Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2014 EUBrazilCC (EU?Brazil Cloud Connect) * * Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.1 or - as soon they will be approved by * the European Commission - subsequent versions of the EUPL (the "Licence"); * You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence. * You may obtain a copy of the Licence at: * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the Licence is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the Licence for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the Licence. * * This product combines work with different licenses. See the "NOTICE" text * file for details on the various modules and licenses. * The "NOTICE" text file is part of the distribution. Any derivative works * that you distribute must include a readable copy of the "NOTICE" text file. */ package; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static com.mongodb.MapReduceCommand.OutputType.REDUCE; import static com.mongodb.MongoCredential.createMongoCRCredential; import static com.mongodb.util.JSON.parse; import static eu.eubrazilcc.lvl.core.conf.ConfigurationManager.CONFIG_MANAGER; import static eu.eubrazilcc.lvl.core.util.MimeUtils.mimeType; import static; import static java.lang.Integer.parseInt; import static org.apache.commons.lang.RandomStringUtils.random; import static org.apache.commons.lang.RandomStringUtils.randomAlphanumeric; import static org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.isNotBlank; import static org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.trimToEmpty; import static org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.trimToNull; import static org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import org.apache.commons.lang.mutable.MutableLong; import org.bson.types.ObjectId; import org.slf4j.Logger; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException; import; import; import; import; import com.mongodb.AggregationOutput; import com.mongodb.BasicDBList; import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject; import com.mongodb.BasicDBObjectBuilder; import com.mongodb.CommandResult; import com.mongodb.DB; import com.mongodb.DBCollection; import com.mongodb.DBCursor; import com.mongodb.DBObject; import com.mongodb.DuplicateKeyException; import com.mongodb.MapReduceCommand; import com.mongodb.MapReduceOutput; import com.mongodb.MongoClient; import com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions; import com.mongodb.MongoCredential; import com.mongodb.ReadPreference; import com.mongodb.ServerAddress; import com.mongodb.WriteConcern; import com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFS; import com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFSDBFile; import com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFSInputFile; import com.mongodb.util.JSON; import eu.eubrazilcc.lvl.core.BaseFile; import eu.eubrazilcc.lvl.core.Closeable2; import eu.eubrazilcc.lvl.core.Versionable; import eu.eubrazilcc.lvl.core.geojson.Polygon; /** * Data connector based on mongoDB. Access to file collections is provided through the GridFS specification. While other objects * rely only on the final version, previous file versions are kept in the database. The additional attribute {@link #IS_LATEST_VERSION_ATTR isLastestVersion} * of the {@link BaseFile base file class} is used to create a sparse index with a unique constraint, enforcing the integrity of * the files within a collection (only one version of a file can be labeled as the latest version of the file). * @author Erik Torres <> * @see <a href="">mongoDB</a> * @see <a href="">GridFS</a> */ public enum MongoDBConnector implements Closeable2 { MONGODB_CONN; private static final Logger LOGGER = getLogger(MongoDBConnector.class); public static final String TMP_COLLECTION_PREFIX = "tmp_"; /** * The name of the MongoDB GridFS files collection. * @see <a href="">GridFS Collections</a> */ private static final String GRIDFS_FILES_COLLECTION = "files"; public static final String METADATA_ATTR = "metadata"; public static final String IS_LATEST_VERSION_ATTR = "isLastestVersion"; public static final String OPEN_ACCESS_LINK_ATTR = "openAccessLink"; public static final String OPEN_ACCESS_DATE_ATTR = "openAccessDate"; public static final String FILE_VERSION_PROP = METADATA_ATTR + "." + IS_LATEST_VERSION_ATTR; public static final String FILE_OPEN_ACCESS_LINK_PROP = METADATA_ATTR + "." + OPEN_ACCESS_LINK_ATTR; public static final String FILE_OPEN_ACCESS_DATE_PROP = METADATA_ATTR + "." + OPEN_ACCESS_DATE_ATTR; private Lock mutex = new ReentrantLock(); private MongoClient __client = null; private MongoClient client() { mutex.lock(); try { if (__client == null) { final MongoClientOptions options = MongoClientOptions.builder() .readPreference(ReadPreference.nearest()).writeConcern(WriteConcern.ACKNOWLEDGED).build(); final Splitter splitter = on(':').trimResults().omitEmptyStrings().limit(2); final List<ServerAddress> seeds = from(CONFIG_MANAGER.getDbHosts()) .transform(new Function<String, ServerAddress>() { @Override public ServerAddress apply(final String entry) { ServerAddress seed = null; try { final List<String> tokens = splitter.splitToList(entry); switch (tokens.size()) { case 1: seed = new ServerAddress(tokens.get(0), 27017); break; case 2: int port = parseInt(tokens.get(1)); seed = new ServerAddress(tokens.get(0), port); break; default: break; } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Invalid host", e); } return seed; } }).filter(notNull()).toList(); // enable/disable authentication (requires MongoDB server to be configured to support authentication) final List<MongoCredential> credentials = newArrayList(); if (!CONFIG_MANAGER.isAnonymousDbAccess()) { credentials.add(createMongoCRCredential(CONFIG_MANAGER.getDbUsername(), CONFIG_MANAGER.getDbName(), CONFIG_MANAGER.getDbPassword().toCharArray())); } __client = new MongoClient(seeds, credentials, options); // check class attributes accessed by reflection try { final Field metadataField = BaseFile.class.getDeclaredField(METADATA_ATTR); checkNotNull(metadataField, "Metadata property (" + METADATA_ATTR + ") not found in file base: " + BaseFile.class.getCanonicalName()); final Class<?> metadataType = metadataField.getType(); checkState(Versionable.class.isAssignableFrom(metadataType), "Metadata does not implements versionable: " + metadataType.getCanonicalName()); checkNotNull(Versionable.class.getDeclaredField(IS_LATEST_VERSION_ATTR), "Version property (" + IS_LATEST_VERSION_ATTR + ") not found in versionable: " + Versionable.class.getCanonicalName()); checkNotNull(metadataType.getDeclaredField(OPEN_ACCESS_LINK_ATTR), "Open access link property (" + OPEN_ACCESS_LINK_ATTR + ") not found in metadata: " + metadataType.getCanonicalName()); checkNotNull(metadataType.getDeclaredField(OPEN_ACCESS_DATE_ATTR), "Open access date property (" + OPEN_ACCESS_DATE_ATTR + ") not found in metadata: " + metadataType.getCanonicalName()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Object versioning needs a compatible version of the LVL core library, but none is available", e); } } return __client; } finally { mutex.unlock(); } } /** * Creates a new index in a collection, sorting the elements in ascending order. * @param field - field that is used to index the elements * @param collection - collection where the index is created */ public void createIndex(final String field, final String collection) { createIndex(field, collection, false); } /** * Creates an index on a field, if one does not already exist on the specified collection. Indexes * created with this method are created in the background and stores unique elements. * @param field - field that is used to index the elements * @param collection - collection where the index is created * @param descending - (optional) sort the elements of the index in descending order */ public void createIndex(final String field, final String collection, final boolean descending) { checkArgument(isNotBlank(field), "Uninitialized or invalid field"); createIndex(ImmutableList.of(field), collection, true, descending); } /** * Creates an index on a set of fields, if one does not already exist on the specified collection, * sorting the elements in ascending order. Indexes created with this method are created in the * background and stores unique elements. * @param fields - fields that are used to index the elements * @param collection - collection where the index is created */ public void createIndex(final List<String> fields, final String collection) { createIndex(fields, collection, true, false); } /** * Creates an index on a field, if one does not already exist on the specified collection. Indexes * created with this method are created in the background and allow storing duplicated elements. * @param field - field that is used to index the elements * @param collection - collection where the index is created * @param descending - (optional) sort the elements of the index in descending order */ public void createNonUniqueIndex(final String field, final String collection, final boolean descending) { createIndex(ImmutableList.of(field), collection, false, descending); } /** * Creates an index on a set of fields, if one does not already exist on the specified collection. * Indexes created with this method are created in the background and allow storing duplicated * elements. * @param fields - fields that are used to index the elements * @param collection - collection where the index is created * @param descending - (optional) sort the elements of the index in descending order */ public void createNonUniqueIndex(final List<String> fields, final String collection, final boolean descending) { createIndex(fields, collection, false, descending); } /** * Creates an index on a set of fields, if one does not already exist on the specified collection. * Indexes created with this method are created in the background and could stores unique elements. * @param fields - fields that are used to index the elements * @param collection - collection where the index is created * @param descending - (optional) sort the elements of the index in descending order */ public void createIndex(final List<String> fields, final String collection, final boolean unique, final boolean descending) { checkArgument(fields != null && !fields.isEmpty(), "Uninitialized or invalid fields"); checkArgument(isNotBlank(collection), "Uninitialized or invalid collection"); final DB db = client().getDB(CONFIG_MANAGER.getDbName()); final DBCollection dbcol = db.getCollection(collection); dbcol.createIndex(new BasicDBObject(toMap(fields, new Function<String, Integer>() { @Override public Integer apply(final String field) { return descending ? -1 : 1; } })), new BasicDBObject(unique ? ImmutableMap.of("unique", true, "background", true) : ImmutableMap.of("background", true))); } /** * Creates a new geospatial index in a collection. Indexes are created in the background. * @param field - field that is used to index the elements * @param collection - collection where the index is created */ public void createGeospatialIndex(final String field, final String collection) { checkArgument(isNotBlank(field), "Uninitialized or invalid field"); checkArgument(isNotBlank(collection), "Uninitialized or invalid collection"); final DB db = client().getDB(CONFIG_MANAGER.getDbName()); final DBCollection dbcol = db.getCollection(collection); dbcol.createIndex(new BasicDBObject(field, "2dsphere"), new BasicDBObject("background", true)); } /** * Creates a text index in a collection. Text indexes are created using English as the default language. * @param fields - fields that are used to index the elements * @param collection - collection where the index is created */ public void createTextIndex(final List<String> fields, final String collection) { checkArgument(fields != null && !fields.isEmpty(), "Uninitialized or invalid fields"); checkArgument(isNotBlank(collection), "Uninitialized or invalid collection"); final DB db = client().getDB(CONFIG_MANAGER.getDbName()); final DBCollection dbcol = db.getCollection(collection); dbcol.createIndex(new BasicDBObject(toMap(fields, new Function<String, String>() { @Override public String apply(final String field) { return "text"; } })), new BasicDBObject("default_language", "english").append("name", collection + ".text_idx")); } /** * Creates a sparse, non unique, index, if one does not already exist on the specified collection. * Indexes created with this method are created in the background. <strong>Note:</strong> Do NOT use compound indexes to * create an sparse index, since the results are unexpected. * @param field - field that is used to index the elements * @param collection - collection where the index is created * @param descending - (optional) sort the elements of the index in descending order * @see <a href="">MongoDB: Sparse Indexes</a> */ public void createSparseIndex(final String field, final String collection, final boolean descending) { checkArgument(isNotBlank(field), "Uninitialized or invalid field"); checkArgument(isNotBlank(collection), "Uninitialized or invalid collection"); final DB db = client().getDB(CONFIG_MANAGER.getDbName()); final DBCollection dbcol = db.getCollection(collection); dbcol.createIndex(new BasicDBObject(field, descending ? -1 : 1), new BasicDBObject(ImmutableMap.of("background", true, "sparse", true))); } /** * Creates a sparse index with a unique constraint on a field, if one does not already exist on the specified collection. * Indexes created with this method are created in the background. <strong>Note:</strong> Do NOT use compound indexes to * create an sparse index, since the results are unexpected. * @param field - field that is used to index the elements * @param collection - collection where the index is created * @param descending - (optional) sort the elements of the index in descending order * @see <a href="">MongoDB: Sparse Indexes</a> */ public void createSparseIndexWithUniqueConstraint(final String field, final String collection, final boolean descending) { checkArgument(isNotBlank(field), "Uninitialized or invalid field"); checkArgument(isNotBlank(collection), "Uninitialized or invalid collection"); final DB db = client().getDB(CONFIG_MANAGER.getDbName()); final DBCollection dbcol = db.getCollection(collection); dbcol.createIndex(new BasicDBObject(field, descending ? -1 : 1), new BasicDBObject(ImmutableMap.of("unique", true, "background", true, "sparse", true))); } /** * Inserts an object into the specified collection. * @param obj - object to be inserted in the collection * @param collection - collection where the object is inserted * @return the id associated to the object in the collection */ public String insert(final DBObject obj, final String collection) { checkArgument(obj != null, "Uninitialized object"); checkArgument(isNotBlank(collection), "Uninitialized or invalid collection"); final DB db = client().getDB(CONFIG_MANAGER.getDbName()); final DBCollection dbcol = db.getCollection(collection); try { dbcol.insert(obj); } catch (DuplicateKeyException dke) { throw new MongoDBDuplicateKeyException(dke.getMessage()); } return ObjectId.class.cast(obj.get("_id")).toString(); } /** * Retrieves an object from a collection. * @param query - statement that is used to find the object in the collection * @param collection - collection where the object is searched * @return the object retrieved from the database or {@code null} */ public BasicDBObject get(final DBObject query, final String collection) { checkArgument(query != null, "Uninitialized query"); checkArgument(isNotBlank(collection), "Uninitialized or invalid collection"); final DB db = client().getDB(CONFIG_MANAGER.getDbName()); final DBCollection dbcol = db.getCollection(collection); return (BasicDBObject) dbcol.findOne(query); } /** * Returns a view of the objects in the collection that contains the specified range. The objects are sorted by the key in ascending order. * Optionally, the number of objects found in the collection is returned to the caller. Also, the returned fields can be filtered. * @param sortCriteria - objects in the collection are sorted with this criteria * @param collection - collection where the objects are searched * @param start - starting index * @param size - maximum number of objects returned * @param query - the expression to be used to query the collection * @param projection - (optional) Specifies the fields to return using projection operators. To return all fields in the matching document, * omit this parameter * @param count - (optional) is updated with the number of objects in the database * @return a view of the objects in the collection that contains the specified range */ public List<BasicDBObject> list(final DBObject sortCriteria, final String collection, final int start, final int size, final @Nullable DBObject query, final @Nullable DBObject projection, final @Nullable MutableLong count) { checkArgument(sortCriteria != null, "Uninitialized sort criteria"); checkArgument(isNotBlank(collection), "Uninitialized or invalid collection"); final List<BasicDBObject> list = newArrayList(); final DB db = client().getDB(CONFIG_MANAGER.getDbName()); final DBCollection dbcol = db.getCollection(collection); final DBCursor cursor = dbcol.find(query != null ? query : new BasicDBObject(), projection != null ? projection : new BasicDBObject()); cursor.sort(sortCriteria); cursor.skip(start).limit(size); try { while (cursor.hasNext()) { list.add((BasicDBObject); } } finally { cursor.close(); } if (count != null) { count.setValue(cursor.count()); } return list; } /** * Counts the objects stored in a collection. * @param collection - collection whose objects are counted * @return the number of objects stored in the collection */ public long count(final String collection) { checkArgument(isNotBlank(collection), "Uninitialized or invalid collection"); final DB db = client().getDB(CONFIG_MANAGER.getDbName()); final DBCollection dbcol = db.getCollection(collection); return dbcol.getCount(); } /** * Returns the objects in the collection that are within the specified distance (in meters) * from the center point specified by the coordinates (in WGS84). The objects are sorted * from nearest to farthest. * @param collection - collection whose objects are counted * @param longitude - longitude in WGS84 coordinate reference system (CRS) * @param latitude - latitude in WGS84 coordinate reference system (CRS) * @param maxDistance - limits the results to those objects that fall within the specified * distance (in meters) from the center point * @return the objects that are within the specified distance from the center point, sorted * from nearest to farthest */ public BasicDBList geoNear(final String collection, final double longitude, final double latitude, final double maxDistance) { checkArgument(isNotBlank(collection), "Uninitialized or invalid collection"); final DB db = client().getDB(CONFIG_MANAGER.getDbName()); final BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject("geoNear", collection) .append("near", new BasicDBObject("type", "Point").append("coordinates", new double[] { longitude, latitude })) .append("maxDistance", maxDistance).append("spherical", true).append("uniqueDocs", true) .append("num", Integer.MAX_VALUE); LOGGER.trace("geoNear query: " + JSON.serialize(query)); final CommandResult cmdResult = db.command(query); checkState(cmdResult.ok(), "geoNear search failed"); return (BasicDBList) cmdResult.get("results"); } public List<BasicDBObject> geoWithin(final String locationField, final String collection, final Polygon polygon) { checkArgument(isNotBlank(locationField), "Uninitialized or invalid location field"); checkArgument(isNotBlank(collection), "Uninitialized or invalid collection"); checkArgument(polygon != null, "Uninitialized polygon"); final List<BasicDBObject> list = newArrayList(); final DB db = client().getDB(CONFIG_MANAGER.getDbName()); final DBCollection dbcol = db.getCollection(collection); try { final BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject(locationField, new BasicDBObject("$geoWithin", new BasicDBObject("$geometry", (DBObject) parse(JSON_MAPPER.writeValueAsString(polygon))))); LOGGER.trace("geoWithin query: " + JSON.serialize(query)); final DBCursor cursor = dbcol.find(query); try { while (cursor.hasNext()) { list.add((BasicDBObject); } } finally { cursor.close(); } return list; } catch (JsonProcessingException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to parse request parameters", e); } } /** * Wrapper method to {@link MongoDBConnector#mapReduce(String, String, String, DBObject)} that performs a search by proximity * to select the documents from the collection that will be used as input of the map function. * @param collection - collection whose objects are searched * @param field - geospatial field that defines the 2dsphere index for location data defined as GeoJSON points * @param mapFn - map function * @param reduceFn - reduce function * @param longitude - longitude in WGS84 coordinate reference system (CRS) * @param latitude - latitude in WGS84 coordinate reference system (CRS) * @param maxDistance - limits the results to those objects that fall within the specified * distance (in meters) from the center point * @return a list of {@code BasicDBObject} which contains the results of this map reduce operation. */ public List<BasicDBObject> mapReduce(final String collection, final String field, final String mapFn, final String reduceFn, final double longitude, final double latitude, final double maxDistance) { final BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject(field, new BasicDBObject("$nearSphere", new BasicDBObject("$geometry", new BasicDBObject("type", "Point").append("coordinates", new double[] { longitude, latitude })).append("$maxDistance", maxDistance))); LOGGER.trace("geoNear query: " + JSON.serialize(query)); return mapReduce(collection, mapFn, reduceFn, query); } /** * Runs a map-reduce aggregation over a collection and saves the result to a temporary collection, which is deleted at the end * of the execution. The results of the operation are returned to the caller in a list of {@code BasicDBObject}. * @param collection - collection whose objects are searched * @param mapFn - map function * @param reduceFn - reduce function * @param query - (optional) specifies the selection criteria using query operators for determining the documents input to the * map function. Set this parameter to {@code null} to use all documents in the collection * @return a list of {@code BasicDBObject} which contains the results of this map reduce operation. * @see <a href="">The MongoDB Cookbook - Pivot Data with Map reduce</a> */ public List<BasicDBObject> mapReduce(final String collection, final String mapFn, final String reduceFn, final @Nullable DBObject query) { checkArgument(isNotBlank(collection), "Uninitialized or invalid collection"); checkArgument(isNotBlank(mapFn), "Uninitialized or map function"); checkArgument(isNotBlank(reduceFn), "Uninitialized or reduce function"); final List<BasicDBObject> list = newArrayList(); final DB db = client().getDB(CONFIG_MANAGER.getDbName()); final DBCollection dbcol = db.getCollection(collection); final DBCollection tmpCol = tmpCollection(); try { final MapReduceCommand command = new MapReduceCommand(dbcol, mapFn, reduceFn, tmpCol.getName(), REDUCE, query); final MapReduceOutput output = dbcol.mapReduce(command); final Iterable<DBObject> results = output.results(); for (final DBObject result : results) { list.add((BasicDBObject) result); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to execute map-reduce operation", e); } finally { try { tmpCol.drop(); } catch (Exception mdbe) { LOGGER.warn("Failed to drop temporary collection", mdbe); } } return list; } /** * Updates a object previously stored in a collection. * @param obj - value used to update the object * @param query - statement that is used to find the object in the collection * @param collection - collection where the object is searched */ public void update(final DBObject obj, final DBObject query, final String collection) { checkArgument(obj != null, "Uninitialized object"); checkArgument(isNotBlank(collection), "Uninitialized or invalid collection"); final DB db = client().getDB(CONFIG_MANAGER.getDbName()); final DBCollection dbcol = db.getCollection(collection); final BasicDBObject current = (BasicDBObject) dbcol.findOne(query); checkState(current != null, "Object not found");"_id", current.get("_id")).get()); } /** * Removes an object from a collection. * @param query - statement that is used to find the object in the collection * @param collection - collection from which the object is removed */ public void remove(final DBObject query, final String collection) { checkArgument(query != null, "Uninitialized query"); checkArgument(isNotBlank(collection), "Uninitialized or invalid collection"); final DB db = client().getDB(CONFIG_MANAGER.getDbName()); final DBCollection dbcol = db.getCollection(collection); dbcol.remove(query); } /* Pipelines and advanced statistics */ /** * db.sandflies.aggregate([ * { $project : { "sandfly.dataSource" : 1 } }, * { $group : { * _id : { "sandfly.dataSource" : "$sandfly.dataSource" }, * number : { $sum : 1 } * } * }, * { $sort : { "_id.sandfly.dataSource" : 1 } } * ])<br> * { "_id" : { "sandfly.dataSource" : "GenBank" }, "number" : 34179 }<br> */ public Iterable<DBObject> dataSourceStats(final String collection, final String dbPrefix) { checkArgument(isNotBlank(collection), "Uninitialized or invalid collection"); checkArgument(isNotBlank(dbPrefix), "Uninitialized or invalid db prefix"); final List<DBObject> pipeline = newArrayList(); final DBObject project = new BasicDBObject("$project", new BasicDBObject(dbPrefix + "dataSource", 1)); final DBObject group = new BasicDBObject("$group", new BasicDBObject("_id", new BasicDBObject(dbPrefix + "dataSource", "$" + dbPrefix + "dataSource")) .append("number", new BasicDBObject("$sum", 1))); final DBObject sort = new BasicDBObject("$sort", new BasicDBObject("_id." + dbPrefix + "dataSource", 1)); pipeline.add(project); pipeline.add(group); pipeline.add(sort); return execPipeline(pipeline, collection).results(); } /** * db.sandflies.aggregate([ { $project : { "sandfly.gene" : 1 } }, { $unwind : "$sandfly.gene" }, { $group : { _id : { "sandfly.gene" : "$sandfly.gene" }, number : { $sum : 1 } } }, { $sort : { "_id.sandfly.gene" : 1 } }])<br> * { "_id" : { "sandfly.gene" : "cyt b" }, "number" : 12 }<br> * ...<br> */ public Iterable<DBObject> geneStats(final String collection, final String dbPrefix) { checkArgument(isNotBlank(collection), "Uninitialized or invalid collection"); checkArgument(isNotBlank(dbPrefix), "Uninitialized or invalid db prefix"); final List<DBObject> pipeline = newArrayList(); final DBObject project = new BasicDBObject("$project", new BasicDBObject(dbPrefix + "gene", 1)); final DBObject unwind = new BasicDBObject("$unwind", "$" + dbPrefix + "gene"); final DBObject group = new BasicDBObject("$group", new BasicDBObject("_id", new BasicDBObject(dbPrefix + "gene", "$" + dbPrefix + "gene")) .append("number", new BasicDBObject("$sum", 1))); final DBObject sort = new BasicDBObject("$sort", new BasicDBObject("_id." + dbPrefix + "gene", 1)); pipeline.add(project); pipeline.add(unwind); pipeline.add(group); pipeline.add(sort); return execPipeline(pipeline, collection).results(); } /** * db.sandflies.find({ "sandfly.location" : { $exists: true }}, { "sandfly.sequence" : 0 }).count()<br> * 6330<br> */ public int countGeoreferred(final String collection, final String dbPrefix, final @Nullable DBObject projection) { checkArgument(isNotBlank(collection), "Uninitialized or invalid collection"); checkArgument(isNotBlank(dbPrefix), "Uninitialized or invalid db prefix"); int count = 0; final DB db = client().getDB(CONFIG_MANAGER.getDbName()); final DBCollection dbcol = db.getCollection(collection); final DBObject query = new BasicDBObject(dbPrefix + "location", new BasicDBObject("$exists", true)); final DBCursor cursor = dbcol.find(query, projection != null ? projection : new BasicDBObject()); try { count = cursor.count(); } finally { cursor.close(); } return count; } private AggregationOutput execPipeline(final List<DBObject> pipeline, final String collection) { checkArgument(pipeline != null, "Uninitialized pipeline"); checkArgument(isNotBlank(collection), "Uninitialized or invalid collection"); final DB db = client().getDB(CONFIG_MANAGER.getDbName()); final DBCollection dbcol = db.getCollection(collection); return dbcol.aggregate(pipeline); } /** * Writes statistics about a collection to the specified output stream. * @param os - the output stream to write the statistics to * @param collection - collection from which the statistics are collected * @throws IOException - If an I/O error occurred */ public void stats(final OutputStream os, final String collection) throws IOException { checkArgument(os != null, "Uninitialized output stream"); checkArgument(isNotBlank(collection), "Uninitialized or invalid collection"); final DB db = client().getDB(CONFIG_MANAGER.getDbName()); final DBCollection dbcol = db.getCollection(collection); try { os.write((" >> Collection: " + collection + "\n").getBytes()); final List<DBObject> indexes = dbcol.getIndexInfo(); os.write(" >> Indexes\n".getBytes()); for (final DBObject idx : indexes) { os.write((" " + idx.toString() + "\n").getBytes()); } os.write((" >> Items count: " + dbcol.getCount() + "\n").getBytes()); } finally { os.flush(); } } /* GridFS */ /** * Saves a file into the current database using the specified <tt>namespace</tt> and <tt>filename</tt>. All files sharing the same * <tt>namespace</tt> and <tt>filename</tt> are considered versions of the same file. So, inserting a new file with an existing * <tt>namespace</tt> and <tt>filename</tt> will create a new entry in the database. The method {@link #readFile(String, String)} will * retrieve the latest version of the file and the method {@link #readFile(String, String)} will remove all the versions of the file. * Other possible options could be to define a unique index in the <tt>files</tt> collection to avoid duplicates (versions) to be * created: <code>createIndex("filename", namespace + ".files");</code> * @param namespace - (optional) name space under the file is saved. When nothing specified, the default bucket is used * @param filename - filename to be assigned to the file in the database * @param file - file to be saved to the database * @param metadata - optional file metadata * @return the id associated to the file in the collection */ public String saveFile(final @Nullable String namespace, final String filename, final File file, final @Nullable DBObject metadata) { checkArgument(isNotBlank(filename), "Uninitialized or invalid filename"); checkArgument(file != null && file.canRead() && file.isFile(), "Uninitialized or invalid file"); String objectId = null; final String namespace2 = trimToEmpty(namespace); final String filename2 = filename.trim(); if (metadata != null) { metadata.removeField(IS_LATEST_VERSION_ATTR); } final DB db = client().getDB(CONFIG_MANAGER.getDbName()); final GridFS gfsNs = isNotBlank(namespace2) ? new GridFS(db, namespace2) : new GridFS(db); // enforce isolation property: each namespace has its own bucket (encompassing 2 collections: files and chunks) and indexes in the database createSparseIndexWithUniqueConstraint(FILE_VERSION_PROP, gfsNs.getBucketName() + "." + GRIDFS_FILES_COLLECTION, false); // index open access links createNonUniqueIndex(FILE_OPEN_ACCESS_LINK_PROP, gfsNs.getBucketName() + "." + GRIDFS_FILES_COLLECTION, false); try { // insert new file/version in the database final GridFSInputFile gfsFile = gfsNs.createFile(file); gfsFile.setFilename(filename2); gfsFile.setContentType(mimeType(file)); gfsFile.setMetaData(metadata);; objectId = ObjectId.class.cast(gfsFile.getId()).toString(); // unset the latest version in the database final GridFSDBFile latestVersion = getLatestVersion(gfsNs, filename2); if (latestVersion != null && latestVersion.getMetaData() != null) { latestVersion.getMetaData().removeField(IS_LATEST_VERSION_ATTR);; } } catch (DuplicateKeyException dke) { throw new MongoDBDuplicateKeyException(dke.getMessage()); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to save file", ioe); } finally { // enforce versioning property by always restoring the latest version in the database restoreLatestVersion(gfsNs, filename2); } return objectId; } /** * Gets the version of the <tt>filename</tt> labeled with the {@link #FILE_VERSION_PROP} property. * @param gridfs - GridFS client * @param filename - filename to be searched for in the database * @return */ private GridFSDBFile getLatestVersion(final GridFS gridfs, final String filename) { return gridfs.findOne(new BasicDBObject(FILE_VERSION_PROP, filename.trim())); } /** * Gets the version of the <tt>filename</tt> with the latest uploaded date. * @param gridfs - GridFS client * @param filename - filename to be searched for in the database * @return the version of the file identified by the provided filename with the latest uploaded date. */ private GridFSDBFile getLatestUploadedFile(final GridFS gridfs, final String filename) { return getFirst(gridfs.find(filename.trim(), new BasicDBObject("uploadDate", -1)), null); } /** * Restores the latest version of a file in the database. * @param gridfs - GridFS client * @param filename - filename to be searched for in the database */ private void restoreLatestVersion(final GridFS gridfs, final String filename) { try { final GridFSDBFile latestUploadedVersion = getLatestUploadedFile(gridfs, filename); if (latestUploadedVersion != null) { if (latestUploadedVersion.getMetaData() == null) { latestUploadedVersion.setMetaData(new BasicDBObject()); } latestUploadedVersion.getMetaData().put(IS_LATEST_VERSION_ATTR, filename);; } } catch (Exception ignore) { LOGGER.error("Failed to restore latest version namespace=" + gridfs.getBucketName() + ", filename=" + filename); } } public void updateMetadata(final @Nullable String namespace, final String filename, final @Nullable DBObject metadata) { checkArgument(isNotBlank(filename), "Uninitialized or invalid filename"); final String namespace2 = trimToEmpty(namespace); final String filename2 = filename.trim(); final DBObject metadata2 = metadata != null ? metadata : new BasicDBObject(); metadata2.put(IS_LATEST_VERSION_ATTR, filename2); final DB db = client().getDB(CONFIG_MANAGER.getDbName()); final GridFS gfsNs = isNotBlank(namespace2) ? new GridFS(db, namespace2) : new GridFS(db); try { final GridFSDBFile latestUploadedVersion = getLatestUploadedFile(gfsNs, filename2); checkState(latestUploadedVersion != null, "File not found"); latestUploadedVersion.setMetaData(metadata2);; } catch (IllegalStateException ise) { throw ise; } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Failed to update latest metadata version in namespace=" + gfsNs.getBucketName() + ", filename=" + filename, e); } } public String createOpenAccessLink(final @Nullable String namespace, final String filename) { checkArgument(isNotBlank(filename), "Uninitialized or invalid filename"); final String namespace2 = trimToEmpty(namespace); final String filename2 = filename.trim(); final String secret = random(32, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"); final DB db = client().getDB(CONFIG_MANAGER.getDbName()); final GridFS gfsNs = isNotBlank(namespace2) ? new GridFS(db, namespace2) : new GridFS(db); try { final GridFSDBFile latestUploadedVersion = getLatestUploadedFile(gfsNs, filename2); checkState(latestUploadedVersion != null, "File not found"); if (latestUploadedVersion.getMetaData() == null) { latestUploadedVersion.setMetaData(new BasicDBObject()); } latestUploadedVersion.getMetaData().put(OPEN_ACCESS_LINK_ATTR, secret); latestUploadedVersion.getMetaData().put(OPEN_ACCESS_DATE_ATTR, JSON.parse(JSON_MAPPER.writeValueAsString(new Date())));; } catch (IllegalStateException ise) { throw ise; } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Failed to create open access link in latest file version in namespace=" + gfsNs.getBucketName() + ", filename=" + filename, e); } return secret; } public void removeOpenAccessLink(final @Nullable String namespace, final String filename) { checkArgument(isNotBlank(filename), "Uninitialized or invalid filename"); final String namespace2 = trimToEmpty(namespace); final String filename2 = filename.trim(); final DB db = client().getDB(CONFIG_MANAGER.getDbName()); final GridFS gfsNs = isNotBlank(namespace2) ? new GridFS(db, namespace2) : new GridFS(db); final List<GridFSDBFile> files = gfsNs.find(new BasicDBObject("filename", filename2) .append(FILE_OPEN_ACCESS_LINK_PROP, new BasicDBObject("$exists", true)), new BasicDBObject("uploadDate", -1)); for (final GridFSDBFile file : files) { if (file.getMetaData() != null) { file.getMetaData().removeField(OPEN_ACCESS_LINK_ATTR); file.getMetaData().removeField(OPEN_ACCESS_DATE_ATTR);; } } /* ideally we want to use a cursor here, but the save() operation fails final DBCursor cursor = gfsNs.getFileList(new BasicDBObject("filename", filename2).append(FILE_OPEN_ACCESS_LINK_PROP, new BasicDBObject("$exists", true))); try { while (cursor.hasNext()) { final GridFSDBFile file = (GridFSDBFile); if (file.getMetaData() != null) { file.getMetaData().removeField(OPEN_ACCESS_LINK_ATTR); file.getMetaData().removeField(OPEN_ACCESS_DATE_ATTR); // this fails; } } } finally { cursor.close(); } */ } /** * Reads a file object from the current database. The file is identified by the original filename stored in the database and the * name space under the file was stored. When several versions exist of the same file, the latest version will be retrieved. * @param namespace - (optional) name space to be searched for in the database. When nothing specified, the default bucket is used * @param filename - filename to be searched for in the database * @param output - file where the output will be saved, this file must exists and must be writable */ public GridFSDBFile readFile(final @Nullable String namespace, final String filename) { checkArgument(isNotBlank(filename), "Uninitialized or invalid filename"); final DB db = client().getDB(CONFIG_MANAGER.getDbName()); final GridFS gfsNs = isNotBlank(namespace) ? new GridFS(db, namespace.trim()) : new GridFS(db); return getLatestVersion(gfsNs, filename); } public GridFSDBFileWrapper readOpenAccessFile(final String secret) { checkArgument(isNotBlank(secret), "Uninitialized or invalid secret"); final String secret2 = secret.trim(); final DB db = client().getDB(CONFIG_MANAGER.getDbName()); GridFSDBFileWrapper fileWrapper = null; final Set<String> collections = db.getCollectionNames(); final Iterator<String> it = collections.iterator(); while (it.hasNext() && fileWrapper == null) { final String collection =; if (collection.endsWith("." + GRIDFS_FILES_COLLECTION)) { final String[] tokens = Splitter.on('.').omitEmptyStrings().trimResults().splitToList(collection) .toArray(new String[2]); if (tokens.length >= 2) { final String namespace = tokens[tokens.length - 2]; final GridFS gfsNs = new GridFS(db, namespace); final GridFSDBFile file = gfsNs.findOne(new BasicDBObject(FILE_OPEN_ACCESS_LINK_PROP, secret2)); if (file != null) { fileWrapper = new GridFSDBFileWrapper(namespace, file); } } } } return fileWrapper; } /** * Checks whether or not the specified file exists in the database, returning <tt>true</tt> only when the file exists in the * specified namespace. * @param namespace - (optional) name space to be searched for in the database. When nothing specified, the default bucket is used * @param filename - filename to be searched for in the database * @return */ public boolean fileExists(final @Nullable String namespace, final String filename) { checkArgument(isNotBlank(filename), "Uninitialized or invalid filename"); final DB db = client().getDB(CONFIG_MANAGER.getDbName()); final GridFS gfsNs = isNotBlank(namespace) ? new GridFS(db, namespace.trim()) : new GridFS(db); return gfsNs.findOne(filename.trim()) != null; } /** * Lists all the files in the specified name space. Only latest versions are included in the list. * @param namespace - (optional) name space to be searched for files. When nothing specified, the default bucket is used * @param sortCriteria - objects in the collection are sorted with this criteria * @param start - starting index * @param size - maximum number of objects returned * @param count - (optional) is updated with the number of objects in the database * @return a view of the files stored under the specified name space that contains the specified range. */ public List<GridFSDBFile> listFiles(final @Nullable String namespace, final DBObject sortCriteria, final int start, final int size, final @Nullable MutableLong count) { final List<GridFSDBFile> list = newArrayList(); final DB db = client().getDB(CONFIG_MANAGER.getDbName()); final GridFS gfsNs = isNotBlank(namespace) ? new GridFS(db, namespace.trim()) : new GridFS(db); final DBCursor cursor = gfsNs.getFileList( new BasicDBObject(FILE_VERSION_PROP, new BasicDBObject("$exists", true)), sortCriteria); cursor.skip(start).limit(size); try { while (cursor.hasNext()) { list.add((GridFSDBFile); } } finally { cursor.close(); } if (count != null) { count.setValue(cursor.count()); } return list; } public List<GridFSDBFile> listFileOpenAccess(final @Nullable String namespace, final DBObject sortCriteria, final int start, final int size, final @Nullable MutableLong count) { final List<GridFSDBFile> list = newArrayList(); final DB db = client().getDB(CONFIG_MANAGER.getDbName()); final GridFS gfsNs = isNotBlank(namespace) ? new GridFS(db, namespace.trim()) : new GridFS(db); final DBCursor cursor = gfsNs .getFileList(new BasicDBObject(FILE_VERSION_PROP, new BasicDBObject("$exists", true)) .append(FILE_OPEN_ACCESS_LINK_PROP, new BasicDBObject("$exists", true)), sortCriteria); cursor.skip(start).limit(size); try { while (cursor.hasNext()) { list.add((GridFSDBFile); } } finally { cursor.close(); } if (count != null) { count.setValue(cursor.count()); } return list; } /** * Lists all the versions of the specified file. * @param namespace - (optional) name space to be searched for files. When nothing specified, the default bucket is used * @param filename - filename to be searched for in the database * @param sortCriteria - objects in the collection are sorted with this criteria * @param start - starting index * @param size - maximum number of objects returned * @param count - (optional) is updated with the number of objects in the database * @return a view of the versions stored of the specified file that contains the specified range. */ public List<GridFSDBFile> listFileVersions(final @Nullable String namespace, final String filename, final DBObject sortCriteria, final int start, final int size, final @Nullable MutableLong count) { checkArgument(isNotBlank(filename), "Uninitialized or invalid filename"); final List<GridFSDBFile> list = newArrayList(); final DB db = client().getDB(CONFIG_MANAGER.getDbName()); final GridFS gfsNs = isNotBlank(namespace) ? new GridFS(db, namespace.trim()) : new GridFS(db); final DBCursor cursor = gfsNs.getFileList(new BasicDBObject("filename", filename.trim()), sortCriteria); cursor.skip(start).limit(size); try { while (cursor.hasNext()) { list.add((GridFSDBFile); } } finally { cursor.close(); } if (count != null) { count.setValue(cursor.count()); } return list; } /** * Removes a file (with all its versions) from the specified name space. * @param namespace - (optional) name space where the file was stored under. When nothing specified, the default bucket is used * @param filename - filename to be removed from the database */ public void removeFile(final @Nullable String namespace, final String filename) { checkArgument(isNotBlank(filename), "Uninitialized or invalid filename"); final DB db = client().getDB(CONFIG_MANAGER.getDbName()); final GridFS gfsNs = isNotBlank(namespace) ? new GridFS(db, namespace.trim()) : new GridFS(db); gfsNs.remove(filename); } /** * Deletes the latest version from the database. When a previous version exists for the file in the specified namespace, the latest * uploaded version will be the new latest version. * @param namespace - (optional) name space where the file was stored under. When nothing specified, the default bucket is used * @param filename - filename to be removed from the database */ public void undoLatestVersion(final @Nullable String namespace, final String filename) { checkArgument(isNotBlank(filename), "Uninitialized or invalid filename"); final String filename2 = filename.trim(); final DB db = client().getDB(CONFIG_MANAGER.getDbName()); final GridFS gfsNs = isNotBlank(namespace) ? new GridFS(db, namespace.trim()) : new GridFS(db); try { // remove latest version from the database gfsNs.remove(new BasicDBObject(FILE_VERSION_PROP, filename2)); } finally { // enforce versioning property by always restoring the latest version in the database restoreLatestVersion(gfsNs, filename2); } } /** * Counts the files stored in the specified name space. * @param namespace - (optional) name space whose files are counted * @return the number of objects stored in the collection */ public long countFiles(final @Nullable String namespace) { String namespace2 = trimToNull(namespace); if (namespace2 == null) { final DB db = client().getDB(CONFIG_MANAGER.getDbName()); final GridFS gfsNs = new GridFS(db); namespace2 = gfsNs.getBucketName(); } return count(namespace2 + "." + GRIDFS_FILES_COLLECTION); } /** * Writes statistics about a files name space to the specified output stream. * @param os - the output stream to write the statistics to * @param namespace - (optional) name space from which the statistics are collected * @throws IOException - If an I/O error occurred */ public void statsFiles(final OutputStream os, final @Nullable String namespace) throws IOException { String namespace2 = trimToNull(namespace); if (namespace2 == null) { final DB db = client().getDB(CONFIG_MANAGER.getDbName()); final GridFS gfsNs = new GridFS(db); namespace2 = gfsNs.getBucketName(); } stats(os, namespace2 + "." + GRIDFS_FILES_COLLECTION); } /* General methods */ @Override public void setup(final Collection<URL> urls) { } @Override public void preload() {"MongoDB connector initialized successfully"); } @Override public void close() throws IOException { mutex.lock(); try { if (__client != null) { __client.close(); __client = null; } } finally { mutex.unlock();"MongoDB connector shutdown successfully"); } } /** * Creates an object id that can be used to query a collection by the * {@code _id} field. * @param id - identifier that is used to create the object id * @return an object id that can be used to query a collection by the * {@code _id} field */ public static BasicDBObject objectId(final String id) { checkArgument(isNotBlank(id), "Uninitialized or invalid id"); return new BasicDBObject("_id", new ObjectId(id)); } private DBCollection tmpCollection() { final DB db = client().getDB(CONFIG_MANAGER.getDbName()); return db.getCollection(TMP_COLLECTION_PREFIX + randomAlphanumeric(12)); } /* Inner classes */ public static class GridFSDBFileWrapper { private final String namespace; private final GridFSDBFile file; public GridFSDBFileWrapper(final String namespace, final GridFSDBFile file) { this.namespace = namespace; this.file = file; } public String getNamespace() { return namespace; } public GridFSDBFile getFile() { return file; } } }