List of usage examples for com.mongodb DBCursor count
public int count()
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License:BSD License
public static String[] getTribeNames() { if (tribeNameCache == null) { log("rebuilding tribe name cache"); DBCursor cursor = Tribes.getTribes(); Tribe group;/* w ww .j a v a2 s. c o m*/ tribeNameCache = new String[cursor.count()]; int index = 0; while (cursor.hasNext()) { tribeNameCache[index++] = (String)"name"); } } return tribeNameCache; }
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public static void main(String[] args) { MongoClient mongo = new MongoClient("localhost", 27017); DB db = mongo.getDB("PaperTree"); DBCollection user = db.getCollection("User"); Document d = new Document(); d.put("Name", new Document().append("First Name", "Akshay").append("Last Name", "Chandila")); d.put("Email", ""); d.put("Interests", "Computer Science"); d.put("Password", "shaolinp"); d.put("Security Question", "a?"); d.put("Security Answer", "b"); DBObject ob = new BasicDBObject(d); user.insert(ob);//from w ww.j a v a2s. co m DBObject ob1 = new BasicDBObject(new Document("Password", "shaolinp")); DBObject ob2 = new BasicDBObject(new Document("$set", new Document("Security Answer", "Akshay1234"))); user.update(ob1, ob2); String tm = "shaolghjmkl;inp"; DBObject ob3 = new BasicDBObject(new Document("Password", tm)); DBCursor c2 = user.find(ob3); System.out.println(c2.count()); }
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public FastByIDMap buildDataModel(DBCollection rankings, String fieldNameUserId, String fieldNameItemId, String fieldNameValue) {//from w w w. j av a2s.c om //Obtenemos todos los ranking actuales y los almacenamos en el archivo csv DBCursor cursor = rankings.find(); FastByIDMap<PreferenceArray> userData = new FastByIDMap<>(); if (cursor.count() > 0) { List<Preference> preferences = new ArrayList<>(); Long idLastUser = null; while (cursor.hasNext()) { DBObject object =; Long idItem = new Double(object.get(fieldNameItemId).toString()).longValue(); Long idCurrentUser = new Double(object.get(fieldNameUserId).toString()).longValue(); Float value = new Float(object.get(fieldNameValue).toString()); if (idLastUser == null || !idCurrentUser.equals(idLastUser)) { if (preferences.size() > 0) { userData.put(idLastUser, new GenericUserPreferenceArray(preferences)); preferences.clear(); } idLastUser = idCurrentUser; } preferences.add(new GenericPreference(idLastUser, idItem, value)); if (!cursor.hasNext()) { userData.put(idLastUser, new GenericUserPreferenceArray(preferences)); } } System.out.println(userData); } return userData; }
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public static void load_Clients() { DBCollection table = Singleton_app.collection; DBCursor cursor = null; Client_class client = new Client_class(); try {// w w w. java2 s . c o m cursor = table.find(); if (cursor.count() != 0) { while (cursor.hasNext()) { BasicDBObject document = (BasicDBObject); Singleton_client.cli.add(client.Client_from_DB(document)); } } else { System.out.println("NO DATA"); } } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } } }
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public static Client_class load_client_dni(String dni) { DBCollection table = Singleton_app.collection; DBCursor cursor = null; Client_class c = new Client_class(); // System.out.println("Modules.Client.Model.DAO.DAO_Mongo_client.load_client_dni()"); try {/*from ww w. j av a 2 s . com*/ BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject(); query.put("dni", dni); cursor = table.find(query); if (cursor.count() != 0) { while (cursor.hasNext()) { BasicDBObject document = (BasicDBObject); c = c.Client_from_DB(document); } } else { // System.out.println("NO DATA"); } } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } } return c; }
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/** * funcion para buscar un cliente por DNI en MongoDB *//*from w w w . j ava2 s . c o m*/ public static void searchClientDAO() { DBCursor cursor = null; singleton.userclient.clear(); client c = new client(); try { BasicDBObject searchClient = new BasicDBObject(); c = new client(Sign_In.dniField.getText()); searchClient.append("dni", c.getDni()); cursor = singletonMongo.collection.find(searchClient); if (cursor.count() != 0) { while (cursor.hasNext()) { BasicDBObject document = (BasicDBObject); singleton.client = c.Mongo_to_client(document); } } else { System.out.println("NOT DATA"); } } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } } }
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/** * lista los clientes que hay guardados en MongoDB *///w w w. ja v a2s . c om public static void viewTableClient() { DBCursor cursor = null; singleton.userclient.clear(); client c = new client(); try { cursor = singletonMongo.collection.find(); if (cursor.count() != 0) { while (cursor.hasNext()) { BasicDBObject document = (BasicDBObject); singleton.client = c.Mongo_to_client(document); singleton.userclient.add(singleton.client); } } else { System.out.println("NOT DATA"); } } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } } }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public HashMap<String, String> getInitialStats() { HashMap<String, String> stats = new HashMap<String, String>(); com.mongodb.DB db = null;//from w w w . ja va 2 s . c o m try { db = mongo.getDB(database); db.requestStart(); // get the number of users DBCollection collection = db.getCollection("users"); DBCursor users = collection.find(); int usercnt = users.count(); users.close(); stats.put("usercount", Integer.toString(usercnt)); // find user offset DBObject m = new BasicDBObject().append("_id", 1); DBCursor minUser = collection.find(m).limit(1); int offset = 0; if (minUser.hasNext()) offset = (Integer)"_id"); minUser.close(); // get the number of friends per user DBObject q = new BasicDBObject().append("_id", offset); DBObject queryResult = null; queryResult = collection.findOne(q); String x = queryResult.get("ConfFriends").toString(); int frndCount = 0; if (x.equals("") || (!x.equals("") && (x.substring(2, x.length() - 1)).equals(""))) frndCount = 0; else { x = x.substring(2, x.length() - 1); frndCount = x.split(",").length; } stats.put("avgfriendsperuser", Integer.toString(frndCount)); x = queryResult.get("PendFriends").toString(); int pendCount = 0; if (x.equals("") || (!x.equals("") && (x.substring(2, x.length() - 1)).equals(""))) pendCount = 0; else { x = x.substring(2, x.length() - 1); pendCount = x.split(",").length; } stats.put("avgpendingperuser", Integer.toString(pendCount)); // find number of resources for the user DBCollection resCollection = db.getCollection("resources"); DBObject res = new BasicDBObject().append("creatorid", Integer.toString(offset)); DBCursor resQueryResult = null; resQueryResult = resCollection.find(res); int resCount = resQueryResult.count(); resQueryResult.close(); stats.put("resourcesperuser", Integer.toString(resCount)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(System.out); } finally { if (db != null) db.requestDone(); } return stats; }
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License:Apache License
public void geoFindAndUpdate(DBCollection coll, BasicDBObject queryObject) { int query_count = 0; int processed_count = 0; int updated_count = 0; DBCursor cursor = coll.find(queryObject); try {/* ww w. j av a 2 s . co m*/ query_count = cursor.count(); while (cursor.hasNext()) { BasicDBObject myDoc = (BasicDBObject); Object userLocationObj = myDoc.get("user_location"); String location = String.valueOf(userLocationObj); ObjectId ID = (ObjectId) myDoc.get("_id"); System.out.println("Queried Document: " + myDoc); GeoCodingClient gcc = new GeoCodingClient(this.conf); Thread.sleep(200); DBObject update = gcc.getGeoCode(location); //System.out.println(update); if (update == null) { System.out.print("No updates (update==null)"); break; } else { Set<String> keyset = update.keySet(); if (keyset == null) { System.out.print("No updates (keyset==null)"); } else if (keyset.contains("geocode")) { updated_count++; coll.update(new BasicDBObject().append("_id", ID), myDoc.append("geocode", update.get("geocode"))); System.out.println( "Updated Doc:\n" + coll.find(new BasicDBObject().append("_id", ID)).next()); System.out.println("In this run: (" + processed_count + " records processed, " + updated_count + " records updated.)"); } else if (keyset.contains("status") && update.get("status").toString().contains("OVER_QUERY_LIMIT")) { break; } } processed_count++; } } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InvalidKeyException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { cursor.close(); System.out.println("In this run:"); System.out.println("Total:" + query_count + " record(s) found."); System.out.println("Total:" + processed_count + " record(s) processed."); System.out.println("Total:" + updated_count + " record(s) updated."); } }
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public static void main(String[] args) throws UnknownHostException, MongoException { Mongo mongoclient = new Mongo(); DB db = mongoclient.getDB("db"); DBCollection Collection = db.getCollection("tags_import"); //Need to enter the userid System.out.println("Enter the User Id here"); Scanner userid = new Scanner(; String UserId =; BasicDBObject user = new BasicDBObject(); user.put("UserID", UserId); DBCursor usercursor = Collection.find(); usercursor = Collection.find(user); while (usercursor.hasNext()) { DBObject object =; String MovieID = (String) object.get("MovieID"); System.out.println("MovieID is " + MovieID); //for each Movie Id find the target id BasicDBObject targetid = new BasicDBObject(); targetid.put("MovieID", MovieID); DBCursor moviecursor = Collection.find(); moviecursor = Collection.find(targetid); int count = moviecursor.count(); System.out.println("This movie has been rated " + count + " users"); System.out.println(count); while (moviecursor.hasNext()) { DBObject object2 =; String folluserID = (String) object2.get("UserID"); System.out.println("The following Users are familiar to the given user " + folluserID); }/*from ww w. ja v a 2 s. c o m*/ System.out.println(); } }