Example usage for com.mongodb DBObject containsField

List of usage examples for com.mongodb DBObject containsField


In this page you can find the example usage for com.mongodb DBObject containsField.


boolean containsField(String s);

Source Link


Checks if this object contains a field with the given name.


From source file:org.datanucleus.store.mongodb.MongoDBSchemaHandler.java

License:Open Source License

private DBObject getIndexObjectForIndex(List<DBObject> indices, String idxName, DBObject idxObj,
        boolean unique) {
    if (indices == null || indices.isEmpty()) {
        return null;
    }//from w  w  w  .j  av a 2  s . c  om

    Iterator<DBObject> idxIter = indices.iterator();
    while (idxIter.hasNext()) {
        DBObject index = idxIter.next();
        DBObject obj = null;
        String name = (String) index.get("name");
        if (name.equals(idxName)) {
            obj = index;
            if (unique) {
                boolean flag = (Boolean) index.get("unique");
                if (!flag) {

            boolean equal = true;
            DBObject key = (DBObject) index.get("key");
            if (key.toMap().size() != idxObj.toMap().size()) {
                equal = false;
            } else {
                Iterator<String> indicKeyIter = key.keySet().iterator();
                while (indicKeyIter.hasNext()) {
                    String fieldKey = indicKeyIter.next();
                    Object fieldValue = key.get(fieldKey);
                    if (!idxObj.containsField(fieldKey)) {
                        equal = false;
                    } else {
                        Object idxObjValue = idxObj.get(fieldKey);
                        if (!idxObjValue.equals(fieldValue)) {
                            equal = false;
            if (equal) {
                return obj;
    return null;

From source file:org.eclipse.birt.data.oda.mongodb.internal.impl.MDbOperation.java

License:Open Source License

static MapReduceOutput callMapReduceCmd(DBCollection dbCollection, QueryProperties queryProps)
        throws OdaException {
    if (!queryProps.hasMapReduceCommand())
        return null;
    DBObject command = queryProps.getOperationExprAsParsedObject(false);
    if (command == null)
        return null;

    // check if mapreduce key is already specified in user-defined expression
    DBObject mapReduceCmd;/*ww w  .ja v  a2s. c  o  m*/
    if (command.containsField(QueryModel.MAP_REDUCE_CMD_KEY)
            || command.containsField(QueryModel.MAP_REDUCE_CMD_KEY2))
        mapReduceCmd = command;
    else {
        // add MapReduce input collection as first entry in command Map 
        mapReduceCmd = new BasicDBObject(QueryModel.MAP_REDUCE_CMD_KEY, dbCollection.getName());
        mapReduceCmd.putAll(command); // copy existing command entries

    // mapReduce command's optional "limit" parameter applies to the number 
    // of documents in the *input* collection, and thus cannot be used to apply
    // the searchLimit property defined for data set

    // execute the mapreduce command
    MapReduceOutput output;
    try {
        output = dbCollection.mapReduce(mapReduceCmd);
        return output;
    } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
        OdaException odaEx = new OdaException(
                Messages.bind(Messages.mDbOp_mapReduceCmdFailed, queryProps.getOperationExpression()));
        throw odaEx;

From source file:org.eclipse.birt.data.oda.mongodb.internal.impl.QueryModel.java

License:Open Source License

private static void validateMapReduceCommand(DBObject commandObj) throws OdaException {
    for (int i = 0; i < REQUIRED_MAPREDUCE_KEYS.length; i++) {
        String requiredKey = REQUIRED_MAPREDUCE_KEYS[i];
        if (!commandObj.containsField(requiredKey))
            throw new OdaException(Messages.bind(Messages.queryModel_missingMapReduceKey, requiredKey));
        if (commandObj.get(requiredKey) == null)
            throw new OdaException(Messages.bind(Messages.queryModel_missingMapReduceValue, requiredKey));
    }//  w  ww . ja  v a 2 s  . co m

From source file:org.eclipse.birt.data.oda.mongodb.internal.impl.QueryModel.java

License:Open Source License

private static void validateDBCommand(DBObject commandObj) throws OdaException {
    // check that the db command is one of the supported ones
    boolean hasSupportedCommand = false;
    for (int i = 0; i < SUPPORTED_DB_COMMANDS.length; i++) {
        String supportedCommand = SUPPORTED_DB_COMMANDS[i];
        if (commandObj.containsField(supportedCommand)
                || commandObj.containsField(supportedCommand.toLowerCase())) {
            hasSupportedCommand = true;//from  w  w w  . jav  a  2  s .  c  om

    if (!hasSupportedCommand)
        throw new OdaException(Messages.bind(Messages.queryModel_nonSupportedDbCmd, commandObj.toString()));

    // only supports eval command w/ {nolock : true}
    if (commandObj.containsField(EVAL_KEY)) {
        boolean noLockValue = getBooleanValueOfKey(commandObj, NOLOCK_KEY, false);
        if (noLockValue != true)
            throw new OdaException(Messages.bind(Messages.queryModel_invalidDbCmdKeyValue, EVAL_KEY,
                    "{" + NOLOCK_KEY + " : true}")); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$

From source file:org.eclipselabs.mongoemf.builders.EObjectBuilderImpl.java

License:Open Source License

 * Builds an attribute value from the DBObject, converting the value if necessary.
 * Feature maps are delegated to buildFeatureMap() and non-native arrays to
 * buildAttributeArray(). The converter service is used for value conversion.
 * Attribute values are expected to be mapped in the DBObject using the attribute
 * name as the key./*from w w  w .ja  va2s .  c  om*/
 * @param collection the MongoDB collection containing the DBObject
 * @param dbObject the object read from MongoDB
 * @param resource the resource that will contain the EMF Object
 * @param eObject the EMF object being built
 * @param attribute the attribute to set on the EMF object
protected void buildAttribute(DBCollection collection, DBObject dbObject, Resource resource, EObject eObject,
        EAttribute attribute) {
    // Attributes are mapped as key / value pairs with the key being the attribute name.

    if (!attribute.isTransient() && dbObject.containsField(attribute.getName())) {
        Object value = dbObject.get(attribute.getName());

        if (FeatureMapUtil.isFeatureMap(attribute))
            buildFeatureMap(collection, resource, eObject, attribute, (List<DBObject>) value);
        else if (attribute.isMany())
            buildAttributeArray(eObject, attribute, value);
            buildAttributeValue(eObject, attribute, value);

From source file:org.eclipselabs.mongoemf.builders.EObjectBuilderImpl.java

License:Open Source License

 * Builds a reference value from the DBObject. References with cardinality greater
 * than one are expected to be stored as a java.util.List of DBObject. References
 * with cardinality equal to one are expected to be stored as a DBObject.
 * Reference values are expected to be mapped in the DBObject using the reference
 * name as the key. Building of the referenced object is delegated to
 * buildReferencedObject()./*  w  w w.  ja  v  a  2 s . c  o  m*/
 * @param collection the MongoDB collection containing the DBObject
 * @param dbObject the object read from MongoDB
 * @param resource the resource that will contain the EMF Object
 * @param eObject the EMF object being built
 * @param reference the reference to set on the EMF object
protected void buildReference(DBCollection collection, DBObject dbObject, Resource resource, EObject eObject,
        EReference reference) {
    // References are mapped as key / value pairs with the key being the reference name.

    if (!reference.isTransient() && dbObject.containsField(reference.getName())) {
        boolean isResolveProxies = reference.isResolveProxies();

        if (reference.isMany()) {
            // One to many reference

            List<DBObject> dbReferences = (List<DBObject>) dbObject.get(reference.getName());

            EList<EObject> eObjects = (EList<EObject>) eObject.eGet(reference);

            for (DBObject dbReference : dbReferences) {
                EObject target = buildReferencedObject(collection, dbReference, resource, isResolveProxies);
        } else {
            // One to one reference

            DBObject dbReference = (DBObject) dbObject.get(reference.getName());
            EObject target = buildReferencedObject(collection, dbReference, resource, isResolveProxies);
            eObject.eSet(reference, target);

From source file:org.eclipselabs.mongoemf.query.simple.SimpleQueryEngine.java

License:Open Source License

private DBObject buildDBObjectQuery(Expression expression) {
    final DBObject dbObject = new BasicDBObject();

    if (expression != null) {
        new QuerySwitch<Object>() {
            Object getValue(Literal literal) {
                return literal.getValue() == null ? literal.getLiteralValue() : literal.getValue();
            }/*from w  w w . jav  a 2s .  c  o m*/

            public Object caseBinaryOperation(BinaryOperation binaryOperation) {
                Expression leftOperand = binaryOperation.getLeftOperand();
                String operator = binaryOperation.getOperator();

                if ("==".equals(operator)) {
                    Expression rightOperand = binaryOperation.getRightOperand();
                    String property = ExpressionBuilder.toString(leftOperand);

                    if (Keywords.ID_KEY.equals(property)) {
                        dbObject.put(property, new ObjectId(((Literal) rightOperand).getLiteralValue()));
                    } else if (rightOperand instanceof Literal) {
                        dbObject.put(property, getValue((Literal) rightOperand));
                    } else if ("null".equals(ExpressionBuilder.toString(rightOperand))) {
                        DBObject notExists = new BasicDBObject();
                        notExists.put("$exists", Boolean.FALSE);
                        dbObject.put(property, notExists);
                    } else {
                        // TODO: What to do?
                } else if ("!=".equals(operator)) {
                    Expression rightOperand = binaryOperation.getRightOperand();
                    String property = ExpressionBuilder.toString(leftOperand);
                    if (rightOperand instanceof Literal) {
                        DBObject notEqual = new BasicDBObject();
                        notEqual.put("$ne", getValue((Literal) rightOperand));
                        dbObject.put(property, notEqual);
                    } else if ("null".equals(ExpressionBuilder.toString(rightOperand))) {
                        DBObject exists = new BasicDBObject();
                        exists.put("$exists", Boolean.TRUE);
                        dbObject.put(property, exists);
                    } else {
                        // TODO: What to do?
                } else if ("<".equals(operator) || "<=".equals(operator) || ">".equals(operator)
                        || ">=".equals(operator)) {
                    Expression rightOperand = binaryOperation.getRightOperand();
                    String property = ExpressionBuilder.toString(leftOperand);
                    if (rightOperand instanceof Literal) {
                        DBObject compare = new BasicDBObject();
                                "<".equals(operator) ? QueryOperators.LT
                                        : "<=".equals(operator) ? QueryOperators.LTE
                                                : ">".equals(operator) ? QueryOperators.GT : QueryOperators.GTE,
                                getValue((Literal) rightOperand));
                        dbObject.put(property, compare);
                    } else {
                        // TODO: What to do?
                } else if ("||".equals(operator)) {
                    DBObject leftObject = buildDBObjectQuery(leftOperand);
                    DBObject rightObject = buildDBObjectQuery(binaryOperation.getRightOperand());
                    List<Object> or = (List<Object>) leftObject.get("$or");
                    if (or != null) {
                    } else {
                        or = new ArrayList<Object>();
                        dbObject.put("$or", or);
                } else if ("&&".equals(operator)) {
                    DBObject rightObject = buildDBObjectQuery(binaryOperation.getRightOperand());
                    for (String field : rightObject.keySet()) {
                        Object rightValue = rightObject.get(field);
                        Object leftValue = dbObject.get(field);
                        if (leftValue instanceof DBObject) {
                            DBObject leftDBObject = (DBObject) leftValue;
                            if (rightValue instanceof DBObject) {
                                DBObject rightDBObject = (DBObject) rightValue;
                                if (leftDBObject.containsField("$nin") && rightDBObject.containsField("$ne")) {
                                    List<Object> values = (List<Object>) leftDBObject.get("$nin");
                                } else if (leftDBObject.containsField("$ne")
                                        && rightDBObject.containsField("$ne")) {
                                    DBObject nin = new BasicDBObject();
                                    List<Object> values = new ArrayList<Object>();
                                    nin.put("$nin", values);
                                    dbObject.put(field, nin);
                                } else {
                            } else {
                                Object all = leftDBObject.get("$all");
                                if (all instanceof List<?>) {
                                    List<Object> allList = (List<Object>) all;
                                } else {
                                    // What to do?
                        } else if (leftValue instanceof List<?>) {
                            List<Object> leftListValue = (List<Object>) leftValue;
                            if (rightValue instanceof List<?>) {
                                leftListValue.addAll((List<?>) rightValue);
                            } else {
                        } else if (leftValue != null) {
                            if (rightValue instanceof List<?>) {
                                List<Object> rightListValue = (List<Object>) rightValue;
                                rightListValue.add(0, leftValue);
                                dbObject.put(field, rightListValue);
                            } else {
                                List<Object> listValue = new ArrayList<Object>();
                                DBObject in = new BasicDBObject("$all", listValue);
                                dbObject.put(field, in);
                        } else {
                            dbObject.put(field, rightValue);

                return null;

    return dbObject;

From source file:org.elasticsearch.river.mongodb.util.MongoDBHelper.java

License:Apache License

public static DBObject applyExcludeFields(DBObject bsonObject, Set<String> excludeFields) {
    if (excludeFields == null) {
        return bsonObject;
    }/*  w  w w  . j  av  a  2s . c o  m*/

    DBObject filteredObject = bsonObject;
    for (String field : excludeFields) {
        if (field.contains(".")) {
            String rootObject = field.substring(0, field.indexOf("."));
            String childObject = field.substring(field.indexOf(".") + 1);
            if (filteredObject.containsField(rootObject)) {
                Object object = filteredObject.get(rootObject);
                if (object instanceof DBObject) {
                    DBObject object2 = (DBObject) object;
                    object2 = applyExcludeFields(object2, new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(childObject)));
        } else {
            if (filteredObject.containsField(field)) {
    return filteredObject;

From source file:org.exoplatform.chat.services.mongodb.ChatServiceImpl.java

License:Open Source License

public String read(String room, UserService userService, boolean isTextOnly, Long fromTimestamp,
        Long toTimestamp) {/*from ww  w . j a v  a  2 s. co m*/
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

    SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("hh:mm aaa");
    SimpleDateFormat formatterDate = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm aaa");
    // formatter.format();
    Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
    calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR, 0);
    calendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);
    calendar.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);
    Date today = calendar.getTime();

    DBCollection coll = db().getCollection(M_ROOM_PREFIX + room);

    BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject();
    long from = (fromTimestamp != null) ? fromTimestamp : System.currentTimeMillis() - readMillis;
    BasicDBObject tsobj = new BasicDBObject("$gt", from);
    if (toTimestamp != null) {
        tsobj.append("$lt", toTimestamp);
    query.put("timestamp", tsobj);

    BasicDBObject sort = new BasicDBObject();
    sort.put("timestamp", -1);
    int limit = (isTextOnly) ? readTotalTxt : readTotalJson;
    DBCursor cursor = coll.find(query).sort(sort).limit(limit);
    if (!cursor.hasNext()) {
        if (isTextOnly)
            sb.append("no messages");
            sb.append("{\"messages\": []}");
    } else {
        Map<String, UserBean> users = new HashMap<String, UserBean>();

        String timestamp, user, fullname, email, msgId, date;
        boolean first = true;

        while (cursor.hasNext()) {
            DBObject dbo = cursor.next();
            timestamp = dbo.get("timestamp").toString();
            if (first) //first element (most recent one)
                if (!isTextOnly) {
                    sb.append("{\"room\": \"").append(room).append("\",");
                    sb.append("\"timestamp\": \"").append(timestamp).append("\",");
                    sb.append("\"messages\": [");

            user = dbo.get("user").toString();
            msgId = dbo.get("_id").toString();
            UserBean userBean = users.get(user);
            if (userBean == null) {
                userBean = userService.getUser(user);
                users.put(user, userBean);
            fullname = userBean.getFullname();
            email = userBean.getEmail();

            date = "";
            try {
                if (dbo.containsField("time")) {
                    Date date1 = (Date) dbo.get("time");
                    if (date1.before(today) || isTextOnly)
                        date = formatterDate.format(date1);
                        date = formatter.format(date1);

            } catch (Exception e) {
                LOG.info("Message Date Format Error : " + e.getMessage());

            if (isTextOnly) {
                StringBuilder line = new StringBuilder();
                line.append("[").append(date).append("] ");
                String message = dbo.get("message").toString();
                if (TYPE_DELETED.equals(message))
                    message = TYPE_DELETED;
                if ("true".equals(dbo.get("isSystem"))) {
                    line.append("System Message: ");
                    if (message.endsWith("<br/>"))
                        message = message.substring(0, message.length() - 5);
                } else {
                    line.append(fullname).append(": ");
                    message = message.replaceAll("<br/>", "\n");
                sb.insert(0, line);
            } else {
                if (!first)
                sb.append("{\"id\": \"").append(msgId).append("\",");
                sb.append("\"timestamp\": ").append(timestamp).append(",");
                if (dbo.containsField("lastUpdatedTimestamp")) {
                    sb.append("\"lastUpdatedTimestamp\": ").append(dbo.get("lastUpdatedTimestamp").toString())
                sb.append("\"user\": \"").append(user).append("\",");
                sb.append("\"fullname\": \"").append(fullname).append("\",");
                sb.append("\"email\": \"").append(email).append("\",");
                sb.append("\"date\": \"").append(date).append("\",");
                sb.append("\"message\": \"").append(StringEscapeUtils.escapeJson(dbo.get("message").toString()))
                if (dbo.containsField("options")) {
                    String options = dbo.get("options").toString();
                    if (options.startsWith("{"))
                        sb.append("\"options\": ").append(options).append(",");
                        sb.append("\"options\": \"").append(options).append("\",");
                } else {
                    sb.append("\"options\": \"\",");
                sb.append("\"type\": \"").append(dbo.get("type")).append("\",");
                sb.append("\"isSystem\": \"").append(dbo.get("isSystem")).append("\"}");

            first = false;

        if (!isTextOnly) {

    return sb.toString();


From source file:org.exoplatform.chat.services.mongodb.NotificationServiceImpl.java

License:Open Source License

public List<NotificationBean> getUnreadNotifications(String user, UserService userService, String type,
        String category, String categoryId) {
    List<NotificationBean> notifications = new ArrayList<NotificationBean>();

    DBCollection coll = db().getCollection(M_NOTIFICATIONS);
    BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject();

    query.put("user", user);
    //    query.put("isRead", false);
    if (type != null)
        query.put("type", type);
    if (category != null)
        query.put("category", category);
    if (categoryId != null)
        query.put("categoryId", categoryId);
    DBCursor cursor = coll.find(query);// w ww  . j  a  v  a  2  s  . co  m

    while (cursor.hasNext()) {
        DBObject doc = cursor.next();
        NotificationBean notificationBean = new NotificationBean();
        notificationBean.setTimestamp((Long) doc.get("timestamp"));
        if (doc.containsField("from")) {
        if (doc.containsField("options")) {
        RoomBean roomBean = userService.getRoom(user, notificationBean.getCategoryId());
        if (roomBean.isSpace() || roomBean.isTeam()) {


    return notifications;