Java tutorial
/* Copyright [2013-2014] eBay Software Foundation Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ /** * */ /* Copyright 2012 eBay Software Foundation Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.collections.ListUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject; import com.mongodb.DBCollection; import com.mongodb.DBObject; /** * @author Liangfei(Ralph) Su * */ public class IndexBuildCommand implements IPersistenceCommand { private final List<MetaClass> metadatas; private final boolean onMainBranch; public IndexBuildCommand(List<MetaClass> meta, boolean onMainBranch) { metadatas = meta; this.onMainBranch = onMainBranch; } @Override public void execute(PersistenceContext context) { for (MetaClass meta : metadatas) { Map<String, DBObject> exsitingIndexMap = getCollectionIndexMap(context, meta); Set<String> targetIndexNames = new HashSet<String>(meta.getIndexNames()); Set<String> deleteSet = CollectionUtils.diffSet(exsitingIndexMap.keySet(), targetIndexNames); Set<String> addSet = CollectionUtils.diffSet(targetIndexNames, exsitingIndexMap.keySet()); //drop indexes dropIndexes(context, meta, deleteSet); //add indexes createIndexes(context, meta, addSet); // update : index is an structure not update-able. Update an index means, drop and re-create with new definition // check whether we need to ensure or not: compare between the existing one with the given one Set<String> updateIndexes = getUpdateIndex(exsitingIndexMap, meta); dropIndexes(context, meta, updateIndexes); createIndexes(context, meta, updateIndexes); } } private void createIndexes(PersistenceContext context, MetaClass meta, Set<String> addSet) { for (String addIndex : addSet) { DBObject keyObject = buildIndexKeyObject(meta, meta.getIndexByName(addIndex), onMainBranch); DBObject optionObject = buildIndexOptionObject(meta.getIndexByName(addIndex)); // special collection name for meta history if (isHistroyMeta(meta)) { ensureMetaHistoryIndex(context, meta, keyObject, optionObject); continue; } // special collection name for branch if (isBranchMeta(meta)) { ensureBranchIndex(context, meta, keyObject, optionObject); continue; } MongoExecutor.ensureIndex(context, context.getDBCollection(meta), keyObject, optionObject); } } private void dropIndexes(PersistenceContext context, MetaClass meta, Set<String> deleteSet) { for (String deleteIndex : deleteSet) { // _id_ is a reserved index in mongo if ("_id_".equals(deleteIndex)) { continue; } MongoExecutor.dropIndex(context, meta, deleteIndex); } } private Set<String> getUpdateIndex(Map<String, DBObject> exsitingIndexMap, MetaClass meta) { Collection<IndexInfo> collection = meta.getIndexes(); Set<String> updateIndexes = new HashSet<String>(); for (IndexInfo info : collection) { if (exsitingIndexMap.containsKey(info.getIndexName())) { boolean diff = false; DBObject dbo = exsitingIndexMap.get(info.getIndexName()); // key check : cast as BasicDBObject, so that we could go through the insert order // FIXME :: don't support compare key order. If we support key order specify, then we need to add this comparison BasicDBObject keyObjs = (BasicDBObject) dbo.get("key"); DBObject keyObject = buildIndexKeyObject(meta, info, onMainBranch); diff = !ListUtils.isEqualList(keyObjs.keySet(), keyObject.keySet()); if (!diff) { // option check when keys check passed List<IndexOptionEnum> exsitingOption = new ArrayList<IndexInfo.IndexOptionEnum>(); for (IndexOptionEnum ioe : IndexOptionEnum.values()) { if (dbo.containsField( && Boolean.parseBoolean(dbo.get( { exsitingOption.add(ioe); } } if (!ListUtils.subtract(exsitingOption, info.getIndexOptions()).isEmpty() || !ListUtils.subtract(info.getIndexOptions(), exsitingOption).isEmpty()) { diff = true; } } if (diff) { updateIndexes.add(info.getIndexName()); } } } return updateIndexes; } private boolean isBranchMeta(MetaClass meta) { return BranchMetaClass.TYPE_NAME.equals(meta.getName()); } private boolean isHistroyMeta(MetaClass meta) { return HistoryMetaClass.NAME.equals(meta.getName()); } private void ensureBranchIndex(PersistenceContext context, MetaClass meta, DBObject keyObject, DBObject optionObject) { PersistenceContext branchContext = new PersistenceContext(context.getMetadataService(), DBCollectionPolicy.Merged, context.getConsistentPolicy(), CMSConsts.BRANCH_DB_COLL_NAME); branchContext.setMongoDataSource(context.getMongoDataSource()); MongoExecutor.ensureIndex(branchContext, branchContext.getDBCollection(meta), keyObject, optionObject); } private void ensureMetaHistoryIndex(PersistenceContext context, MetaClass meta, DBObject keyObject, DBObject optionObject) { PersistenceContext metaHistoryContext = new PersistenceContext(context.getMetadataService(), DBCollectionPolicy.Merged, context.getConsistentPolicy(), CMSConsts.METACLASS_HISTORY_COLL); metaHistoryContext.setMongoDataSource(context.getMongoDataSource()); MongoExecutor.ensureIndex(metaHistoryContext, metaHistoryContext.getDBCollection(meta), keyObject, optionObject); } private DBObject buildIndexOptionObject(IndexInfo index) { DBObject optionsObject = new BasicDBObject(); for (IndexOptionEnum option : index.getIndexOptions()) { optionsObject.put(, true); } optionsObject.put("name", index.getIndexName()); optionsObject.put("background", "true"); return optionsObject; } private DBObject buildIndexKeyObject(MetaClass metadata, IndexInfo index, boolean onMainBranch) { DBObject keyObject = new BasicDBObject(); // in sharded case. sharding key must be prefix of the unique key boolean hashed = index.getIndexOptions().contains(IndexOptionEnum.hashed); for (String key : index.getKeyList()) { String[] keySeg = key.split("\\."); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); getKeyName(metadata, keySeg, 0, sb); keyObject.put(sb.toString(), hashed ? "hashed" : 1); } //since objects in different sub branches are in the same collection, // need to add the branch id into the index. // so the objects on different sub branches will not conflict on "unique index" if (!onMainBranch) { keyObject.put(InternalFieldEnum.BRANCH.getDbName(), 1); } return keyObject; } private void getKeyName(MetaClass metadata, String[] keySeg, int i, StringBuilder sb) { if (i >= keySeg.length) { return; } boolean start = (i == 0); boolean endSeg = (i == keySeg.length - 1); if (!start) { sb.append(AbstractEntityIDHelper.DOT); } MetaField field = metadata.getFieldByName(keySeg[i]); CheckConditions.checkArgument(field != null, "meta class " + metadata.getName() + " does not have field " + keySeg[i]); if (field.isInternal()) { sb.append(field.getDbName()); } else if (field instanceof MetaRelationship && endSeg) { // if last segment is relationship, we built index on _oid sb.append( field.getFlattenValueDbName() + AbstractEntityIDHelper.DOT + InternalFieldEnum.ID.getDbName()); } else if (field instanceof MetaRelationship) { MetaRelationship rel = (MetaRelationship) field; sb.append(field.getFlattenValueDbName()); getKeyName(rel.getRefMetaClass(), keySeg, i + 1, sb); } else { sb.append(field.getFlattenValueDbName()); } } private Map<String, DBObject> getCollectionIndexMap(PersistenceContext context, MetaClass metaClass) { DBCollection collection = context.getDBCollection(metaClass); List<DBObject> indexInfo = collection.getIndexInfo(); Map<String, DBObject> indexMap = new HashMap<String, DBObject>(); for (DBObject indexObject : indexInfo) { String name = (String) indexObject.get("name"); indexMap.put(name, indexObject); } return indexMap; } }