Example usage for com.mongodb BasicDBList get

List of usage examples for com.mongodb BasicDBList get


In this page you can find the example usage for com.mongodb BasicDBList get.


public Object get(final String key) 

Source Link


Gets a value at an index.


From source file:eu.cassandra.sim.Simulation.java

License:Apache License

public static ProbabilityDistribution json2dist(DBObject distribution) throws Exception {
    String distType = (String) distribution.get("distrType");
    switch (distType) {
    case ("Normal Distribution"):
        BasicDBList normalList = (BasicDBList) distribution.get("parameters");
        DBObject normalDoc = (DBObject) normalList.get(0);
        double mean = Double.parseDouble(normalDoc.get("mean").toString());
        double std = Double.parseDouble(normalDoc.get("std").toString());
        Gaussian normal = new Gaussian(mean, std);
        normal.precompute(0, 1439, 1440);
        return normal;
    case ("Uniform Distribution"):
        BasicDBList unifList = (BasicDBList) distribution.get("parameters");
        DBObject unifDoc = (DBObject) unifList.get(0);
        double from = Double.parseDouble(unifDoc.get("start").toString());
        double to = Double.parseDouble(unifDoc.get("end").toString());
        Uniform uniform = new Uniform(from, to);
        uniform.precompute(from, to, (int) to + 1);
        return uniform;
    case ("Gaussian Mixture Models"):
        BasicDBList mixList = (BasicDBList) distribution.get("parameters");
        int length = mixList.size();
        double[] w = new double[length];
        double[] means = new double[length];
        double[] stds = new double[length];
        for (int i = 0; i < mixList.size(); i++) {
            DBObject tuple = (DBObject) mixList.get(i);
            w[i] = Double.parseDouble(tuple.get("w").toString());
            means[i] = Double.parseDouble(tuple.get("mean").toString());
            stds[i] = Double.parseDouble(tuple.get("std").toString());
        }/*from  ww w . ja  va  2s .  c o m*/
        GaussianMixtureModels gmm = new GaussianMixtureModels(length, w, means, stds);
        gmm.precompute(0, 1439, 1440);
        return gmm;
    case ("Histogram"):
        BasicDBList hList = (BasicDBList) distribution.get("values");
        int l = hList.size();
        double[] v = new double[l];
        for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) {
            v[i] = Double.parseDouble(hList.get(i).toString());
        Histogram h = new Histogram(v);
        return h;
        throw new Exception("Non existing distribution type. Problem in setting up the simulation.");

From source file:eu.cassandra.sim.utilities.Utils.java

License:Apache License

public static double[] dblist2doubleArr(BasicDBList list) {
    double[] arr = new double[list.size()];
    for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
        arr[i] = Double.parseDouble(list.get(i).toString());
    }//  w w  w  . jav  a  2s .  c  o m
    return arr;

From source file:eu.cassandra.sim.utilities.Utils.java

License:Apache License

public static float[] dblist2floatArr(BasicDBList list) {
    float[] arr = new float[list.size()];
    for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
        arr[i] = ((Float) list.get(i)).floatValue();
    }//from w  w w  . ja va  2s  .  c o  m
    return arr;

From source file:eu.cassandra.sim.utilities.Utils.java

License:Apache License

public static int[] dblist2intArr(BasicDBList list) {
    int[] arr = new int[list.size()];
    for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
        arr[i] = ((Integer) list.get(i)).intValue();
    }//from   w w w  .  j a  va2s . c  o  m
    return arr;

From source file:eu.cassandra.training.consumption.ActiveConsumptionModel.java

License:Apache License

 * This is the main function that create the triplets of the pattern
 * //from   w  w w  .  jav a 2s.co m
 * @param modelObjactive
 *          The active activeOnly consumption model JSON schema as DBObject.
public void init(DBObject modelObj) {

    outerN = ((Integer) modelObj.get("n")).intValue();
    BasicDBList patternsObj = (BasicDBList) modelObj.get("params");
    patternN = patternsObj.size();
    patterns = new ArrayList[patternN];
    n = new int[patternN];
    patternDuration = new int[patternN];
    for (int i = 0; i < patternN; i++) {
        n[i] = ((Integer) ((DBObject) patternsObj.get(i)).get("n")).intValue();
        BasicDBList values = ((BasicDBList) ((DBObject) patternsObj.get(i)).get("values"));
        int tripplets = values.size();
        patterns[i] = new ArrayList<TripletPower>(tripplets);
        for (int j = 0; j < tripplets; j++) {
            TripletPower t = new TripletPower();
            try {
                t.p = ((Double) ((DBObject) values.get(j)).get("p")).doubleValue();
            } catch (ClassCastException e) {
                t.p = (double) ((Integer) ((DBObject) values.get(j)).get("p")).intValue();
            t.d = ((Integer) ((DBObject) values.get(j)).get("d")).intValue();
            patternDuration[i] += t.d;
            totalDuration += (n[i] * t.d);
            try {
                t.s = ((Double) ((DBObject) values.get(j)).get("s")).doubleValue();
            } catch (ClassCastException e) {
                t.s = (double) ((Integer) ((DBObject) values.get(j)).get("s")).intValue();


From source file:eu.cassandra.training.consumption.ReactiveConsumptionModel.java

License:Apache License

 * This is the main function that create the triplets of the pattern
 * /*from w ww. j  a v a  2 s . c  o m*/
 * @param modelObjactive
 *          The reactive activeOnly consumption model JSON schema as DBObject.
public void init(DBObject modelObj) {

    outerN = ((Integer) modelObj.get("n")).intValue();
    BasicDBList patternsObj = (BasicDBList) modelObj.get("params");
    patternN = patternsObj.size();
    patterns = new ArrayList[patternN];
    n = new int[patternN];
    patternDuration = new int[patternN];
    for (int i = 0; i < patternN; i++) {
        n[i] = ((Integer) ((DBObject) patternsObj.get(i)).get("n")).intValue();
        BasicDBList values = ((BasicDBList) ((DBObject) patternsObj.get(i)).get("values"));
        int tripplets = values.size();
        patterns[i] = new ArrayList<TripletReactive>(tripplets);
        for (int j = 0; j < tripplets; j++) {
            TripletReactive t = new TripletReactive();
            try {
                t.q = ((Double) ((DBObject) values.get(j)).get("q")).doubleValue();
            } catch (ClassCastException e) {
                t.q = (double) ((Integer) ((DBObject) values.get(j)).get("q")).intValue();
            t.d = ((Integer) ((DBObject) values.get(j)).get("d")).intValue();
            patternDuration[i] += t.d;
            totalDuration += (n[i] * t.d);
            try {
                t.s = ((Double) ((DBObject) values.get(j)).get("s")).doubleValue();
            } catch (ClassCastException e) {
                t.s = (double) ((Integer) ((DBObject) values.get(j)).get("s")).intValue();


From source file:eu.cassandra.training.utils.APIUtilities.java

License:Apache License

 * This function is used to send the user's credentials to the Cassandra
 * Server./* www .  ja va 2 s .  co  m*/
 * @param username
 *          The username of the user in the server.
 * @param password
 *          The password of the user in the server.
 * @return true if connected, else false.
 * @throws Exception
public static boolean sendUserCredentials(String username, char[] password) throws Exception {

    String pass = String.valueOf(password);

    try {
        UsernamePasswordCredentials usernamePasswordCredentials = new UsernamePasswordCredentials(username,

        char SEP = File.separatorChar;
        File dir = new File(System.getProperty("java.home") + SEP + "lib" + SEP + "security");
        File file = new File(dir, "jssecacerts");
        if (file.isFile() == false) {
            InstallCert.createCertificate("", 8443);
            JFrame success = new JFrame();

                    "Certificate was created for user " + username + ". Now the connection will start",
                    "Response Model Exported", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);

        try {
            sslContext = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS");
            sslContext.init(null, null, null);
            sf = new SSLSocketFactory(sslContext, SSLSocketFactory.ALLOW_ALL_HOSTNAME_VERIFIER);
        } catch (Exception e1) {

        Scheme scheme = new Scheme("https", 8443, sf);

        HttpGet httpget = new HttpGet(url + "/usr");
        httpget.addHeader(new BasicScheme().authenticate(usernamePasswordCredentials, httpget, localcontext));

        System.out.println("executing request: " + httpget.getRequestLine());

        HttpResponse response = httpclient.execute(httpget, localcontext);
        HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();
        String responseString = EntityUtils.toString(entity, "UTF-8");

        DBObject dbo = (DBObject) JSON.parse(responseString);

        if (dbo.get("success").toString().equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {

            BasicDBList dataObj = (BasicDBList) dbo.get("data");

            DBObject dbo2 = (DBObject) dataObj.get(0);

            userID = dbo2.get("usr_id").toString();

            System.out.println("userId: " + userID);

            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

    } finally {


From source file:eu.eubrazilcc.lvl.storage.dao.LeishmaniaDAO.java


public List<Leishmania> getNear(final Point point, final double maxDistance) {
    final List<Leishmania> leishmanias = newArrayList();
    final BasicDBList list = MONGODB_CONN.geoNear(COLLECTION, point.getCoordinates().getLongitude(),
            point.getCoordinates().getLatitude(), maxDistance);
    for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
    }//  www . j ava 2  s .c o m
    return leishmanias;

From source file:eu.eubrazilcc.lvl.storage.dao.LvlInstanceDAO.java


public List<LvlInstance> getNear(final Point point, final double maxDistance) {
    final List<LvlInstance> instances = newArrayList();
    final BasicDBList list = MONGODB_CONN.geoNear(COLLECTION, point.getCoordinates().getLongitude(),
            point.getCoordinates().getLatitude(), maxDistance);
    for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
    }// www  .j a  va 2s  .  c o m
    return instances;

From source file:eu.eubrazilcc.lvl.storage.dao.SandflyDAO.java


public List<Sandfly> getNear(final Point point, final double maxDistance) {
    final List<Sandfly> sandflies = newArrayList();
    final BasicDBList list = MONGODB_CONN.geoNear(COLLECTION, point.getCoordinates().getLongitude(),
            point.getCoordinates().getLatitude(), maxDistance);
    for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
    }/*  w ww  .j  a  v a2  s  .c  o m*/
    return sandflies;