Example usage for java.awt.image ComponentColorModel ComponentColorModel

List of usage examples for java.awt.image ComponentColorModel ComponentColorModel


In this page you can find the example usage for java.awt.image ComponentColorModel ComponentColorModel.


public ComponentColorModel(ColorSpace colorSpace, boolean hasAlpha, boolean isAlphaPremultiplied,
        int transparency, int transferType) 

Source Link


Constructs a ComponentColorModel from the specified parameters.


From source file:org.photovault.dcraw.DCRawReaderOp.java

public DCRawReaderOp(File f, RenderingHints hints) {
    super(null, hints, null, 1, 1, 1, 1);
    file = f;// w ww  .j av a 2  s.  c o m
    lrd = lr.libraw_init(0);
    lrd.output_params.half_size = 1;
    lr.libraw_open_file(lrd, f.getAbsolutePath());
    sampleModel = new PixelInterleavedSampleModel(DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT, lrd.sizes.width, lrd.sizes.height, 1,
            lrd.sizes.width, new int[] { 0 });
    ColorSpace cs = ColorSpace.getInstance(ColorSpace.CS_GRAY);
    ColorModel c = new ComponentColorModel(cs, false, false, ColorModel.OPAQUE, DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT);
    ImageLayout il = new ImageLayout(0, 0, 256, 256, sampleModel, c);
    minX = 0;
    minY = 0;
    width = lrd.sizes.width;
    height = lrd.sizes.height;
    bayerfilter = lrd.idata.filters;
    cam_mul = lrd.color.cam_mul;
    setProperty("bayerfilter", lrd.idata.filters);
    setProperty("dcraw_cam_mul", cam_mul);
    setProperty("dcraw_cam_xyz", lrd.color.cam_xyz);
    setProperty("dcraw_rgb_cam", lrd.color.rgb_cam);
    setProperty("dcraw_black", lrd.color.black);
    setProperty("dcraw_max", lrd.color.maximum);
    setProperty("dcraw_black", lrd.color.black);
    setProperty("dcraw_margin_top", lrd.sizes.top_margin);
    setProperty("dcraw_margin_left", lrd.sizes.left_margin);

From source file:org.photovault.dcraw.AHDInterpolateOp.java

static private ImageLayout layoutHelper(RenderedImage src, int downSample) {
    int width = src.getWidth() / downSample;
    int height = src.getHeight() / downSample;
    PixelInterleavedSampleModel sampleModel = new PixelInterleavedSampleModel(DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT, width,
            height, 3, width * 3, new int[] { 0, 1, 2 });
    ColorSpace cs = ColorSpace.getInstance(ColorSpace.CS_LINEAR_RGB);
    ColorModel c = new ComponentColorModel(cs, false, false, ColorModel.OPAQUE, DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT);
    ImageLayout il = new ImageLayout(0, 0, 256, 256, sampleModel, c);
    il.setWidth(width);/*from www  .j a va 2 s.  c om*/
    return il;

From source file:org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.graphics.shading.ShadingContext.java

 * Constructor./*  w w w .java2  s . c  o  m*/
 * @param shading the shading type to be used
 * @param cm the color model to be used
 * @param xform transformation for user to device space
 * @param matrix the pattern matrix concatenated with that of the parent content stream
 * @throws java.io.IOException if there is an error getting the color space
 * or doing background color conversion.
public ShadingContext(PDShading shading, ColorModel cm, AffineTransform xform, Matrix matrix)
        throws IOException {
    this.shading = shading;
    shadingColorSpace = shading.getColorSpace();

    // create the output color model using RGB+alpha as color space
    ColorSpace outputCS = ColorSpace.getInstance(ColorSpace.CS_sRGB);
    outputColorModel = new ComponentColorModel(outputCS, true, false, Transparency.TRANSLUCENT,

    bboxRect = shading.getBBox();
    if (bboxRect != null) {
        transformBBox(matrix, xform);

    // get background values if available
    COSArray bg = shading.getBackground();
    if (bg != null) {
        background = bg.toFloatArray();
        rgbBackground = convertToRGB(background);

From source file:org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.graphics.xobject.PDPixelMap.java

private void createImageStream(PDDocument doc, BufferedImage bi) throws IOException {
    BufferedImage alphaImage = null;
    BufferedImage rgbImage = null;
    int width = bi.getWidth();
    int height = bi.getHeight();
    if (bi.getColorModel().hasAlpha()) {
        // extract the alpha information
        WritableRaster alphaRaster = bi.getAlphaRaster();
        ColorModel cm = new ComponentColorModel(ColorSpace.getInstance(ColorSpace.CS_GRAY), false, false,
                Transparency.OPAQUE, DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE);
        alphaImage = new BufferedImage(cm, alphaRaster, false, null);
        // create a RGB image without alpha
        rgbImage = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR);
        Graphics2D g = rgbImage.createGraphics();
        g.drawImage(bi, 0, 0, null);//  w ww .  jav  a2  s .  c  o  m
    } else {
        rgbImage = bi;
    java.io.OutputStream os = null;
    try {
        int numberOfComponents = rgbImage.getColorModel().getNumComponents();
        if (numberOfComponents == 3) {
        } else {
            if (numberOfComponents == 1) {
                setColorSpace(new PDDeviceGray());
            } else {
                throw new IllegalStateException();
        byte[] outData = new byte[width * height * numberOfComponents];
        rgbImage.getData().getDataElements(0, 0, width, height, outData);
        // add FlateDecode compression
        os = getCOSStream().createUnfilteredStream();

        COSDictionary dic = getCOSStream();
        dic.setItem(COSName.FILTER, COSName.FLATE_DECODE);
        dic.setItem(COSName.SUBTYPE, COSName.IMAGE);
        dic.setItem(COSName.TYPE, COSName.XOBJECT);
        if (alphaImage != null) {
            PDPixelMap smask = new PDPixelMap(doc, alphaImage);
            dic.setItem(COSName.SMASK, smask);
    } finally {

From source file:org.apache.pdfbox.rendering.TilingPaint.java

 * Returns the pattern image in parent stream coordinates.
 *//*from www .  ja v a2  s. c  om*/
private BufferedImage getImage(PageDrawer drawer, PDTilingPattern pattern, PDColorSpace colorSpace,
        PDColor color, AffineTransform xform, Rectangle2D anchorRect) throws IOException {
    ColorSpace outputCS = ColorSpace.getInstance(ColorSpace.CS_sRGB);
    ColorModel cm = new ComponentColorModel(outputCS, true, false, Transparency.TRANSLUCENT,

    float width = (float) Math.abs(anchorRect.getWidth());
    float height = (float) Math.abs(anchorRect.getHeight());

    // device scale transform (i.e. DPI) (see PDFBOX-1466.pdf)
    Matrix xformMatrix = new Matrix(xform);
    float xScale = Math.abs(xformMatrix.getScalingFactorX());
    float yScale = Math.abs(xformMatrix.getScalingFactorY());
    width *= xScale;
    height *= yScale;

    int rasterWidth = Math.max(1, ceiling(width));
    int rasterHeight = Math.max(1, ceiling(height));

    // create raster
    WritableRaster raster = cm.createCompatibleWritableRaster(rasterWidth, rasterHeight);
    BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(cm, raster, false, null);

    Graphics2D graphics = image.createGraphics();

    // flip a -ve YStep around its own axis (see gs-bugzilla694385.pdf)
    if (pattern.getYStep() < 0) {
        graphics.translate(0, rasterHeight);
        graphics.scale(1, -1);

    // flip a -ve XStep around its own axis
    if (pattern.getXStep() < 0) {
        graphics.translate(rasterWidth, 0);
        graphics.scale(-1, 1);

    // device scale transform (i.e. DPI)
    graphics.scale(xScale, yScale);

    // apply only the scaling from the pattern transform, doing scaling here improves the
    // image quality and prevents large scale-down factors from creating huge tiling cells.
    Matrix newPatternMatrix;
    newPatternMatrix = Matrix.getScaleInstance(Math.abs(patternMatrix.getScalingFactorX()),

    // move origin to (0,0)

    // render using PageDrawer
    drawer.drawTilingPattern(graphics, pattern, colorSpace, color, newPatternMatrix);

    return image;

From source file:org.apache.xmlgraphics.image.loader.impl.PNGFile.java

public ImageRawPNG getImageRawPNG(final ImageInfo info) throws ImageException, IOException {
    try (final InputStream seqStream = new SequenceInputStream(Collections.enumeration(this.streamVec))) {
        switch (this.colorType) {
        case PNG_COLOR_GRAY:
            if (this.hasPalette) {
                throw new ImageException("Corrupt PNG: color palette is not allowed!");
            }//ww w  . j  a  va  2  s  .com
            this.colorModel = new ComponentColorModel(ColorSpace.getInstance(ColorSpace.CS_GRAY), false, false,
                    Transparency.OPAQUE, DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE);
        case PNG_COLOR_RGB:
            // actually a check of the sRGB chunk would be necessary to
            // confirm
            // if it's really sRGB
            this.colorModel = new ComponentColorModel(ColorSpace.getInstance(ColorSpace.CS_sRGB), false, false,
                    Transparency.OPAQUE, DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE);
        case PNG_COLOR_PALETTE:
            if (this.hasAlphaPalette) {
                this.colorModel = new IndexColorModel(this.bitDepth, this.paletteEntries, this.redPalette,
                        this.greenPalette, this.bluePalette, this.alphaPalette);
            } else {
                this.colorModel = new IndexColorModel(this.bitDepth, this.paletteEntries, this.redPalette,
                        this.greenPalette, this.bluePalette);
        case PNG_COLOR_GRAY_ALPHA:
            if (this.hasPalette) {
                throw new ImageException("Corrupt PNG: color palette is not allowed!");
            this.colorModel = new ComponentColorModel(ColorSpace.getInstance(ColorSpace.CS_GRAY), true, false,
                    Transparency.TRANSLUCENT, DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE);
        case PNG_COLOR_RGB_ALPHA:
            // actually a check of the sRGB chunk would be necessary to
            // confirm
            // if it's really sRGB
            this.colorModel = new ComponentColorModel(ColorSpace.getInstance(ColorSpace.CS_sRGB), true, false,
                    Transparency.TRANSLUCENT, DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE);
            throw new ImageException("Unsupported color type: " + this.colorType);
        // the iccProfile is still null for now
        final ImageRawPNG rawImage = new ImageRawPNG(info, seqStream, this.colorModel, this.bitDepth,
        if (this.isTransparent) {
            if (this.colorType == PNG_COLOR_GRAY) {
            } else if (this.colorType == PNG_COLOR_RGB) {
                rawImage.setRGBTransparentAlpha(this.redTransparentAlpha, this.greenTransparentAlpha,
            } else if (this.colorType == PNG_COLOR_PALETTE) {
            } else {
        return rawImage;

From source file:com.alvermont.terraj.planet.io.ImageBuilder.java

 * Create and return a <code>BufferedImage</code> object from the
 * result of the projection. This image can then be further processed
 * or written out to a file using <code>ImageIO</code>.
 * @param proj The projection that will provide the image
 * @return A <code>BufferedImage</code> object containing the results of
 * the projection.//from w  w  w. jav a2 s . com
public BufferedImage getImage(Projector proj) {
    // get the pixel data and store it into a data buffer
    final byte[] pixels = getPixels(proj);

    final DataBuffer db = new DataBufferByte(pixels, pixels.length);

    // set up offsets for the R,G,B elements
    final int[] offsets = new int[3];

    offsets[0] = 0;
    offsets[1] = 1;
    offsets[2] = 2;

    // create the raster from the pixel data
    final int height = proj.getParameters().getProjectionParameters().getHeight();
    final int width = proj.getParameters().getProjectionParameters().getWidth();

    final WritableRaster raster = Raster.createInterleavedRaster(db, width, height, width * 3, 3, offsets,

    // create a colour model that matches the raster we have
    final ColorModel cm = new ComponentColorModel(ColorSpace.getInstance(ColorSpace.CS_sRGB), false, false,
            Transparency.OPAQUE, DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE);

    // combine raster and colour model into a buffered image
    final BufferedImage img = new BufferedImage(cm, raster, false, null);

    return img;

From source file:org.apache.xmlgraphics.image.loader.impl.imageio.ImageLoaderImageIO.java

/** {@inheritDoc} */
public Image loadImage(ImageInfo info, Map hints, ImageSessionContext session)
        throws ImageException, IOException {
    RenderedImage imageData = null;
    IIOException firstException = null;

    IIOMetadata iiometa = (IIOMetadata) info.getCustomObjects().get(ImageIOUtil.IMAGEIO_METADATA);
    boolean ignoreMetadata = (iiometa != null);
    boolean providerIgnoresICC = false;

    Source src = session.needSource(info.getOriginalURI());
    ImageInputStream imgStream = ImageUtil.needImageInputStream(src);
    try {/*from  w  ww  .ja  va 2 s.c  o  m*/
        Iterator iter = ImageIO.getImageReaders(imgStream);
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            ImageReader reader = (ImageReader) iter.next();
            try {
                ImageReadParam param = reader.getDefaultReadParam();
                reader.setInput(imgStream, false, ignoreMetadata);
                final int pageIndex = ImageUtil.needPageIndexFromURI(info.getOriginalURI());
                try {
                    if (ImageFlavor.BUFFERED_IMAGE.equals(this.targetFlavor)) {
                        imageData = reader.read(pageIndex, param);
                    } else {
                        imageData = reader.read(pageIndex, param);
                        //imageData = reader.readAsRenderedImage(pageIndex, param);
                        //TODO Reenable the above when proper listeners are implemented
                        //to react to late pixel population (so the stream can be closed
                    if (iiometa == null) {
                        iiometa = reader.getImageMetadata(pageIndex);
                    providerIgnoresICC = checkProviderIgnoresICC(reader.getOriginatingProvider());
                    break; //Quit early, we have the image
                } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException indexe) {
                    throw new ImageException("Page does not exist. Invalid image index: " + pageIndex);
                } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
                    //Some codecs like com.sun.imageio.plugins.wbmp.WBMPImageReader throw
                    //IllegalArgumentExceptions when they have trouble parsing the image.
                    throw new ImageException("Error loading image using ImageIO codec", iae);
                } catch (IIOException iioe) {
                    if (firstException == null) {
                        firstException = iioe;
                    } else {
                        log.debug("non-first error loading image: " + iioe.getMessage());
                try {
                    //Try fallback for CMYK images
                    BufferedImage bi = getFallbackBufferedImage(reader, pageIndex, param);
                    imageData = bi;
                    firstException = null; //Clear exception after successful fallback attempt
                } catch (IIOException iioe) {
            } finally {
    } finally {
        //TODO Some codecs may do late reading.
    if (firstException != null) {
        throw new ImageException("Error while loading image: " + firstException.getMessage(), firstException);
    if (imageData == null) {
        throw new ImageException("No ImageIO ImageReader found .");

    ColorModel cm = imageData.getColorModel();

    Color transparentColor = null;
    if (cm instanceof IndexColorModel) {
        //transparent color will be extracted later from the image
    } else {
        if (providerIgnoresICC && cm instanceof ComponentColorModel) {
            // Apply ICC Profile to Image by creating a new image with a new
            // color model.
            ICC_Profile iccProf = tryToExctractICCProfile(iiometa);
            if (iccProf != null) {
                ColorModel cm2 = new ComponentColorModel(new ICC_ColorSpace(iccProf), cm.hasAlpha(),
                        cm.isAlphaPremultiplied(), cm.getTransparency(), cm.getTransferType());
                WritableRaster wr = Raster.createWritableRaster(imageData.getSampleModel(), null);
                BufferedImage bi = new BufferedImage(cm2, wr, cm2.isAlphaPremultiplied(), null);
                imageData = bi;
                cm = cm2;
        // ImageIOUtil.dumpMetadataToSystemOut(iiometa);
        // Retrieve the transparent color from the metadata
        if (iiometa != null && iiometa.isStandardMetadataFormatSupported()) {
            Element metanode = (Element) iiometa.getAsTree(IIOMetadataFormatImpl.standardMetadataFormatName);
            Element dim = ImageIOUtil.getChild(metanode, "Transparency");
            if (dim != null) {
                Element child;
                child = ImageIOUtil.getChild(dim, "TransparentColor");
                if (child != null) {
                    String value = child.getAttribute("value");
                    if (value == null || value.length() == 0) {
                    } else if (cm.getNumColorComponents() == 1) {
                        int gray = Integer.parseInt(value);
                        transparentColor = new Color(gray, gray, gray);
                    } else {
                        StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(value);
                        transparentColor = new Color(Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()),
                                Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()), Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()));

    if (ImageFlavor.BUFFERED_IMAGE.equals(this.targetFlavor)) {
        return new ImageBuffered(info, (BufferedImage) imageData, transparentColor);
    } else {
        return new ImageRendered(info, imageData, transparentColor);

From source file:org.hippoecm.frontend.plugins.gallery.imageutil.ImageUtils.java

 * Converts image raster data to a JPEG with RGB color space. Only images with color space CMYK and YCCK are
 * converted, other images are left untouched.
 * Rationale: Java's ImageIO can't process 4-component images and Java2D can't apply AffineTransformOp either,
 * so we have to convert raster data to a JPG with RGB color space.
 * The technique used in this method is due to Mark Stephens, and free for any use. See
 * http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=4799903 or
 * http://www.mail-archive.com/java2d-interest@capra.eng.sun.com/msg03247.html
 * @param is the image data//ww w.  ja  v  a2s.  co  m
 * @param colorModel the color model of the image
 * @return the RGB version of the supplied image
public static InputStream convertToRGB(InputStream is, ColorModel colorModel)
        throws IOException, UnsupportedImageException {
    if (colorModel != ColorModel.CMYK && colorModel != ColorModel.YCCK) {
        return is;

    // Get an ImageReader.
    ImageInputStream input = ImageIO.createImageInputStream(is);

    try {
        Iterator<ImageReader> readers = ImageIO.getImageReaders(input);
        if (readers == null || !readers.hasNext()) {
            throw new UnsupportedImageException("No ImageReaders found");

        ImageReader reader = readers.next();
        Raster raster = reader.readRaster(0, reader.getDefaultReadParam());

        int w = raster.getWidth();
        int h = raster.getHeight();
        byte[] rgb = new byte[w * h * 3];

        switch (colorModel) {
        case YCCK: {
            float[] Y = raster.getSamples(0, 0, w, h, 0, (float[]) null);
            float[] Cb = raster.getSamples(0, 0, w, h, 1, (float[]) null);
            float[] Cr = raster.getSamples(0, 0, w, h, 2, (float[]) null);
            float[] K = raster.getSamples(0, 0, w, h, 3, (float[]) null);

            for (int i = 0, imax = Y.length, base = 0; i < imax; i++, base += 3) {
                float k = 220 - K[i], y = 255 - Y[i], cb = 255 - Cb[i], cr = 255 - Cr[i];

                double val = y + 1.402 * (cr - 128) - k;
                val = (val - 128) * .65f + 128;
                rgb[base] = val < 0.0 ? (byte) 0 : val > 255.0 ? (byte) 0xff : (byte) (val + 0.5);

                val = y - 0.34414 * (cb - 128) - 0.71414 * (cr - 128) - k;
                val = (val - 128) * .65f + 128;
                rgb[base + 1] = val < 0.0 ? (byte) 0 : val > 255.0 ? (byte) 0xff : (byte) (val + 0.5);

                val = y + 1.772 * (cb - 128) - k;
                val = (val - 128) * .65f + 128;
                rgb[base + 2] = val < 0.0 ? (byte) 0 : val > 255.0 ? (byte) 0xff : (byte) (val + 0.5);
        case CMYK: {
            int[] C = raster.getSamples(0, 0, w, h, 0, (int[]) null);
            int[] M = raster.getSamples(0, 0, w, h, 1, (int[]) null);
            int[] Y = raster.getSamples(0, 0, w, h, 2, (int[]) null);
            int[] K = raster.getSamples(0, 0, w, h, 3, (int[]) null);

            for (int i = 0, imax = C.length, base = 0; i < imax; i++, base += 3) {
                int c = 255 - C[i];
                int m = 255 - M[i];
                int y = 255 - Y[i];
                int k = 255 - K[i];
                float kk = k / 255f;

                rgb[base] = (byte) (255 - Math.min(255f, c * kk + k));
                rgb[base + 1] = (byte) (255 - Math.min(255f, m * kk + k));
                rgb[base + 2] = (byte) (255 - Math.min(255f, y * kk + k));

        // from other image types we know InterleavedRaster's can be
        // manipulated by AffineTransformOp, so create one of those.
        raster = Raster.createInterleavedRaster(new DataBufferByte(rgb, rgb.length), w, h, w * 3, 3,
                new int[] { 0, 1, 2 }, null);

        ColorSpace cs = ColorSpace.getInstance(ColorSpace.CS_sRGB);
        java.awt.image.ColorModel cm = new ComponentColorModel(cs, false, true, Transparency.OPAQUE,
        BufferedImage convertedImage = new BufferedImage(cm, (WritableRaster) raster, true, null);

        ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        ImageIO.write(convertedImage, "jpg", os);

        return new ByteArrayInputStream(os.toByteArray());
    } finally {
        if (input != null) {

From source file:org.freecine.filmscan.ScanStrip.java

 Load the scan strip image from disk/*www  . j  a v a2  s .co  m*/
private void loadImage() {
    ImageReader reader;
    try {
        //        PlanarImage img = JAI.create( "fileload", fname );
        ImageInputStream istrm = new FileImageInputStream(file);
        reader = ImageIO.getImageReadersByFormatName("TIFF").next();
        ImageReadParam param = reader.getDefaultReadParam();

         Set the color mode to linear sRGB as we don't have a better profile
         for the scanner/film available
        ColorSpace cs = ColorSpace.getInstance(ColorSpace.CS_LINEAR_RGB);
        ImageLayout layout = new ImageLayout();
        ColorModel cm = new ComponentColorModel(cs, false, false, ColorModel.OPAQUE, DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT);
        RenderingHints hints = new RenderingHints(JAI.KEY_IMAGE_LAYOUT, layout);
        stripImage = ImageReadDescriptor.create(istrm, 0, false, false, false, null, null, param, reader,
        System.out.println("Color model " + stripImage.getColorModel());
        // BufferedImage inImg = reader.read( 0, param );            
    } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
        log.error("Strip file " + file + " not found", ex);
    } catch (IOException ex) {
        log.error("IO error reading strip " + file + ": ", ex);