Example usage for com.mongodb DBObject get

List of usage examples for com.mongodb DBObject get


In this page you can find the example usage for com.mongodb DBObject get.


Object get(String key);

Source Link


Gets a field from this object by a given name.


From source file:com.espirit.moddev.examples.uxbridge.newsdrilldown.jpa.NewsHandler.java

License:Apache License

 * handle the update and save process for the categories.
 * @param category/*from w w w .  j  a v  a 2  s.  co m*/
 *            the NewsCategory object
 * @param news
 *            the News object to reference to
 * @throws Exception
 *             the exception
private void handleCategory(NewsCategory category, News news) throws Exception {

    // 1. save the category
    DBObject item = getCategoryById(category.getFs_id(), category.getLanguage());

    if (item != null) {
        item.put("fs_id", category.getFs_id());
        item.put("language", category.getLanguage());
        item.put("name", category.getName());
        item.put("version", category.getVersion());
        item.put("lastmodified", category.getLastmodified());

        // newsdrilldown
        //         DBObject tmpNews = getNewsById(news.getFs_id(), news.getLanguage());
        //         if (tmpNews != null) {
        //            DBRef ref = new DBRef(mdb, NEWS_COLLECTION_NAME,
        //                  tmpNews.get("_id"));
        //            item.put("newsdrilldown", ref);
        //         }

        BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject();
        category.setId((Long) item.get("_id"));
        query.put("_id", category.getId());

        dbCategories.update(query, item);
    } else {
        item = new BasicDBObject();

        item.put("fs_id", category.getFs_id());
        item.put("language", category.getLanguage());
        item.put("name", category.getName());
        item.put("version", category.getVersion());
        item.put("lastmodified", category.getLastmodified());

        // newsdrilldown
        //         DBObject tmpNews = getNewsById(news.getFs_id(), news.getLanguage());
        //         if (tmpNews != null) {
        //            DBRef ref = new DBRef(mdb, NEWS_COLLECTION_NAME,
        //                  tmpNews.get("_id"));
        //            item.put("newsdrilldown", ref);
        //         }

        category.setId(generateIdentifier(CATEGORY_COLLECTION_NAME, mdb));
        item.put("_id", category.getId());


    // 2. save the metaCategories
    if (category.getMetaCategories() != null) {

        BasicDBList metaCatlist = (BasicDBList) item.get("metaCategories_$$manyToManyIds");
        if (metaCatlist == null) {
            metaCatlist = new BasicDBList();

        for (NewsMetaCategory metaCat : category.getMetaCategories()) {
            handleMetaCategory(metaCat, category);

            if (!metaCatlist.contains(metaCat.getId())) {

            DBObject obj = getMetaCategoryById(metaCat.getFs_id(), metaCat.getLanguage());

            //BasicDBList catlist = (BasicDBList) obj.get("categories");
            BasicDBList catlist = (BasicDBList) obj.get("categories_$$manyToManyIds");
            if (catlist == null) {
                catlist = new BasicDBList();

            //DBRef catRef = new DBRef(this.mdb, this.CATEGORY_COLLECTION_NAME, category.getId());
            if (!catlist.contains(category.getId())) {

            obj.put("categories_$$manyToManyIds", catlist);

            BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject();
            query.put("_id", (Long) obj.get("_id"));

            dbMetaCategories.update(query, obj);

        item.put("metaCategories_$$manyToManyIds", metaCatlist);

        BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject();
        query.put("_id", (Long) item.get("_id"));

        dbCategories.update(query, item);


From source file:com.espirit.moddev.examples.uxbridge.newsdrilldown.jpa.NewsHandler.java

License:Apache License

 * handle the update and save process for the metacategories.
 * @param metaCat/*w ww  .j av  a  2  s .  c om*/
 *            the NewsMetaCategory object
 * @param category
 *            the NewsCategory object to reference to
 * @throws Exception
 *             the exception
private void handleMetaCategory(NewsMetaCategory metaCat, NewsCategory category) {
    DBObject item = getMetaCategoryById(metaCat.getFs_id(), metaCat.getLanguage());

    if (item != null) {
        item.put("fs_id", metaCat.getFs_id());
        item.put("language", metaCat.getLanguage());
        item.put("name", metaCat.getName());
        item.put("version", metaCat.getVersion());
        item.put("lastmodified", metaCat.getLastmodified());

        // category
        DBObject cat = getCategoryById(category.getFs_id(), category.getLanguage());
        if (cat != null) {
            DBRef ref = new DBRef(mdb, CATEGORY_COLLECTION_NAME, cat.get("_id"));
            item.put("category", ref);

        BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject();
        query.put("_id", item.get("_id"));
        dbMetaCategories.update(query, item);
    } else {
        item = new BasicDBObject();

        item.put("fs_id", metaCat.getFs_id());
        item.put("language", metaCat.getLanguage());
        item.put("name", metaCat.getName());
        item.put("version", metaCat.getVersion());
        item.put("lastmodified", metaCat.getLastmodified());

        // category
        DBObject cat = getCategoryById(category.getFs_id(), category.getLanguage());
        if (cat != null) {
            DBRef ref = new DBRef(mdb, CATEGORY_COLLECTION_NAME, cat.get("_id"));
            item.put("category", ref);

        item.put("_id", generateIdentifier(META_CATEGORY_COLLECTION_NAME, mdb));


From source file:com.espirit.moddev.examples.uxbridge.newsdrilldown.jpa.NewsHandler.java

License:Apache License

 * Mongo ID generation like it is done in the grails gorm framework
 * @param collectionName//w  w  w . ja  v  a  2  s . c o  m
 *            The name of the collection the id should be generated for
 * @param db
 *            The mongodb connection
 * @return a new id
private Long generateIdentifier(String collectionName, DB db) {

    // get or create the Collection for the ID storage
    DBCollection dbCollection = db.getCollection(collectionName + ".next_id");
    // create entry to store the newly generated id
    DBObject nativeEntry = new BasicDBObject();

    while (true) {
        DBCursor result = dbCollection.find().sort(new BasicDBObject("_id", -1)).limit(1);

        long nextId;
        if (result.hasNext()) {
            final Long current = (Long) result.next().get("_id");
            nextId = current + 1;
        } else {
            nextId = 1;

        nativeEntry.put("_id", nextId);
        final WriteResult writeResult = dbCollection.insert(nativeEntry);
        final CommandResult lastError = writeResult.getLastError();
        if (lastError.ok()) {

        final Object code = lastError.get("code");
        // duplicate key error try again
        if (code != null && code.equals(11000)) {

    return (Long) nativeEntry.get("_id");

From source file:com.espirit.moddev.examples.uxbridge.newswidget.mongodb.ArticleHandler.java

License:Apache License

 * Add or update a news article in the db
 * @param entity The news article/*from   w w  w  . j av  a 2  s .  c o  m*/
public void add(UXBEntity entity) throws Exception {

    DBObject item = getById(Long.parseLong(entity.getUxb_content().getFs_id()), entity.getLanguage());

            * If the item exists in the db, we update the content and the title of the existing item
    if (item != null) {
        item.put("content", entity.getUxb_content().getContent());
        item.put("title", entity.getUxb_content().getHeadline());
        item.put("url", entity.getUxb_content().getUrl());
        item.put("aid", Long.parseLong(entity.getUxb_content().getFs_id()));
        item.put("language", entity.getUxb_content().getLanguage());
        item.put("lastmodified", entity.getCreateTime());

        BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject();
        query.put("_id", item.get("_id"));
        articles.update(query, item);
    } else {
        item = buildArticle(entity);
        item.put("_id", generateIdentifier(COLLECTION_NAME, mdb));


From source file:com.espirit.moddev.examples.uxbridge.newswidget.mongodb.ArticleHandler.java

License:Apache License

 * Deletes an article from the db/*from w w  w  .  j  a va 2 s.c o m*/
 * @param entity The article to delete
public void delete(UXBEntity entity) throws Exception {

    // delete item
    DBObject item = getById(Long.parseLong(entity.getUuid()), entity.getLanguage());
    if (item != null) {
        // delete the article
        DBObject query = new BasicDBObject();
        query.put("_id", item.get("_id"));
        query.put("aid", item.get("aid"));
        query.put("language", item.get("language"));

From source file:com.espirit.moddev.examples.uxbridge.newswidget.mongodb.ArticleHandler.java

License:Apache License

 * Deletes every article  older than expireDate
 * @param entity Entity containing the expireDate (= createTime of the entity)
 *///from  w  ww  .ja  va2s.  c  o  m
public void cleanup(UXBEntity entity) throws Exception {

    // delete items
    DBCursor items = getByLastmodified(entity.getCreateTime());
    for (DBObject item : items) {
        DBObject query = new BasicDBObject();
        query.put("_id", item.get("_id"));
        query.put("aid", item.get("aid"));
        query.put("language", item.get("language"));

From source file:com.ewcms.common.query.mongo.CriteriaWapper.java

License:Open Source License

 * ???/*ww  w  . j  a  va 2  s . co  m*/
 * @param dbo
 * @return
private boolean hasCriteria(DBObject dbo) {
    boolean has = false;
    for (String key : dbo.keySet()) {
        Object v = dbo.get(key);
        if (v instanceof DBObject) {
            has = has || !((DBObject) v).keySet().isEmpty();
        } else {
            has = has || true;
    return has;

From source file:com.example.rest.DbConnection.java

public User getData(int number) {
    BasicDBObject searchQuery = new BasicDBObject();
    User retUser = null;//ww w .jav  a  2 s . co m

    searchQuery.append("DriverLicense", number);

    DBCursor cursor = table.find(searchQuery);

    while (cursor.hasNext()) {
        DBObject obj = cursor.next();
        retUser = new User((int) obj.get("DriverLicense"));
        retUser.setFirstName((String) obj.get("FirstName"));
        retUser.setLastName((String) obj.get("LastName"));
        retUser.setDob((String) obj.get("DOB"));
        retUser.setAddress((String) obj.get("Address"));
        //retUser = (User) cursor.next();
    return retUser;

From source file:com.example.rest.DbConnection.java

public List<User> allCustomer() {
    BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject();
    DBCursor cursor = table.find();//w w  w  .j av a2  s  .c  om
    List<User> all = new ArrayList<User>();
    User retUser = null;
    while (cursor.hasNext()) {
        DBObject obj = cursor.next();
        retUser = new User((int) obj.get("DriverLicense"));
        retUser.setFirstName((String) obj.get("FirstName"));
        retUser.setLastName((String) obj.get("LastName"));
        retUser.setDob((String) obj.get("DOB"));
        retUser.setAddress((String) obj.get("Address"));
    return all;

From source file:com.example.rest.DbConnection.java

public String getOrder(int number) {
    BasicDBObject document = new BasicDBObject();
    String order = null;//from w w  w  . ja v a2  s .  c  o m

    document.append("DriverLicense", number);
    DBCursor cursor = orderTable.find(document);
    if (cursor.hasNext()) {
        DBObject obj = cursor.next();
        order = (String) obj.get("OrderDetails");
    return order;