List of usage examples for java.lang ClassLoader getResources
public Enumeration<URL> getResources(String name) throws IOException
From source
public List<ObjectValuePair<String, Boolean>> init(String servletContextName, ServletContext servletContext, String[] xmls, PluginPackage pluginPackage) { List<ObjectValuePair<String, Boolean>> layoutTemplateIds = new ArrayList<ObjectValuePair<String, Boolean>>(); try {//from w w w. j a va2 s. c om for (int i = 0; i < xmls.length; i++) { Set<ObjectValuePair<String, Boolean>> curLayoutTemplateIds = _readLayoutTemplates( servletContextName, servletContext, xmls[i], pluginPackage); Iterator<ObjectValuePair<String, Boolean>> itr = curLayoutTemplateIds.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { ObjectValuePair<String, Boolean> ovp =; if (!layoutTemplateIds.contains(ovp)) { layoutTemplateIds.add(ovp); } } } Set<ObjectValuePair<String, Boolean>> curLayoutTemplateIds = new HashSet<ObjectValuePair<String, Boolean>>(); ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader(); // load xmls String resourceName = "WEB-INF/liferay-layout-templates-ext.xml"; Enumeration<URL> resources = classLoader.getResources(resourceName); if (_log.isDebugEnabled() && !resources.hasMoreElements()) { _log.debug("No " + resourceName + " has been found"); } while (resources.hasMoreElements()) { URL resource = resources.nextElement(); if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) { _log.debug("Loading " + resourceName + " from: " + resource); } if (resource == null) { continue; } InputStream is = new UrlResource(resource).getInputStream(); try { String xmlExt = IOUtils.toString(is, "UTF-8"); curLayoutTemplateIds.addAll( _readLayoutTemplates(servletContextName, servletContext, xmlExt, pluginPackage)); } catch (Exception e) { _log.error("Problem while loading file " + resource, e); } finally { is.close(); } } Iterator<ObjectValuePair<String, Boolean>> itr = curLayoutTemplateIds.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { ObjectValuePair<String, Boolean> ovp =; if (!layoutTemplateIds.contains(ovp)) { layoutTemplateIds.add(ovp); } } } catch (Exception e) { _log.error(e, e); } return layoutTemplateIds; }
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/** * Loads properties from all resource with given name. * * @param name/*from w w w. j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ * the resource name * @return properties loaded from all found resources * @throws * if an error occurred when reading properties file * * @see java.lang.ClassLoader#getResources(String) * @see java.util.Properties#load( */ public static Properties loadPropertiesResources(String name) throws IOException { Properties rProps = new Properties(); ClassLoader loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); Enumeration<URL> rEnum = loader.getResources(name); while (rEnum.hasMoreElements()) { InputStream ins = rEnum.nextElement().openStream(); try { rProps.load(ins); } finally { close(ins); } } return rProps; }
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public void afterPropertiesSet() { _hintCollections = new HashMap<String, Map<String, String>>(); _defaultHints = new HashMap<String, Map<String, String>>(); _modelFields = new HashMap<String, Object>(); _models = new TreeSet<String>(); try {//from w w w. ja va2 ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader(); String[] configs = StringUtil.split(PropsUtil.get(PropsKeys.MODEL_HINTS_CONFIGS)); for (int i = 0; i < configs.length; i++) { if (!configs[i].startsWith("classpath*:")) { read(classLoader, configs[i]); } else { String configName = configs[i].substring("classpath*:".length()); Enumeration<URL> resources = classLoader.getResources(configName); if (_log.isDebugEnabled() && !resources.hasMoreElements()) { _log.debug("No " + configName + " has been found"); } while (resources.hasMoreElements()) { URL resource = resources.nextElement(); if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) { _log.debug("Loading " + configName + " from: " + resource); } InputStream is = new UrlResource(resource).getInputStream(); if (is != null) { read(classLoader, resource.toString(), is); } } } } } catch (Exception e) { _log.error(e, e); } }
From source
public List<String> init(String servletContextName, ServletContext servletContext, String themesPath, boolean loadFromServletContext, String[] xmls, PluginPackage pluginPackage) { List<String> themeIdsList = new ArrayList<String>(); try {/*from w w w. j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ for (int i = 0; i < xmls.length; i++) { Set<String> themeIds = _readThemes(servletContextName, servletContext, themesPath, loadFromServletContext, xmls[i], pluginPackage); for (String themeId : themeIds) { if (!themeIdsList.contains(themeId)) { themeIdsList.add(themeId); } } } Set<String> themeIds = new HashSet<String>(); ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader(); // load xmls String resourceName = "WEB-INF/liferay-look-and-feel-ext.xml"; Enumeration<URL> resources = classLoader.getResources(resourceName); if (_log.isDebugEnabled() && !resources.hasMoreElements()) { _log.debug("No " + resourceName + " has been found"); } while (resources.hasMoreElements()) { URL resource = resources.nextElement(); if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) { _log.debug("Loading " + resourceName + " from: " + resource); } if (resource == null) { continue; } InputStream is = new UrlResource(resource).getInputStream(); try { String xmlExt = IOUtils.toString(is, "UTF-8"); themeIds.addAll(_readThemes(servletContextName, servletContext, themesPath, loadFromServletContext, xmlExt, pluginPackage)); } catch (Exception e) { _log.error("Problem while loading file " + resource, e); } finally { is.close(); } } for (String themeId : themeIds) { if (!themeIdsList.contains(themeId)) { themeIdsList.add(themeId); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } _themesPool.clear(); return themeIdsList; }
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/** * Find all class location resources with the given path via the ClassLoader. * Called by {@link #findAllClassPathResources(String)}. * @param path the absolute path within the classpath (never a leading slash) * @return a mutable Set of matching Resource instances * @since 4.1.1// w ww . ja va2s. c om */ protected Set<Resource> doFindAllClassPathResources(String path) throws IOException { Set<Resource> result = new LinkedHashSet<>(16); ClassLoader cl = getClassLoader(); Enumeration<URL> resourceUrls = (cl != null ? cl.getResources(path) : ClassLoader.getSystemResources(path)); while (resourceUrls.hasMoreElements()) { URL url = resourceUrls.nextElement(); result.add(convertClassLoaderURL(url)); } if ("".equals(path)) { // The above result is likely to be incomplete, i.e. only containing file system references. // We need to have pointers to each of the jar files on the classpath as well... addAllClassLoaderJarRoots(cl, result); } return result; }
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/** * Returns a set of faces-config.xml files. This set includes the default * configuration file, all additional files mentioned via the * <code>javax.faces.CONFIG_FILES</code> init parameter and all files found * in META-INF folders./*from ww w . java 2 s . c o m*/ * * @param servletContext * The ServletContext * @param classLoader * The classloader used to find files in META-INF directories * @return A set of URLs */ private Set<URL> getFacesConfigFiles(ServletContext servletContext, ClassLoader classLoader) { // set of URLs to process Set<URL> result = new HashSet<URL>(); try { // get default faces-config.xml URL defaultFacesConfig = servletContext.getResource(WEB_INF_FACES_CONFIG_XML); if (defaultFacesConfig != null) { result.add(defaultFacesConfig); } // get additional configuration files from init parameter result.addAll(getConfigFilesFromInitParameter(servletContext)); // Find configuration files META-INF directories try { Enumeration<URL> resources = classLoader.getResources(META_INF_FACES_CONFIG_XML); while (resources.hasMoreElements()) { result.add(resources.nextElement()); } } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Failed to load faces-config.xml files from META-INF directories", e); } } catch (MalformedURLException e) { // should not happen, because URLs are hard-coded throw new IllegalArgumentException(e); } return result; }
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/** * Strategy to get the resources by the given classloader. * <p/>// ww w. j a v a 2 s . c om * Notice that in WebSphere platforms there is a {@link WebSpherePackageScanClassResolver} * to take care of WebSphere's odditiy of resource loading. * * @param loader the classloader * @param packageName the packagename for the package to load * @return URL's for the given package * @throws IOException is thrown by the classloader */ protected Enumeration<URL> getResources(ClassLoader loader, String packageName) throws IOException { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Getting resource URL for package: " + packageName + " with classloader: " + loader); } // If the URL is a jar, the URLClassloader.getResources() seems to require a trailing slash. The // trailing slash is harmless for other URLs if (!packageName.endsWith("/")) { packageName = packageName + "/"; } return loader.getResources(packageName); }
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/** * - parent contains B and version 1 of A * - child contains version 2 of A -> sees B and version 2 of A */// w w w.j av a 2 s . com @Test public void self_first_ordering() throws Exception { Map<String, ClassLoader> newClassloaders = sut.newClassloader("the-parent") .addURL("the-parent", new File("tester/a.jar").toURL()) .addURL("the-parent", new File("tester/b.jar").toURL()) .newClassloader("the-child").addURL("the-child", new File("tester/a_v2.jar").toURL()) .setParent("the-child", "the-parent", Mask.ALL) .setLoadingOrder("the-child", ClassloaderBuilder.LoadingOrder.SELF_FIRST).build(); ClassLoader parent = newClassloaders.get("the-parent"); assertThat(canLoadMethod(parent, "A", "version1")).isTrue(); assertThat(canLoadMethod(parent, "A", "version2")).isFalse(); assertThat(IOUtils.toString(parent.getResource("a.txt"))).startsWith("version 1 of a.txt"); ClassLoader child = newClassloaders.get("the-child"); assertThat(canLoadClass(child, "B")).isTrue(); assertThat(canLoadMethod(child, "A", "version1")).isFalse(); assertThat(canLoadMethod(child, "A", "version2")).isTrue(); assertThat(IOUtils.toString(child.getResource("a.txt"))).startsWith("version 2 of a.txt"); assertThat(Collections.list(child.getResources("b.txt"))).hasSize(1); ArrayList<URL> resources = Collections.list(child.getResources("a.txt")); assertThat(resources).hasSize(2); assertThat(IOUtils.toString(resources.get(0))).startsWith("version 2 of a.txt"); assertThat(IOUtils.toString(resources.get(1))).startsWith("version 1 of a.txt"); }
From source
private static ArrayList<Class> getClassesFromDirectory(String pkg, ClassLoader cl) throws ClassNotFoundException { // This will hold a list of directories matching the pckgname. There may be more than one if a package is split over multiple jars/paths String pckgname = pkg;//from w w w . ja va2 s. c om ArrayList<File> directories = new ArrayList<File>(); try { String path = pckgname.replace('.', '/'); // Ask for all resources for the path Enumeration<URL> resources = cl.getResources(path); while (resources.hasMoreElements()) { directories.add(new File(URLDecoder.decode(resources.nextElement().getPath(), "UTF-8"))); } } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(pckgname + " does not appear to be a valid package (Unsupported encoding)"); } throw new ClassNotFoundException( pckgname + " might not be a valid package because the encoding is unsupported."); } catch (IOException e) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("IOException was thrown when trying to get all resources for " + pckgname); } throw new ClassNotFoundException( "An IOException error was thrown when trying to get all of the resources for " + pckgname); } ArrayList<Class> classes = new ArrayList<Class>(); // For every directory identified capture all the .class files for (File directory : directories) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(" Adding JAXB classes from directory: " + directory.getName()); } if (directory.exists()) { // Get the list of the files contained in the package String[] files = directory.list(); for (String file : files) { // we are only interested in .class files if (file.endsWith(".class")) { // removes the .class extension // TODO Java2 Sec String className = pckgname + '.' + file.substring(0, file.length() - 6); try { Class clazz = forName(className, false, getContextClassLoader()); // Don't add any interfaces or JAXWS specific classes. // Only classes that represent data and can be marshalled // by JAXB should be added. if (!clazz.isInterface() && (clazz.isEnum() || getAnnotation(clazz, XmlType.class) != null || ClassUtils.getDefaultPublicConstructor(clazz) != null) && !ClassUtils.isJAXWSClass(clazz) && !isSkipClass(clazz) && !Exception.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) { // Ensure that all the referenced classes are loadable too clazz.getDeclaredMethods(); clazz.getDeclaredFields(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Adding class: " + file); } classes.add(clazz); // REVIEW: // Support of RPC list (and possibly other scenarios) requires that the array classes should also be present. // This is a hack until we can determine how to get this information. // The arrayName and loadable name are different. Get the loadable // name, load the array class, and add it to our list //className += "[]"; //String loadableName = ClassUtils.getLoadableClassName(className); //Class aClazz = Class.forName(loadableName, false, Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()); } //Catch Throwable as ClassLoader can throw an NoClassDefFoundError that //does not extend Exception } catch (Throwable e) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Tried to load class " + className + " while constructing a JAXBContext. This class will be skipped. Processing Continues."); log.debug(" The reason that class could not be loaded:" + e.toString()); log.trace(JavaUtils.stackToString(e)); } } } } } } return classes; }
From source
private static ArrayList<Class> getClassesFromDirectory(String pkg, ClassLoader cl) throws ClassNotFoundException { // This will hold a list of directories matching the pckgname. There may be more than one if a package is split over multiple jars/paths String pckgname = pkg;/*from w ww .j a va 2 s .c o m*/ ArrayList<File> directories = new ArrayList<File>(); try { String path = pckgname.replace('.', '/'); // Ask for all resources for the path Enumeration<URL> resources = cl.getResources(path); while (resources.hasMoreElements()) { directories.add(new File(URLDecoder.decode(resources.nextElement().getPath(), "UTF-8"))); } } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(pckgname + " does not appear to be a valid package (Unsupported encoding)"); } throw new ClassNotFoundException(Messages.getMessage("ClassUtilsErr2", pckgname)); } catch (IOException e) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("IOException was thrown when trying to get all resources for " + pckgname); } throw new ClassNotFoundException(Messages.getMessage("ClassUtilsErr3", pckgname)); } ArrayList<Class> classes = new ArrayList<Class>(); // For every directory identified capture all the .class files for (File directory : directories) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(" Adding JAXB classes from directory: " + directory.getName()); } if (directory.exists()) { // Get the list of the files contained in the package String[] files = directory.list(); for (String file : files) { // we are only interested in .class files if (file.endsWith(".class")) { // removes the .class extension // TODO Java2 Sec String className = pckgname + '.' + file.substring(0, file.length() - 6); try { Class clazz = forName(className, false, getContextClassLoader()); // Don't add any interfaces or JAXWS specific classes. // Only classes that represent data and can be marshalled // by JAXB should be added. if (!clazz.isInterface() && (clazz.isEnum() || getAnnotation(clazz, XmlType.class) != null || ClassUtils.getDefaultPublicConstructor(clazz) != null) && !ClassUtils.isJAXWSClass(clazz) && !isSkipClass(clazz) && !java.lang.Exception.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) { // Ensure that all the referenced classes are loadable too clazz.getDeclaredMethods(); clazz.getDeclaredFields(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Adding class: " + file); } classes.add(clazz); // REVIEW: // Support of RPC list (and possibly other scenarios) requires that the array classes should also be present. // This is a hack until we can determine how to get this information. // The arrayName and loadable name are different. Get the loadable // name, load the array class, and add it to our list //className += "[]"; //String loadableName = ClassUtils.getLoadableClassName(className); //Class aClazz = Class.forName(loadableName, false, Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()); } //Catch Throwable as ClassLoader can throw an NoClassDefFoundError that //does not extend Exception } catch (Throwable e) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Tried to load class " + className + " while constructing a JAXBContext. This class will be skipped. Processing Continues."); log.debug(" The reason that class could not be loaded:" + e.toString()); log.trace(JavaUtils.stackToString(e)); } } } } } } return classes; }