List of usage examples for com.mongodb BasicDBObjectBuilder start
public static BasicDBObjectBuilder start()
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License:Open Source License
public DBCursor getUsers() { return getUsers(BasicDBObjectBuilder.start().get()); }
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License:Open Source License
private DBObject excludePasswordAndSaltProperties() { return BasicDBObjectBuilder.start().append(getProperty(MongoRealmProperties.PASSWORD_PROPERTY), 0) .append(getProperty(MongoRealmProperties.SALT_PROPERTY), 0).get(); }
From source
License:Apache License
public static void main(String[] args) {"=============================================================================================\n" + " _ _ _ \n" + " |\\/| _ ._ _ _ | \\ |_) |_) _ ._ _ |_ \n" + " | | (_) | | (_| (_) |_/ |_) |_) (/_ | | (_ | | \n" + " _| \n" + "Copyright 2013 Keith Bishop, Ultratechnica Ltd,\n" + "Licensed to Apache " + "=============================================================================================\n"); Options options = getOptions();//from ww w . j av a 2 s .co m CommandLine commandLine = parseArgs(args, options); MongoClient client = null; if (commandLine.hasOption("host") && commandLine.hasOption("port")) { String host = commandLine.getOptionValue("host"); String port = commandLine.getOptionValue("port"); try { client = new MongoClient(host, Integer.parseInt(port)); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { log.error("Unable to connect to host [{}] on port [{}]", host, port); } } else if (options.hasOption("host")) { String host = commandLine.getOptionValue("host"); try { client = new MongoClient(host); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { log.error("Unable to connect to host [{}] on default port ()", host); } } else { try { client = new MongoClient(); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { log.error("Unable to connect default host ({}) on default port ()", DEFAULT_HOST, DEFAULT_PORT); } } if (client == null) { System.out.println("Exiting, due to previous connection errors"); System.exit(1); } ServerAddress clientAddress = client.getAddress();"Connected to MongoDB [{}]", clientAddress); MongoClientOptions mongoClientOptions = client.getMongoClientOptions();"=============================================================================================\n" + "Using Mongo Client options:\n" + "\tConnections per host: " + mongoClientOptions.getConnectionsPerHost() + "\n" + "\tConect timeout: " + mongoClientOptions.getConnectTimeout() + " \n" + "\tSocket timeout: " + mongoClientOptions.getSocketTimeout() + "\n" + "\tMax Wait time: " + mongoClientOptions.getMaxWaitTime() + "\n" + "\tMax Auto connect retry time: " + mongoClientOptions.getMaxAutoConnectRetryTime() + "\n" + "\tMax threads allowed to block for conneciton multipler: " + mongoClientOptions.getThreadsAllowedToBlockForConnectionMultiplier() + "\n" + "\tWrite concern: " + mongoClientOptions.getWriteConcern() + "\n" + "\tRead Preference: " + mongoClientOptions.getReadPreference() + "\n" + "=============================================================================================\n"); String items = commandLine.getOptionValue("n"); int numberOfItems = 0; try { numberOfItems = Integer.parseInt(items); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { log.error("The parameter provided for -n was not an integer [{}]", items); System.exit(1); } DB local = client.getDB("local"); DBCollection collection = local.getCollection(DEFAULT_COLLECTION_NAME);"Starting benchmark, inserting [{}] items into collection [{}]", numberOfItems, DEFAULT_COLLECTION_NAME); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfItems; i++) { BasicDBObjectBuilder builder = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start().add("timestamp", new Date()) .add("field1", "123456").add("field2", "2345678") .add("field3", "123123231313131232131231231231123132123123123").add("field4", true); WriteResult result = collection.insert(builder.get()); if (!result.getLastError().ok()) { log.error("An error occurred [{}]", result.getLastError()); } } long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();"Finished benchmarking."); long timeTakenMillis = endTime - startTime; float timeTaken = (float) timeTakenMillis / 1000;"Results:\n\n" + String.format("%-25s %d", "Number of Items inserted:", numberOfItems) + "\n" + String.format("%-25s %.2f", "Time elapsed:", timeTaken) + " seconds\n" + String.format("%-25s %.2f", "Throughput:", numberOfItems / timeTaken) + " items/sec\n");"Removing test data..."); collection.remove(new BasicDBObject());"Cleared collection [test]"); }
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public static DBObject toDBObject(User u) { BasicDBObjectBuilder builder = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start().append("username", u.getUsername()) .append("password", u.getPassword()).append("firstname", u.getFirstName()) .append("lastname", u.getLastName()).append("email", u.getEmail()).append("isAdmin", u.isIsAdmin()) .append("lastAccessTime", new Date()).append("rating", 0).append("verified", u.isVerified()) .append("registeredTime", new Date()).append("reportedSpamCount", u.getReportedSpamCount()) .append("_id", u.getId()); return builder.get(); }
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License:Apache License
public void write(final DataOutput out) throws IOException { BSONObject spec = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start().add("inputURI", getInputURI().toString()) .add("authURI", getAuthURI() != null ? getAuthURI().toString() : null) .add("keyField", getKeyField()).add("fields", getFields()).add("query", getQuery()) .add("sort", getSort()).add("min", getMin()).add("max", getMax()).add("notimeout", getNoTimeout()) .get();//from w ww .j a v a 2 s. com byte[] buf = _bsonEncoder.encode(spec); out.write(buf); }
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License:Apache License
private void writeSplitData(final int docSize, final boolean force) throws IOException { //If no split file is being written, bail out now if (this.splitsFile == null) { return;/*from w ww . ja v a 2 s .c o m*/ } // hit the threshold of a split, write it to the metadata file if (force || currentSplitLen + docSize >= this.splitSize) { BSONObject splitObj = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start().add("s", currentSplitStart).add("l", currentSplitLen) .get(); byte[] encodedObj = this.bsonEnc.encode(splitObj); this.splitsFile.write(encodedObj, 0, encodedObj.length); //reset the split len and start this.currentSplitLen = 0; this.currentSplitStart = bytesWritten - docSize; } else { // Split hasn't hit threshold yet, just add size this.currentSplitLen += docSize; } }
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License:Apache License
/** * Write out the splits file, if doing so has been enabled. Splits must * already have been calculated previously by a call to {@link * #readSplitsForFile readSplitsForFile} or {@link #readSplits readSplits}. * * @see com.zjy.mongo.util.MongoConfigUtil#BSON_WRITE_SPLITS * * @throws IOException when an error occurs writing the file *///from w w w. j av a2s. com public void writeSplits() throws IOException { if (getConf().getBoolean("bson.split.write_splits", true)) {"Writing splits to disk."); } else {"bson.split.write_splits is set to false - skipping writing splits to disk."); return; } if (splitsList == null) {"No splits found, skipping write of splits file."); } Path outputPath = getSplitsFilePath(inputPath, getConf()); FileSystem pathFileSystem = outputPath.getFileSystem(getConf()); FSDataOutputStream fsDataOut = null; try { fsDataOut = pathFileSystem.create(outputPath, false); for (FileSplit inputSplit : splitsList) { BSONObject splitObj = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start().add("s", inputSplit.getStart()) .add("l", inputSplit.getLength()).get(); byte[] encodedObj = bsonEnc.encode(splitObj); fsDataOut.write(encodedObj, 0, encodedObj.length); } } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Could not create splits file: " + e.getMessage()); throw e; } finally { if (fsDataOut != null) { fsDataOut.close(); } } }
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@Override public City findByGeoNameId(final int geonameid) { final DBObject query = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start().add("geonameid", geonameid).get(); final DBObject found = cities.findOne(query); return toCity(found); }
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public static DBObject toDBObject(Atm a) { BasicDBObjectBuilder builder = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start() .append("walk", WalkConverter.toDBObject(a.getWalk())) .append("drive", DriveConverter.toDBObject(a.getDrive())); return builder.get(); }
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public static DBObject toDBObject(Doctor d) { BasicDBObjectBuilder builder = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start() .append("walk", WalkConverter.toDBObject(d.getWalk())) .append("drive", DriveConverter.toDBObject(d.getDrive())); return builder.get(); }