Java tutorial
/* * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS HEADER. * * Copyright 2011 OpenConcerto, by ILM Informatique. All rights reserved. * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 3 * only ("GPL"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a * copy of the License at See the License for the specific * language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * * When distributing the software, include this License Header Notice in each file. */ package org.openconcerto.sql.model; import org.openconcerto.sql.model.graph.TablesMap; import org.openconcerto.sql.utils.ChangeTable; import org.openconcerto.sql.utils.ChangeTable.ClauseType; import org.openconcerto.sql.utils.ChangeTable.DeferredClause; import org.openconcerto.sql.utils.SQLCreateMoveableTable; import org.openconcerto.sql.utils.SQLUtils; import org.openconcerto.utils.Tuple2; import; import org.openconcerto.utils.change.CollectionChangeEventCreator; import org.openconcerto.xml.JDOMUtils; import; import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import net.jcip.annotations.GuardedBy; import org.apache.commons.dbutils.ResultSetHandler; import org.jdom2.Element; public final class SQLSchema extends SQLIdentifier { /** * set this system property to avoid writing to the db (be it CREATE TABLE or * INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE) */ public static final String NOAUTO_CREATE_METADATA = "org.openconcerto.sql.noautoCreateMetadata"; public static final String FWK_TABLENAME_PREFIX = "FWK_"; static final String METADATA_TABLENAME = FWK_TABLENAME_PREFIX + "SCHEMA_METADATA"; private static final String VERSION_MDKEY = "VERSION"; private static final String VERSION_XMLATTR = "schemaVersion"; public static final void getVersionAttr(final SQLSchema schema, final Appendable sb) { final String version = schema.getFullyRefreshedVersion(); try { appendVersionAttr(version, sb); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Couldn't append version of " + schema, e); } } public static final void appendVersionAttr(final String version, final StringBuilder sb) { try { appendVersionAttr(version, (Appendable) sb); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Couldn't append version" + version, e); } } public static final void appendVersionAttr(final String version, final Appendable sb) throws IOException { if (version != null) { sb.append(' '); sb.append(VERSION_XMLATTR); sb.append("=\""); sb.append(JDOMUtils.OUTPUTTER.escapeAttributeEntities(version)); sb.append('"'); } } public static final String getVersion(final Element schemaElem) { return schemaElem.getAttributeValue(VERSION_XMLATTR); } public static final Map<String, String> getVersions(final SQLBase base, final Set<String> schemaNames) { // since we haven't an instance of SQLSchema, we can't know if the table exists return base.getFwkMetadata(schemaNames, VERSION_MDKEY); } static private String getVersionSQL(final SQLSyntax syntax) { return syntax.getFormatTimestamp("CURRENT_TIMESTAMP", true); } static SQLCreateMoveableTable getCreateMetadata(final SQLSyntax syntax) throws SQLException { if (Boolean.getBoolean(NOAUTO_CREATE_METADATA)) return null; final SQLCreateMoveableTable create = new SQLCreateMoveableTable(syntax, METADATA_TABLENAME); create.addVarCharColumn("NAME", 100).addVarCharColumn("VALUE", 250); create.setPrimaryKey("NAME"); create.addOutsideClause(new DeferredClause() { @Override public String asString(ChangeTable<?> ct, SQLName tableName) { return syntax.getInsertOne(tableName, Arrays.asList("NAME", "VALUE"), SQLBase.quoteStringStd(VERSION_MDKEY), getVersionSQL(syntax)); } @Override public ClauseType getType() { return ClauseType.OTHER; } }); return create; } // last DB structure version when we were fully refreshed @GuardedBy("this") private String version; private final CopyOnWriteMap<String, SQLTable> tables; // name -> src private final Map<String, String> procedures; @GuardedBy("this") private boolean fetchAllUndefIDs = true; SQLSchema(SQLBase base, String name) { super(base, name); this.tables = new CopyOnWriteMap<String, SQLTable>(); this.procedures = new CopyOnWriteMap<String, String>(); } public final SQLBase getBase() { return (SQLBase) this.getParent(); } @Override protected void onDrop() { SQLTable.removeUndefID(this); super.onDrop(); } /** * The version when this instance was last fully refreshed. In other words, if we refresh tables * by names (even if we name them all) this version isn't updated. * * @return the version. */ synchronized final String getFullyRefreshedVersion() { return this.version; } synchronized final void setFullyRefreshedVersion(final String vers) { this.version = vers; } // ** procedures /** * Return the procedures names and if possible their source. * * @return the procedures in this schema. */ public final Map<String, String> getProcedures() { return Collections.unmodifiableMap(this.procedures); } final void putProcedures(final Map<String, String> m) { this.procedures.putAll(m); } // clear the attributes that are not preserved (ie SQLTable) but recreated each time (ie // procedure) void clearNonPersistent() { this.procedures.clear(); } // XMLStructureSource always pre-verify so we don't need the system root lock void load(Element schemaElem, Set<String> tableNames) { this.setFullyRefreshedVersion(getVersion(schemaElem)); for (final Element elementTable : schemaElem.getChildren("table")) { this.refreshTable(elementTable, tableNames); } final Map<String, String> procMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (final Element procElem : schemaElem.getChild("procedures").getChildren("proc")) { final Element src = procElem.getChild("src"); procMap.put(procElem.getAttributeValue("name"), src == null ? null : src.getText()); } this.putProcedures(procMap); } /** * Fetch table from the DB. * * @param tableName the name of the table to fetch. * @return the up to date table, <code>null</code> if not found * @throws SQLException if an error occurs. */ final SQLTable fetchTable(final String tableName) throws SQLException { synchronized (getTreeMutex()) { this.getBase().fetchTables(TablesMap.createFromTables(getName(), Collections.singleton(tableName))); return this.getTable(tableName); } } void mutateTo(SQLSchema newSchema) { assert Thread.holdsLock(this.getDBSystemRoot().getTreeMutex()); synchronized (this) { this.version = newSchema.version; this.clearNonPersistent(); this.putProcedures(newSchema.procedures); // since one can refresh only some tables, newSchema is a subset of this for (final SQLTable t : newSchema.getTables()) { this.getTable(t.getName()).mutateTo(t); } } } // ** tables final SQLTable addTable(String tableName) { synchronized (getTreeMutex()) { return this.addTableWithoutSysRootLock(tableName); } } final SQLTable addTableWithoutSysRootLock(String tableName) { if (this.contains(tableName)) throw new IllegalStateException(tableName + " already in " + this); final CollectionChangeEventCreator c = this.createChildrenCreator(); final SQLTable res = new SQLTable(this, tableName); this.tables.put(tableName, res); this.fireChildrenChanged(c); return res; } private final void refreshTable(Element tableElem, Set<String> tableNames) { final String tableName = tableElem.getAttributeValue("name"); if (tableNames.contains(tableName)) this.getTable(tableName).loadFields(tableElem); } /** * Refresh the table of the current row of rs. * * @param metaData the metadata. * @param rs the resultSet from getColumns(). * @param version the version of the schema. * @return whether <code>rs</code> has a next row, <code>null</code> if the current row is not * part of this, and thus rs hasn't moved. * @throws SQLException */ final Boolean refreshTable(DatabaseMetaData metaData, ResultSet rs, final String version) throws SQLException { synchronized (getTreeMutex()) { synchronized (this) { final String tableName = rs.getString("TABLE_NAME"); if (this.contains(tableName)) { return this.getTable(tableName).fetchFields(metaData, rs, version); } else { // eg in pg getColumns() return columns of BATIMENT_ID_seq return null; } } } } final void rmTable(String tableName) { synchronized (getTreeMutex()) { this.rmTableWithoutSysRootLock(tableName); } } private final void rmTableWithoutSysRootLock(String tableName) { final CollectionChangeEventCreator c = this.createChildrenCreator(); final SQLTable tableToDrop = this.tables.remove(tableName); this.fireChildrenChanged(c); if (tableToDrop != null) tableToDrop.dropped(); } public final SQLTable getTable(String tablename) { return this.tables.get(tablename); } /** * Return the tables in this schema. * * @return an unmodifiable Set of the tables' names. */ public Set<String> getTableNames() { return Collections.unmodifiableSet(this.tables.keySet()); } /** * Return all the tables in this schema. * * @return a Set of SQLTable. */ public Set<SQLTable> getTables() { return new HashSet<SQLTable>(this.tables.values()); } @Override public Map<String, SQLTable> getChildrenMap() { return this.tables.getImmutable(); } @Override public String toString() { return this.getClass().getSimpleName() + " " + this.getName(); } public String toXML() { // always save even without version, as some tables might still be up to date // a table is about 16000 characters final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(16000 * 16); sb.append("<schema "); if (this.getName() != null) { sb.append(" name=\""); sb.append(JDOMUtils.OUTPUTTER.escapeAttributeEntities(this.getName())); sb.append('"'); } synchronized (getTreeMutex()) { synchronized (this) { getVersionAttr(this, sb); sb.append(" >\n"); sb.append("<procedures>\n"); for (final Entry<String, String> e : this.procedures.entrySet()) { sb.append("<proc name=\""); sb.append(JDOMUtils.OUTPUTTER.escapeAttributeEntities(e.getKey())); sb.append("\" "); if (e.getValue() == null) { sb.append("/>"); } else { sb.append("><src>"); sb.append(JDOMUtils.OUTPUTTER.escapeElementEntities(e.getValue())); sb.append("</src></proc>\n"); } } sb.append("</procedures>\n"); for (final SQLTable table : this.getTables()) { // passing our sb to table don't go faster sb.append(table.toXML()); sb.append("\n"); } sb.append("</schema>"); } } return sb.toString(); } String getFwkMetadata(String name) { if (!this.contains(METADATA_TABLENAME)) return null; // we just tested for table existence return this.getBase().getFwkMetadata(this.getName(), name); } boolean setFwkMetadata(String name, String value) throws SQLException { return this.setFwkMetadata(name, value, true).get0(); } /** * Set the value of a metadata. * * @param name name of the metadata, e.g. "Customer". * @param sqlExpr SQL value of the metadata, e.g. "'ACME, inc'". * @param createTable whether the metadata table should be automatically created if necessary. * @return <code>true</code> if the value was set, <code>false</code> otherwise ; the new value * (<code>null</code> if the value wasn't set, i.e. if the value cannot be * <code>null</code> the boolean isn't needed). * @throws SQLException if an error occurs while setting the value. */ Tuple2<Boolean, String> setFwkMetadata(String name, String sqlExpr, boolean createTable) throws SQLException { if (Boolean.getBoolean(NOAUTO_CREATE_METADATA)) return Tuple2.create(false, null); final SQLSystem sys = getServer().getSQLSystem(); final SQLSyntax syntax = sys.getSyntax(); final SQLDataSource ds = this.getDBSystemRoot().getDataSource(); synchronized (this.getTreeMutex()) { // don't refresh until after the insert, that way if the refresh triggers an access to // the metadata name will already be set to value. final boolean shouldRefresh; if (createTable && !this.contains(METADATA_TABLENAME)) { final SQLCreateMoveableTable create = getCreateMetadata(syntax); ds.execute(create.asString(getDBRoot().getName())); shouldRefresh = true; } else { shouldRefresh = false; } final Tuple2<Boolean, String> res; if (createTable || this.contains(METADATA_TABLENAME)) { // don't use SQLRowValues, cause it means getting the SQLTable and thus calling // fetchTables(), but setFwkMetadata() might itself be called by fetchTables() // furthermore SQLRowValues support only rowable tables final List<String> queries = new ArrayList<String>(); final SQLName tableName = new SQLName(this.getBase().getName(), this.getName(), METADATA_TABLENAME); final String where = " WHERE " + SQLBase.quoteIdentifier("NAME") + " = " + getBase().quoteString(name); queries.add("DELETE FROM " + tableName.quote() + where); final String returning = sys == SQLSystem.POSTGRESQL ? " RETURNING " + SQLBase.quoteIdentifier("VALUE") : ""; final String ins = syntax.getInsertOne(tableName, Arrays.asList("NAME", "VALUE"), getBase().quoteString(name), sqlExpr) + returning; queries.add(ins); final List<? extends ResultSetHandler> handlers; if (returning.length() == 0) { queries.add( "SELECT " + SQLBase.quoteIdentifier("VALUE") + " FROM " + tableName.quote() + where); handlers = Arrays.asList(null, null, SQLDataSource.SCALAR_HANDLER); } else { handlers = Arrays.asList(null, SQLDataSource.SCALAR_HANDLER); } final List<?> ress = SQLUtils.executeMultiple(getDBSystemRoot(), queries, handlers); res = Tuple2.create(true, (String) ress.get(ress.size() - 1)); } else { res = Tuple2.create(false, null); } if (shouldRefresh) this.fetchTable(METADATA_TABLENAME); return res; } } /** * The current version in the database. * * @return current version in the database. */ public final String getVersion() { return this.getFwkMetadata(VERSION_MDKEY); } // TODO assure that the updated version is different that current one and unique // If we have a fast in-memory DB, some additions might get lost // Perhaps something like VERSION = date seconds || '_' || (select cast( substring(indexof '_') // as int ) + 1 from VERSION) ; e.g. 20110701-1021_01352 public final String updateVersion() throws SQLException { return this.updateVersion(true); } final String updateVersion(boolean createTable) throws SQLException { return this.setFwkMetadata(SQLSchema.VERSION_MDKEY, getVersionSQL(SQLSyntax.get(this)), createTable).get1(); } public synchronized final void setFetchAllUndefinedIDs(final boolean b) { this.fetchAllUndefIDs = b; } /** * A boolean indicating if one {@link SQLTable#getUndefinedID()} should fetch IDs for the whole * schema or just that table. The default is true which is faster but requires that all tables * are coherent. * * @return <code>true</code> if all undefined IDs are fetched together. */ public synchronized final boolean isFetchAllUndefinedIDs() { return this.fetchAllUndefIDs; } }