List of usage examples for java.lang ClassLoader getResources
public Enumeration<URL> getResources(String name) throws IOException
From source
/** * Load the fully qualified class names of factory implementations of the * given type from {@value #FACTORIES_RESOURCE_LOCATION}, using the given * class loader./*w ww. j a v a 2 s.c om*/ * @param factoryClass the interface or abstract class representing the factory * @param classLoader the ClassLoader to use for loading resources; can be * {@code null} to use the default * @see #loadFactories * @throws IllegalArgumentException if an error occurs while loading factory names */ public static List<String> loadFactoryNames(Class<?> factoryClass, ClassLoader classLoader) { String factoryClassName = factoryClass.getName(); try { Enumeration<URL> urls = (classLoader != null ? classLoader.getResources(FACTORIES_RESOURCE_LOCATION) : ClassLoader.getSystemResources(FACTORIES_RESOURCE_LOCATION)); List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); while (urls.hasMoreElements()) { URL url = urls.nextElement(); Properties properties = PropertiesLoaderUtils.loadProperties(new UrlResource(url)); String factoryClassNames = properties.getProperty(factoryClassName); result.addAll(Arrays.asList(StringUtils.commaDelimitedListToStringArray(factoryClassNames))); } return result; } catch (IOException ex) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to load [" + factoryClass.getName() + "] factories from location [" + FACTORIES_RESOURCE_LOCATION + "]", ex); } }
From source
/** * Return the jar file path that contains a particular class. * Method mostly cloned from o.a.h.mapred.JobConf.findContainingJar(). *///from w w w . j a va2 s. co m public static String getJarPathForClass(Class<? extends Object> classObj) { ClassLoader loader = classObj.getClassLoader(); String classFile = classObj.getName().replaceAll("\\.", "/") + ".class"; try { for (Enumeration<URL> itr = loader.getResources(classFile); itr.hasMoreElements();) { URL url = (URL) itr.nextElement(); if ("jar".equals(url.getProtocol())) { String toReturn = url.getPath(); if (toReturn.startsWith("file:")) { toReturn = toReturn.substring("file:".length()); } // URLDecoder is a misnamed class, since it actually decodes // x-www-form-urlencoded MIME type rather than actual // URL encoding (which the file path has). Therefore it would // decode +s to ' 's which is incorrect (spaces are actually // either unencoded or encoded as "%20"). Replace +s first, so // that they are kept sacred during the decoding process. toReturn = toReturn.replaceAll("\\+", "%2B"); toReturn = URLDecoder.decode(toReturn, "UTF-8"); return toReturn.replaceAll("!.*$", ""); } } } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return null; }
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/** * Finds all of the environment json schemas and combines them together *///from ww w .j ava 2 s . co m private static JsonSchema loadEnvironmentSchemas(ClassLoader classLoader, String... folderPaths) throws IOException { JsonSchema answer = null; Enumeration<URL> resources = classLoader.getResources(ENVIRONMENT_SCHEMA_FILE); while (resources.hasMoreElements()) { URL url = resources.nextElement(); JsonSchema schema = loadSchema(url); answer = combineSchemas(answer, schema); } for (String folderPath : folderPaths) { File file = new File(folderPath, ENVIRONMENT_SCHEMA_FILE); if (file.isFile()) { JsonSchema schema = loadSchema(file); answer = combineSchemas(answer, schema); } } return answer; }
From source
/** Stream of class which is in given packages * @param basePackage base package// w ww.j ava2 s . com * @param classLoader class loader where is classes found * @return stream of class names */ public static List<String> classInPackage(String basePackage, ClassLoader classLoader) { List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); try { for (Enumeration<URL> resources = classLoader.getResources(basePackage.replace(".", "/")); resources .hasMoreElements();) { URL url = resources.nextElement(); if (String.valueOf(url).startsWith("file:")) { File file = new File(url.getFile()); int prefixLength = url.getFile().length() - basePackage.length(); List<File> files = subClasses(file); -> { String fName = f.getAbsolutePath(); result.add(fName.substring(prefixLength, fName.length() - 6).replace("/", ".")); }); } else { URLConnection urlCon = url.openConnection(); if (urlCon instanceof JarURLConnection) { JarURLConnection jarURLConnection = (JarURLConnection) urlCon; try (JarFile jar = jarURLConnection.getJarFile()) { -> { String entryName = entry.getName(); if (entryName.endsWith(".class") && entryName.startsWith(basePackage)) { result.add(entryName.substring(0, entryName.length() - 6)); } }); } } } } } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return result; }
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/** * Get a list of URLs of connectors that are installed. * * @return List of URLs.// w w w . ja va 2 s . co m */ public static List<URL> getConnectorConfigs() { List<URL> connectorConfigs = new ArrayList<URL>(); try { // Check ConnectorManager classloader. Enumeration<URL> appPathConfigs = ConnectorManager.class.getClassLoader() .getResources(ConfigurationConstants.FILENAME_CONNECTOR_PROPERTIES); while (appPathConfigs.hasMoreElements()) { connectorConfigs.add(appPathConfigs.nextElement()); } // Check thread context classloader. ClassLoader ctxLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); if (ctxLoader != null) { Enumeration<URL> ctxPathConfigs = ctxLoader .getResources(ConfigurationConstants.FILENAME_CONNECTOR_PROPERTIES); while (ctxPathConfigs.hasMoreElements()) { URL configUrl = ctxPathConfigs.nextElement(); if (!connectorConfigs.contains(configUrl)) { connectorConfigs.add(configUrl); } } } } catch (IOException ex) { throw new SqoopException(ConnectorError.CONN_0001, ex); } return connectorConfigs; }
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/** * @return ???//from w w w. j a v a 2 s . c o m */ public static String getSecretKey() { ClassLoader clsLoader = EncryptorUtil.class.getClassLoader(); Enumeration<URL> urls = null; try { urls = clsLoader.getResources(ENCRYPT_FILE); } catch (IOException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } if (urls == null || !urls.hasMoreElements()) { throw new RuntimeException("Can not found!"); } try (InputStream input = urls.nextElement().openStream()) { if (input == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Can not found!"); } Properties encryptPro = new Properties(); encryptPro.load(input); if (!encryptPro.containsKey(ENCRYPT_KEY)) { throw new RuntimeException("Can not found " + ENCRYPT_KEY + " from!"); } return encryptPro.getProperty(ENCRYPT_KEY); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; }
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/** * ??????/* w w w. j a v a2 s . co m*/ * * @param targetPackage * @param pattern * @return * @throws IOException * @throws URISyntaxException * @throws ResourceNotFoundException */ private static final List<Class<?>> tryGetClassNameList(final String targetPackage, final Pattern pattern) throws IOException, URISyntaxException, ResourceNotFoundException { final List<Class<?>> result = new ArrayList<Class<?>>(); final ClassLoader classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); final String path = targetPackage.replace('.', '/') + "/"; final Enumeration<URL> urls = classLoader.getResources(path); while (urls.hasMoreElements()) { final URL url = urls.nextElement(); final Resource resource = ResourceConvertUtils.convertUrl(url); for (final FileObject file : resource.toFileObject().getChildren()) { final String name = file.getName().getBaseName().split("\\.")[0]; if (!file.getType().equals(FileType.FILE) || !file.getName().getExtension().equals("class")) { continue; } if (pattern != null && !pattern.matcher(name).matches()) { continue; } final Class<?> classObject = getClass(targetPackage + "." + name); if (classObject != null) { result.add(classObject); } } } return result; }
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private static <T> Enumeration<URL> configs(final Class<T> service, final ClassLoader classLoader) { try {/*from w w w.ja v a 2s . com*/ return classLoader.getResources(PREFIX + service.getName()); } catch (final IOException e) { return fail(service, "Cannot load configuration", e); } }
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public static List<URL> getChildResources(String path) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { List<URL> result = new LinkedList<URL>(); ClassLoader classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); Enumeration<URL> p = classLoader.getResources(path); while (p.hasMoreElements()) { URL resource = p.nextElement(); //System.out.println("resource: " + resource.toString()); if (resource.getProtocol().equalsIgnoreCase("FILE")) { result.addAll(loadDirectory(resource.getFile())); } else if (resource.getProtocol().equalsIgnoreCase("JAR")) { result.addAll(loadJar(path, resource)); } else if (resource.getProtocol().equalsIgnoreCase("VFS")) { result.addAll(loadVfs(resource)); } else {/*from w w w . j a va 2 m*/ throw new ClassNotFoundException( "Unknown protocol on class resource: " + resource.toExternalForm()); } } return result; }
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/** * /*from w ww .j av a2s . co m*/ * @param resourceName * @param callingClass * @param aggregate * @return * @throws IOException */ public static Iterator<URL> getResources(String resourceName, Class<?> callingClass, boolean aggregate) throws IOException { AggregateIterator<URL> iterator = new AggregateIterator<URL>(); iterator.addEnumeration(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResources(resourceName)); if ((!iterator.hasNext()) || (aggregate)) { iterator.addEnumeration(ClassUtils.getDefaultClassLoader().getResources(resourceName)); } if ((!iterator.hasNext()) || (aggregate)) { ClassLoader cl = callingClass.getClassLoader(); if (cl != null) { iterator.addEnumeration(cl.getResources(resourceName)); } } if ((!iterator.hasNext()) && (resourceName != null) && (((resourceName.length() == 0) || (resourceName.charAt(0) != '/')))) { return getResources('/' + resourceName, callingClass, aggregate); } return iterator; }