Example usage for com.mongodb DBCursor hasNext

List of usage examples for com.mongodb DBCursor hasNext


In this page you can find the example usage for com.mongodb DBCursor hasNext.


public boolean hasNext() 

Source Link


Checks if there is another object available.


From source file:com.fliker.Modal.GuidancePreview.java

public HashMap getGuidanceData(String guidanceid) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    HashMap guidanceinfomap = new HashMap();
    MongoConnection mongocon = new MongoConnection();
    DBCursor resultcursor = mongocon.getDBObject("guidanceinfoid", guidanceid, "GuidanceInfo");
    if (resultcursor.hasNext()) {
        DBObject theObj = resultcursor.next();

        String guidancedescription = (String) theObj.get("guidancedescription");
        String guidanceprice = (String) theObj.get("guidanceprice");
        String guidancesubjectexperience = (String) theObj.get("guidancesubjectexperience");
        BasicDBList guidanceendorebylist = (BasicDBList) theObj.get("guidanceendorseby");
        BasicDBList guidanceachevements = (BasicDBList) theObj.get("guidanceachievements");

        LinkedList companylist = new LinkedList();

        if (guidanceendorebylist.size() > 0) {
            for (int m = 0; m < guidanceendorebylist.size(); m++) {

                DBCursor companycursor = mongocon.getDBObject("companyid", (String) guidanceendorebylist.get(m),
                if (companycursor.hasNext()) {
                    DBObject companyObj = companycursor.next();
                    HashMap companyinfo = new HashMap();
                    companyinfo.put("companyname", companyObj.get("companyname"));
                    companyinfo.put("companylogo", companyObj.get("companylogoid"));

                }/*from  w  ww  .  ja  v a 2  s .  c  om*/

        LinkedList achievements = new LinkedList();

        if (guidanceachevements.size() > 0) {

            for (int n = 0; n < guidanceachevements.size(); n++) {

                achievements.add((String) guidanceachevements.get(n));


        guidanceinfomap.put("guidancedescription", guidancedescription);
        guidanceinfomap.put("guidanceprice", guidanceprice);
        guidanceinfomap.put("guidancesubjectexperience", guidancesubjectexperience);
        guidanceinfomap.put("guidanceendorebylist", companylist);
        guidanceinfomap.put("guidanceachevements", achievements);


    return guidanceinfomap;

From source file:com.fliker.Modal.GuidancePreview.java

public GuidanceContentShared getSharedInfo(String guidanceid) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    String shareids = "";
    GuidanceContentShared guidshared = new GuidanceContentShared();
    MongoConnection mongocon = new MongoConnection();
    DBCursor resultcursor = mongocon.getDBObject("guidanceid", guidanceid, "GuidanceContent");
    if (resultcursor.hasNext()) {
        DBObject theObj = resultcursor.next();
        shareids = (String) theObj.get("sharetokenid");

        MongoConnection mongotimecon = new MongoConnection();
        DBCursor timecursor = mongotimecon.getDBObject("guidancesharedid", shareids, "GuidanceContentShare");
        if (timecursor.hasNext()) {
            DBObject theObjtime = timecursor.next();

            guidshared.setGuidancesharedid((String) theObjtime.get("guidancesharedid"));
            guidshared.setGuidancefilelistid((String[]) theObjtime.get("guidancefilelistid"));

        }/*from  ww w.j  a va2 s .c o m*/

    return guidshared;

From source file:com.fliker.Modal.GuidancePreview.java

public GuidanceContentDashboard getDashBoardGuidance(String guidanceid) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub

    String dashboardid = "";
    GuidanceContentDashboard guidancedash = new GuidanceContentDashboard();
    MongoConnection mongocon = new MongoConnection();
    DBCursor resultcursor = mongocon.getDBObject("guidanceid", guidanceid, "GuidanceContent");
    if (resultcursor.hasNext()) {
        DBObject theObj = resultcursor.next();

        dashboardid = (String) theObj.get("dashboardid");
        MongoConnection mongotimecon = new MongoConnection();
        DBCursor timecursor = mongotimecon.getDBObject("guidancecontentDashid", dashboardid,
        if (timecursor.hasNext()) {
            DBObject theObjtime = timecursor.next();

            guidancedash.setGuidancecontentDashid((String) theObjtime.get("guidancecontentDashid"));
            guidancedash.setGuidancedashdataid((String[]) theObjtime.get("guidancedashdataid"));

        }//from   w  w w . ja  v a2s .  co  m


    return guidancedash;


From source file:com.fliker.Modal.GuidancePreview.java

public Blog getGuidanceBlogs(String guidanceid) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub

    String guidblogid = "";
    Blog guidblog = new Blog();
    MongoConnection mongocon = new MongoConnection();
    DBCursor resultcursor = mongocon.getDBObject("guidanceid", guidanceid, "GuidanceContent");
    if (resultcursor.hasNext()) {
        DBObject theObj = resultcursor.next();

        guidblogid = (String) theObj.get("blogid");
        MongoConnection mongotimecon = new MongoConnection();
        DBCursor timecursor = mongotimecon.getDBObject("blogid", guidblogid, "Blog");
        if (timecursor.hasNext()) {
            DBObject theObjtime = timecursor.next();

            guidblog.setBlogid((String) theObjtime.get("blogid"));
            guidblog.setTopicid((String[]) theObjtime.get("topicid"));
            guidblog.setBlogaccessuserids((String[]) theObjtime.get("blogaccessuserids"));
            guidblog.setBlogactive((String) theObjtime.get("blogactive"));
            guidblog.setBlogname((String) theObjtime.get("blogname"));

        }//from   w w w. j  av  a2 s .  c  o  m


    return guidblog;

From source file:com.fliker.Modal.GuidancePreview.java

public HashMap getTimeTable(String guidanceid, String month) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub

    String available = "False";
    HashMap eventmap = new HashMap();
    MongoConnection mongocon = new MongoConnection();
    DBCursor resultcursor = mongocon.getDBObject("guidanceid", guidanceid, "GuidanceContent");
    if (resultcursor.hasNext()) {
        DBObject theObj = resultcursor.next();

        String timetableid = (String) theObj.get("timetableid");
        MongoConnection mongotimecon = new MongoConnection();
        DBCursor timecursor = mongotimecon.getDBObject("timeableid", timetableid, "Timetable");
        if (timecursor.hasNext()) {
            DBObject theObjtime = timecursor.next();

            String[] events = (String[]) theObjtime.get("eventid");

            for (int s = 0; s < events.length; s++) {

                MongoConnection mongoevencon = new MongoConnection();
                DBCursor eventcursor = mongoevencon.getDBObjectSorted("eventid", events[s], "Event",
                        "eventstarttime", 200);
                if (eventcursor.hasNext()) {

                    DBObject theevent = timecursor.next();
                    HashMap eventHandle = new HashMap();

                    SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("EEEE, MMM dd, yyyy HH:mm:ss a");
                    String dateInString = "Friday, Jun 7, 2013 12:10:56 PM";
                    String dateInStart = (String) theevent.get("eventstarttime");
                    String dateInEnd = (String) theevent.get("eventendtime");
                    String dateformstart = "";
                    String dateformend = "";

                    try {

                        Date date1 = formatter.parse(dateInStart);
                        Date date2 = formatter.parse(dateInEnd);

                        Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();

                        int year1 = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR);
                        int months1 = cal.get(Calendar.MONTH);
                        int day1 = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
                        int hour1 = cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
                        int minutes1 = cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE);

                        dateformstart = "Year::" + year1 + " ,Month ::" + months1 + " ,Day::" + day1
                                + " ,Hour::" + hour1 + " ,Minutes::" + minutes1;

                        int year2 = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR);
                        int months2 = cal.get(Calendar.MONTH);
                        int day2 = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
                        int hour2 = cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
                        int minutes2 = cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE);

                        dateformend = "Year::" + year2 + " ,Month ::" + months2 + " ,Day::" + day2 + " ,Hour::"
                                + hour2 + " ,Minutes::" + minutes2;

                    } catch (ParseException e) {
                    }/*w w  w .j  a v  a  2  s  .  c  o  m*/

                    eventHandle.put("Start Time", dateformstart);
                    eventHandle.put("End Time", dateformend);
                    eventHandle.put("Event Occurance", (String) theevent.get("eventoccurance"));
                    eventHandle.put("Event Title", (String) theevent.get("eventtitle"));
                    eventHandle.put("Event Description", (String) theevent.get("eventDescription"));
                    eventHandle.put("Event Priority", (String) theevent.get("eventpriority"));
                    eventHandle.put("Shared By", (String) theevent.get("evensharedbyuserid"));
                    eventHandle.put("Event Shared To", (String[]) theevent.get("eventsharedtouserids"));

                    eventmap.put((String) theevent.get("eventid"), eventHandle);





    return eventmap;

From source file:com.fliker.Modal.GuidancePreview.java

public String nextMeeting(String guidanceid, String participantid) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub

    DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("YYYY-mm-ddTHH:MM:ss");
    Date date = new Date();
    String currentdate = dateFormat.format(date);

    String meetingtime = "";
    MongoConnection mongocon = new MongoConnection();
    DBCursor resultcursor = mongocon.getDBObject("guidanceid", guidanceid, "GuidanceContent");
    if (resultcursor.hasNext()) {
        DBObject theObj = resultcursor.next();

        String timetableid = (String) theObj.get("timetableid");

        MongoConnection mongoconint = new MongoConnection();
        DBCursor guidcursor = mongoconint.getDBObject("timeableid", timetableid, "Timetable");

        if (guidcursor.hasNext()) {

            DBObject theObjgrid = guidcursor.next();

            String[] events = (String[]) theObj.get("eventid");

            MongoConnection mongocoevent = new MongoConnection();
            DBCursor eventcursor = mongocoevent.getNextMeetingDBObject("eventstarttime", currentdate, "Event");

            if (eventcursor.hasNext()) {

                DBObject eventObj = eventcursor.next();

                meetingtime = (String) eventObj.get("eventstarttime");

            }//w w w  . j a v a 2  s  .com


    return meetingtime;


From source file:com.fliker.Modal.GuidancePreview.java

public String getnextMeeting(String timetableid) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub

    DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM:ss");
    Date date = new Date();
    String currentdate = dateFormat.format(date);
    String meetingtime = "";

    MongoConnection mongoconint = new MongoConnection();
    DBCursor guidcursor = mongoconint.getDBObject("timeableid", timetableid, "Timetable");

    if (guidcursor.hasNext()) {

        DBObject theObjgrid = guidcursor.next();

        String[] events = (String[]) theObjgrid.get("eventid");

        MongoConnection mongocoevent = new MongoConnection();
        DBCursor eventcursor = mongocoevent.getNextMeetingDBObject("eventstarttime", currentdate, "Event");

        if (eventcursor.hasNext()) {

            DBObject eventObj = eventcursor.next();

            meetingtime = (String) eventObj.get("eventstarttime");

        }/*from  www .j  a va2 s.  c  om*/


    return meetingtime;


From source file:com.fliker.Modal.GuidancePreview.java

public String getNumberOfBlogsTopics(String blogid, String userid) {

    String topicnumber = "";
    int topiccount = 0;

    MongoConnection mongoconint = new MongoConnection();
    DBCursor blogcursor = mongoconint.getDBObject("blogid", blogid, "Blog");

    if (blogcursor.hasNext()) {

        DBObject eventObj = blogcursor.next();
        String[] topics = (String[]) eventObj.get("topicid");

        for (int s = 0; s < topics.length; s++) {

            MongoConnection mongocontop = new MongoConnection();
            DBCursor topiccursor = mongoconint.getDBObject("topicid", topics[s], "Topic");

            if (topiccursor.hasNext()) {
                DBObject topicObj = blogcursor.next();

                if (((String) topicObj.get("topiccreateduserid")).equalsIgnoreCase(userid)) {
                    topiccount++;//from   w  ww  .  j a  v a 2 s.  c  o m




    topicnumber = Integer.toString(topiccount);

    return topicnumber;


From source file:com.fliker.Modal.GuidancePreview.java

public BasicDBList getGuidanceCosumeruserid(String guidanceid) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub

    BasicDBList useridlist = new BasicDBList();
    MongoConnection mongocon = new MongoConnection();
    DBCursor resultcursor = mongocon.getDBObject("guidanceid", guidanceid, "GuidanceContent");
    if (resultcursor.hasNext()) {
        DBObject theObj = resultcursor.next();

        useridlist = (BasicDBList) theObj.get("consumeruserid");
    }//from  w  ww . j av  a2 s.  c om

    return useridlist;

From source file:com.fliker.Modal.GuidancePreview.java

public String getGuidanceProvideruserid(String guidanceid) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub

    String userid = "";
    MongoConnection mongocon = new MongoConnection();
    DBCursor resultcursor = mongocon.getDBObject("guidanceid", guidanceid, "GuidanceContent");
    if (resultcursor.hasNext()) {
        DBObject theObj = resultcursor.next();

        userid = (String) theObj.get("provideruserid");
    }//www .ja v  a  2  s.  com

    return userid;