List of usage examples for java.awt.geom AffineTransform AffineTransform
public AffineTransform()
From source
private void createCategoricalLegendItems(PlotInstance plotInstance, Set<PlotDimension> dimensionSet, LegendItemCollection legendItemCollection, Iterable<Double> values) { createDimensionTitleLegendItem(plotInstance, dimensionSet, legendItemCollection); PlotConfiguration plotConfig = plotInstance.getCurrentPlotConfigurationClone(); Shape defaultShape = new Ellipse2D.Float(-5f, -5f, 10f, 10f); Color defaultOutlineColor = PlotConfiguration.DEFAULT_OUTLINE_COLOR; ColorProvider colorProvider = null;//from www .j ava2 s . co m ShapeProvider shapeProvider = null; SizeProvider sizeProvider = null; DefaultDimensionConfig dimensionConfig = (DefaultDimensionConfig) plotConfig .getDimensionConfig(dimensionSet.iterator().next()); DimensionConfigData dimensionConfigData = plotInstance.getPlotData() .getDimensionConfigData(dimensionConfig); for (PlotDimension dimension : dimensionSet) { if (dimension == PlotDimension.COLOR) { colorProvider = dimensionConfigData.getColorProvider(); } else if (dimension == PlotDimension.SHAPE) { shapeProvider = dimensionConfigData.getShapeProvider(); } else if (dimension == PlotDimension.SIZE) { sizeProvider = dimensionConfigData.getSizeProvider(); } } // initialize size scale for legend ContinuousSizeProvider legendSizeProvider = null; if (sizeProvider != null) { double minScalingFactor = sizeProvider.getMinScalingFactor(); double maxScalingFactor = sizeProvider.getMaxScalingFactor(); double minLegendScalingFactor = MIN_LEGEND_ITEM_SCALING_FACTOR; double maxLegendScalingFactor = MAX_LEGEND_ITEM_SCALING_FACTOR; if (minScalingFactor > maxScalingFactor) { double tmp = minScalingFactor; minScalingFactor = maxScalingFactor; maxScalingFactor = tmp; minLegendScalingFactor = MAX_LEGEND_ITEM_SCALING_FACTOR; maxLegendScalingFactor = MIN_LEGEND_ITEM_SCALING_FACTOR; } legendSizeProvider = new ContinuousSizeProvider(minScalingFactor, maxScalingFactor, minLegendScalingFactor, maxLegendScalingFactor, false); } for (Double value : values) { // configure shape and stroke Shape shape = defaultShape; BasicStroke outlineStroke; Color outlineColor = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0); if (shapeProvider != null) { shape = shapeProvider.getShapeForCategory(value); outlineStroke = DEFAULT_OUTLINE_STROKE; outlineColor = defaultOutlineColor; } else { outlineStroke = new BasicStroke(); if (colorProvider != null) { shape = UNDEFINED_SHAPE; } else { shape = UNDEFINED_SHAPE_AND_COLOR; } } // configure fill paint Paint paint = UNDEFINED_COLOR_PAINT; if (colorProvider != null) { paint = colorProvider.getColorForValue(value); } double scalingFactor = 1; if (sizeProvider != null) { // scale shape according to sizeProvider scalingFactor = sizeProvider.getScalingFactorForValue(value); // scale shape to fit into legend scalingFactor = legendSizeProvider.getScalingFactorForValue(scalingFactor); AffineTransform transformation = new AffineTransform(); transformation.scale(scalingFactor, scalingFactor); shape = transformation.createTransformedShape(shape); } String label = dimensionConfigData.getStringForValue(value); if (label == null) { label = ""; } CustomLegendItem legendItem = new CustomLegendItem(label, null, null, null, shape, paint, outlineStroke, outlineColor); legendItemCollection.add(legendItem); } }
From source
/** * * @param g2d//from www .jav a m */ public void paint(Graphics2D g2d) { // setup painting parameters String fractionSortOrder = "name"; //random, weight, date if (getWeightedMeanOptions().containsKey("fractionSortOrder")) { fractionSortOrder = getWeightedMeanOptions().get("fractionSortOrder"); } double rangeX = (getMaxX_Display() - getMinX_Display()); double rangeY = (getMaxY_Display() - getMinY_Display()); g2d.setClip(getLeftMargin(), getTopMargin(), getGraphWidth(), getGraphHeight()); RenderingHints rh = g2d.getRenderingHints(); rh.put(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON); rh.put(RenderingHints.KEY_RENDERING, RenderingHints.VALUE_RENDER_QUALITY); g2d.setRenderingHints(rh); // walk the sampleDateInterpretations and produce graphs g2d.setPaint(Color.BLACK); g2d.setStroke(new BasicStroke(2.0f)); g2d.setFont(new Font("SansSerif", Font.BOLD, 10)); double barWidth = 15.0; double barGap = 10.0; double startSamX = 10.0; double saveStartSamX = 0.0; double samSpace = 3.0; for (int i = 0; i < selectedSampleDateModels.length; i++) { for (int j = 1; j < 9; j++) { if (selectedSampleDateModels[i][j] instanceof SampleDateModel) { final SampleDateModel SAM = ((SampleDateModel) selectedSampleDateModels[i][j]); double wMean = SAM.getValue().movePointLeft(6).doubleValue(); double wMeanOneSigma = SAM.getOneSigmaAbs().movePointLeft(6).doubleValue(); Path2D mean = new Path2D.Double(Path2D.WIND_NON_ZERO); // july 2008 // modified to show de-selected fractions as gray // this means a new special list of fractionIDs is created fromall non-rejected fractions // and each instance is tested for being included // should eventually refactor Vector<String> allFIDs = new Vector<String>(); for (String f : ((UPbReduxAliquot) SAM.getAliquot()).getAliquotFractionIDs()) { // test added for Sample-based wm if (SAM.fractionDateIsPositive(// ((UPbReduxAliquot) SAM.getAliquot()).getAliquotFractionByName(f))) { allFIDs.add(f); } } final int iFinal = i; if (fractionSortOrder.equalsIgnoreCase("weight")) { Collections.sort(allFIDs, new Comparator<String>() { public int compare(String fID1, String fID2) { double invertOneSigmaF1 = // 1.0 // / ((UPbReduxAliquot) selectedSampleDateModels[iFinal][0])// .getAliquotFractionByName(fID1)// .getRadiogenicIsotopeDateByName(SAM.getDateName())// .getOneSigmaAbs().movePointLeft(6).doubleValue(); double invertOneSigmaF2 = // 1.0 // / ((UPbReduxAliquot) selectedSampleDateModels[iFinal][0])// .getAliquotFractionByName(fID2)// .getRadiogenicIsotopeDateByName(SAM.getDateName())// .getOneSigmaAbs().movePointLeft(6).doubleValue(); return, invertOneSigmaF1); } }); } else if (fractionSortOrder.equalsIgnoreCase("date")) { Collections.sort(allFIDs, new Comparator<String>() { public int compare(String fID1, String fID2) { double dateF1 = // ((UPbReduxAliquot) selectedSampleDateModels[iFinal][0])// .getAliquotFractionByName(fID1)// .getRadiogenicIsotopeDateByName(SAM.getDateName())// .getValue().doubleValue(); double dateF2 = // ((UPbReduxAliquot) selectedSampleDateModels[iFinal][0])// .getAliquotFractionByName(fID2)// .getRadiogenicIsotopeDateByName(SAM.getDateName())// .getValue().doubleValue(); return, dateF2); } }); } else if ( /* ! isInRandomMode() &&*/fractionSortOrder.equalsIgnoreCase("random")) { Collections.shuffle(allFIDs, new Random()); } else if (fractionSortOrder.equalsIgnoreCase("name")) { // default to alphabetic by name //Collections.sort(allFIDs); // april 2010 give same lexigraphic ordering that UPbFractions get Collections.sort(allFIDs, new IntuitiveStringComparator<String>()); } else { // do nothing } double actualWidthX = (allFIDs.size()) * (barWidth + barGap);//; + barGap; // plot 2-sigma of mean mean.moveTo((float) mapX(startSamX, getMinX_Display(), rangeX, graphWidth), (float) mapY(wMean + 2.0 * wMeanOneSigma, getMaxY_Display(), rangeY, graphHeight)); mean.lineTo((float) mapX(startSamX + actualWidthX, getMinX_Display(), rangeX, graphWidth), (float) mapY(wMean + 2.0 * wMeanOneSigma, getMaxY_Display(), rangeY, graphHeight)); mean.lineTo((float) mapX(startSamX + actualWidthX, getMinX_Display(), rangeX, graphWidth), (float) mapY(wMean - 2.0 * wMeanOneSigma, getMaxY_Display(), rangeY, graphHeight)); mean.lineTo((float) mapX(startSamX, getMinX_Display(), rangeX, graphWidth), (float) mapY(wMean - 2.0 * wMeanOneSigma, getMaxY_Display(), rangeY, graphHeight)); mean.closePath(); g2d.setColor(ReduxConstants.mySampleYellowColor); g2d.fill(mean); g2d.setPaint(Color.BLACK); // plot 1-sigma of mean mean.reset(); mean.moveTo((float) mapX(startSamX, getMinX_Display(), rangeX, graphWidth), (float) mapY(wMean + wMeanOneSigma, getMaxY_Display(), rangeY, graphHeight)); mean.lineTo((float) mapX(startSamX + actualWidthX, getMinX_Display(), rangeX, graphWidth), (float) mapY(wMean + wMeanOneSigma, getMaxY_Display(), rangeY, graphHeight)); mean.lineTo((float) mapX(startSamX + actualWidthX, getMinX_Display(), rangeX, graphWidth), (float) mapY(wMean - wMeanOneSigma, getMaxY_Display(), rangeY, graphHeight)); mean.lineTo((float) mapX(startSamX, getMinX_Display(), rangeX, graphWidth), (float) mapY(wMean - wMeanOneSigma, getMaxY_Display(), rangeY, graphHeight)); mean.closePath(); g2d.setColor(ReduxConstants.ColorOfRedux); g2d.fill(mean); g2d.setPaint(Color.BLACK); // plot mean mean.reset(); mean.moveTo((float) mapX(startSamX, getMinX_Display(), rangeX, graphWidth), (float) mapY(wMean, getMaxY_Display(), rangeY, graphHeight)); mean.lineTo((float) mapX(startSamX + actualWidthX, getMinX_Display(), rangeX, graphWidth), (float) mapY(wMean, getMaxY_Display(), rangeY, graphHeight)); g2d.setStroke(new BasicStroke(1.0f)); g2d.draw(mean); g2d.setStroke(new BasicStroke(2.0f)); saveStartSamX = startSamX; // plot fraction bars double minPoint = 5000.0; double maxWeight = 0.0; double totalWeight = 0.0; int barNum = 0; for (String fID : allFIDs) { // the dateModel has an associated aliquot, but in sample mode, it is a // standin aliquot for the sample. to get the aliquot number for // use in coloring fractions, we need to query the fraction itself String aliquotName = sample.getAliquotNameByFractionID(fID); Color includedFillColor = new Color(0, 0, 0); if (sample.getSampleDateInterpretationGUISettings().getAliquotOptions().get(aliquotName) .containsKey("includedFillColor")) { String[] temp = // sample.getSampleDateInterpretationGUISettings().getAliquotOptions() .get(aliquotName).get("includedFillColor").split(","); includedFillColor = buildRGBColor(temp); } Fraction f = ((UPbReduxAliquot) selectedSampleDateModels[i][0]) .getAliquotFractionByName(fID); double date = f.//((UPbReduxAliquot) selectedSampleDateModels[i][0]).getAliquotFractionByName(fID).// getRadiogenicIsotopeDateByName(SAM.getDateName()).getValue().movePointLeft(6) .doubleValue(); double twoSigma = f.//((UPbReduxAliquot) selectedSampleDateModels[i][0]).getAliquotFractionByName(fID).// getRadiogenicIsotopeDateByName(SAM.getDateName()).getTwoSigmaAbs().movePointLeft(6) .doubleValue(); if ((date - twoSigma) < minPoint) { minPoint = (date - twoSigma); } double invertedOneSigma = // 1.0 // / f.//((UPbReduxAliquot) selectedSampleDateModels[i][0]).getAliquotFractionByName(fID).// getRadiogenicIsotopeDateByName(SAM.getDateName()).getOneSigmaAbs() .movePointLeft(6).doubleValue(); if (invertedOneSigma > maxWeight) { maxWeight = invertedOneSigma; } Path2D bar = new Path2D.Double(Path2D.WIND_NON_ZERO); bar.moveTo( (float) mapX(saveStartSamX + ((barGap / 2.0) + barNum * (barWidth + barGap)), getMinX_Display(), rangeX, graphWidth), (float) mapY(date + twoSigma, getMaxY_Display(), rangeY, graphHeight)); bar.lineTo( (float) mapX( saveStartSamX + ((barGap / 2.0) + barNum * (barWidth + barGap)) + barWidth, getMinX_Display(), rangeX, graphWidth), (float) mapY(date + twoSigma, getMaxY_Display(), rangeY, graphHeight)); bar.lineTo( (float) mapX( saveStartSamX + ((barGap / 2.0) + barNum * (barWidth + barGap)) + barWidth, getMinX_Display(), rangeX, graphWidth), (float) mapY(date - twoSigma, getMaxY_Display(), rangeY, graphHeight)); bar.lineTo( (float) mapX(saveStartSamX + ((barGap / 2.0) + barNum * (barWidth + barGap)), getMinX_Display(), rangeX, graphWidth), (float) mapY(date - twoSigma, getMaxY_Display(), rangeY, graphHeight)); bar.closePath(); Composite originalComposite = g2d.getComposite(); if (SAM.getIncludedFractionIDsVector().contains(fID)) { g2d.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, 0.8f)); totalWeight += Math.pow(invertedOneSigma, 2.0); // april 2014 experiment if (f.getRgbColor() != 0) { includedFillColor = new Color(f.getRgbColor()); } } else { g2d.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, 0.2f)); } g2d.setPaint(includedFillColor); g2d.draw(bar); //restore composite g2d.setComposite(originalComposite); g2d.setColor(; // label fraction at top g2d.rotate(-Math.PI / 4.0, (float) mapX(saveStartSamX + ((barGap / 2.0) + barNum * (barWidth + barGap)), getMinX_Display(), rangeX, graphWidth), (float) mapY(date + twoSigma, getMaxY_Display(), rangeY, graphHeight)); g2d.drawString( ((UPbReduxAliquot) selectedSampleDateModels[i][0]).getAliquotFractionByName(fID) .getFractionID(), (float) mapX(saveStartSamX + ((barGap / 2.0) + barNum * (barWidth + barGap)), getMinX_Display(), rangeX, graphWidth) + 15, (float) mapY(date + twoSigma, getMaxY_Display(), rangeY, graphHeight)); g2d.rotate(Math.PI / 4.0, (float) mapX(saveStartSamX + ((barGap / 2.0) + barNum * (barWidth + barGap)), getMinX_Display(), rangeX, graphWidth), (float) mapY(date + twoSigma, getMaxY_Display(), rangeY, graphHeight)); barNum++; // startSamX += 2 * barWidth; startSamX += barWidth + barGap; } // display three info boxes below weighted means // each tic is the height of one calculated y-axis tic // determine the y axis tic double minYtic = Math.ceil(getMinY_Display() * 100) / 100; double maxYtic = Math.floor(getMaxY_Display() * 100) / 100; double deltay = Math.rint((maxYtic - minYtic) * 10 + 0.5); double yTic = deltay / 100; double yTopSummary = minPoint - yTic / 2.0;// wMeanOneSigma; //double specialYTic = yTic; double yTopWeights = yTopSummary - yTic * 1.1; double yTopMSWD_PDF = yTopWeights - yTic * 1.1; // summary box Path2D box = new Path2D.Double(Path2D.WIND_NON_ZERO); box.moveTo((float) mapX(saveStartSamX, getMinX_Display(), rangeX, graphWidth), (float) mapY(yTopSummary, getMaxY_Display(), rangeY, graphHeight)); box.lineTo((float) mapX(saveStartSamX + actualWidthX, getMinX_Display(), rangeX, graphWidth), (float) mapY(yTopSummary, getMaxY_Display(), rangeY, graphHeight)); box.lineTo((float) mapX(saveStartSamX + actualWidthX, getMinX_Display(), rangeX, graphWidth), (float) mapY(yTopSummary - yTic, getMaxY_Display(), rangeY, graphHeight)); box.lineTo((float) mapX(saveStartSamX, getMinX_Display(), rangeX, graphWidth), (float) mapY(yTopSummary - yTic, getMaxY_Display(), rangeY, graphHeight)); box.closePath(); g2d.setStroke(new BasicStroke(1.5f)); g2d.draw(box); // Info Box g2d.drawString(// SAM.getAliquot().getAliquotName(), (float) mapX(saveStartSamX, getMinX_Display(), rangeX, graphWidth) + 4f, (float) mapY(yTopSummary, getMaxY_Display(), rangeY, graphHeight) + 13f); g2d.drawString(// SAM.getName(), (float) mapX(saveStartSamX, getMinX_Display(), rangeX, graphWidth) + 4f, (float) mapY(yTopSummary, getMaxY_Display(), rangeY, graphHeight) + 25f); g2d.drawString(// SAM.FormatValueAndTwoSigmaABSThreeWaysForPublication(6, 2), (float) mapX(saveStartSamX, getMinX_Display(), rangeX, graphWidth) + 4f, (float) mapY(yTopSummary, getMaxY_Display(), rangeY, graphHeight) + 36f); g2d.drawString(// SAM.ShowCustomMSWDwithN(), (float) mapX(saveStartSamX, getMinX_Display(), rangeX, graphWidth) + 4f, (float) mapY(yTopSummary, getMaxY_Display(), rangeY, graphHeight) + 48f); // weights box box.reset(); box.moveTo((float) mapX(saveStartSamX, getMinX_Display(), rangeX, graphWidth), (float) mapY(yTopWeights, getMaxY_Display(), rangeY, graphHeight)); box.lineTo((float) mapX(saveStartSamX + actualWidthX, getMinX_Display(), rangeX, graphWidth), (float) mapY(yTopWeights, getMaxY_Display(), rangeY, graphHeight)); box.lineTo((float) mapX(saveStartSamX + actualWidthX, getMinX_Display(), rangeX, graphWidth), (float) mapY(yTopWeights - yTic, getMaxY_Display(), rangeY, graphHeight)); box.lineTo((float) mapX(saveStartSamX, getMinX_Display(), rangeX, graphWidth), (float) mapY(yTopWeights - yTic, getMaxY_Display(), rangeY, graphHeight)); box.closePath(); g2d.setStroke(new BasicStroke(1.5f)); g2d.draw(box); // plot fraction weights double artificialXRange = allFIDs.size(); double count = 0; //double weightWidth = Math.min(3.0 * barWidth, (yTic / rangeY * graphHeight)) - 15;//yTic;//barWidth * 2.0; double weightWidth = (barWidth + barGap) * 0.9; for (String fID : allFIDs) { // the dateModel has an associated aliquot, but in sample mode, it is a // standin aliquot for the sample. to get the aliquot number for // use in coloring fractions, we need to query the fraction itself String aliquotName = sample.getAliquotNameByFractionID(fID); Fraction f = ((UPbReduxAliquot) selectedSampleDateModels[i][0]) .getAliquotFractionByName(fID); Color includedFillColor = new Color(0, 0, 0); if (sample.getSampleDateInterpretationGUISettings().getAliquotOptions().get(aliquotName) .containsKey("includedFillColor")) { String[] temp = // sample.getSampleDateInterpretationGUISettings().getAliquotOptions() .get(aliquotName).get("includedFillColor").split(","); includedFillColor = buildRGBColor(temp); } double invertOneSigma = // 1.0 // / ((UPbReduxAliquot) selectedSampleDateModels[i][0]) .getAliquotFractionByName(fID)// .getRadiogenicIsotopeDateByName(SAM.getDateName()).getOneSigmaAbs() .movePointLeft(6).doubleValue(); Path2D weight = new Path2D.Double(Path2D.WIND_NON_ZERO); weight.moveTo( (float) mapX(saveStartSamX + (count + 0.5) / artificialXRange * actualWidthX, getMinX_Display(), rangeX, graphWidth) // - (float) (invertOneSigma / maxWeight / 2.0 * weightWidth), (float) mapY(yTopWeights - (yTic / 2.0), getMaxY_Display(), rangeY, graphHeight) // + (float) (invertOneSigma / maxWeight / 2.0 * weightWidth) - 5f); weight.lineTo( (float) mapX(saveStartSamX + (count + 0.5) / artificialXRange * actualWidthX, getMinX_Display(), rangeX, graphWidth) // + (float) (invertOneSigma / maxWeight / 2.0 * weightWidth), (float) mapY(yTopWeights - (yTic / 2.0), getMaxY_Display(), rangeY, graphHeight) // + (float) (invertOneSigma / maxWeight / 2.0 * weightWidth) - 5f); weight.lineTo( (float) mapX(saveStartSamX + (count + 0.5) / artificialXRange * actualWidthX, getMinX_Display(), rangeX, graphWidth) // + (float) (invertOneSigma / maxWeight / 2.0 * weightWidth), (float) mapY(yTopWeights - (yTic / 2.0), getMaxY_Display(), rangeY, graphHeight) // - (float) (invertOneSigma / maxWeight / 2.0 * weightWidth) - 5f); weight.lineTo( (float) mapX(saveStartSamX + (count + 0.5) / artificialXRange * actualWidthX, getMinX_Display(), rangeX, graphWidth) // - (float) (invertOneSigma / maxWeight / 2.0 * weightWidth), (float) mapY(yTopWeights - (yTic / 2.0), getMaxY_Display(), rangeY, graphHeight) // - (float) (invertOneSigma / maxWeight / 2.0 * weightWidth) - 5f); weight.closePath(); g2d.setStroke(new BasicStroke(2.5f)); // test for included or not == black or gray String weightPerCent = " 0";//0.0%"; // g2d.setPaint(includedFillColor); Composite originalComposite = g2d.getComposite(); if (SAM.getIncludedFractionIDsVector().contains(fID)) { g2d.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, 0.8f)); weightPerCent = formatter1DecPlace .format(Math.pow(invertOneSigma, 2.0) / totalWeight * 100.0);// + "%"; // april 2014 experiment if (f.getRgbColor() != 0) { includedFillColor = new Color(f.getRgbColor()); } } else { g2d.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, 0.2f)); } g2d.setPaint(includedFillColor); g2d.fill(weight); //restore composite g2d.setComposite(originalComposite); // write percent of total weight g2d.drawString(weightPerCent, (float) mapX(saveStartSamX + (count + 0.5) / artificialXRange * actualWidthX, getMinX_Display(), rangeX, graphWidth) // - (float) (invertOneSigma / maxWeight / 2.0 * weightWidth), (float) mapY(yTopWeights - yTic, getMaxY_Display(), rangeY, graphHeight) - 5f); g2d.setColor(; count += 1.0; } // double box height for graph yTic *= 2.0; // plot MSWD_PDF // store function x,y values Vector<Double> xVals = new Vector<Double>(); Vector<Double> yVals = new Vector<Double>(); double f = SAM.getIncludedFractionIDsVector().size() - 1; if (f > 1.0) { g2d.setStroke(new BasicStroke(1.0f)); double yRange = MSWDCoordinates.valuesByPointCount[(int) f][5] * 1.03; // alitle air at the top of curve double xStart = MSWDCoordinates.valuesByPointCount[(int) f][1]; double xRange = MSWDCoordinates.valuesByPointCount[(int) f][4] - xStart; double xStep = 0.005; Path2D MSWD_PDF = new Path2D.Double(Path2D.WIND_NON_ZERO); Path2D MSWD_right = new Path2D.Double(Path2D.WIND_NON_ZERO); // start at lower left corner of box (may or may not be 0,0 ) MSWD_PDF.moveTo(// (float) mapX((double) saveStartSamX, getMinX_Display(), rangeX, graphWidth), (float) mapY(yTopMSWD_PDF - yTic, getMaxY_Display(), rangeY, graphHeight)); // setup MSWD to paint last Path2D MSWD = null; // calculate function values for (double x = xStart; x < xRange; x += xStep) { xVals.add((((x - xStart) / xRange) * actualWidthX) + (double) saveStartSamX); double y = // Math.pow(2, -1.0 * f / 2.0)// * Math.exp(-1.0 * f * x / 2.0)// * Math.pow(f, f / 2.0)// * Math.pow(x, (-1.0 + f / 2.0))// / Math.exp(Gamma.logGamma(f / 2.0)); yVals.add(((y / yRange) * yTic) + yTopMSWD_PDF - yTic); MSWD_PDF.lineTo(// (float) mapX(xVals.lastElement(), getMinX_Display(), rangeX, graphWidth), (float) mapY(yVals.lastElement(), getMaxY_Display(), rangeY, graphHeight)); // test for location of left RED zone if ((MSWDCoordinates.valuesByPointCount[(int) f][2] >= x) && (MSWDCoordinates.valuesByPointCount[(int) f][2] < (x + xStep))) { double leftX = MSWDCoordinates.valuesByPointCount[(int) f][2]; xVals.add((((leftX - xStart) / xRange) * actualWidthX) + (double) saveStartSamX); double leftY = // Math.pow(2, -1.0 * f / 2.0)// * Math.exp(-1.0 * f * leftX / 2.0)// * Math.pow(f, f / 2.0)// * Math.pow(leftX, (-1.0 + f / 2.0))// / Math.exp(Gamma.logGamma(f / 2.0)); yVals.add(((leftY / yRange) * yTic) + yTopMSWD_PDF - yTic); MSWD_PDF.lineTo(// (float) mapX(xVals.lastElement(), getMinX_Display(), rangeX, graphWidth), (float) mapY(yVals.lastElement(), getMaxY_Display(), rangeY, graphHeight)); Path2D ciLower = new Path2D.Double(Path2D.WIND_NON_ZERO); ciLower.append(MSWD_PDF.getPathIterator(new AffineTransform()), true); ciLower.lineTo(// (float) mapX(xVals.lastElement(), getMinX_Display(), rangeX, graphWidth), (float) mapY(yTopMSWD_PDF - yTic, getMaxY_Display(), rangeY, graphHeight)); ciLower.closePath(); g2d.setColor(Color.RED); g2d.fill(ciLower); // draw right hand border line to compensate for a bug in the filler Line2D right = new Line2D.Double(// mapX(xVals.lastElement(), getMinX_Display(), rangeX, graphWidth), mapY(yVals.lastElement(), getMaxY_Display(), rangeY, graphHeight), mapX(xVals.lastElement(), getMinX_Display(), rangeX, graphWidth), mapY(yTopMSWD_PDF - yTic, getMaxY_Display(), rangeY, graphHeight)); g2d.setStroke(new BasicStroke(0.5f)); g2d.draw(right); g2d.setStroke(new BasicStroke(1.0f)); g2d.setColor(Color.BLACK); System.out.println("Left Red = (" + leftX + ", " + leftY + ")"); } // test for location of right RED zone if ((MSWDCoordinates.valuesByPointCount[(int) f][3] >= x) && (MSWDCoordinates.valuesByPointCount[(int) f][3] < (x + xStep))) { double rightX = MSWDCoordinates.valuesByPointCount[(int) f][3]; xVals.add((((rightX - xStart) / xRange) * actualWidthX) + (double) saveStartSamX); double rightY = // Math.pow(2, -1.0 * f / 2.0)// * Math.exp(-1.0 * f * rightX / 2.0)// * Math.pow(f, f / 2.0)// * Math.pow(rightX, (-1.0 + f / 2.0))// / Math.exp(Gamma.logGamma(f / 2.0)); yVals.add(((rightY / yRange) * yTic) + yTopMSWD_PDF - yTic); MSWD_PDF.lineTo(// (float) mapX(xVals.lastElement(), getMinX_Display(), rangeX, graphWidth), (float) mapY(yVals.lastElement(), getMaxY_Display(), rangeY, graphHeight)); // here the strategy is to draw the curve and then reset it to record the remainder g2d.setStroke(new BasicStroke(1.0f)); g2d.draw(MSWD_PDF); MSWD_PDF = new Path2D.Double(Path2D.WIND_NON_ZERO); MSWD_PDF.moveTo(// (float) mapX(xVals.lastElement(), getMinX_Display(), rangeX, graphWidth), (float) mapY(yVals.lastElement(), getMaxY_Display(), rangeY, graphHeight)); MSWD_right.moveTo(// (float) mapX(xVals.lastElement(), getMinX_Display(), rangeX, graphWidth), (float) mapY(yTopMSWD_PDF - yTic, getMaxY_Display(), rangeY, graphHeight)); MSWD_right.lineTo(// (float) mapX(xVals.lastElement(), getMinX_Display(), rangeX, graphWidth), (float) mapY(yVals.lastElement(), getMaxY_Display(), rangeY, graphHeight)); System.out.println("Right Red = (" + rightX + ", " + rightY + ")"); } // test for location of MSWD AND paint last if ((SAM.getMeanSquaredWeightedDeviation().doubleValue() >= x) && (SAM.getMeanSquaredWeightedDeviation().doubleValue() < (x + xStep))) { MSWD = new Path2D.Double(Path2D.WIND_NON_ZERO); MSWD.moveTo(// (float) mapX(xVals.lastElement(), getMinX_Display(), rangeX, graphWidth), (float) mapY(yTopMSWD_PDF - yTic, getMaxY_Display(), rangeY, graphHeight)); MSWD.lineTo(// (float) mapX(xVals.lastElement(), getMinX_Display(), rangeX, graphWidth), (float) mapY(yVals.lastElement(), getMaxY_Display(), rangeY, graphHeight)); } } g2d.setStroke(new BasicStroke(1.0f)); // merge with border of right RED and fill MSWD_right.append(MSWD_PDF.getPathIterator(new AffineTransform()), true); g2d.setColor(Color.RED); g2d.fill(MSWD_right); g2d.setColor(Color.BLACK); // draw the remaining curves g2d.draw(MSWD_PDF); // MSWD may be off the graph and hence not exist try { g2d.draw(MSWD); } catch (Exception e) { } // label 95% conf interval and MSWD g2d.drawString(// "95% CI: (" + formatter2DecPlaces.format(MSWDCoordinates.valuesByPointCount[(int) f][2]) + ", " + formatter2DecPlaces.format(MSWDCoordinates.valuesByPointCount[(int) f][3]) + ")", (float) mapX(saveStartSamX + (actualWidthX / 2.0), getMinX_Display(), rangeX, graphWidth) - 30f, (float) mapY(yTopMSWD_PDF, getMaxY_Display(), rangeY, graphHeight) + 15f); // determine if MSWD is out of range String mswdAlert = ""; if (SAM.getMeanSquaredWeightedDeviation() .doubleValue() > MSWDCoordinates.valuesByPointCount[(int) f][4]) { mswdAlert = "\n !Out of Range!"; } g2d.drawString(// "MSWD = " + formatter2DecPlaces .format(SAM.getMeanSquaredWeightedDeviation().doubleValue()) + ", n = " + (int) (f + 1) + mswdAlert, (float) mapX(saveStartSamX + (actualWidthX / 2.0), getMinX_Display(), rangeX, graphWidth) - 15f, (float) mapY(yTopMSWD_PDF, getMaxY_Display(), rangeY, graphHeight) + 30f); } else { g2d.drawString("need more data...", (float) mapX((double) saveStartSamX, getMinX_Display(), rangeX, graphWidth) + 4f, (float) mapY(yTopMSWD_PDF - yTic, getMaxY_Display(), rangeY, graphHeight) - 10f); } // MSWD_PDF box box.reset(); box.moveTo((float) mapX(saveStartSamX, getMinX_Display(), rangeX, graphWidth), (float) mapY(yTopMSWD_PDF, getMaxY_Display(), rangeY, graphHeight)); box.lineTo((float) mapX(saveStartSamX + actualWidthX, getMinX_Display(), rangeX, graphWidth), (float) mapY(yTopMSWD_PDF, getMaxY_Display(), rangeY, graphHeight)); box.lineTo((float) mapX(saveStartSamX + actualWidthX, getMinX_Display(), rangeX, graphWidth), (float) mapY(yTopMSWD_PDF - yTic, getMaxY_Display(), rangeY, graphHeight)); box.lineTo((float) mapX(saveStartSamX, getMinX_Display(), rangeX, graphWidth), (float) mapY(yTopMSWD_PDF - yTic, getMaxY_Display(), rangeY, graphHeight)); box.closePath(); g2d.setStroke(new BasicStroke(1.5f)); g2d.draw(box); // MSWD_PDF x-axis tics if (f > 1.0) { g2d.setStroke(new BasicStroke(1.0f)); double xStart = (MSWDCoordinates.valuesByPointCount[(int) f][1] <= 0.5) ? 0.5 : 1.0; double xRange = MSWDCoordinates.valuesByPointCount[(int) f][4] - MSWDCoordinates.valuesByPointCount[(int) f][1]; double xStep = 0.5; for (double x = xStart; x < xRange; x += xStep) { double xPlot = (((x - MSWDCoordinates.valuesByPointCount[(int) f][1]) / xRange) * actualWidthX) + (double) saveStartSamX; Line2D line = new Line2D.Double(mapX(xPlot, getMinX_Display(), rangeX, graphWidth), mapY(yTopMSWD_PDF - yTic, getMaxY_Display(), rangeY, graphHeight), mapX(xPlot, getMinX_Display(), rangeX, graphWidth), mapY(yTopMSWD_PDF - yTic, getMaxY_Display(), rangeY, graphHeight) + 7); g2d.draw(line); g2d.rotate(-Math.PI / 2.0, (float) mapX(xPlot, getMinX_Display(), rangeX, graphWidth), (float) mapY(yTopMSWD_PDF - yTic, getMaxY_Display(), rangeY, graphHeight)); g2d.drawString(formatter1DecPlace.format(x), (float) mapX(xPlot, getMinX_Display(), rangeX, graphWidth) - 30f, (float) mapY(yTopMSWD_PDF - yTic, getMaxY_Display(), rangeY, graphHeight) + 5f); g2d.rotate(Math.PI / 2.0, (float) mapX(xPlot, getMinX_Display(), rangeX, graphWidth), (float) mapY(yTopMSWD_PDF - yTic, getMaxY_Display(), rangeY, graphHeight)); } } // set counters barNum += samSpace; startSamX += 2 * samSpace * barWidth; } } } // // prevents re-randomization // setInRandomMode( true ); drawAxesAndTicks(g2d, rangeX, rangeY); // draw zoom box if in use if ((Math.abs(zoomMaxX - zoomMinX) * Math.abs(zoomMinY - zoomMaxY)) > 0.0) { g2d.setStroke(new BasicStroke(2.0f)); g2d.setColor(; g2d.drawRect(// Math.min(zoomMinX, zoomMaxX), Math.min(zoomMaxY, zoomMinY), Math.abs(zoomMaxX - zoomMinX), Math.abs(zoomMinY - zoomMaxY)); } }
From source
private void drawRotatedText(int tx, int ty, double theta, String text) { AffineTransform fontAT = new AffineTransform(); fontAT.setToIdentity();/*from w w w. j av a 2 s . co m*/ fontAT.rotate(Math.toRadians(theta)); Font curFont = grph.getFont(); Font rotFont = curFont.deriveFont(fontAT); grph.setFont(rotFont); grph.drawString(text, tx, ty); grph.setFont(curFont); }
From source
protected static PluggableRenderer constructRenderer(Graph g, final LayoutOptions options) { final LayoutOptions graphLayoutOptions = options != null ? options : new LayoutOptions(); PluggableRenderer r = new PluggableRenderer() { /**// w ww. j m * Draws the edge <code>e</code>, whose endpoints are at <code>(x1,y1)</code> * and <code>(x2,y2)</code>, on the graphics context <code>g</code>. * The <code>Shape</code> provided by the <code>EdgeShapeFunction</code> instance * is scaled in the x-direction so that its width is equal to the distance between * <code>(x1,y1)</code> and <code>(x2,y2)</code>. */ @Override protected void drawSimpleEdge(Graphics2D g2d, Edge e, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { final Vertex v1 = (Vertex) e.getEndpoints().getFirst(); final Vertex v2 = (Vertex) e.getEndpoints().getSecond(); boolean isLoop = v1.equals(v2); final Shape s2 = vertexShapeFunction.getShape(v2); Shape edgeShape = edgeShapeFunction.getShape(e); final double dx = x2 - x1; final double dy = y2 - y1; boolean edgeHit = true; boolean arrowHit = true; Rectangle deviceRectangle = null; if (screenDevice != null) { Dimension d = screenDevice.getSize(); if (d.width <= 0 || d.height <= 0) { d = screenDevice.getPreferredSize(); } deviceRectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, d.width, d.height); } String label = edgeStringer.getLabel(e); assert (label != null); Component labelComponent = prepareRenderer(graphLabelRenderer, label, isPicked(e), e); Dimension d = labelComponent.getPreferredSize(); Rectangle2D EdgeShapeBoundaries = edgeShape.getBounds2D(); AffineTransform xform = AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(x1, y1); double yMin = 0, yMax = 0; double thetaRadians = 0; if (isLoop) { // this is a self-loop. scale it is larger than the vertex // it decorates and translate it so that its nadir is // at the center of the vertex. int edgeIndex = ParallelEdgeIndexSingleton.getInstance().getIndex(e); Rectangle2D s2Bounds = s2.getBounds2D(); double scaleBy = 1 + (graphLayoutOptions.scaleLines - 1) * 1. / 3.; double translation = s2Bounds.getHeight() * (1. / 4. + edgeIndex / 4.); xform.translate(0, -scaleBy * translation); xform.scale(scaleBy * s2Bounds.getWidth(), scaleBy * s2Bounds.getHeight()); yMin = scaleBy * (EdgeShapeBoundaries.getMinY() * s2Bounds.getHeight()) - translation; yMax = scaleBy * (EdgeShapeBoundaries.getMaxY() * s2Bounds.getHeight()) - translation; } else { // this is a normal edge. Rotate it to the angle between // vertex endpoints, then scale it to the distance between // the vertices thetaRadians = Math.atan2(dy, dx); double dist = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); xform.rotate(thetaRadians); xform.scale(dist, 1.0); yMin = EdgeShapeBoundaries.getMinY(); yMax = EdgeShapeBoundaries.getMaxY(); } edgeShape = xform.createTransformedShape(edgeShape); // Debug code /* if (!isLoop) { g2d.setPaint(new Color( 250, 250, 0)); AffineTransform rect = AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(x1, y1+yMin); rect.rotate(thetaRadians); g2d.fill(rect.createTransformedShape( new Rectangle(0,0,(int)Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy),(int)(yMax-yMin)))); } else { g2d.setPaint(new Color( 100, 250, 0)); AffineTransform rect = AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(x1-s2.getBounds2D().getWidth()/2, y1+yMin); rect.rotate(thetaRadians); g2d.fill(rect.createTransformedShape( new Rectangle(0,0,(int)s2.getBounds2D().getWidth(),(int)(yMax-yMin)))); }*/ edgeHit = viewTransformer.transform(edgeShape).intersects(deviceRectangle); if (edgeHit == true) { Paint oldPaint = g2d.getPaint(); // get Paints for filling and drawing // (filling is done first so that drawing and label use same Paint) Paint fill_paint = edgePaintFunction.getFillPaint(e); if (fill_paint != null) { g2d.setPaint(fill_paint); g2d.fill(edgeShape); } Paint draw_paint = edgePaintFunction.getDrawPaint(e); if (draw_paint != null) { g2d.setPaint(draw_paint); g2d.draw(edgeShape); } double scalex = g2d.getTransform().getScaleX(); double scaley = g2d.getTransform().getScaleY(); // see if arrows are too small to bother drawing if (scalex < .3 || scaley < .3) return; if (edgeArrowPredicate.evaluate(e)) { Shape destVertexShape = vertexShapeFunction.getShape((Vertex) e.getEndpoints().getSecond()); AffineTransform xf = AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(x2, y2); destVertexShape = xf.createTransformedShape(destVertexShape); arrowHit = viewTransformer.transform(destVertexShape).intersects(deviceRectangle); if (arrowHit) { AffineTransform at; if (edgeShape instanceof GeneralPath) at = getArrowTransform((GeneralPath) edgeShape, destVertexShape); else at = getArrowTransform(new GeneralPath(edgeShape), destVertexShape); if (at == null) return; Shape arrow = edgeArrowFunction.getArrow(e); arrow = at.createTransformedShape(arrow); // note that arrows implicitly use the edge's draw paint g2d.fill(arrow); } assert !(e instanceof UndirectedEdge); } // For difference visualisation only boolean labelBelow = false; if (graphLayoutOptions.showDIFF && (draw_paint == null || draw_paint instanceof Color && ((Color) draw_paint).equals(Color.BLACK))) labelBelow = true; // Now draw the label. double xLabel = 0, yLabel = 0, xa = 0, ya = 0, rotation = thetaRadians; if (isLoop) { double displacementY = labelBelow ? -yMin + d.height : -yMin + d.height, displacementX = d.width / 2; xa = x1 + dx / 2 + displacementY * Math.sin(thetaRadians); ya = y1 + dy / 2 - displacementY * Math.cos(thetaRadians); xLabel = xa - displacementX * Math.cos(thetaRadians); yLabel = ya - displacementX * Math.sin(thetaRadians); } else if (dx < 0) { double displacementY = labelBelow ? yMax - d.height : (-yMax - d.height), displacementX = d.width / 2; xa = x1 + dx / 2 + displacementY * Math.sin(thetaRadians); ya = y1 + dy / 2 - displacementY * Math.cos(thetaRadians); xLabel = xa + displacementX * Math.cos(thetaRadians); yLabel = ya + displacementX * Math.sin(thetaRadians); rotation = thetaRadians + Math.PI; } else { double displacementY = labelBelow ? yMax : -yMax, displacementX = d.width / 2; xa = x1 + dx / 2 + displacementY * Math.sin(thetaRadians); ya = y1 + dy / 2 - displacementY * Math.cos(thetaRadians); xLabel = xa - displacementX * Math.cos(thetaRadians); yLabel = ya - displacementX * Math.sin(thetaRadians); } AffineTransform old = g2d.getTransform(); AffineTransform labelTransform = new AffineTransform(); // Debug code: //g2d.drawLine((int)(x1+dx/2), (int)(y1+dy/2), (int)(xa), (int)(ya));g2d.drawLine((int)(xa), (int)(ya), (int)(xLabel), (int)(yLabel)); labelTransform.translate(xLabel, yLabel); labelTransform.rotate(rotation); g2d.setTransform(labelTransform); rendererPane.paintComponent(g2d, labelComponent, screenDevice, 0, 0, d.width, d.height, true); g2d.setTransform(old); // restore old paint g2d.setPaint(oldPaint); } // if edgeHit == true } }; r = labelEdges(g, r, graphLayoutOptions); r = labelVertices(r, g, graphLayoutOptions); r.setVertexIncludePredicate(new Predicate() { @Override public boolean evaluate(Object object) { if (!graphLayoutOptions.showIgnored && graphLayoutOptions.ignoredStates != null && graphLayoutOptions.ignoredStates.contains(object.toString())) return false; if (graphLayoutOptions.showNegatives) return true; else return DeterministicDirectedSparseGraph.isAccept((Vertex) object); } }); return r; }
From source
/** * Checks if the Shape equates to a Rectangle, if it does it performs a conversion, otherwise * returns null/*from www . j av a2s . c o m*/ * @param shape * @return */ static Rectangle toRectangle(Shape shape) { if (shape instanceof Rectangle) { return (Rectangle) shape; } if (shape == null) { return null; } // check if it's equivalent to a rectangle PathIterator iter = shape.getPathIterator(new AffineTransform()); double[] coords = new double[2]; // not enough points? if (iter.isDone()) { return null; } // get the first and init the data structures; int action = iter.currentSegment(coords); if (action != PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO && action != PathIterator.SEG_LINETO) { return null; } double minx = coords[0]; double miny = coords[1]; double maxx = minx; double maxy = miny; double prevx = minx; double prevy = miny; int i = 0; // at most 4 steps, if more it's not a strict rectangle for (; i < 4 && !iter.isDone(); i++) {; action = iter.currentSegment(coords); if (action == PathIterator.SEG_CLOSE) { break; } if (action != PathIterator.SEG_LINETO) { return null; } // check orthogonal step (x does not change and y does, or vice versa) double x = coords[0]; double y = coords[1]; if (!(prevx == x && prevy != y) && !(prevx != x && prevy == y)) { return null; } // update mins and maxes if (x < minx) { minx = x; } else if (x > maxx) { maxx = x; } if (y < miny) { miny = y; } else if (y > maxy) { maxy = y; } // keep track of prev step prevx = x; prevy = y; } // if more than 4 other points it's not a standard rectangle; if (!iter.isDone() || i != 3) { return null; } // turn it into a rectangle return new Rectangle2D.Double(minx, miny, maxx - minx, maxy - miny).getBounds(); }
From source
private void setPaint(final boolean invert, final double xoffset, final double yoffset, final boolean fill) { if (paint instanceof Color) { final Color color = (Color) paint; final int alpha = color.getAlpha(); if (fill) { if (alpha != currentFillGState) { currentFillGState = alpha; PdfGState gs = fillGState[alpha]; if (gs == null) { gs = new PdfGState(); gs.setFillOpacity(alpha / 255.00f); fillGState[alpha] = gs; }/*from w w w. j a va 2 s. com*/ cb.setGState(gs); } cb.setColorFill(color); } else { if (alpha != currentStrokeGState) { currentStrokeGState = alpha; PdfGState gs = strokeGState[alpha]; if (gs == null) { gs = new PdfGState(); gs.setStrokeOpacity(alpha / 255.0f); strokeGState[alpha] = gs; } cb.setGState(gs); } cb.setColorStroke(color); } } else if (paint instanceof GradientPaint) { final GradientPaint gp = (GradientPaint) paint; final Point2D p1 = gp.getPoint1(); transform.transform(p1, p1); final Point2D p2 = gp.getPoint2(); transform.transform(p2, p2); final Color c1 = gp.getColor1(); final Color c2 = gp.getColor2(); final PdfShading shading = PdfShading.simpleAxial(cb.getPdfWriter(), (float) p1.getX(), normalizeY((float) p1.getY()), (float) p2.getX(), normalizeY((float) p2.getY()), c1, c2); final PdfShadingPattern pat = new PdfShadingPattern(shading); if (fill) { cb.setShadingFill(pat); } else { cb.setShadingStroke(pat); } } else if (paint instanceof TexturePaint) { try { final TexturePaint tp = (TexturePaint) paint; final BufferedImage img = tp.getImage(); final Rectangle2D rect = tp.getAnchorRect(); final com.lowagie.text.Image image = com.lowagie.text.Image.getInstance(img, null); final PdfPatternPainter pattern = cb.createPattern(image.getWidth(), image.getHeight()); final AffineTransform inverse = this.normalizeMatrix(); inverse.translate(rect.getX(), rect.getY()); inverse.scale(rect.getWidth() / image.getWidth(), -rect.getHeight() / image.getHeight()); final double[] mx = new double[6]; inverse.getMatrix(mx); pattern.setPatternMatrix((float) mx[0], (float) mx[1], (float) mx[2], (float) mx[3], (float) mx[4], (float) mx[5]); image.setAbsolutePosition(0, 0); pattern.addImage(image); if (fill) { cb.setPatternFill(pattern); } else { cb.setPatternStroke(pattern); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (fill) { cb.setColorFill(Color.gray); } else { cb.setColorStroke(Color.gray); } } } else { try { int type = BufferedImage.TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR; if (paint.getTransparency() == Transparency.OPAQUE) { type = BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR; } final BufferedImage img = new BufferedImage((int) width, (int) height, type); final Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D) img.getGraphics(); g.transform(transform); final AffineTransform inv = transform.createInverse(); Shape fillRect = new Rectangle2D.Double(0, 0, img.getWidth(), img.getHeight()); fillRect = inv.createTransformedShape(fillRect); g.setPaint(paint); g.fill(fillRect); if (invert) { final AffineTransform tx = new AffineTransform(); tx.scale(1, -1); tx.translate(-xoffset, -yoffset); g.drawImage(img, tx, null); } g.dispose(); // g = null; final com.lowagie.text.Image image = com.lowagie.text.Image.getInstance(img, null); final PdfPatternPainter pattern = cb.createPattern(width, height); image.setAbsolutePosition(0, 0); pattern.addImage(image); if (fill) { cb.setPatternFill(pattern); } else { cb.setPatternStroke(pattern); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (fill) { cb.setColorFill(Color.gray); } else { cb.setColorStroke(Color.gray); } } } }
From source
protected Image getPageErrorImage() { Image image = new BufferedImage((int) (jasperPrint.getPageWidth() * realZoom) + 1, (int) (jasperPrint.getPageHeight() * realZoom) + 1, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); Graphics2D grx = (Graphics2D) image.getGraphics(); AffineTransform transform = new AffineTransform(); transform.scale(realZoom, realZoom); grx.transform(transform);//from ww w . ja v a 2s.c om drawPageError((Graphics2D) grx); return image; }
From source
protected Image getPageErrorImage() { Image image = new BufferedImage((int) (jasperPrint.getPageWidth() * realZoom) + 1, (int) (jasperPrint.getPageHeight() * realZoom) + 1, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); Graphics2D grx = (Graphics2D) image.getGraphics(); AffineTransform transform = new AffineTransform(); transform.scale(realZoom, realZoom); grx.transform(transform);// w w w.j a va 2 s . co m drawPageError(grx); return image; }
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protected Image getPageErrorImage() { PrintPageFormat pageFormat = getPageFormat(); Image image = new BufferedImage((int) (pageFormat.getPageWidth() * realZoom) + 1, (int) (pageFormat.getPageHeight() * realZoom) + 1, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); Graphics2D grx = (Graphics2D) image.getGraphics(); AffineTransform transform = new AffineTransform(); transform.scale(realZoom, realZoom); grx.transform(transform);/*from w w w . j a v a 2 s . com*/ drawPageError(grx); return image; }
From source
private BufferedImage createFloorImage(HmFolder floor, double scale, int floorWidth, int floorHeight, Map<Long, Integer> channelMap, Map<Long, Integer> colorMap, int borderX, int borderY, double gridSize) throws Exception { BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(floorWidth + borderX + 1, floorHeight + borderY + 1, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); if (floor == null) { return image; }// w w w.ja v a 2 s.c o m double metricWidth = 0.0, metricHeight = 0.0, offsetX = 0.0, offsetY = 0.0; int imageWidth = 0; LengthUnit lengthUnit = LengthUnit.METERS; if (null != floor.getMetricWidth()) { metricWidth = floor.getMetricWidth().doubleValue(); } if (null != floor.getMetricHeight()) { metricHeight = floor.getMetricHeight().doubleValue(); } if (null != floor.getImageWidth()) { imageWidth = floor.getImageWidth().intValue(); } if (null != floor.getOffsetX()) { offsetX = floor.getOffsetX().doubleValue(); } if (null != floor.getOffsetY()) { offsetY = floor.getOffsetY().doubleValue(); } if (null != floor.getLengthUnit()) { lengthUnit = floor.getLengthUnit(); } Graphics2D g2 = image.createGraphics(); g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(1)); if (getDistanceMetric(metricWidth, lengthUnit) == 0) { g2.setColor(new Color(255, 255, 255)); g2.fillRect(borderX, 0, floorWidth + 1, borderY); g2.fillRect(0, 0, borderX, borderY + floorHeight + 1); g2.setColor(new Color(120, 120, 120)); g2.drawLine(0, borderY, floorWidth + borderX, borderY); g2.drawLine(borderX, 0, borderX, floorHeight + borderY); g2.setColor(new Color(255, 255, 204)); g2.fillRect(borderX + 2, borderY + 2, 162, 25); g2.setColor(new Color(0, 51, 102)); g2.setFont(new Font(Font.SANS_SERIF, Font.BOLD, 12)); g2.drawString("Please size this floor plan.", borderX + 8, borderY + 19); return image; } double screenWidth = scale * getDistanceMetric(metricWidth, lengthUnit); double imageScale = screenWidth / imageWidth; int originX = (int) (getDistanceMetric(offsetX, lengthUnit) * scale); int originY = (int) (getDistanceMetric(offsetY, lengthUnit) * scale); g2.setColor(new Color(255, 255, 255)); if (floor.getBackground() != null && floor.getBackground().length() > 0) { LinkedMultiValueMap<String, String> metadata = new LinkedMultiValueMap<>(); String url = getImageBaseUrl(floor.getOwnerId()) + floor.getBackground(); try { BufferedImage map =, "AFS_TOKEN", metadata)); AffineTransform transform = new AffineTransform(); transform.scale(imageScale, imageScale); g2.drawImage(map, new AffineTransformOp(transform, null), getFloorX(0, borderX, originX), getFloorY(0, borderY, originY)); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(String.format("image file not found with url: %s", url)); double screenHeight = scale * getDistanceMetric(metricHeight, lengthUnit); g2.fillRect(getFloorX(0, borderX, originX), getFloorY(0, borderY, originY), (int) screenWidth, (int) screenHeight); } } else { double screenHeight = scale * getDistanceMetric(metricHeight, lengthUnit); g2.fillRect(getFloorX(0, borderX, originX), getFloorY(0, borderY, originY), (int) screenWidth, (int) screenHeight); } g2.setColor(new Color(204, 204, 204)); // Right edge border g2.drawLine(borderX + floorWidth, borderY + 1, borderX + floorWidth, borderY + floorHeight); // Left edge border (right of tick marks) g2.drawLine(borderX + 1, borderY + floorHeight, borderX + floorWidth, borderY + floorHeight); g2.setColor(new Color(255, 255, 255)); g2.fillRect(borderX, 0, floorWidth + 1, borderY); g2.fillRect(0, 0, borderX, borderY + floorHeight + 1); g2.setColor(new Color(120, 120, 120)); g2.drawLine(0, borderY, floorWidth + borderX, borderY); g2.drawLine(borderX, 0, borderX, floorHeight + borderY); Font font = new Font(Font.SANS_SERIF, Font.BOLD, 12); double actualWidth = floorWidth / scale; double actualHeight = floorHeight / scale; String firstLabel; double unitScale = scale; if (LengthUnit.FEET == lengthUnit) { firstLabel = "0 feet"; actualWidth /= HmFolder.FEET_TO_METERS; actualHeight /= HmFolder.FEET_TO_METERS; unitScale *= HmFolder.FEET_TO_METERS; } else { firstLabel = "0 meters"; } g2.drawString(firstLabel, borderX + 4, 12); double gridX = gridSize; while (gridX < actualWidth) { int x = (int) (gridX * unitScale) + borderX; g2.drawLine(x, 0, x, borderY); boolean label = true; if (gridX + gridSize >= actualWidth) { // Last mark if (x + getNumberPixelWidth(gridX) + 2 > floorWidth) { label = false; } } if (label) { g2.drawString("" + (int) gridX, x + 4, 12); } gridX += gridSize; } double gridY = 0; while (gridY < actualHeight) { int y = (int) (gridY * unitScale) + borderY; g2.drawLine(0, y, borderX, y); double lx = gridY; int dx = 1; for (int bx = borderX; bx >= 16; bx -= 7) { if (lx < 10) { dx += 7; } else { lx /= 10; } } boolean label = true; if (gridY + gridSize >= actualHeight) { // Last mark if (y - borderY + 13 > floorHeight) { label = false; } } if (label) { g2.drawString("" + (int) gridY, dx, y + 13); } gridY += gridSize; } double mapToImage = getMapToMetric(metricWidth, imageWidth, lengthUnit) * scale; if (floor.getPerimeter().size() > 0) { g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(2)); g2.setColor(new Color(2, 159, 245)); int[] xPoints = new int[floor.getPerimeter().size()]; int[] yPoints = new int[floor.getPerimeter().size()]; int nPoints = 0; int perimId = floor.getPerimeter().get(0).getId(); for (int i = 0; i < floor.getPerimeter().size(); i++) { HmVertex vertex = floor.getPerimeter().get(i); if (vertex.getId() != perimId) { g2.drawPolygon(xPoints, yPoints, nPoints); nPoints = 0; perimId = vertex.getId(); } xPoints[nPoints] = getFloorX((int) (vertex.getX() * mapToImage), borderX, originX); yPoints[nPoints++] = getFloorY((int) (vertex.getY() * mapToImage), borderY, originY); } g2.drawPolygon(xPoints, yPoints, nPoints); } g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(1)); g2.setColor(new Color(0, 170, 0)); g2.setFont(font.deriveFont(Font.BOLD, 11)); List<HmDeviceLocationEx> devices = deviceLocationExRep.findAllHmDevices(floor.getId()); if (null != devices && !devices.isEmpty()) { for (HmDeviceLocationEx device : devices) { double x = device.getX() * mapToImage; double y = device.getY() * mapToImage; createNodeImage(device.getId(), channelMap, colorMap, getFloorX((int) x, borderX, originX), getFloorY((int) y, borderY, originY), g2); } } else { List<HmDevicePlanningEx> plannedDevices = devicePlanningExRep.findAllPlannedDevices(floor.getId()); for (HmDevicePlanningEx plannedDevice : plannedDevices) { double x = plannedDevice.getX() * mapToImage; double y = plannedDevice.getY() * mapToImage; createNodeImage(plannedDevice.getId(), channelMap, colorMap, getFloorX((int) x, borderX, originX), getFloorY((int) y, borderY, originY), g2); } } return image; }