List of usage examples for com.mongodb BasicDBList get
public Object get(final String key)
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public static String getParentId(String id) { BasicDBList list = ((BasicDBList) ((DBObject) JSON.parse(new MongoPersons().getPerson(null, id))) .get("data")); if (list == null || list.isEmpty()) return null; return (String) ((DBObject) list.get(0)).get(REF_INSTALLATION); }
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private int addToList(String ref_id, BasicDBList list, String filters, String sort, boolean count, HttpHeaders httpHeaders) {/* w w w. j a va 2 s .com*/ String apps = new MongoDBQueries().getEntity(httpHeaders, COL_PERSONS, "inst_id", ref_id, filters, sort, 0, 0, "Appliances retrieved successfully", count).toString(); String countResponse = new MongoDBQueries().getEntity(httpHeaders, COL_PERSONS, "inst_id", ref_id, null, null, 0, 0, "Appliances retrieved successfully", true).toString(); DBObject response = (DBObject) JSON.parse(countResponse); BasicDBList alist = (BasicDBList) response.get("data"); DBObject object = (DBObject) alist.get(0); Integer aint = (Integer) object.get("count"); DBObject jsonResponse = (DBObject) JSON.parse(apps); BasicDBList appsInstList = (BasicDBList) jsonResponse.get("data"); list.addAll(appsInstList); return aint.intValue(); }
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/** * /* w w w .j a v a 2s .c om*/ * @param coll * @param entityName * @return */ public DBObject getInternalEntities(HttpHeaders httpHeaders, String coll, String entityName, String parentID) { try { BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject("_id", new ObjectId(parentID)); BasicDBObject fields = new BasicDBObject(entityName, 1); DBObject result = new MongoDBQueries().executeFindQuery(httpHeaders, coll, query, fields, "Get " + entityName + " with " + " from " + coll + " with _id=" + parentID); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Vector<DBObject> data = (Vector<DBObject>) result.get("data"); BasicDBList internalEntities = (BasicDBList) data.get(0).get(entityName); Vector<DBObject> recordsVec = new Vector<DBObject>(); for (int i = 0; i < internalEntities.size(); i++) { BasicDBObject entity = (BasicDBObject) internalEntities.get(i); recordsVec.add(entity); } return jSON2Rrn.createJSON(recordsVec, "Internal entites " + entityName + " from " + coll + " with _id=" + parentID); } catch (Exception e) { return jSON2Rrn.createJSONError( "Cannot get internal entities " + entityName + " from " + coll + " with _id=" + parentID, e); } }
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/** * /*from w w w. java 2 s. co m*/ * @param coll * @param entityName * @param cid * @param successMsg * @return */ public DBObject getInternalEntity(HttpHeaders httpHeaders, String coll, String entityName, String cid, String successMsg) { BasicDBObject internalEntity = null; try { BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject(entityName + ".cid", new ObjectId(cid)); BasicDBObject fields = new BasicDBObject(entityName, 1); DBObject result = new MongoDBQueries().executeFindQuery(httpHeaders, coll, query, fields, "Get " + entityName + " with cid=" + " from " + coll); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Vector<DBObject> data = (Vector<DBObject>) result.get("data"); BasicDBList internalEntities = (BasicDBList) data.get(0).get(entityName); for (int i = 0; i < internalEntities.size(); i++) { BasicDBObject entity = (BasicDBObject) internalEntities.get(i); if (cid.equals(entity.get("cid").toString())) { internalEntity = entity; if (successMsg == null) successMsg = "Internal entity " + entityName + " with cid=" + cid + " from collection=" + coll + " successfully retrieved"; return jSON2Rrn.createJSON(internalEntity, successMsg); } } throw new MongoRefNotFoundException("RefNotFound: Cannot get internal entity " + entityName + " with cid=" + cid + " from collection: " + coll); } catch (Exception e) { return jSON2Rrn.createJSONError("GetInternalEntityError: Cannot get internal entity " + entityName + " with cid=" + cid + " from collection: " + coll, e); } }
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/** * curl -i --header "dbname:run_id" 'http://localhost:8080/cassandra/api/results?inst_id=instID_&aggr_unit=3&metric=1&from=3&to=100' * //from w w w . j a v a 2 s . c om * @param installationId * @param metric * @param aggregationUnit * @param fromTick * @param toTick * @return */ public DBObject mongoResultQuery(HttpHeaders httpHeaders, String installationId, String metricS, String aggregationUnitS, String fromTickS, String toTickS) { try { String runId = getDbNameFromHTTPHeader(httpHeaders); if (runId == null && installationId == null) throw new RestQueryParamMissingException( "QueryParamMissing: Both run_id and installation_id are null"); String aggrUnit = " (Minute)"; String defaultAggrUnit = " (Minute)"; Integer aggregationUnit = null; Integer defaultAggregationUnit = null; if (aggregationUnitS != null) { aggregationUnit = Integer.parseInt(aggregationUnitS); aggrUnit = " " + aggregationUnit + " Minute" + (aggregationUnit == 1 ? "" : "s") + ")"; } int numberOfDays = Integer.parseInt( DBConn.getConn(runId).getCollection("sim_param").findOne().get("numberOfDays").toString()); if (numberOfDays == 1) { defaultAggregationUnit = 5; defaultAggrUnit = " (5 Minutes)"; } else if (numberOfDays <= 5) { defaultAggregationUnit = 15; defaultAggrUnit = " (15 Minutes)"; } else if (numberOfDays <= 20) { defaultAggregationUnit = 60; defaultAggrUnit = " (1 Hour)"; } else if (numberOfDays <= 60) { defaultAggregationUnit = 180; defaultAggrUnit = " (3 Hours)"; } else if (numberOfDays <= 360) { defaultAggregationUnit = 720; defaultAggrUnit = " (12 Hours)"; } if (aggregationUnit == null) { aggregationUnit = defaultAggregationUnit; aggrUnit = defaultAggrUnit; } Integer fromTick = null; if (fromTickS != null) fromTick = Integer.parseInt(fromTickS); Integer toTick = null; if (toTickS != null) toTick = Integer.parseInt(toTickS); String coll = MongoResults.COL_AGGRRESULTS; if (aggregationUnit == null || aggregationUnit <= 0) aggregationUnit = 1; if (installationId != null) coll = MongoResults.COL_INSTRESULTS; String yMetric = ACTIVE_POWER_P; if (metricS != null && metricS.equalsIgnoreCase(REACTIVE_POWER_Q)) yMetric = REACTIVE_POWER_Q; //db.inst_results.find({inst_id:"dszfs123",tick:{$gt:1}}).sort({tick:1}).pretty() // // { // keyf:function(doc) // {var key=new NumberInt(doc.tick/4); return {x:key} // } , // cond:{inst_id:"instID_"}, // reduce:function(obj,prev) // {prev.csum+=obj.p}, // initial:{csum:0} // } //) BasicDBObject condition = null; if (installationId != null || fromTick != null || toTick != null) condition = new BasicDBObject(); if (installationId != null) condition.append("inst_id", installationId); if (fromTick != null && toTick != null) condition.append("tick", BasicDBObjectBuilder.start("$gte", fromTick).add("$lte", toTick).get()); else if (fromTick != null) condition.append("tick", new BasicDBObject("$gte", fromTick)); else if (toTick != null) condition.append("tick", new BasicDBObject("$lte", toTick)); BasicDBObject groupCmd = new BasicDBObject("ns", coll); groupCmd.append("$keyf", "function(doc){var key=new NumberInt(doc.tick/" + aggregationUnit + "); return {x:key}}"); if (condition != null) groupCmd.append("cond", condition); groupCmd.append("$reduce", "function(obj,prev){prev.y+=obj." + yMetric + "}"); groupCmd.append("initial", new BasicDBObject("y", 0)); @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") BasicDBList dbList = (BasicDBList) DBConn.getConn(getDbNameFromHTTPHeader(httpHeaders)) .getCollection(coll).group(groupCmd); if (aggregationUnit > 1) { for (int i = 0; i < dbList.size(); i++) { BasicDBObject obj = (BasicDBObject) dbList.get(i); obj.put("y", Double.parseDouble(obj.get("y").toString()) / aggregationUnit); } } return jSON2Rrn.createJSONPlot(dbList, "Data for plot retrieved successfully", "Consumption " + (yMetric.equalsIgnoreCase(REACTIVE_POWER_Q) ? "Reactive Power" : "Active Power"), "Time" + aggrUnit, yMetric.equalsIgnoreCase(REACTIVE_POWER_Q) ? "VAr" : "W", defaultAggregationUnit, numberOfDays); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return jSON2Rrn.createJSONError("Error in retrieving results", e.getMessage()); } }
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public void init(DBObject modelObj, String type) throws BadParameterException { try {// w w w . j a v a 2 s. co m try { outerN = ((Integer) modelObj.get("n")).intValue(); } catch (ClassCastException e) { try { outerN = ((Long) modelObj.get("n")).intValue(); } catch (ClassCastException e1) { outerN = ((Double) modelObj.get("n")).intValue(); } } catch (NullPointerException npe) { throw new BadParameterException("Bad parameter: outer iterations parameter name should be n"); } BasicDBList patternsObj = (BasicDBList) modelObj.get("params"); patternN = patternsObj.size(); patterns = new ArrayList[patternN]; n = new int[patternN]; patternDuration = new int[patternN]; for (int i = 0; i < patternN; i++) { try { n[i] = ((Integer) ((DBObject) patternsObj.get(i)).get("n")).intValue(); } catch (ClassCastException e) { try { n[i] = ((Long) ((DBObject) patternsObj.get(i)).get("n")).intValue(); } catch (ClassCastException e1) { n[i] = ((Double) ((DBObject) patternsObj.get(i)).get("n")).intValue(); } } catch (NullPointerException npe) { throw new BadParameterException("Bad parameter: inner iterations parameter name should be n"); } BasicDBList values = ((BasicDBList) ((DBObject) patternsObj.get(i)).get("values")); int tripplets = values.size(); patterns[i] = new ArrayList<Tripplet>(tripplets); for (int j = 0; j < tripplets; j++) { Tripplet t = new Tripplet(); try { t.v = ((Double) ((DBObject) values.get(j)).get(type)).doubleValue(); } catch (ClassCastException e) { try { t.v = (double) ((Integer) ((DBObject) values.get(j)).get(type)).intValue(); } catch (ClassCastException e1) { t.v = (double) ((Long) ((DBObject) values.get(j)).get(type)).intValue(); } } catch (NullPointerException npe) { throw new BadParameterException("Bad parameter: power parameter name should be " + type); } try { t.d = ((Integer) ((DBObject) values.get(j)).get("d")).intValue(); } catch (ClassCastException e) { try { t.d = ((Double) ((DBObject) values.get(j)).get("d")).intValue(); } catch (ClassCastException e1) { t.d = ((Long) ((DBObject) values.get(j)).get("d")).intValue(); } } catch (NullPointerException npe) { throw new BadParameterException("Bad parameter: duration parameter name should be d"); } patternDuration[i] += t.d; totalDuration += (n[i] * t.d); try { t.s = ((Double) ((DBObject) values.get(j)).get("s")).doubleValue(); } catch (ClassCastException e) { try { t.s = (double) ((Integer) ((DBObject) values.get(j)).get("s")).intValue(); } catch (ClassCastException e1) { t.s = (double) ((Long) ((DBObject) values.get(j)).get("s")).intValue(); } } catch (NullPointerException npe) { throw new BadParameterException("Bad parameter: slope parameter name should be s"); } patterns[i].add(t); } } } catch (BadParameterException bpe) { throw bpe; } }
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/** * //from w w w.j ava 2s . co m * @param type * @param dbo * @throws JSONSchemaNotValidException */ public GUIDistribution(String type, DBObject dbo) throws JSONSchemaNotValidException { String distrType = dbo.get("distrType").toString(); BasicDBList tempList = (BasicDBList) dbo.get("parameters"); if (tempList.size() == 0) return; DBObject parameters = (DBObject) JSON.parse(tempList.get(0).toString()); int endValue = 0; switch (type) { case MongoActivityModels.REF_DISTR_STARTTIME: endValue = 1440; break; case MongoActivityModels.REF_DISTR_DURATION: endValue = 180; break; case MongoActivityModels.REF_DISTR_REPEATS: endValue = 10; break; default: throw new JSONSchemaNotValidException("Invalid distr type: " + type); } switch (distrType) { case "Normal Distribution": double mean = Double.parseDouble(parameters.get("mean").toString()); double std = Double.parseDouble(parameters.get("std").toString()); prob = new Gaussian(mean, std); if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("Duration") || type.equalsIgnoreCase("Daily Times")) endValue = (int) (mean + 4 * std); prob.precompute(endValue); break; case "Uniform Distribution": double start = Double.parseDouble(parameters.get("start").toString()); double end = Double.parseDouble(parameters.get("end").toString()); prob = new Uniform(start, end); if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("duration")) { endValue = (int) end + 10; } prob.precompute(endValue); break; case "Gaussian Mixture Models": int length = tempList.size(); double[] w = new double[length]; double[] means = new double[length]; double[] stds = new double[length]; for (int i = 0; i < tempList.size(); i++) { DBObject tuple = (DBObject) tempList.get(i); w[i] = Double.parseDouble(tuple.get("w").toString()); means[i] = Double.parseDouble(tuple.get("mean").toString()); stds[i] = Double.parseDouble(tuple.get("std").toString()); } prob = new GaussianMixtureModels(length, w, means, stds); prob.precompute(0, 1439, 1440); break; case "Histogram": double[] values = Utils.dblist2doubleArr((BasicDBList) parameters.get("values")); prob = new Histogram(values); break; default: throw new JSONSchemaNotValidException("Invalid distribution2 type: " + distrType); } }
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public PricingPolicy(DBObject dbo) throws ParseException { type = dbo.get("type").toString(); switch (type) { case "TOUPricing": billingCycle = Integer.parseInt(dbo.get("billingCycle").toString()); fixedCharge = Double.parseDouble(dbo.get("fixedCharge").toString()); // Parse levels BasicDBList periodsObj = (BasicDBList) dbo.get("timezones"); DBObject periodObj;//from w w w . j a v a2s .c o m periods = new ArrayList<Period>(); for (int i = 0; i < periodsObj.size(); i++) { periodObj = (DBObject) periodsObj.get(i); String from = periodObj.get("starttime").toString(); String to = periodObj.get("endtime").toString(); double price = Double.parseDouble(periodObj.get("price").toString()); Period p = new Period(from, to, price); periods.add(p); } break; case "ScalarEnergyPricing": billingCycle = Integer.parseInt(dbo.get("billingCycle").toString()); fixedCharge = Double.parseDouble(dbo.get("fixedCharge").toString()); // Parse levels BasicDBList levelsObj = (BasicDBList) dbo.get("levels"); DBObject levelObj; levels = new ArrayList<Level>(); for (int i = 0; i < levelsObj.size(); i++) { levelObj = (DBObject) levelsObj.get(i); double price = Double.parseDouble(levelObj.get("price").toString()); double level = Double.parseDouble(levelObj.get("level").toString()); Level l = new Level(price, level); levels.add(l); } break; case "ScalarEnergyPricingTimeZones": billingCycle = Integer.parseInt(dbo.get("billingCycle").toString()); fixedCharge = Double.parseDouble(dbo.get("fixedCharge").toString()); offpeakPrice = Double.parseDouble(dbo.get("offpeakPrice").toString()); // Parse levels BasicDBList levelsObj2 = (BasicDBList) dbo.get("levels"); DBObject levelObj2; levels = new ArrayList<Level>(); for (int i = 0; i < levelsObj2.size(); i++) { levelObj2 = (DBObject) levelsObj2.get(i); double price = Double.parseDouble(levelObj2.get("price").toString()); double level = Double.parseDouble(levelObj2.get("level").toString()); Level l = new Level(price, level); levels.add(l); } // Parse timezones BasicDBList tzs = (BasicDBList) dbo.get("offpeak"); DBObject tz; offpeaks = new ArrayList<Offpeak>(); for (int i = 0; i < levelsObj2.size(); i++) { levelObj2 = (DBObject) levelsObj2.get(i); String from = levelObj2.get("from").toString(); String to = levelObj2.get("to").toString(); Offpeak o = new Offpeak(from, to); offpeaks.add(o); } break; case "EnergyPowerPricing": billingCycle = Integer.parseInt(dbo.get("billingCycle").toString()); fixedCharge = Double.parseDouble(dbo.get("fixedCharge").toString()); contractedCapacity = Integer.parseInt(dbo.get("contractedCapacity").toString()); energyPricing = Double.parseDouble(dbo.get("energyPrice").toString()); powerPricing = Double.parseDouble(dbo.get("powerPrice").toString()); break; case "AllInclusivePricing": billingCycle = Integer.parseInt(dbo.get("billingCycle").toString()); fixedCharge = Double.parseDouble(dbo.get("fixedCharge").toString()); fixedCost = Integer.parseInt(dbo.get("fixedCost").toString()); additionalCost = Double.parseDouble(dbo.get("additionalCost").toString()); contractedEnergy = Double.parseDouble(dbo.get("contractedEnergy").toString()); default: break; } }
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public void staticSetup(DBObject jsonScenario) throws Exception { int numOfInstallations = ((Integer) jsonScenario.get("instcount")).intValue(); queue = new PriorityBlockingQueue<Event>(2 * numOfInstallations); for (int i = 1; i <= numOfInstallations; i++) { DBObject instDoc = (DBObject) jsonScenario.get("inst" + i); String id = ((ObjectId) instDoc.get("_id")).toString(); String name = (String) instDoc.get("name"); String description = (String) instDoc.get("description"); String type = (String) instDoc.get("type"); Installation inst = new Installation.Builder(id, name, description, type).build(); // Thermal module if exists DBObject thermalDoc = (DBObject) instDoc.get("thermal"); if (thermalDoc != null && pricing.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("TOUPricing")) { ThermalModule tm = new ThermalModule(thermalDoc, pricing.getTOUArray()); inst.setThermalModule(tm);// w w w . j a va 2 s . c o m } int appcount = ((Integer) instDoc.get("appcount")).intValue(); // Create the appliances HashMap<String, Appliance> existing = new HashMap<String, Appliance>(); for (int j = 1; j <= appcount; j++) { DBObject applianceDoc = (DBObject) instDoc.get("app" + j); String appid = ((ObjectId) applianceDoc.get("_id")).toString(); String appname = (String) applianceDoc.get("name"); String appdescription = (String) applianceDoc.get("description"); String apptype = (String) applianceDoc.get("type"); double standy = Utils.getDouble(applianceDoc.get("standy_consumption")); boolean base = Utils.getBoolean(applianceDoc.get("base")); DBObject consModDoc = (DBObject) applianceDoc.get("consmod"); ConsumptionModel pconsmod = new ConsumptionModel(consModDoc.get("pmodel").toString(), "p"); ConsumptionModel qconsmod = new ConsumptionModel(consModDoc.get("qmodel").toString(), "q"); Appliance app = new Appliance.Builder(appid, appname, appdescription, apptype, inst, pconsmod, qconsmod, standy, base).build(); existing.put(appid, app); inst.addAppliance(app); } DBObject personDoc = (DBObject) instDoc.get("person1"); String personid = ((ObjectId) personDoc.get("_id")).toString(); String personName = (String) personDoc.get("name"); String personDescription = (String) personDoc.get("description"); String personType = (String) personDoc.get("type"); double awareness = Utils.getDouble(personDoc.get("awareness")); double sensitivity = Utils.getDouble(personDoc.get("sensitivity")); Person person = new Person.Builder(personid, personName, personDescription, personType, inst, awareness, sensitivity).build(); inst.addPerson(person); int actcount = ((Integer) personDoc.get("activitycount")).intValue(); for (int j = 1; j <= actcount; j++) { DBObject activityDoc = (DBObject) personDoc.get("activity" + j); String activityName = (String) activityDoc.get("name"); String activityType = (String) activityDoc.get("type"); int actmodcount = ((Integer) activityDoc.get("actmodcount")).intValue(); Activity act = new Activity.Builder(activityName, "", activityType, simulationWorld).build(); ProbabilityDistribution startDist; ProbabilityDistribution durDist; ProbabilityDistribution timesDist; for (int k = 1; k <= actmodcount; k++) { DBObject actmodDoc = (DBObject) activityDoc.get("actmod" + k); String actmodName = (String) actmodDoc.get("name"); String actmodType = (String) actmodDoc.get("type"); String actmodDayType = (String) actmodDoc.get("day_type"); boolean shiftable = Utils.getBoolean(actmodDoc.get("shiftable")); DBObject duration = (DBObject) actmodDoc.get("duration"); durDist = json2dist(duration); DBObject start = (DBObject) actmodDoc.get("start"); startDist = json2dist(start); DBObject rep = (DBObject) actmodDoc.get("repetitions"); timesDist = json2dist(rep); act.addDuration(actmodDayType, durDist); act.addStartTime(actmodDayType, startDist); act.addTimes(actmodDayType, timesDist); act.addShiftable(actmodDayType, shiftable); // add appliances BasicDBList containsAppliances = (BasicDBList) actmodDoc.get("containsAppliances"); for (int l = 0; l < containsAppliances.size(); l++) { String containAppId = (String) containsAppliances.get(l); Appliance app = existing.get(containAppId); act.addAppliance(actmodDayType, app, 1.0 / containsAppliances.size()); } } person.addActivity(act); } installations.add(inst); } }
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public void dynamicSetup(DBObject jsonScenario, boolean jump) throws Exception { DBObject scenario = (DBObject) jsonScenario.get("scenario"); String scenario_id = ((ObjectId) scenario.get("_id")).toString(); DBObject demog = (DBObject) jsonScenario.get("demog"); BasicDBList generators = (BasicDBList) demog.get("generators"); // Initialize simulation variables int numOfInstallations = Utils.getInt(demog.get("numberOfEntities")); //System.out.println(numOfInstallations+""); queue = new PriorityBlockingQueue<Event>(2 * numOfInstallations); for (int i = 1; i <= numOfInstallations; i++) { DBObject instDoc = (DBObject) jsonScenario.get("inst" + 1); String id = i + ""; String name = ((String) instDoc.get("name")) + i; String description = (String) instDoc.get("description"); String type = (String) instDoc.get("type"); Installation inst = new Installation.Builder(id, name, description, type).build(); inst.setParentId(scenario_id);//w w w .j av a 2 s . c o m String inst_id = addEntity(inst, jump); inst.setId(inst_id); int appcount = Utils.getInt(instDoc.get("appcount")); // Create the appliances HashMap<String, Appliance> existing = new HashMap<String, Appliance>(); for (int j = 1; j <= appcount; j++) { DBObject applianceDoc = (DBObject) instDoc.get("app" + j); String appid = ((ObjectId) applianceDoc.get("_id")).toString(); String appname = (String) applianceDoc.get("name"); String appdescription = (String) applianceDoc.get("description"); String apptype = (String) applianceDoc.get("type"); double standy = Utils.getDouble(applianceDoc.get("standy_consumption")); boolean base = Utils.getBoolean(applianceDoc.get("base")); DBObject consModDoc = (DBObject) applianceDoc.get("consmod"); ConsumptionModel pconsmod = new ConsumptionModel(consModDoc.get("pmodel").toString(), "p"); ConsumptionModel qconsmod = new ConsumptionModel(consModDoc.get("qmodel").toString(), "q"); Appliance app = new Appliance.Builder(appid, appname, appdescription, apptype, inst, pconsmod, qconsmod, standy, base).build(); existing.put(appid, app); } HashMap<String, Double> gens = new HashMap<String, Double>(); for (int k = 0; k < generators.size(); k++) { DBObject generator = (DBObject) generators.get(k); String entityId = (String) generator.get("entity_id"); double prob = Utils.getDouble(generator.get("probability")); gens.put(entityId, new Double(prob)); } Set<String> keys = existing.keySet(); for (String key : keys) { Double prob = gens.get(key); if (prob != null) { double probValue = prob.doubleValue(); if (RNG.nextDouble() < probValue) { Appliance selectedApp = existing.get(key); selectedApp.setParentId(inst.getId()); String app_id = addEntity(selectedApp, jump); selectedApp.setId(app_id); inst.addAppliance(selectedApp); ConsumptionModel cm = selectedApp.getPConsumptionModel(); cm.setParentId(app_id); String cm_id = addEntity(cm, jump); cm.setId(cm_id); } } } int personcount = Utils.getInt(instDoc.get("personcount")); // Create the appliances HashMap<String, Person> existingPersons = new HashMap<String, Person>(); for (int j = 1; j <= personcount; j++) { DBObject personDoc = (DBObject) instDoc.get("person" + j); String personid = ((ObjectId) personDoc.get("_id")).toString(); String personName = (String) personDoc.get("name"); String personDescription = (String) personDoc.get("description"); String personType = (String) personDoc.get("type"); double awareness = Utils.getDouble(personDoc.get("awareness")); double sensitivity = Utils.getDouble(personDoc.get("sensitivity")); Person person = new Person.Builder(personid, personName, personDescription, personType, inst, awareness, sensitivity).build(); int actcount = Utils.getInt(personDoc.get("activitycount")); //System.out.println("Act-Count: " + actcount); for (int k = 1; k <= actcount; k++) { DBObject activityDoc = (DBObject) personDoc.get("activity" + k); String activityName = (String) activityDoc.get("name"); String activityType = (String) activityDoc.get("type"); int actmodcount = Utils.getInt(activityDoc.get("actmodcount")); Activity act = new Activity.Builder(activityName, "", activityType, simulationWorld).build(); ProbabilityDistribution startDist; ProbabilityDistribution durDist; ProbabilityDistribution timesDist; for (int l = 1; l <= actmodcount; l++) { DBObject actmodDoc = (DBObject) activityDoc.get("actmod" + l); act.addModels(actmodDoc); String actmodName = (String) actmodDoc.get("name"); String actmodType = (String) actmodDoc.get("type"); String actmodDayType = (String) actmodDoc.get("day_type"); boolean shiftable = Utils.getBoolean(actmodDoc.get("shiftable")); DBObject duration = (DBObject) actmodDoc.get("duration"); act.addDurations(duration); durDist = json2dist(duration); //System.out.println(durDist.getPrecomputedBin()); DBObject start = (DBObject) actmodDoc.get("start"); act.addStarts(start); startDist = json2dist(start); //System.out.println(startDist.getPrecomputedBin()); DBObject rep = (DBObject) actmodDoc.get("repetitions"); act.addTimes(rep); timesDist = json2dist(rep); //System.out.println(timesDist.getPrecomputedBin()); act.addDuration(actmodDayType, durDist); act.addStartTime(actmodDayType, startDist); act.addTimes(actmodDayType, timesDist); act.addShiftable(actmodDayType, shiftable); // add appliances BasicDBList containsAppliances = (BasicDBList) actmodDoc.get("containsAppliances"); for (int m = 0; m < containsAppliances.size(); m++) { String containAppId = (String) containsAppliances.get(m); Appliance app = existing.get(containAppId); //act.addAppliance(actmodDayType,app,1.0/containsAppliances.size()); act.addAppliance(actmodDayType, app, 1.0); } } person.addActivity(act); } existingPersons.put(personid, person); } double roulette = RNG.nextDouble(); double sum = 0; for (int k = 0; k < generators.size(); k++) { DBObject generator = (DBObject) generators.get(k); String entityId = (String) generator.get("entity_id"); if (existingPersons.containsKey(entityId)) { double prob = Utils.getDouble(generator.get("probability")); sum += prob; if (roulette < sum) { Person selectedPerson = existingPersons.get(entityId); selectedPerson.setParentId(inst.getId()); String person_id = addEntity(selectedPerson, jump); selectedPerson.setId(person_id); inst.addPerson(selectedPerson); Vector<Activity> activities = selectedPerson.getActivities(); for (Activity a : activities) { a.setParentId(person_id); String act_id = addEntity(a, jump); a.setId(act_id); Vector<DBObject> models = a.getModels(); Vector<DBObject> starts = a.getStarts(); Vector<DBObject> durations = a.getDurations(); Vector<DBObject> times = a.getTimes(); for (int l = 0; l < models.size(); l++) { DBObject m = models.get(l); m.put("act_id", act_id); if (!jump) DBConn.getConn(dbname).getCollection(MongoActivityModels.COL_ACTMODELS) .insert(m); ObjectId objId = (ObjectId) m.get("_id"); String actmod_id = objId.toString(); DBObject s = starts.get(l); s.put("actmod_id", actmod_id); if (!jump) DBConn.getConn(dbname).getCollection(MongoDistributions.COL_DISTRIBUTIONS) .insert(s); DBObject d = durations.get(l); d.put("actmod_id", actmod_id); if (!jump) DBConn.getConn(dbname).getCollection(MongoActivityModels.COL_ACTMODELS) .insert(d); DBObject t = times.get(l); t.put("actmod_id", actmod_id); if (!jump) DBConn.getConn(dbname).getCollection(MongoActivityModels.COL_ACTMODELS) .insert(t); } } break; } } } installations.add(inst); } }