List of usage examples for java.awt.geom GeneralPath GeneralPath
public GeneralPath()
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/** * Draws the pointer.//from ww w . j av m * * @param g2 The graphics target. * @param plot The plot. * @param frame The dial's reference frame. * @param view The dial's view. */ @Override public void draw(Graphics2D g2, DialPlot plot, Rectangle2D frame, Rectangle2D view) { g2.setPaint(; g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(1.0f)); DialScale scale = plot.getScaleForDataset(getDatasetIndex()); double value = plot.getValue(getDatasetIndex()); double angle = scale.valueToAngle(value % 360.0); Rectangle2D outerRect = DialPlot.rectangleByRadius(frame, outerRadius, outerRadius); Rectangle2D innerRect = DialPlot.rectangleByRadius(frame, outerRadius - innerOffset, outerRadius - innerOffset); g2.setPaint(getOutlinePaint()); Arc2D arc1 = new Arc2D.Double(outerRect, angle - (ARC_LENGTH / 2), ARC_LENGTH, Arc2D.OPEN); g2.draw(arc1); Arc2D arc2 = new Arc2D.Double(innerRect, angle, 0.0, Arc2D.OPEN); GeneralPath gp = new GeneralPath(); gp.moveTo(arc1.getStartPoint().getX(), arc1.getStartPoint().getY()); gp.lineTo(arc2.getStartPoint().getX(), arc2.getStartPoint().getY()); gp.lineTo(arc1.getEndPoint().getX(), arc1.getEndPoint().getY()); g2.draw(gp); if (fill) { g2.setPaint(getFillPaint()); g2.fill(gp); } }
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/** * A demonstration application showing how to create a simple time series chart. This * example uses monthly data./* ww w . ja v a 2s. co m*/ * * @param title the frame title. */ public TimeSeriesDemo9(final String title) { super(title); // create a title... final String chartTitle = "Test"; final XYDataset dataset = createDataset(); final JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createTimeSeriesChart(chartTitle, "Date", "Price Per Unit", dataset, true, true, false); // final StandardLegend sl = (StandardLegend) chart.getLegend(); // sl.setDisplaySeriesShapes(true); final XYPlot plot = chart.getXYPlot(); final XYItemRenderer r = plot.getRenderer(); if (r instanceof StandardXYItemRenderer) { final StandardXYItemRenderer renderer = (StandardXYItemRenderer) r; renderer.setPlotShapes(true); renderer.setShapesFilled(true); renderer.setSeriesShape(0, new Ellipse2D.Double(-3.0, -3.0, 6.0, 6.0)); renderer.setSeriesShape(1, new Rectangle2D.Double(-3.0, -3.0, 6.0, 6.0)); final GeneralPath s2 = new GeneralPath(); s2.moveTo(0.0f, -3.0f); s2.lineTo(3.0f, 3.0f); s2.lineTo(-3.0f, 3.0f); s2.closePath(); renderer.setSeriesShape(2, s2); final GeneralPath s3 = new GeneralPath(); s3.moveTo(-1.0f, -3.0f); s3.lineTo(1.0f, -3.0f); s3.lineTo(1.0f, -1.0f); s3.lineTo(3.0f, -1.0f); s3.lineTo(3.0f, 1.0f); s3.lineTo(1.0f, 1.0f); s3.lineTo(1.0f, 3.0f); s3.lineTo(-1.0f, 3.0f); s3.lineTo(-1.0f, 1.0f); s3.lineTo(-3.0f, 1.0f); s3.lineTo(-3.0f, -1.0f); s3.lineTo(-1.0f, -1.0f); s3.closePath(); renderer.setSeriesShape(3, s3); } plot.getDomainAxis().setVisible(false); plot.getRangeAxis().setVisible(false); final ChartPanel chartPanel = new ChartPanel(chart); chartPanel.setPreferredSize(new java.awt.Dimension(500, 270)); setContentPane(chartPanel); }
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/** * Draws a cylinder to represent one data item. * //from w w w . ja v a 2 s . c o m * @param g2 the graphics device. * @param state the renderer state. * @param dataArea the area for plotting the data. * @param plot the plot. * @param domainAxis the domain axis. * @param rangeAxis the range axis. * @param dataset the dataset. * @param row the row index (zero-based). * @param column the column index (zero-based). * @param pass the pass index. */ public void drawItem(Graphics2D g2, CategoryItemRendererState state, Rectangle2D dataArea, CategoryPlot plot, CategoryAxis domainAxis, ValueAxis rangeAxis, CategoryDataset dataset, int row, int column, int pass) { // check the value we are plotting... Number dataValue = dataset.getValue(row, column); if (dataValue == null) { return; } double value = dataValue.doubleValue(); Rectangle2D adjusted = new Rectangle2D.Double(dataArea.getX(), dataArea.getY() + getYOffset(), dataArea.getWidth() - getXOffset(), dataArea.getHeight() - getYOffset()); PlotOrientation orientation = plot.getOrientation(); double barW0 = calculateBarW0(plot, orientation, adjusted, domainAxis, state, row, column); double[] barL0L1 = calculateBarL0L1(value); if (barL0L1 == null) { return; // the bar is not visible } RectangleEdge edge = plot.getRangeAxisEdge(); float transL0 = (float) rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(barL0L1[0], adjusted, edge); float transL1 = (float) rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(barL0L1[1], adjusted, edge); float barL0 = Math.min(transL0, transL1); float barLength = Math.abs(transL1 - transL0); // draw the bar... GeneralPath bar = new GeneralPath(); if (orientation == PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL) { bar.moveTo(barL0, (float) barW0); bar.lineTo(barL0, (float) (barW0 + state.getBarWidth())); bar.lineTo(barL0 + barLength, (float) (barW0 + state.getBarWidth())); bar.lineTo(barL0 + barLength, (float) barW0); bar.closePath(); } else { bar.moveTo((float) barW0, (float) (barL0 - getYOffset() / 2)); bar.lineTo((float) barW0, (float) (barL0 + barLength - getYOffset() / 2)); Arc2D arc = new Arc2D.Double(barW0, (barL0 + barLength - getYOffset()), state.getBarWidth(), getYOffset(), 180, 180, Arc2D.OPEN); bar.append(arc, true); bar.lineTo((float) (barW0 + state.getBarWidth()), (float) (barL0 - getYOffset() / 2)); arc = new Arc2D.Double(barW0, (barL0 - getYOffset()), state.getBarWidth(), getYOffset(), 0, -180, Arc2D.OPEN); bar.append(arc, true); bar.closePath(); } Paint itemPaint = getItemPaint(row, column); if (getGradientPaintTransformer() != null && itemPaint instanceof GradientPaint) { GradientPaint gp = (GradientPaint) itemPaint; itemPaint = getGradientPaintTransformer().transform(gp, bar); } g2.setPaint(itemPaint); g2.fill(bar); Shape bar3dTop = new Ellipse2D.Double(barW0, barL0 - getYOffset(), state.getBarWidth(), getYOffset()); if (itemPaint instanceof GradientPaint) { g2.setPaint(((GradientPaint) itemPaint).getColor2()); } g2.fill(bar3dTop); if (isDrawBarOutline() && state.getBarWidth() > BAR_OUTLINE_WIDTH_THRESHOLD) { g2.setStroke(getItemOutlineStroke(row, column)); g2.setPaint(getItemOutlinePaint(row, column)); g2.draw(bar); if (bar3dTop != null) { g2.draw(bar3dTop); } } CategoryItemLabelGenerator generator = getItemLabelGenerator(row, column); if (generator != null && isItemLabelVisible(row, column)) { drawItemLabel(g2, dataset, row, column, plot, generator, bar.getBounds2D(), (value < 0.0)); } // collect entity and tool tip information... if (state.getInfo() != null) { EntityCollection entities = state.getEntityCollection(); if (entities != null) { String tip = null; CategoryToolTipGenerator tipster = getToolTipGenerator(row, column); if (tipster != null) { tip = tipster.generateToolTip(dataset, row, column); } String url = null; if (getItemURLGenerator(row, column) != null) { url = getItemURLGenerator(row, column).generateURL(dataset, row, column); } CategoryItemEntity entity = new CategoryItemEntity(bar.getBounds2D(), tip, url, dataset, dataset.getRowKey(row), dataset.getColumnKey(column)); entities.add(entity); } } }
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/** * Reads a <code>Shape</code> object that has been serialised by the * {@link #writeShape(Shape, ObjectOutputStream)} method. * * @param stream the input stream (<code>null</code> not permitted). * * @return The shape object (possibly <code>null</code>). * * @throws IOException if there is an I/O problem. * @throws ClassNotFoundException if there is a problem loading a class. *//* w w w . ja v a2s . com*/ public static Shape readShape(final ObjectInputStream stream) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { if (stream == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null 'stream' argument."); } Shape result = null; final boolean isNull = stream.readBoolean(); if (!isNull) { final Class c = (Class) stream.readObject(); if (c.equals(Line2D.class)) { final double x1 = stream.readDouble(); final double y1 = stream.readDouble(); final double x2 = stream.readDouble(); final double y2 = stream.readDouble(); result = new Line2D.Double(x1, y1, x2, y2); } else if (c.equals(Rectangle2D.class)) { final double x = stream.readDouble(); final double y = stream.readDouble(); final double w = stream.readDouble(); final double h = stream.readDouble(); result = new Rectangle2D.Double(x, y, w, h); } else if (c.equals(Ellipse2D.class)) { final double x = stream.readDouble(); final double y = stream.readDouble(); final double w = stream.readDouble(); final double h = stream.readDouble(); result = new Ellipse2D.Double(x, y, w, h); } else if (c.equals(Arc2D.class)) { final double x = stream.readDouble(); final double y = stream.readDouble(); final double w = stream.readDouble(); final double h = stream.readDouble(); final double as = stream.readDouble(); // Angle Start final double ae = stream.readDouble(); // Angle Extent final int at = stream.readInt(); // Arc type result = new Arc2D.Double(x, y, w, h, as, ae, at); } else if (c.equals(GeneralPath.class)) { final GeneralPath gp = new GeneralPath(); final float[] args = new float[6]; boolean hasNext = stream.readBoolean(); while (!hasNext) { final int type = stream.readInt(); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { args[i] = stream.readFloat(); } switch (type) { case PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO: gp.moveTo(args[0], args[1]); break; case PathIterator.SEG_LINETO: gp.lineTo(args[0], args[1]); break; case PathIterator.SEG_CUBICTO: gp.curveTo(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5]); break; case PathIterator.SEG_QUADTO: gp.quadTo(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]); break; case PathIterator.SEG_CLOSE: gp.closePath(); break; default: throw new RuntimeException("JFreeChart - No path exists"); } gp.setWindingRule(stream.readInt()); hasNext = stream.readBoolean(); } result = gp; } else { result = (Shape) stream.readObject(); } } return result; }
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public java.awt.Paint getSeriesPaint(int row) { BufferedImage bufferedImage = new BufferedImage(5, 5, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); Graphics2D big = bufferedImage.createGraphics(); TexturePaint texture = null;/*from w w w.jav a2 s . c om*/ int rowNum = row + 1; int patNum = 13; int formula = rowNum - ((rowNum / patNum) * patNum); if (formula == 0) { big.setColor(; big.fillRect(0, 0, 5, 5); big.fillRect(1, 0, 5, 5); Rectangle r = new Rectangle(0, 0, 5, 5); texture = new TexturePaint(bufferedImage, r); } else if (formula == 1) { big.setColor(; big.fillRect(0, 0, 5, 5); big.fillRect(1, 0, 5, 5); Rectangle r = new Rectangle(0, 0, 5, 5); texture = new TexturePaint(bufferedImage, r); } else if (formula == 2) { Color color =; big.setColor(Color.white); big.fillRect(0, 0, 5, 5); big.setColor(color); big.fillRect(0, 1, 5, 5); Rectangle r = new Rectangle(0, 0, 5, 5); texture = new TexturePaint(bufferedImage, r); } else if (formula == 3) { Color color = Color.yellow; big.setColor(; big.fillRect(0, 0, 5, 5); big.setColor(color); big.fillRect(1, 1, 4, 4); Rectangle r = new Rectangle(0, 0, 5, 5); texture = new TexturePaint(bufferedImage, r); } else if (formula == 4) { big.setColor(; big.fillRect(0, 0, 5, 5); big.fillRect(1, 0, 5, 5); Rectangle r = new Rectangle(0, 0, 5, 5); texture = new TexturePaint(bufferedImage, r); } else if (formula == 5) { big.setColor(Color.magenta); big.fillRect(0, 0, 5, 5); big.setColor(; big.fillRect(0, 0, 4, 4); Rectangle r = new Rectangle(0, 0, 5, 5); texture = new TexturePaint(bufferedImage, r); } else if (formula == 6) { float[] x = { .5f, 1.5f, 2.0f, 2.5f, 3.0f, 3.5f, 4.0f, 4.5f, 5.0f }; float[] y = { .5f, 1.5f, 2.0f, 2.5f, 3.0f, 3.5f, 4.0f, 4.5f, 5.0f }; GeneralPath path = new GeneralPath(); path.moveTo(x[0], y[0]); for (int j = 1; j < x.length; j++) { path.lineTo(x[j], y[j]); } big.setColor(new Color(226, 199, 252)); big.fillRect(0, 0, 5, 5); big.setColor(; big.setStroke(new BasicStroke(1.0f)); big.draw(path); Rectangle r = new Rectangle(0, 0, 5, 5); texture = new TexturePaint(bufferedImage, r); } else if (formula == 7) { big.setColor(Color.lightGray); big.fillRect(0, 0, 5, 5); big.setColor(; big.fillRect(1, 0, 5, 5); Rectangle r = new Rectangle(0, 0, 5, 5); texture = new TexturePaint(bufferedImage, r); } else if (formula == 8) { float[] x = { .5f, 1.5f, 2.0f, 2.5f, 3.0f, 3.5f, 4.0f, 4.5f, 5.0f }; float[] y = { .5f, 1.5f, 2.0f, 2.5f, 3.0f, 3.5f, 4.0f, 4.5f, 5.0f }; GeneralPath path = new GeneralPath(); path.moveTo(x[0], y[0]); for (int j = 1; j < x.length; j++) { path.lineTo(x[j], y[j]); } big.setColor(; big.fillRect(0, 0, 5, 5); big.setColor(Color.cyan); big.setStroke(new BasicStroke(2.0f)); big.draw(path); Rectangle r = new Rectangle(0, 0, 5, 5); texture = new TexturePaint(bufferedImage, r); } else if (formula == 9) { Color color = new Color(0xBBBBDD); big.setColor(color); big.fillRect(0, 0, 5, 5); big.setColor(new Color(199, 201, 230)); big.fillRect(1, 0, 5, 5); Rectangle r = new Rectangle(0, 0, 5, 5); texture = new TexturePaint(bufferedImage, r); } else if (formula == 10) { float[] x = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; float[] y = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; GeneralPath path = new GeneralPath(); path.moveTo(x[0], y[1]); path.lineTo(x[1], y[0]); path.moveTo(x[0], y[2]); path.lineTo(x[2], y[0]); path.moveTo(x[0], y[3]); path.lineTo(x[3], y[0]); path.moveTo(x[0], y[4]); path.lineTo(x[4], y[0]); big.setColor(; big.fillRect(0, 0, 5, 5); big.setColor(new Color(242, 242, 193)); big.setStroke(new BasicStroke(3.0f)); big.draw(path); Rectangle r = new Rectangle(0, 0, 5, 5); texture = new TexturePaint(bufferedImage, r); } else if (formula == 11) { big.setColor(new Color(252, 169, 171)); big.fillOval(0, 0, 5, 6); big.setColor(new Color(252, 230, 230)); big.fillOval(0, 0, 3, 3); Rectangle r = new Rectangle(0, 0, 5, 5); texture = new TexturePaint(bufferedImage, r); } else if (formula == 12) { big.setColor(; big.fillRect(0, 0, 5, 5); big.setColor(new Color(20, 178, 38)); big.fillRect(2, 2, 5, 5); Rectangle r = new Rectangle(0, 0, 5, 5); texture = new TexturePaint(bufferedImage, r); } return texture; }
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/** * Draws a cylinder to represent one data item. * * @param g2 the graphics device./*from w w w. j a v a 2s . c o m*/ * @param state the renderer state. * @param dataArea the area for plotting the data. * @param plot the plot. * @param domainAxis the domain axis. * @param rangeAxis the range axis. * @param dataset the dataset. * @param row the row index (zero-based). * @param column the column index (zero-based). * @param pass the pass index. */ public void drawItem(Graphics2D g2, CategoryItemRendererState state, Rectangle2D dataArea, CategoryPlot plot, CategoryAxis domainAxis, ValueAxis rangeAxis, CategoryDataset dataset, int row, int column, int pass) { // check the value we are plotting... Number dataValue = dataset.getValue(row, column); if (dataValue == null) { return; } double value = dataValue.doubleValue(); Rectangle2D adjusted = new Rectangle2D.Double(dataArea.getX(), dataArea.getY() + getYOffset(), dataArea.getWidth() - getXOffset(), dataArea.getHeight() - getYOffset()); PlotOrientation orientation = plot.getOrientation(); double barW0 = calculateBarW0(plot, orientation, adjusted, domainAxis, state, row, column); double[] barL0L1 = calculateBarL0L1(value); if (barL0L1 == null) { return; // the bar is not visible } RectangleEdge edge = plot.getRangeAxisEdge(); float transL0 = (float) rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(barL0L1[0], adjusted, edge); float transL1 = (float) rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(barL0L1[1], adjusted, edge); float barL0 = Math.min(transL0, transL1); float barLength = Math.abs(transL1 - transL0); // draw the bar... GeneralPath bar = new GeneralPath(); Shape top = null; if (orientation == PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL) { bar.moveTo((float) (barL0 + getXOffset() / 2), (float) barW0); bar.lineTo((float) (barL0 + barLength + getXOffset() / 2), (float) barW0); Arc2D arc = new Arc2D.Double(barL0 + barLength, barW0, getXOffset(), state.getBarWidth(), 90, 180, Arc2D.OPEN); bar.append(arc, true); bar.lineTo((float) (barL0 + getXOffset() / 2), (float) (barW0 + state.getBarWidth())); arc = new Arc2D.Double(barL0, barW0, getXOffset(), state.getBarWidth(), 270, -180, Arc2D.OPEN); bar.append(arc, true); bar.closePath(); top = new Ellipse2D.Double(barL0 + barLength, barW0, getXOffset(), state.getBarWidth()); } else { bar.moveTo((float) barW0, (float) (barL0 - getYOffset() / 2)); bar.lineTo((float) barW0, (float) (barL0 + barLength - getYOffset() / 2)); Arc2D arc = new Arc2D.Double(barW0, (barL0 + barLength - getYOffset()), state.getBarWidth(), getYOffset(), 180, 180, Arc2D.OPEN); bar.append(arc, true); bar.lineTo((float) (barW0 + state.getBarWidth()), (float) (barL0 - getYOffset() / 2)); arc = new Arc2D.Double(barW0, (barL0 - getYOffset()), state.getBarWidth(), getYOffset(), 0, -180, Arc2D.OPEN); bar.append(arc, true); bar.closePath(); top = new Ellipse2D.Double(barW0, barL0 - getYOffset(), state.getBarWidth(), getYOffset()); } Paint itemPaint = getItemPaint(row, column); if (getGradientPaintTransformer() != null && itemPaint instanceof GradientPaint) { GradientPaint gp = (GradientPaint) itemPaint; itemPaint = getGradientPaintTransformer().transform(gp, bar); } g2.setPaint(itemPaint); g2.fill(bar); if (itemPaint instanceof GradientPaint) { g2.setPaint(((GradientPaint) itemPaint).getColor2()); } else { g2.setPaint(PaintAlpha.darker(itemPaint)); // bd } if (top != null) { g2.fill(top); } if (isDrawBarOutline() && state.getBarWidth() > BAR_OUTLINE_WIDTH_THRESHOLD) { g2.setStroke(getItemOutlineStroke(row, column)); g2.setPaint(getItemOutlinePaint(row, column)); g2.draw(bar); if (top != null) { g2.draw(top); } } CategoryItemLabelGenerator generator = getItemLabelGenerator(row, column); if (generator != null && isItemLabelVisible(row, column)) { drawItemLabel(g2, dataset, row, column, plot, generator, bar.getBounds2D(), (value < 0.0)); } // collect entity and tool tip information... if (state.getInfo() != null) { EntityCollection entities = state.getEntityCollection(); if (entities != null) { String tip = null; CategoryToolTipGenerator tipster = getToolTipGenerator(row, column); if (tipster != null) { tip = tipster.generateToolTip(dataset, row, column); } String url = null; if (getItemURLGenerator(row, column) != null) { url = getItemURLGenerator(row, column).generateURL(dataset, row, column); } CategoryItemEntity entity = new CategoryItemEntity(bar.getBounds2D(), tip, url, dataset, dataset.getRowKey(row), dataset.getColumnKey(column)); entities.add(entity); } } }
From source
/** * This method draws the page both on the screen and the printer graphics context. * @param g2 the graphics context/*from w w w .jav a 2s. c om*/ */ public void drawPage(Graphics2D g2) { FontRenderContext context = g2.getFontRenderContext(); Font f = new Font("Serif", Font.PLAIN, 72); GeneralPath clipShape = new GeneralPath(); TextLayout layout = new TextLayout("Hello", f, context); AffineTransform transform = AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(0, 72); Shape outline = layout.getOutline(transform); clipShape.append(outline, false); layout = new TextLayout("World", f, context); transform = AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(0, 144); outline = layout.getOutline(transform); clipShape.append(outline, false); g2.draw(clipShape); g2.clip(clipShape); final int NLINES = 50; Point2D p = new Point2D.Double(0, 0); for (int i = 0; i < NLINES; i++) { double x = (2 * getWidth() * i) / NLINES; double y = (2 * getHeight() * (NLINES - 1 - i)) / NLINES; Point2D q = new Point2D.Double(x, y); g2.draw(new Line2D.Double(p, q)); } }
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/** * This chart uses the XYAnnotation as a glyph to represent * a single pca data point. Glyph shape is determined by survival time. * Survival of more than 10 months is represented by a circle. 10 months or less * is represented by a square. Component1 values are represented by X * Component2 values are represented by Y *///from w w w. ja va2 s . com protected void createGlyphsAndAddToPlot(XYPlot plot) { //for RBT, if its non_tumor, show a diamond meaning "N/A for survival" XYShapeAnnotation glyph; Shape glyphShape; Color glyphColor; PrincipalComponentAnalysisDataPoint pcaPoint; double x, y; for (Iterator i = dataPoints.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { pcaPoint = (PrincipalComponentAnalysisDataPoint); x = pcaPoint.getComponentValue(component1); y = pcaPoint.getComponentValue(component2); double survival = pcaPoint.getSurvivalInMonths(); String diseaseName = pcaPoint.getDiseaseName(); if (this.colorBy.equals(PCAcolorByType.NONE)) { Ellipse2D.Double circle = new Ellipse2D.Double(); circle.setFrameFromCenter(x, y, x + 2, y + 2); glyphShape = circle; } else if (diseaseName.equals(RembrandtConstants.NON_TUMOR) || diseaseName.equals("CELL_LINE")) { //glyphShape = ShapeUtilities.createDiamond(new Float(x)); Rectangle2D.Double rect = new Rectangle2D.Double(); rect.setFrameFromCenter(x, y, x + 2, y + 2); glyphShape = rect; Shape gShape = ShapeUtilities.rotateShape(glyphShape, new Double(0.785398163), new Float(x), new Float(y)); glyphShape = gShape; } else if ((survival > 0) && (survival < 10.0)) { Rectangle2D.Double rect = new Rectangle2D.Double(); rect.setFrameFromCenter(x, y, x + 2, y + 2); glyphShape = rect; } else if ((survival > 0) && (survival >= 10.0)) { Ellipse2D.Double circle = new Ellipse2D.Double(); circle.setFrameFromCenter(x, y, x + 2, y + 2); glyphShape = circle; } else { GeneralPath gp = new GeneralPath(); float xf = (float) x; float yf = (float) y; //make a triangle gp.moveTo(xf, yf); gp.lineTo(xf + 3.0f, yf - 3.0f); gp.lineTo(xf - 3.0f, yf - 3.0f); gp.closePath(); glyphShape = gp; } glyphColor = getColorForDataPoint(pcaPoint); glyph = new XYShapeAnnotation(glyphShape, new BasicStroke(1.0f), Color.BLACK, glyphColor); String tooltip = ""; if (pcaPoint.getSurvivalInMonths() <= 0.0) { tooltip = pcaPoint.getSampleId() + " " + pcaPoint.getDiseaseName(); } else { tooltip = pcaPoint.getSampleId() + " " + pcaPoint.getDiseaseName() + " survivalMonths=" + nf.format(pcaPoint.getSurvivalInMonths()); } glyph.setToolTipText(tooltip); plot.addAnnotation(glyph); } }
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/** * Draws the item (first pass). This method draws the lines * connecting the items. Instead of drawing separate lines, * a GeneralPath is constructed and drawn at the end of * the series painting.// w ww . j a va 2 s .c om * * @param g2 the graphics device. * @param state the renderer state. * @param plot the plot (can be used to obtain standard color information * etc). * @param dataset the dataset. * @param pass the pass. * @param series the series index (zero-based). * @param item the item index (zero-based). * @param domainAxis the domain axis. * @param rangeAxis the range axis. * @param dataArea the area within which the data is being drawn. */ protected void drawPrimaryLineAsPath(XYItemRendererState state, Graphics2D g2, XYPlot plot, XYDataset dataset, int pass, int series, int item, ValueAxis domainAxis, ValueAxis rangeAxis, Rectangle2D dataArea) { if (item != 0) { return; } RectangleEdge xAxisLocation = plot.getDomainAxisEdge(); RectangleEdge yAxisLocation = plot.getRangeAxisEdge(); PlotOrientation orientation = plot.getOrientation(); int itemCount = dataset.getItemCount(series); double[][] points = new double[itemCount][2]; int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) { double x = dataset.getXValue(series, i); double y = dataset.getYValue(series, i); double transX = domainAxis.valueToJava2D(x, dataArea, xAxisLocation); double transY = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(y, dataArea, yAxisLocation); if (!Double.isNaN(transX) && !Double.isNaN(transY)) { points[count][0] = transX; points[count][1] = transY; count++; } } if (count < 2) { return; } // sort points according to x axis Arrays.sort(points, new Comparator<double[]>() { public int compare(double[] a, double[] b) { return a[0] > b[0] ? 1 : a[0] < b[0] ? -1 : 0; } }); // draw curve CubicSplineFunction2D f = new CubicSplineFunction2D(points, count); GeneralPath path = new GeneralPath(); double startX = points[0][0]; double startY = points[0][1]; double endX = points[count - 1][0]; double endY = points[count - 1][1]; double yz = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(0.0, dataArea, yAxisLocation); if (orientation == PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL) { if (drawArea) { path.moveTo((float) yz, (float) startX); path.lineTo((float) startY, (float) startX); for (double x = Math.floor(startX) + 1.0; x < endX; x += 1.0) { path.lineTo((float) f.getValue(x), (float) x); } path.lineTo((float) endY, (float) endX); path.lineTo((float) yz, (float) endX); path.closePath(); } else { path.moveTo((float) startY, (float) startX); for (double x = Math.floor(startX) + 1.0; x < endX; x += 1.0) { path.lineTo((float) f.getValue(x), (float) x); } path.lineTo((float) endY, (float) endX); } } else { if (drawArea) { path.moveTo((float) startX, (float) yz); path.lineTo((float) startX, (float) startY); for (double x = Math.floor(startX) + 1.0; x < endX; x += 1.0) { path.lineTo((float) x, (float) f.getValue(x)); } path.lineTo((float) endX, (float) endY); path.lineTo((float) endX, (float) yz); path.closePath(); } else { path.moveTo((float) startX, (float) startY); for (double x = Math.floor(startX) + 1.0; x < endX; x += 1.0) { path.lineTo((float) x, (float) f.getValue(x)); } path.lineTo((float) endX, (float) endY); } } Paint paint = getItemPaint(series, item); Stroke stroke = getItemStroke(series, item); if (drawArea) { g2.setPaint(paint); g2.fill(path); // create paint for outline if (paint instanceof Color) { paint = ((Color) paint).darker(); } else if (paint instanceof GradientPaint) { paint = ((GradientPaint) paint).getColor1().darker(); } } g2.setPaint(paint); g2.setStroke(stroke); g2.draw(path); }
From source
private void drawSeriesCurve(Graphics2D g2, Rectangle2D dataArea, CategoryPlot plot, CategoryAxis domainAxis, ValueAxis rangeAxis, CategoryDataset dataset, int series) { // do nothing if item is not visible if (!(getItemVisible(series, 0) && (getItemLineVisible(series, 0) || drawArea))) { return;//from w w w .j a va 2 s. c om } RectangleEdge xAxisLocation = plot.getDomainAxisEdge(); RectangleEdge yAxisLocation = plot.getRangeAxisEdge(); PlotOrientation orientation = plot.getOrientation(); int itemCount = dataset.getColumnCount(); double[][] points = new double[itemCount][2]; int count = 0; // get data points for (int i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) { Number value = dataset.getValue(series, i); if (value != null) { points[count][0] = domainAxis.getCategoryMiddle(i, itemCount, dataArea, xAxisLocation); points[count][1] = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(value.doubleValue(), dataArea, yAxisLocation); count++; } } if (count < 2) { return; } // draw curve CubicSplineFunction2D f = new CubicSplineFunction2D(points, count); GeneralPath path = new GeneralPath(); double startX = points[0][0]; double startY = points[0][1]; double endX = points[count - 1][0]; double endY = points[count - 1][1]; double yz = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(0.0, dataArea, yAxisLocation); if (orientation == PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL) { if (drawArea) { path.moveTo((float) yz, (float) startX); path.lineTo((float) startY, (float) startX); for (double x = Math.floor(startX) + 1.0; x < endX; x += 1.0) { path.lineTo((float) f.getValue(x), (float) x); } path.lineTo((float) endY, (float) endX); path.lineTo((float) yz, (float) endX); path.closePath(); } else { path.moveTo((float) startY, (float) startX); for (double x = Math.floor(startX) + 1.0; x < endX; x += 1.0) { path.lineTo((float) f.getValue(x), (float) x); } path.lineTo((float) endY, (float) endX); } } else { if (drawArea) { path.moveTo((float) startX, (float) yz); path.lineTo((float) startX, (float) startY); for (double x = Math.floor(startX) + 1.0; x < endX; x += 1.0) { path.lineTo((float) x, (float) f.getValue(x)); } path.lineTo((float) endX, (float) endY); path.lineTo((float) endX, (float) yz); path.closePath(); } else { path.moveTo((float) startX, (float) startY); for (double x = Math.floor(startX) + 1.0; x < endX; x += 1.0) { path.lineTo((float) x, (float) f.getValue(x)); } path.lineTo((float) endX, (float) endY); } } Paint paint = getSeriesPaint(series); Stroke stroke = getSeriesStroke(series); if (drawArea) { g2.setPaint(paint); g2.fill(path); // create paint for outline if (paint instanceof Color) { paint = ((Color) paint).darker(); } else if (paint instanceof GradientPaint) { paint = ((GradientPaint) paint).getColor1().darker(); } } if (getItemLineVisible(series, 0)) { g2.setPaint(paint); g2.setStroke(stroke); g2.draw(path); } }