Example usage for java.awt.geom AffineTransform AffineTransform

List of usage examples for java.awt.geom AffineTransform AffineTransform


In this page you can find the example usage for java.awt.geom AffineTransform AffineTransform.


public AffineTransform() 

Source Link


Constructs a new AffineTransform representing the Identity transformation.


From source file:org.jcurl.core.impl.ColliderBase.java

 * Iterate over all rocks and call/* w w  w.  j  av  a 2  s . c om*/
 * {@link ColliderBase#computeWC(Rock, Rock, Rock, Rock, AffineTransform)}
 * for each pair.
 * <p>
 * Does not change <code>pos</code>!
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * Does not fire {@link RockSet#fireStateChanged()}!
 * </p>
 * @see ColliderBase#computeWC(Rock, Rock, Rock, Rock, AffineTransform)
 * @param pos
 * @param speed
 * @param tr
 *            <code>null</code> creates a new instance.
 * @return bitmask of the changed rocks
public int compute(final RockSet<Pos> pos, final RockSet<Vel> speed, AffineTransform tr) {
    if (log.isDebugEnabled())
    int hits = 0;
    if (tr == null)
        tr = new AffineTransform();
    // TUNE Parallel
    for (int B = 0; B < RockSet.ROCKS_PER_SET; B++)
        for (int A = 0; A < B; A++) {
            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("Compute hit " + A + "<->" + B);
            if (computeWC(pos.getRock(A), pos.getRock(B), speed.getRock(A), speed.getRock(B), tr)) {
                // mark the rocks' bits hit
                hits |= 1 << A;
                hits |= 1 << B;
    if (log.isDebugEnabled())
        log.debug("hit rocks: " + Integer.toBinaryString(hits));
    return hits;

From source file:BufferedImageThread.java

public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
    Dimension d = getSize();//from w ww  .j  av a2s  .  c o  m

    bi = new BufferedImage(d.width, d.height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
    Graphics2D big = bi.createGraphics();

    step(d.width, d.height);

    AffineTransform at = new AffineTransform();
    at.translate(x, y);
    at.scale(scale, scale);
    big.drawImage(image, at, this);

    Graphics2D g2D = (Graphics2D) g;
    g2D.drawImage(bi, 0, 0, null);


From source file:org.jcurl.demo.tactics.TrajectoryScenarioBean.java

private static Affine createSceneRock(final int i16, final int opacity) {
    SGNode rock = new SGRockFactory.Fancy().newInstance(i16);
    if (DoCacheRocks) {
        final SGRenderCache rc = new SGRenderCache();
        rc.setChild(rock);// w  ww  .  j  av a 2 s.  c o  m
        rock = rc;
    return SGTransform.createAffine(new AffineTransform(), rock);

From source file:org.jcurl.core.base.Collider.java

 * Iterate over all positions and call/* w  w  w.  j a  v  a  2  s. c o  m*/
 * {@link Collider#computeWC(Rock, Rock, Rock, Rock, AffineTransform)} for
 * each pair.
 * @see Collider#computeWC(Rock, Rock, Rock, Rock, AffineTransform)
 * @param pos
 * @param speed
 * @return bitmask of the changed positions
public int compute(PositionSet pos, SpeedSet speed) {
    if (log.isDebugEnabled())
    int hits = 0;
    final AffineTransform mat = new AffineTransform();
    for (int B = 0; B < RockSet.ROCKS_PER_SET; B++) {
        for (int A = 0; A < B; A++) {
            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("Compute hit " + A + "<->" + B);
            if (computeWC(pos.getRock(A), pos.getRock(B), speed.getRock(A), speed.getRock(B), mat)) {
                // mark the positions' bits hit
                hits |= (1 << A);
                hits |= (1 << B);
    if (log.isDebugEnabled())
        log.debug("hit positions: " + Integer.toBinaryString(hits));
    return hits;

From source file:Starry.java

public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
    setBackground(Color.white);//w ww.j a v a  2 s  .co  m
    w = getSize().width;
    h = getSize().height;
    Graphics2D g2;
    g2 = (Graphics2D) g;

    g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);

    g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_RENDERING, RenderingHints.VALUE_RENDER_QUALITY);

    FontRenderContext frc = g2.getFontRenderContext();
    Font f = new Font("Helvetica", 1, w / 10);
    String s = new String("The Starry Night");
    TextLayout textTl = new TextLayout(s, f, frc);
    AffineTransform transform = new AffineTransform();
    Shape outline = textTl.getOutline(null);
    Rectangle r = outline.getBounds();
    transform = g2.getTransform();
    transform.translate(w / 2 - (r.width / 2), h / 2 + (r.height / 2));
    g2.drawImage(img, r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height, this);


From source file:org.jcurl.core.swing.WCComponent.java

private BufferedImage renderPng(final String watermark) {
    final BufferedImage img = new BufferedImage(getWidth(), getHeight(), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
    final Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) img.getGraphics();
    {//from  www.  jav a  2s .  c o m
        final Map<Key, Object> hints = new HashMap<Key, Object>();
        hints.put(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
        hints.put(RenderingHints.KEY_COLOR_RENDERING, RenderingHints.VALUE_COLOR_RENDER_QUALITY);
        hints.put(RenderingHints.KEY_DITHERING, RenderingHints.VALUE_DITHER_ENABLE);
        hints.put(RenderingHints.KEY_FRACTIONALMETRICS, RenderingHints.VALUE_FRACTIONALMETRICS_ON);
        hints.put(RenderingHints.KEY_INTERPOLATION, RenderingHints.VALUE_INTERPOLATION_BICUBIC);
        hints.put(RenderingHints.KEY_RENDERING, RenderingHints.VALUE_RENDER_QUALITY);
        hints.put(RenderingHints.KEY_STROKE_CONTROL, RenderingHints.VALUE_STROKE_NORMALIZE);
        hints.put(RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_ON);
    final Font f0 = g2.getFont();
    g2.setTransform(new AffineTransform());
    if (watermark != null) {
        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
        g2.setColor(new Color(0, 0, 0, 128));
        g2.drawString(watermark, 10, 20);
    return img;

From source file:ImageOps.java

public void paint(Graphics g) {
    Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;
    g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
    g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_RENDERING, RenderingHints.VALUE_RENDER_QUALITY);
    int w = getSize().width;
    int h = getSize().height;

    g2.setColor(Color.black);// w  w w . j av  a  2s. c  o m
    float[][] data = { { 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, // low-pass filter
            0.1f, 0.2f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f }, SHARPEN3x3_3 };

    String theDesc[] = { "Convolve LowPass", "Convolve Sharpen", "LookupOp", "RescaleOp" };
    for (int i = 0; i < bi.length; i++) {
        int iw = bi[i].getWidth(this);
        int ih = bi[i].getHeight(this);
        int x = 0, y = 0;

        AffineTransform at = new AffineTransform();
        at.scale((w - 14) / 2.0 / iw, (h - 34) / 2.0 / ih);

        BufferedImageOp biop = null;
        BufferedImage bimg = new BufferedImage(iw, ih, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);

        switch (i) {
        case 0:
        case 1:
            x = i == 0 ? 5 : w / 2 + 3;
            y = 15;
            Kernel kernel = new Kernel(3, 3, data[i]);
            ConvolveOp cop = new ConvolveOp(kernel, ConvolveOp.EDGE_NO_OP, null);
            cop.filter(bi[i], bimg);
            biop = new AffineTransformOp(at, AffineTransformOp.TYPE_NEAREST_NEIGHBOR);
        case 2:
            x = 5;
            y = h / 2 + 15;
            byte chlut[] = new byte[256];
            for (int j = 0; j < 200; j++)
                chlut[j] = (byte) (256 - j);
            ByteLookupTable blut = new ByteLookupTable(0, chlut);
            LookupOp lop = new LookupOp(blut, null);
            lop.filter(bi[i], bimg);
            biop = new AffineTransformOp(at, AffineTransformOp.TYPE_BILINEAR);
        case 3:
            x = w / 2 + 3;
            y = h / 2 + 15;
            RescaleOp rop = new RescaleOp(1.1f, 20.0f, null);
            rop.filter(bi[i], bimg);
            biop = new AffineTransformOp(at, AffineTransformOp.TYPE_BILINEAR);
        g2.drawImage(bimg, biop, x, y);
        TextLayout tl = new TextLayout(theDesc[i], g2.getFont(), g2.getFontRenderContext());
        tl.draw(g2, (float) x, (float) y - 4);

From source file:org.jcurl.core.base.CollissionStrategy.java

 * Iterate over all rocks and call//w  ww  .  ja  v  a2 s .c  om
 * {@link CollissionStrategy#computeWC(Rock, Rock, Rock, Rock, AffineTransform)}
 * for each pair.
 * @see CollissionStrategy#computeWC(Rock, Rock, Rock, Rock,
 *      AffineTransform)
 * @param pos
 * @param speed
 * @return bitmask of the changed rocks
public int compute(PositionSet pos, SpeedSet speed) {
    if (log.isDebugEnabled())
    int hits = 0;
    final AffineTransform mat = new AffineTransform();
    for (int B = 0; B < RockSet.ROCKS_PER_SET; B++) {
        for (int A = 0; A < B; A++) {
            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("Compute hit " + A + "<->" + B);
            if (computeWC(pos.getRock(A), pos.getRock(B), speed.getRock(A), speed.getRock(B), mat)) {
                // mark the rocks' bits hit
                hits |= (1 << A);
                hits |= (1 << B);
    if (log.isDebugEnabled())
        log.debug("hit rocks: " + Integer.toBinaryString(hits));
    return hits;

From source file:org.jcurl.core.base.ColliderBase.java

 * Iterate over all rocks and call/*from w w  w.  ja va 2  s.co  m*/
 * {@link ColliderBase#computeWC(Rock, Rock, Rock, Rock, AffineTransform)}
 * for each pair.
 * <p>
 * Does not change <code>pos</code>!
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * Does not fire {@link SpeedSet#notifyChange()}!
 * </p>
 * @see ColliderBase#computeWC(Rock, Rock, Rock, Rock, AffineTransform)
 * @param pos
 * @param speed
 * @param tr
 *            <code>null</code> creates a new instance.
 * @return bitmask of the changed rocks
public int compute(final PositionSet pos, final SpeedSet speed, AffineTransform tr) {
    if (log.isDebugEnabled())
    int hits = 0;
    if (tr == null)
        tr = new AffineTransform();
    for (int B = 0; B < RockSet.ROCKS_PER_SET; B++)
        for (int A = 0; A < B; A++) {
            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("Compute hit " + A + "<->" + B);
            if (computeWC(pos.getRock(A), pos.getRock(B), speed.getRock(A), speed.getRock(B), tr)) {
                // mark the rocks' bits hit
                hits |= 1 << A;
                hits |= 1 << B;
    if (log.isDebugEnabled())
        log.debug("hit rocks: " + Integer.toBinaryString(hits));
    return hits;

From source file:desmoj.extensions.grafic.util.Plotter.java

* Constructor to set the path of output directory and the size of created image.
* Default are onScreen = false, locale = Locale.getDefault, timeZone = TimeZone.getdefault 
* @param path//from  w w w . ja  v  a 2s. c o  m
* @param size
public Plotter(String path, Dimension size) {
    this.paintPanel = new PaintPanel(path, size);
    this.onScreen = false;
    this.locale = Locale.getDefault();
    this.timeZone = TimeZone.getDefault();
    this.begin = null;
    this.end = null;
    this.frc = new FontRenderContext(new AffineTransform(), true, true);