Example usage for com.mongodb DBObject get

List of usage examples for com.mongodb DBObject get


In this page you can find the example usage for com.mongodb DBObject get.


Object get(String key);

Source Link


Gets a field from this object by a given name.


From source file:com.epam.ta.reportportal.database.OverallStatisticsDocumentHandler.java

License:Open Source License

private String getValue(DBObject dbObject, String field) {
    String[] innerKeys = field.split("\\.");
    DBObject innerObject = dbObject;
    int currentIndex = 0;
    int itterationCount = innerKeys.length - 1;
    while (currentIndex < itterationCount) {
        innerObject = (DBObject) innerObject.get(innerKeys[currentIndex]);
        if (innerObject == null) {
        }/*from  w  w w .j  a v  a  2  s.co  m*/

    if ((innerObject != null) && (innerObject.get(innerKeys[currentIndex]) instanceof Date)) {
        return String.valueOf(((Date) innerObject.get(innerKeys[currentIndex])).getTime());

    // TODO Should be refactored after new UI implementation for issue
    // statistics!
    if (innerObject == null)
        return null;
    else {
        if (innerObject.get(innerKeys[currentIndex]) instanceof Integer) {
            return String.valueOf(innerObject.get(innerKeys[currentIndex]));
        } else {
            Map<String, Integer> seria = (Map<String, Integer>) innerObject.get(innerKeys[currentIndex]);
            String key = innerKeys.length == 4 ? innerKeys[3] : IssueCounter.GROUP_TOTAL;
            return seria != null && seria.keySet().size() > 0 ? String.valueOf(seria.get(key)) : "0";

From source file:com.epam.ta.reportportal.database.StatisticsDocumentHandler.java

License:Open Source License

public void processDocument(DBObject dbObject) throws MongoException, DataAccessException {
    if (fieldsForChart == null) {
        return;/*from  w  w w  .  j ava  2  s. com*/

    ChartObject chartObject = new ChartObject();
    if (fieldXAxis.contains(NAME))
        chartObject.setName(getValue(dbObject, fieldXAxis.get(fieldXAxis.indexOf(NAME))));
    if (fieldXAxis.contains(NUMBER))
        chartObject.setNumber(getValue(dbObject, fieldXAxis.get(fieldXAxis.indexOf(NUMBER))));
    if (fieldXAxis.contains(START_TIME))
        chartObject.setStartTime(getValue(dbObject, fieldXAxis.get(fieldXAxis.indexOf(START_TIME))));

    Map<String, String> values = new HashMap<>();
    fieldsForChart.stream().forEach(field -> values.put(field, getValue(dbObject, field)));

From source file:com.epam.ta.reportportal.database.StatisticsDocumentHandler.java

License:Open Source License

 * Iterate thru inner DBObjects and return field value, throw
 * ReportPortalException if value isn't integer.
 * //www  .j  av a 2s . com
 * @param dbObject
 * @param field
 * @return String
private String getValue(DBObject dbObject, String field) {
    String[] innerKeys = field.split("\\.");
    DBObject innerObject = dbObject;
    int currentIndex = 0;
    int itterationCount = innerKeys.length - 1;
    while (currentIndex < itterationCount) {
        innerObject = (DBObject) innerObject.get(innerKeys[currentIndex]);
        if (innerObject == null) {
    if ((innerObject != null) && (innerObject.get(innerKeys[currentIndex]) instanceof Date)) {
        return String.valueOf(((Date) innerObject.get(innerKeys[currentIndex])).getTime());

    // TODO Should be refactored after new UI implementation for issue
    // statistics!
    if (innerObject == null)
        return null;
    else {
        if ((innerObject.get(innerKeys[currentIndex]) instanceof Integer)
                || (innerObject.get(innerKeys[currentIndex]) instanceof String)
                || (innerObject.get(innerKeys[currentIndex]) instanceof Long)) {
            return String.valueOf(innerObject.get(innerKeys[currentIndex]));
        } else {
            Map<String, Integer> seria = (Map<String, Integer>) innerObject.get(innerKeys[currentIndex]);
            String key = innerKeys.length == 4 ? innerKeys[3] : IssueCounter.GROUP_TOTAL;
            return seria != null && seria.keySet().size() > 0 ? String.valueOf(seria.get(key)) : "0";

From source file:com.epam.ta.reportportal.database.UniqueBugDocumentHandler.java

License:Open Source License

public void processDocument(DBObject dbObject) throws MongoException, DataAccessException {
    if (dbObject.containsField(ISSUE)
            && ((DBObject) dbObject.get(ISSUE)).containsField(EXTERNAL_SYSTEM_ISSUES)) {
        List<DBObject> innerDbObjects = (List<DBObject>) ((DBObject) dbObject.get(ISSUE))
        for (DBObject innerDbObject : innerDbObjects) {
            ChartObject axisObject = new ChartObject();
            Map<String, String> objectValues = new HashMap<>();
            String ticketId;/*w  w  w .j a v  a  2  s  . c  om*/
            if (dbObject.containsField(LAUNCH_REF)) {
                objectValues.put(LAUNCH_REF, dbObject.get(LAUNCH_REF).toString());
            if (dbObject.containsField(ID)) {
                /* ID of test-item containing external system issue */
            if (innerDbObject.containsField(SUBMIT_DATE)) {
            if (innerDbObject.containsField(SUBMITTER)) {
            if (innerDbObject.containsField(TICKET_ID)) {
                ticketId = innerDbObject.get(TICKET_ID).toString();
                if (result.containsKey(ticketId)) {
                    List<ChartObject> items = result.get(ticketId);
                } else
                    result.put(ticketId, Lists.newArrayList(axisObject));

From source file:com.epam.ta.reportportal.triggers.DeleteItemsListener.java

License:Open Source License

public void onBeforeDelete(BeforeDeleteEvent<TestItem> event) {
    DBObject dbqo = queryMapper.getMappedObject(event.getDBObject(),
    for (DBObject dbObject : mongoTemplate.getCollection(event.getCollectionName()).find(dbqo)) {
        final String id = dbObject.get("_id").toString();
        final BasicDBObject itemDescendantsQuery = new BasicDBObject("path",
                new BasicDBObject("$in", singletonList(id)));
        final List<String> itemIds = stream(
                false).map(it -> it.get("_id").toString()).collect(toList());
        itemIds.add(id);//from   www .j  a  va2s.c  o  m

From source file:com.epam.ta.reportportal.triggers.DeleteLogsListener.java

License:Open Source License

public void onBeforeDelete(BeforeDeleteEvent<Log> event) {
    List<String> ids = new ArrayList<>();
    for (DBObject dbObject : mongoTemplate.getCollection(event.getCollectionName()).find(queryMapper
            .getMappedObject(event.getDBObject(), mongoMappingContext.getPersistentEntity(Log.class)))) {
        if (dbObject.containsField("binary_content")) {
            Map<String, Object> binaries = (Map<String, Object>) dbObject.get("binary_content");
            if (binaries.containsKey("id")) {
            }//w  w  w  .  j  a  va2  s  . co m
            if (binaries.containsKey("thumbnail_id")) {

From source file:com.epam.ta.reportportal.triggers.DeleteProjectListener.java

License:Open Source License

public void onBeforeDelete(BeforeDeleteEvent<Project> event) {
    for (DBObject dbObject : mongoTemplate.getCollection(event.getCollectionName()).find(
            queryMapper.getMappedObject(event.getDBObject(), context.getPersistentEntity(Project.class)))) {
        final String id = dbObject.get("_id").toString();
        updateDefaultProject(id);/*  w w  w. j  a va2 s .  com*/

From source file:com.espirit.moddev.examples.uxbridge.newsdrilldown.jpa.NewsHandler.java

License:Apache License

 * Deletes an item from the db//from  w w w. j  a  va2 s  . com
 * @param entity
 *            The item to delete
 * @throws IOException
public void delete(UXBEntity entity) throws IOException {
    if (entity == null) {
        logger.warn("no UXBEntity given, no action");

    // delete item
    DBObject item = getNewsById(Long.parseLong(entity.getUuid()), entity.getLanguage());
    if (item != null) {
        // delete file from filesystem
        URL url = new URL((String) item.get("url"));
        File file = new File(webpath + url.getPath());
        if (file.exists()) {
            // Try acquiring the lock without blocking. This method returns
            // null or throws an exception if the file is already locked.
            try {
                FileChannel channel = new RandomAccessFile(file, "rw").getChannel();
                // Try to lock the file
                FileLock lock = channel.tryLock();
                // Delete the file
                boolean deleteSuccess = file.delete();
                if (!deleteSuccess) {
                    logger.debug("Couldn't delete file, file not found. Maybe someone else has deleted it.");
                // Release the lock
            } catch (OverlappingFileLockException e) {
                logger.info("File is already locked in this thread or virtual machine");
        // delete the article
        DBObject query = new BasicDBObject();
        query.put("_id", item.get("_id"));
        query.put("fs_id", item.get("fs_id"));
        query.put("language", item.get("language"));


From source file:com.espirit.moddev.examples.uxbridge.newsdrilldown.jpa.NewsHandler.java

License:Apache License

 * Deletes every item older than the creationTime of the UXBEntity.
 * @param entity/*from   w  w  w  .ja  va2s . c o  m*/
 *            Entity containing the expireDate (= createTime of the entity)
public void cleanup(UXBEntity entity) {

    if (entity == null) {
        logger.warn("no UXBEntity given, no action");

    // delete newsdrilldown
    DBCursor items = getNewsByLastmodified(entity.getCreateTime());
    for (DBObject item : items) {
        DBObject query = new BasicDBObject();
        query.put("_id", item.get("_id"));
        query.put("fs_id", item.get("fs_id"));
        query.put("language", item.get("language"));

    // delete categories
    items = getCategoriesByLastmodified(entity.getCreateTime());
    for (DBObject item : items) {
        DBObject query = new BasicDBObject();
        query.put("_id", item.get("_id"));
        query.put("fs_id", item.get("fs_id"));
        query.put("language", item.get("language"));

    // delete metaCategories
    items = getMetaCategoriesByLastmodified(entity.getCreateTime());
    for (DBObject item : items) {
        DBObject query = new BasicDBObject();
        query.put("_id", item.get("_id"));
        query.put("fs_id", item.get("fs_id"));
        query.put("language", item.get("language"));


From source file:com.espirit.moddev.examples.uxbridge.newsdrilldown.jpa.NewsHandler.java

License:Apache License

 * handle the update and save process for the news.
 * @param news/*from  w w w .  jav  a  2  s . c o  m*/
 *            the News object
 * @throws Exception
 *             the exception
private void handleNews(News news) throws Exception {

    // 1. save the product
    DBObject item = getNewsById(news.getFs_id(), news.getLanguage());
    if (item != null) {
        item.put("fs_id", news.getFs_id());
        item.put("language", news.getLanguage());
        item.put("headline", news.getHeadline());
        item.put("subHeadline", news.getSubheadline());
        item.put("headline", news.getHeadline());
        item.put("teaser", news.getTeaser());
        item.put("content", news.getContent());
        item.put("date", news.getDate());
        item.put("url", news.getUrl());
        item.put("version", news.getVersion());
        item.put("lastmodified", news.getLastmodified());

        BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject();
        news.setId((Long) item.get("_id"));
        query.put("_id", news.getId());

        dbNews.update(query, item);
    } else {
        item = new BasicDBObject();

        item.put("fs_id", news.getFs_id());
        item.put("language", news.getLanguage());
        item.put("headline", news.getHeadline());
        item.put("subHeadline", news.getSubheadline());
        item.put("headline", news.getHeadline());
        item.put("teaser", news.getTeaser());
        item.put("content", news.getContent());
        item.put("date", news.getDate());
        item.put("url", news.getUrl());
        item.put("version", news.getVersion());
        item.put("lastmodified", news.getLastmodified());

        news.setId(generateIdentifier(NEWS_COLLECTION_NAME, mdb));
        item.put("_id", news.getId());


    // 2. save categories
    // add categories to news
    BasicDBList catList = new BasicDBList();
    if (news.getCategories() != null) {
        for (NewsCategory cat : news.getCategories()) {
            handleCategory(cat, news);

            DBObject tmpCat = getCategoryById(cat.getFs_id(), cat.getLanguage());
            //catList.add(new DBRef(this.mdb, this.CATEGORY_COLLECTION_NAME, tmpCat.get("_id")));

    // add list of categories to the news
    //      item.put("categories", catList);
    item.put("categories_$$manyToManyIds", catList);

    BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject();
    query.put("_id", news.getId());

    dbNews.update(query, item);