List of usage examples for java.awt.geom GeneralPath GeneralPath
public GeneralPath()
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/** * This chart uses the XYAnnotation as a glyph to represent * a single pca data point. Glyph shape is determined by survival time. * Survival of more than 10 months is represented by a circle. 10 months or less * is represented by a square. Component1 values are represented by X * Component2 values are represented by Y *///from w ww .j a v a 2 s . co m private void createGlyphsAndAddToPlot(XYPlot plot, double glyphScaleFactor) { XYShapeAnnotation glyph; Shape glyphShape = null; Color glyphColor; double glyphSize = 8.0; //pixels double glyphIncrement = (glyphSize * glyphScaleFactor) / 2.0; float gi = (float) glyphIncrement; ISPYPCADataPoint pcaPoint; double x, y; for (Iterator i = dataPoints.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { pcaPoint = (ISPYPCADataPoint); x = pcaPoint.getComponentValue(component1); y = pcaPoint.getComponentValue(component2); Double mriPctChange = pcaPoint.getTumorMRIpctChange(); if (mriPctChange == null) { //data is missing Rectangle2D.Double rect = new Rectangle2D.Double(); //rect.setFrameFromCenter(x,y, x+1.25,y+1.25); rect.setFrameFromCenter(x, y, x + glyphIncrement, y + glyphIncrement); glyphShape = rect; } else if (mriPctChange <= -30.0) { //tumor shrank by more than 30% (down arrow) GeneralPath gp = new GeneralPath(); float xf = (float) x; float yf = (float) y; //make a triangle gp.moveTo(xf, yf); gp.lineTo(xf - gi, yf + gi); gp.lineTo(xf + gi, yf + gi); gp.closePath(); glyphShape = gp; } else if (mriPctChange > 0.0) { //tumor size increased (up arrow) GeneralPath gp = new GeneralPath(); float xf = (float) x; float yf = (float) y; //make a triangle gp.moveTo(xf, yf); gp.lineTo(xf + gi, yf - gi); gp.lineTo(xf - gi, yf - gi); gp.closePath(); glyphShape = gp; // Ellipse2D.Double circle = new Ellipse2D.Double(); // circle.setFrameFromCenter(x,y, x+2, y+2); } else if ((mriPctChange > -30.0) && (mriPctChange <= 0.0)) { //no change or reduction in tumor size but less than 30% reduction Ellipse2D.Double circle = new Ellipse2D.Double(); //circle.setFrameFromCenter(x,y,x+1.25,y+1.25); circle.setFrameFromCenter(x, y, x + gi, y + gi); glyphShape = circle; } glyphColor = getColorForDataPoint(pcaPoint); glyph = new XYShapeAnnotation(glyphShape, new BasicStroke(1.0f), Color.BLACK, glyphColor); String tooltip = pcaPoint.toString(); glyph.setToolTipText(tooltip); plot.addAnnotation(glyph); } }
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@Override public void resetView() { AttackManager.getSingleton().addManagerListener(this); //setup renderer and general view // ((DoItYourselfAttackTableModel) jAttackTable.getModel()).clear(); HighlightPredicate.ColumnHighlightPredicate colu = new HighlightPredicate.ColumnHighlightPredicate(0, 1, 2, 3, 6);//from w ww. j a va2 s . c o m jAttackTable.setRowHeight(24); jAttackTable.getTableHeader().setDefaultRenderer(new DefaultTableHeaderRenderer()); jAttackTable.setHighlighters(new CompoundHighlighter(colu, HighlighterFactory.createAlternateStriping(Constants.DS_ROW_A, Constants.DS_ROW_B))); jAttackTable.setColumnControlVisible(true); jAttackTable.setDefaultEditor(UnitHolder.class, new UnitCellEditor()); jAttackTable.setDefaultEditor(Village.class, new VillageCellEditor()); jAttackTable.setDefaultRenderer(UnitHolder.class, new UnitCellRenderer()); jAttackTable.setDefaultRenderer(Integer.class, new NoteIconCellRenderer(NoteIconCellRenderer.ICON_TYPE.NOTE)); jAttackTable.setDefaultRenderer(Date.class, new ColoredDateCellRenderer()); jAttackTable.setDefaultRenderer(Long.class, new ColoredCoutdownCellRenderer()); jAttackTable.setDefaultEditor(Date.class, new DateSpinEditor()); jAttackTable.setDefaultEditor(Integer.class, new NoteIconCellEditor(NoteIconCellEditor.ICON_TYPE.NOTE)); BufferedImage back = ImageUtils.createCompatibleBufferedImage(5, 5, BufferedImage.BITMASK); Graphics2D g = back.createGraphics(); GeneralPath p = new GeneralPath(); p.moveTo(0, 0); p.lineTo(5, 0); p.lineTo(5, 5); p.closePath(); g.setColor(Color.GREEN.darker()); g.fill(p); g.dispose(); jAttackTable.addHighlighter(new PainterHighlighter(HighlightPredicate.EDITABLE, new ImagePainter(back, HorizontalAlignment.RIGHT, VerticalAlignment.TOP))); DefaultComboBoxModel model = new DefaultComboBoxModel(); DefaultComboBoxModel model2 = new DefaultComboBoxModel(); for (UnitHolder unit : DataHolder.getSingleton().getUnits()) { model.addElement(unit); model2.addElement(unit); } jUnitBox.setModel(model); jUnitComboBox.setModel(model2); jUnitBox.setSelectedItem(DataHolder.getSingleton().getUnitByPlainName("ram")); jUnitComboBox.setSelectedItem(DataHolder.getSingleton().getUnitByPlainName("ram")); jUnitBox.setRenderer(new UnitListCellRenderer()); jAttackTypeComboBox.setRenderer(new StandardAttackListCellRenderer()); DefaultComboBoxModel typeModel = new DefaultComboBoxModel(); for (ManageableType t : StandardAttackManager.getSingleton().getAllElements()) { StandardAttack a = (StandardAttack) t; typeModel.addElement(a); } jAttackTypeComboBox.setModel(typeModel); jUnitComboBox.setRenderer(new UnitListCellRenderer()); jSourceVillage.setValue(new Point(500, 500)); jTargetVillage.setValue(new Point(500, 500)); SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { jSourceVillage.updateUI(); jTargetVillage.updateUI(); } }); }
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private GeneralPath parsePoly() { final String[] coords = StringUtils.split(getCoordsAttribute(), ','); final GeneralPath path = new GeneralPath(); for (int i = 0; i + 1 < coords.length; i += 2) { if (i == 0) { path.moveTo(Float.parseFloat(coords[i]), Float.parseFloat(coords[i + 1])); } else {//w w w .j a v a2 s. c o m path.lineTo(Float.parseFloat(coords[i]), Float.parseFloat(coords[i + 1])); } } path.closePath(); return path; }
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/** * This chart uses the XYAnnotation as a glyph to represent * a single pca data point. Glyph shape is determined by survival time. * Survival of more than 10 months is represented by a circle. 10 months or less * is represented by a square. Component1 values are represented by X * Component2 values are represented by Y *///from ww w. jav a2 s . c om protected void createGlyphsAndAddToPlot(XYPlot plot) { XYShapeAnnotation glyph; Shape glyphShape; Color glyphColor; PrincipalComponentAnalysisDataPoint pcaPoint; double x, y; for (Iterator i = dataPoints.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { pcaPoint = (PrincipalComponentAnalysisDataPoint); x = pcaPoint.getComponentValue(component1); y = pcaPoint.getComponentValue(component2); double survival = pcaPoint.getSurvivalInMonths(); if ((survival > 0) && (survival < 10.0)) { Rectangle2D.Double rect = new Rectangle2D.Double(); rect.setFrameFromCenter(x, y, x + 2, y + 2); glyphShape = rect; } else if ((survival > 0) && (survival >= 10.0)) { Ellipse2D.Double circle = new Ellipse2D.Double(); circle.setFrameFromCenter(x, y, x + 2, y + 2); glyphShape = circle; } else { //Rectangle2D.Double rect = new Rectangle2D.Double(); //rect.setFrameFromCenter(x,y, x+2,y+2); GeneralPath gp = new GeneralPath(); float xf = (float) x; float yf = (float) y; //make a triangle gp.moveTo(xf, yf); gp.lineTo(xf + 3.0f, yf - 3.0f); gp.lineTo(xf - 3.0f, yf - 3.0f); gp.closePath(); glyphShape = gp; } glyphColor = getColorForDataPoint(pcaPoint); glyph = new XYShapeAnnotation(glyphShape, new BasicStroke(1.0f), Color.BLACK, glyphColor); String tooltip = ""; if (pcaPoint.getSurvivalInMonths() <= 0.0) { tooltip = pcaPoint.getSampleId() + " " + pcaPoint.getDiseaseName(); } else { tooltip = pcaPoint.getSampleId() + " " + pcaPoint.getDiseaseName() + " survivalMonths=" + nf.format(pcaPoint.getSurvivalInMonths()); } glyph.setToolTipText(tooltip); plot.addAnnotation(glyph); } }
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public BufferedImage getFlattenedImage(boolean overlayAscan) { ROIPanel pan = view;//from w w w . j a v a2 BufferedImage rst = previewPanel.getImage(); if (axis == AXIS_Y) { int wide = 0; for (int i = 0; i < pan.getImage().getWidth(); i++) { if (getUseData(i)) { wide++; } } if (rst == null || rst.getWidth() != wide || rst.getHeight() != pan.getImage().getHeight()) { rst = ImageOperations.getBi(wide, pan.getImage().getHeight()); } else { ImageOperations.setImage(Color.BLACK, rst); } // This will get the smoothed out aScan from the Dynamic?Range panel int posX = 0; int posY = 0; for (int i = 0; i < pan.getImage().getWidth(); i++) { posY = 0; if (getUseData(i)) { int start = (int) (pan.getImage().getHeight() * (1 - getSelectionValue(i))); for (int j = start; j < pan.getImage().getHeight(); j++) { if (j > 0 && i > 0) { try { rst.setRGB(posX, posY, pan.getImage().getRGB(i, j)); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Org [" + i + "," + j + "], Pos :[" + posX + "," + posY); } } posY++; } posX++; } } } else if (axis == AXIS_X) { int high = 0; for (int i = 0; i < pan.getImage().getHeight(); i++) { if (getUseData(i)) { high++; } } if (rst == null || rst.getHeight() != high || rst.getWidth() != pan.getImage().getWidth()) { rst = ImageOperations.getBi(pan.getImage().getWidth(), high); } else { ImageOperations.setImage(Color.BLACK, rst); } // This will get the smoothed out aScan from the Dynamic?Range panel int posX = 0; int posY = 0; for (int i = 0; i < pan.getImage().getHeight(); i++) { posX = 0; if (getUseData(i)) { int start = (int) (pan.getImage().getWidth() * (1 - getSelectionValue(i))); for (int j = start; j < pan.getImage().getWidth(); j++) { if (j > 0 && i > 0) { try { rst.setRGB(posX, posY, pan.getImage().getRGB(j, i)); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Org [" + i + "," + j + "], Pos :[" + posX + "," + posY); } } posX++; } posY++; } } } if (overlayAscan) { Graphics2D g = rst.createGraphics(); g.setColor(Color.cyan); GraphicsToolkit.setRenderingQuality(g, GraphicsToolkit.HIGH_QUALITY); float max = DataAnalysisToolkit.getMaxf(aScan); float min = DataAnalysisToolkit.getMinf(aScan); Line2D.Double line = new Line2D.Double(); GeneralPath path = new GeneralPath(); for (int i = 0; i < aScan.length; i++) { int xP = 0; int yP = 0; float p1 = ((aScan[i] - min) / (max - min)); double x = 0; double y = 0; if (axis == AXIS_Y) { y = rst.getHeight() / (double) (aScan.length - 1) * i; x = rst.getWidth() * (1 - p1); } else if (axis == AXIS_X) { x = rst.getWidth() / (double) (aScan.length - 1) * i; y = rst.getHeight() * (1 - p1); } if (i == 0) { path.moveTo(x, y); } else { path.lineTo(x, y); } } g.draw(path); } return rst; }
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private GeneralPath addPointToLine(GeneralPath path, PlotOrientation orientation, int x, int y) { if (drawLines) { if (orientation == PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL) { int dummy = x; x = y;/*from w ww. j a va 2s.c o m*/ y = dummy; } if (path == null) { path = new GeneralPath(); path.moveTo(x, y); } else { path.lineTo(x, y); } } return path; }
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private GeneralPath getPath() { GeneralPath p = path;//from w w w .j a v a2 s . co m if (p == null) { p = new GeneralPath(); Handle[] hs = handles; if (hs.length > 0) { boolean first = true; for (Handle h : hs) { if (first) { p.moveTo(h.getX(), h.getY()); first = false; } else { p.lineTo(h.getX(), h.getY()); } } } path = p; } return p; }
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private void init(JFrame parentFrame, SOMLibFormatInputReader inputReader, CommonSOMViewerStateData state, GrowingLayer growingLayer, boolean inizializeVis) { this.state = state; state.somInputReader = inputReader;/*w ww .j av a 2 s . co m*/ this.parentFrame = parentFrame; state.mapPNode = this; state.growingLayer = growingLayer; state.growingSOM = gsom; inputObjects = state.inputDataObjects; gsom.setSharedInputObjects(inputObjects); classInfo = inputObjects.getClassInfo(); dataInfo = inputObjects.getDataInfo(); // rudi: read input mapping shifts. note: has to be done before the units are constructed & displayed SOMVisualisationData inputCorrectionContainer = state.inputDataObjects .getObject(SOMVisualisationData.INPUT_CORRECTIONS); String fileName = inputCorrectionContainer.getFileName(); if (fileName != null && !fileName.trim().equals("")) { try { InputCorrections inputCorrections = new InputCorrections(fileName, growingLayer, state.inputDataObjects.getInputData()); inputCorrectionContainer.setData(inputCorrections); } catch (SOMToolboxException e) { Logger.getLogger("at.tuwien.ifs.somtoolbox").severe(e.getMessage()); } } else if (inputCorrectionContainer.getData() == null) { // create an empty object inputCorrectionContainer.setData(new InputCorrections()); } // create unit nodes units = new GeneralUnitPNode[growingLayer.getXSize()][growingLayer.getYSize()]; unitsNode = new PNode(); unitsNode.addAttribute("type", "unitsNode"); addChild(unitsNode); try { if (inputObjects.getDataWinnerMapping() == null) { state.exactUnitPlacementEnabled = false; } ProgressListener progress = new StdErrProgressWriter(growingLayer.getUnitCount(), "Initialising unit ", 50); for (int j = 0; j < growingLayer.getYSize(); j++) { for (int i = 0; i < growingLayer.getXSize(); i++) { if (growingLayer.getUnit(i, j) != null) { // check needed for mnemonic SOMs (might not have all // units != null) Unit unit = growingLayer.getUnit(i, j); Point[][] locations = null; if (inputObjects.getDataWinnerMapping() != null) { locations = initInputLocations(unit); } units[i][j] = new GeneralUnitPNode(unit, state, classInfo, dataInfo, locations, UNIT_WIDTH, UNIT_HEIGHT); unitsNode.addChild(units[i][j]); } progress.progress(); } } } catch (LayerAccessException e) { Logger.getLogger("at.tuwien.ifs.somtoolbox").severe(e.getMessage()); System.exit(-1); } // if we have a class info on startup, we show classes if (classInfo != null) { state.setClassPiechartMode(SOMViewer.TOGGLE_PIE_CHARTS_SHOW); setClassColors(classInfo.getClassColors()); } // create tooltip object and add event listener // final ToolTipPNode tooltipNode = new ToolTipPNode(); // this.addChild(tooltipNode); // this.addInputEventListener(new MyMapInputEventHandler(tooltipNode, this)); // initialize available visualizations if (inizializeVis) { Visualizations.initVisualizations(inputObjects, inputReader, this); } visualizations = Visualizations.getAvailableVisualizations(); // Angela: add the empty nodes for manually created labels this.addChild(manualLabels); manualLabels.moveToFront(); // add input correction arrows addChild(inputCorrectionsPNode); inputCorrectionsPNode.moveToFront(); // rudi: display linkages between data items if (state.inputDataObjects.getLinkageMap() != null) { Logger.getLogger("at.tuwien.ifs.somtoolbox").info("Drawing constellations."); GeneralPath path = new GeneralPath(); Map<String, String> linkageMap = state.inputDataObjects.getLinkageMap(); for (String beginName : linkageMap.keySet()) { String endName = linkageMap.get(beginName); Point beginPoint = getPointLocation(beginName); Point endPoint = getPointLocation(endName); if (beginPoint != null && endPoint != null) { path.append(new Line2D.Double(beginPoint, endPoint), false); } } inputLinkagePath = new PPath(path); inputLinkagePath.setStrokePaint(new Color(232, 232, 57)); inputLinkagePath.setStroke(new BasicStroke(1.5f)); inputLinkagePath.setPickable(false); if (state.displayInputLinkage) { addChild(inputLinkagePath); inputLinkagePath.moveToBack(); } Logger.getLogger("at.tuwien.ifs.somtoolbox").info("Drawing constellations done."); } // display input mapping shifts. note: has to be done after the units are constructed createInputCorrectionArrows(); imageDataNode = new PNode(); this.addChild(imageDataNode); // if we have a SOM of image types, create image nodes if (gsom.getDataContentType() != null && gsom.getDataContentType().isImage() || org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.isNotBlank(CommonSOMViewerStateData.imagePrefix) || org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.isNotBlank(CommonSOMViewerStateData.imageSuffix)) { createDataImages(); } }
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/** * Draws the annotation./*from ww w . j a v a 2 s. c o m*/ * * @param g2 * the graphics device. * @param plot * the plot. * @param dataArea * the data area. * @param domainAxis * the domain axis. * @param rangeAxis * the range axis. * @param rendererIndex * the renderer index. * @param info * the plot rendering info. * @param angle * double * @param x * double * @param y * double * @param ledgend * String */ public void drawPivotArrow(Graphics2D g2, XYPlot plot, Rectangle2D dataArea, ValueAxis domainAxis, ValueAxis rangeAxis, int rendererIndex, PlotRenderingInfo info, double angle, double x, double y, String ledgend) { double tipRadius = DEFAULT_TIP_RADIUS; double baseRadius = DEFAULT_BASE_RADIUS; double arrowLength = DEFAULT_ARROW_LENGTH; double arrowWidth = DEFAULT_ARROW_WIDTH; double labelOffset = DEFAULT_LABEL_OFFSET; Font font = DEFAULT_FONT; Paint paint = DEFAULT_PAINT; boolean outlineVisible = false; Paint outlinePaint =; Stroke outlineStroke = new BasicStroke(0.5f); TextAnchor textAnchor = DEFAULT_TEXT_ANCHOR; TextAnchor rotationAnchor = DEFAULT_ROTATION_ANCHOR; double rotationAngle = DEFAULT_ROTATION_ANGLE; Stroke arrowStroke = new BasicStroke(1.0f); Paint arrowPaint =; PlotOrientation orientation = plot.getOrientation(); RectangleEdge domainEdge = Plot.resolveDomainAxisLocation(plot.getDomainAxisLocation(), orientation); RectangleEdge rangeEdge = Plot.resolveRangeAxisLocation(plot.getRangeAxisLocation(), orientation); double j2DX = domainAxis.valueToJava2D(x, dataArea, domainEdge); double j2DY = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(y, dataArea, rangeEdge); if (orientation == PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL) { double temp = j2DX; j2DX = j2DY; j2DY = temp; } double startX = j2DX + (Math.cos(angle) * baseRadius); double startY = j2DY + (Math.sin(angle) * baseRadius); double endX = j2DX + (Math.cos(angle) * tipRadius); double endY = j2DY + (Math.sin(angle) * tipRadius); double arrowBaseX = endX + (Math.cos(angle) * arrowLength); double arrowBaseY = endY + (Math.sin(angle) * arrowLength); double arrowLeftX = arrowBaseX + (Math.cos(angle + (Math.PI / 2.0)) * arrowWidth); double arrowLeftY = arrowBaseY + (Math.sin(angle + (Math.PI / 2.0)) * arrowWidth); double arrowRightX = arrowBaseX - (Math.cos(angle + (Math.PI / 2.0)) * arrowWidth); double arrowRightY = arrowBaseY - (Math.sin(angle + (Math.PI / 2.0)) * arrowWidth); GeneralPath arrow = new GeneralPath(); arrow.moveTo((float) endX, (float) endY); arrow.lineTo((float) arrowLeftX, (float) arrowLeftY); arrow.lineTo((float) arrowRightX, (float) arrowRightY); arrow.closePath(); g2.setStroke(arrowStroke); g2.setPaint(arrowPaint); Line2D line = new Line2D.Double(startX, startY, endX, endY); g2.draw(line); g2.fill(arrow); // draw the label double labelX = j2DX + (Math.cos(angle) * (baseRadius + labelOffset)); double labelY = j2DY + (Math.sin(angle) * (baseRadius + labelOffset)); g2.setFont(font); Shape hotspot = TextUtilities.calculateRotatedStringBounds(ledgend, g2, (float) labelX, (float) labelY, textAnchor, rotationAngle, rotationAnchor); g2.setPaint(paint); TextUtilities.drawRotatedString(ledgend, g2, (float) labelX, (float) labelY, textAnchor, rotationAngle, rotationAnchor); if (outlineVisible) { g2.setStroke(outlineStroke); g2.setPaint(outlinePaint); g2.draw(hotspot); } // String toolTip = getToolTipText(); // String url = getURL(); // if (toolTip != null || url != null) { // addEntity(info, hotspot, rendererIndex, toolTip, url); // } }
From source
private void buildLegend() { LegendTitle legend = corrChart.getLegend(); LegendItemSource[] sources = new LegendItemSource[1]; CorrLegendItemSource legendSrc = new CorrLegendItemSource(); LegendItem item = null;/*from www . jav a2 s .c om*/ //Rect=survival less than 10 months GeneralPath downtriangle = new GeneralPath(); downtriangle.moveTo(-4.0f, -4.0f); downtriangle.lineTo(4.0f, -4.0f); downtriangle.lineTo(0.0f, 4.0f); downtriangle.closePath(); item = new LegendItem("Tumor size reduced by 30% or more (MRI)", null, null, null, downtriangle, Color.BLACK); legendSrc.addLegendItem(item); item = new LegendItem("Tumor size reduced less than 30% or no change (MRI)", null, null, null, new Ellipse2D.Double(0, 0, 8, 8), Color.BLACK); legendSrc.addLegendItem(item); GeneralPath uptriangle = new GeneralPath(); uptriangle.moveTo(0.0f, -4.0f); uptriangle.lineTo(4.0f, 4.0f); uptriangle.lineTo(-4.0f, 4.0f); uptriangle.closePath(); item = new LegendItem("Tumor size increased (MRI)", null, null, null, uptriangle, Color.BLACK); legendSrc.addLegendItem(item); item = new LegendItem("Tumor size change N/A", null, null, null, new Rectangle2D.Double(0, 0, 8, 8), Color.BLACK); legendSrc.addLegendItem(item); if (colorBy == ColorByType.CLINICALRESPONSE) { for (ClinicalResponseType cr : ClinicalResponseType.values()) { item = new LegendItem(cr.toString(), null, null, null, new Line2D.Double(0, 0, 6, 6), new BasicStroke(3.0f), cr.getColor()); legendSrc.addLegendItem(item); } } else if (colorBy == ColorByType.DISEASESTAGE) { for (ClinicalStageType ds : ClinicalStageType.values()) { if (!"ALL")) { item = new LegendItem(ds.toString(), null, null, null, new Line2D.Double(0, 0, 6, 6), new BasicStroke(3.0f), ds.getColor()); legendSrc.addLegendItem(item); } } } else if (colorBy == ColorByType.TIMEPOINT) { for (TimepointType tp : TimepointType.values()) { item = new LegendItem(tp.toString(), null, null, null, new Line2D.Double(0, 0, 6, 6), new BasicStroke(3.0f), tp.getColor()); legendSrc.addLegendItem(item); } } else if ((colorBy == ColorByType.IHC_EXPRESSION_X) || (colorBy == ColorByType.IHC_EXPRESSION_Y)) { // for (CorrScatterColorByIHCType ihcType : CorrScatterColorByIHCType.values()) { // item = new LegendItem(ihcType.toString(), null, null, null, new Line2D.Double(0,0,6,6), new BasicStroke(3.0f), ihcType.getColor()); // legendSrc.addLegendItem(item); // } if (ihcBiomarkerType == IHCBiomarkerType.BCL2) { for (BCL2ihcType ihcType : BCL2ihcType.values()) { item = new LegendItem(ihcType.toString(), null, null, null, new Line2D.Double(0, 0, 6, 6), new BasicStroke(3.0f), ihcType.getColor()); legendSrc.addLegendItem(item); } } else if (ihcBiomarkerType == IHCBiomarkerType.EGFR) { for (EGFRihcType ihcType : EGFRihcType.values()) { item = new LegendItem(ihcType.toString(), null, null, null, new Line2D.Double(0, 0, 6, 6), new BasicStroke(3.0f), ihcType.getColor()); legendSrc.addLegendItem(item); } } else if (ihcBiomarkerType == IHCBiomarkerType.FAK) { for (FAKihcType ihcType : FAKihcType.values()) { item = new LegendItem(ihcType.toString(), null, null, null, new Line2D.Double(0, 0, 6, 6), new BasicStroke(3.0f), ihcType.getColor()); legendSrc.addLegendItem(item); } } else if (ihcBiomarkerType == IHCBiomarkerType.HER2) { for (HER2ihcType ihcType : HER2ihcType.values()) { item = new LegendItem(ihcType.toString(), null, null, null, new Line2D.Double(0, 0, 6, 6), new BasicStroke(3.0f), ihcType.getColor()); legendSrc.addLegendItem(item); } } else if (ihcBiomarkerType == IHCBiomarkerType.KI67) { for (Ki67ihcType ihcType : Ki67ihcType.values()) { item = new LegendItem(ihcType.toString(), null, null, null, new Line2D.Double(0, 0, 6, 6), new BasicStroke(3.0f), ihcType.getColor()); legendSrc.addLegendItem(item); } } else if (ihcBiomarkerType == IHCBiomarkerType.P27) { for (P27ihcType ihcType : P27ihcType.values()) { item = new LegendItem(ihcType.toString(), null, null, null, new Line2D.Double(0, 0, 6, 6), new BasicStroke(3.0f), ihcType.getColor()); legendSrc.addLegendItem(item); } } else if (ihcBiomarkerType == IHCBiomarkerType.P53) { for (P53ihcType ihcType : P53ihcType.values()) { item = new LegendItem(ihcType.toString(), null, null, null, new Line2D.Double(0, 0, 6, 6), new BasicStroke(3.0f), ihcType.getColor()); legendSrc.addLegendItem(item); } } else if (ihcBiomarkerType == IHCBiomarkerType.CYCLIN_D1) { for (CCND1ihcType ihcType : CCND1ihcType.values()) { item = new LegendItem(ihcType.toString(), null, null, null, new Line2D.Double(0, 0, 6, 6), new BasicStroke(3.0f), ihcType.getColor()); legendSrc.addLegendItem(item); } } } sources[0] = legendSrc; legend.setSources(sources); }