List of usage examples for com.mongodb DBObject containsField
boolean containsField(String s);
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/** * //from w w w .j a va2 s. c om * @param uid */ public void bootStrapAction(Long uid) { /********** Perform User Building Checking ***************/ DBCollection table = MongoDbUtil.getCollection(MongoDbUtil.defaultDBName, "aw_building_base"); BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject("uid", uid); DBCursor userBuildings = table.find(query); int count = 0; while (userBuildings.hasNext()) { DBObject building =; if (building.containsField("tid")) { String tid = (String) building.get("tid"); TroopsAction troopsAction = new TroopsAction(); if (tid != null && tid.equalsIgnoreCase("TID_BUILDING_TAVERN")) { troopsAction.checkToopsUpgrades(uid, building); count++; } else if (tid != null && tid.equalsIgnoreCase("TID_BUILDING_BARRACK")) { int buildingId = (Integer) building.get("building_id"); troopsAction.checkToopsInBarrack(uid, buildingId); count++; } } } }
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/** * /*from ww w .j a v a 2 s. c o m*/ * @param uid * @return */ public BasicDBObject getTownHallOfUser(Object uid) { DBObject buildingBase = MongoDbUtil.getCollection(MongoDbUtil.defaultDBName, "aw_building_base") .findOne(new BasicDBObject("uid", uid).append("tid", townHallTid)); if (buildingBase != null) { if (buildingBase.containsField("buildingTownhalls")) { List<BuildingTownhall> townHallBuildings = (List<BuildingTownhall>) buildingBase .get("buildingTownhalls"); return townHallBuildings.get(0); } } return null; }
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/** * /*from w w w . j a va 2 s.c om*/ * @param data * @return */ public Map upgradeTroops(Map data) { Map state = new HashMap(); long time = new Date().getTime(); DBObject userTroopsDetail = MongoDbUtil.getCollection(MongoDbUtil.defaultDBName, "aw_user_troops_details") .findOne(new BasicDBObject("uid", data.get("uid"))); if (userTroopsDetail == null) { userTroopsDetail = new UserTroopsDetails(data); userTroopsDetail.put("titan_level", 1); MongoDbUtil.saveCollection("aw_user_troops_details", userTroopsDetail); } String tid = data.get("tid").toString(); String fildName = tid.replace("TID_", ""); long level = (Long) userTroopsDetail.get(fildName) + 1; DBObject troopsConfig = MongoDbUtil.getCollection(MongoDbUtil.defaultDBName, "aw_troops_configuration") .findOne(new BasicDBObject("level", level).append("tid", data.get("tid"))); if (troopsConfig != null) { long userResource = new UserAction().getUserResource(data.get("uid"), troopsConfig.get("upgrade_resource").toString()); long upgradeCost = (Long) troopsConfig.get("upgrade_cost"); DBObject userLabBase = MongoDbUtil.getCollection(MongoDbUtil.defaultDBName, "aw_building_base") .findOne(new BasicDBObject("uid", data.get("uid")).append("tid", "TID_BUILDING_TAVERN")); BuildingArmy userLab = null; if (userLabBase == null || !userLabBase.containsField("buildingArmies")) { state.put("errorMessage", "You need research laboratary to upgrade any troop."); return state; } else { List<BuildingArmy> buildingArmies = (List<BuildingArmy>) userLabBase.get("buildingArmies"); userLab = buildingArmies.get(0); } long labLevel = (Long) troopsConfig.get("laboratory_level"); long baseLevel = (Long) userLabBase.get("level"); if (userLab != null && userLab.containsField("upgrading_character_tid") && !"".equals(userLab.getString("upgrading_character_tid")) && userLab.getLong("research_start_time") > 0) { state.put("errorMessage", "Already another troop/spell is on the research."); } else if (labLevel > baseLevel) { String errorMessage = "This troop can be upgraded in research lab, Research Lab of lv-'" + labLevel + "\" is required."; state.put("errorMessage", errorMessage); } else if (userResource >= upgradeCost) { userLab.put("upgrading_character_tid", data.get("tid")); userLab.put("research_start_time", time); //update userLab here } else if (userResource < upgradeCost) { String errorMessage = "Upgrade resource('" + troopsConfig.get("upgrade_resource") + "') is not enough in the storage."; state.put("errorMessage", errorMessage); } } else { state.put("errorMessage", "Troop Configuration is not available."); } return state; }
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/** * //from w w w. j av a 2 s . co m * @param uid * @param infoType * @return */ public Map getUserVillage(long uid, String infoType) { Map villageInfo = new HashMap(); Map data = new HashMap(); DBObject user = getUserDetail(uid); if (user != null) { List userBuildings = new BuildingAction().getUserBuildings(uid); List troops = new TroopsAction().getUserTroopsData(uid, "other"); List troopsOwn = null; if ("login".equalsIgnoreCase(infoType)) { troopsOwn = new TroopsAction().getUserTroopsData(uid, "self"); } if (troopsOwn != null) { troops.addAll(troopsOwn); } List buildingData = null; if (userBuildings != null) { if ("login".equalsIgnoreCase(infoType)) { buildingData = new BuildingAction().getBuildInfoForOwner(userBuildings); } else { buildingData = new BuildingAction().getBuildInfoForAttack(userBuildings); } } if (buildingData == null) buildingData = new ArrayList(); if (user.containsField("clanUsers")) { List<ClanUsers> clanUsers = (List<ClanUsers>) user.get("clanUsers"); ClanUsers clanUser = clanUsers.get(0); villageInfo.put("clan_name", clanUser.get("name")); villageInfo.put("clan_flag", clanUser.get("flag")); villageInfo.put("clan_id", clanUser.get("clan_id")); } /// Access Token DBCollection table = MongoDbUtil.getCollection(MongoDbUtil.defaultDBName, "aw_user_token"); BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject("uid", user.get("uid")); DBObject token = table.findOne(query); String userToken = ""; if (token != null) { userToken = (String) token.get("access_token"); } else { userToken = createUserAccessToken((Long) user.get("uid")); } villageInfo.put("uid", user.get("uid")); villageInfo.put("name", user.get("name")); villageInfo.put("trophies", user.get("trophies")); villageInfo.put("level", (int) user.get("game_level")); villageInfo.put("troops", troops); villageInfo.put("buildings", buildingData); villageInfo.put("access_token", userToken); if ("login".equalsIgnoreCase(infoType)) { villageInfo.put("spens", user.get("spens")); } data.put("status", true); data.put("message", ""); data.put("data_set", villageInfo); return data; } else { data.put("status", false); data.put("message", "Village Not Found"); return data; } }
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private DBObject getData(DBObject obj) { return obj != null && obj.containsField("data") ? (DBObject) ((DBObject) obj).get("data") : null; }
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private Set<String> getUpdateIndex(Map<String, DBObject> exsitingIndexMap, MetaClass meta) { Collection<IndexInfo> collection = meta.getIndexes(); Set<String> updateIndexes = new HashSet<String>(); for (IndexInfo info : collection) { if (exsitingIndexMap.containsKey(info.getIndexName())) { boolean diff = false; DBObject dbo = exsitingIndexMap.get(info.getIndexName()); // key check : cast as BasicDBObject, so that we could go through the insert order // FIXME :: don't support compare key order. If we support key order specify, then we need to add this comparison BasicDBObject keyObjs = (BasicDBObject) dbo.get("key"); DBObject keyObject = buildIndexKeyObject(meta, info, onMainBranch); diff = !ListUtils.isEqualList(keyObjs.keySet(), keyObject.keySet()); if (!diff) { // option check when keys check passed List<IndexOptionEnum> exsitingOption = new ArrayList<IndexInfo.IndexOptionEnum>(); for (IndexOptionEnum ioe : IndexOptionEnum.values()) { if (dbo.containsField( && Boolean.parseBoolean(dbo.get( { exsitingOption.add(ioe); }//from w ww. j a va2s .c om } if (!ListUtils.subtract(exsitingOption, info.getIndexOptions()).isEmpty() || !ListUtils.subtract(info.getIndexOptions(), exsitingOption).isEmpty()) { diff = true; } } if (diff) { updateIndexes.add(info.getIndexName()); } } } return updateIndexes; }
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License:Apache License
private DBObject trimOperator(DBObject match, String operator) { if (match == null) { return null; }//from w w w. j a v a2 s. c o m return match.containsField(operator) ? (DBObject) match.get(operator) : match; }
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License:Apache License
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "deprecation" }) public DataAsset(DBObject o) { this.set_id(Long.parseLong(o.get("_id").toString())); this.setAssetHDFSPath((String) o.get("assetHDFSPath")); this.setAssetName((String) o.get("assetName")); this.setAssetType((String) o.get("assetType")); this.setOwner((String) o.get("owner")); this.setPlatform((String) o.get("platform")); this.setSystem((String) o.get("system")); // this.setPartitions((List<PartitionFormat>) o.get("partitions")); // this doesn't work if (o.get("partitions") != null) { List<PartitionFormat> partitionlist = new ArrayList<PartitionFormat>(); List<DBObject> tlist = (List<DBObject>) o.get("partitions"); for (DBObject temp : tlist) { partitionlist.add(new PartitionFormat(temp.get("name").toString(), temp.get("format").toString())); }//from www.j ava 2 s .c om this.setPartitions(partitionlist); } // this.setSchema((List<DataSchema>) o.get("schema")); if (o.get("schema") != null) { List<DBObject> tlist = (List<DBObject>) o.get("schema"); List<DataSchema> list = new ArrayList<DataSchema>(); for (DBObject temp : tlist) { list.add(new DataSchema(temp.get("name").toString(), temp.get("type").toString(), temp.get("desc").toString(), temp.get("sample").toString())); } this.setSchema(list); } if (!o.containsField("timestamp")) { this.setTimestamp(new Date()); } else { this.setTimestamp(new Date(o.get("timestamp").toString())); } }
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License:Apache License
public void doImport(final ButtonBase button) throws IOException { ImportDialog dia = UMongo.instance.getGlobalStore().getImportDialog(); if (! { return;//from www. ja va2 s .c o m } final boolean dropCollection = dia.getBooleanFieldValue(ImportDialog.Item.dropCollection); final boolean continueOnError = dia.getBooleanFieldValue(ImportDialog.Item.continueOnError); final boolean upsert = dia.getBooleanFieldValue(ImportDialog.Item.upsert); final boolean bulk = dia.getBooleanFieldValue(ImportDialog.Item.bulk); String supsertFields = dia.getStringFieldValue(ImportDialog.Item.upsertFields); final String[] upsertFields = supsertFields != null ? supsertFields.split(",") : null; if (upsertFields != null) { for (int i = 0; i < upsertFields.length; ++i) { upsertFields[i] = upsertFields[i].trim(); } } final DocumentDeserializer dd = dia.getDocumentDeserializer(); final DBCollection col = getCollectionNode().getCollection(); new DbJob() { @Override public Object doRun() throws Exception { try { if (dropCollection) { col.drop(); } DBObject obj = null; List<DBObject> batch = new ArrayList<DBObject>(); while ((obj = dd.readObject()) != null) { try { if (upsert) { if (upsertFields == null) {; } else { BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject(); for (int i = 0; i < upsertFields.length; ++i) { String field = upsertFields[i]; if (!obj.containsField(field)) { throw new Exception("Upsert field " + field + " not present in object " + obj.toString()); } query.put(field, obj.get(field)); } col.update(query, obj, true, false); } } else { if (bulk) { if (batch.size() > 1000) { col.insert(batch); batch.clear(); } batch.add(obj); } else { col.insert(obj); } } } catch (Exception e) { if (continueOnError) { getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, null, e); } else { throw e; } } } if (!batch.isEmpty()) { col.insert(batch); } } finally { dd.close(); } return null; } @Override public String getNS() { return col.getFullName(); } @Override public String getShortName() { return "Import"; } @Override public ButtonBase getButton() { return button; } }.addJob(); }
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License:Apache License
public void addField(ButtonBase button) { String key = getStringFieldValue(Item.addKey); String type = getStringFieldValue(Item.addType); DBObject doc = (DBObject) value; if (key.isEmpty() || (doc != null && doc.containsField(key))) { new InfoDialog(null, "Invalid Key", null, "Please provide a unique key for this field").show(); return;/*w ww . j av a 2 s . co m*/ } addNewField(key, type); }