List of usage examples for com.mongodb BasicDBObjectBuilder start
public static BasicDBObjectBuilder start(final String key, final Object val)
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License:Open Source License
@Override public void onCommit(String txnId) { DBObject query = QueryBuilder.start("t").is(txnId).get(); DBObject update = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start("$set", BasicDBObjectBuilder.start("c", true).get()).get(); nodes.update(query, update, false, true); }
From source
License:Open Source License
public void init() { this.relations = getCollection(db, relationsCollectionName, WriteConcern.ACKNOWLEDGED); {/*from www. j a v a 2s. com*/ DBObject idx = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start("f", 1).add("c", 1).get(); DBObject options = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start("unique", false).add("sparse", true).add("name", "from") .get(); this.relations.createIndex(idx, options); } { DBObject idx = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start("t", 1).add("c", 1).get(); DBObject options = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start("unique", false).add("sparse", true).add("name", "to") .get(); this.relations.createIndex(idx, options); } }
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License:Open Source License
public void addRelation(String fromId, String toId, String category) { QueryBuilder queryBuilder = QueryBuilder.start("f").is(fromId).and("t").is(toId); DBObject query = queryBuilder.get(); BasicDBObjectBuilder builder = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start("f", fromId).add("t", toId).add("c", category) .add("w", 1.0); DBObject insert = builder.get();/*from w w w . j a va 2s . c o m*/ WriteResult result = relations.update(query, insert, true, false); checkResult(result, 1); }
From source
License:Open Source License
public void increaseWeight(String fromId, String toId, double weight) { QueryBuilder queryBuilder = QueryBuilder.start("f").is(fromId).and("t").is(toId); DBObject query = queryBuilder.get(); BasicDBObjectBuilder updateBuilder = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start("$inc", BasicDBObjectBuilder.start("w", weight).get()); DBObject update = updateBuilder.get(); WriteResult result = relations.update(query, update, false, false); checkResult(result, 1);/*from w ww .j av a 2 s . c om*/ }
From source
License:Open Source License
public List<Relation> relationsFrom(String fromId, Set<String> categories, int skip, int maxItems) { List<Relation> ret = new LinkedList<>(); QueryBuilder queryBuilder = QueryBuilder.start("f").is(fromId); if (categories != null && categories.size() > 0) { queryBuilder.and("c").in(categories); }//from w ww .j a va 2 s. c om DBObject query = queryBuilder.get(); BasicDBObjectBuilder orderByBuilder = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start("t", 1).add("w", 1); DBObject orderBy = orderByBuilder.get(); DBCursor cursor = relations.find(query).sort(orderBy).skip(skip).limit(maxItems); try { for (DBObject dbObject : cursor) { String toId = (String) dbObject.get("t"); double weight = (Double) dbObject.get("w"); Relation r = new Relation(fromId, toId, weight); ret.add(r); } } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } } return ret; }
From source
License:Open Source License
public List<Relation> relationsTo(String toId, Set<String> categories, int skip, int maxItems) { List<Relation> ret = new LinkedList<>(); QueryBuilder queryBuilder = QueryBuilder.start("t").is(toId); if (categories != null && categories.size() > 0) { queryBuilder.and("c").in(categories); }/*from w w w. j av a 2 s . co m*/ DBObject query = queryBuilder.get(); BasicDBObjectBuilder orderByBuilder = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start("f", 1).add("w", 1); DBObject orderBy = orderByBuilder.get(); DBCursor cursor = relations.find(query).sort(orderBy).skip(skip).limit(maxItems); try { for (DBObject dbObject : cursor) { String fromId = (String) dbObject.get("f"); double weight = (Double) dbObject.get("w"); Relation r = new Relation(fromId, toId, weight); ret.add(r); } } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } } return ret; }
From source
License:Open Source License
@Override public DBObject createFile(long nodeId, long nodeVersion, String propertyName, byte[] bytes) { GridFSInputFile f = myFS.createFile(bytes); f.put("nodeId", nodeId); f.put("nodeVersion", nodeVersion); f.put("propertyQName", propertyName);;//w ww. ja va2 s . c o m DBObject dbObject = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start("type", "serialized").add("id", f.getId()).get(); return dbObject; }
From source
License:Open Source License
@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private DefaultTypeConverter() { ////from w ww. j a va 2s . c om // From string // addConverter(String.class, Class.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<String, Class>() { public Class convert(String source) { try { return Class.forName(source); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new TypeConversionException("Failed to convert string to class: " + source, e); } } }); addConverter(String.class, Boolean.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<String, Boolean>() { public Boolean convert(String source) { return Boolean.valueOf(source); } }); addConverter(String.class, Character.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<String, Character>() { public Character convert(String source) { if ((source == null) || (source.length() == 0)) { return null; } return Character.valueOf(source.charAt(0)); } }); addConverter(String.class, Number.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<String, Number>() { public Number convert(String source) { try { return DecimalFormat.getNumberInstance().parse(source); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new TypeConversionException("Failed to parse number " + source, e); } } }); addConverter(String.class, Byte.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<String, Byte>() { public Byte convert(String source) { return Byte.valueOf(source); } }); addConverter(String.class, Short.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<String, Short>() { public Short convert(String source) { return Short.valueOf(source); } }); addConverter(String.class, Integer.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<String, Integer>() { public Integer convert(String source) { return Integer.valueOf(source); } }); addConverter(String.class, Long.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<String, Long>() { public Long convert(String source) { return Long.valueOf(source); } }); addConverter(String.class, Float.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<String, Float>() { public Float convert(String source) { return Float.valueOf(source); } }); addConverter(String.class, Double.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<String, Double>() { public Double convert(String source) { return Double.valueOf(source); } }); addConverter(String.class, BigInteger.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<String, BigInteger>() { public BigInteger convert(String source) { return new BigInteger(source); } }); addConverter(String.class, BigDecimal.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<String, BigDecimal>() { public BigDecimal convert(String source) { return new BigDecimal(source); } }); addConverter(BasicDBObject.class, BigDecimal.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<BasicDBObject, BigDecimal>() { public BigDecimal convert(BasicDBObject source) { String type = (String) source.get("t"); if (type.equals("FIXED_POINT")) { String number = (String) source.get("n"); Integer precision = (Integer) source.get("p"); MathContext ctx = new MathContext(precision); return new BigDecimal(number, ctx); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid source object for conversion " + source + ", expected a Fixed Decimal object"); } } }); addConverter(String.class, Date.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<String, Date>() { public Date convert(String source) { try { Date date = ISO8601DateFormat.parse(source); return date; } catch (PlatformRuntimeException e) { throw new TypeConversionException("Failed to convert date " + source + " to string", e); } catch (AlfrescoRuntimeException e) { throw new TypeConversionException("Failed to convert date " + source + " to string", e); } } }); addConverter(String.class, Duration.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<String, Duration>() { public Duration convert(String source) { return new Duration(source); } }); addConverter(String.class, QName.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<String, QName>() { public QName convert(String source) { return QName.createQName(source); } }); addConverter(BasicDBObject.class, QName.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<BasicDBObject, QName>() { public QName convert(BasicDBObject source) { String type = (String) source.get("t"); if (type.equals("QNAME")) { String qname = (String) source.get("v"); return QName.createQName(qname); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } }); addConverter(String.class, ContentData.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<String, ContentData>() { public ContentData convert(String source) { return ContentData.createContentProperty(source); } }); addConverter(String.class, NodeRef.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<String, NodeRef>() { public NodeRef convert(String source) { return new NodeRef(source); } }); addConverter(BasicDBObject.class, NodeRef.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<BasicDBObject, NodeRef>() { public NodeRef convert(BasicDBObject source) { String type = (String) source.get("t"); if (!type.equals("NODEREF")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Invalid source object for conversion " + source + ", expected a NodeRef object"); } String protocol = (String) source.get("p"); String storeId = (String) source.get("s"); String id = (String) source.get("id"); NodeRef nodeRef = new NodeRef(new StoreRef(protocol, storeId), id); return nodeRef; } }); addConverter(String.class, StoreRef.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<String, StoreRef>() { public StoreRef convert(String source) { return new StoreRef(source); } }); addConverter(BasicDBObject.class, StoreRef.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<BasicDBObject, StoreRef>() { public StoreRef convert(BasicDBObject source) { String type = (String) source.get("t"); if (!type.equals("STOREREF")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Invalid source object for conversion " + source + ", expected a StoreRef object"); } String protocol = (String) source.get("p"); String storeId = (String) source.get("s"); return new StoreRef(protocol, storeId); } }); addConverter(String.class, ChildAssociationRef.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<String, ChildAssociationRef>() { public ChildAssociationRef convert(String source) { return new ChildAssociationRef(source); } }); addConverter(String.class, AssociationRef.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<String, AssociationRef>() { public AssociationRef convert(String source) { return new AssociationRef(source); } }); addConverter(String.class, InputStream.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<String, InputStream>() { public InputStream convert(String source) { try { return new ByteArrayInputStream(source.getBytes("UTF-8")); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new TypeConversionException("Encoding not supported", e); } } }); addConverter(String.class, MLText.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<String, MLText>() { public MLText convert(String source) { return new MLText(source); } }); addConverter(BasicDBObject.class, MLText.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<BasicDBObject, MLText>() { public MLText convert(BasicDBObject source) { String type = (String) source.get("t"); if (!type.equals("MLTEXT")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Invalid source object for conversion " + source + ", expected a NodeRef object"); } MLText mlText = new MLText(); for (String languageTag : source.keySet()) { String text = (String) source.get(languageTag); Locale locale = Locale.forLanguageTag(languageTag); mlText.put(locale, text); } return mlText; } }); // addConverter(BasicDBObject.class, ContentDataWithId.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<BasicDBObject, ContentDataWithId>() // { // public ContentDataWithId convert(BasicDBObject source) // { // String type = (String)source.get("t"); // if(!type.equals("CONTENT_DATA_ID")) // { // throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid source object for conversion " // + source // + ", expected a ContentDataWithId object"); // } // String contentUrl = (String)source.get("u"); // String mimeType = (String)source.get("m"); // Long size = (Long)source.get("s"); // String encoding = (String)source.get("e"); // String languageTag = (String)source.get("l"); // Long id = (Long)source.get("id"); // Locale locale = Locale.forLanguageTag(languageTag); // // ContentData contentData = new ContentData(contentUrl, mimeType, size, encoding, locale); // ContentDataWithId contentDataWithId = new ContentDataWithId(contentData, id); // return contentDataWithId; // } // }); addConverter(BasicDBObject.class, ContentData.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<BasicDBObject, ContentData>() { public ContentData convert(BasicDBObject source) { ContentData contentData = null; String type = (String) source.get("t"); if (type.equals("CONTENT")) { String contentUrl = (String) source.get("u"); String mimeType = (String) source.get("m"); Long size = (Long) source.get("s"); String encoding = (String) source.get("e"); String languageTag = (String) source.get("l"); Locale locale = Locale.forLanguageTag(languageTag); contentData = new ContentData(contentUrl, mimeType, size, encoding, locale); } else if (type.equals("CONTENT_DATA_ID")) { String contentUrl = (String) source.get("u"); String mimeType = (String) source.get("m"); Long size = (Long) source.get("s"); String encoding = (String) source.get("e"); String languageTag = (String) source.get("l"); Locale locale = Locale.forLanguageTag(languageTag); contentData = new ContentData(contentUrl, mimeType, size, encoding, locale); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid source object for conversion " + source + ", expected a ContentData object"); } return contentData; } }); addConverter(BasicDBObject.class, String.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<BasicDBObject, String>() { public String convert(BasicDBObject source) { // TODO distinguish between different BasicDBObject representations e.g. for MLText, ... Set<String> languageTags = source.keySet(); if (languageTags.size() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Persisted MLText is invalid " + source); } else if (languageTags.size() > 1) { // TODO logger.warn("Persisted MLText has more than 1 locale " + source); } String languageTag = languageTags.iterator().next(); String text = source.getString(languageTag); return text; } }); addConverter(String.class, Locale.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<String, Locale>() { public Locale convert(String source) { return I18NUtil.parseLocale(source); } }); addConverter(String.class, Period.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<String, Period>() { public Period convert(String source) { return new Period(source); } }); addConverter(String.class, VersionNumber.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<String, VersionNumber>() { public VersionNumber convert(String source) { return new VersionNumber(source); } }); // // From Locale // addConverter(Locale.class, String.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<Locale, String>() { public String convert(Locale source) { String localeStr = source.toString(); if (localeStr.length() < 6) { localeStr += "_"; } return localeStr; } }); // // From VersionNumber // addConverter(VersionNumber.class, String.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<VersionNumber, String>() { public String convert(VersionNumber source) { return source.toString(); } }); // // From MLText // addConverter(MLText.class, String.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<MLText, String>() { public String convert(MLText source) { return source.getDefaultValue(); } }); addConverter(MLText.class, BasicDBObject.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<MLText, BasicDBObject>() { public BasicDBObject convert(MLText source) { BasicDBObject dbObject = new BasicDBObject("t", "MLTEXT"); for (Map.Entry<Locale, String> entry : source.entrySet()) { dbObject.put(entry.getKey().toLanguageTag(), entry.getValue()); } return dbObject; } }); // addConverter(ContentDataWithId.class, BasicDBObject.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<ContentDataWithId, BasicDBObject>() // { // public BasicDBObject convert(ContentDataWithId source) // { // BasicDBObject dbObject = new BasicDBObject("t", "CONTENT_DATA_ID"); // // String contentUrl = source.getContentUrl(); // Long id = source.getId(); // String languageTag = source.getLocale().toLanguageTag(); // String encoding = source.getEncoding(); // long size = source.getSize(); // String mimeType = source.getMimetype(); // // dbObject.put("u", contentUrl); // dbObject.put("m", mimeType); // dbObject.put("s", size); // dbObject.put("e", encoding); // dbObject.put("l", languageTag); // dbObject.put("id", id); // return dbObject; // } // }); addConverter(ContentData.class, BasicDBObject.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<ContentData, BasicDBObject>() { public BasicDBObject convert(ContentData source) { BasicDBObject dbObject = new BasicDBObject("t", "CONTENT"); String contentUrl = source.getContentUrl(); String languageTag = source.getLocale().toLanguageTag(); String encoding = source.getEncoding(); long size = source.getSize(); String mimeType = source.getMimetype(); dbObject.put("u", contentUrl); dbObject.put("m", mimeType); dbObject.put("s", size); dbObject.put("e", encoding); dbObject.put("l", languageTag); return dbObject; } }); // // From enum // addConverter(Enum.class, String.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<Enum, String>() { public String convert(Enum source) { return source.toString(); } }); // From Period addConverter(Period.class, String.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<Period, String>() { public String convert(Period source) { return source.toString(); } }); // From Class addConverter(Class.class, String.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<Class, String>() { public String convert(Class source) { return source.getName(); } }); // // Number to Subtypes and Date // addConverter(Number.class, Boolean.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<Number, Boolean>() { public Boolean convert(Number source) { return new Boolean(source.longValue() > 0); } }); addConverter(Number.class, Byte.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<Number, Byte>() { public Byte convert(Number source) { return Byte.valueOf(source.byteValue()); } }); addConverter(Number.class, Short.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<Number, Short>() { public Short convert(Number source) { return Short.valueOf(source.shortValue()); } }); addConverter(Number.class, Integer.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<Number, Integer>() { public Integer convert(Number source) { return Integer.valueOf(source.intValue()); } }); addConverter(Number.class, Long.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<Number, Long>() { public Long convert(Number source) { return Long.valueOf(source.longValue()); } }); addConverter(Number.class, Float.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<Number, Float>() { public Float convert(Number source) { return Float.valueOf(source.floatValue()); } }); addConverter(Number.class, Double.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<Number, Double>() { public Double convert(Number source) { return Double.valueOf(source.doubleValue()); } }); addConverter(Number.class, Date.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<Number, Date>() { public Date convert(Number source) { return new Date(source.longValue()); } }); addConverter(Number.class, String.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<Number, String>() { public String convert(Number source) { return source.toString(); } }); addConverter(Number.class, BigInteger.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<Number, BigInteger>() { public BigInteger convert(Number source) { if (source instanceof BigDecimal) { return ((BigDecimal) source).toBigInteger(); } else { return BigInteger.valueOf(source.longValue()); } } }); addConverter(Number.class, BigDecimal.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<Number, BigDecimal>() { public BigDecimal convert(Number source) { if (source instanceof BigInteger) { return new BigDecimal((BigInteger) source); } else if (source instanceof Double) { return BigDecimal.valueOf((Double) source); } else if (source instanceof Float) { Float val = (Float) source; if (val.isInfinite()) { // What else can we do here? this is 3.4 E 38 so is fairly big return new BigDecimal(Float.MAX_VALUE); } return BigDecimal.valueOf((Float) source); } else { return BigDecimal.valueOf(source.longValue()); } } }); addDynamicTwoStageConverter(Number.class, String.class, InputStream.class); // // Date, Timestamp -> // addConverter(Timestamp.class, Date.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<Timestamp, Date>() { public Date convert(Timestamp source) { return new Date(source.getTime()); } }); addConverter(Date.class, Number.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<Date, Number>() { public Number convert(Date source) { return Long.valueOf(source.getTime()); } }); addConverter(Date.class, String.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<Date, String>() { public String convert(Date source) { try { return ISO8601DateFormat.format(source); } catch (PlatformRuntimeException e) { throw new TypeConversionException("Failed to convert date " + source + " to string", e); } } }); addConverter(Date.class, Calendar.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<Date, Calendar>() { public Calendar convert(Date source) { Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.setTime(source); return calendar; } }); addConverter(Date.class, GregorianCalendar.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<Date, GregorianCalendar>() { public GregorianCalendar convert(Date source) { GregorianCalendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar(); calendar.setTime(source); return calendar; } }); addDynamicTwoStageConverter(Date.class, String.class, InputStream.class); // // Boolean -> // final Long LONG_FALSE = new Long(0L); final Long LONG_TRUE = new Long(1L); addConverter(Boolean.class, Long.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<Boolean, Long>() { public Long convert(Boolean source) { return source.booleanValue() ? LONG_TRUE : LONG_FALSE; } }); addConverter(Boolean.class, String.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<Boolean, String>() { public String convert(Boolean source) { return source.toString(); } }); addDynamicTwoStageConverter(Boolean.class, String.class, InputStream.class); // // Character -> // addConverter(Character.class, String.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<Character, String>() { public String convert(Character source) { return source.toString(); } }); addDynamicTwoStageConverter(Character.class, String.class, InputStream.class); // // Duration -> // addConverter(Duration.class, String.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<Duration, String>() { public String convert(Duration source) { return source.toString(); } }); addDynamicTwoStageConverter(Duration.class, String.class, InputStream.class); // // Byte // addConverter(Byte.class, String.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<Byte, String>() { public String convert(Byte source) { return source.toString(); } }); addDynamicTwoStageConverter(Byte.class, String.class, InputStream.class); // // Short // addConverter(Short.class, String.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<Short, String>() { public String convert(Short source) { return source.toString(); } }); addDynamicTwoStageConverter(Short.class, String.class, InputStream.class); // // Integer // addConverter(Integer.class, String.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<Integer, String>() { public String convert(Integer source) { return source.toString(); } }); addDynamicTwoStageConverter(Integer.class, String.class, InputStream.class); // // Long // addConverter(Long.class, String.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<Long, String>() { public String convert(Long source) { return source.toString(); } }); addDynamicTwoStageConverter(Long.class, String.class, InputStream.class); // // Float // addConverter(Float.class, String.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<Float, String>() { public String convert(Float source) { return source.toString(); } }); addDynamicTwoStageConverter(Float.class, String.class, InputStream.class); // // Double // addConverter(Double.class, String.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<Double, String>() { public String convert(Double source) { return source.toString(); } }); addDynamicTwoStageConverter(Double.class, String.class, InputStream.class); // // BigInteger // addConverter(BigInteger.class, String.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<BigInteger, String>() { public String convert(BigInteger source) { return source.toString(); } }); addDynamicTwoStageConverter(BigInteger.class, String.class, InputStream.class); // // Calendar // addConverter(Calendar.class, Date.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<Calendar, Date>() { public Date convert(Calendar source) { return source.getTime(); } }); addConverter(Calendar.class, String.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<Calendar, String>() { public String convert(Calendar source) { try { return ISO8601DateFormat.format(source.getTime()); } catch (PlatformRuntimeException e) { throw new TypeConversionException("Failed to convert date " + source + " to string", e); } } }); // // BigDecimal // addConverter(BigDecimal.class, BasicDBObject.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<BigDecimal, BasicDBObject>() { public BasicDBObject convert(BigDecimal source) { String number = source.toPlainString(); int precision = source.precision(); BasicDBObject dbObject = new BasicDBObject(); dbObject.put("t", "FIXED_POINT"); dbObject.put("n", number); dbObject.put("p", precision); return dbObject; } }); addConverter(BigDecimal.class, String.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<BigDecimal, String>() { public String convert(BigDecimal source) { return source.toString(); } }); addDynamicTwoStageConverter(BigDecimal.class, String.class, InputStream.class); // // QName // addConverter(QName.class, String.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<QName, String>() { public String convert(QName source) { return source.toString(); } }); addDynamicTwoStageConverter(QName.class, String.class, InputStream.class); // // EntityRef (NodeRef, ChildAssociationRef, NodeAssociationRef) // addConverter(EntityRef.class, String.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<EntityRef, String>() { public String convert(EntityRef source) { return source.toString(); } }); addConverter(EntityRef.class, BasicDBObject.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<EntityRef, BasicDBObject>() { public BasicDBObject convert(EntityRef source) { BasicDBObject ret = null; if (source instanceof NodeRef) { NodeRef nodeRef = (NodeRef) source; BasicDBObjectBuilder builder = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start("t", "NODEREF"); builder.add("p", nodeRef.getStoreRef().getProtocol()); builder.add("s", nodeRef.getStoreRef().getIdentifier()); builder.add("id", nodeRef.getId()); ret = (BasicDBObject) builder.get(); } else if (source instanceof StoreRef) { StoreRef storeRef = (StoreRef) source; BasicDBObjectBuilder builder = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start("t", "STOREREF"); builder.add("p", storeRef.getProtocol()); builder.add("s", storeRef.getIdentifier()); ret = (BasicDBObject) builder.get(); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } return ret; } }); addDynamicTwoStageConverter(EntityRef.class, String.class, InputStream.class); // // ContentData // addConverter(ContentData.class, String.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<ContentData, String>() { public String convert(ContentData source) { return source.getInfoUrl(); } }); addDynamicTwoStageConverter(ContentData.class, String.class, InputStream.class); // // Path // addConverter(Path.class, String.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<Path, String>() { public String convert(Path source) { return source.toString(); } }); addDynamicTwoStageConverter(Path.class, String.class, InputStream.class); // // Content Reader // addConverter(ContentReader.class, InputStream.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<ContentReader, InputStream>() { public InputStream convert(ContentReader source) { return source.getContentInputStream(); } }); addConverter(ContentReader.class, String.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<ContentReader, String>() { public String convert(ContentReader source) { // Getting the string from the ContentReader binary is meaningless return source.toString(); } }); // // Content Writer // addConverter(ContentWriter.class, String.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<ContentWriter, String>() { public String convert(ContentWriter source) { return source.toString(); } }); addConverter(Collection.class, BasicDBList.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<Collection, BasicDBList>() { public BasicDBList convert(Collection source) { BasicDBList ret = new BasicDBList(); for (Object o : source) { ret.add(o); } return ret; } }); addConverter(BasicDBList.class, Collection.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<BasicDBList, Collection>() { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Collection convert(BasicDBList source) { Collection ret = new LinkedList(); for (Object o : source) { ret.add(o); } return ret; } }); // // Input Stream // addConverter(InputStream.class, String.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<InputStream, String>() { public String convert(InputStream source) { try { ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); byte[] buffer = new byte[8192]; int read; while ((read = > 0) { out.write(buffer, 0, read); } byte[] data = out.toByteArray(); return new String(data, "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new TypeConversionException("Cannot convert input stream to String.", e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new TypeConversionException("Conversion from stream to string failed", e); } finally { if (source != null) { try { source.close(); } catch (IOException e) { //NOOP } } } } }); addDynamicTwoStageConverter(InputStream.class, String.class, Date.class); addDynamicTwoStageConverter(InputStream.class, String.class, Double.class); addDynamicTwoStageConverter(InputStream.class, String.class, Long.class); addDynamicTwoStageConverter(InputStream.class, String.class, Boolean.class); addDynamicTwoStageConverter(InputStream.class, String.class, QName.class); addDynamicTwoStageConverter(InputStream.class, String.class, Path.class); addDynamicTwoStageConverter(InputStream.class, String.class, NodeRef.class); }
From source
License:Open Source License
public void indexNode(NodeEvent event) throws IOException { AlfrescoNode node = makeAlfrescoNode(event); long nodeInternalId = node.getNodeInternalId(); String nodeId = node.getNodeId(); long nodeVersion = node.getNodeVersion(); String versionLabel = getVersionLabel(event); long timestamp = event.getTimestamp(); String username = event.getUsername(); BasicDBObjectBuilder builder = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start("n", nodeId).add("nid", nodeInternalId) .add("v", nodeVersion).add("l", versionLabel).add("t", timestamp).add("u", username); NodeVersionKey nodeVersionKey = new NodeVersionKey(nodeInternalId, nodeVersion); String changeTxnId = node.getChangeTxnId(); Long txnId = node.getTxnId(); String nodeType = node.getType(); Set<String> aspects = node.getAspects(); Map<String, Serializable> properties = node.getProperties(); // Map<String, Serializable> deserializedProperties = // propertySerializer.deserialize(serializedProperties); // nodeMetadataSerializer.buildNodeMetadata(builder, nodeVersionKey, // changeTxnId, txnId, nodeType, // deserializedProperties, aspects); nodeMetadataSerializer.buildNodeMetadata(builder, nodeVersionKey, changeTxnId, txnId, nodeType, properties, aspects);/*from w w w . j av a 2s .c o m*/ String id = buildIndexId(event); String json = builder.get().toString(); IndexResponse response = elasticSearchClient.index(indexName, id, IndexType.node, json, true); logger.debug("Indexed node " + nodeId + ", " + builder.get() + "response " + response.getId() + ", " + response.getType() + ", " + response.getIndex() + ", " + response.getVersion()); }
From source
License:Open Source License
public void indexNode( event) throws IOException { AlfrescoNode node = makeAlfrescoNode(event); String nodeId = node.getNodeId(); BasicDBObjectBuilder builder = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start("n", nodeId); String changeTxnId = node.getChangeTxnId(); String nodeType = node.getType(); Set<String> aspects = node.getAspects(); Map<String, Serializable> properties = node.getProperties(); nodeMetadataSerializer.buildNodeMetadata(builder, nodeId, changeTxnId, nodeType, properties, aspects); String id = buildIndexId(event); String json = builder.get().toString(); IndexResponse response = elasticSearchClient.index(indexName, id, IndexType.node, json, true); logger.debug("Indexed node " + nodeId + ", " + builder.get() + "response " + response.getId() + ", " + response.getType() + ", " + response.getIndex() + ", " + response.getVersion()); }