Example usage for com.mongodb DBCursor hasNext

List of usage examples for com.mongodb DBCursor hasNext


In this page you can find the example usage for com.mongodb DBCursor hasNext.


public boolean hasNext() 

Source Link


Checks if there is another object available.


From source file:act.server.MongoDB.java

License:Open Source License

public List<Long> getRxnsWithEnzyme(String enzyme, Long org, List<Long> substrates) {
    BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject();
    query.put("ecnum", enzyme);
    query.put("organisms.id", org);
    for (Long substrate : substrates) {
        BasicDBObject mainQuery = new BasicDBObject();
        mainQuery.put("$ne", substrate);
        BasicDBList queryList = new BasicDBList();
        BasicDBObject productQuery = new BasicDBObject();
        productQuery.put("enz_summary.products.pubchem", mainQuery);
        BasicDBObject substrateQuery = new BasicDBObject();
        substrateQuery.put("enz_summary.substrates.pubchem", mainQuery);
        queryList.add(substrateQuery);// w ww  .j ava2  s. co  m
        query.put("$or", queryList);
    DBCursor cur = this.dbReactions.find(query);

    List<Long> reactions = new ArrayList<Long>();
    while (cur.hasNext()) {
        DBObject o = cur.next();
        long id = (Integer) o.get("_id"); // checked: db type IS int
    return reactions;

From source file:act.server.MongoDB.java

License:Open Source License

public List<Long> getRxnsWithSubstrate(String enzyme, Long org, List<Long> substrates) {
    BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject();
    query.put("organisms.id", org);
    BasicDBObject enzymeQuery = new BasicDBObject();
    enzymeQuery.put("ecnum", enzyme);
    query.put("$ne", enzymeQuery);
    for (Long substrate : substrates) {
        BasicDBList queryList = new BasicDBList();
        DBObject querySubstrate = new BasicDBObject();
        querySubstrate.put("enz_summary.substrates.pubchem", substrate);
        DBObject queryProduct = new BasicDBObject();
        queryProduct.put("enz_summary.products.pubchem", substrate);
        queryList.add(querySubstrate);//from  w w w .  j a  va 2  s  . c o  m
        query.put("$or", queryList);

    DBCursor cur = this.dbReactions.find(query);
    List<Long> reactions = new ArrayList<Long>();
    while (cur.hasNext()) {
        DBObject o = cur.next();
        long id = (Integer) o.get("_id"); // checked: db type IS int
    return reactions;

From source file:act.server.MongoDB.java

License:Open Source License

public List<Chemical> constructAllChemicalsFromActData(String field, Object val, BasicDBObject keys) {
    DBCursor cur = constructCursorForMatchingChemicals(field, val, keys);

    List<Chemical> chems = new ArrayList<Chemical>();
    while (cur.hasNext())

    cur.close();//from  ww  w.ja  va 2  s.  c  o m
    return chems;

From source file:act.server.MongoDB.java

License:Open Source License

public Map<String, Long> constructAllInChIs() {
    Map<String, Long> chems = new HashMap<String, Long>();
    BasicDBObject keys = new BasicDBObject();
    keys.append("_id", true);
    keys.append("InChI", true);
    DBCursor cur = constructCursorForMatchingChemicals(null, null, keys);
    while (cur.hasNext()) {
        DBObject o = cur.next();/*from w w  w  . j a  v a 2 s . c  o  m*/
        long uuid = (Long) o.get("_id"); // checked: db type IS long
        String inchi = (String) o.get("InChI");
        chems.put(inchi, uuid);

    return chems;

From source file:act.server.MongoDB.java

License:Open Source License

public void smartsMatchAllChemicals(String target) {
    Indigo indigo = new Indigo();
    IndigoInchi inchi = new IndigoInchi(indigo);
    IndigoObject query = indigo.loadSmarts(target);
    query.optimize();/* w  w  w .j  a v  a2 s .  com*/

    DBCursor cur = constructCursorForAllChemicals();
    IndigoObject mol = null, matcher;
    int cnt;
    while (cur.hasNext()) {
        Chemical c = convertDBObjectToChemical(cur.next());
        try {
            mol = inchi.loadMolecule(c.getInChI());
        } catch (IndigoException e) {
            if (e.getMessage().startsWith("core: Indigo-InChI: InChI loading failed:"))
                continue; // could not load
        matcher = indigo.substructureMatcher(mol);
        if ((cnt = matcher.countMatches(query)) > 0) {
            // matches.add(c); memout's
            System.out.format("%d\t%s\n", c.getUuid(), c.getInChI());

From source file:act.server.MongoDB.java

License:Open Source License

public Set<Reaction> getReactionsConstrained(Map<String, Object> equalityCriteria) {
    BasicDBList andList = new BasicDBList();
    for (String k : equalityCriteria.keySet()) {
        BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject();
        query.put(k, equalityCriteria.get(k));
        andList.add(query);//  w w w .j a v  a  2  s . co m
    BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject();
    query.put("$and", andList);
    DBCursor cur = this.dbReactions.find(query);

    Set<Reaction> results = new HashSet<Reaction>();
    while (cur.hasNext()) {
    return results;

From source file:act.server.MongoDB.java

License:Open Source License

private List<Chemical> keywordInChemicals(String in_field, String keyword) {
    List<Chemical> chemicals = new ArrayList<Chemical>();

    DBCursor cur = constructCursorForMatchingChemicals(in_field, keyword, null);
    while (cur.hasNext()) {
        DBObject o = cur.next();/*from   w ww  .ja  va 2 s  .c  o m*/

    return chemicals;

From source file:act.server.MongoDB.java

License:Open Source License

private List<Seq> keywordInSequence(String in_field, String keyword) {
    List<Seq> seqs = new ArrayList<Seq>();
    BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject();
    query.put(in_field, keyword);/*from   www. ja v  a2s  .  c o m*/

    BasicDBObject keys = new BasicDBObject();

    DBCursor cur = this.dbSeq.find(query, keys);
    while (cur.hasNext()) {
        DBObject o = cur.next();

    return seqs;

From source file:act.server.MongoDB.java

License:Open Source License

private List<DBObject> keywordInCascade(String in_field, String keyword) {
    List<DBObject> cascades = new ArrayList<DBObject>();
    BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject();
    query.put(in_field, keyword);/*  w w  w . j ava2s.  c  o m*/

    BasicDBObject keys = new BasicDBObject();

    DBCursor cur = this.dbCascades.find(query, keys);
    while (cur.hasNext()) {
        DBObject o = cur.next();

    return cascades;

From source file:act.server.MongoDB.java

License:Open Source License

private List<DBObject> keywordInWaterfall(String in_field, String keyword) {
    List<DBObject> waterfalls = new ArrayList<DBObject>();
    BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject();
    query.put(in_field, keyword);//from  w ww  .  j a  v a 2  s . co  m

    BasicDBObject keys = new BasicDBObject();

    DBCursor cur = this.dbWaterfalls.find(query, keys);
    while (cur.hasNext()) {
        DBObject o = cur.next();

    return waterfalls;