List of usage examples for com.mongodb DBCursor count
public int count()
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License:Open Source License
/** * Converts and saves an annotation to mongoDB * @param annotationID/*w ww . ja va2s . co m*/ * @param aimXML * @param collection * @throws Exception */ public static void saveAnnotationToMongo(String annotationID, String aimXML, String collection) throws Exception { try { DB db = MongoDBOperations.getMongoDB(); if (db == null) { log.warning("No connection to Mongo DB"); return; } if (aimXML == null || aimXML.trim().length() == 0) return; String jsonString = XML.toJSONObject(aimXML).toString(0); ; if (jsonString == null) throw new Exception("Error converting to json"); DBCollection dbColl = db.getCollection(collection); BasicDBObject dbObj = new BasicDBObject("ImageAnnotationCollection.uniqueIdentifier.root", 1); dbColl.createIndex(dbObj, "uid_idx", true); // Does not create index, if it already exists BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject(); query.put("ImageAnnotationCollection.uniqueIdentifier.root", annotationID); DBObject dbObject = (DBObject) JSON.parse(jsonString); DBCursor cursor = dbColl.find(query); if (cursor.count() > 0) {"Updating existing annotation in mongoDB:" + annotationID + " in " + collection); dbColl.update(query, dbObject, true, false); } else {"Creating new annotation in mongoDB:" + annotationID + " in " + collection); dbColl.insert(dbObject); } } catch (Exception e) { log.warning("Error saving AIM to mongodb:", e); throw e; } }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Deletes json annotation from mongoDB//from ww w . ja v a 2 s . c om * * @param annotationID * @param collection * @throws Exception */ public static void deleteAnotationInMongo(String annotationID, String collection) throws Exception { try { DB db = MongoDBOperations.getMongoDB(); if (db == null) { log.warning("No connection to Mongo DB"); return; } DBCollection dbColl = db.getCollection(collection); BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject(); query.put("ImageAnnotationCollection.uniqueIdentifier.root", annotationID); DBCursor cursor = dbColl.find(query); if (cursor.count() > 0) {"Deleting annotation in mongoDB:" + annotationID + " in " + collection); DBObject annotation =; dbColl.remove(annotation); } else {"Annotation not found in mongoDB:" + annotationID + " in " + collection); } } catch (Exception e) { log.warning("Error deleting AIM from mongodb:", e); throw e; } }
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License:Open Source License
/** * @param args//from ww w . j a v a 2 s. co m */ public double calculateAvailability(String databaseIP, int DefinedQuantumofTimeInSeconds) {// (Date thisDate, // String userID,){ double result = 0; //is this correct here?if the entire AWS is down, then it will add all //intervals of all VMs--FIX long OVERALL_MONTH_INTERVAL_SECONDS = 0; // // DB interface part Mongo mongoClient; try { mongoClient = new Mongo(databaseIP); DB db = mongoClient.getDB("3alib"); System.out.println("Host address:" + databaseIP); Set<String> colls = db.getCollectionNames(); DBCollection coll = db.getCollection("log_samples"); // get date and time of interest // preparation only once, usage in query for each distinct template // ID Scanner reader = new Scanner(; System.out.println("Enter start year"); int startYear = reader.nextInt(); System.out.println("Enter start month"); int startMonth = reader.nextInt() - 1;//needs +1 since month numbering begins from 0 System.out.println("Enter start day of month"); int startDay = reader.nextInt(); System.out.println("Enter stop year"); int stopYear = reader.nextInt(); System.out.println("Enter stop month"); int stopMonth = reader.nextInt() - 1;//needs +1 since month numbering begins from 0 System.out.println("Enter stop day of month"); int stopDay = reader.nextInt(); Date date = new Date(); Calendar calendarFrom = Calendar.getInstance(); calendarFrom.setTime(date); calendarFrom.set(startYear, startMonth, startDay, 0, 0, 0); Date dateFrom = calendarFrom.getTime(); Calendar calendarTo = Calendar.getInstance(); calendarTo.setTime(date); calendarTo.set(stopYear, stopMonth, stopDay, 23, 59, 59); Date dateTo = calendarTo.getTime(); System.out.println("Date beginning:" + dateFrom.toString()); System.out.println("Date ending:" + dateTo.toString()); ObjectId from = new ObjectId(dateFrom); ObjectId to = new ObjectId(dateTo); // we need a query to get the distinct templateIDs logged // in the DB // then based on this iteration we can get the actual values //get distinct template IDs List distinctTemplates = coll.distinct("imageId"); for (int i = 0; i < distinctTemplates.size(); i++) { String index = "-1"; System.out.println("Distinct template IDs:" + distinctTemplates.get(i).toString()); // query based on date to filter needed month BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject("_id", new BasicDBObject("$gte", from).append("$lte", to)) .append("imageId", distinctTemplates.get(i).toString()); DBCursor cursor = coll.find(query); //here the code to extract actual stats for a given template ID //abstraction should be achieved also in the status messages //inside MongoDB add the field "reachability" should be REACHABLE OR UNREACHABLE //the insertion should be performed with an abstracted method at the auditors side try { long startID = 0; long stopID = 0; long diffSeconds = 0; long PREDEFINED_LOGICAL_SAMPLE_INTERVAL_IN_SECONDS = 500;//interval in which we would logically //have at least one sample if the daemon is running DBObject thisObject =; System.out.println("First object:" + thisObject.toString()); DBObject previousObject = thisObject; int k = 0; while (k < (cursor.count() + 1)) { System.out.println("Times:" + ((ObjectId) thisObject.get("_id")).getTime()); //; System.out.println("Filtered objects:" + thisObject.get("_id")); // index is a flag to indicate if the unreachable sample is the first of a sequence //of unreachable samples //if -1 it is the first sample in the series if (((thisObject.get("reachability")).equals("UNREACHABLE")) && index.equals("-1")) { //if it is the first unavailable sample //index= this db index //ObjectId thisBSON= (ObjectId) thisObject.get("_id"); System.out.println("Changing index to 1..."); startID = ((ObjectId) thisObject.get("_id")).getTime();//this line's id System.out.println("StartID is: " + startID); index = "1"; } if (((thisObject.get("reachability")).equals("UNREACHABLE")) && (!(index.equals("-1")))) { //necessary for the case that two consecutive unavailable samples are too far apart (defined in variable //PREDEFINED_LOGICAL_SAMPLE_INTERVAL_IN_SECONDS) in time, indicative that the image id //was not in the valid list during this time. Thus this interval should not count in the overall unavailable period long gapstopID = ((ObjectId) thisObject.get("_id")).getTime(); long gapstartID = ((ObjectId) previousObject.get("_id")).getTime(); //System.out.println("StopID is: "+stopID); long GapdiffSeconds = (gapstopID - gapstartID) / 1000; // 60; if (GapdiffSeconds > PREDEFINED_LOGICAL_SAMPLE_INTERVAL_IN_SECONDS) { System.out.println("Found gap..."); stopID = ((ObjectId) previousObject.get("_id")).getTime();//this line's id to end interval System.out.println("StopID is previous: " + stopID); diffSeconds = (stopID - startID) / 1000; // 60; //System.out.println("Unavailable Interval is:"+diffSeconds); if (diffSeconds > DefinedQuantumofTimeInSeconds) { //needs global variable OVERALL_MONTH_INTERVAL_SECONDS = OVERALL_MONTH_INTERVAL_SECONDS + diffSeconds; System.out.println("Overall month interval in seconds now:" + OVERALL_MONTH_INTERVAL_SECONDS); } //we must not initialize the index to -1 at this point!!!!!!!we must just reset the startID to point to the current //point startID = ((ObjectId) thisObject.get("_id")).getTime();//this line's id } else { //standard logic to cover generic case of consecutive unavailable samples } } if (((((thisObject.get("reachability")).equals("REACHABLE")) || (!(cursor.hasNext())))) && (!(index.equals("-1")))) { //calculate interval from index to (this index-1) if (!(cursor.hasNext())) { System.out.println("FINAL ELEMENT REACHED"); } //we always get the previous sample, assuming that in the meantime //up to the available sample //it was available stopID = ((ObjectId) previousObject.get("_id")).getTime(); /* long gapstopID=((ObjectId)thisObject.get("_id")).getTime(); long gapstartID=((ObjectId)previousObject.get("_id")).getTime(); //System.out.println("StopID is: "+stopID); long GapdiffSeconds = (gapstopID-gapstartID) / 1000; // 60; if (GapdiffSeconds>PREDEFINED_LOGICAL_SAMPLE_INTERVAL_IN_SECONDS){ System.out.println("Found gap..."); stopID=((ObjectId)previousObject.get("_id")).getTime();//this line's id to end interval System.out.println("StopID is previous: "+stopID); }else {stopID=((ObjectId)previousObject.get("_id")).getTime();//this line's id to end interval System.out.println("StopID is: "+stopID);} */ diffSeconds = (stopID - startID) / 1000; // 60; //System.out.println("final segment Unavailable Interval is:"+diffSeconds); //if interval>Quantum add intervall to OVERALL MONTH interval if (diffSeconds > DefinedQuantumofTimeInSeconds) { //needs global variable OVERALL_MONTH_INTERVAL_SECONDS = OVERALL_MONTH_INTERVAL_SECONDS + diffSeconds; System.out.println( "Overall month interval in seconds now:" + OVERALL_MONTH_INTERVAL_SECONDS); } //set index=-1 System.out.println("Resetting index to -1..."); index = "-1"; } if ((cursor.hasNext())) { previousObject = thisObject; thisObject =; } k++; } //end of while for resultset analysis System.out.println("Final Overall month unavailable interval in seconds now:" + OVERALL_MONTH_INTERVAL_SECONDS); //part for measuring percentage of availability based on provider definition double OverallUnavailableIntervalInMinutes = OVERALL_MONTH_INTERVAL_SECONDS / 60; System.out .println("OverallUnavailableIntervalInMinutes:" + OverallUnavailableIntervalInMinutes); double OverallIntervalInSeconds = (dateTo.getTime() - dateFrom.getTime()) / 1000; //System.out.println("OVERALLINTERVAL IN SECONDS:"+OverallIntervalInSeconds); double OverallIntervalInMinutes = OverallIntervalInSeconds / 60; //System.out.println("OVERALLINTERVAL IN Minutes:"+OverallIntervalInMinutes); double finalAvailabilityPercentage = 100.0 * ((OverallIntervalInMinutes - OverallUnavailableIntervalInMinutes) / OverallIntervalInMinutes); System.out.println( "Final percentage of availability based on provider definition in the given interval:" + finalAvailabilityPercentage); } catch (Exception e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } finally { cursor.close(); } } //end of for for distinct template IDs } catch (UnknownHostException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (MongoException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block //e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println("No available data for this period..."); } return result; }
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License:Open Source License
public static MultipleDCResults calculateAvailability(int DefinedQuantumofTimeInSeconds, int startYear, int startMonth, int startDay, int stopYear, int stopMonth, int stopDay) {// (Date thisDate, double OVERALL_MONTH_INTERVAL_SECONDS = 0; ////from ww w.j a v a 2 s.c o m try { Properties propertiesFile = BenchmarkConstants.getProperties(); String databaseIP = propertiesFile.getProperty("3alibIP"); MultipleDCResults response = new MultipleDCResults(); Mongo mongoClient; System.out.println("DB NoSQL:" + databaseIP); mongoClient = new Mongo(databaseIP); DB db = mongoClient.getDB("3alib"); System.out.println("Host address:" + databaseIP); DBCollection coll = db.getCollection("log_samples"); Date date = new Date(); Calendar calendarFrom = Calendar.getInstance(); calendarFrom.setTime(date); calendarFrom.set(startYear, startMonth - 1, startDay, 0, 0, 0); Date dateFrom = calendarFrom.getTime(); Calendar calendarTo = Calendar.getInstance(); calendarTo.setTime(date); calendarTo.set(stopYear, stopMonth - 1, stopDay, 23, 59, 59); Date dateTo = calendarTo.getTime(); System.out.println("Date beginning:" + dateFrom.toString()); System.out.println("Date ending:" + dateTo.toString()); ObjectId from = new ObjectId(dateFrom); ObjectId to = new ObjectId(dateTo); List<?> distinctTemplates = coll.distinct("");//distinct("imageId"); for (int i = 0; i < distinctTemplates.size(); i++) { String index = "-1"; System.out.println("Distinct Region IDs:" + distinctTemplates.get(i).toString()); // query based on date to filter needed month BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject("_id", new BasicDBObject("$gte", from).append("$lte", to)) .append("", distinctTemplates.get(i).toString()); DBCursor cursor = coll.find(query); cursor.addOption(com.mongodb.Bytes.QUERYOPTION_NOTIMEOUT); cursor.batchSize(100); try { long startID = 0; long stopID = 0; long diffSeconds = 0; double PREDEFINED_LOGICAL_SAMPLE_INTERVAL_IN_SECONDS = 500;//interval in which we would logically //have at least one sample if the daemon is running DBObject thisObject =; System.out.println("First object:" + thisObject.toString()); int cursorCount = cursor.count(); System.out.println("Cursor count:" + cursor.count()); DBObject previousObject = thisObject; int k = 0; while (k < (cursorCount + 1)) { if ((k % 1000) == 0) { System.out.println("Progress:" + k + " from " + cursorCount + " overall records"); } if (((thisObject.get("reachability")).equals("UNREACHABLE")) && index.equals("-1")) { //if it is the first unavailable sample System.out.println("Changing index to 1..."); startID = ((ObjectId) thisObject.get("_id")).getTime();//this line's id System.out.println("StartID is: " + startID); index = "1"; } if (((thisObject.get("reachability")).equals("UNREACHABLE")) && (!(index.equals("-1")))) { long gapstopID = ((ObjectId) thisObject.get("_id")).getTime(); long gapstartID = ((ObjectId) previousObject.get("_id")).getTime(); long GapdiffSeconds = (gapstopID - gapstartID) / 1000; // 60; if (GapdiffSeconds > PREDEFINED_LOGICAL_SAMPLE_INTERVAL_IN_SECONDS) { System.out.println("Found gap..."); stopID = ((ObjectId) previousObject.get("_id")).getTime();//this line's id to end interval System.out.println("StopID is previous: " + stopID); diffSeconds = (stopID - startID) / 1000; if (diffSeconds > DefinedQuantumofTimeInSeconds) { OVERALL_MONTH_INTERVAL_SECONDS = OVERALL_MONTH_INTERVAL_SECONDS + diffSeconds; System.out.println("Overall month interval in seconds now:" + OVERALL_MONTH_INTERVAL_SECONDS); } startID = ((ObjectId) thisObject.get("_id")).getTime();//this line's id } else { //standard logic to cover generic case of consecutive unavailable samples } } if (((((thisObject.get("reachability")).equals("REACHABLE")) || (!(cursor.hasNext())))) && (!(index.equals("-1")))) { if (!(cursor.hasNext())) { System.out.println("FINAL ELEMENT REACHED"); } stopID = ((ObjectId) previousObject.get("_id")).getTime(); diffSeconds = (stopID - startID) / 1000; // 60; if (diffSeconds > DefinedQuantumofTimeInSeconds) { OVERALL_MONTH_INTERVAL_SECONDS = OVERALL_MONTH_INTERVAL_SECONDS + diffSeconds; System.out.println( "Overall month interval in seconds now:" + OVERALL_MONTH_INTERVAL_SECONDS); } System.out.println("Resetting index to -1..."); index = "-1"; } if ((cursor.hasNext())) { previousObject = thisObject; thisObject =; } k++; } System.out.println("Final Overall month unavailable interval in seconds now:" + OVERALL_MONTH_INTERVAL_SECONDS); double OverallUnavailableIntervalInMinutes = OVERALL_MONTH_INTERVAL_SECONDS / 60; System.out .println("OverallUnavailableIntervalInMinutes:" + OverallUnavailableIntervalInMinutes); double OverallIntervalInSeconds = (dateTo.getTime() - dateFrom.getTime()) / 1000; double OverallIntervalInMinutes = OverallIntervalInSeconds / 60; double finalAvailabilityPercentage = 100.0 * ((OverallIntervalInMinutes - OverallUnavailableIntervalInMinutes) / OverallIntervalInMinutes); double downtimeInPercent = 100.0 - finalAvailabilityPercentage; response.DC.add(distinctTemplates.get(i).toString()); response.availability.add((Double) downtimeInPercent); System.out.println( "Final percentage of availability based on provider definition in the given interval:" + finalAvailabilityPercentage); } catch (NoSuchElementException e2) { System.out.println("No available data for this period..."); } catch (Exception e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } finally { cursor.close(); } } return response; } catch (UnknownHostException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } catch (MongoException e) { System.out.println("No available data for this period..."); return null; } }
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@Override public HarvestStep getFirstHarvestStep(PmhVerb verb, String set, Date from, Date until, String metadataPrefix, String accessKey) throws DataSetNotFoundException, MappingNotFoundException, AccessKeyException { DataSet dataSet = getDataSet(set);//from ww w .j a va 2 s . co m if (dataSet == null) { String errorMessage = String.format("Cannot find set [%s]", set); log.error(errorMessage); throw new DataSetNotFoundException(errorMessage); } // sort by expiration date and get first One DBObject step = mob(HarvestStep.PMH_REQUEST, mob(PmhRequest.VERB, verb.toString(), PmhRequest.SET, set, PmhRequest.FROM, from, PmhRequest.UNTIL, until, PmhRequest.PREFIX, metadataPrefix), HarvestStep.LIST_SIZE, dataSet.getRecordCount(), HarvestStep.NAMESPACES, dataSet.getNamespaces(), HarvestStep.EXPIRATION, null, HarvestStep.CURSOR, 0); final DBCursor dbCursor = factory().harvestSteps().find(step).sort(mob(MetaRepo.MONGO_ID, 1)).limit(1); if (dbCursor.count() == 1) { return factory().createHarvestStep(, accessKey); } else { return factory().createHarvestStep(step, accessKey); } }
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/** * Returns a view of the objects in the collection that contains the specified range. The objects are sorted by the key in ascending order. * Optionally, the number of objects found in the collection is returned to the caller. Also, the returned fields can be filtered. * @param sortCriteria - objects in the collection are sorted with this criteria * @param collection - collection where the objects are searched * @param start - starting index/* w ww . j a v a 2 s. c o m*/ * @param size - maximum number of objects returned * @param query - the expression to be used to query the collection * @param projection - (optional) Specifies the fields to return using projection operators. To return all fields in the matching document, * omit this parameter * @param count - (optional) is updated with the number of objects in the database * @return a view of the objects in the collection that contains the specified range */ public List<BasicDBObject> list(final DBObject sortCriteria, final String collection, final int start, final int size, final @Nullable DBObject query, final @Nullable DBObject projection, final @Nullable MutableLong count) { checkArgument(sortCriteria != null, "Uninitialized sort criteria"); checkArgument(isNotBlank(collection), "Uninitialized or invalid collection"); final List<BasicDBObject> list = newArrayList(); final DB db = client().getDB(CONFIG_MANAGER.getDbName()); final DBCollection dbcol = db.getCollection(collection); final DBCursor cursor = dbcol.find(query != null ? query : new BasicDBObject(), projection != null ? projection : new BasicDBObject()); cursor.sort(sortCriteria); cursor.skip(start).limit(size); try { while (cursor.hasNext()) { list.add((BasicDBObject); } } finally { cursor.close(); } if (count != null) { count.setValue(cursor.count()); } return list; }
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/** * db.sandflies.find({ "sandfly.location" : { $exists: true }}, { "sandfly.sequence" : 0 }).count()<br> * 6330<br>//w ww .j av a2 s . com */ public int countGeoreferred(final String collection, final String dbPrefix, final @Nullable DBObject projection) { checkArgument(isNotBlank(collection), "Uninitialized or invalid collection"); checkArgument(isNotBlank(dbPrefix), "Uninitialized or invalid db prefix"); int count = 0; final DB db = client().getDB(CONFIG_MANAGER.getDbName()); final DBCollection dbcol = db.getCollection(collection); final DBObject query = new BasicDBObject(dbPrefix + "location", new BasicDBObject("$exists", true)); final DBCursor cursor = dbcol.find(query, projection != null ? projection : new BasicDBObject()); try { count = cursor.count(); } finally { cursor.close(); } return count; }
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/** * Lists all the files in the specified name space. Only latest versions are included in the list. * @param namespace - (optional) name space to be searched for files. When nothing specified, the default bucket is used * @param sortCriteria - objects in the collection are sorted with this criteria * @param start - starting index/*w w w.j av a 2 s . c o m*/ * @param size - maximum number of objects returned * @param count - (optional) is updated with the number of objects in the database * @return a view of the files stored under the specified name space that contains the specified range. */ public List<GridFSDBFile> listFiles(final @Nullable String namespace, final DBObject sortCriteria, final int start, final int size, final @Nullable MutableLong count) { final List<GridFSDBFile> list = newArrayList(); final DB db = client().getDB(CONFIG_MANAGER.getDbName()); final GridFS gfsNs = isNotBlank(namespace) ? new GridFS(db, namespace.trim()) : new GridFS(db); final DBCursor cursor = gfsNs.getFileList( new BasicDBObject(FILE_VERSION_PROP, new BasicDBObject("$exists", true)), sortCriteria); cursor.skip(start).limit(size); try { while (cursor.hasNext()) { list.add((GridFSDBFile); } } finally { cursor.close(); } if (count != null) { count.setValue(cursor.count()); } return list; }
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public List<GridFSDBFile> listFileOpenAccess(final @Nullable String namespace, final DBObject sortCriteria, final int start, final int size, final @Nullable MutableLong count) { final List<GridFSDBFile> list = newArrayList(); final DB db = client().getDB(CONFIG_MANAGER.getDbName()); final GridFS gfsNs = isNotBlank(namespace) ? new GridFS(db, namespace.trim()) : new GridFS(db); final DBCursor cursor = gfsNs .getFileList(new BasicDBObject(FILE_VERSION_PROP, new BasicDBObject("$exists", true)) .append(FILE_OPEN_ACCESS_LINK_PROP, new BasicDBObject("$exists", true)), sortCriteria); cursor.skip(start).limit(size);/* w ww . j a v a 2s .c o m*/ try { while (cursor.hasNext()) { list.add((GridFSDBFile); } } finally { cursor.close(); } if (count != null) { count.setValue(cursor.count()); } return list; }
From source
/** * Lists all the versions of the specified file. * @param namespace - (optional) name space to be searched for files. When nothing specified, the default bucket is used * @param filename - filename to be searched for in the database * @param sortCriteria - objects in the collection are sorted with this criteria * @param start - starting index//w w w . j a va 2 s. co m * @param size - maximum number of objects returned * @param count - (optional) is updated with the number of objects in the database * @return a view of the versions stored of the specified file that contains the specified range. */ public List<GridFSDBFile> listFileVersions(final @Nullable String namespace, final String filename, final DBObject sortCriteria, final int start, final int size, final @Nullable MutableLong count) { checkArgument(isNotBlank(filename), "Uninitialized or invalid filename"); final List<GridFSDBFile> list = newArrayList(); final DB db = client().getDB(CONFIG_MANAGER.getDbName()); final GridFS gfsNs = isNotBlank(namespace) ? new GridFS(db, namespace.trim()) : new GridFS(db); final DBCursor cursor = gfsNs.getFileList(new BasicDBObject("filename", filename.trim()), sortCriteria); cursor.skip(start).limit(size); try { while (cursor.hasNext()) { list.add((GridFSDBFile); } } finally { cursor.close(); } if (count != null) { count.setValue(cursor.count()); } return list; }