Example usage for com.mongodb BasicDBList get

List of usage examples for com.mongodb BasicDBList get


In this page you can find the example usage for com.mongodb BasicDBList get.


public Object get(final String key) 

Source Link


Gets a value at an index.


From source file:tango.plugin.measurement.MeasurementSequence.java

License:Open Source License

public MeasurementSequence(Experiment xp, BasicDBList list, boolean override) {
    this.override = override;
    if (list == null) {
        return;/*from   ww  w . jav  a  2 s .com*/
    mS = new ArrayList<MeasurementStructure>(list.size());
    mO = new ArrayList<MeasurementObject>(list.size());
    for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
    //ij.IJ.log("list:"+list.size()+ " mC2C:"+mS.size()+ " mO:"+mO.size());

From source file:tango.plugin.measurement.MeasurementSequence.java

License:Open Source License

public MeasurementSequence(Experiment xp, BasicDBList list, int idx) {
    override = true;/*from  ww  w .j a  v  a2s .co m*/
    if (list == null || idx >= list.size()) {
    mS = new ArrayList<MeasurementStructure>(list.size());
    mO = new ArrayList<MeasurementObject>(list.size());

From source file:tango.plugin.sampler.SampleRunner.java

License:Open Source License

private static Object3D[][][] runCell(Cell cell, int nbSamples) {
    BasicDBList sampleChannels = cell.getExperiment().getSampleChannels();
    int nbSampleChannels = sampleChannels.size();
    Object3D[][][] objects = new Object3D[nbSampleChannels][nbSamples][];
    for (int i = 0; i < nbSampleChannels; i++) {
        BasicDBObject sampleSettings = (BasicDBObject) sampleChannels.get(i);
        Sampler s = PluginFactory.getSampler(sampleSettings.getString("method"));
        for (Parameter p : s.getParameters())
            p.dbGet(sampleSettings);/*www  .  j  av a2  s .c om*/
        s.initSampler(cell.getRawImages(), cell.getSegmentedImages());
        for (int j = 0; j < nbSamples; j++)
            objects[i][j] = s.getSample();
    return objects;

From source file:twitterprojectwithoutmaven.DBTweet.java

public ArrayList<String> getURLS() {
    BasicDBList list = ((BasicDBList) obj.get("URLs"));
    ArrayList<String> toReturn = new ArrayList<>();

    for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
        BasicDBObject o = (BasicDBObject) list.get(i);
        String url = o.get("" + (i + 1)).toString();
        url = getExpandedUrl(url);/*from w  w w.ja  va  2 s . co m*/

    return toReturn;


From source file:xbdd.util.StatusHelper.java

License:Apache License

public static Statuses getFinalScenarioStatus(final DBObject scenario, final boolean includeManualResults) {
    final List<String> allStatuses = new ArrayList<String>();
    final BasicDBList steps = (BasicDBList) scenario.get("steps");
    if (includeManualResults) { // if we have got a bunch of manual step executions
        boolean hasManuallyExecutedSteps = false;
        final List<String> manualSteps = new ArrayList<String>();
        // go through each step creating an array as though they were manual
        if (steps != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < steps.size(); i++) {
                final DBObject step = (DBObject) steps.get(i);
                final DBObject result = (DBObject) step.get("result");
                if (result != null) {
                    if (result.get("manualStatus") != null) {
                        manualSteps.add((String) result.get("manualStatus")); // if there is manual status include it
                        hasManuallyExecutedSteps = true; // mark that there is a manual step executed
                    } else {
                        manualSteps.add("undefined"); // otherwise it is effectively unexecuted/undefined
                    }/*from w  w  w.j a  va  2s.c  o  m*/
        // do the same for the background steps
        if (scenario.get("background") != null) {// only if there are background steps.
            final BasicDBList backgroundSteps = (BasicDBList) ((DBObject) scenario.get("background"))
            if (backgroundSteps != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < backgroundSteps.size(); i++) {
                    final DBObject backGroundStep = (DBObject) backgroundSteps.get(i);
                    final DBObject result = (DBObject) backGroundStep.get("result");
                    if (result != null) {
                        final String manualStatus = (String) result.get("manualStatus");
                        if (manualStatus != null) {
                            manualSteps.add(manualStatus); // if there is manual status include it
                            hasManuallyExecutedSteps = true; // mark that there is a manual step executed
                        } else {
                            manualSteps.add("undefined"); // otherwise it is effectively unexecuted/undefined
        if (hasManuallyExecutedSteps) { // if any steps have been executed
            allStatuses.addAll(manualSteps);// then treat this scenario as though it has been manually executed.
        } else {
            if (steps != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < steps.size(); i++) {
                    final DBObject step = (DBObject) steps.get(i);
                    final DBObject result = (DBObject) step.get("result");
                    if (result == null) {
                        throw new RuntimeException(
                                "You are missing a 'result' element in your steps, perhaps you need to use a later version of cucumber to generate your report (>1.1.3)?'");
                    allStatuses.add((String) result.get("status"));// otherwise just include whatever automated step statuses exist.
            if (scenario.get("background") != null) {
                final BasicDBList backgroundSteps = (BasicDBList) ((DBObject) scenario.get("background"))
                if (backgroundSteps != null) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < backgroundSteps.size(); i++) {
                        final DBObject step = (DBObject) backgroundSteps.get(i);
                        final DBObject result = (DBObject) step.get("result");
                        allStatuses.add((String) result.get("status"));// make sure to include the background steps too.
    } else { // if we are not including manual steps then just include the automated statuses.
        if (steps != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < steps.size(); i++) {
                final DBObject step = (DBObject) steps.get(i);
                final DBObject result = (DBObject) step.get("result");
                allStatuses.add((String) result.get("status"));
        if (scenario.get("background") != null) {
            final BasicDBList backgroundSteps = (BasicDBList) ((DBObject) scenario.get("background"))
            if (backgroundSteps != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < backgroundSteps.size(); i++) {
                    final DBObject step = (DBObject) backgroundSteps.get(i);
                    allStatuses.add((String) ((DBObject) step.get("result")).get("status"));// make sure to include the background steps
                    // too.

    return reduceStatuses(allStatuses);

From source file:xbdd.util.StatusHelper.java

License:Apache License

public static String getFeatureStatus(final DBObject feature) {
    final List<String> allStatuses = new ArrayList<String>();
    final BasicDBList featureElements = (BasicDBList) feature.get("elements");
    if (featureElements != null) {
        for (int i = 0; i < featureElements.size(); i++) {
            final DBObject scenario = (DBObject) featureElements.get(i);
            if (isScenarioKeyword((String) scenario.get("keyword"))) {
            }/*from   www.java2  s  . c  o  m*/

    final String result = reduceStatuses(allStatuses).getTextName();
    return result;

From source file:xbdd.webapp.resource.feature.AutomationStatistics.java

License:Apache License

 * Go through the prior versions of this product; for each version, find the latest build and contribute the stats for that to the
 * returned list./*from w w w .jav  a  2 s.  com*/
 * @param coordinates
 * @param limit
 * @return A list of report stats in reverse version order.
 * @throws UnknownHostException
public DBObject getRecentVersionStatsForProduct(@BeanParam final Coordinates coordinates,
        @QueryParam("limit") final Integer limit) {
    final BasicDBList returns = new BasicDBList();

    final DB db = this.client.getDB("bdd");
    final DBCollection summaryCollection = db.getCollection("summary");
    final DBCollection reportStatsCollection = db.getCollection("reportStats");
    final DBCursor versions = summaryCollection.find(coordinates.getQueryObject(Field.PRODUCT))
    if (limit != null) {
    try {
        while (versions.hasNext()) { // go through each summary document
            final DBObject version = versions.next(); // each represents the coordinates for a given version
            final Coordinates c = new Coordinates((DBObject) version.get("coordinates"));
            final BasicDBList builds = (BasicDBList) version.get("builds");
            c.setBuild((String) builds.get(builds.size() - 1)); // we need to specify which build (the latest is last in the list)
            final DBObject query = c.getQueryObject();
    } finally {

    return returns;

From source file:xbdd.webapp.resource.feature.Feature.java

License:Apache License

private BasicDBList constructEditStepChanges(final DBObject currentVersion, final DBObject previousVersion) {
    final BasicDBList stepChanges = new BasicDBList();
    final BasicDBList elements = (BasicDBList) currentVersion.get("elements");
    final BasicDBList prevElements = (BasicDBList) previousVersion.get("elements");
    if (elements != null) {
        for (int i = 0; i < elements.size(); i++) {
            final BasicDBList allSteps = new BasicDBList();
            final BasicDBList changes = new BasicDBList();
            final BasicDBObject element = (BasicDBObject) elements.get(i);
            final BasicDBObject prevElement = (BasicDBObject) prevElements.get(i);
            final String scenarioName = (String) element.get("name");
            boolean currManual = false;
            boolean prevManual = false;

            // get all scenario steps
            if ((BasicDBObject) element.get("background") != null) {
                for (int j = 0; j < ((BasicDBList) ((BasicDBObject) element.get("background")).get("steps"))
                        .size(); j++) {/*from  www. j ava 2 s.  c o m*/
                    final BasicDBObject step = (BasicDBObject) ((BasicDBList) ((BasicDBObject) element
                    final BasicDBObject prevStep = (BasicDBObject) ((BasicDBList) ((BasicDBObject) prevElement
                    final String id = (String) step.get("keyword") + (String) step.get("name");
                    if (((BasicDBObject) step.get("result")).get("manualStatus") != null) {
                        currManual = true;
                    if (((BasicDBObject) prevStep.get("result")).get("manualStatus") != null) {
                        prevManual = true;
                    final BasicDBObject compareStep = new BasicDBObject().append("id", id).append("curr", step)
                            .append("prev", prevStep);

            if ((BasicDBList) element.get("steps") != null) {
                for (int j = 0; j < ((BasicDBList) element.get("steps")).size(); j++) {
                    final BasicDBObject step = (BasicDBObject) ((BasicDBList) element.get("steps")).get(j);
                    final BasicDBObject prevStep = (BasicDBObject) ((BasicDBList) prevElement.get("steps"))
                    final String id = (String) step.get("keyword") + (String) step.get("name");
                    if (((BasicDBObject) step.get("result")).get("manualStatus") != null) {
                        currManual = true;
                    if (((BasicDBObject) prevStep.get("result")).get("manualStatus") != null) {
                        prevManual = true;
                    final BasicDBObject compareStep = new BasicDBObject().append("id", id).append("curr", step)
                            .append("prev", prevStep);

            for (int j = 0; j < allSteps.size(); j++) {
                formatStep(changes, (BasicDBObject) allSteps.get(j), currManual, prevManual);

            // only add if changes have been made
            if (changes.size() > 0) {
                final BasicDBObject singleScenario = new BasicDBObject().append("scenario", scenarioName)
                        .append("changes", changes);
    return stepChanges;

From source file:xbdd.webapp.resource.feature.Report.java

License:Apache License

 * go through all the embedded content, store it to GridFS, replace the doc embeddings with a hyperlink to the saved content.
 *//*from ww w.ja v  a 2 s  .  c om*/
protected void embedSteps(final DBObject feature, final GridFS gridFS, final Coordinates coordinates) {
    final BasicDBList elements = (BasicDBList) feature.get("elements");
    final String featureId = (String) feature.get("_id");
    if (elements != null) {
        for (int j = 0; j < elements.size(); j++) {
            final DBObject scenario = (DBObject) elements.get(j);
            final String scenarioId = (String) scenario.get("_id");
            final BasicDBList steps = (BasicDBList) scenario.get("steps");
            if (steps != null) {
                for (int k = 0; k < steps.size(); k++) {
                    final DBObject step = (DBObject) steps.get(k);
                    final BasicDBList embeddings = (BasicDBList) step.get("embeddings");
                    if (embeddings != null) {
                        for (int l = 0; l < embeddings.size(); l++) {
                            final DBObject embedding = (DBObject) embeddings.get(l);
                            final GridFSInputFile image = gridFS.createFile(
                                    Base64.decodeBase64(((String) embedding.get("data")).getBytes()));
                            final BasicDBObject metadata = new BasicDBObject()
                                    .append("product", coordinates.getProduct())
                                    .append("major", coordinates.getMajor())
                                    .append("minor", coordinates.getMinor())
                                    .append("servicePack", coordinates.getServicePack())
                                    .append("build", coordinates.getBuild()).append("feature", featureId)
                                    .append("scenario", scenarioId);
                            image.setContentType((String) embedding.get("mime_type"));
                            embeddings.put(l, image.getFilename());

From source file:xbdd.webapp.resource.feature.Report.java

License:Apache License

 * go through find all the backgrounds elements and nest them in their scenarios (simplifies application logic downstream)
 *//* w  w w.j a va2  s .c om*/
protected void packBackgroundsInToScenarios(final DBObject feature) {
    final List<DBObject> packedScenarios = new ArrayList<DBObject>();
    // go through all the backgrounds /scenarios
    final BasicDBList elements = (BasicDBList) feature.get("elements");
    if (elements != null) {
        for (int i = 0; i < elements.size(); i++) {
            final DBObject element = (DBObject) elements.get(i);
            if (element.get("type").equals("background")) { // if its a background
                ((DBObject) elements.get(i + 1)).put("background", element); // push it in to the next element.
            } else {
                // assume this is a scenario/other top level element and push it to the packed array.