List of usage examples for com.vaadin.ui GridLayout setMargin
@Override public void setMargin(MarginInfo marginInfo)
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License:Apache License
/** * Builds a customized subwindow <b>ConfirmationWindow</b> that allows the * user to confirm his previously requested action. * * @param pTitle The title of the window. * @param pMessage The message shown in the window. * @param pOptionType The type of the window (OK or YES_NO) which defines the * visible buttons./*from w w w. ja v a 2 s .c o m*/ * @param pMessageType The message type (INFORMATION, WARNING, ERROR) which * determines the icon. If pMessageType is null, no icon will be shown. * @param pListener The listener which receives the result if a button was * pressed or the window was closed. * */ ConfirmationWindow7(String pTitle, String pMessage, OPTION_TYPE pOptionType, MESSAGE_TYPE pMessageType, IConfirmationWindowListener7 pListener) { this.listener = pListener; //basic setup //set caption depending on type String caption = pTitle; if (caption == null) { if (pMessageType != null) { switch (pMessageType) { case QUESTION: caption = DEFAULT_TITLE; break; case INFORMATION: caption = "Information"; break; case WARNING: caption = "Warning"; break; case ERROR: caption = "Error"; break; } } else { //no type provided...use default title caption = DEFAULT_TITLE; } } setCaption(caption); setModal(true); center(); // Build line of buttons depending on pOptionType HorizontalLayout buttonLine = new HorizontalLayout(); buttonLine.setSpacing(true); buttonLine.setWidth("100%"); //add spacer Label spacer = new Label(); buttonLine.addComponent(spacer); //add buttons if (OPTION_TYPE.YES_NO_OPTION.equals(pOptionType)) { buttonLine.addComponent(buildYesButton("Yes")); buttonLine.addComponent(buildNoButton()); buttonLine.setComponentAlignment(yesButton, Alignment.MIDDLE_RIGHT); buttonLine.setComponentAlignment(noButton, Alignment.MIDDLE_RIGHT); //Assign ENTER to the YES button yesButton.setClickShortcut(ShortcutAction.KeyCode.ENTER, null); //Assign ESC to the NO button noButton.setClickShortcut(ShortcutAction.KeyCode.ESCAPE, null); } else { buttonLine.addComponent(buildYesButton("OK")); buttonLine.setComponentAlignment(yesButton, Alignment.MIDDLE_RIGHT); //Assign ENTER to the OK button yesButton.setClickShortcut(ShortcutAction.KeyCode.ENTER, null); //Assign ESC to close the dialog setCloseShortcut(ShortcutAction.KeyCode.ESCAPE, null); } buttonLine.setExpandRatio(spacer, 1.0f); //determine the icon depending on pMessageType ThemeResource icon = null; if (pMessageType != null) { switch (pMessageType) { case QUESTION: icon = new ThemeResource("img/24x24/question.png"); break; case INFORMATION: icon = new ThemeResource("img/24x24/information.png"); break; case WARNING: icon = new ThemeResource("img/24x24/warning.png"); break; case ERROR: icon = new ThemeResource("img/24x24/forbidden.png"); break; } } Component iconComponent = new Label(); if (icon != null) { //icon was set, overwrite icon component iconComponent = new Image(null, icon); } //build the message label Label message = new Label(pMessage, ContentMode.HTML); message.setSizeUndefined(); //build the main layout GridLayout mainLayout = new UIUtils7.GridLayoutBuilder(2, 2) .addComponent(iconComponent, Alignment.TOP_LEFT, 0, 0, 1, 1).addComponent(message, 1, 0, 1, 1) .addComponent(buttonLine, 0, 1, 2, 1).getLayout(); mainLayout.setMargin(true); mainLayout.setSpacing(true); mainLayout.setColumnExpandRatio(0, .05f); mainLayout.setColumnExpandRatio(1, 1f); mainLayout.setRowExpandRatio(0, 1f); mainLayout.setRowExpandRatio(1, .05f); setContent(mainLayout); //add the close listener addCloseListener(new CloseListener() { @Override public void windowClose(CloseEvent e) { fireCloseEvents(RESULT.CANCEL); } }); }
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License:Apache License
/** * Create the tab for a single category. * * @param pProbes The probes of this category. * * @return The category tab component./*from w w w . j ava2 s . c o m*/ */ private Component createCategoryTab(List<AbstractProbe> pProbes) { UIUtils7.GridLayoutBuilder layoutBuilder = new UIUtils7.GridLayoutBuilder(2, pProbes.size()); int row = 0; for (AbstractProbe probe : pProbes) { Embedded status = new Embedded(null, getResourceForStatus(probe.getCurrentStatus())); Label name = new Label(probe.getName()); layoutBuilder.addComponent(status, Alignment.MIDDLE_LEFT, 0, row, 1, 1).addComponent(name, Alignment.MIDDLE_LEFT, 1, row, 1, 1); row++; } GridLayout tabLayout = layoutBuilder.getLayout(); tabLayout.setColumnExpandRatio(0, .01f); tabLayout.setColumnExpandRatio(1, 1.0f); tabLayout.setImmediate(true); tabLayout.setSpacing(true); tabLayout.setMargin(true); tabLayout.setWidth("100%"); return tabLayout; }
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License:Apache License
/** * Build the overview tab including the list of all categories and der * overall status./*from w w w. j a va 2s .c om*/ * * @param pCategories A list of all categories. * * @return The tab component. */ private Component buildOverviewTab(String[] pCategories) { AbsoluteLayout abLay = new AbsoluteLayout(); UIUtils7.GridLayoutBuilder layoutBuilder = new UIUtils7.GridLayoutBuilder(4, pCategories.length + 1); updateButton = new Button("Update Status"); updateButton.addClickListener(this); Embedded logo = new Embedded(null, new ThemeResource("img/simon.png")); abLay.addComponent(logo, "top:30px;left:30px;"); Label simonSaysLabel = new Label("", ContentMode.HTML); simonSaysLabel.setHeight("150px"); setSimonSaysContent(simonSaysLabel, "Everything is fine."); abLay.addComponent(simonSaysLabel, "top:30px;left:250px;"); int row = 0; for (String category : pCategories) { HorizontalLayout rowLayout = new HorizontalLayout(); Label name = new Label(category); name.setWidth("200px"); name.setHeight("24px"); List<AbstractProbe> probes = probesByCategory.get(category); Collections.sort(probes, new Comparator<AbstractProbe>() { @Override public int compare(AbstractProbe o1, AbstractProbe o2) { return o1.getCurrentStatus().compareTo(o2.getCurrentStatus()); } }); int failed = 0; int unknown = 0; int unavailable = 0; int charactersPerProbe = 100; if (probes.size() > 0) { charactersPerProbe = (int) Math.rint((700.0 / probes.size()) / 8.0); } for (AbstractProbe probe : probes) { Label probeLabel = new Label(StringUtils.abbreviate(probe.getName(), charactersPerProbe)); probeLabel.setHeight("24px"); switch (probe.getCurrentStatus()) { case UNKNOWN: probeLabel.setDescription(probe.getName() + ": UNKNOWN"); probeLabel.addStyleName("probe-unknown"); unknown++; break; case UPDATING: probeLabel.setDescription(probe.getName() + ": UPDATING"); probeLabel.addStyleName("probe-updating"); break; case UNAVAILABLE: probeLabel.setDescription(probe.getName() + ": UNAVAILABLE"); probeLabel.addStyleName("probe-unavailable"); unavailable++; break; case FAILED: probeLabel.setDescription(probe.getName() + ": FAILED"); probeLabel.addStyleName("probe-failed"); failed++; break; default: probeLabel.setDescription(probe.getName() + ": SUCCESS"); probeLabel.addStyleName("probe-success"); } probeLabel.addStyleName("probe"); rowLayout.addComponent(probeLabel); } if (failed != 0) { setSimonSaysContent(simonSaysLabel, "There are errors!"); } else { if (unknown != 0) { setSimonSaysContent(simonSaysLabel, "There are unknown states. Please select 'Update Status'."); } else { if (unavailable != 0) { setSimonSaysContent(simonSaysLabel, "Some probes are unavailable. Please check their configuration."); } } } rowLayout.setWidth("700px"); layoutBuilder.addComponent(name, Alignment.TOP_LEFT, 0, row, 1, 1).addComponent(rowLayout, Alignment.TOP_LEFT, 1, row, 3, 1); row++; } layoutBuilder.addComponent(updateButton, Alignment.BOTTOM_RIGHT, 3, row, 1, 1); GridLayout tabLayout = layoutBuilder.getLayout(); tabLayout.setSpacing(true); tabLayout.setMargin(true); Panel p = new Panel(); p.setContent(tabLayout); p.setWidth("1024px"); p.setHeight("400px"); abLay.addComponent(p, "top:160px;left:30px;"); abLay.setSizeFull(); return abLay; }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public void initGui() { setSizeUndefined();/* w w w . ja v a 2s . c o m*/ VerticalLayout leftLay = getLeftLayout(); leftLay.setSpacing(false); leftLay.setMargin(false); VerticalLayout flowLay = new VerticalLayout(); flowLay.setWidth("100%"); leftLay.addComponent(flowLay); flowLay.setSpacing(true); Label missionLab = new Label("Authors, add some images!"); flowLay.addComponent(missionLab); flowLay.setComponentAlignment(missionLab, Alignment.TOP_LEFT); missionLab.addStyleName("m-actionplan-mission-title-text"); ActionPlan ap = ActionPlan.getTL(apId); Label missionContentLab; if (!isMockup) missionContentLab = new HtmlLabel(ap.getImagesInstructions()); else { Game g = Game.getTL(); missionContentLab = new HtmlLabel(g.getDefaultActionPlanImagesText()); } flowLay.addComponent(missionContentLab); flowLay.setComponentAlignment(missionContentLab, Alignment.TOP_LEFT); flowLay.addStyleName("m-actionplan-mission-content-text"); MmowgliSessionGlobals globs = Mmowgli2UI.getGlobals(); flowLay.addComponent(addImageButt); addImageButt.addStyleName("m-actionplan-addimage-butt"); addImageButt.addStyleName("borderless"); addImageButt.setIcon(globs.getMediaLocator().getActionPlanAddImageButt()); addImageButt.addClickListener(new ImageAdder()); addImageButt.setEnabled(!isReadOnly); flowLay.addComponent(nonAuthorLabel = new Label("Authors may add images when editing the plan.")); nonAuthorLabel.setVisible(false); VerticalLayout rightLay = getRightLayout(); rightLay.setSpacing(false); rightLay.setMargin(false); imageScroller = new Panel(); GridLayout gridL = new GridLayout(); gridL.setColumns(2); gridL.setSpacing(true); gridL.setMargin(new MarginInfo(true)); imageScroller.setContent(gridL); imageScroller.setStyleName(Reindeer.PANEL_LIGHT); // make a transparent scroller imageScroller.setWidth("100%"); imageScroller.setHeight("99%"); setUpIndexListener(imageScroller); rightLay.addComponent(imageScroller); fillWithImagesTL(); }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public void initGui() { setSizeUndefined();//from www . j av a 2 s . c o m VerticalLayout leftLay = getLeftLayout(); leftLay.setSpacing(false); leftLay.setMargin(false); VerticalLayout flowLay = new VerticalLayout(); flowLay.setWidth("100%"); leftLay.addComponent(flowLay); flowLay.setSpacing(true); Label missionLab = new Label("Authors, add some videos!"); flowLay.addComponent(missionLab); flowLay.setComponentAlignment(missionLab, Alignment.TOP_LEFT); missionLab.addStyleName("m-actionplan-mission-title-text"); ActionPlan ap = ActionPlan.getTL(apId); Label missionContentLab; if (!isMockup) missionContentLab = new HtmlLabel(ap.getVideosInstructions()); else { Game g = Game.getTL(); missionContentLab = new HtmlLabel(g.getDefaultActionPlanVideosText()); } flowLay.addComponent(missionContentLab); flowLay.setComponentAlignment(missionContentLab, Alignment.TOP_LEFT); flowLay.addStyleName("m-actionplan-mission-content-text"); MmowgliSessionGlobals globs = Mmowgli2UI.getGlobals(); flowLay.addComponent(addVideoButt); addVideoButt.addStyleName("m-actionplan-addimage-butt"); addVideoButt.addStyleName("borderless"); addVideoButt.setIcon(globs.getMediaLocator().getActionPlanAddVideoButt()); addVideoButt.addClickListener(new VideoAdder()); addVideoButt.setEnabled(!isReadOnly); flowLay.addComponent(nonAuthorLabel = new Label("Authors may add videos when editing the plan.")); nonAuthorLabel.setVisible(false); VerticalLayout rightLay = getRightLayout(); rightLay.setSpacing(false); rightLay.setMargin(false); rightScroller = new Panel(); GridLayout gridL = new GridLayout(); gridL.setColumns(2); gridL.setSpacing(true); gridL.setMargin(new MarginInfo(true)); rightScroller.setContent(gridL); rightScroller.setStyleName(Reindeer.PANEL_LIGHT); // make a transparent scroller rightScroller.setWidth("100%"); rightScroller.setHeight("99%"); setUpIndexListener(rightScroller); rightLay.addComponent(rightScroller); ; fillWithVideosTL(); }
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License:Open Source License
public void setMessage(FullEntryView2 mView, ListEntry message, ListView2 messageList, AbstractOrderedLayout layout) {/* w w w. j a va2s . com*/ // messageList can be null if coming in from ActionPlan Object key = HSess.checkInit(); UserListEntry wu = (UserListEntry) message; User u = wu.getUser(); layout.removeAllComponents(); HorizontalLayout hlay = new HorizontalLayout(); layout.addComponent(hlay); hlay.addStyleName("m-userview-top"); hlay.setWidth("100%"); hlay.setMargin(true); hlay.setSpacing(true); Image img = new Image(); img.addStyleName("m-ridgeborder"); img.setSource(mediaLocator.locate(u.getAvatar().getMedia())); img.setWidth("90px"); img.setHeight("90px"); hlay.addComponent(img); hlay.setComponentAlignment(img, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); Label lab; hlay.addComponent(lab = new Label()); lab.setWidth("5px"); VerticalLayout vlay = new VerticalLayout(); vlay.setSpacing(true); hlay.addComponent(vlay); hlay.setComponentAlignment(vlay, Alignment.MIDDLE_LEFT); vlay.setWidth("100%"); hlay.setExpandRatio(vlay, 1.0f); HorizontalLayout horl = new HorizontalLayout(); horl.setSpacing(false); vlay.addComponent(horl); vlay.setComponentAlignment(horl, Alignment.BOTTOM_LEFT); horl.addComponent(lab = new Label("name")); lab.addStyleName("m-user-top-label"); //light-text"); horl.addComponent(lab = new HtmlLabel(" " + u.getUserName())); lab.addStyleName("m-user-top-value"); horl = new HorizontalLayout(); horl.setSpacing(false); vlay.addComponent(horl); vlay.setComponentAlignment(horl, Alignment.TOP_LEFT); horl.addComponent(lab = new Label("level")); lab.addStyleName("m-user-top-label"); //light-text"); Level lev = u.getLevel(); if (u.isGameMaster()) { Level l = Level.getLevelByOrdinal(Level.GAME_MASTER_ORDINAL, HSess.get()); if (l != null) lev = l; } horl.addComponent(lab = new HtmlLabel(" " + lev.getDescription())); lab.addStyleName("m-user-top-value"); GridLayout gLay = new GridLayout(); // gLay.setHeight("155px"); // won't size properly gLay.setMargin(true); gLay.addStyleName("m-userview-mid"); gLay.setColumns(2); gLay.setRows(11); gLay.setSpacing(true); gLay.setWidth("100%"); gLay.setColumnExpandRatio(1, 1.0f); layout.addComponent(gLay); addRow(gLay, "user ID:", "" + getPojoId(message)); addRow(gLay, "location:", u.getLocation()); addRow(gLay, "expertise:", u.getExpertise()); addRow(gLay, "affiliation:", u.getAffiliation()); addRow(gLay, "date registered:", formatter.format(u.getRegisterDate())); gLay.addComponent(new Hr(), 0, 5, 1, 5); Container cntr = new CardsByUserContainer<Card>(u); // expects ThreadLocal session to be setup numCards = cntr.size(); addRow(gLay, "cards played:", "" + numCards); cntr = new ActionPlansByUserContainer<Card>(u); // expects ThreadLocal session to be setup numAps = cntr.size(); addRow(gLay, "action plans:", "" + numAps); gLay.addComponent(new Hr(), 0, 8, 1, 8); addRow(gLay, "exploration points:", "" + u.getBasicScore()); addRow(gLay, "innovation points:", "" + u.getInnovationScore()); cardListener = new CardLis(u, mView); apListener = new AppLis(u, mView); layout.addComponent(makeButtons()); HSess.checkClose(key); }
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License:Open Source License
private Component deletedBookingsGrid() { VerticalLayout devicesLayout = new VerticalLayout(); devicesLayout.setCaption("Trash"); // HorizontalLayout buttonLayout = new HorizontalLayout(); // there will now be space around the test component // components added to the test component will now not stick together but have space between // them/* w ww.j a v a2 s. c o m*/ devicesLayout.setMargin(true); devicesLayout.setSpacing(true); // buttonLayout.setMargin(true); // buttonLayout.setSpacing(true); // buttonLayout.addComponent(add); BeanItemContainer<BookingBean> booking = getDeletedBookings(); GeneratedPropertyContainer gpc = new GeneratedPropertyContainer(booking); gpc.addGeneratedProperty("restore", new PropertyValueGenerator<String>() { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 4082425701384202280L; @Override public String getValue(Item item, Object itemId, Object propertyId) { // return FontAwesome.TRASH_O.getHtml(); // The caption return "Restore"; // The caption } @Override public Class<String> getType() { return String.class; } }); gpc.addGeneratedProperty("delete", new PropertyValueGenerator<String>() { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1307493624895857513L; @Override public String getValue(Item item, Object itemId, Object propertyId) { // return FontAwesome.TRASH_O.getHtml(); // The caption return "Purge"; // The caption } @Override public Class<String> getType() { return String.class; } }); devicesGridTrash = new Grid(gpc); // Create a grid devicesGridTrash.setWidth("100%"); devicesGridTrash.setSelectionMode(SelectionMode.SINGLE); devicesGridTrash.getColumn("delete").setRenderer(new HtmlRenderer()); devicesGridTrash.getColumn("restore").setRenderer(new HtmlRenderer()); setRenderers(devicesGridTrash); devicesGridTrash.setColumnOrder("ID", "deviceName", "service", "start", "end", "username", "phone", "price"); // Render a button that deletes the data row (item) /* * devicesGrid.addColumn("delete", FontIcon.class).setWidth(35) .setRenderer(new * FontIconRenderer(new RendererClickListener() { * * @Override public void click(RendererClickEvent e) {"Deleted item " + * e.getItemId()); } })); */ devicesGridTrash.getColumn("delete") .setRenderer(new ButtonRenderer(new ClickableRenderer.RendererClickListener() { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 302628105070456680L; @Override public void click(RendererClickEvent event) { try { Window cd = new Window("Purge Booking"); cd.setHeight("200px"); cd.setWidth("400px"); cd.setResizable(false); GridLayout dialogLayout = new GridLayout(3, 3); Button okButton = new Button("Yes"); okButton.addStyleName(ValoTheme.BUTTON_DANGER); Button cancelButton = new Button("No, I'm actually not sure!"); cancelButton.addStyleName(ValoTheme.BUTTON_PRIMARY); Label information = new Label("Are you sure you want to purge this item?"); information.addStyleName(ValoTheme.LABEL_NO_MARGIN); okButton.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 3739260172118651857L; @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent okEvent) { purgeBooking((BookingBean) event.getItemId()); cd.close(); Notification("The booking was purged!", "At the end, you are the admin, you have the power.", ""); } }); cancelButton.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -3931200823633220160L; @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent okEvent) { cd.close(); } }); dialogLayout.addComponent(information, 0, 0, 2, 0); dialogLayout.addComponent(okButton, 0, 1); dialogLayout.addComponent(cancelButton, 1, 1); dialogLayout.setMargin(true); dialogLayout.setSpacing(true); cd.setContent(dialogLayout);; UI.getCurrent().addWindow(cd); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } FieldGroup fieldGroup = devicesGridTrash.getEditorFieldGroup(); fieldGroup.addCommitHandler(new FieldGroup.CommitHandler() { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 3799806709907688919L; @Override public void preCommit(FieldGroup.CommitEvent commitEvent) throws FieldGroup.CommitException { } @Override public void postCommit(FieldGroup.CommitEvent commitEvent) throws FieldGroup.CommitException { Notification("Successfully Updated", "Selected values are updated in the database. If it was a mistake, please remind that there is no 'undo' functionality yet.", "success"); refreshGrid(); } private void refreshGrid() { getDeletedBookings(); } }); } })); devicesGridTrash.getColumn("restore") .setRenderer(new ButtonRenderer(new ClickableRenderer.RendererClickListener() { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -9104571186503913834L; @Override public void click(RendererClickEvent event) { restoreBooking((BookingBean) event.getItemId()); } })); // devicesGrid.setEditorEnabled(true); // devicesLayout.addComponent(buttonLayout); devicesLayout.addComponent(devicesGridTrash); // TODO filtering // HeaderRow filterRow = devicesGrid.prependHeaderRow(); return devicesLayout; }
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License:Open Source License
private Component myUpcomingBookings() { VerticalLayout devicesLayout = new VerticalLayout(); // devicesLayout.setCaption("My Bookings"); // there will now be space around the test component // components added to the test component will now not stick together but have space between // them/*from w ww . j a v a 2s. com*/ devicesLayout.setMargin(true); devicesLayout.setSpacing(true); Date serverTime = new WebBrowser().getCurrentDate(); Date nextDayTime = new Date(serverTime.getTime() + (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)); BeanItemContainer<BookingBean> users = getMyUpcomingBookings(bookingModel.getLDAP(), nextDayTime); // System.out.println(bookingModel.getLDAP()); GeneratedPropertyContainer gpc = new GeneratedPropertyContainer(users); gpc.addGeneratedProperty("delete", new PropertyValueGenerator<String>() { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1263377339178640406L; @Override public String getValue(Item item, Object itemId, Object propertyId) { // return FontAwesome.TRASH_O.getHtml(); // The caption return "Trash"; // The caption } @Override public Class<String> getType() { return String.class; } }); /* * * try { * * FreeformQuery query = new FreeformQuery( * "SELECT * FROM booking INNER JOIN user ON booking.user_ldap = user.user_ldap WHERE deleted IS NULL AND booking.user_ldap ='" * + bookingModel.getLDAP() + "';", DBManager.getDatabaseInstanceAlternative(), "booking_id"); * SQLContainer container = new SQLContainer(query); * * // System.out.println("Print Container: " + container.size()); * container.setAutoCommit(isEnabled()); * * myBookings = new Grid(container); * * } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } * * myBookings.setColumnOrder("booking_id", "confirmation", "device_name", "service", "start", * "end", "kostenstelle", "price", "project"); * * myBookings.removeColumn("user_ldap"); myBookings.removeColumn("timestamp"); * myBookings.removeColumn("deleted"); myBookings.removeColumn("user_name"); * myBookings.removeColumn("group_id"); myBookings.removeColumn("workgroup_id"); * myBookings.removeColumn("email"); myBookings.removeColumn("phone"); * myBookings.removeColumn("admin_panel"); myBookings.removeColumn("user_id"); * * myBookings.getColumn("booking_id").setHeaderCaption("Booking ID"); */ upcomingBookings = new Grid(gpc); // Create a grid upcomingBookings.setStyleName("my-style"); upcomingBookings.setWidth("100%"); upcomingBookings.setSelectionMode(SelectionMode.SINGLE); upcomingBookings.setEditorEnabled(false); upcomingBookings.setColumnOrder("ID", "confirmation", "deviceName", "service", "start", "end", "username", "phone", "price"); upcomingBookings.getColumn("price").setHeaderCaption("Approx. Price"); // System.out.println(myBookings.getColumns()); setRenderers(upcomingBookings); devicesLayout.addComponent(upcomingBookings); upcomingBookings.getColumn("delete") .setRenderer(new ButtonRenderer(new ClickableRenderer.RendererClickListener() { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 302628105070456680L; @Override public void click(RendererClickEvent event) { try { Window cd = new Window("Delete Booking"); cd.setHeight("200px"); cd.setWidth("400px"); cd.setResizable(false); GridLayout dialogLayout = new GridLayout(3, 3); Button okButton = new Button("Yes"); okButton.addStyleName(ValoTheme.BUTTON_DANGER); Button cancelButton = new Button("No, I'm actually not sure!"); cancelButton.addStyleName(ValoTheme.BUTTON_PRIMARY); Label information = new Label("Are you sure you want to trash this item?"); information.addStyleName(ValoTheme.LABEL_NO_MARGIN); okButton.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1778157399909757369L; @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent okEvent) { purgeBooking((BookingBean) event.getItemId()); booking.setSelectedTab(myUpcomingBookings()); cd.close(); showNotification("The booking was deleted!", "You wanted to delete an upcoming booking and it wasn't within the next 24 hours. All good, item purged."); } }); cancelButton.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -8957620319158438769L; @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent okEvent) { cd.close(); } }); dialogLayout.addComponent(information, 0, 0, 2, 0); dialogLayout.addComponent(okButton, 0, 1); dialogLayout.addComponent(cancelButton, 1, 1); dialogLayout.setMargin(true); dialogLayout.setSpacing(true); cd.setContent(dialogLayout);; UI.getCurrent().addWindow(cd); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } })); // TODO filtering // HeaderRow filterRow = devicesGrid.prependHeaderRow(); return devicesLayout; }
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License:Open Source License
@Override protected void createContent(VerticalLayout contentLayout) { String msg = getTitre(abo.dateJokers.size()); titre = new Label(msg, ContentMode.HTML); contentLayout.addComponent(titre);/* w w w. j av a2 s. c o m*/ GridLayout gl = new GridLayout(3, contratDTO.jokerNbMax); gl.setMargin(true); gl.setSpacing(true); SimpleDateFormat df = FormatUtils.getFullDate(); for (int i = 0; i < contratDTO.jokerNbMax; i++) { ContratLigDTO dateJoker = (i < abo.dateJokers.size()) ? abo.dateJokers.get(i) : null; boolean isModifiable = isModifiable(dateJoker); // Label l1 = new Label("Joker " + (i + 1)); l1.setWidth("80px"); gl.addComponent(l1, 0, i); // if (isModifiable && readOnly == false) { ComboBox box = createComboBox(dateJoker, df); box.setWidth("220px"); gl.addComponent(box, 1, i); combos.add(box); } else { String caption = dateJoker == null ? "Non utilis" : df.format(; gl.addComponent(new Label(caption), 1, i); if (dateJoker != null) { nonModifiableJokers.add(dateJoker); } } String l3msg = isModifiable ? "" : " (Non modifiable)"; Label l3 = new Label(l3msg); gl.addComponent(l3, 2, i); } contentLayout.addComponent(gl); }
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License:Apache License
/** * Cre une fentre//from ww w.j av a2s . c o m */ public FiltreInscritsMobileWindow() { setWidth("95%"); setModal(true); setResizable(false); setClosable(true); setCaption(applicationContext.getMessage(NAME + ".title", null, getLocale())); setStyleName("v-popover-blank"); typeFavori = MdwTouchkitUI.getCurrent().getTypeObjListInscrits(); GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(1, 2); layout.setWidth("100%"); layout.setSpacing(true); layout.setMargin(true); setContent(layout); //Si on affiche la liste des inscrits un ELP //on doit affiche l'tape d'appartenance et ventuellement les groupes //Affichage d'une liste droulante contenant la liste des annes if (typeIsElp()) { //GESTION DES ETAPES List<VersionEtape> letapes = MdwTouchkitUI.getCurrent().getListeEtapesInscrits(); if (letapes != null && letapes.size() > 0) { Label etapeLabel = new Label(applicationContext.getMessage(NAME + ".etape", null, getLocale())); layout.addComponent(etapeLabel); layout.setComponentAlignment(etapeLabel, Alignment.BOTTOM_LEFT); listeEtapes = new NativeSelect(); listeEtapes.setNullSelectionAllowed(false); listeEtapes.setRequired(false); listeEtapes.setWidth("100%"); listeEtapes.addItem(TOUTES_LES_ETAPES_LABEL); listeEtapes.setItemCaption(TOUTES_LES_ETAPES_LABEL, TOUTES_LES_ETAPES_LABEL); for (VersionEtape etape : letapes) { String idEtape = etape.getId().getCod_etp() + "/" + etape.getId().getCod_vrs_vet(); listeEtapes.addItem(idEtape); listeEtapes.setItemCaption(idEtape, "[" + idEtape + "] " + etape.getLib_web_vet()); } if (MdwTouchkitUI.getCurrent().getEtapeInscrits() != null) { listeEtapes.setValue(MdwTouchkitUI.getCurrent().getEtapeInscrits()); } else { listeEtapes.setValue(TOUTES_LES_ETAPES_LABEL); } //Gestion de l'vnement sur le changement d'tape listeEtapes.addValueChangeListener(new ValueChangeListener() { @Override public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { vetSelectionnee = (String) event.getProperty().getValue(); if (vetSelectionnee.equals(TOUTES_LES_ETAPES_LABEL)) { vetSelectionnee = null; } MdwTouchkitUI.getCurrent().setEtapeInscrits(vetSelectionnee); //faire le changement groupeSelectionne = ((listeGroupes != null && listeGroupes.getValue() != null) ? (String) listeGroupes.getValue() : null); if (groupeSelectionne != null && groupeSelectionne.equals(TOUS_LES_GROUPES_LABEL)) { groupeSelectionne = null; } //update de l'affichage //initListe(); } }); layout.addComponent(listeEtapes); } //GESTION DES GROUPES List<ElpDeCollection> lgroupes = MdwTouchkitUI.getCurrent().getListeGroupesInscrits(); if (lgroupes != null && lgroupes.size() > 0) { // Label "GROUPE" HorizontalLayout gLayout = new HorizontalLayout(); gLayout.setSizeFull(); Label groupeLabel = new Label(applicationContext.getMessage(NAME + ".groupe", null, getLocale())); gLayout.addComponent(groupeLabel); gLayout.setComponentAlignment(groupeLabel, Alignment.MIDDLE_LEFT); layout.addComponent(gLayout); //Liste droulante pour choisir le groupe listeGroupes = new NativeSelect(); listeGroupes.setNullSelectionAllowed(false); listeGroupes.setRequired(false); listeGroupes.setWidth("100%"); listeGroupes.addItem(TOUS_LES_GROUPES_LABEL); listeGroupes.setItemCaption(TOUS_LES_GROUPES_LABEL, TOUS_LES_GROUPES_LABEL); for (ElpDeCollection edc : lgroupes) { for (CollectionDeGroupes cdg : edc.getListeCollection()) { for (Groupe groupe : cdg.getListeGroupes()) { listeGroupes.addItem(groupe.getCleGroupe()); listeGroupes.setItemCaption(groupe.getCleGroupe(), groupe.getLibGroupe()); } } } //On pr-remplie le groupe choisi si on en a dj choisi un if (MdwTouchkitUI.getCurrent().getGroupeInscrits() != null) { listeGroupes.setValue(MdwTouchkitUI.getCurrent().getGroupeInscrits()); } else { listeGroupes.setValue(TOUS_LES_GROUPES_LABEL); } //Gestion de l'vnement sur le changement de groupe listeGroupes.addValueChangeListener(new ValueChangeListener() { @Override public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { groupeSelectionne = (String) event.getProperty().getValue(); if (groupeSelectionne.equals(TOUS_LES_GROUPES_LABEL)) { groupeSelectionne = null; } MdwTouchkitUI.getCurrent().setGroupeInscrits(groupeSelectionne); //faire le changement vetSelectionnee = ((listeEtapes != null && listeEtapes.getValue() != null) ? (String) listeEtapes.getValue() : null); if (vetSelectionnee != null && vetSelectionnee.equals(TOUTES_LES_ETAPES_LABEL)) { vetSelectionnee = null; } } }); layout.addComponent(listeGroupes); } } // Bouton "Filtrer" HorizontalLayout bLayout = new HorizontalLayout(); bLayout.setSizeFull(); Button closeButton = new Button(applicationContext.getMessage(NAME + ".filtrerBtn", null, getLocale())); closeButton.setStyleName(ValoTheme.BUTTON_PRIMARY); closeButton.addStyleName("v-popover-button"); demandeFiltrage = false; closeButton.addClickListener(e -> { //retourner vetSelectionnee et groupeSelectionne; demandeFiltrage = true; close(); }); bLayout.addComponent(closeButton); bLayout.setComponentAlignment(closeButton, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); layout.addComponent(bLayout); }