Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


  Copyright (c) 2009 Harri Kaimio
  This file is part of Photovault.
  Photovault is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
  (at your option) any later version.
  Photovault is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  General Public License for more details.
  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  along with Photovault; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA

package org.photovault.dcraw;

import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.RenderingHints;
import java.awt.color.ColorSpace;
import java.awt.image.ColorModel;
import java.awt.image.ComponentColorModel;
import java.awt.image.DataBuffer;
import java.awt.image.PixelInterleavedSampleModel;
import java.awt.image.RenderedImage;
import java.awt.image.WritableRaster;
import java.util.Vector;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

 * JAI operator for interpolating 3 channel RGB image from raw Bayer data produced
 * by {@link DCRawReaderOp}. The resulting image is either interpolated using
 * the AHD algorithm or subsampled using box filter if the downsample parameter
 * is set to larger than 1.
 * <p>
 * The resulting image is in camera's native linear RGB color space, so it must
 * be later converted to e.g. sRGB. However, color balance is adjusted as
 * specified by the color multipliers given as paramteres.
 * @author Harri Kaimio
 * @since 0.6.0
class AHDInterpolateOp extends OpImage {

    private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(AHDInterpolateOp.class);

     * Color channel multipliers used
    private double mult[] = new double[4];
     * Conversion matrix from camera's color space to linear sRGB
    private double[][] camToRGB;
     * Bayer filter pattern of source
    private int bayerfilter;
     * Black level in the raw source image.
    private int rawBlackLevel;
     * Downsampling factor. If 1, AHD interpolation is performed. If >1 the image
     * is simply downsampled using a box filter.

    private int topMargin;

    private int leftMargin;

    private int downSample;

    static private ImageLayout layoutHelper(RenderedImage src, int downSample) {
        int width = src.getWidth() / downSample;
        int height = src.getHeight() / downSample;
        PixelInterleavedSampleModel sampleModel = new PixelInterleavedSampleModel(DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT, width,
                height, 3, width * 3, new int[] { 0, 1, 2 });
        ColorSpace cs = ColorSpace.getInstance(ColorSpace.CS_LINEAR_RGB);
        ColorModel c = new ComponentColorModel(cs, false, false, ColorModel.OPAQUE, DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT);
        ImageLayout il = new ImageLayout(0, 0, 256, 256, sampleModel, c);
        return il;

    static private Vector sourceHelper(RenderedImage src) {
        Vector v = new Vector();
        return v;

     * Constructor
     * @param src Source image
     * @param rmult Red channel multiplier
     * @param gmult Green channel multiplier
     * @param bmult Blue channel multiplier
     * @param downsample Downsampling factor
     * @param hints Rendering hints
    public AHDInterpolateOp(RenderedImage src, double rmult, double gmult, double bmult, int downsample,
            RenderingHints hints) {
        super(sourceHelper(src), layoutHelper(src, downsample), hints, false);
        mult[0] = rmult;
        mult[1] = gmult;
        mult[2] = bmult;
        mult[3] = gmult;
        this.downSample = downsample;
        double maxMult = Math.max(gmult, Math.max(rmult, bmult));

        int rawMax = (Integer) src.getProperty("dcraw_max");
        rawBlackLevel = (Integer) src.getProperty("dcraw_black");
        double m = 0x10000 / (maxMult * (double) rawMax);
        for (int n = 0; n < mult.length; n++) {
            mult[n] *= m;

        Object obj = src.getProperty("bayerfilter");
        bayerfilter = (Integer) obj;
        obj = src.getProperty("dcraw_margin_top");
        topMargin = (Short) obj;
        obj = src.getProperty("dcraw_margin_left");
        leftMargin = (Short) obj;

        camToRGB = new double[3][4];
        float[] rgb_cam = (float[]) src.getProperty("dcraw_rgb_cam");
        for (int r = 0; r < 3; r++) {
            for (int c = 0; c < 3; c++) {
                camToRGB[r][c] = rgb_cam[r * 4 + c];

    public Rectangle mapDestRect(Rectangle src, int srcIndex) {
        Rectangle ret = null;
        if (downSample == 1) {
            ret = new Rectangle((int) src.getMinX() - 3, (int) src.getMinY() - 3, (int) src.getWidth() + 6,
                    (int) src.getHeight() + 6);
        } else {
            ret = new Rectangle((int) src.getMinX() * downSample, (int) src.getMinY() * downSample,
                    (int) src.getWidth() * downSample, (int) src.getHeight() * downSample);
        return ret;

    public Rectangle mapSourceRect(Rectangle source, int srcIndex) {
        Rectangle ret = new Rectangle((int) source.getMinX() + 3, (int) source.getMinY() + 3,
                (int) source.getWidth() - 6, (int) source.getHeight() - 6);
        return ret;

    protected void computeRect(PlanarImage[] img, WritableRaster dst, Rectangle area) {
        log.debug("computeRect " + area.toString());
        if (downSample == 1) {
            computeRectAHD(img, dst, area);
        } else {
            computeDownsample(img, dst, area);


     * Conpute a rectangle of destination image using AHD interpolation
     * @param img Array of soruce images (containing just one image in this case
     * @param dst Raster for the results
     * @param area Area of dst that needs to be computed
    private void computeRectAHD(PlanarImage[] img, WritableRaster dst, Rectangle area) {
        log.debug("entry: computeAHD " + area);
        long entryTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

        // RandomIterFactory.create( img[0], area);
        int minx = Math.max((int) area.getMinX() - 3, 0);
        int miny = Math.max((int) area.getMinY() - 3, 0);
        int maxx = Math.min((int) area.getMaxX() + 3, getWidth() - 1);
        int maxy = Math.min((int) area.getMaxY() + 3, getHeight() - 1);
        Rectangle enlargedArea = new Rectangle(minx, miny, maxx - minx + 1, maxy - miny + 1);
        int[][][][] rgb = new int[2][(int) enlargedArea.getWidth()][(int) enlargedArea.getHeight()][3];
        int[][][][] lab = new int[2][(int) enlargedArea.getWidth()][(int) enlargedArea.getHeight()][3];
        byte[][][] homo = new byte[2][(int) enlargedArea.getWidth()][(int) enlargedArea.getHeight()];

        RandomIter riter = RandomIterFactory.create(img[0], enlargedArea);

        double xyz[] = new double[3];
        // Copy the data to temp array
        for (int y = 0; y < maxy - miny; y++) {
            for (int x = 0; x < maxx - minx; x++) {
                int color = fc(y + miny, x + minx);
                if (color == 3)
                    color = 1;
                rgb[0][x][y][color] = rgb[1][x][y][color] = (int) (mult[color]
                        * riter.getSample(x + minx, y + miny, 0));


        // Interpolate green
        for (int y = 2; y < maxy - miny - 2; y++) {
            int firstColor = fc(y + miny, minx + 3);
            int startCol = minx + 3 - (firstColor % 2);
            for (int x = startCol - minx; x < maxx - minx - 2; x += 2) {
                int c = fc(y + miny, x + minx);
                if (c == 3) {
                    c = 1;
                int tc = rgb[0][x][y][c];
                int eg = rgb[0][x - 1][y][1];
                int wg = rgb[0][x + 1][y][1];
                int sg = rgb[0][x][y + 1][1];
                int ng = rgb[0][x][y - 1][1];
                int ec = rgb[0][x - 2][y][c];
                int wc = rgb[0][x + 2][y][c];
                int sc = rgb[0][x][y + 2][c];
                int nc = rgb[0][x][y - 2][c];

                // Horizonally
                int green = 2 * (wg + tc + eg) - (wc + ec);
                green >>= 2;
                if (green < 0)
                    green = 0;
                rgb[0][x][y][1] = green;
                // Vertically
                green = 2 * (ng + tc + sg) - (nc + sc);
                green >>= 2;
                if (green < 0)
                    green = 0;
                rgb[1][x][y][1] = green;
        // Interpolate R & B
        for (int dir = 0; dir < 2; dir++) {
            for (int y = 3; y < maxy - miny - 3; y++) {
                for (int x = 3; x < maxx - minx - 3; x++) {
                    int color = fc(y + miny, x + minx);
                    if (color == 1 || color == 3) {
                        // We need to interpolate both red and blue
                        int c = fc(y + 1 + miny, x + minx);
                        int tg = rgb[dir][x][y][1];
                        int ng = rgb[dir][x][y - 1][1];
                        int sg = rgb[dir][x][y + 1][1];
                        int eg = rgb[dir][x + 1][y][1];
                        int wg = rgb[dir][x - 1][y][1];
                        int nc = rgb[dir][x][y - 1][c];
                        int sc = rgb[dir][x][y + 1][c];
                        int wo = rgb[dir][x - 1][y][2 - c];
                        int eo = rgb[dir][x + 1][y][2 - c];
                        int val = tg + ((wo + eo - ng - sg) >> 1);
                        if (val < 0)
                            val = 0;
                        rgb[dir][x][y][2 - c] = val;
                        val = tg + ((nc + sc - ng - sg) >> 1);
                        if (val < 0)
                            val = 0;
                        rgb[dir][x][y][c] = val;
                    } else {
                        This pixel is either red or blue so only one of those needs
                        to be interpolated
                        int c = 2 - color;
                        int tg = rgb[dir][x][y][1];
                        int nwg = rgb[dir][x - 1][y - 1][1];
                        int seg = rgb[dir][x + 1][y + 1][1];
                        int swg = rgb[dir][x - 1][y + 1][1];
                        int neg = rgb[dir][x + 1][y - 1][1];
                        int nwc = rgb[dir][x - 1][y - 1][c];
                        int nec = rgb[dir][x + 1][y - 1][c];
                        int swc = rgb[dir][x - 1][y + 1][c];
                        int sec = rgb[dir][x + 1][y + 1][c];
                        int val = tg + ((nwc + nec + sec + swc - nwg - neg - swg - seg) >> 2);
                        if (val < 0)
                            val = 0;
                        rgb[dir][x][y][c] = val;
                    xyz[0] = xyz[1] = xyz[2] = 0.5;
                    // Convert to cielab
                    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
                        xyz[0] += xyz_cam[0][i] * rgb[dir][x][y][i];
                        xyz[1] += xyz_cam[1][i] * rgb[dir][x][y][i];
                        xyz[2] += xyz_cam[2][i] * rgb[dir][x][y][i];
                    xyz[0] = cbrt[Math.max(0, (int) Math.min(xyz[0], 65535.0))];
                    xyz[1] = cbrt[Math.max(0, (int) Math.min(xyz[1], 65535.0))];
                    xyz[2] = cbrt[Math.max(0, (int) Math.min(xyz[2], 65535.0))];
                    lab[dir][x][y][0] = Math.max(0, (int) (64.0 * (116.0 * xyz[1] - 16.0)));
                    lab[dir][x][y][1] = 0x8000 + 10 * (int) (64.0 * 500.0 * (xyz[0] - xyz[1]));
                    lab[dir][x][y][2] = 0x8000 + 10 * (int) (64.0 * 200.0 * (xyz[1] - xyz[2]));

        // Calculate the homogeneity maps
        int ldiff[][] = new int[2][4];
        int abdiff[][] = new int[2][4];
        int dx[] = { -1, 1, 0, 0 };
        int dy[] = { 0, 0, -1, 1 };
        for (int y = 2; y < maxy - miny - 2; y++) {
            for (int x = 2; x < maxx - minx - 2; x++) {
                for (int d = 0; d < 2; d++) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
                        ldiff[d][i] = Math.abs(lab[d][x][y][0] - lab[d][x + dx[i]][y + dy[i]][0]);
                        int da = lab[d][x][y][1] - lab[d][x + dx[i]][y + dy[i]][1];
                        int db = lab[d][x][y][1] - lab[d][x + dx[i]][y + dy[i]][1];
                        abdiff[d][i] = da * da + db * db;
                int leps = Math.min(Math.max(ldiff[0][0], ldiff[0][1]), Math.max(ldiff[1][2], ldiff[1][3]));
                int abeps = Math.min(Math.max(abdiff[0][0], abdiff[0][1]), Math.max(abdiff[1][2], abdiff[1][3]));
                for (int d = 0; d < 2; d++) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
                        if (ldiff[d][i] <= leps && abdiff[d][i] <= abeps) {

        int dstMinx = Math.max((int) area.getMinX(), 5);
        int dstMiny = Math.max((int) area.getMinY(), 5);
        int dstMaxy = Math.min((int) area.getMaxY(), getHeight() - 5);
        int dstMaxx = Math.min((int) area.getMaxX(), getWidth() - 5);
        for (int row = dstMiny; row < dstMaxy; row++) {
            for (int col = dstMinx; col < dstMaxx; col++) {
                int hm0 = 0, hm1 = 0;
                for (int i = row - miny - 1; i <= row - miny + 1; i++) {
                    for (int j = col - minx - 1; j <= col - minx + 1; j++) {
                        hm0 += homo[0][j][i];
                        hm1 += homo[1][j][i];
                if (hm0 < hm1) {
                    dst.setPixel(col, row, rgb[1][col - minx][row - miny]);
                } else if (hm0 > hm1) {
                    dst.setPixel(col, row, rgb[0][col - minx][row - miny]);
                } else {
                    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
                        rgb[0][col - minx][row - miny][i] += rgb[1][col - minx][row - miny][i];
                        rgb[0][col - minx][row - miny][i] /= 2;
                    dst.setPixel(col, row, rgb[0][col - minx][row - miny]);
        long dur = System.currentTimeMillis() - entryTime;
        log.debug("exit: computeRectAHD in " + dur + "ms");

     * Compute a rectangle of destination image by downsampling original
     * @param img Array of soruce images (containing just one image in this case
     * @param dst Raster for the results
     * @param area Area of dst that needs to be computed
    private void computeDownsample(PlanarImage[] img, WritableRaster dst, Rectangle area) {
        log.debug("entry: computeDownsample " + area);
        long entryTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

        // Current line of image
        int rgb[][] = new int[(int) area.getWidth()][3];
        int sampleCount[][] = new int[(int) area.getWidth()][3];

        Rectangle srcArea = mapDestRect(area, 0);
        int srcMinx = (int) srcArea.getMinX();
        int srcMaxx = (int) srcArea.getMaxX();
        int srcMiny = (int) srcArea.getMinY();
        int srcMaxy = (int) srcArea.getMaxY();
        int dstY = (int) area.getMinY();
        int dstMinx = (int) area.getMinX();
        int sampleY = 0;
        RandomIter riter = RandomIterFactory.create(img[0], srcArea);

        for (int y = srcMiny; y < srcMaxy; y++) {
            int sampleX = 0;
            int dstX = 0;
            for (int x = srcMinx; x < srcMaxx; x++) {
                int val = riter.getSample(x, y, 0);
                int color = fc(y, x);
                color = (color == 3) ? 1 : color;
                rgb[dstX][color] += val;
                if (sampleX >= downSample) {
                    sampleX = 0;
            if (sampleY >= downSample) {
                for (int x = 0; x < rgb.length; x++) {
                    for (int c = 0; c < 3; c++) {
                        int count = sampleCount[x][c];
                        if (count == 0) {
                            throw new IllegalStateException("zero samples for color component");
                        rgb[x][c] /= count;
                        rgb[x][c] = (int) (rgb[x][c] * mult[c]);
                    dst.setPixel(dstMinx + x, dstY, rgb[x]);
                for (int x = 0; x < rgb.length; x++) {
                    for (int c = 0; c < 3; c++) {
                        rgb[x][c] = 0;
                        sampleCount[x][c] = 0;
                sampleY = 0;
        long dur = System.currentTimeMillis() - entryTime;
        log.debug("exit: computeDownsample in " + dur + "ms");

     * Helper function to find out the color of given pixel in original Bayer
     * data
     * @param row row of the pixel
     * @param col Column of the pixel
     * @return Color of the pixel (0 - red, 1 or 3 - green, 2 - blue)
    private int fc(int row, int col) {
        row += topMargin;
        col += leftMargin;
        return (bayerfilter >> ((((row) << 1 & 14) + ((col) & 1)) << 1) & 3);
        //        int pos = 2 * ( row % 8 ) + ( col % 2 );
        //        return (bayerfilter >> ( 2 * pos )) & 0x3;

     * Initialize the lookup tables needed for converting calera data to CIElab
    private void initCielabConv() {
        for (int i = 0; i < 0x10000; i++) {
            double r = i / 65535.0;
            cbrt[i] = r > 0.008856 ? Math.pow(r, 1.0 / 3.0) : 7.787 * r + 16 / 116.0;
        double[][] xyz_rgb = { { 0.412453, 0.357580, 0.180423 }, { 0.212671, 0.715160, 0.072169 },
                { 0.019334, 0.119193, 0.950227 } };
        double[] d65_white = { 0.950456, 1, 1.088754 };
        xyz_cam = new double[3][3];

        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
                xyz_cam[i][j] = 0.0;

                for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
                    xyz_cam[i][j] += xyz_rgb[i][k] * camToRGB[k][j] / d65_white[i];

    private double cbrt[] = new double[0x10000];
    private double[][] xyz_cam = new double[3][3];