Example usage for com.mongodb DBCursor hasNext

List of usage examples for com.mongodb DBCursor hasNext


In this page you can find the example usage for com.mongodb DBCursor hasNext.


public boolean hasNext() 

Source Link


Checks if there is another object available.


From source file:com.bigdid.model.Revenue_Location.java

public Map<String, Integer> getLocationRevenue() throws UnknownHostException {
    HashMap<String, Integer> locationRevenue = new HashMap<String, Integer>();

    int i = 0;/*from   w  w  w  .  java  2  s . c  o  m*/
    BasicDBObject whereQuery = new BasicDBObject("Order_Value", -1);

    DBCursor obj = coll.find().sort(whereQuery).limit(10);

    while (obj.hasNext()) {
        DBObject dbObj = obj.next();

        locationRevenue.put((String) dbObj.get("Location"), (Integer) dbObj.get("Order_Value"));

    Map<String, Integer> map = sortByValues(locationRevenue);

    return map;

From source file:com.bigdid.model.Sentiment_Date_Revised_one.java

public LinkedHashMap<String, int[]> getSentiment() {
    DBCursor obj = coll.find();
    String current_date = "0";
    String prev_date = "0";
    int prev_positive = 0;

    while (obj.hasNext()) {
        DBObject dbObj = obj.next();//from   w ww  .ja v a2  s  . com
        prev_date = current_date;

        current_date = (String) dbObj.get("date").toString().substring(4, 10) + " "
                + (String) dbObj.get("date").toString().substring(24);

        int[] count = new int[3];

        if (prev_date.equals(current_date)) { //current day is previous day so negative sentiment for sure
            count[0] = (Integer) dbObj.get("order_count");
            count[1] = prev_positive;
            count[2] = (Integer) dbObj.get("count");

            data.put(current_date, count);

        } else { //new day---- 2 cases positive or negative
            if (dbObj.get("sentiment").equals("positive")) {
                count[0] = (Integer) dbObj.get("order_count");
                count[1] = (Integer) dbObj.get("count");
                count[2] = 0;

                data.put(current_date, count);
                prev_positive = count[1];


            if (dbObj.get("sentiment").equals("negative")) { //first date is negative
                count[0] = (Integer) dbObj.get("order_count");
                count[1] = 0;
                count[2] = (Integer) dbObj.get("count");

                data.put(current_date, count);


    return data;


From source file:com.bigdid.model.Sentiment_Month_Revised_one.java

public LinkedHashMap<String, int[]> getSentiment() {
    DBCursor obj = coll.find();
    String current_date = "0";
    String prev_date = "0";
    int prev_positive = 0;
    while (obj.hasNext()) {
        DBObject dbObj = obj.next();/*from  ww w . j  a  va 2  s.co  m*/
        prev_date = current_date;
        current_date = (String) dbObj.get("month");
        int[] count = new int[3];

        if (prev_date.equals(current_date)) { //current day is previous day so negative sentiment for sure
            count[0] = (Integer) dbObj.get("o_count");
            count[1] = prev_positive;
            count[2] = (Integer) dbObj.get("s_count");

            data.put(current_date, count);

        } else { //new day---- 2 cases positive or negative
            if (dbObj.get("sentiment").equals("positive")) {
                count[0] = (Integer) dbObj.get("o_count");
                count[1] = (Integer) dbObj.get("s_count");
                count[2] = 0;

                data.put(current_date, count);
                prev_positive = count[1];


            if (dbObj.get("sentiment").equals("negative")) { //first date is negative
                count[0] = (Integer) dbObj.get("o_count");
                count[1] = 0;
                count[2] = (Integer) dbObj.get("s_count");

                data.put(current_date, count);


    return data;


From source file:com.bigdid.model.Sentiment_Week_Revised_one.java

public LinkedHashMap<String, int[]> getSentiment() {
    DBCursor obj = coll.find();
    String current_date = "0";
    String prev_date = "0";
    int prev_positive = 0;
    while (obj.hasNext()) {
        DBObject dbObj = obj.next();//from  www .j  av  a2  s. co m
        prev_date = current_date;
        current_date = (String) dbObj.get("week");
        int[] count = new int[3];

        if (prev_date.equals(current_date)) { //current day is previous day so negative sentiment for sure
            count[0] = (Integer) dbObj.get("o_count");
            count[1] = prev_positive;
            count[2] = (Integer) dbObj.get("s_count");

            data.put(current_date, count);

        } else { //new day---- 2 cases positive or negative
            if (dbObj.get("sentiment").equals("positive")) {
                count[0] = (Integer) dbObj.get("o_count");
                count[1] = (Integer) dbObj.get("s_count");
                count[2] = 0;

                data.put(current_date, count);
                prev_positive = count[1];


            if (dbObj.get("sentiment").equals("negative")) { //first date is negative
                count[0] = (Integer) dbObj.get("o_count");
                count[1] = 0;
                count[2] = (Integer) dbObj.get("s_count");

                data.put(current_date, count);


    return data;


From source file:com.bigdid.scrap.model.Sentiment_Date.java

public HashMap<String, int[]> getSentiment() {
    DBCursor obj = coll.find();
    int i = 0;//  ww  w .j  ava  2  s  . c  o m

    String current_date = "0";
    String prev_date = "0";
    int[] count = new int[3];
    while (obj.hasNext()) {
        DBObject dbObj = obj.next();
        prev_date = current_date;
        current_date = (String) dbObj.get("date").toString().substring(4, 10) + " "
                + (String) dbObj.get("date").toString().substring(24);
        System.out.println("current date" + current_date);
        System.out.println("previous date :" + prev_date);
        int prev_positive = 0;
        int prev_orderValue = 0;
        String prev_sentiment = "0";

        if (prev_date.equals(current_date)) { //repeat date entry having negative count for sure 
            count[1] = prev_positive;
            count[2] = (Integer) dbObj.get("count");
            count[0] = (Integer) dbObj.get("order_count");
            data.put(current_date, count);
            prev_positive = 0;
            count[0] = 0;
            count[1] = 0;
            count[2] = 0;

        } else { //new date
            if (prev_sentiment.equals("positive") && dbObj.get("sentiment").equals("positive")) {
                count[0] = prev_orderValue;
                count[1] = prev_positive;
                count[2] = 0;
                data.put(prev_date, count);
                count[0] = 0;
                count[1] = 0;
                count[2] = 0;
                prev_sentiment = "0";

            if (dbObj.get("Sentiment").equals("positive")) {
                prev_positive = (Integer) dbObj.get("count");
                prev_orderValue = (Integer) dbObj.get("order_count");
                prev_sentiment = "positive";

            } else { //new date with negative count
                prev_positive = 0;
                count[1] = prev_positive;
                count[2] = (Integer) dbObj.get("count");
                count[0] = (Integer) dbObj.get("order_count");
                data.put(current_date, count);

                count[0] = 0;
                count[1] = 0;
                count[2] = 0;


    return data;


From source file:com.bosscs.spark.mongodb.extractor.MongoNativeExtractor.java

License:Apache License

 * Gets shards.//w  w w .j  a  v  a 2s . co m
 * @param collection the collection
 * @return the shards
private Map<String, String[]> getShards(DBCollection collection) {
    DB config = collection.getDB().getSisterDB("config");
    DBCollection configShards = config.getCollection("shards");

    DBCursor cursorShards = configShards.find();

    Map<String, String[]> map = new HashMap<>();
    while (cursorShards.hasNext()) {
        DBObject currentShard = cursorShards.next();
        String currentHost = (String) currentShard.get("host");
        int slashIndex = currentHost.indexOf("/");
        if (slashIndex > 0) {
            map.put((String) currentShard.get(MONGO_DEFAULT_ID),
                    currentHost.substring(slashIndex + 1).split(","));
    return map;

From source file:com.bosscs.spark.mongodb.extractor.MongoNativeExtractor.java

License:Apache License

 * Calculates shard chunks./*  w  w  w . j  a v  a  2 s  .  c  o m*/
 * @param collection the collection
 * @return the deep partition [ ]
private HadoopPartition[] calculateShardChunks(DBCollection collection) {

    DBCursor chuncks = getChunks(collection);

    Map<String, String[]> shards = getShards(collection);

    MongoPartition[] deepPartitions = new MongoPartition[chuncks.count()];
    int i = 0;
    boolean keyAssigned = false;
    String key = null;
    while (chuncks.hasNext()) {

        DBObject dbObject = chuncks.next();
        if (!keyAssigned) {
            Set<String> keySet = ((DBObject) dbObject.get("min")).keySet();
            for (String s : keySet) {
                key = s;
                keyAssigned = true;
        deepPartitions[i] = new MongoPartition(
                mongoDeepJobConfig.getRddId(), i, new TokenRange(shards.get(dbObject.get("shard")),
                        ((DBObject) dbObject.get("min")).get(key), ((DBObject) dbObject.get("max")).get(key)),
    List<MongoPartition> mongoPartitions = Arrays.asList(deepPartitions);

    return mongoPartitions.toArray(new MongoPartition[mongoPartitions.size()]);

From source file:com.bugull.mongo.fs.BuguFS.java

License:Apache License

private List<GridFSDBFile> toFileList(DBCursor cursor) {
    List<GridFSDBFile> list = new ArrayList<GridFSDBFile>();
    while (cursor.hasNext()) {
        DBObject dbo = cursor.next();/*w ww .j  av a 2  s .  c  o  m*/
        list.add((GridFSDBFile) dbo);
    return list;

From source file:com.bugull.mongo.utils.MapperUtil.java

License:Apache License

public static <T> List<T> toList(Class<T> clazz, DBCursor cursor) {
    List<T> list = new ArrayList<T>();
    while (cursor.hasNext()) {
        DBObject dbo = cursor.next();/*w  w  w .ja  v a 2 s . c o m*/
        list.add(fromDBObject(clazz, dbo));
    return list;

From source file:com.buzz.buzzdata.MongoBuzz.java

private String getBuzz(BasicDBObject query, Double lat, Double lng) {
    String retval = "";
    DBCollection buzzCollection = mongoDB.getCollection("BuzzInfo");
    DBObject sort = new BasicDBObject();
    sort.put("modified", -1);
    DBCursor cursor = buzzCollection.find(query).sort(sort);
    try {//from  ww  w  .  j  a va2  s. c o m
        while (cursor.hasNext()) {
            //get buzzid
            DBObject buzz_obj = cursor.next();
            ObjectId buzz_id = (ObjectId) buzz_obj.get("_id");
            //get images for buzzid
            GridFS gridFS = new GridFS(mongoDB);
            BasicDBObject check_images = new BasicDBObject("BuzzID", buzz_id);
            List<GridFSDBFile> dbfiles = gridFS.find(check_images);
            String image_links = "";
            for (GridFSDBFile file : dbfiles) {
                String _buzz_id = buzz_id.toString();
                String pic_num = file.get("PicNum").toString();

                if (!image_links.equals("")) {
                    image_links += ","
                            + _buzz_id + "&pic_num=" + pic_num;
                } else {
                    image_links += ""
                            + _buzz_id + "&pic_num=" + pic_num;
            String imgs = "\"Images\": " + "\"" + image_links + "\"";
            retval += buzz_obj;
            retval = retval.substring(0, retval.length() - 1);
            retval += ", " + imgs;
            double lat2 = (double) ((BasicDBList) buzz_obj.get("loc")).get(0);
            double lng2 = (double) ((BasicDBList) buzz_obj.get("loc")).get(1);
            double dist = this.haversine(lat, lng, lat2, lng2);
            retval += ", \"Distance\": " + dist;
            String directions_url = "https://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=" + lat + "," + lng + "&daddr=" + lat2
                    + "," + lng2 + "&hl=en&sll=" + lat + "," + lng + "&sspn=" + lat2 + "," + lng2
                    + "&t=m&mra=mift&mrsp=1&sz=5&z=18";
            retval += ", \"Directions\": \"" + directions_url + "\"";
            retval += "},";
    } catch (Exception exc) {
    } finally {
    retval = retval.substring(0, retval.length() - 1);
    retval = "callback({\"Buzzes\": [" + retval + "]})";
    return retval;