Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


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package converter;

import com.mongodb.BasicDBObjectBuilder;
import com.mongodb.DBObject;
import model.Doctor;

 * @author Franois
public class DoctorConverter {

    // convert Square Object to MongoDB DBObject
    // take special note of converting id String to ObjectId
    public static DBObject toDBObject(Doctor d) {

        BasicDBObjectBuilder builder = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start()
                .append("walk", WalkConverter.toDBObject(d.getWalk()))
                .append("drive", DriveConverter.toDBObject(d.getDrive()));

        return builder.get();

    // convert DBObject Object to Square
    // take special note of converting ObjectId to String
    public static Doctor toDoctor(DBObject doc) {
        Doctor d = new Doctor(WalkConverter.toWalk((DBObject) doc.get("walk")),
                DriveConverter.toDrive((DBObject) doc.get("drive")));
        return d;