List of usage examples for com.mongodb DBObject put
Object put(String key, Object v);
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License:Open Source License
public void updateRxnRefs(Seq seq) { BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject().append("_id", seq.getUUID()); DBObject obj = this.dbSeq.findOne(query); obj.put("rxn_refs", seq.getReactionsCatalyzed()); this.dbSeq.update(query, obj); }
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License:Open Source License
/** * graphByOrganism() returns a list of all reactionIDs containing the given organismID. * * @param organismID//from w ww . ja v a2s . c om * @return List<Long> List of reaction IDs for given organismID */ public List<Long> graphByOrganism(Long organismID) { DBObject query = new BasicDBObject(); if (organismID == null || organismID > -1) query.put("", organismID); List<Long> graphList = new ArrayList<Long>(); DBCursor reactionCursor = this.dbReactions.find(query); for (DBObject i : reactionCursor) { graphList.add(((Integer) i.get("_id")).longValue()); // checked: db type IS int } return graphList; }
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License:Open Source License
/** * getOrganisms() returns a list of all unique species IDs in database * mapped to itself, its parents, and descendants * * @return// w w w. jav a2 s . co m */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Map<Long, Set<Long>> getOrganisms() { List<Long> ids = (List<Long>) this.dbReactions.distinct(""); //map species id to all ids associated with it Map<Long, Set<Long>> speciesIDs = new HashMap<Long, Set<Long>>(); for (Long organismID : ids) { //check if organism id on species level List<Long> idsToAdd = new ArrayList<Long>(); Long speciesID; DBObject orgQuery = new BasicDBObject(); orgQuery.put("_id", organismID); DBObject org = dbOrganisms.findOne(orgQuery); String rank = (String) org.get("rank"); Long parent = (Long) org.get("parent_id"); // checked: db type IS long speciesID = null; while (organismID != 1) { idsToAdd.add(organismID); if (rank.equals("species")) { speciesID = organismID; //break; } orgQuery.put("_id", parent); org = dbOrganisms.findOne(orgQuery); organismID = parent; rank = (String) org.get("rank"); parent = (Long) org.get("parent_id"); // checked: db type IS long } if (speciesID == null) continue; if (!speciesIDs.containsKey(speciesID)) { speciesIDs.put(speciesID, new HashSet<Long>()); } speciesIDs.get(speciesID).addAll(idsToAdd); } return speciesIDs; }
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License:Open Source License
private void process(XMLStreamReader xml) throws XMLStreamException { String tag;//from w w w .j a va 2 s. com String root = null; Stack<DBObject> json = new Stack<DBObject>(); DBObject js; while (xml.hasNext()) { int eventType =; while (xml.isWhiteSpace() || eventType == XMLEvent.SPACE) eventType =; switch (eventType) { case XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT: tag = xml.getLocalName(); if (root == null) { root = tag; } else { json.push(new BasicDBObject()); } break; case XMLEvent.END_ELEMENT: tag = xml.getLocalName(); if (tag.equals(root)) { // will terminate in next iteration } else { js = json.pop(); if (json.size() == 0) { if (tag.equals(rowTag)) printEntry(js); else printUnwantedEntry(js); } else { putListStrOrJSON(json.peek(), tag, js); } } break; case XMLEvent.CHARACTERS: String txt = xml.getText(); js = json.peek(); if (js.containsField(strTag)) { txt = js.get(strTag) + txt; js.removeField(strTag); } js.put(strTag, txt); break; case XMLEvent.START_DOCUMENT: break; case XMLEvent.END_DOCUMENT: break; case XMLEvent.COMMENT: case XMLEvent.ENTITY_REFERENCE: case XMLEvent.ATTRIBUTE: case XMLEvent.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION: case XMLEvent.DTD: case XMLEvent.CDATA: case XMLEvent.SPACE: System.out.format("%s --\n", eventType); break; } } }
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License:Open Source License
private void putElemOrList(DBObject json, String tag, Object add) { // if tag already present then make it a list if (json.containsField(tag)) { BasicDBList l;/*from w ww .j av a2s .c o m*/ Object already = json.get(tag); if (already instanceof BasicDBList) { l = (BasicDBList) already; } else { l = new BasicDBList(); l.add(already); } l.add(add); json.removeField(tag); json.put(tag, l); return; } // else, just add as is json.put(tag, add); return; }
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License:Apache License
@Override public void prePersist(Object ent, DBObject dbObj, Mapper mapper) { Class c = ent.getClass();// ww w .ja v a 2 s . co m String cn = c.getName(); List<String> storageFields = ssm.managedFields(c); for (String fieldName : storageFields) { UpdatePolicy updatePolicy = ssm.updatePolicy(c, fieldName); IStorageService ss = ssm.storageService(c, fieldName); String keyCacheField = StorageServiceManager.keyCacheField(fieldName); boolean isCollection = ssm.isCollection(cn, fieldName); if (!isCollection) { ISObject sobj = $.getProperty(cacheService, ent, fieldName); String newKey = null == sobj ? null : sobj.getKey(); String prevKey = $.getProperty(cacheService, ent, keyCacheField); updatePolicy.handleUpdate(prevKey, newKey, ss); if (null != sobj) { if (S.blank(newKey) || !ss.isManaged(sobj)) { newKey = ss.getKey(); } if (S.neq(newKey, prevKey)) { try { sobj = ss.put(newKey, sobj); $.setProperty(cacheService, ent, newKey, keyCacheField); $.setProperty(cacheService, ent, sobj, fieldName); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn(e, "Error persist sobject by key: %s", newKey); } } dbObj.put(fieldName, sobj.getKey()); } } else { // The field is a collection of ISObject. // 1. handle obsolete sobject items Collection<ISObject> col = $.getProperty(cacheService, ent, fieldName); if (null == col) { col = C.newList(); } Set<String> newKeys = C.newSet(); for (ISObject sobj : col) { if (null == sobj) { continue; } newKeys.add(sobj.getKey()); } Set<String> oldKeys = $.getProperty(cacheService, ent, keyCacheField); if (null == oldKeys) { oldKeys = C.newSet(); } Set<String> oldKeysCopy = C.newSet(oldKeys); oldKeysCopy.removeAll(newKeys); for (String toBeRemoved : oldKeysCopy) { if (S.isBlank(toBeRemoved)) { continue; } updatePolicy.handleUpdate(toBeRemoved, null, ss); } // 2. persist all new sobject items Class fieldType = fieldType(c, fieldName); Collection<ISObject> updatedCol = $.cast(; newKeys.clear(); for (ISObject sobj : col) { if (null == sobj) { continue; } String newKey = sobj.getKey(); if (S.blank(newKey) || !ss.isManaged(sobj)) { newKey = ss.getKey(); } if (!oldKeys.contains(newKey)) { try { sobj = ss.put(newKey, sobj); updatedCol.add(sobj); newKeys.add(sobj.getKey()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn(e, "Error persist sobject by key: %s", newKey); } } } $.setProperty(cacheService, ent, newKeys, keyCacheField); $.setProperty(cacheService, ent, updatedCol, fieldName); dbObj.put(fieldName, newKeys); } } }
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License:Apache License
/** * <p>/*w w w . j av a 2 s. c om*/ * Translates the MongoDB identifier to Mahout/MongoDBDataModel's internal * identifier, if required. * </p> * <p> * If MongoDB identifiers are long datatypes, it returns the id. * </p> * <p> * This conversion is needed since Mahout uses the long datatype to feed the * recommender, and MongoDB uses 12 bytes to create its identifiers. * </p> * * @param id MongoDB identifier * @param isUser * @return String containing the translation of the external MongoDB ID to * internal long ID (mapping). * @see #fromLongToId(long) * @see <a href=""> * Mongo Object IDs</a> */ public String fromIdToLong(String id, boolean isUser) { DBObject objectIdLong = collectionMap.findOne(new BasicDBObject("element_id", id)); if (objectIdLong != null) { Map<String, Object> idLong = (Map<String, Object>) objectIdLong.toMap(); Object value = idLong.get("long_value"); return value == null ? null : value.toString(); } else { objectIdLong = new BasicDBObject(); String longValue = Long.toString(idCounter++); objectIdLong.put("element_id", id); objectIdLong.put("long_value", longValue); collectionMap.insert(objectIdLong);"Adding Translation {}: {} long_value: {}", isUser ? "User ID" : "Item ID", id, longValue); return longValue; } }
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License:Apache License
private void buildModel() throws UnknownHostException { userIsObject = false;// w ww . j a va 2s . co m itemIsObject = false; idCounter = 0; preferenceIsString = true; Mongo mongoDDBB = new Mongo(mongoHost, mongoPort); DB db = mongoDDBB.getDB(mongoDB); mongoTimestamp = new Date(0); FastByIDMap<Collection<Preference>> userIDPrefMap = new FastByIDMap<Collection<Preference>>(); if (!mongoAuth || db.authenticate(mongoUsername, mongoPassword.toCharArray())) { collection = db.getCollection(mongoCollection); collectionMap = db.getCollection(mongoMapCollection); DBObject indexObj = new BasicDBObject(); indexObj.put("element_id", 1); collectionMap.ensureIndex(indexObj); indexObj = new BasicDBObject(); indexObj.put("long_value", 1); collectionMap.ensureIndex(indexObj); collectionMap.remove(new BasicDBObject()); DBCursor cursor = collection.find(); while (cursor.hasNext()) { Map<String, Object> user = (Map<String, Object>); if (!user.containsKey("deleted_at")) { long userID = Long.parseLong(fromIdToLong(getID(user.get(mongoUserID), true), true)); long itemID = Long.parseLong(fromIdToLong(getID(user.get(mongoItemID), false), false)); float ratingValue = getPreference(user.get(mongoPreference)); Collection<Preference> userPrefs = userIDPrefMap.get(userID); if (userPrefs == null) { userPrefs = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(2); userIDPrefMap.put(userID, userPrefs); } userPrefs.add(new GenericPreference(userID, itemID, ratingValue)); if (user.containsKey("created_at") && mongoTimestamp.compareTo(getDate(user.get("created_at"))) < 0) { mongoTimestamp = getDate(user.get("created_at")); } } } } delegate = new GenericDataModel(GenericDataModel.toDataMap(userIDPrefMap, true)); }
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License:Apache License
public void onEvent(Event event) { if (ImprimerEventoLlegada) { System.out.println("Pe: " + event.get("SaveId")); System.out.println("@" + event.get("User")); System.out.println(event.get("Text")); System.out.println("Location: " + event.get("Location")); System.out.println("Timestamp: " + event.get("Timestamp")); System.out.println("earthPos: " + event.get("earthPos")); System.out.println("earthNeg: " + event.get("earthNeg")); System.out.println("earthSub: " + event.get("earthSub")); System.out.println("earthNeu: " + event.get("earthNeu")); System.out.println("elhPos: " + event.get("elhPos")); System.out.println("elhNeg: " + event.get("elhNeg")); System.out.println("subScore: " + event.get("subScore")); System.out.println("earthSub: " + event.get("earthSub")); System.out.println("label: " + event.get("label")); System.out.println("-------------------------------------------"); }//from ww w .jav a 2 s . com if (ImprimirDelay) { java.util.Date date = new java.util.Date(); Long Tfinal = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis(); Long Tinicio = Long.parseLong(event.get("Location")); System.out.println("PE: " + event.get("SaveId") + " delay: " + (Tfinal - Tinicio)); } java.util.Date date = new java.util.Date(); Long Tfinal = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis(); Long Tinicio = Long.parseLong(event.get("Location")); //Aca hago el Save en mongo DBObject tweet = new BasicDBObject(); tweet.put("Content", event.get("Text")); tweet.put("Delay", Tfinal - Tinicio); mongo.setupMongo(); mongo.insert(tweet); seen = true; }
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public void insertPlane(Plane pObj) { try {//from www. j a v a 2s .com MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient("localhost", 27017); //Connecting MongoDatabase db = mongoClient.getDatabase("ars"); System.out.println("Connecting to the db..."); MongoCollection collection = db.getCollection("plane"); //Choosing the collection to insert System.out.println(collection); List<Object> seatDBList = new BasicDBList(); Document planeObj = new Document(); planeObj.put("pNo", 2); planeObj.put("flightNo", 2); planeObj.put("Type", "Airbus A380"); for (Seat seatList : pObj.getSeatVector()) //TODO: Change it { DBObject seatDBObject = new BasicDBObject(); seatDBObject.put("sNo", seatList.getSeatNumber()); seatDBObject.put("isEmpty", seatList.getIsEmpty()); seatDBObject.put("isEconomy", seatList.getIsEconomy()); seatDBList.add(seatDBObject); } planeObj.put("Seats", seatDBList); collection.insertOne(planeObj); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }