List of usage examples for com.mongodb BasicDBObjectBuilder start
public static BasicDBObjectBuilder start(final String key, final Object val)
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License:Apache License
@Override public QueryResult setFileAcl(int fileId, Acl newAcl) throws CatalogDBException { long startTime = startQuery(); String userId = newAcl.getUserId(); if (!userDBAdaptor.userExists(userId)) { throw new CatalogDBException("Can not set ACL to non-existent user: " + userId); }// w w w . j a v a 2 s .c o m DBObject newAclObject = getDbObject(newAcl, "ACL"); List<Acl> aclList = getFileAcl(fileId, userId).getResult(); DBObject match; DBObject updateOperation; if (aclList.isEmpty()) { // there is no acl for that user in that file. push match = new BasicDBObject(_ID, fileId); updateOperation = new BasicDBObject("$push", new BasicDBObject("acl", newAclObject)); } else { // there is already another ACL: overwrite match = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start(_ID, fileId).append("acl.userId", userId).get(); updateOperation = new BasicDBObject("$set", new BasicDBObject("acl.$", newAclObject)); } QueryResult update = fileCollection.update(match, updateOperation, null); return endQuery("set file acl", startTime); }
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License:Apache License
@Override public QueryResult<Dataset> createDataset(int studyId, Dataset dataset, QueryOptions options) throws CatalogDBException { long startTime = startQuery(); checkStudyId(studyId);//w ww.j a v a 2 s. c o m QueryResult<Long> count = studyCollection .count(BasicDBObjectBuilder.start(_ID, studyId).append("", dataset.getName()).get()); if (count.getResult().get(0) > 0) { throw new CatalogDBException( "Dataset { name: \"" + dataset.getName() + "\" } already exists in this study."); } int newId = getNewId(); dataset.setId(newId); DBObject datasetObject = getDbObject(dataset, "Dataset"); QueryResult<WriteResult> update = studyCollection.update(new BasicDBObject(_ID, studyId), new BasicDBObject("$push", new BasicDBObject("datasets", datasetObject)), null); if (update.getResult().get(0).getN() == 0) { throw CatalogDBException.idNotFound("Study", studyId); } return endQuery("createDataset", startTime, getDataset(newId, options)); }
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License:Apache License
/** * Tool methods/*from w w w . j a v a2*/ * *************************** */ @Override public QueryResult<Tool> createTool(String userId, Tool tool) throws CatalogDBException { long startTime = startQuery(); if (!userDBAdaptor.userExists(userId)) { throw new CatalogDBException("User {id:" + userId + "} does not exist"); } // Check if tools.alias already exists. DBObject countQuery = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start(_ID, userId).append("tools.alias", tool.getAlias()).get(); QueryResult<Long> count = userCollection.count(countQuery); if (count.getResult().get(0) != 0) { throw new CatalogDBException("Tool {alias:\"" + tool.getAlias() + "\"} already exists in this user"); } tool.setId(getNewId()); DBObject toolObject = getDbObject(tool, "tool"); DBObject query = new BasicDBObject(_ID, userId); query.put("tools.alias", new BasicDBObject("$ne", tool.getAlias())); DBObject update = new BasicDBObject("$push", new BasicDBObject("tools", toolObject)); //Update object QueryResult<WriteResult> queryResult = userCollection.update(query, update, null); if (queryResult.getResult().get(0).getN() == 0) { // Check if the project has been inserted throw new CatalogDBException("Tool {alias:\"" + tool.getAlias() + "\"} already exists in this user"); } return endQuery("Create Job", startTime, getTool(tool.getId()).getResult()); }
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License:Apache License
@Override public int getToolId(String userId, String toolAlias) throws CatalogDBException { DBObject query = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start(_ID, userId).append("tools.alias", toolAlias).get(); DBObject projection = new BasicDBObject("tools", new BasicDBObject("$elemMatch", new BasicDBObject("alias", toolAlias))); QueryResult<DBObject> queryResult = userCollection.find(query, projection, null); if (queryResult.getNumResults() != 1) { throw new CatalogDBException("Tool {alias:" + toolAlias + "} no exists"); }/*from www . j a v a2 s . co m*/ User user = parseUser(queryResult); return user.getTools().get(0).getId(); }
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License:Apache License
@Override public QueryResult getAllIntervalFrequencies(Region region, QueryOptions options) { int size = options.getInt(QO_INTERVAL_SIZE, 2000); String fileId = options.getString(QO_FILE_ID); int chunkSize = options.getInt(QO_COVERAGE_CHUNK_SIZE, 200); if (size % chunkSize != 0) { size -= size % chunkSize;//from w w w .j ava 2s. co m } List<DBObject> operations = new LinkedList<>(); operations.add(new BasicDBObject("$match", new BasicDBObject("$and", Arrays.asList( new BasicDBObject(CoverageMongoDBWriter.START_FIELD, new BasicDBObject("$gt", region.getStart())), new BasicDBObject(CoverageMongoDBWriter.START_FIELD, new BasicDBObject("$lt", region.getEnd())), new BasicDBObject(CoverageMongoDBWriter.CHR_FIELD, region.getChromosome()), new BasicDBObject(CoverageMongoDBWriter.SIZE_FIELD, chunkSize))))); operations.add(new BasicDBObject("$unwind", "$" + CoverageMongoDBWriter.FILES_FIELD)); operations.add(new BasicDBObject("$match", new BasicDBObject( CoverageMongoDBWriter.FILES_FIELD + "." + CoverageMongoDBWriter.FILE_ID_FIELD, fileId))); String startField = "$" + CoverageMongoDBWriter.START_FIELD; String averageField = "$" + CoverageMongoDBWriter.FILES_FIELD + "." + CoverageMongoDBWriter.AVERAGE_FIELD; operations .add(new BasicDBObject("$group", BasicDBObjectBuilder .start("_id", new BasicDBObject("$divide", Arrays.asList( new BasicDBObject("$subtract", Arrays.asList(startField, new BasicDBObject("$mod", Arrays.asList(startField, size)))), size))) .append(FEATURES_COUNT, new BasicDBObject("$sum", averageField // new BasicDBObject( // "$divide", // Arrays.asList( // averageField, // size / chunkSize // ) // ) )).get())); operations.add(new BasicDBObject("$sort", new BasicDBObject("_id", 1))); StringBuilder mongoAggregate = new StringBuilder("db.") .append(CoverageMongoDBWriter.COVERAGE_COLLECTION_NAME + ".aggregate( ["); for (DBObject operation : operations) { mongoAggregate.append(operation.toString()).append(" , "); } mongoAggregate.append("])"); System.out.println("use " + mongoDataStore.getDatabaseName()); System.out.println(mongoAggregate.toString()); /*************/ //TODO: This should work, but doesn't System.out.println("dbName" + mongoDataStore.getDb().getName().toString()); MongoDBCollection collection = mongoDataStore.getCollection(CoverageMongoDBWriter.COVERAGE_COLLECTION_NAME); QueryResult<DBObject> aggregate = collection.aggregate(operations, null); /*************/ /*************/ //TODO: What's going on? // long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // AggregationOutput aggregationOutput = mongoDataStore.getDb().getCollection(CoverageMongoDBWriter.COVERAGE_COLLECTION_NAME).aggregate(operations); // // List<DBObject> results = new LinkedList<>(); // for (DBObject object : aggregationOutput.results()) { // results.add(object); // } // // long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // QueryResult<DBObject> aggregate = new QueryResult<>(fileId, ((int) (endTime - startTime)), results.size(), results.size(), "", "", results); /*************/ // System.out.println(collection.find(new BasicDBObject(), new QueryOptions("limit", 2), null)); // System.out.println(collection.find(new BasicDBObject("", "34"), new QueryOptions("limit", 2), null)); // System.out.println(collection.find(new BasicDBObject("", "7"), new QueryOptions("limit", 2), null)); // System.out.println(collection.find(new BasicDBObject("", "4"), new QueryOptions("limit", 2), null)); for (DBObject object : aggregate.getResult()) { int id = getInt(object, "_id"); int start = id * size + 1; int end = id * size + size; object.put("chromosome", region.getChromosome()); object.put("start", start); object.put("end", end); double featuresCount = getDouble(object, FEATURES_COUNT); // object.put("features_count_old", featureCount); featuresCount /= 1 + (end - 1) / chunkSize - (start + chunkSize - 2) / chunkSize; object.put(FEATURES_COUNT, featuresCount); // object.put("div1", end/chunkSize - start/chunkSize); // object.put("div2", end/chunkSize - (start+chunkSize)/chunkSize); // object.put("div3", (end-1)/chunkSize - (start+chunkSize-2)/chunkSize); } aggregate.setId(fileId); return aggregate; }
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License:Apache License
public List<LoggedMessage> loadLoggedMessagesFromDatabase(final Date startDate, final Date endDate) { DBCollection logTable = database.getCollection(DatabaseNames.getLoggerTableName()); // Create a query to look for log entries after the start date BasicDBObject searchQuery = new BasicDBObject(); searchQuery.put("timestamp", BasicDBObjectBuilder.start("$gte", startDate).add("$lte", endDate).get()); DBCursor cursor = logTable.find(searchQuery); List<LoggedMessage> loggedMessageList = processLogMessageCursor(cursor); cursor.close();//ww w. java2 s . c o m return loggedMessageList; }
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License:Open Source License
private DBObject toDBObject(Checksum checksum) { DBObject dbObject = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start("i", checksum.getBlockIndex()).add("h", checksum.getHash()) .add("a", checksum.getAdler32()).add("m", checksum.getMd5()).get(); return dbObject; }
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License:Open Source License
private void init() { map.put("name", "nm"); map.put("location", "l"); map.put("misc", "mi"); map.put("money", "m"); map.put("date", "d"); map.put("org", "o"); map.put("nm", "name"); map.put("l", "location"); map.put("mi", "misc"); map.put("m", "money"); map.put("d", "date"); map.put("o", "org"); allTypes.add("name"); allTypes.add("location"); allTypes.add("org"); allTypes.add("misc"); allTypes.add("date"); allTypes.add("money"); if (db == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Mongo DB must not be null"); }// ww w . j a v a2s .c o m this.entitiesData = getCollection(db, entitiesCollectionName, WriteConcern.ACKNOWLEDGED); { DBObject keys = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start("n", 1).add("v", 1).get(); this.entitiesData.ensureIndex(keys, "main", false); } }
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License:Open Source License
private void addEntities(Node node, String type, String key, Collection<Entity<String>> entities) { BulkWriteOperation bulk = entitiesData.initializeUnorderedBulkOperation(); String nodeId = node.getNodeId(); long nodeInternalId = node.getNodeInternalId(); String nodeVersion = node.getVersionLabel(); if (entities.size() > 0) { int expected = entities.size(); for (Entity<String> nameEntity : entities) { List<EntityLocation> locations = nameEntity.getLocations(); List<DBObject> locs = new LinkedList<>(); for (EntityLocation location : locations) { long start = location.getBeginOffset(); long end = location.getEndOffset(); String context = location.getContext(); double probability = location.getProbability(); DBObject locDBObject = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start("s", start).add("e", end) .add("p", probability).add("c", context).get(); locs.add(locDBObject);//w w w .j av a2s .co m } DBObject dbObject = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start("n", nodeId).add("ni", nodeInternalId) .add("v", nodeVersion).add("t", type).add(key, nameEntity.getEntity()) .add("c", nameEntity.getCount()).add("locs", locs).get(); bulk.insert(dbObject); } BulkWriteResult result = bulk.execute(); int inserted = result.getInsertedCount(); if (expected != inserted) { throw new RuntimeException("Mongo write failed"); } } }
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License:Open Source License
@Override // TODO use skip and maxItems public Stream<Entity<String>> getNames(Node node, int skip, int maxItems) { String nodeId = node.getNodeId(); String nodeVersion = node.getVersionLabel(); Collection<Entity<String>> ret = new LinkedList<>(); QueryBuilder queryBuilder = QueryBuilder.start("n").is(nodeId).and("v").is(nodeVersion); DBObject query = queryBuilder.get(); BasicDBObjectBuilder orderByBuilder = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start("nm", 1); DBObject orderBy = orderByBuilder.get(); DBCursor cursor = entitiesData.find(query).sort(orderBy); try {/*from www .j a va 2 s . c om*/ for (DBObject dbObject : cursor) { String name = (String) dbObject.get("nm"); int count = (Integer) dbObject.get("c"); String type = map.get("nm"); Entity<String> entity = new Entity<>(EntityType.valueOf(type), name, count); ret.add(entity); } } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } } return; }