Example usage for com.mongodb DBObject get

List of usage examples for com.mongodb DBObject get


In this page you can find the example usage for com.mongodb DBObject get.


Object get(String key);

Source Link


Gets a field from this object by a given name.


From source file:com.ebay.cloud.cms.dalapi.persistence.impl.embed.EmbedGetCommand.java

License:Apache License

public void execute(PersistenceContext context) {
    MetaClass rootMetaClass = getRootEntityMetaClass(entityId, context);
    BitSet arrayBits = helper.checkArrayOnPath(entityId, rootMetaClass);
    // find root object & embed objects                
    DBObject getQuery = buildGetQuery(arrayBits, entityId, rootMetaClass);
    DBObject getField = buildGetFields(arrayBits, entityId, true, rootMetaClass);

    DBObject rootObject = MongoExecutor.findOne(context, rootMetaClass, getQuery, getField);
    if (rootObject == null) {
        return;// w ww  .  ja  v a2  s.  co  m
    // extract embed object by id
    DBObject embedObject = EmbedDBObjectFilter.filter(entityId, rootObject, rootMetaClass,
            context.getQueryFields(), helper);
    if (embedObject != null) {
        resultEntity = new BsonEntity(entityType, embedObject);
        int rootVersion = (Integer) rootObject.get(InternalFieldEnum.VERSION.getDbName());

From source file:com.ebay.cloud.cms.dalapi.persistence.impl.root.RootFieldModifyCommand.java

License:Apache License

private void buildArrayBody(DBObject modifyBody) {
    MetaField field = getField();/* www  .  j av a 2s .co  m*/
    BasicDBObject enityObject = (BasicDBObject) getEntity().getNode();
    BasicDBObject fieldObject = (BasicDBObject) enityObject.get(field.getDbName());

    if (fieldObject != null) {
        Object givenValue = (fieldObject).get(V);
        if (givenValue != null) {
            BasicDBObject eachDbo = new BasicDBObject();
            eachDbo.put("$each", givenValue);

            BasicDBObject addToSetDbo = new BasicDBObject();
            addToSetDbo.put(field.getValueDbName(), eachDbo);

            modifyBody.put("$addToSet", addToSetDbo);

            // field length, only update when we do have updates
            BasicDBObject inc = (BasicDBObject) modifyBody.get("$set");
            inc.put(field.getDbName() + DOT + FieldProperty.LENGTH.getDbName(),
            // field time stamp
            BasicDBObject set = (BasicDBObject) modifyBody.get("$set");
            set.put(field.getDbName() + DOT + FieldProperty.TIMESTAMP.getDbName(),


From source file:com.ebay.cloud.cms.dalapi.persistence.impl.root.RootModifyCommand.java

License:Apache License

public void execute(PersistenceContext context) {
    DBObject queryObject = buildModifyQuery();
    DBObject updateObject = buildModifyBody();
    WriteResult result = null;//from  w  w  w  .  j a v  a2 s  . com
    result = MongoExecutor.update(context, entity.getMetaClass(), queryObject, updateObject);

    //throw exception if modify failed to match any entity
    if (result.getN() == 0) {
        DBObject getResult = RootGetCommand.findDBObject(entity.getId(), entity.getBranchId(), context,
                entity.getMetaClass(), ROOT_FIELDS, true);
        if (getResult == null) {
            throw new CmsDalException(DalErrCodeEnum.ENTITY_NOT_FOUND,
                    "Can't find entity: oid=" + entity.getId());
        Object currentVersion = getResult.get(InternalFieldEnum.VERSION.getDbName());
        throw new CmsDalException(DalErrCodeEnum.VERSION_CONFLICT,
                "current version is " + currentVersion + ", but version in repalce body is " + version);

From source file:com.ebay.cloud.cms.dalapi.persistence.impl.root.RootReplaceCommand.java

License:Apache License

public void execute(PersistenceContext context) {
    DBObject getResult = RootGetCommand.findDBObject(entity.getId(), entity.getBranchId(), context,
            entity.getMetaClass(), ROOT_FIELDS, false);
    if (getResult != null) {
        // check version
        int currentVersion = (Integer) getResult.get(InternalFieldEnum.VERSION.getDbName());
        int version = entity.getVersion();
        if ((version != IEntity.NO_VERSION) && (currentVersion != version)) {
            throw new CmsDalException(DalErrCodeEnum.VERSION_CONFLICT,
                    "current version is " + currentVersion + ", but version in repalce body is " + version);
        }// w  ww . j  a v  a 2s. c o  m

        Date createTime = (Date) getResult.get(InternalFieldEnum.CREATETIME.getDbName());

        DBObject queryObject = buildReplaceRootQuery(currentVersion);
        DBObject updateObject = buildReplaceRootUpdate(currentVersion, createTime);
        try {
            WriteResult result = MongoExecutor.update(context, entity.getMetaClass(), queryObject,
            if (result.getN() == 0) {
                throw new CmsDalException(DalErrCodeEnum.VERSION_CONFLICT,
                        "current version is not " + currentVersion);
            //set version for response
            entity.setVersion(currentVersion + 1);
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
            throw e;
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            //if anything bad happens, need to set version back
        } finally {
            //in update scenario, have to set id value back into entity object because we
            //removed id field before
    } else {
        // insert

        //2012/7/13 jianxu1 multi threading issue, if client A and client B send replace at same time
        //at T1, none of A and B find existing entity, so at T2, both A and B call insert, of we do not have 
        //unique index for combination of _branchId and _oid, we end up with duplicated entities.
        //FIX is: http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Indexes,  composite unique index
        //db.branches.ensureIndex({_branchId: 1, _oid: 1}, {unique: true});
        //TODO: change create repository to add composite unique index for branches, for main branch, we just need unique index on _oid

        DBObject insertObject = entity.getNode();
        insertObject.put(InternalFieldEnum.VERSION.getDbName(), IEntity.START_VERSION);
        MongoExecutor.insert(context, entity.getMetaClass(), insertObject);

From source file:com.ebay.cloud.cms.metadata.dataloader.MetadataDataLoader.java

License:Apache License

private List<String> getAllRepositoryNames() {
    DBCollection repoCollection = this.mongo.getDB(CMSConsts.SYS_DB).getCollection(CMSConsts.REPOSITORY_COLL);
    BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject();

    List<String> repoNameList = new ArrayList<String>();
    DBCursor cursor = repoCollection.find(query);
    while (cursor.hasNext()) {
        DBObject bsonObject = cursor.next();
        String repoName = (String) bsonObject.get(Repository.REPOSITORY_FIELD_NAME);
        repoNameList.add(repoName);//from   ww w.ja  v a2s.  c o m
    return repoNameList;

From source file:com.ebay.cloud.cms.metadata.sequence.MongoSequence.java

License:Apache License

private int getNextFromDB() {
    BasicDBObject q = new BasicDBObject();
    BasicDBObject exists = new BasicDBObject();
    exists.put(MongoOperand.exists, true);
    q.put(key, exists);/* w ww. j  av  a 2 s.c o m*/

    BasicDBObject u = new BasicDBObject();
    BasicDBObject o = new BasicDBObject();
    o.put(key, 1);
    u.put(MongoOperand.inc, o);

    try {
        DBObject obj = coll.findAndModify(q, null, null, false, u, true, true);
        return (Integer) obj.get(key);
    } catch (MongoException e) {
        throw new MongoOperationException(e);

From source file:com.ebay.oss.bark.domain.DataAsset.java

License:Apache License

@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "deprecation" })
public DataAsset(DBObject o) {
    this.setAssetHDFSPath((String) o.get("assetHDFSPath"));
    this.setAssetName((String) o.get("assetName"));
    this.setAssetType((String) o.get("assetType"));

    this.setOwner((String) o.get("owner"));
    this.setPlatform((String) o.get("platform"));
    this.setSystem((String) o.get("system"));

    //      this.setPartitions((List<PartitionFormat>) o.get("partitions")); // this doesn't work
    if (o.get("partitions") != null) {
        List<PartitionFormat> partitionlist = new ArrayList<PartitionFormat>();
        List<DBObject> tlist = (List<DBObject>) o.get("partitions");
        for (DBObject temp : tlist) {
            partitionlist.add(new PartitionFormat(temp.get("name").toString(), temp.get("format").toString()));
        }//  w w w  .ja v a  2  s .c  o  m

    //      this.setSchema((List<DataSchema>) o.get("schema"));
    if (o.get("schema") != null) {
        List<DBObject> tlist = (List<DBObject>) o.get("schema");
        List<DataSchema> list = new ArrayList<DataSchema>();
        for (DBObject temp : tlist) {
            list.add(new DataSchema(temp.get("name").toString(), temp.get("type").toString(),
                    temp.get("desc").toString(), temp.get("sample").toString()));

    if (!o.containsField("timestamp")) {
        this.setTimestamp(new Date());
    } else {
        this.setTimestamp(new Date(o.get("timestamp").toString()));

From source file:com.ebay.oss.bark.repo.DqJobRepoImpl.java

License:Apache License

protected DqJob toEntity(DBObject o) {
    DqJob entity = new DqJob();
    entity.setId((String) o.get("_id"));
    entity.setModelList((String) o.get("modelList"));
    entity.setContent((String) o.get("content"));

    return entity;

From source file:com.ebay.oss.bark.repo.DqMetricsRepoImpl.java

License:Apache License

public DqMetricsValue getLatestByAssetId(String assetId) {
    DBCursor temp = dbCollection.find(new BasicDBObject("assetId", assetId));
    List<DBObject> all = temp.toArray();
    long latest = 0L;
    DBObject latestObject = null;/*www.  ja v  a  2s .c  o  m*/
    for (DBObject o : all) {
        if (Long.parseLong(o.get("timestamp").toString()) - latest > 0) {
            latest = Long.parseLong(o.get("timestamp").toString());
            latestObject = o;

    if (latestObject == null) {
        return null;
    return new DqMetricsValue(latestObject.get("metricName").toString(),

From source file:com.ebay.oss.bark.repo.DqModelRepoImpl.java

License:Apache License

public DqModel findCountModelByAssetID(long assetID) {

    DBCursor cursor = dbCollection.find(new BasicDBObject("assetId", assetID));
    for (DBObject tempDBObject : cursor) {
        if (tempDBObject.get("modelType").equals(ModelType.VALIDITY)) {
            String content = tempDBObject.get("modelContent").toString();
            String[] contents = content.split("\\|");
            if (contents[2].equals(ValidityType.TOTAL_COUNT + "")) {
                return toEntity(tempDBObject);
            }//from ww  w  . j a  va2 s. c o m

    return null;
