List of usage examples for java.awt.geom AffineTransform AffineTransform
public AffineTransform()
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public void paintToPDF(JTextPane ta) { try {// w ww. ja v a 2s . c om ta.setBounds(0, 0, (int) convertToPixels(612 - 58), (int) convertToPixels(792 - 60)); Document document = new Document(); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("2.pdf"); PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, fos); document.setPageSize(new com.lowagie.text.Rectangle(612, 792));; PdfContentByte cb = writer.getDirectContent(); cb.saveState(); cb.concatCTM(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); DefaultFontMapper mapper = new DefaultFontMapper(); mapper.insertDirectory("c:/windows/fonts"); Graphics2D g2 = cb.createGraphics(612, 792, mapper, true, .95f); AffineTransform at = new AffineTransform(); at.translate(convertToPixels(20), convertToPixels(20)); at.scale(pixelToPoint, pixelToPoint); g2.transform(at); g2.setColor(Color.WHITE); g2.fill(ta.getBounds()); Rectangle alloc = getVisibleEditorRect(ta); ta.getUI().getRootView(ta).paint(g2, alloc); g2.setColor(Color.BLACK); g2.draw(ta.getBounds()); g2.dispose(); cb.restoreState(); document.close(); fos.flush(); fos.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
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/** {@inheritDoc} */ public void handleImage(RenderingContext context, // CSOK: MethodLength Image image, Rectangle pos) throws IOException { PDFRenderingContext pdfContext = (PDFRenderingContext) context; PDFContentGenerator generator = pdfContext.getGenerator(); ImageXMLDOM imageSVG = (ImageXMLDOM) image; FOUserAgent userAgent = context.getUserAgent(); final float deviceResolution = userAgent.getTargetResolution(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Generating SVG at " + deviceResolution + "dpi."); }/* w ww. ja v a2 s. c o m*/ final float uaResolution = userAgent.getSourceResolution(); SVGUserAgent ua = new SVGUserAgent(userAgent, new AffineTransform()); GVTBuilder builder = new GVTBuilder(); //Controls whether text painted by Batik is generated using text or path operations boolean strokeText = false; //TODO connect with configuration elsewhere. BridgeContext ctx = new PDFBridgeContext(ua, (strokeText ? null : pdfContext.getFontInfo()), userAgent.getFactory().getImageManager(), userAgent.getImageSessionContext(), new AffineTransform()); //Cloning SVG DOM as Batik attaches non-thread-safe facilities (like the CSS engine) //to it. Document clonedDoc = BatikUtil.cloneSVGDocument(imageSVG.getDocument()); GraphicsNode root; try { root =, clonedDoc); builder = null; } catch (Exception e) { SVGEventProducer eventProducer = SVGEventProducer.Provider .get(context.getUserAgent().getEventBroadcaster()); eventProducer.svgNotBuilt(this, e, image.getInfo().getOriginalURI()); return; } // get the 'width' and 'height' attributes of the SVG document float w = image.getSize().getWidthMpt(); float h = image.getSize().getHeightMpt(); float sx = pos.width / w; float sy = pos.height / h; //Scaling and translation for the bounding box of the image AffineTransform scaling = new AffineTransform(sx, 0, 0, sy, pos.x / 1000f, pos.y / 1000f); double sourceScale = UnitConv.IN2PT / uaResolution; scaling.scale(sourceScale, sourceScale); //Scale for higher resolution on-the-fly images from Batik AffineTransform resolutionScaling = new AffineTransform(); double targetScale = uaResolution / deviceResolution; resolutionScaling.scale(targetScale, targetScale); resolutionScaling.scale(1.0 / sx, 1.0 / sy); //Transformation matrix that establishes the local coordinate system for the SVG graphic //in relation to the current coordinate system AffineTransform imageTransform = new AffineTransform(); imageTransform.concatenate(scaling); imageTransform.concatenate(resolutionScaling); if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("nat size: " + w + "/" + h); log.trace("req size: " + pos.width + "/" + pos.height); log.trace("source res: " + uaResolution + ", targetRes: " + deviceResolution + " --> target scaling: " + targetScale); log.trace(image.getSize()); log.trace("sx: " + sx + ", sy: " + sy); log.trace("scaling: " + scaling); log.trace("resolution scaling: " + resolutionScaling); log.trace("image transform: " + resolutionScaling); } /* * Clip to the svg area. * Note: To have the svg overlay (under) a text area then use * an fo:block-container */ if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { generator.comment("SVG setup"); } generator.saveGraphicsState(); if (context.getUserAgent().isAccessibilityEnabled()) { MarkedContentInfo mci = pdfContext.getMarkedContentInfo(); generator.beginMarkedContentSequence(mci.tag, mci.mcid); } generator.updateColor(, false, null); generator.updateColor(, true, null); if (!scaling.isIdentity()) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { generator.comment("viewbox"); } generator.add(CTMHelper.toPDFString(scaling, false) + " cm\n"); } //SVGSVGElement svg = ((SVGDocument)doc).getRootElement(); PDFGraphics2D graphics = new PDFGraphics2D(true, pdfContext.getFontInfo(), generator.getDocument(), generator.getResourceContext(), pdfContext.getPage().referencePDF(), "", 0); graphics.setGraphicContext(new org.apache.xmlgraphics.java2d.GraphicContext()); if (!resolutionScaling.isIdentity()) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { generator.comment("resolution scaling for " + uaResolution + " -> " + deviceResolution); } generator.add(CTMHelper.toPDFString(resolutionScaling, false) + " cm\n"); graphics.scale(1.0 / resolutionScaling.getScaleX(), 1.0 / resolutionScaling.getScaleY()); } if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { generator.comment("SVG start"); } //Save state and update coordinate system for the SVG image generator.getState().save(); generator.getState().concatenate(imageTransform); //Now that we have the complete transformation matrix for the image, we can update the //transformation matrix for the AElementBridge. PDFAElementBridge aBridge = (PDFAElementBridge) ctx.getBridge(SVGDOMImplementation.SVG_NAMESPACE_URI, SVGConstants.SVG_A_TAG); aBridge.getCurrentTransform().setTransform(generator.getState().getTransform()); graphics.setPaintingState(generator.getState()); graphics.setOutputStream(generator.getOutputStream()); try { root.paint(graphics); ctx.dispose(); generator.add(graphics.getString()); } catch (Exception e) { SVGEventProducer eventProducer = SVGEventProducer.Provider .get(context.getUserAgent().getEventBroadcaster()); eventProducer.svgRenderingError(this, e, image.getInfo().getOriginalURI()); } generator.getState().restore(); if (context.getUserAgent().isAccessibilityEnabled()) { generator.restoreGraphicsStateAccess(); } else { generator.restoreGraphicsState(); } if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { generator.comment("SVG end"); } }
From source
protected Image getArrowImage() { if (arrowImage == null) { arrowImage = createTranslucentImage(size, size); AffineTransform atx = direction != SOUTH ? new AffineTransform() : null; switch (direction) { case NORTH: atx.setToRotation(Math.PI, size / 2, size / 2); break; case EAST: atx.setToRotation(-(Math.PI / 2), size / 2, size / 2); break; case WEST: atx.setToRotation(Math.PI / 2, size / 2, size / 2); case SOUTH: default: { /* no xform*/ } }//from w ww. j a v a 2s. co m Graphics2D ig = (Graphics2D) arrowImage.getGraphics(); if (atx != null) { ig.setTransform(atx); } int width = size; int height = size / 2 + 1; int xx = (size - width) / 2; int yy = (size - height + 1) / 2; Color base = color != null ? color : UIManager.getColor("controlDkShadow").darker(); paintArrow(ig, base, xx, yy); paintArrowBevel(ig, base, xx, yy); paintArrowBevel(ig, deriveColorHSB(base, 0f, 0f, .20f), xx, yy + 1); } return arrowImage; }
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/** * {@inheritDoc}/* www . j a va 2 s . c om*/ */ public void drawString(String string, int[] codePoints, Graphics g, float fontSize, AffineTransform at, float x, float y) throws IOException { Font awtFont = getawtFont(); FontRenderContext frc = new FontRenderContext(new AffineTransform(), true, true); GlyphVector glyphs = null; boolean useCodepoints = codePoints != null && isType0Font(); PDFont descendantFont = useCodepoints ? ((PDType0Font) this).getDescendantFont() : null; // symbolic fonts may trigger the same error as described below if (useCodepoints && !descendantFont.getFontDescriptor().isSymbolic()) { PDCIDFontType2Font cid2Font = null; if (descendantFont instanceof PDCIDFontType2Font) { cid2Font = (PDCIDFontType2Font) descendantFont; } if ((cid2Font != null && cid2Font.hasCIDToGIDMap()) || isFontSubstituted) { // we still have to use the string if a CIDToGIDMap is used glyphs = awtFont.createGlyphVector(frc, string); } else { glyphs = awtFont.createGlyphVector(frc, codePoints); } } else { // mdavis - fix on sun.font.FileFont.getGlyphImage // for font with bad cmaps? // Type1 fonts are not affected as they don't have cmaps if (!isType1Font() && awtFont.canDisplayUpTo(string) != -1) { LOG.warn("Changing font on <" + string + "> from <" + awtFont.getName() + "> to the default font"); awtFont = Font.decode(null).deriveFont(1f); } glyphs = awtFont.createGlyphVector(frc, string); } Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g; g2d.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON); writeFont(g2d, at, x, y, glyphs); }
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private AffineTransform combine(AffineTransform[] transforms) { AffineTransform at = new AffineTransform(); for (int i = 0, c = transforms.length; i < c; i++) { at.concatenate(transforms[i]);//from w ww . j ava 2 s. c om } return at; }
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/** * Internal. Compute one rock curve segment and don't change internal state. * /*from ww w.j a v a 2s.c o m*/ * @param i * which rock * @param t0 * starttime * @return the new Curve in world coordinates. */ R1RNFunction doComputeCurve(final int i, final double t0, final PositionSet p, final SpeedSet s) { final Rock x = p.getRock(i); final Rock v = s.getRock(i); final R1RNFunction wc; if (v.distanceSq(0, 0) == 0) wc = SlideBase.still(x); else // FIXME add stop detection! Either here or in each slider? wc = new CurveTransformed(slider.computeRc(x, v), CurveTransformed.createRc2Wc(new AffineTransform(), x, v), t0); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug(i + " " + wc); return wc; }
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/** {@inheritDoc} */ public void handleImage(RenderingContext context, Image image, Rectangle pos) throws IOException { PCLRenderingContext pclContext = (PCLRenderingContext) context; ImageGraphics2D imageG2D = (ImageGraphics2D) image; Dimension imageDim = imageG2D.getSize().getDimensionMpt(); PCLGenerator gen = pclContext.getPCLGenerator(); Point2D transPoint = pclContext.transformedPoint(pos.x, pos.y); gen.setCursorPos(transPoint.getX(), transPoint.getY()); boolean painted = false; ByteArrayOutputStream baout = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); PCLGenerator tempGen = new PCLGenerator(baout, gen.getMaximumBitmapResolution()); tempGen.setDitheringQuality(gen.getDitheringQuality()); try {//from w ww .j av a 2 s.c o m GraphicContext ctx = (GraphicContext) pclContext.getGraphicContext().clone(); AffineTransform prepareHPGL2 = new AffineTransform(); prepareHPGL2.scale(0.001, 0.001); ctx.setTransform(prepareHPGL2); PCLGraphics2D graphics = new PCLGraphics2D(tempGen); graphics.setGraphicContext(ctx); graphics.setClippingDisabled(false /*pclContext.isClippingDisabled()*/); Rectangle2D area = new Rectangle2D.Double(0.0, 0.0, imageDim.getWidth(), imageDim.getHeight()); imageG2D.getGraphics2DImagePainter().paint(graphics, area); //If we arrive here, the graphic is natively paintable, so write the graphic gen.writeCommand( "*c" + gen.formatDouble4(pos.width / 100f) + "x" + gen.formatDouble4(pos.height / 100f) + "Y"); gen.writeCommand("*c0T"); gen.enterHPGL2Mode(false); gen.writeText("\nIN;"); gen.writeText("SP1;"); //One Plotter unit is 0.025mm! double scale = imageDim.getWidth() / UnitConv.mm2pt(imageDim.getWidth() * 0.025); gen.writeText("SC0," + gen.formatDouble4(scale) + ",0,-" + gen.formatDouble4(scale) + ",2;"); gen.writeText("IR0,100,0,100;"); gen.writeText("PU;PA0,0;\n"); baout.writeTo(gen.getOutputStream()); //Buffer is written to output stream gen.writeText("\n"); gen.enterPCLMode(false); painted = true; } catch (UnsupportedOperationException uoe) { log.debug( "Cannot paint graphic natively. Falling back to bitmap painting. Reason: " + uoe.getMessage()); } if (!painted) { //Fallback solution: Paint to a BufferedImage FOUserAgent ua = context.getUserAgent(); ImageManager imageManager = ua.getFactory().getImageManager(); ImageRendered imgRend; try { imgRend = (ImageRendered) imageManager.convertImage(imageG2D, new ImageFlavor[] { ImageFlavor.RENDERED_IMAGE }/*, hints*/); } catch (ImageException e) { throw new IOException("Image conversion error while converting the image to a bitmap" + " as a fallback measure: " + e.getMessage()); } gen.paintBitmap(imgRend.getRenderedImage(), new Dimension(pos.width, pos.height), pclContext.isSourceTransparencyEnabled()); } }
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/** * Creates a PNG graphic for the given data as a thumbnail image. * * @param out the stream to write the PNG to. The caller is responsible * for closing the stream.// w w w . ja v a 2 s . c o m * * @throws IOException if there was a problem creating the chart. */ public void writeThumbnail(final OutputStream out) throws IOException { // Set up the transfomration: final AffineTransform xform = new AffineTransform(); xform.scale(thumbnailScale, thumbnailScale); // Thanks to the almanac for this one: // final AffineTransformOp op = new AffineTransformOp(xform, AffineTransformOp.TYPE_NEAREST_NEIGHBOR); // The thumbnail does not need so much chart chrome: you can't // read the axis and the title is given in the HTML, so removing // these elements means there's more space in the thumbnail for the data boolean thumbChrome = false; if (false == thumbChrome) { chart.setTitle((String) null); chart.clearSubtitles(); chart.removeLegend(); // Removing the axis completly looks just weird, so we just // remove the labels: chart.getCategoryPlot().getRangeAxis().setLabel(null); chart.getCategoryPlot().getRangeAxis().setTickLabelsVisible(true); chart.getCategoryPlot().getRangeAxis().setTickMarksVisible(true); chart.getCategoryPlot().getRangeAxis().setAxisLineVisible(true); // To show up at a small scale, we need a good sized axis stroke: Stroke stroke = new BasicStroke(2f); chart.getCategoryPlot().getRangeAxis().setAxisLineStroke(stroke); chart.getCategoryPlot().getRangeAxis().setTickMarkStroke(stroke); chart.getCategoryPlot().getDomainAxis().setLabel(null); chart.getCategoryPlot().getDomainAxis().setTickLabelsVisible(false); chart.getCategoryPlot().getDomainAxis().setAxisLineVisible(true); chart.getCategoryPlot().getDomainAxis().setAxisLineStroke(stroke); } final BufferedImage fullsize = chart.createBufferedImage(width, height); Graphics2D g = fullsize.createGraphics(); for (Decorator decorator : thumbnailDecorators) { decorator.decorate(g, this); } final BufferedImage thumbnail = op.filter(fullsize, null /*null means create the image for us*/); ChartUtilities.writeBufferedImageAsPNG(out, thumbnail); }
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private void paintTileAlone(Graphics2D g2d) { AffineTransform at = new AffineTransform(); at.translate(5, 5);/*from ww w .ja va 2s . c o m*/ g2d.drawRenderedImage(this.tile, at); }
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/** * Draws the picture five times, using the five different scaling * approaches described in the book. All five look the same, since * all are using default (nearest neighbor) filtering during the * scale operation./*from w ww.j av a 2s. c o m*/ */ public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { int x = PADDING; int y = PADDING; // Simplest approach g.drawImage(picture, x, y, scaleW, scaleH, null); // Subregion approach x += scaleW + PADDING; g.drawImage(picture, x, y, x + scaleW, y + scaleH, 0, 0, picture.getWidth(), picture.getHeight(), null); // Graphics2D.scale approach x += scaleW + PADDING; Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g.create(); g2d.translate(x, y); g2d.scale(SCALE_FACTOR, SCALE_FACTOR); g2d.drawImage(picture, 0, 0, null); g2d.dispose(); // AffineTransform.scale approach x += scaleW + PADDING; g2d = (Graphics2D) g.create(); AffineTransform at = new AffineTransform(); at.translate(x, y); at.scale(SCALE_FACTOR, SCALE_FACTOR); g2d.drawImage(picture, at, null); g2d.dispose(); // getScaledInstance() approach x += scaleW + PADDING; Image scaledImg = picture.getScaledInstance(scaleW, scaleH, Image.SCALE_DEFAULT); g.drawImage(scaledImg, x, y, null); }