Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * QBiC Calendar provides an infrastructure for defining calendars for specific purposes like * booking devices or planning resources for services and integration of relevant data into the * common portal infrastructure. Copyright (C) 2016 Aydn Can Polatkan & David Wojnar * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the * GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without * even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If * not, see *******************************************************************************/ package facs.components; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TimeZone; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.vaadin.event.Action; import com.vaadin.server.ExternalResource; import com.vaadin.server.FontAwesome; import com.vaadin.server.Page; import com.vaadin.server.Resource; import com.vaadin.server.WebBrowser; import com.vaadin.shared.Position; import com.vaadin.ui.Button; import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickEvent; import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickListener; import com.vaadin.ui.Calendar; import com.vaadin.ui.Component; import com.vaadin.ui.CustomComponent; import com.vaadin.ui.Grid; import com.vaadin.ui.Grid.SelectionMode; import com.vaadin.ui.GridLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.HorizontalLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.Label; import com.vaadin.ui.NativeSelect; import com.vaadin.ui.Notification; import com.vaadin.ui.Notification.Type; import com.vaadin.ui.Panel; import com.vaadin.ui.TabSheet; import com.vaadin.ui.UI; import com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.Window; import com.vaadin.ui.components.calendar.CalendarComponentEvents.EventMoveHandler; import com.vaadin.ui.components.calendar.CalendarComponentEvents.EventResize; import com.vaadin.ui.components.calendar.CalendarComponentEvents.EventResizeHandler; import com.vaadin.ui.components.calendar.CalendarComponentEvents.MoveEvent; import com.vaadin.ui.components.calendar.CalendarComponentEvents.RangeSelectEvent; import com.vaadin.ui.components.calendar.CalendarComponentEvents.RangeSelectHandler; import com.vaadin.ui.components.calendar.CalendarDateRange; import com.vaadin.ui.components.calendar.event.BasicEvent; import com.vaadin.ui.components.calendar.event.CalendarEvent; import com.vaadin.ui.components.calendar.event.EditableCalendarEvent; import com.vaadin.ui.components.calendar.handler.BasicEventMoveHandler; import com.vaadin.ui.components.calendar.handler.BasicEventResizeHandler; import com.vaadin.ui.renderers.ButtonRenderer; import com.vaadin.ui.renderers.ClickableRenderer; import com.vaadin.ui.renderers.ClickableRenderer.RendererClickEvent; import com.vaadin.ui.renderers.DateRenderer; import com.vaadin.ui.renderers.NumberRenderer; import com.vaadin.ui.themes.ValoTheme; import facs.db.DBManager; import facs.db.Database; import facs.model.BookingBean; import facs.model.BookingModel; import facs.model.Constants; import facs.model.FacsModelUtil; public class Booking extends CustomComponent { private static final long serialVersionUID = -4396068933947619408L; private HorizontalLayout cal = new HorizontalLayout(); private GridLayout gridLayout = new GridLayout(6, 6); private BookingModel bookingModel; private NativeSelect selectedDevice; private Map<String, Calendar> bookMap = new HashMap<String, Calendar>(); private Map<String, Set<CalendarEvent>> newEvents = new HashMap<String, Set<CalendarEvent>>(); private int eventCounter = 0; private NativeSelect selectedKostenstelle; private Date referenceDate; // private NativeSelect selectedProject; private NativeSelect selectedService; private Grid upcomingBookings; private Grid next24HoursBookings; private Grid pastBookings; private TabSheet booking; private static Database db; public Booking(final BookingModel bookingModel, Date referenceDate) { String[] sayHello = { "Kon'nichiwa", "Hello", "Halo", "Hiya", "Hej", "Hallo", "Hola", "Grezi", "Servus", "Merhaba", "Bonjour", "Ahoj", "Moi", "Ciao", "Buongiorno" }; this.bookingModel = bookingModel; this.referenceDate = referenceDate; Label infoLabel = new Label(); infoLabel.addStyleName("h4"); Label selectDeviceLabel = new Label(); selectDeviceLabel.addStyleName("h4"); selectDeviceLabel.setValue("Please Select a Device"); final Label versionLabel = new Label(); versionLabel.addStyleName("h4"); versionLabel.setValue("Version 0.1.160727"); // showSuccessfulNotification(sayHello[(int) (Math.random() * sayHello.length)] + ", " // + bookingModel.userName() + "!", ""); Date dNow = new Date(); SimpleDateFormat ft = new SimpleDateFormat("dd.MM.yyyy hh:mm:ss"); System.out.println(ft.format(dNow) + " INFO Calendar initiated! - User: " + bookingModel.getLDAP() + " " + versionLabel); // only users who are allowed to book devices will be able to do so if (bookingModel.isNotAllowed()) { VerticalLayout errorLayout = new VerticalLayout(); infoLabel.setValue("ACCESS DENIED"); errorLayout.addComponent(infoLabel); showErrorNotification("Access Denied!", "Sorry, you're not allowed to see anything here, at least your username told us so. Do you need assistance? Please contact ''."); setCompositionRoot(errorLayout); return; } Panel book = new Panel(); book.addStyleName(ValoTheme.PANEL_BORDERLESS); DBManager.getDatabaseInstance(); db = Database.Instance; db.userLogin(bookingModel.getLDAP()); selectedDevice = initCalendars(bookingModel.getDevicesNames()); selectedService = new NativeSelect("Please select a service:"); selectedService.setDescription("Please select the service you would like to receive!"); selectedKostenstelle = new NativeSelect("Please select konstenstelle:"); selectedKostenstelle.setDescription("Please select the Kostenstelle you would like to use!"); selectedDevice.addValueChangeListener(new ValueChangeListener() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 8153818693511960689L; @Override public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { versionLabel.setValue(db.getUserRoleDescByLDAPId(bookingModel.getLDAP(), getCurrentDevice())); selectedKostenstelle.setVisible(true); if (bookMap.containsKey(getCurrentDevice())) { cal.removeAllComponents(); setCalendar(); if (selectedDevice.getValue().equals("Aria")) { selectedService.removeAllItems(); selectedService.addItems("Full Service", "Partial Service", "Self Service"); selectedService.setValue("Full Service"); selectedService.setVisible(true); } else if (selectedDevice.getValue().equals("Mac")) { selectedService.removeAllItems(); selectedService.addItems("Self", "Service"); selectedService.setValue("Service"); selectedService.setVisible(true); } else { selectedService.setValue(null); selectedService.setVisible(false); } } else { bookMap.put(getCurrentDevice(), initCal(bookingModel, getCurrentDevice())); cal.removeAllComponents(); setCalendar(); if (selectedDevice.getValue().equals("Aria")) { selectedService.removeAllItems(); selectedService.addItems("Full Service", "Partial Service", "Self Service"); selectedService.setValue("Full Service"); selectedService.setVisible(true); } else if (selectedDevice.getValue().equals("Mac")) { selectedService.removeAllItems(); selectedService.addItems("Self", "Service"); selectedService.setValue("Service"); selectedService.setVisible(true); } else { selectedService.setValue(null); selectedService.setVisible(false); } } } }); if (bookingModel.getProject().isEmpty()) { infoLabel.setValue(bookingModel.userName() + " Kostenstelle: " + bookingModel.getKostenstelle() + " Institute: " + bookingModel.getInstitute()); } else { infoLabel.setValue(bookingModel.userName() + " Kostenstelle: " + bookingModel.getKostenstelle() + " Project: " + bookingModel.getProject() + " Institute: " + bookingModel.getInstitute()); } // bookDeviceLayout.addComponent(infoLabel); cal.setLocale(Locale.getDefault()); cal.setImmediate(true); selectedService.setImmediate(true); cal.setSizeFull(); String submitTitle = "Book"; Button submit = new Button(submitTitle); submit.setIcon(FontAwesome.CALENDAR); submit.setDescription("Please select a device and a time frame at first then click 'BOOK'!"); submit.setSizeFull(); // submit.setVisible(false); submit.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { private static final long serialVersionUID = -3610721151565496269L; @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { submit(bookingModel.getLDAP(), getCurrentDevice()); newEvents.clear(); refreshDataSources(); } }); String buttonTitle = "Refresh"; Button refresh = new Button(buttonTitle); refresh.setIcon(FontAwesome.REFRESH); refresh.setSizeFull(); refresh.setDescription("Click here to reload the data from the database!"); refresh.addStyleName(ValoTheme.BUTTON_FRIENDLY); refresh.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { private static final long serialVersionUID = -3610721151565496269L; @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { refreshDataSources(); } }); gridLayout.setWidth("100%"); // add components to the grid layout gridLayout.addComponent(infoLabel, 0, 4, 3, 4); gridLayout.addComponent(versionLabel, 4, 4, 5, 4); // gridLayout.addComponent(selectDeviceLabel,0,1); gridLayout.addComponent(selectedDevice, 0, 0); gridLayout.addComponent(selectedService, 1, 0); gridLayout.addComponent(selectedKostenstelle, 2, 0); selectedService.setVisible(false); gridLayout.addComponent(cal, 0, 2, 5, 2); gridLayout.addComponent(refresh, 0, 3); gridLayout.addComponent(submit, 1, 3, 5, 3); // gridLayout.addComponent(myBookings(), 0, 5, 5, 5); gridLayout.setMargin(true); gridLayout.setSpacing(true); gridLayout.setSizeFull(); book.setContent(gridLayout); booking = new TabSheet(); booking.addStyleName(ValoTheme.TABSHEET_FRAMED); booking.addTab(book).setCaption("Calendar"); booking.addTab(myNext24HoursBookings()).setCaption("Next 24 Hours"); booking.addTab(myUpcomingBookings()).setCaption("Upcoming"); booking.addTab(myPastBookings()).setCaption("Past Bookings"); // booking.addTab(myUpcomingBookingsSQLContainer()).setCaption("Test"); setCompositionRoot(booking); } private void setRenderers(Grid grid) { grid.getColumn("price").setRenderer(new NumberRenderer("%1$.2f ")); grid.getColumn("start") .setRenderer(new DateRenderer("%1$tB %1$te %1$tY, %1$tH:%1$tM:%1$tS", Locale.GERMAN)); grid.getColumn("end").setRenderer(new DateRenderer("%1$tB %1$te %1$tY, %1$tH:%1$tM:%1$tS", Locale.GERMAN)); } protected void setCalendar() { cal.removeAllComponents(); cal.addComponent(bookMap.get(getCurrentDevice())); } private Component myNext24HoursBookings() { VerticalLayout devicesLayout = new VerticalLayout(); // devicesLayout.setCaption("My Bookings"); // there will now be space around the test component // components added to the test component will now not stick together but have space between // them devicesLayout.setMargin(true); devicesLayout.setSpacing(true); Date serverTime = new WebBrowser().getCurrentDate(); Date nextDayTime = new Date(serverTime.getTime() + (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)); BeanItemContainer<BookingBean> users = getMyNext24HoursBookings(bookingModel.getLDAP(), serverTime, nextDayTime); // System.out.println(bookingModel.getLDAP()); GeneratedPropertyContainer gpc = new GeneratedPropertyContainer(users); next24HoursBookings = new Grid(gpc); // Create a grid next24HoursBookings.setStyleName("my-style"); next24HoursBookings.setWidth("100%"); next24HoursBookings.setSelectionMode(SelectionMode.SINGLE); next24HoursBookings.setEditorEnabled(false); next24HoursBookings.setColumnOrder("ID", "confirmation", "deviceName", "service", "start", "end", "username", "phone", "price"); next24HoursBookings.getColumn("price").setHeaderCaption("Approx. Price"); setRenderers(next24HoursBookings); devicesLayout.addComponent(next24HoursBookings); return devicesLayout; } private Component myPastBookings() { VerticalLayout devicesLayout = new VerticalLayout(); // devicesLayout.setCaption("My Bookings"); // there will now be space around the test component // components added to the test component will now not stick together but have space between // them devicesLayout.setMargin(true); devicesLayout.setSpacing(true); Date serverTime = new WebBrowser().getCurrentDate(); BeanItemContainer<BookingBean> users = getMyPastBookings(bookingModel.getLDAP(), serverTime); // System.out.println(bookingModel.getLDAP()); GeneratedPropertyContainer gpc = new GeneratedPropertyContainer(users); pastBookings = new Grid(gpc); // Create a grid pastBookings.setStyleName("my-style"); pastBookings.setWidth("100%"); pastBookings.setSelectionMode(SelectionMode.SINGLE); pastBookings.setEditorEnabled(false); pastBookings.setColumnOrder("ID", "confirmation", "deviceName", "service", "start", "end", "username", "phone", "price"); pastBookings.getColumn("price").setHeaderCaption("Approx. Price"); setRenderers(pastBookings); devicesLayout.addComponent(pastBookings); return devicesLayout; } private Component myUpcomingBookingsSQLContainer() { VerticalLayout devicesLayout = new VerticalLayout(); // devicesLayout.setCaption("My Bookings"); // there will now be space around the test component // components added to the test component will now not stick together but have space between // them devicesLayout.setMargin(true); devicesLayout.setSpacing(true); Date serverTime = new WebBrowser().getCurrentDate(); Date nextDayTime = new Date(serverTime.getTime() + (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)); try { TableQuery tq = new TableQuery("booking", DBManager.getDatabaseInstanceAlternative()); tq.setVersionColumn("OPTLOCK"); SQLContainer container = new SQLContainer(tq); // System.out.println("Print Container: " + container.size()); container.setAutoCommit(isEnabled()); upcomingBookings = new Grid(container); FieldGroup fieldGroup = upcomingBookings.getEditorFieldGroup(); fieldGroup.addCommitHandler(new FieldGroup.CommitHandler() { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 3799806709907688919L; @Override public void preCommit(FieldGroup.CommitEvent commitEvent) throws FieldGroup.CommitException { } @Override public void postCommit(FieldGroup.CommitEvent commitEvent) throws FieldGroup.CommitException { Notification("Successfully Updated", "Selected values are updated in the database. If it was a mistake, please remind that there is no 'undo' functionality yet.", "success"); refreshGrid(); } private void refreshGrid() { container.refresh(); } }); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block Notification("Something went wrong!", "Unable to update/connect the database. There may be a connection problem, please check your internet connection settings then try it again.", "error"); e.printStackTrace(); } upcomingBookings.clearSortOrder(); upcomingBookings.setStyleName("my-style"); upcomingBookings.setWidth("100%"); upcomingBookings.setSelectionMode(SelectionMode.SINGLE); upcomingBookings.setEditorEnabled(false); devicesLayout.addComponent(upcomingBookings); // TODO filtering // HeaderRow filterRow = devicesGrid.prependHeaderRow(); return devicesLayout; } private Component myUpcomingBookings() { VerticalLayout devicesLayout = new VerticalLayout(); // devicesLayout.setCaption("My Bookings"); // there will now be space around the test component // components added to the test component will now not stick together but have space between // them devicesLayout.setMargin(true); devicesLayout.setSpacing(true); Date serverTime = new WebBrowser().getCurrentDate(); Date nextDayTime = new Date(serverTime.getTime() + (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)); BeanItemContainer<BookingBean> users = getMyUpcomingBookings(bookingModel.getLDAP(), nextDayTime); // System.out.println(bookingModel.getLDAP()); GeneratedPropertyContainer gpc = new GeneratedPropertyContainer(users); gpc.addGeneratedProperty("delete", new PropertyValueGenerator<String>() { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1263377339178640406L; @Override public String getValue(Item item, Object itemId, Object propertyId) { // return FontAwesome.TRASH_O.getHtml(); // The caption return "Trash"; // The caption } @Override public Class<String> getType() { return String.class; } }); /* * * try { * * FreeformQuery query = new FreeformQuery( * "SELECT * FROM booking INNER JOIN user ON booking.user_ldap = user.user_ldap WHERE deleted IS NULL AND booking.user_ldap ='" * + bookingModel.getLDAP() + "';", DBManager.getDatabaseInstanceAlternative(), "booking_id"); * SQLContainer container = new SQLContainer(query); * * // System.out.println("Print Container: " + container.size()); * container.setAutoCommit(isEnabled()); * * myBookings = new Grid(container); * * } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } * * myBookings.setColumnOrder("booking_id", "confirmation", "device_name", "service", "start", * "end", "kostenstelle", "price", "project"); * * myBookings.removeColumn("user_ldap"); myBookings.removeColumn("timestamp"); * myBookings.removeColumn("deleted"); myBookings.removeColumn("user_name"); * myBookings.removeColumn("group_id"); myBookings.removeColumn("workgroup_id"); * myBookings.removeColumn("email"); myBookings.removeColumn("phone"); * myBookings.removeColumn("admin_panel"); myBookings.removeColumn("user_id"); * * myBookings.getColumn("booking_id").setHeaderCaption("Booking ID"); */ upcomingBookings = new Grid(gpc); // Create a grid upcomingBookings.setStyleName("my-style"); upcomingBookings.setWidth("100%"); upcomingBookings.setSelectionMode(SelectionMode.SINGLE); upcomingBookings.setEditorEnabled(false); upcomingBookings.setColumnOrder("ID", "confirmation", "deviceName", "service", "start", "end", "username", "phone", "price"); upcomingBookings.getColumn("price").setHeaderCaption("Approx. Price"); // System.out.println(myBookings.getColumns()); setRenderers(upcomingBookings); devicesLayout.addComponent(upcomingBookings); upcomingBookings.getColumn("delete") .setRenderer(new ButtonRenderer(new ClickableRenderer.RendererClickListener() { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 302628105070456680L; @Override public void click(RendererClickEvent event) { try { Window cd = new Window("Delete Booking"); cd.setHeight("200px"); cd.setWidth("400px"); cd.setResizable(false); GridLayout dialogLayout = new GridLayout(3, 3); Button okButton = new Button("Yes"); okButton.addStyleName(ValoTheme.BUTTON_DANGER); Button cancelButton = new Button("No, I'm actually not sure!"); cancelButton.addStyleName(ValoTheme.BUTTON_PRIMARY); Label information = new Label("Are you sure you want to trash this item?"); information.addStyleName(ValoTheme.LABEL_NO_MARGIN); okButton.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1778157399909757369L; @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent okEvent) { purgeBooking((BookingBean) event.getItemId()); booking.setSelectedTab(myUpcomingBookings()); cd.close(); showNotification("The booking was deleted!", "You wanted to delete an upcoming booking and it wasn't within the next 24 hours. All good, item purged."); } }); cancelButton.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -8957620319158438769L; @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent okEvent) { cd.close(); } }); dialogLayout.addComponent(information, 0, 0, 2, 0); dialogLayout.addComponent(okButton, 0, 1); dialogLayout.addComponent(cancelButton, 1, 1); dialogLayout.setMargin(true); dialogLayout.setSpacing(true); cd.setContent(dialogLayout);; UI.getCurrent().addWindow(cd); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } })); // TODO filtering // HeaderRow filterRow = devicesGrid.prependHeaderRow(); return devicesLayout; } private BeanItemContainer<BookingBean> getBookings(String LDAP) { BeanItemContainer<BookingBean> bookingList = new BeanItemContainer<BookingBean>(BookingBean.class); List<BookingBean> bookings = DBManager.getDatabaseInstance().getMyBookingsGrid(LDAP); assert bookings != null; bookingList.addAll(bookings); return bookingList; } private BeanItemContainer<BookingBean> getMyNext24HoursBookings(String LDAP, Date start, Date end) { BeanItemContainer<BookingBean> bookingList = new BeanItemContainer<BookingBean>(BookingBean.class); List<BookingBean> bookings = DBManager.getDatabaseInstance().getMyNext24HoursBookings(LDAP, start, end); assert bookings != null; bookingList.addAll(bookings); return bookingList; } private BeanItemContainer<BookingBean> getMyUpcomingBookings(String LDAP, Date start) { BeanItemContainer<BookingBean> bookingList = new BeanItemContainer<BookingBean>(BookingBean.class); List<BookingBean> bookings = DBManager.getDatabaseInstance().getMyUpcomingBookings(LDAP, start); assert bookings != null; bookingList.addAll(bookings); return bookingList; } private BeanItemContainer<BookingBean> getMyPastBookings(String LDAP, Date start) { BeanItemContainer<BookingBean> bookingList = new BeanItemContainer<BookingBean>(BookingBean.class); List<BookingBean> bookings = DBManager.getDatabaseInstance().getMyPastBookings(LDAP, start); assert bookings != null; bookingList.addAll(bookings); return bookingList; } private void Notification(String title, String description, String type) { Notification notify = new Notification(title, description); notify.setPosition(Position.TOP_CENTER); if (type.equals("error")) { notify.setDelayMsec(16000); notify.setIcon(FontAwesome.FROWN_O); notify.setStyleName(ValoTheme.NOTIFICATION_ERROR + " " + ValoTheme.NOTIFICATION_CLOSABLE); } else if (type.equals("success")) { notify.setDelayMsec(8000); notify.setIcon(FontAwesome.SMILE_O); notify.setStyleName(ValoTheme.NOTIFICATION_SUCCESS + " " + ValoTheme.NOTIFICATION_CLOSABLE); } else { notify.setDelayMsec(8000); notify.setIcon(FontAwesome.MEH_O); notify.setStyleName(ValoTheme.NOTIFICATION_TRAY + " " + ValoTheme.NOTIFICATION_CLOSABLE); }; } /* * public boolean showConfirmDialog(String title, String description) { * * Boolean confirmed = false; * * Label Description = new Label(description); Button confirm = new Button("Yes"); Button cancel = * new Button("No"); * * ConfirmDialog x = new ConfirmDialog(); * * ConfirmDialog d = getFactory().create(windowCaption, message, okCaption, cancelCaption); * * GridLayout dialogLayout = new GridLayout(3, 3); * * x.setCaption(" " + title); * * dialogLayout.addComponent(Description, 0, 0); dialogLayout.addComponent(cancel, 1, 1); * dialogLayout.addComponent(confirm, 2, 1); * * dialogLayout.setSpacing(true); dialogLayout.setMargin(true); * * x.setIcon(FontAwesome.WARNING); x.setHeight("200px"); x.setWidth("450px"); * x.setResizable(false); x.setContent(dialogLayout); * * } */ private void showErrorNotification(String title, String description) { Notification notify = new Notification(title, description); notify.setDelayMsec(16000); notify.setPosition(Position.TOP_CENTER); notify.setIcon(FontAwesome.FROWN_O); notify.setStyleName(ValoTheme.NOTIFICATION_ERROR + " " + ValoTheme.NOTIFICATION_CLOSABLE);; } private void showNotification(String title, String description) { Notification notify = new Notification(title, description); notify.setDelayMsec(8000); notify.setPosition(Position.TOP_CENTER); notify.setIcon(FontAwesome.MEH_O); notify.setStyleName(ValoTheme.NOTIFICATION_TRAY + " " + ValoTheme.NOTIFICATION_CLOSABLE);; } private void showSuccessfulNotification(String title, String description) { Notification notify = new Notification(title, description); notify.setDelayMsec(8000); notify.setPosition(Position.TOP_CENTER); notify.setIcon(FontAwesome.SMILE_O); notify.setStyleName(ValoTheme.NOTIFICATION_SUCCESS + " " + ValoTheme.NOTIFICATION_CLOSABLE);; } protected void purgeBooking(BookingBean db) { boolean purged = DBManager.getDatabaseInstance().purgeBooking(db); if (purged) { upcomingBookings.getContainerDataSource().removeItem(db); showNotification("The booking was deleted!", "You wanted to delete an upcoming booking and it wasn't within the next 24 hours. All good, item purged."); } else { // TODO log failed operation showErrorNotification("Jeez! It's not fair!", "For some reason we couldn't PURGE this booking. Maybe it's already restored or already purged from the database."); } } public void refreshDataSources() { BookingModel bookingModel = FacsModelUtil.getNoviceBookingModel(); setCompositionRoot(new Booking(bookingModel, referenceDate)); } public void refreshDataSourcesGrid() { BookingModel bookingModel = FacsModelUtil.getNoviceBookingModel(); setCompositionRoot(new Booking(bookingModel, referenceDate)); } void submit(String user_ldap, String currentDevice) { if (eventCounter == 0) { showNotification("We couldn't find any event to add!", "Did you select a time frame?\nPlease select a time frame at first then try again."); return; } if (db.getDeviceRestriction(currentDevice) == true) { // System.out.println("I am here: True - "+db.getDeviceRestriction(currentDevice)); if (db.getUserRoleByLDAPId(user_ldap, currentDevice).equals("V")) { showErrorNotification("Access Denied!", "Sorry, you are not authorized to book. However, you can still view the calendars. Please click here to discard this message."); return; } Iterator<Entry<String, Set<CalendarEvent>>> it = newEvents.entrySet().iterator(); String title = "Booking completed!"; String description = "Congratulations!\nYou've succesfully added "; while (it.hasNext()) { Entry<String, Set<CalendarEvent>> entry =; description += entry.getValue().size(); description += " new booking(s) for device "; description += entry.getKey(); description += ". \nPlease keep in mind that Aria, Mac and Consulting requests has to be confirmed by FACS Facility managers."; for (CalendarEvent event : entry.getValue()) { if (event instanceof BasicEvent) { // User user; try { // user = // UserLocalServiceUtil.getUser(Long.parseLong(VaadinService.getCurrent().getCurrentRequest().getRemoteUser())); ((BasicEvent) event).setStyleName("color2"); db.addBooking(bookingModel.getLDAP(), (String) selectedDevice.getValue(), event.getStart(), event.getEnd(), (String) selectedService.getValue(), bookingModel.cost(event.getStart(), event.getEnd(), getCost((String) selectedDevice.getValue(), (String) selectedService.getValue(), getGroupID()))); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } showSuccessfulNotification(title, description); } else { // System.out.println("I am here: False? - "+db.getDeviceRestriction(currentDevice)); Iterator<Entry<String, Set<CalendarEvent>>> it = newEvents.entrySet().iterator(); String title = "Booking completed!"; String description = "Congratulations!\nYou've succesfully added "; while (it.hasNext()) { Entry<String, Set<CalendarEvent>> entry =; description += entry.getValue().size(); description += " new booking(s) for device "; description += entry.getKey(); description += ". \nPlease keep in mind that Aria, Mac and Consulting requests has to be confirmed by FACS Facility managers."; for (CalendarEvent event : entry.getValue()) { if (event instanceof BasicEvent) { // User user; try { // user = // UserLocalServiceUtil.getUser(Long.parseLong(VaadinService.getCurrent().getCurrentRequest().getRemoteUser())); ((BasicEvent) event).setStyleName("color2"); if (db.getUserRoleByLDAPId(user_ldap, currentDevice).equals("V")) { db.addBooking(bookingModel.getLDAP(), (String) selectedDevice.getValue(), event.getStart(), event.getEnd(), (String) selectedService.getValue(), bookingModel .cost(event.getStart(), event.getEnd(), getCost((String) selectedDevice.getValue(), (String) selectedService.getValue(), getGroupID())), true); } else db.addBooking(bookingModel.getLDAP(), (String) selectedDevice.getValue(), event.getStart(), event.getEnd(), (String) selectedService.getValue(), bookingModel.cost(event.getStart(), event.getEnd(), getCost((String) selectedDevice.getValue(), (String) selectedService.getValue(), getGroupID()))); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } showSuccessfulNotification(title, description); } } Calendar initCal(BookingModel bookingmodel, String currentDevice) { Calendar calendar; switch (db.getUserRoleByLDAPId(bookingModel.getLDAP(), currentDevice)) { case Constants.ADMIN_ROLE: calendar = adminCalendar(bookingmodel); break; case Constants.ADVANCED_ROLE: calendar = advancedCalendar(bookingmodel); break; case Constants.SUPER_ROLE: calendar = superCalendar(bookingmodel); break; case Constants.NOVICE_ROLE: calendar = noviceCalendar(bookingmodel); break; case Constants.BASIC_ROLE: default: { calendar = basicCalendar(bookingmodel); } } return calendar; } // BASIC users are allowed to see from MON-FRI from 09:00 until 16:59 private Calendar basicCalendar(final BookingModel bookingmodel) { final Calendar cal = new Calendar(); // 11.07.2016 updated: BASIC users are allowed to see from MON-SUN from 00:00 until 23:59 // cal.setFirstVisibleDayOfWeek(java.util.Calendar.SUNDAY); // cal.setLastVisibleDayOfWeek(java.util.Calendar.THURSDAY); // cal.setFirstVisibleHourOfDay(9); // cal.setLastVisibleHourOfDay(17); for (CalendarEvent event : bookingmodel.getAllEvents(getCurrentDevice())) { cal.addEvent(event); // System.out.println(" 251 Current Device: " + getCurrentDevice()); } cal.setHandler(new MyEventRangeSelectHandler(cal, bookingmodel)); cal.setHandler(new MyEventMoveHandler(cal, bookingmodel)); cal.setHandler(new MyEventResizeHandler(cal, bookingmodel)); cal.addActionHandler(new MyActionHandler(cal, bookingmodel)); cal.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("Europe/Berlin")); cal.setLocale(Locale.GERMANY); cal.setWidth("100%"); // cal.setHeight("100%"); cal.setHeight("1000px"); return cal; } // NOVICE users are allowed to see from MON-FRI from 09:00 to 16:59 private Calendar noviceCalendar(final BookingModel bookingmodel) { final Calendar cal = new Calendar(); // 11.07.2016 updated: NOVICE users are allowed to see from MON-SUN from 00:00 until 23:59 // cal.setFirstVisibleDayOfWeek(java.util.Calendar.SUNDAY); // cal.setLastVisibleDayOfWeek(java.util.Calendar.THURSDAY); // cal.setFirstVisibleHourOfDay(9); // cal.setLastVisibleHourOfDay(17); for (CalendarEvent event : bookingmodel.getAllEvents(getCurrentDevice())) { cal.addEvent(event); // System.out.println(" 251 Current Device: " + getCurrentDevice()); } cal.setHandler(new MyEventRangeSelectHandler(cal, bookingmodel)); cal.setHandler(new MyEventMoveHandler(cal, bookingmodel)); cal.setHandler(new MyEventResizeHandler(cal, bookingmodel)); cal.addActionHandler(new MyActionHandler(cal, bookingmodel)); cal.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("Europe/Berlin")); cal.setLocale(Locale.GERMANY); cal.setWidth("100%"); // cal.setHeight("100%"); cal.setHeight("1000px"); return cal; } // ADVANCED users are allowed to see MON-FRI from 00:00 to 23:59 private Calendar advancedCalendar(final BookingModel bookingmodel) { final Calendar cal = new Calendar(); // 11.07.2016 updated: ADVANCED users are allowed to see from MON-SUN from 00:00 until 23:59 // cal.setFirstVisibleDayOfWeek(java.util.Calendar.SUNDAY); // cal.setLastVisibleDayOfWeek(java.util.Calendar.THURSDAY); for (CalendarEvent event : bookingmodel.getAllEvents(getCurrentDevice())) { cal.addEvent(event); } cal.setHandler(new MyEventRangeSelectHandler(cal, bookingmodel)); cal.setHandler(new MyEventMoveHandler(cal, bookingmodel)); cal.setHandler(new MyEventResizeHandler(cal, bookingmodel)); cal.addActionHandler(new MyActionHandler(cal, bookingmodel)); cal.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("Europe/Berlin")); cal.setLocale(Locale.GERMANY); cal.setWidth("100%"); cal.setHeight("1000px"); return cal; } // SUPER users are allowed to see MON-SUN from 00:00 to 23:59 private Calendar superCalendar(final BookingModel bookingmodel) { final Calendar cal = new Calendar(); for (CalendarEvent event : bookingmodel.getAllEvents(getCurrentDevice())) { cal.addEvent(event); } cal.setHandler(new MyEventRangeSelectHandler(cal, bookingmodel)); cal.setHandler(new MyEventMoveHandler(cal, bookingmodel)); cal.setHandler(new MyEventResizeHandler(cal, bookingmodel)); cal.addActionHandler(new MyActionHandler(cal, bookingmodel)); cal.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("Europe/Berlin")); cal.setLocale(Locale.GERMANY); cal.setWidth("100%"); cal.setHeight("1000px"); return cal; } // ADMIN user can see everything! private Calendar adminCalendar(final BookingModel bookingmodel) { final Calendar cal = new Calendar(); for (CalendarEvent event : bookingmodel.getAllEvents(getCurrentDevice())) { cal.addEvent(event); } cal.setHandler(new MyEventRangeSelectHandler(cal, bookingmodel)); cal.setHandler(new MyEventMoveHandler(cal, bookingmodel)); cal.setHandler(new MyEventResizeHandler(cal, bookingmodel)); cal.addActionHandler(new MyActionHandler(cal, bookingmodel)); cal.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("Europe/Berlin")); cal.setLocale(Locale.GERMANY); cal.setWidth("100%"); cal.setHeight("1000px"); return cal; } void removeEvent(CalendarEvent event) { bookMap.get(getCurrentDevice()).removeEvent(event); // newEvents.get(getCurrentDevice()).remove(event); eventCounter--; } void addEvent(Date start, Date end) { try { CalendarEvent event = new BasicEvent( bookingModel.userName() + " ( " + bookingModel.getKostenstelle() + " " + bookingModel.getProject() + ")", "Approx. costs for this booking: " + bookingModel.cost(start, end, getCost(getCurrentDevice(), (String) selectedService.getValue(), getGroupID())) + "-", start, end); ((BasicEvent) event).setStyleName("color4"); bookMap.get(getCurrentDevice()).addEvent(event); if (!newEvents.containsKey(getCurrentDevice()) || newEvents.get(getCurrentDevice()) == null) { HashSet<CalendarEvent> set = new HashSet<CalendarEvent>(); set.add(event); newEvents.put(getCurrentDevice(), set); } else { newEvents.get(getCurrentDevice()).add(event); } eventCounter++; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } protected String getCurrentDevice() { return (String) selectedDevice.getValue(); } protected String getGroupID() { return bookingModel.getGroupID(); } protected int getCost(String currentDevice, String currentService, String groupID) { // System.out.println("getCost: " +currentDevice+" "+currentService+" "+groupID); return db.getDeviceCostPerGroup(currentDevice, currentService, groupID); } NativeSelect initCalendars(List<String> devices) { String selectDeviceCaption = "Please select a device:"; String selectDeviceDescription = "Please select a device to ask for a booking request or to book!"; NativeSelect selectDevice = new NativeSelect(); selectDevice.addItems(devices); selectDevice.setCaption(selectDeviceCaption); selectDevice.setDescription(selectDeviceDescription); selectDevice.setNullSelectionAllowed(false); return selectDevice; } class MyEventHandler { final String MESSAGE_24_HOURS_LIMIT = "o_O 24 Hours Limit Counts!"; final String MESSAGE_24_HOURS_LIMIT_DESCRIPTION = "It's not possible to delete this booking since it's already in the last 24 hours limit, please try to contact your facility operator!"; final String MESSAGE_IN_THE_PAST_TITLE = "o_O we can't turn back the time!"; final String MESSAGE_IN_THE_PAST_DESCRIPTION = "Booking failed because you selected a time frame in the past. Please select current or future dates for booking and try again!"; final String MESSAGE_ALREADY_TAKEN_TITLE = "o_O someone else got it first!"; final String MESSAGE_ALREADY_TAKEN_DESCRIPTION = "Booking failed because you selected an occupied time frame. Please select a new but 'free' time frame and try again!"; final String MESSAGE_PERMISSION_DENIED_TIME_SLOT_TITLE = "Hands off, not yours."; final String MESSAGE_PERMISSION_DENIED_TIME_SLOT_DESCRIPTION = "Action cancelled because you tried to change someone else's booking. You can only mark/rebook/delete your own bookings."; final String MESSAGE_NOTHING_TO_DELETE_TITLE = "There is no spoon."; final String MESSAGE_NOTHING_TO_DELETE_DESCRIPTION = "Action cancelled because you tried to delete a nonexisting booking. Do not try and bend the spoon. That's impossible."; final String MESSAGE_NOTHING_TO_EDIT_TITLE = "There is no spoon."; final String MESSAGE_NOTHING_TO_EDIT_DESCRIPTION = "Action cancelled because you tried to edit a nonexisting booking. Do not try and bend the spoon. That's impossible."; final String MESSAGE_OVERLAP_TITLE = "Pfoom! It's the sound of an overlap!"; final String MESSAGE_OVERLAP_DESCRIPTION = "Unless we have a bug in the system, there is no way to overlap two bookings in the same timeframe. How did this happen now?"; final String MESSAGE_ITEM_PURGED = "The booking was deleted!"; final String MESSAGE_ITEM_PURGED_DESCRIPTION = "You wanted to delete an upcoming booking and it wasn't within the next 24 hours. All good, item purged."; final String MESSAGE_ITEM_PURGED_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN = "You have the Admin Power, please use it wisely! - All good, item purged."; final String MESSAGE_FAULTY_TITLE = "aye aye! Booking is marked as 'Faulty'!"; final String MESSAGE_FAULTY_DESCRIPTION = "Something went wrong? As you requested, we marked this booking item as 'Faulty'. Thank you for your feedback, we will take the necessary steps to clear the problem."; Calendar cal; BookingModel bookingModel; public MyEventHandler(Calendar cal, BookingModel bookingModel) { = cal; this.bookingModel = bookingModel; } boolean add(Date start, Date end) { Date startX = new Date(); startX.setTime(start.getTime() + 1); Date endX = new Date(); endX.setTime(end.getTime() - 1); if (start.before(referenceDate)) { showErrorNotification(MESSAGE_IN_THE_PAST_TITLE, MESSAGE_IN_THE_PAST_DESCRIPTION); // System.out.println("Test: " + start + " End: " + end + " Size: " // + cal.getEvents(start, end).size()); } else if (cal.getEvents(startX, endX).size() > 0) { // System.out.println("Test: " + start + " End: " + end + " Size: " // + cal.getEvents(startX, endX).size()); // System.out.println("StartX: " + startX + " End: " + endX); showErrorNotification(MESSAGE_ALREADY_TAKEN_TITLE, MESSAGE_ALREADY_TAKEN_DESCRIPTION); } else { addEvent(start, end); // System.out.println("Test: " + start + " End: " + end + " Size: " // + cal.getEvents(start, end).size()); return true; } return false; } void setDate(com.vaadin.ui.components.calendar.event.EditableCalendarEvent event, Date start, Date end) { event.setStart(start); event.setEnd(end); event.setStyleName("color2"); // System.out.println("Start: " + start +" End: " + end); } public void showEventPopup(CalendarEvent target) { // Create a sub-window and add it to the main window Window sub = new Window("Event"); sub.setContent(new Label("Here's some content")); // Position in top-right corner final int width = 300; sub.setWidth(width + "px"); UI.getCurrent().addWindow(sub); } void showError(String message) {, Type.ERROR_MESSAGE); } } /** * context menu */ class MyActionHandler extends MyEventHandler implements Action.Handler { private static final long serialVersionUID = -9160597832514677833L; public MyActionHandler(Calendar cal, BookingModel bookingModel) { super(cal, bookingModel); } Action addEventAction = new Action("Create Booking"); Action deleteEventAction = new Action("Delete this booking"); Action sendEventAction = new Action("Send an e-mail"); Action faultyEventAction = new Action("Mark booking as 'faulty'"); // Action editEventAction = new Action("Edit Booking"); @Override public Action[] getActions(Object target, Object sender) { // The target should be a CalendarDateRage for the // entire day from midnight to midnight. if (!(target instanceof CalendarDateRange)) return null; CalendarDateRange dateRange = (CalendarDateRange) target; // The sender is the Calendar object if (!(sender instanceof Calendar)) return null; Calendar calendar = (Calendar) sender; // List all the events on the requested day List<CalendarEvent> events = calendar.getEvents(dateRange.getStart(), dateRange.getEnd()); // You can have some logic here, using the date // information. if (events.size() == 0) return new Action[] { addEventAction }; else return new Action[] { deleteEventAction, sendEventAction, faultyEventAction }; // return new Action[] {addEventAction, deleteEventAction, editEventAction}; } @Override public void handleAction(Action action, Object sender, Object target) { // The sender is the Calendar object // Calendar calendar = (Calendar) sender; if (action == addEventAction) { // Check that the click was not done on an event if (target instanceof java.util.Date) { java.util.Date date = (java.util.Date) target; // Add an event from now to plus one hour GregorianCalendar start = new GregorianCalendar(); start.setTime(date); GregorianCalendar end = new GregorianCalendar(); end.setTime(date); end.add(java.util.Calendar.HOUR, 1); add(start.getTime(), end.getTime()); } else showErrorNotification(MESSAGE_ALREADY_TAKEN_TITLE, MESSAGE_ALREADY_TAKEN_DESCRIPTION); } else if (action == deleteEventAction) { // Check if the action was clicked on top of an event long localTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long eventTime = ((CalendarEvent) target).getStart().getTime(); long twentyFourHoursLimit = 86400000; if (target instanceof CalendarEvent) { if (((CalendarEvent) target).getCaption().startsWith(bookingModel.userName())) { if (eventTime - localTime > twentyFourHoursLimit) { removeEvent((CalendarEvent) target); db.removeBooking(((CalendarEvent) target).getStart(), (String) selectedDevice.getValue()); refreshDataSources(); showNotification(MESSAGE_ITEM_PURGED, MESSAGE_ITEM_PURGED_DESCRIPTION); } else if (bookingModel.getGroupID().equals("1")) { // Admin can REMOVE events removeEvent((CalendarEvent) target); db.removeBooking(((CalendarEvent) target).getStart(), (String) selectedDevice.getValue()); refreshDataSources(); showNotification(MESSAGE_ITEM_PURGED, MESSAGE_ITEM_PURGED_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN); // TODO: ask for confirmation } else showErrorNotification(MESSAGE_24_HOURS_LIMIT, MESSAGE_24_HOURS_LIMIT_DESCRIPTION); // TODO: ask for confirmation } else if (bookingModel.getGroupID().equals("1")) { // Admin can REMOVE events removeEvent((CalendarEvent) target); db.removeBooking(((CalendarEvent) target).getStart(), (String) selectedDevice.getValue()); refreshDataSources(); showNotification(MESSAGE_ITEM_PURGED, MESSAGE_ITEM_PURGED_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN); // TODO: ask for confirmation } else { showErrorNotification(MESSAGE_PERMISSION_DENIED_TIME_SLOT_TITLE, MESSAGE_PERMISSION_DENIED_TIME_SLOT_DESCRIPTION); } } else showErrorNotification(MESSAGE_NOTHING_TO_DELETE_TITLE, MESSAGE_NOTHING_TO_DELETE_DESCRIPTION); } else if (action == sendEventAction) { Resource res = new ExternalResource( "mailto:" + db.getEmailbyUserName(((CalendarEvent) target).getCaption())); // if subject line is necessary replace the lines above with this // new ExternalResource("mailto:" // + db.getEmailbyUserName(((CalendarEvent) // target).getCaption())+"?subject=your Flow Cytometry booking"); Page.getCurrent().open(((ExternalResource) res).getURL(), null); } else if (action == faultyEventAction) { if (target instanceof CalendarEvent) { if (((CalendarEvent) target).getCaption().startsWith(bookingModel.userName())) { db.markAsFaulty(((CalendarEvent) target).getStart(), (String) selectedDevice.getValue()); showNotification(MESSAGE_FAULTY_TITLE, MESSAGE_FAULTY_DESCRIPTION); refreshDataSources(); } else { showErrorNotification(MESSAGE_PERMISSION_DENIED_TIME_SLOT_TITLE, MESSAGE_PERMISSION_DENIED_TIME_SLOT_DESCRIPTION); } } } } } /** * Add events on range selection */ class MyEventRangeSelectHandler extends MyEventHandler implements RangeSelectHandler { private static final long serialVersionUID = -5961040298826166829L; public MyEventRangeSelectHandler(Calendar cal, BookingModel bookingModel) { super(cal, bookingModel); } @Override public void rangeSelect(RangeSelectEvent event) { add(event.getStart(), event.getEnd()); } } class MyEventResizeHandler extends MyEventHandler implements EventResizeHandler { private static final long serialVersionUID = -1651182125779784041L; public MyEventResizeHandler(Calendar cal, BookingModel bookingModel) { super(cal, bookingModel); } protected void setDates(com.vaadin.ui.components.calendar.event.EditableCalendarEvent event, Date start, Date end) { if (!event.getCaption().startsWith(bookingModel.userName())) { showErrorNotification(MESSAGE_PERMISSION_DENIED_TIME_SLOT_TITLE, MESSAGE_PERMISSION_DENIED_TIME_SLOT_DESCRIPTION); // set original dates, so that it updates immediately on client side setDate(event, event.getStart(), event.getEnd()); return; } else if (start.before(referenceDate) || event.getStart().before(referenceDate)) { showErrorNotification(MESSAGE_IN_THE_PAST_TITLE, MESSAGE_IN_THE_PAST_DESCRIPTION); setDate(event, event.getStart(), event.getEnd()); return; } // do only allow to resize if no other events are overwritten. == 1 because the event itself // is found, when resizing List<CalendarEvent> events = cal.getEvents(start, end); // if(events.size() ) if (events.size() < 2) { setDate(event, start, end); } // overlap with one. append to other event else if (events.size() == 2) { CalendarEvent overlappingEvent = events.get(0).equals(event) ? events.get(1) : events.get(0); if (start.before(overlappingEvent.getEnd()) && end.after(overlappingEvent.getEnd())) { setDate(event, overlappingEvent.getEnd(), end); } else { setDate(event, start, overlappingEvent.getStart()); } } else { showError("Some other error"); // set original dates, so that it updates immediately on client side setDate(event, event.getStart(), event.getEnd()); } } /** * based on {@link BasicEventResizeHandler.eventResize} */ @Override public void eventResize(EventResize event) { CalendarEvent calendarEvent = event.getCalendarEvent(); if (calendarEvent instanceof EditableCalendarEvent) { Date newStartTime = event.getNewStart(); Date newEndTime = event.getNewEnd(); EditableCalendarEvent editableEvent = (EditableCalendarEvent) calendarEvent; setDates(editableEvent, newStartTime, newEndTime); } } } /** * based on {@link BasicEventMoveHandler.eventResize} */ class MyEventMoveHandler extends MyEventHandler implements EventMoveHandler { private static final long serialVersionUID = -1801022623601064010L; public MyEventMoveHandler(Calendar cal, BookingModel bookingModel) { super(cal, bookingModel); } /** * handle resizing and moving of events */ protected void setDates(com.vaadin.ui.components.calendar.event.EditableCalendarEvent event, Date start, Date end) { if (!bookingModel.getGroupID().equals("1")) { if (!event.getCaption().startsWith(bookingModel.userName())) { showErrorNotification(MESSAGE_PERMISSION_DENIED_TIME_SLOT_TITLE, MESSAGE_PERMISSION_DENIED_TIME_SLOT_DESCRIPTION); // set original dates, so that it updates immediately on client side setDate(event, event.getStart(), event.getEnd()); return; } else if (start.before(referenceDate) || event.getStart().before(referenceDate)) { showErrorNotification(MESSAGE_IN_THE_PAST_TITLE, MESSAGE_IN_THE_PAST_DESCRIPTION); setDate(event, event.getStart(), event.getEnd()); return; } } // do only allow to move if it does not overlap with any other event // System.out.println("move: "+ cal.getEvents(start, end).size()); List<CalendarEvent> events = cal.getEvents(start, end); if (events.size() == 0 || (events.size() == 1 && events.get(0).equals(event))) { setDate(event, start, end); // System.out.println("BookingID: "+ event.getCaption()); } else { // set original dates, so that it updates immediately on client side setDate(event, event.getStart(), event.getEnd()); showErrorNotification(MESSAGE_OVERLAP_TITLE, MESSAGE_OVERLAP_DESCRIPTION); } } @Override public void eventMove(MoveEvent event) { CalendarEvent calendarEvent = event.getCalendarEvent(); if (calendarEvent instanceof EditableCalendarEvent) { EditableCalendarEvent editableEvent = (EditableCalendarEvent) calendarEvent; Date newFromTime = event.getNewStart(); // Update event dates long length = editableEvent.getEnd().getTime() - editableEvent.getStart().getTime(); setDates(editableEvent, newFromTime, new Date(newFromTime.getTime() + length)); } } } }