List of usage examples for com.mongodb DBObject put
Object put(String key, Object v);
From source
License:Open Source License
@Override public List<Favorite> addToFavorites(String email, List<Favorite> localFavorites) throws UserNotFound { if (email == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Email cannot be null"); }//from ww w. ja v a 2 s. c o m DBCollection col = db.getCollection(MongoDBConstants.COLLECTION_USERS); // Search user by email DBObject userDb = col.findOne(new BasicDBObject(MongoDBConstants.USER_PROP_EMAIL, email)); if (userDb == null) { throw new UserNotFound("Unable to find user with email '" + email + "'"); } DBObject favoritesDb = (DBObject) userDb.get(MongoDBConstants.USER_PROP_FAVORITES); if (favoritesDb == null) { favoritesDb = new BasicDBObject(); } if (localFavorites != null) { for (Favorite localFavorite : localFavorites) { DBObject favoriteItemsDb = (DBObject) favoritesDb.get(localFavorite.getStationId()); long lastMessageIdDb = -1; if (favoriteItemsDb == null) { favoriteItemsDb = new BasicDBObject(); } else { if (favoriteItemsDb.containsField(MongoDBConstants.USER_PROP_FAVORITE_LASTMESSAGEID)) { lastMessageIdDb = (Long) favoriteItemsDb .get(MongoDBConstants.USER_PROP_FAVORITE_LASTMESSAGEID); } } favoriteItemsDb.put(MongoDBConstants.USER_PROP_FAVORITE_LASTMESSAGEID, Math.max(lastMessageIdDb, localFavorite.getLastMessageId())); favoritesDb.put(localFavorite.getStationId(), favoriteItemsDb); } } userDb.put(MongoDBConstants.USER_PROP_FAVORITES, favoritesDb);; List<Favorite> returnValue = new ArrayList<Favorite>(favoritesDb.keySet().size()); for (String stationId : favoritesDb.keySet()) { Favorite favorite = new Favorite(); favorite.setStationId(stationId); DBObject favoriteItemDb = (DBObject) favoritesDb.get(stationId); favorite.setLastMessageId((Long) favoriteItemDb.get(MongoDBConstants.USER_PROP_FAVORITE_LASTMESSAGEID)); returnValue.add(favorite); } return returnValue; }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public List<Favorite> removeFromFavorites(String email, List<Favorite> favoritesToRemove) throws UserNotFound { if (email == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Email cannot be null"); }//w w w . j av a 2s. c o m DBCollection col = db.getCollection(MongoDBConstants.COLLECTION_USERS); // Search user by email DBObject userDb = col.findOne(new BasicDBObject(MongoDBConstants.USER_PROP_EMAIL, email)); if (userDb == null) { throw new UserNotFound("Unable to find user with email '" + email + "'"); } DBObject favoritesDb = (DBObject) userDb.get(MongoDBConstants.USER_PROP_FAVORITES); if (favoritesDb == null) { favoritesDb = new BasicDBObject(); } if (favoritesToRemove != null) { for (Favorite favoriteToRemove : favoritesToRemove) { DBObject favoriteItemsDb = (DBObject) favoritesDb.get(favoriteToRemove.getStationId()); if (favoriteItemsDb != null) { favoritesDb.removeField(favoriteToRemove.getStationId()); } } } userDb.put(MongoDBConstants.USER_PROP_FAVORITES, favoritesDb);; List<Favorite> returnValue = new ArrayList<Favorite>(favoritesDb.keySet().size()); for (String stationId : favoritesDb.keySet()) { Favorite favorite = new Favorite(); favorite.setStationId(stationId); DBObject favoriteItemDb = (DBObject) favoritesDb.get(stationId); favorite.setLastMessageId((Long) favoriteItemDb.get(MongoDBConstants.USER_PROP_FAVORITE_LASTMESSAGEID)); returnValue.add(favorite); } return returnValue; }
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License:Apache License
public DBObject parse(Event event) { DBObject dbObject = new BasicDBObject(); if (definition.getBodyType() != MongoDataType.NULL) { Object obj = null;//from www. j av a2 s .co m if (definition.getBodyType() == MongoDataType.BINARY && definition.getBodyEncoding().equals("raw")) { obj = event.getBody(); } else if (definition.getBodyType() == MongoDataType.STRING) { Charset charset = Charset.forName(definition.getBodyEncoding()); obj = new String(event.getBody(), charset); } else { SimpleFieldDefinition fd = new SimpleFieldDefinition(); fd.setType(definition.getBodyType()); fd.setEncoding(definition.getBodyEncoding()); obj = parseValue(fd, new String(event.getBody(), Charsets.UTF_8)); } if (!"".equals(definition.getBodyField())) { dbObject.put(definition.getBodyField(), obj); } else if (obj instanceof DBObject) { dbObject = (DBObject) obj; } else { log.warn("Could not map body to JSON document: {}", obj); } } final Map<String, String> eventHeaders = event.getHeaders(); if (definition.allowsAdditionalProperties()) { for (final Map.Entry<String, String> headerEntry : eventHeaders.entrySet()) { final String fieldName = headerEntry.getKey(); final String fieldValue = headerEntry.getValue(); FieldDefinition def = definition.getFieldDefinitionByName(fieldName); if (def == null) { dbObject.put(fieldName, parseValue(null, fieldValue)); } else { final String mappedName = (def.getMappedName() == null) ? def.getFieldName() : def.getMappedName(); if (eventHeaders.containsKey(fieldName)) { dbObject.put(mappedName, parseValue(def, fieldValue)); } } } } else { for (FieldDefinition def : definition.getFields()) { final String fieldName = def.getFieldName(); final String mappedName = (def.getMappedName() == null) ? def.getFieldName() : def.getMappedName(); if (containsKey(eventHeaders, fieldName)) { dbObject.put(mappedName, parseValue(def, getFieldName(eventHeaders, fieldName))); } } } return dbObject; }
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License:Apache License
private DBObject populateDocument(DocumentFieldDefinition fd, String document) { DBObject dbObject = null; final String delimiter = fd.getDelimiter(); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(delimiter)) { String[] documentAsArrray = document.split(Pattern.quote(delimiter)); dbObject = new BasicDBObject(); Map<String, FieldDefinition> documentMapping = new LinkedHashMap<String, FieldDefinition>( fd.getDocumentMapping()); int i = 0; for (Map.Entry<String, FieldDefinition> documentField : documentMapping.entrySet()) { if (DOCUMENT_TYPE.equalsIgnoreCase(documentField.getValue().getType().name())) { dbObject.put(documentField.getKey(), parseValue(documentField.getValue(), StringUtils.join( Arrays.copyOfRange(documentAsArrray, i, documentAsArrray.length), fd.getDelimiter()))); i += ((DocumentFieldDefinition) documentField.getValue()).getDocumentMapping().size(); } else { dbObject.put(documentField.getKey(), parseValue(documentField.getValue(), documentAsArrray[i++])); }/*from w ww .j ava 2 s. c o m*/ } } else { throw new MongoSinkException("Delimiter char must be set"); } return dbObject; }
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License:Apache License
public void validate() { if (_fs == null) throw new MongoException("no _fs"); if (_md5 == null) throw new MongoException("no _md5 stored"); DBObject cmd = new BasicDBObject("filemd5", _id); cmd.put("root", _fs._bucketName); DBObject res = _fs._db.command(cmd); if (res != null && res.containsField("md5")) { String m = res.get("md5").toString(); if (m.equals(_md5)) return; throw new MongoException("md5 differ. mine [" + _md5 + "] theirs [" + m + "]"); }/*from ww w . j a va 2s.c o m*/ // no md5 from the server throw new MongoException("no md5 returned from server: " + res); }
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License:Apache License
private FileMeta findFileMeta(String storageKey, String tableName) { DB db = options.getCollection(TABLE_TEMP_KEY).getDB(); DBObject query = new BasicDBObject(); query.put(FIELD_STORAGE_KEY, new ObjectId(storageKey)); DBCollection c = db.getCollection(tableName + ".files"); DBObject r = c.findOne(query);/*from w w w . j a va2 s. c o m*/ if (r != null) { FileMeta fm = new FileMeta(); fm.setId(r.get("_id").toString()); fm.setAppid((int) r.get("appid")); fm.setContentType((String) r.get("contentType")); fm.setFilename((String) r.get("filename")); fm.setLength((long) r.get("length")); fm.setDocid((int) r.get("docid")); fm.setMd5((String) r.get("md5")); fm.setStorageKey(new ObjectId(r.get("storageKey").toString())); fm.setUploadDate((Date) r.get("uploadDate")); fm.setVid((String) r.get("vid")); return fm; } return null; }
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License:Apache License
protected GridFSDBFile readFile(String storageKey, String tableName) { DB db = options.getCollection(TABLE_TEMP_KEY).getDB(); DBObject query = new BasicDBObject(); query.put(FIELD_STORAGE_KEY, new ObjectId(storageKey)); GridFSDBFile gfsFile = new GridFS(db, tableName).findOne(query); return gfsFile; }
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License:Apache License
protected GridFSDBFile readFile(int appid, int docid, String vid, String tableName) { DB db = options.getCollection(TABLE_TEMP_KEY).getDB(); db.requestStart();//www.j a v a 2 s .c o m DBObject query = new BasicDBObject(); query.put(FIELD_DOC_ID, docid); query.put(FILED_VERSION_ID, vid); query.put(FIELD_APP_ID, appid); GridFSDBFile gfsFile = new GridFS(db, tableName).findOne(query); db.requestEnsureConnection(); db.requestDone(); return gfsFile; }
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License:Apache License
protected GridFSDBFile readTrivialFile(String spaceName, String fileName, String tableName) { DB db = options.getCollection(TABLE_TEMP_KEY).getDB(); DBObject query = new BasicDBObject(); query.put(FIELD_SPACE_NAME, new ObjectId(spaceName)); query.put(FIELD_FILE_NAME, fileName); GridFSDBFile gfsFile = new GridFS(db, tableName).findOne(query); return gfsFile; }
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License:Apache License
@Override public void removeTrivial(String spaceName) { DB db = options.getCollection(TABLE_TEMP_KEY).getDB(); DBObject query = new BasicDBObject(); query.put(FIELD_SPACE_NAME, new ObjectId(spaceName)); GridFS gfs = new GridFS(db, TABLE_TRIVIAL); gfs.remove(query);//from w w w . ja v a 2 s . com }