Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2012 Bryan Hunt & Ed Merks. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Contributors: * Bryan Hunt & Ed Merks - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.bson.types.ObjectId; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EDataType; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.InternalEObject; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.ResourceSet; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.FeatureMap; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.FeatureMapUtil; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.XMLResource; import org.eclipselabs.mongoemf.ConverterService; import org.eclipselabs.mongoemf.EObjectBuilder; import org.eclipselabs.mongoemf.Keywords; import org.eclipselabs.mongoemf.MongoUtils; import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject; import com.mongodb.DBCollection; import com.mongodb.DBObject; /** * This class builds EMF EObjects from a MongoDB DBObject. This builder is designed to be extensible, * but you must be aware of the assumptions made by each of the functions in the builder. * * This class is thread safe. * * @author bhunt */ public class EObjectBuilderImpl implements EObjectBuilder { /** * Constructs an object builder without an EClass cache. * * @param converterService the service to use when converting attribute values * @param uriHandler the handler for creating proxy URIs * @param includeAttributesForProxyReferences true if you want attribute values to be set on proxy references; false otherwise */ public EObjectBuilderImpl(ConverterService converterService, XMLResource.URIHandler uriHandler, boolean includeAttributesForProxyReferences) { this(converterService, uriHandler, includeAttributesForProxyReferences, null); } /** * Constructs an object builder with an optional EClass cache. * * @param converterService the service to use when converting attribute values * @param uriHandler the handler for creating proxy URIs * @param includeAttributesForProxyReferences true if you want attribute values to be set on proxy references; false otherwise * @param eClassCache the cache to use to EClass lookups when building the EObject instance - may be null */ public EObjectBuilderImpl(ConverterService converterService, XMLResource.URIHandler uriHandler, boolean includeAttributesForProxyReferences, Map<String, EClass> eClassCache) { this.converterService = converterService; this.uriHandler = uriHandler; this.includeAttributesForProxyReferences = includeAttributesForProxyReferences; this.eClassCache = eClassCache; } /** * Build an EMF EObject from the supplied DBObject from MongoDB. * * @param collection the MongoDB collection containing the DBObject * @param dbObject the object read from MongoDB * @param resource the resource that will contain the EMF Object * This function will not add the created to the supplied resource * to support the case where the user wishes to return a collection * of objects such as the result of a query. * @param isProxy true if the object is to be built as a proxy; false otherwise * @return the newly created EMF object instance */ @Override public EObject buildEObject(DBCollection collection, DBObject dbObject, Resource resource, boolean isProxy) { // Build an empty EMF object to hold the data from the MongodDB object // This function should not add the object to the resource since the // object may become part of a collection returned in the resource such // as the result of a query. EObject eObject = createEObject(resource.getResourceSet(), dbObject); EClass eClass = eObject.eClass(); // Load the XML extrinsic id if necessary buildExtransicID(dbObject, resource, eObject); // All attributes are mapped as key / value pairs with the key being the attribute name. for (EAttribute attribute : eClass.getEAllAttributes()) { if (!isProxy || !FeatureMapUtil.isFeatureMap(attribute)) buildAttribute(collection, dbObject, resource, eObject, attribute); } // isProxy will be set to true when the object is being returned as // part of a collection such as the result of a query. if (isProxy) { URI proxyURI = URI.createURI("../" + collection.getName() + "/" + dbObject.get(Keywords.ID_KEY) + "#/"); ((InternalEObject) eObject).eSetProxyURI(uriHandler.resolve(proxyURI)); return eObject; } // All references are mapped as key / value pairs with the key being the reference name. for (EReference reference : eClass.getEAllReferences()) buildReference(collection, dbObject, resource, eObject, reference); return eObject; } @Override public URI buildURI(DBCollection collection, DBObject object) { URI uri = URI.createURI("../" + collection.getName() + "/" + object.get(Keywords.ID_KEY)); return uriHandler.resolve(uri); } /** * Builds an attribute value from the DBObject, converting the value if necessary. * Feature maps are delegated to buildFeatureMap() and non-native arrays to * buildAttributeArray(). The converter service is used for value conversion. * Attribute values are expected to be mapped in the DBObject using the attribute * name as the key. * * @param collection the MongoDB collection containing the DBObject * @param dbObject the object read from MongoDB * @param resource the resource that will contain the EMF Object * @param eObject the EMF object being built * @param attribute the attribute to set on the EMF object */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected void buildAttribute(DBCollection collection, DBObject dbObject, Resource resource, EObject eObject, EAttribute attribute) { // Attributes are mapped as key / value pairs with the key being the attribute name. if (!attribute.isTransient() && dbObject.containsField(attribute.getName())) { Object value = dbObject.get(attribute.getName()); if (FeatureMapUtil.isFeatureMap(attribute)) buildFeatureMap(collection, resource, eObject, attribute, (List<DBObject>) value); else if (attribute.isMany()) buildAttributeArray(eObject, attribute, value); else buildAttributeValue(eObject, attribute, value); } } /** * Builds a multi-value attribute from a collection of values. Each value is * converted using the converter service. * * @param eObject the EMF object being built * @param attribute the attribute to set on the EMF object * @param values the raw, unconverted, collection of values of the attribute */ protected void buildAttributeArray(EObject eObject, EAttribute attribute, Object values) { if (!MongoUtils.isNativeType(attribute.getEAttributeType())) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Object> eValues = (List<Object>) values; ArrayList<Object> convertedValues = new ArrayList<Object>(eValues.size()); EDataType eDataType = attribute.getEAttributeType(); for (Object dbValue : eValues) convertedValues.add(convertMongoDBValueToEMFValue(eDataType, dbValue)); eObject.eSet(attribute, convertedValues); } else eObject.eSet(attribute, values); } /** * Sets the attribute value on the EMF object after converting it using the converter service. * * @param eObject the EMF object being built * @param attribute the attribute to set on the EMF object * @param value the value read from MongoDB */ protected void buildAttributeValue(EObject eObject, EAttribute attribute, Object value) { EDataType eDataType = attribute.getEAttributeType(); eObject.eSet(attribute, convertMongoDBValueToEMFValue(eDataType, value)); } /** * Sets the extrensic ID if it exists and the resource is of type XMLResource. The * extrensic ID is expected to be mapped to the key EXTRINSIC_ID_KEY. * * @param dbObject the object read from MongoDB * @param resource the resource that will contain the EMF Object * @param eObject the EMF object being built */ protected void buildExtransicID(DBObject dbObject, Resource resource, EObject eObject) { String id = (String) dbObject.get(Keywords.EXTRINSIC_ID_KEY); if (id != null && resource instanceof XMLResource) ((XMLResource) resource).setID(eObject, id); } /** * Builds a feature map from the attribute value. Feature maps * of references are delegated to buildReferencedObject to build * the referenced object. * * @param collection the MongoDB collection containing the DBObject * @param resource the resource that will contain the EMF Object * @param eObject the EMF object being built * @param attribute the attribute to set on the EMF object * @param values the values extracted from the database as a list */ protected void buildFeatureMap(DBCollection collection, Resource resource, EObject eObject, EAttribute attribute, List<DBObject> values) { FeatureMap.Internal featureMap = (FeatureMap.Internal) eObject.eGet(attribute); for (DBObject entry : values) { EStructuralFeature feature = (EStructuralFeature) resource.getResourceSet() .getEObject(URI.createURI((String) entry.get("key")), true); if (feature instanceof EAttribute) { EDataType eDataType = ((EAttribute) feature).getEAttributeType(); featureMap.add(feature, convertMongoDBValueToEMFValue(eDataType, entry.get("value"))); } else { EReference reference = (EReference) feature; DBObject dbReference = (DBObject) entry.get("value"); EObject target = buildReferencedObject(collection, dbReference, resource, reference.isResolveProxies()); featureMap.add(feature, target); } } } /** * Builds a reference value from the DBObject. References with cardinality greater * than one are expected to be stored as a java.util.List of DBObject. References * with cardinality equal to one are expected to be stored as a DBObject. * Reference values are expected to be mapped in the DBObject using the reference * name as the key. Building of the referenced object is delegated to * buildReferencedObject(). * * @param collection the MongoDB collection containing the DBObject * @param dbObject the object read from MongoDB * @param resource the resource that will contain the EMF Object * @param eObject the EMF object being built * @param reference the reference to set on the EMF object */ protected void buildReference(DBCollection collection, DBObject dbObject, Resource resource, EObject eObject, EReference reference) { // References are mapped as key / value pairs with the key being the reference name. if (!reference.isTransient() && dbObject.containsField(reference.getName())) { boolean isResolveProxies = reference.isResolveProxies(); if (reference.isMany()) { // One to many reference @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<DBObject> dbReferences = (List<DBObject>) dbObject.get(reference.getName()); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") EList<EObject> eObjects = (EList<EObject>) eObject.eGet(reference); for (DBObject dbReference : dbReferences) { EObject target = buildReferencedObject(collection, dbReference, resource, isResolveProxies); eObjects.add(target); } } else { // One to one reference DBObject dbReference = (DBObject) dbObject.get(reference.getName()); EObject target = buildReferencedObject(collection, dbReference, resource, isResolveProxies); eObject.eSet(reference, target); } } } /** * Builds the EObject for a reference. The EObject may be a proxy. The reference * value is assumed to be stored in the DBObject as { PROXY_KEY : String } where the * string is an EMF proxy URI. If the proxy URI is not null, the proxy EObject is * built by delegating to buildProxy(). If the proxy URI is null, the referenced * object is treated as an embedded reference and is built by delegating to buildEObject(). * * @param collection the MongoDB collection containing the DBObject * @param dbReference the DBObject containing the referenced object / proxy * @param resource the resource that will contain the EMF Object * @param referenceResolvesProxies true if the references resolves proxies; false otherwise * @return */ protected EObject buildReferencedObject(DBCollection collection, DBObject dbReference, Resource resource, boolean referenceResolvesProxies) { if (dbReference == null) return null; // Build an EMF reference from the data in MongoDB. String proxy = (String) dbReference.get(Keywords.PROXY_KEY); if (proxy == null) return buildEObject(collection, dbReference, resource, false); else return buildProxy(collection, dbReference, resource.getResourceSet(), referenceResolvesProxies); } /** * Builds an EMF proxy object from the reference DBObject * * @param collection the collection containing the referencing object * @param dbReference the MongoDB reference - must be of the form { ECLASS_KEY : eClassURI, PROXY_KEY : proxyURI } * @param resourceSet the resource set to use for building the proxy * @param referenceResolvesProxies true if the reference resolves proxies; false otherwise * @return the proxy object when referenceResolvedProxies is true, the resolved object otherwise */ protected EObject buildProxy(DBCollection collection, DBObject dbReference, ResourceSet resourceSet, boolean referenceResolvesProxies) { EObject eObject; URI proxyURI = URI.createURI((String) dbReference.get(Keywords.PROXY_KEY)); URI resolvedProxyURI = uriHandler.resolve(proxyURI); if (!referenceResolvesProxies) { // When referenceResolvedProxies is false, we must resolve the proxy in place and get the referenced object eObject = resourceSet.getEObject(resolvedProxyURI, true); } else { eObject = createEObject(resourceSet, dbReference); ((InternalEObject) eObject).eSetProxyURI(resolvedProxyURI); if (includeAttributesForProxyReferences && proxyURI.isRelative() && "/".equals(proxyURI.fragment())) { DBCollection referenceCollection = null; if (proxyURI.segmentCount() == 3 && proxyURI.segment(0).equals("..")) { referenceCollection = collection.getDB().getCollection(proxyURI.segment(1)); } else if (proxyURI.segmentCount() == 1) { referenceCollection = collection; } if (referenceCollection != null) { DBObject referenceDBObject = new BasicDBObject(Keywords.ID_KEY, new ObjectId(proxyURI.lastSegment())); DBObject referencedDBObject = referenceCollection.findOne(referenceDBObject); if (referencedDBObject != null) { for (EAttribute attribute : eObject.eClass().getEAllAttributes()) { if (!attribute.isTransient() && !FeatureMapUtil.isFeatureMap(attribute)) buildAttribute(referenceCollection, referencedDBObject, null, eObject, attribute); } } } } } return eObject; } /** * Converts the MongoDB value into an EMF value using the converter service * * @param eDataType the value type * @param dbValue the value * @return the converted value */ protected Object convertMongoDBValueToEMFValue(EDataType eDataType, Object dbValue) { Object convertedValue = dbValue; if (!MongoUtils.isNativeType(eDataType)) { // Types not native to MongoDB are stored as strings and must be converted to the proper object type by EMF convertedValue = converterService.getConverter(eDataType).convertMongoDBValueToEMFValue(eDataType, dbValue); } else if (dbValue != null) { // If the type is a byte, float, or short, it must be converted from the native MongoDB type // It is valid to use == for string comparison in this case. String instanceClassName = eDataType.getInstanceClassName(); if (instanceClassName == "byte" || instanceClassName == "java.lang.Byte") convertedValue = ((Integer) dbValue).byteValue(); else if (instanceClassName == "float" || instanceClassName == "java.lang.Float") convertedValue = ((Double) dbValue).floatValue(); else if (instanceClassName == "short" || instanceClassName == "java.lang.Short") convertedValue = ((Integer) dbValue).shortValue(); } return convertedValue; } /** * This function creates an empty EObject by extracting the EClass type from the given DBObject * using the ECLASS_KEY. This function also maintains a static cache of EClass URI to EClass for * improved performance. * * @param resourceSet the resourceSet that will be used to locate the EClass if it is not cached * @param dbObject the object read from MongoDB * @return the newly created object of type as specified by the data read from MongoDB */ protected EObject createEObject(ResourceSet resourceSet, DBObject dbObject) { String eClassURI = (String) dbObject.get(Keywords.ECLASS_KEY); EClass eClass = getEClass(resourceSet, eClassURI); return EcoreUtil.create(eClass); } /** * Finds the EClass for the given URI * * @param resourceSet the resource set used to locate the EClass if it was not * found in the cache * @param eClassURI the URI of the EClass * @return the EClass instance for the given URI */ protected EClass getEClass(ResourceSet resourceSet, String eClassURI) { if (eClassCache != null) { synchronized (eClassCache) { EClass eClass = eClassCache.get(eClassURI); if (eClass == null) { eClass = (EClass) resourceSet.getEObject(URI.createURI(eClassURI), true); eClassCache.put(eClassURI, eClass); } return eClass; } } return (EClass) resourceSet.getEObject(URI.createURI(eClassURI), true); } private ConverterService converterService; private XMLResource.URIHandler uriHandler; private Map<String, EClass> eClassCache; private boolean includeAttributesForProxyReferences; }