ww w . jav a 2 s. c o m } try { RuntimeEL.loadRuntimeConfiguration(runtimeInfo); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(Utils.format("Could not load runtime configuration, '{}'", e.toString()), e); } try { int libs = 0; int stages = 0; long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); LocaleInContext.set(Locale.getDefault()); for (ClassLoader cl : stageClassLoaders) { libs++; StageLibraryDefinition libDef = StageLibraryDefinitionExtractor.get().extract(cl); LOG.debug("Loading stages from library '{}'", libDef.getName()); try { Enumeration<URL> resources = cl.getResources(STAGES_DEFINITION_RESOURCE); while (resources.hasMoreElements()) { Map<String, String> stagesInLibrary = new HashMap<>(); URL url = resources.nextElement(); try (InputStream is = url.openStream()) { List<String> stageList = json.readValue(is, List.class); stageList = removeIgnoreStagesFromList(libDef, stageList); for (String className : stageList) { stages++; Class<? extends Stage> klass = (Class<? extends Stage>) cl.loadClass(className); StageDefinition stage = StageDefinitionExtractor.get().extract(libDef, klass, Utils.formatL("Library='{}'", libDef.getName())); String key = createKey(libDef.getName(), stage.getName()); LOG.debug("Loaded stage '{}' (library:name)", key); if (stagesInLibrary.containsKey(key)) { throw new IllegalStateException(Utils.format( "Library '{}' contains more than one definition for stage '{}', class '{}' and class '{}'", libDef.getName(), key, stagesInLibrary.get(key), stage.getStageClass())); } stagesInLibrary.put(key, stage.getClassName()); this.stageList.add(stage); stageMap.put(key, stage); computeDependsOnChain(stage); } } } } catch (IOException | ClassNotFoundException ex) { throw new RuntimeException( Utils.format("Could not load stages definition from '{}', {}", cl, ex.toString()), ex); } } LOG.debug("Loaded '{}' libraries with a total of '{}' stages in '{}ms'", libs, stages, System.currentTimeMillis() - start); } finally { LocaleInContext.set(null); } }
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protected List splitAndResolvePaths(String paths) throws ServletException { ClassLoader loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); if (loader == null) { loader = this.getClass().getClassLoader(); }// w w w. ja va 2 s. c o m ArrayList resolvedUrls = new ArrayList(); URL resource; String path = null; try { // Process each specified resource path while (paths.length() > 0) { resource = null; int comma = paths.indexOf(','); if (comma >= 0) { path = paths.substring(0, comma).trim(); paths = paths.substring(comma + 1); } else { path = paths.trim(); paths = ""; } if (path.length() < 1) { break; } if (path.charAt(0) == '/') { resource = getServletContext().getResource(path); } if (resource == null) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Unable to locate " + path + " in the servlet context, " + "trying classloader."); } Enumeration e = loader.getResources(path); if (!e.hasMoreElements()) { String msg = getActionServlet().getInternal().getMessage("configMissing", path); log.error(msg); throw new UnavailableException(msg); } else { while (e.hasMoreElements()) { resolvedUrls.add(e.nextElement()); } } } else { resolvedUrls.add(resource); } } } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new ServletException(path, e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ServletException(path, e); } return resolvedUrls; }
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@Test public void testGetPluggabledAdvertisedCachedFormats() throws IOException { List<URL> urls;// w w w .j ava2 s .c o m try { // load the default and test resources separately so they are named differently and we // don't get the ones for testing listed in the UI when running from eclipse String defaultResource = "org/geoserver/gwc/"; String testResource = "org/geoserver/gwc/"; ClassLoader classLoader = GWC.class.getClassLoader(); urls = newArrayList(forEnumeration(classLoader.getResources(defaultResource))); urls.addAll(newArrayList(forEnumeration(classLoader.getResources(testResource)))); } catch (IOException e) { throw Throwables.propagate(e); } // from src/main/resources/org/geoserver/gwc/ Set<String> defaultFormats = ImmutableSet.of("image/png", "image/png8", "image/jpeg", "image/gif", "image/vnd.jpeg-png"); // see src/test/resources/org/geoserver/gwc/ Set<String> expectedVector = union(defaultFormats, ImmutableSet.of("test/vector1", "test/vector2", "application/json;type=utfgrid")); Set<String> expectedRaster = union(defaultFormats, ImmutableSet.of("test/raster1", "test/raster2;type=test")); Set<String> expectedGroup = union(defaultFormats, ImmutableSet.of("test/group1", "test/group2", "application/json;type=utfgrid")); assertEquals(expectedVector, GWC.getAdvertisedCachedFormats(PublishedType.VECTOR, urls)); assertEquals(expectedVector, GWC.getAdvertisedCachedFormats(PublishedType.REMOTE, urls)); assertEquals(expectedRaster, GWC.getAdvertisedCachedFormats(PublishedType.RASTER, urls)); assertEquals(expectedRaster, GWC.getAdvertisedCachedFormats(PublishedType.WMS, urls)); assertEquals(expectedGroup, GWC.getAdvertisedCachedFormats(PublishedType.GROUP, urls)); }
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protected List getCompileDependencyResources(MavenProject project, String resourcePath) throws MavenReportException { try {// w ww . j a v a 2s. c o m ClassLoader cl = createCompileClassLoader(project); Enumeration e = cl.getResources(resourcePath); List urls = new ArrayList(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { URL url = (URL) e.nextElement(); urls.add(url); } return Collections.unmodifiableList(urls); } catch (IOException e) { throw new MavenReportException("Unable to get resources for path " + "\"" + resourcePath + "\"", e); } }
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private Map<String, ServiceManifest> discoverServices() throws IOException { ClassLoader cl = LangUtils.findClassLoader(getClass()); // Scans classpath looking for service descriptor files Enumeration<URL> enumResources = null; try {/* w w w . j a v a 2s .co m*/ enumResources = cl.getResources(SERVICES_DESCRIPTOR_RESOURCE); } catch (IOException ex) { throw ex; } // Parses and splits descriptor files into a single manifest file for each service HashMap<String, ServiceManifest> manifests = new HashMap(); while (enumResources.hasMoreElements()) { URL url = enumResources.nextElement(); try { Collection<ServiceManifest> parsed = parseDescriptor(url); for (ServiceManifest manifest : parsed) { String key = manifest.getId(); if (!manifests.containsKey(key)) { manifests.put(manifest.getId(), manifest); } else if (manifest.getVersion().compareTo(manifests.get(key).getVersion()) > 0) { logger.warn("[{}] Version {} replaced by {}", manifest.getId(), manifests.get(key).getVersion(), manifest.getVersion()); manifests.put(manifest.getId(), manifest); } } } catch (ConfigurationException ex) { logger.error("Error while reading descriptor [{}]", url.toString(), ex); } } List<String> orderdKeys = manifests.keySet().stream().sorted((s1, s2) -> { if (StringUtils.startsWith(s1, CoreManifest.ID)) { return -1; } else { return s1.compareTo(s2); } }).collect(Collectors.toList()); LinkedHashMap<String, ServiceManifest> map = new LinkedHashMap<>(orderdKeys.size()); for (String key : orderdKeys) { map.put(key, manifests.get(key)); } return map; }
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private boolean isFiltered(final Collection<Extension> extensions, final Extension next) { final ClassLoader containerLoader = ParentClassLoaderFinder.Helper.get(); final Class<? extends Extension> extClass = next.getClass(); if (extClass.getClassLoader() != containerLoader) { return false; }/*from ww w . ja v a 2 s . c om*/ final String name = extClass.getName(); switch (name) { case "org.apache.bval.cdi.BValExtension": for (final Extension e : extensions) { final String en = e.getClass().getName(); // org.hibernate.validator.internal.cdi.ValidationExtension but allowing few evolutions of packages if (en.startsWith("org.hibernate.validator.") && en.endsWith("ValidationExtension")) {"Skipping BVal CDI integration cause hibernate was found in the application"); return true; } } break; case "org.apache.batchee.container.cdi.BatchCDIInjectionExtension": // see org.apache.openejb.batchee.BatchEEServiceManager return "true".equals(SystemInstance.get().getProperty("tomee.batchee.cdi.use-extension", "false")); case "org.apache.commons.jcs.jcache.cdi.MakeJCacheCDIInterceptorFriendly": final String spi = "META-INF/services/javax.cache.spi.CachingProvider"; try { final Enumeration<URL> appResources = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() .getResources(spi); if (appResources != null && appResources.hasMoreElements()) { final Collection<URL> containerResources = Collections.list(containerLoader.getResources(spi)); do { if (!containerResources.contains(appResources.nextElement())) { "Skipping JCS CDI integration cause another provide was found in the application"); return true; } } while (appResources.hasMoreElements()); } } catch (final Exception e) { // no-op } break; default: } return false; }
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/** * Returns a class loader which is a chain of class loaders, starting from the Web application one, then this modules class loader and * at the end the list of class loaders of modules this module depends on. * * @return a class loader which is a chain of class loaders, starting from the Web application one, then this modules class loader and * at the end the list of class loaders of modules this module depends on *//*w w w .j a v a 2s . c o m*/ public ClassLoader getChainedClassLoader() { if (chainedClassLoader != null) { return chainedClassLoader; } final List<ClassLoader> classLoaders = new ArrayList<ClassLoader>(); classLoaders.add(Jahia.class.getClassLoader()); final ClassLoader classLoader = getClassLoader(); if (classLoader != null) { classLoaders.add(classLoader); } for (JahiaTemplatesPackage dependentPack : getDependencies()) { if (dependentPack != null && dependentPack.getClassLoader() != null) { classLoaders.add(dependentPack.getClassLoader()); } } chainedClassLoader = new ClassLoader() { @Override public URL getResource(String name) { URL url = null; for (ClassLoader loader : classLoaders) { url = loader.getResource(name); if (url != null) return url; } return url; } @Override public Enumeration<URL> getResources(String name) throws IOException { final List<Enumeration<URL>> urlsEnums = new ArrayList<Enumeration<URL>>(); for (ClassLoader loader : classLoaders) { Enumeration<URL> urls = loader.getResources(name); if (urls != null && urls.hasMoreElements()) { // we only add enumerations that have elements, make things simpler urlsEnums.add(urls); } } if (urlsEnums.size() == 0) { return java.util.Collections.emptyEnumeration(); } return new Enumeration<URL>() { int i = 0; Enumeration<URL> currentEnum = urlsEnums.get(i); @Override public boolean hasMoreElements() { if (currentEnum.hasMoreElements()) { return true; } int j = i; do { j++; } while (j < (urlsEnums.size() - 1) && !urlsEnums.get(j).hasMoreElements()); if (j <= (urlsEnums.size() - 1)) { return urlsEnums.get(j).hasMoreElements(); } else { return false; } } @Override public URL nextElement() { if (currentEnum.hasMoreElements()) { return currentEnum.nextElement(); } do { i++; currentEnum = urlsEnums.get(i); } while (!currentEnum.hasMoreElements() && i < (urlsEnums.size() - 1)); if (currentEnum.hasMoreElements()) { return currentEnum.nextElement(); } else { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } } }; } @Override protected Class<?> loadClass(String name, boolean resolve) throws ClassNotFoundException { for (ClassLoader classLoader : classLoaders) { try { Class<?> clazz = classLoader.loadClass(name); if (resolve) { resolveClass(clazz); } return clazz; } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { // keep moving through the classloaders } } throw new ClassNotFoundException(name); } }; return chainedClassLoader; }
From source
private Set<String> _readPortletExtXML(ServletContext servletContext, Map<String, Portlet> portletsPool, Set<String> servletURLPatterns, PluginPackage pluginPackage) throws Exception { Set<String> result = new HashSet(); ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader(); // load xmls// w ww . ja v a2s .c o m String resourceName = "WEB-INF/portlet-ext.xml"; Enumeration<URL> resources = classLoader.getResources(resourceName); if (_log.isDebugEnabled() && !resources.hasMoreElements()) { _log.debug("No " + resourceName + " has been found"); } while (resources.hasMoreElements()) { URL resource = resources.nextElement(); if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) { _log.debug("Loading " + resourceName + " from: " + resource); } if (resource == null) { continue; } InputStream is = new UrlResource(resource).getInputStream(); try { String xmlExt = IOUtils.toString(is, "UTF-8"); result.addAll( _readPortletXML(servletContext, xmlExt, portletsPool, servletURLPatterns, pluginPackage)); } catch (Exception e) { _log.error("Problem while loading file " + resource, e); } finally { is.close(); } } return result; }
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private Set<String> _readLiferayPortletExtXML(Map<String, Portlet> portletsPool) throws Exception { Set<String> result = new HashSet(); ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader(); // load xmls/*from w w w . j a va2s .c o m*/ String resourceName = "WEB-INF/liferay-portlet-ext.xml"; Enumeration<URL> resources = classLoader.getResources(resourceName); if (_log.isDebugEnabled() && !resources.hasMoreElements()) { _log.debug("No " + resourceName + " has been found"); } while (resources.hasMoreElements()) { URL resource = resources.nextElement(); if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) { _log.debug("Loading " + resourceName + " from: " + resource); } if (resource == null) { continue; } InputStream is = new UrlResource(resource).getInputStream(); try { String xmlExt = IOUtils.toString(is, "UTF-8"); result.addAll(_readLiferayPortletXML(xmlExt, portletsPool)); } catch (Exception e) { _log.error("Problem while loading file " + resource, e); } finally { is.close(); } } return result; }