Example usage for com.mongodb BasicDBObjectBuilder start

List of usage examples for com.mongodb BasicDBObjectBuilder start


In this page you can find the example usage for com.mongodb BasicDBObjectBuilder start.


public static BasicDBObjectBuilder start(final String key, final Object val) 

Source Link


Creates a builder initialized with the given key/value.


From source file:org.alfresco.repo.domain.node.mongo.MongoNodeDAO.java

License:Open Source License

public void onCommit(String txnId) {
    DBObject query = QueryBuilder.start("t").is(txnId).get();
    DBObject update = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start("$set", BasicDBObjectBuilder.start("c", true).get()).get();
    nodes.update(query, update, false, true);

From source file:org.alfresco.semantics.MongoSemantics.java

License:Open Source License

public void init() {
    this.relations = getCollection(db, relationsCollectionName, WriteConcern.ACKNOWLEDGED);

    {/*from   www.  j  a v  a 2s. com*/
        DBObject idx = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start("f", 1).add("c", 1).get();
        DBObject options = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start("unique", false).add("sparse", true).add("name", "from")
        this.relations.createIndex(idx, options);

        DBObject idx = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start("t", 1).add("c", 1).get();
        DBObject options = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start("unique", false).add("sparse", true).add("name", "to")
        this.relations.createIndex(idx, options);

From source file:org.alfresco.semantics.MongoSemantics.java

License:Open Source License

public void addRelation(String fromId, String toId, String category) {
    QueryBuilder queryBuilder = QueryBuilder.start("f").is(fromId).and("t").is(toId);
    DBObject query = queryBuilder.get();

    BasicDBObjectBuilder builder = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start("f", fromId).add("t", toId).add("c", category)
            .add("w", 1.0);
    DBObject insert = builder.get();/*from w  w  w  . j  a  va  2s  .  c  o m*/

    WriteResult result = relations.update(query, insert, true, false);
    checkResult(result, 1);

From source file:org.alfresco.semantics.MongoSemantics.java

License:Open Source License

public void increaseWeight(String fromId, String toId, double weight) {
    QueryBuilder queryBuilder = QueryBuilder.start("f").is(fromId).and("t").is(toId);
    DBObject query = queryBuilder.get();

    BasicDBObjectBuilder updateBuilder = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start("$inc",
            BasicDBObjectBuilder.start("w", weight).get());
    DBObject update = updateBuilder.get();

    WriteResult result = relations.update(query, update, false, false);
    checkResult(result, 1);/*from   w  ww .j av  a  2  s  .  c  om*/

From source file:org.alfresco.semantics.MongoSemantics.java

License:Open Source License

public List<Relation> relationsFrom(String fromId, Set<String> categories, int skip, int maxItems) {
    List<Relation> ret = new LinkedList<>();

    QueryBuilder queryBuilder = QueryBuilder.start("f").is(fromId);
    if (categories != null && categories.size() > 0) {
    }//from w  ww .j  a va  2 s. c om
    DBObject query = queryBuilder.get();

    BasicDBObjectBuilder orderByBuilder = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start("t", 1).add("w", 1);
    DBObject orderBy = orderByBuilder.get();

    DBCursor cursor = relations.find(query).sort(orderBy).skip(skip).limit(maxItems);
    try {
        for (DBObject dbObject : cursor) {
            String toId = (String) dbObject.get("t");
            double weight = (Double) dbObject.get("w");
            Relation r = new Relation(fromId, toId, weight);
    } finally {
        if (cursor != null) {

    return ret;

From source file:org.alfresco.semantics.MongoSemantics.java

License:Open Source License

public List<Relation> relationsTo(String toId, Set<String> categories, int skip, int maxItems) {
    List<Relation> ret = new LinkedList<>();

    QueryBuilder queryBuilder = QueryBuilder.start("t").is(toId);
    if (categories != null && categories.size() > 0) {
    }/*from  w w  w.  j  av  a 2  s .  co  m*/
    DBObject query = queryBuilder.get();

    BasicDBObjectBuilder orderByBuilder = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start("f", 1).add("w", 1);
    DBObject orderBy = orderByBuilder.get();

    DBCursor cursor = relations.find(query).sort(orderBy).skip(skip).limit(maxItems);
    try {
        for (DBObject dbObject : cursor) {
            String fromId = (String) dbObject.get("f");
            double weight = (Double) dbObject.get("w");
            Relation r = new Relation(fromId, toId, weight);
    } finally {
        if (cursor != null) {

    return ret;

From source file:org.alfresco.serializers.MongoFilesImpl.java

License:Open Source License

public DBObject createFile(long nodeId, long nodeVersion, String propertyName, byte[] bytes) {
    GridFSInputFile f = myFS.createFile(bytes);
    f.put("nodeId", nodeId);
    f.put("nodeVersion", nodeVersion);
    f.put("propertyQName", propertyName);
    f.save();//w ww.  ja  va2  s  . c o m
    DBObject dbObject = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start("type", "serialized").add("id", f.getId()).get();
    return dbObject;

From source file:org.alfresco.serializers.types.DefaultTypeConverter.java

License:Open Source License

private DefaultTypeConverter() {
    ////from w ww. j  a va 2s .  c  om
    // From string
    addConverter(String.class, Class.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<String, Class>() {
        public Class convert(String source) {
            try {
                return Class.forName(source);
            } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                throw new TypeConversionException("Failed to convert string to class: " + source, e);
    addConverter(String.class, Boolean.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<String, Boolean>() {
        public Boolean convert(String source) {
            return Boolean.valueOf(source);
    addConverter(String.class, Character.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<String, Character>() {
        public Character convert(String source) {
            if ((source == null) || (source.length() == 0)) {
                return null;
            return Character.valueOf(source.charAt(0));
    addConverter(String.class, Number.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<String, Number>() {
        public Number convert(String source) {
            try {
                return DecimalFormat.getNumberInstance().parse(source);
            } catch (ParseException e) {
                throw new TypeConversionException("Failed to parse number " + source, e);
    addConverter(String.class, Byte.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<String, Byte>() {
        public Byte convert(String source) {
            return Byte.valueOf(source);
    addConverter(String.class, Short.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<String, Short>() {
        public Short convert(String source) {
            return Short.valueOf(source);
    addConverter(String.class, Integer.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<String, Integer>() {
        public Integer convert(String source) {
            return Integer.valueOf(source);
    addConverter(String.class, Long.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<String, Long>() {
        public Long convert(String source) {
            return Long.valueOf(source);
    addConverter(String.class, Float.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<String, Float>() {
        public Float convert(String source) {
            return Float.valueOf(source);
    addConverter(String.class, Double.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<String, Double>() {
        public Double convert(String source) {
            return Double.valueOf(source);
    addConverter(String.class, BigInteger.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<String, BigInteger>() {
        public BigInteger convert(String source) {
            return new BigInteger(source);
    addConverter(String.class, BigDecimal.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<String, BigDecimal>() {
        public BigDecimal convert(String source) {
            return new BigDecimal(source);
    addConverter(BasicDBObject.class, BigDecimal.class,
            new TypeConverter.Converter<BasicDBObject, BigDecimal>() {
                public BigDecimal convert(BasicDBObject source) {
                    String type = (String) source.get("t");
                    if (type.equals("FIXED_POINT")) {
                        String number = (String) source.get("n");
                        Integer precision = (Integer) source.get("p");
                        MathContext ctx = new MathContext(precision);
                        return new BigDecimal(number, ctx);
                    } else {
                        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid source object for conversion " + source
                                + ", expected a Fixed Decimal object");
    addConverter(String.class, Date.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<String, Date>() {
        public Date convert(String source) {
            try {
                Date date = ISO8601DateFormat.parse(source);
                return date;
            } catch (PlatformRuntimeException e) {
                throw new TypeConversionException("Failed to convert date " + source + " to string", e);
            } catch (AlfrescoRuntimeException e) {
                throw new TypeConversionException("Failed to convert date " + source + " to string", e);
    addConverter(String.class, Duration.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<String, Duration>() {
        public Duration convert(String source) {
            return new Duration(source);
    addConverter(String.class, QName.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<String, QName>() {
        public QName convert(String source) {
            return QName.createQName(source);
    addConverter(BasicDBObject.class, QName.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<BasicDBObject, QName>() {
        public QName convert(BasicDBObject source) {
            String type = (String) source.get("t");
            if (type.equals("QNAME")) {
                String qname = (String) source.get("v");
                return QName.createQName(qname);
            } else {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException();
    addConverter(String.class, ContentData.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<String, ContentData>() {
        public ContentData convert(String source) {
            return ContentData.createContentProperty(source);
    addConverter(String.class, NodeRef.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<String, NodeRef>() {
        public NodeRef convert(String source) {
            return new NodeRef(source);
    addConverter(BasicDBObject.class, NodeRef.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<BasicDBObject, NodeRef>() {
        public NodeRef convert(BasicDBObject source) {
            String type = (String) source.get("t");
            if (!type.equals("NODEREF")) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                        "Invalid source object for conversion " + source + ", expected a NodeRef object");
            String protocol = (String) source.get("p");
            String storeId = (String) source.get("s");
            String id = (String) source.get("id");
            NodeRef nodeRef = new NodeRef(new StoreRef(protocol, storeId), id);
            return nodeRef;
    addConverter(String.class, StoreRef.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<String, StoreRef>() {
        public StoreRef convert(String source) {
            return new StoreRef(source);
    addConverter(BasicDBObject.class, StoreRef.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<BasicDBObject, StoreRef>() {
        public StoreRef convert(BasicDBObject source) {
            String type = (String) source.get("t");
            if (!type.equals("STOREREF")) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                        "Invalid source object for conversion " + source + ", expected a StoreRef object");
            String protocol = (String) source.get("p");
            String storeId = (String) source.get("s");
            return new StoreRef(protocol, storeId);
    addConverter(String.class, ChildAssociationRef.class,
            new TypeConverter.Converter<String, ChildAssociationRef>() {
                public ChildAssociationRef convert(String source) {
                    return new ChildAssociationRef(source);
    addConverter(String.class, AssociationRef.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<String, AssociationRef>() {
        public AssociationRef convert(String source) {
            return new AssociationRef(source);
    addConverter(String.class, InputStream.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<String, InputStream>() {
        public InputStream convert(String source) {
            try {
                return new ByteArrayInputStream(source.getBytes("UTF-8"));
            } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
                throw new TypeConversionException("Encoding not supported", e);
    addConverter(String.class, MLText.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<String, MLText>() {
        public MLText convert(String source) {
            return new MLText(source);
    addConverter(BasicDBObject.class, MLText.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<BasicDBObject, MLText>() {
        public MLText convert(BasicDBObject source) {
            String type = (String) source.get("t");
            if (!type.equals("MLTEXT")) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                        "Invalid source object for conversion " + source + ", expected a NodeRef object");

            MLText mlText = new MLText();
            for (String languageTag : source.keySet()) {
                String text = (String) source.get(languageTag);
                Locale locale = Locale.forLanguageTag(languageTag);
                mlText.put(locale, text);

            return mlText;
    //        addConverter(BasicDBObject.class, ContentDataWithId.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<BasicDBObject, ContentDataWithId>()
    //        {
    //            public ContentDataWithId convert(BasicDBObject source)
    //            {
    //                String type = (String)source.get("t");
    //                if(!type.equals("CONTENT_DATA_ID"))
    //                {
    //                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid source object for conversion "
    //                            + source 
    //                            + ", expected a ContentDataWithId object");
    //                }
    //                String contentUrl = (String)source.get("u");
    //                String mimeType = (String)source.get("m");
    //                Long size = (Long)source.get("s");
    //                String encoding = (String)source.get("e");
    //                String languageTag = (String)source.get("l");
    //                Long id = (Long)source.get("id");
    //                Locale locale = Locale.forLanguageTag(languageTag);
    //                ContentData contentData = new ContentData(contentUrl, mimeType, size, encoding, locale);
    //                ContentDataWithId contentDataWithId = new ContentDataWithId(contentData, id);
    //                return contentDataWithId;
    //            }
    //        });
    addConverter(BasicDBObject.class, ContentData.class,
            new TypeConverter.Converter<BasicDBObject, ContentData>() {
                public ContentData convert(BasicDBObject source) {
                    ContentData contentData = null;

                    String type = (String) source.get("t");
                    if (type.equals("CONTENT")) {
                        String contentUrl = (String) source.get("u");
                        String mimeType = (String) source.get("m");
                        Long size = (Long) source.get("s");
                        String encoding = (String) source.get("e");
                        String languageTag = (String) source.get("l");
                        Locale locale = Locale.forLanguageTag(languageTag);
                        contentData = new ContentData(contentUrl, mimeType, size, encoding, locale);
                    } else if (type.equals("CONTENT_DATA_ID")) {
                        String contentUrl = (String) source.get("u");
                        String mimeType = (String) source.get("m");
                        Long size = (Long) source.get("s");
                        String encoding = (String) source.get("e");
                        String languageTag = (String) source.get("l");
                        Locale locale = Locale.forLanguageTag(languageTag);
                        contentData = new ContentData(contentUrl, mimeType, size, encoding, locale);
                    } else {
                        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid source object for conversion " + source
                                + ", expected a ContentData object");

                    return contentData;
    addConverter(BasicDBObject.class, String.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<BasicDBObject, String>() {
        public String convert(BasicDBObject source) {
            // TODO distinguish between different BasicDBObject representations e.g. for MLText, ...

            Set<String> languageTags = source.keySet();
            if (languageTags.size() == 0) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Persisted MLText is invalid " + source);
            } else if (languageTags.size() > 1) {
                // TODO
                logger.warn("Persisted MLText has more than 1 locale " + source);

            String languageTag = languageTags.iterator().next();
            String text = source.getString(languageTag);
            return text;
    addConverter(String.class, Locale.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<String, Locale>() {
        public Locale convert(String source) {
            return I18NUtil.parseLocale(source);
    addConverter(String.class, Period.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<String, Period>() {
        public Period convert(String source) {
            return new Period(source);
    addConverter(String.class, VersionNumber.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<String, VersionNumber>() {
        public VersionNumber convert(String source) {
            return new VersionNumber(source);

    // From Locale
    addConverter(Locale.class, String.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<Locale, String>() {
        public String convert(Locale source) {
            String localeStr = source.toString();
            if (localeStr.length() < 6) {
                localeStr += "_";
            return localeStr;

    // From VersionNumber
    addConverter(VersionNumber.class, String.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<VersionNumber, String>() {
        public String convert(VersionNumber source) {
            return source.toString();

    // From MLText
    addConverter(MLText.class, String.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<MLText, String>() {
        public String convert(MLText source) {
            return source.getDefaultValue();

    addConverter(MLText.class, BasicDBObject.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<MLText, BasicDBObject>() {
        public BasicDBObject convert(MLText source) {
            BasicDBObject dbObject = new BasicDBObject("t", "MLTEXT");
            for (Map.Entry<Locale, String> entry : source.entrySet()) {
                dbObject.put(entry.getKey().toLanguageTag(), entry.getValue());
            return dbObject;

    //        addConverter(ContentDataWithId.class, BasicDBObject.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<ContentDataWithId, BasicDBObject>()
    //        {
    //            public BasicDBObject convert(ContentDataWithId source)
    //            {
    //                BasicDBObject dbObject = new BasicDBObject("t", "CONTENT_DATA_ID");
    //                String contentUrl = source.getContentUrl();
    //                Long id = source.getId();
    //                String languageTag = source.getLocale().toLanguageTag();
    //                String encoding = source.getEncoding();
    //                long size = source.getSize();
    //                String mimeType = source.getMimetype();
    //                dbObject.put("u", contentUrl);
    //                dbObject.put("m", mimeType);
    //                dbObject.put("s", size);
    //                dbObject.put("e", encoding);
    //                dbObject.put("l", languageTag);
    //                dbObject.put("id", id);
    //                return dbObject;
    //            }
    //        });

    addConverter(ContentData.class, BasicDBObject.class,
            new TypeConverter.Converter<ContentData, BasicDBObject>() {
                public BasicDBObject convert(ContentData source) {
                    BasicDBObject dbObject = new BasicDBObject("t", "CONTENT");

                    String contentUrl = source.getContentUrl();
                    String languageTag = source.getLocale().toLanguageTag();
                    String encoding = source.getEncoding();
                    long size = source.getSize();
                    String mimeType = source.getMimetype();

                    dbObject.put("u", contentUrl);
                    dbObject.put("m", mimeType);
                    dbObject.put("s", size);
                    dbObject.put("e", encoding);
                    dbObject.put("l", languageTag);
                    return dbObject;

    // From enum
    addConverter(Enum.class, String.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<Enum, String>() {
        public String convert(Enum source) {
            return source.toString();

    // From Period
    addConverter(Period.class, String.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<Period, String>() {
        public String convert(Period source) {
            return source.toString();

    // From Class
    addConverter(Class.class, String.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<Class, String>() {
        public String convert(Class source) {
            return source.getName();

    // Number to Subtypes and Date
    addConverter(Number.class, Boolean.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<Number, Boolean>() {
        public Boolean convert(Number source) {
            return new Boolean(source.longValue() > 0);
    addConverter(Number.class, Byte.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<Number, Byte>() {
        public Byte convert(Number source) {
            return Byte.valueOf(source.byteValue());
    addConverter(Number.class, Short.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<Number, Short>() {
        public Short convert(Number source) {
            return Short.valueOf(source.shortValue());
    addConverter(Number.class, Integer.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<Number, Integer>() {
        public Integer convert(Number source) {
            return Integer.valueOf(source.intValue());
    addConverter(Number.class, Long.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<Number, Long>() {
        public Long convert(Number source) {
            return Long.valueOf(source.longValue());
    addConverter(Number.class, Float.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<Number, Float>() {
        public Float convert(Number source) {
            return Float.valueOf(source.floatValue());
    addConverter(Number.class, Double.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<Number, Double>() {
        public Double convert(Number source) {
            return Double.valueOf(source.doubleValue());
    addConverter(Number.class, Date.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<Number, Date>() {
        public Date convert(Number source) {
            return new Date(source.longValue());
    addConverter(Number.class, String.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<Number, String>() {
        public String convert(Number source) {
            return source.toString();
    addConverter(Number.class, BigInteger.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<Number, BigInteger>() {
        public BigInteger convert(Number source) {
            if (source instanceof BigDecimal) {
                return ((BigDecimal) source).toBigInteger();
            } else {
                return BigInteger.valueOf(source.longValue());
    addConverter(Number.class, BigDecimal.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<Number, BigDecimal>() {
        public BigDecimal convert(Number source) {
            if (source instanceof BigInteger) {
                return new BigDecimal((BigInteger) source);
            } else if (source instanceof Double) {
                return BigDecimal.valueOf((Double) source);
            } else if (source instanceof Float) {
                Float val = (Float) source;
                if (val.isInfinite()) {
                    // What else can we do here?  this is 3.4 E 38 so is fairly big
                    return new BigDecimal(Float.MAX_VALUE);
                return BigDecimal.valueOf((Float) source);
            } else {
                return BigDecimal.valueOf(source.longValue());
    addDynamicTwoStageConverter(Number.class, String.class, InputStream.class);

    // Date, Timestamp ->
    addConverter(Timestamp.class, Date.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<Timestamp, Date>() {
        public Date convert(Timestamp source) {
            return new Date(source.getTime());
    addConverter(Date.class, Number.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<Date, Number>() {
        public Number convert(Date source) {
            return Long.valueOf(source.getTime());
    addConverter(Date.class, String.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<Date, String>() {
        public String convert(Date source) {
            try {
                return ISO8601DateFormat.format(source);
            } catch (PlatformRuntimeException e) {
                throw new TypeConversionException("Failed to convert date " + source + " to string", e);
    addConverter(Date.class, Calendar.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<Date, Calendar>() {
        public Calendar convert(Date source) {
            Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
            return calendar;

    addConverter(Date.class, GregorianCalendar.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<Date, GregorianCalendar>() {
        public GregorianCalendar convert(Date source) {
            GregorianCalendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar();
            return calendar;
    addDynamicTwoStageConverter(Date.class, String.class, InputStream.class);

    // Boolean ->
    final Long LONG_FALSE = new Long(0L);
    final Long LONG_TRUE = new Long(1L);
    addConverter(Boolean.class, Long.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<Boolean, Long>() {
        public Long convert(Boolean source) {
            return source.booleanValue() ? LONG_TRUE : LONG_FALSE;
    addConverter(Boolean.class, String.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<Boolean, String>() {
        public String convert(Boolean source) {
            return source.toString();
    addDynamicTwoStageConverter(Boolean.class, String.class, InputStream.class);

    // Character ->
    addConverter(Character.class, String.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<Character, String>() {
        public String convert(Character source) {
            return source.toString();
    addDynamicTwoStageConverter(Character.class, String.class, InputStream.class);

    // Duration ->
    addConverter(Duration.class, String.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<Duration, String>() {
        public String convert(Duration source) {
            return source.toString();

    addDynamicTwoStageConverter(Duration.class, String.class, InputStream.class);

    // Byte
    addConverter(Byte.class, String.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<Byte, String>() {
        public String convert(Byte source) {
            return source.toString();
    addDynamicTwoStageConverter(Byte.class, String.class, InputStream.class);

    // Short
    addConverter(Short.class, String.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<Short, String>() {
        public String convert(Short source) {
            return source.toString();
    addDynamicTwoStageConverter(Short.class, String.class, InputStream.class);

    // Integer
    addConverter(Integer.class, String.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<Integer, String>() {
        public String convert(Integer source) {
            return source.toString();
    addDynamicTwoStageConverter(Integer.class, String.class, InputStream.class);

    // Long
    addConverter(Long.class, String.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<Long, String>() {
        public String convert(Long source) {
            return source.toString();
    addDynamicTwoStageConverter(Long.class, String.class, InputStream.class);

    // Float
    addConverter(Float.class, String.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<Float, String>() {
        public String convert(Float source) {
            return source.toString();
    addDynamicTwoStageConverter(Float.class, String.class, InputStream.class);

    // Double
    addConverter(Double.class, String.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<Double, String>() {
        public String convert(Double source) {
            return source.toString();
    addDynamicTwoStageConverter(Double.class, String.class, InputStream.class);

    // BigInteger
    addConverter(BigInteger.class, String.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<BigInteger, String>() {
        public String convert(BigInteger source) {
            return source.toString();
    addDynamicTwoStageConverter(BigInteger.class, String.class, InputStream.class);

    // Calendar
    addConverter(Calendar.class, Date.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<Calendar, Date>() {
        public Date convert(Calendar source) {
            return source.getTime();
    addConverter(Calendar.class, String.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<Calendar, String>() {
        public String convert(Calendar source) {
            try {
                return ISO8601DateFormat.format(source.getTime());
            } catch (PlatformRuntimeException e) {
                throw new TypeConversionException("Failed to convert date " + source + " to string", e);

    // BigDecimal
    addConverter(BigDecimal.class, BasicDBObject.class,
            new TypeConverter.Converter<BigDecimal, BasicDBObject>() {
                public BasicDBObject convert(BigDecimal source) {
                    String number = source.toPlainString();
                    int precision = source.precision();
                    BasicDBObject dbObject = new BasicDBObject();
                    dbObject.put("t", "FIXED_POINT");
                    dbObject.put("n", number);
                    dbObject.put("p", precision);
                    return dbObject;
    addConverter(BigDecimal.class, String.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<BigDecimal, String>() {
        public String convert(BigDecimal source) {
            return source.toString();
    addDynamicTwoStageConverter(BigDecimal.class, String.class, InputStream.class);

    // QName
    addConverter(QName.class, String.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<QName, String>() {
        public String convert(QName source) {
            return source.toString();
    addDynamicTwoStageConverter(QName.class, String.class, InputStream.class);

    // EntityRef (NodeRef, ChildAssociationRef, NodeAssociationRef)
    addConverter(EntityRef.class, String.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<EntityRef, String>() {
        public String convert(EntityRef source) {
            return source.toString();
    addConverter(EntityRef.class, BasicDBObject.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<EntityRef, BasicDBObject>() {
        public BasicDBObject convert(EntityRef source) {
            BasicDBObject ret = null;

            if (source instanceof NodeRef) {
                NodeRef nodeRef = (NodeRef) source;

                BasicDBObjectBuilder builder = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start("t", "NODEREF");
                builder.add("p", nodeRef.getStoreRef().getProtocol());
                builder.add("s", nodeRef.getStoreRef().getIdentifier());
                builder.add("id", nodeRef.getId());
                ret = (BasicDBObject) builder.get();
            } else if (source instanceof StoreRef) {
                StoreRef storeRef = (StoreRef) source;

                BasicDBObjectBuilder builder = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start("t", "STOREREF");
                builder.add("p", storeRef.getProtocol());
                builder.add("s", storeRef.getIdentifier());
                ret = (BasicDBObject) builder.get();
            } else {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException();

            return ret;
    addDynamicTwoStageConverter(EntityRef.class, String.class, InputStream.class);

    // ContentData
    addConverter(ContentData.class, String.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<ContentData, String>() {
        public String convert(ContentData source) {
            return source.getInfoUrl();
    addDynamicTwoStageConverter(ContentData.class, String.class, InputStream.class);

    // Path
    addConverter(Path.class, String.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<Path, String>() {
        public String convert(Path source) {
            return source.toString();
    addDynamicTwoStageConverter(Path.class, String.class, InputStream.class);

    // Content Reader
    addConverter(ContentReader.class, InputStream.class,
            new TypeConverter.Converter<ContentReader, InputStream>() {
                public InputStream convert(ContentReader source) {
                    return source.getContentInputStream();
    addConverter(ContentReader.class, String.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<ContentReader, String>() {
        public String convert(ContentReader source) {
            // Getting the string from the ContentReader binary is meaningless
            return source.toString();

    // Content Writer
    addConverter(ContentWriter.class, String.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<ContentWriter, String>() {
        public String convert(ContentWriter source) {
            return source.toString();

    addConverter(Collection.class, BasicDBList.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<Collection, BasicDBList>() {
        public BasicDBList convert(Collection source) {
            BasicDBList ret = new BasicDBList();
            for (Object o : source) {
            return ret;

    addConverter(BasicDBList.class, Collection.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<BasicDBList, Collection>() {
        public Collection convert(BasicDBList source) {
            Collection ret = new LinkedList();
            for (Object o : source) {
            return ret;

    // Input Stream
    addConverter(InputStream.class, String.class, new TypeConverter.Converter<InputStream, String>() {
        public String convert(InputStream source) {
            try {
                ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                byte[] buffer = new byte[8192];
                int read;
                while ((read = source.read(buffer)) > 0) {
                    out.write(buffer, 0, read);
                byte[] data = out.toByteArray();
                return new String(data, "UTF-8");
            } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
                throw new TypeConversionException("Cannot convert input stream to String.", e);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new TypeConversionException("Conversion from stream to string failed", e);
            } finally {
                if (source != null) {
                    try {
                    } catch (IOException e) {
    addDynamicTwoStageConverter(InputStream.class, String.class, Date.class);

    addDynamicTwoStageConverter(InputStream.class, String.class, Double.class);

    addDynamicTwoStageConverter(InputStream.class, String.class, Long.class);

    addDynamicTwoStageConverter(InputStream.class, String.class, Boolean.class);

    addDynamicTwoStageConverter(InputStream.class, String.class, QName.class);

    addDynamicTwoStageConverter(InputStream.class, String.class, Path.class);

    addDynamicTwoStageConverter(InputStream.class, String.class, NodeRef.class);


From source file:org.alfresco.service.common.elasticsearch.ElasticSearchIndexer.java

License:Open Source License

public void indexNode(NodeEvent event) throws IOException {
    AlfrescoNode node = makeAlfrescoNode(event);

    long nodeInternalId = node.getNodeInternalId();
    String nodeId = node.getNodeId();
    long nodeVersion = node.getNodeVersion();
    String versionLabel = getVersionLabel(event);
    long timestamp = event.getTimestamp();
    String username = event.getUsername();

    BasicDBObjectBuilder builder = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start("n", nodeId).add("nid", nodeInternalId)
            .add("v", nodeVersion).add("l", versionLabel).add("t", timestamp).add("u", username);

    NodeVersionKey nodeVersionKey = new NodeVersionKey(nodeInternalId, nodeVersion);
    String changeTxnId = node.getChangeTxnId();
    Long txnId = node.getTxnId();
    String nodeType = node.getType();
    Set<String> aspects = node.getAspects();
    Map<String, Serializable> properties = node.getProperties();
    // Map<String, Serializable> deserializedProperties =
    // propertySerializer.deserialize(serializedProperties);
    // nodeMetadataSerializer.buildNodeMetadata(builder, nodeVersionKey,
    // changeTxnId, txnId, nodeType,
    // deserializedProperties, aspects);
    nodeMetadataSerializer.buildNodeMetadata(builder, nodeVersionKey, changeTxnId, txnId, nodeType, properties,
            aspects);/*from   w  w  w . j  av  a  2s .c  o  m*/

    String id = buildIndexId(event);
    String json = builder.get().toString();

    IndexResponse response = elasticSearchClient.index(indexName, id, IndexType.node, json, true);

    logger.debug("Indexed node " + nodeId + ", " + builder.get() + "response " + response.getId() + ", "
            + response.getType() + ", " + response.getIndex() + ", " + response.getVersion());

From source file:org.alfresco.service.common.elasticsearch.ElasticSearchIndexer.java

License:Open Source License

public void indexNode(org.alfresco.events.types.NodeEvent event) throws IOException {
    AlfrescoNode node = makeAlfrescoNode(event);

    String nodeId = node.getNodeId();

    BasicDBObjectBuilder builder = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start("n", nodeId);

    String changeTxnId = node.getChangeTxnId();
    String nodeType = node.getType();
    Set<String> aspects = node.getAspects();
    Map<String, Serializable> properties = node.getProperties();
    nodeMetadataSerializer.buildNodeMetadata(builder, nodeId, changeTxnId, nodeType, properties, aspects);

    String id = buildIndexId(event);
    String json = builder.get().toString();

    IndexResponse response = elasticSearchClient.index(indexName, id, IndexType.node, json, true);

    logger.debug("Indexed node " + nodeId + ", " + builder.get() + "response " + response.getId() + ", "
            + response.getType() + ", " + response.getIndex() + ", " + response.getVersion());