Example usage for io.netty.channel SimpleChannelInboundHandler subclass-usage

List of usage examples for io.netty.channel SimpleChannelInboundHandler subclass-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for io.netty.channel SimpleChannelInboundHandler subclass-usage.


From source file com.flysoloing.learning.network.netty.spdy.client.HttpResponseClientHandler.java

 * This is a modified version of {@link HttpSnoopClientHandler} that uses a {@link BlockingQueue} to wait until an
 * HTTPResponse is received.
public class HttpResponseClientHandler extends SimpleChannelInboundHandler<HttpObject> {

From source file com.flysoloing.learning.network.netty.spdy.server.SpdyServerHandler.java

 * HTTP handler that responds with a "Hello World"
public class SpdyServerHandler extends SimpleChannelInboundHandler<Object> {


From source file com.flysoloing.learning.network.netty.stomp.StompClientHandler.java

 * STOMP client inbound handler implementation, which just passes received messages to listener
public class StompClientHandler extends SimpleChannelInboundHandler<StompFrame> {

    private enum ClientState {

From source file com.flysoloing.learning.network.netty.telnet.TelnetClientHandler.java

 * Handles a client-side channel.
public class TelnetClientHandler extends SimpleChannelInboundHandler<String> {

From source file com.flysoloing.learning.network.netty.telnet.TelnetServerHandler.java

 * Handles a server-side channel.
public class TelnetServerHandler extends SimpleChannelInboundHandler<String> {

From source file com.flysoloing.learning.network.netty.udt.echo.bytes.ByteEchoClientHandler.java

 * Handler implementation for the echo client. It initiates the ping-pong
 * traffic between the echo client and server by sending the first message to
 * the server on activation.
public class ByteEchoClientHandler extends SimpleChannelInboundHandler<ByteBuf> {

From source file com.flysoloing.learning.network.netty.udt.echo.message.MsgEchoClientHandler.java

 * Handler implementation for the echo client. It initiates the ping-pong
 * traffic between the echo client and server by sending the first message to
 * the server on activation.
public class MsgEchoClientHandler extends SimpleChannelInboundHandler<UdtMessage> {

From source file com.flysoloing.learning.network.netty.udt.echo.rendezvous.MsgEchoPeerHandler.java

 * Handler implementation for the echo peer. It initiates the ping-pong traffic
 * between the echo peers by sending the first message to the other peer on
 * activation.
public class MsgEchoPeerHandler extends SimpleChannelInboundHandler<UdtMessage> {

From source file com.flysoloing.learning.network.netty.udt.echo.rendezvousBytes.ByteEchoPeerHandler.java

 * Handler implementation for the echo client. It initiates the ping-pong
 * traffic between the echo client and server by sending the first message to
 * the server on activation.
public class ByteEchoPeerHandler extends SimpleChannelInboundHandler<ByteBuf> {

From source file com.flysoloing.learning.network.netty.uptime.UptimeClientHandler.java

 * Keep reconnecting to the server while printing out the current uptime and
 * connection attempt getStatus.
public class UptimeClientHandler extends SimpleChannelInboundHandler<Object> {