List of usage examples for com.itextpdf.text Paragraph setAlignment
public void setAlignment(int alignment)
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public void createPDF() { try {/*w w w .jav a2 s . c o m*/ Rectangle one = new Rectangle(PageSize.LETTER); Document doc = new Document(one); PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(doc, new FileOutputStream(getDirectory() + "\\" + data_title + ".pdf")); //doc.setMargins(1, 1, 1, 1);; PdfContentByte canvas = writer.getDirectContent(); Font font = new Font(Font.FontFamily.TIMES_ROMAN, 11); x = one.getWidth(); y = one.getHeight(); tableX = (x / 2) - 235; tableY = y - 180; getHeader(); Paragraph para = new Paragraph("Province of " + formHeaderValues[0], font); para.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); doc.add(para); Paragraph para2 = new Paragraph("City/Municipality of " + formHeaderValues[1], font); para2.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); doc.add(para2); Paragraph para3 = new Paragraph("Barangay " + formHeaderValues[2], font); para3.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); doc.add(para3); doc.add(Chunk.NEWLINE); doc.add(Chunk.NEWLINE); Paragraph para4 = new Paragraph(data_title, font); para4.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); doc.add(para4); PdfPTable pdftable; pdftable = writeHeaders(font); //pdftable.writeSelectedRows(0, -1, (x / 2) - 235, y - 180, canvas); int counter = 1, rowCounter = 0, columnCounter = 0; int yIncrementor = 16; boolean test = true; while (counter <= this.totalDataSize) { //System.out.println("data#: " + counter + "@ (" + rowCounter + "," + (columnCounter) + ") = " + this.table.getValueAt(rowCounter, columnCounter).toString()); PdfPCell cell1 = new PdfPCell( new Paragraph(this.table.getValueAt(rowCounter, columnCounter++).toString(), font)); cell1.setPaddingBottom(5); cell1.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_LEFT); pdftable.addCell(cell1); if (counter > 0 && (counter % column) == 0) { //if there are 4 columns //pdftable.writeSelectedRows(0, -1, (x / 2) - 235, (y - 180) - yIncrementor, canvas); //print row of 4 columns yIncrementor += 16; //move to next row coordinate, so y coordinate plus plus rowCounter++; //move to next row columnCounter = 0; //back to start column boolean newPage = false; if ((tableY - ((yIncrementor - 16) + 80)) <= 72) { //if it exceeds 1 inch in footer, new page // System.out.println("(" + tableY + "-((" + yIncrementor + "-16)+" + 16 + "))"); // System.out.println("Nanobra? YES; " + (tableY - ((yIncrementor - 16) + 16))); newPage = true; } else if ((tableY - (yIncrementor + 80)) <= 72) { // System.out.println("(" + tableY + "-(" + yIncrementor + "+" + 16 + "))"); // System.out.println("Nanobra? YES; " + (tableY - (yIncrementor + 16))); newPage = true; } if (newPage) { pdftable.completeRow(); pdftable.writeSelectedRows(0, -1, tableX, tableY, canvas); //print the data for the current page doc.newPage(); //create new page pdftable = writeHeaders(font); //write headers to new page yIncrementor = 16; //restore default } } // if (counter == this.totalDataSize) { //para lng mudouble ang data // if (test) { // test = false; // counter = 0; // rowCounter = 0; // columnCounter = 0; // } // } else if (counter == this.totalDataSize) { // if (!test) { // break; // } // } counter++; } pdftable.completeRow(); pdftable.writeSelectedRows(0, -1, tableX, tableY, canvas); doc.close(); } catch (DocumentException | FileNotFoundException ex) { Logger.getLogger(PDFEnator.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } }
From source
public void createProfilePDF(String id, ArrayList<String> data) { this.data_title = "Citizen Profile"; this.table = null; this.caller = 4; this.row = 17; this.column = 2; this.personID = id; this.totalDataSize = row * column; tableHeaderData = new ArrayList<>(); tableHeaderData.add("Label"); tableHeaderData.add("Information"); ArrayList<String> dataAll = data; try {//from ww w .j a va 2 s .c o m getHeader(); Document doc = new Document(); PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(doc, new FileOutputStream(getDirectory() + "\\" + data_title + ".pdf")); Rectangle one = new Rectangle(PageSize.LETTER); doc.setPageSize(one); //doc.setMargins(1, 1, 1, 1);; PdfContentByte canvas = writer.getDirectContent(); Font font = new Font(Font.FontFamily.TIMES_ROMAN, 11); x = one.getWidth(); y = one.getHeight(); tableX = (x / 2) - 235; tableY = y - 180; Paragraph para = new Paragraph("Province of " + formHeaderValues[0], font); para.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); doc.add(para); Paragraph para2 = new Paragraph("City/Municipality of " + formHeaderValues[1], font); para2.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); doc.add(para2); Paragraph para3 = new Paragraph("Barangay " + formHeaderValues[2], font); para3.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); doc.add(para3); Paragraph para4 = new Paragraph(data_title, font); para4.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); doc.add(para4); PdfPTable pdftable; pdftable = writeHeaders(font); int counter = 1, rowCounter = 0, columnCounter = 0; int yIncrementor = 16; String label = null, value = null; System.out.println(dataAll.size()); while (counter <= this.row) { switch (counter - 1) { case 0: label = "Citizen ID"; value = id; break; case 1: label = "Last Name"; value = dataAll.get(counter - 2); break; case 2: label = "First Name"; value = dataAll.get(counter - 2); break; case 3: label = "Middle Name"; value = dataAll.get(counter - 2); break; case 4: label = "Name Suffix"; value = dataAll.get(counter - 2); break; case 5: label = "Date of Birth"; value = dataAll.get(counter - 2); break; case 6: label = "Gender"; value = dataAll.get(counter - 2); break; case 7: label = "Address"; value = dataAll.get(counter - 2); break; case 8: label = "Age"; value = dataAll.get(counter - 2); break; case 9: label = "Place of Birth"; value = dataAll.get(counter - 2); break; case 10: label = "Civil Status"; value = dataAll.get(counter - 2); break; case 11: label = "Contact"; value = dataAll.get(counter - 2); break; case 12: label = "Zip Code"; value = dataAll.get(counter - 2); break; case 13: label = "Precinct Number"; value = dataAll.get(counter - 2); break; case 14: label = "Occupation"; value = dataAll.get(counter - 2); break; case 15: label = "Email Address"; value = dataAll.get(counter - 2); break; case 16: label = "Religion"; value = dataAll.get(counter - 2); break; } if (value.length() <= 0) { value = "N/A"; } System.out.println(label + ": " + value); PdfPCell cell1 = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(label, font)); cell1.setPaddingBottom(5); cell1.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_LEFT); pdftable.addCell(cell1); PdfPCell cell2 = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(value, font)); cell2.setPaddingBottom(5); cell2.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_LEFT); pdftable.addCell(cell2); if (counter > 0 && (counter % column) == 0) { //if there are 4 columns yIncrementor += 16; //move to next row coordinate, so y coordinate plus plus rowCounter++; //move to next row columnCounter = 0; //back to start column boolean newPage = false; if ((tableY - ((yIncrementor - 16) + 80)) <= 72 || (tableY - (yIncrementor + 80)) <= 72) { //if it exceeds 1 inch in footer, new page newPage = true; } if (newPage) { pdftable.completeRow(); pdftable.writeSelectedRows(0, -1, tableX, tableY, canvas); //print the data for the current page doc.newPage(); //create new page pdftable = writeHeaders(font); //write headers to new page yIncrementor = 16; //restore default } } counter++; } pdftable.completeRow(); pdftable.writeSelectedRows(0, -1, tableX, tableY, canvas); doc.close(); } catch (DocumentException | FileNotFoundException ex) { Logger.getLogger(PDFEnator.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } }
From source
public void Generar(String numero, int cantidad, int total, Cliente c) throws FileNotFoundException, DocumentException { com.itextpdf.text.Document document = new com.itextpdf.text.Document(PageSize.A4, 80, 80, 50, 50); FileOutputStream salida = new FileOutputStream("FACTURA" + numero + ".pdf"); PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, salida); writer.setInitialLeading(0);/*from w w w.ja v a2 s.c o m*/ PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(6); table.addCell("CANTIDAD"); table.addCell("CODIGO"); table.addCell("NOMBRE"); table.addCell("DESCRIPCION"); table.addCell("PRECIO"); table.addCell("TOTAL"); for (int i = 0; i < producto.size(); i++) { table.addCell(String.valueOf(cantidad)); table.addCell(String.valueOf(producto.get(i).getCodigo())); table.addCell(producto.get(i).getNombreP()); table.addCell(producto.get(i).getDescripcion()); table.addCell(String.valueOf(producto.get(i).getPrecio())); table.addCell(String.valueOf(total)); } SimpleDateFormat sdfDate = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");//dd/MM/yyyy Date now = new Date(); String strDate = sdfDate.format(now);; Paragraph paragraph = new Paragraph(); Paragraph paragraph1 = new Paragraph(); paragraph.add("DIMASPORT CIA. LTDA.\n\nFACTURA N" + numero); paragraph.setAlignment(Paragraph.ALIGN_CENTER); paragraph1.add("\n\nNOMBRE: " + c.getNombre() + " " + c.getApellido() + "\nCEDULA: " + c.getCedula() + "\nDIRECCION: " + c.getDireccion() + "\nCORREO: " + c.getCorreo() + "\nTELEFONO: " + c.getTelefono() + "\nFECHA: " + strDate + "\n\n"); paragraph.setAlignment(Paragraph.ALIGN_LEFT); document.add(paragraph); document.add(paragraph1); document.add(table); document.close(); }
From source
@SuppressWarnings("unused") private Paragraph getHeader(String header) { Paragraph paragraph = new Paragraph(); Chunk chunk = new Chunk(); paragraph.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); chunk.append(header + getCurrentDateTime() + "\n"); chunk.setFont(fontBold);/*from ww w.j a v m*/ paragraph.add(chunk); return paragraph; }
From source
private Paragraph getInformation(String informacion) { Paragraph paragraph = new Paragraph(); Chunk chunk = new Chunk(); paragraph.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); chunk.append(informacion);/*w ww. j av a2 s .c o m*/ chunk.setFont(fontNormal); paragraph.add(chunk); return paragraph; }
From source
@SuppressWarnings("unused") private Paragraph getInformationFooter(String informacion) { Paragraph paragraph = new Paragraph(); Chunk chunk = new Chunk(); paragraph.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); chunk.append(informacion);/*www . j a v a 2 s. co m*/ chunk.setFont(new Font(Font.FontFamily.COURIER, 8, Font.NORMAL)); paragraph.add(chunk); return paragraph; }
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License:Open Source License
public void writeFile(final OutputStream out, final boolean orientationIsPortrait) throws DocumentException { // This creates our new PDF document and declares its orientation Document pdfDoc;//from w ww. j ava2 m if (orientationIsPortrait) { pdfDoc = new Document(PageSize.LETTER); // portrait } else { pdfDoc = new Document(PageSize.LETTER.rotate()); // landscape } PdfWriter.getInstance(pdfDoc, out); // Measurements are always in points (72 per inch) // This sets up 1/2 inch margins side margins and 0.35in top and bottom // margins pdfDoc.setMargins(0.5f * POINTS_PER_INCH, 0.5f * POINTS_PER_INCH, 0.35f * POINTS_PER_INCH, 0.35f * POINTS_PER_INCH);; // Header cell with challenge title to add to both scoresheets final Paragraph titleParagraph = new Paragraph(); final Chunk titleChunk = new Chunk(m_pageTitle, FontFactory.getFont(FontFactory.HELVETICA_BOLD, 14, Font.NORMAL, BaseColor.WHITE)); titleParagraph.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); titleParagraph.add(titleChunk); titleParagraph.add(Chunk.NEWLINE); final Chunk swVersionChunk = new Chunk("SW version: " + Version.getVersion(), FontFactory.getFont(FontFactory.HELVETICA, 8, Font.NORMAL, BaseColor.WHITE)); titleParagraph.add(swVersionChunk); if (null != m_revision) { final Chunk revisionChunk = new Chunk(" Descriptor revision: " + m_revision, FontFactory.getFont(FontFactory.HELVETICA, 8, Font.NORMAL, BaseColor.WHITE)); titleParagraph.add(revisionChunk); } final PdfPCell head = new PdfPCell(); head.setColspan(2); head.setBorder(1); head.setPaddingTop(0); head.setPaddingBottom(3); head.setBackgroundColor(new BaseColor(64, 64, 64)); head.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_TOP); head.addElement(titleParagraph); // Cells for score field, and 2nd check initials final Phrase des = new Phrase("Data Entry Score _______", ARIAL_8PT_NORMAL); final PdfPCell desC = new PdfPCell(des); desC.setBorder(0); desC.setPaddingTop(9); desC.setPaddingRight(36); desC.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); final Phrase sci = new Phrase("2nd Check Initials _______", ARIAL_8PT_NORMAL); final PdfPCell sciC = new PdfPCell(sci); sciC.setBorder(0); sciC.setPaddingTop(9); sciC.setPaddingRight(36); sciC.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); // Create a table with a grid cell for each scoresheet on the page PdfPTable wholePage = getTableForPage(orientationIsPortrait); wholePage.setWidthPercentage(100); for (int i = 0; i < m_numSheets; i++) { if (i > 0 && (orientationIsPortrait || (i % 2) == 0)) { pdfDoc.newPage(); wholePage = getTableForPage(orientationIsPortrait); wholePage.setWidthPercentage(100); } // This table is a single score sheet final PdfPTable scoreSheet = new PdfPTable(2); // scoreSheet.getDefaultCell().setBorder(Rectangle.LEFT | Rectangle.BOTTOM // | Rectangle.RIGHT | Rectangle.TOP); //FIXME DEBUG should be NO_BORDER scoreSheet.getDefaultCell().setBorder(Rectangle.NO_BORDER); scoreSheet.getDefaultCell().setPaddingRight(1); scoreSheet.getDefaultCell().setPaddingLeft(0); scoreSheet.addCell(head); final PdfPTable teamInfo = new PdfPTable(7); teamInfo.setWidthPercentage(100); teamInfo.setWidths(new float[] { 1f, 1f, 1f, 1f, 1f, 1f, .9f }); // Time label cell final Paragraph timeP = new Paragraph("Time:", ARIAL_10PT_NORMAL); timeP.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); final PdfPCell timeLc = new PdfPCell(scoreSheet.getDefaultCell()); timeLc.addElement(timeP); teamInfo.addCell(timeLc); // Time value cell final Paragraph timeV = new Paragraph(null == m_time[i] ? SHORT_BLANK : m_time[i], COURIER_10PT_NORMAL); final PdfPCell timeVc = new PdfPCell(scoreSheet.getDefaultCell()); timeVc.addElement(timeV); teamInfo.addCell(timeVc); // Table label cell final Paragraph tblP = new Paragraph("Table:", ARIAL_10PT_NORMAL); tblP.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); final PdfPCell tblLc = new PdfPCell(scoreSheet.getDefaultCell()); tblLc.addElement(tblP); teamInfo.addCell(tblLc); // Table value cell final Paragraph tblV = new Paragraph(m_table[i], COURIER_10PT_NORMAL); final PdfPCell tblVc = new PdfPCell(scoreSheet.getDefaultCell()); tblVc.addElement(tblV); teamInfo.addCell(tblVc); // Round number label cell final Paragraph rndP = new Paragraph("Round:", ARIAL_10PT_NORMAL); rndP.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); final PdfPCell rndlc = new PdfPCell(scoreSheet.getDefaultCell()); rndlc.addElement(rndP); teamInfo.addCell(rndlc); // Round number value cell final Paragraph rndV = new Paragraph(m_round[i], COURIER_10PT_NORMAL); final PdfPCell rndVc = new PdfPCell(scoreSheet.getDefaultCell()); // rndVc.setColspan(2); rndVc.addElement(rndV); teamInfo.addCell(rndVc); final PdfPCell temp1 = new PdfPCell(scoreSheet.getDefaultCell()); // temp1.setColspan(2); temp1.addElement(new Paragraph("Judge ____", ARIAL_8PT_NORMAL)); teamInfo.addCell(temp1); // Team number label cell final Paragraph nbrP = new Paragraph("Team #:", ARIAL_10PT_NORMAL); nbrP.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); final PdfPCell nbrlc = new PdfPCell(scoreSheet.getDefaultCell()); nbrlc.addElement(nbrP); teamInfo.addCell(nbrlc); // Team number value cell final Paragraph nbrV = new Paragraph(null == m_number[i] ? SHORT_BLANK : String.valueOf(m_number[i]), COURIER_10PT_NORMAL); final PdfPCell nbrVc = new PdfPCell(scoreSheet.getDefaultCell()); nbrVc.addElement(nbrV); teamInfo.addCell(nbrVc); // Team division label cell final Paragraph divP = new Paragraph(m_divisionLabel[i], ARIAL_10PT_NORMAL); divP.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); final PdfPCell divlc = new PdfPCell(scoreSheet.getDefaultCell()); divlc.addElement(divP); divlc.setColspan(2); teamInfo.addCell(divlc); // Team division value cell final Paragraph divV = new Paragraph(m_division[i], COURIER_10PT_NORMAL); final PdfPCell divVc = new PdfPCell(scoreSheet.getDefaultCell()); divVc.setColspan(2); divVc.addElement(divV); teamInfo.addCell(divVc); final PdfPCell temp2 = new PdfPCell(scoreSheet.getDefaultCell()); // temp2.setColspan(2); temp2.addElement(new Paragraph("Team ____", ARIAL_8PT_NORMAL)); teamInfo.addCell(temp2); // Team name label cell final Paragraph nameP = new Paragraph("Team Name:", ARIAL_10PT_NORMAL); nameP.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); final PdfPCell namelc = new PdfPCell(scoreSheet.getDefaultCell()); namelc.setColspan(2); namelc.addElement(nameP); teamInfo.addCell(namelc); // Team name value cell final Paragraph nameV = new Paragraph(m_name[i], COURIER_10PT_NORMAL); final PdfPCell nameVc = new PdfPCell(scoreSheet.getDefaultCell()); nameVc.setColspan(5); nameVc.addElement(nameV); teamInfo.addCell(nameVc); // add team info cell to the team table final PdfPCell teamInfoCell = new PdfPCell(scoreSheet.getDefaultCell()); teamInfoCell.addElement(teamInfo); teamInfoCell.setColspan(2); scoreSheet.addCell(teamInfoCell); if (null != m_goalsTable) { final PdfPCell goalCell = new PdfPCell(m_goalsTable); goalCell.setBorder(0); goalCell.setPadding(0); goalCell.setColspan(2); scoreSheet.addCell(goalCell); } scoreSheet.addCell(desC); scoreSheet.addCell(sciC); if (null != m_copyright) { final Phrase copyright = new Phrase("\u00A9" + m_copyright, f6i); final PdfPCell copyrightC = new PdfPCell(scoreSheet.getDefaultCell()); copyrightC.addElement(copyright); copyrightC.setBorder(0); copyrightC.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); copyrightC.setColspan(2); scoreSheet.addCell(copyrightC); } // the cell in the whole page table that will contain the single score // sheet final PdfPCell scoresheetCell = new PdfPCell(scoreSheet); scoresheetCell.setBorder(0); scoresheetCell.setPadding(0); // Interior borders between scoresheets on a page if (!orientationIsPortrait) { if (i % 2 == 0) { scoresheetCell.setPaddingRight(0.1f * POINTS_PER_INCH); } else { scoresheetCell.setPaddingLeft(0.1f * POINTS_PER_INCH); } } // Add the current scoresheet to the page wholePage.addCell(scoresheetCell); // Add the current table of scoresheets to the document if (orientationIsPortrait || (i % 2 != 0)) { pdfDoc.add(wholePage); } } // Add a blank cells to complete the table of the last page if (!orientationIsPortrait && m_numSheets % 2 != 0) { final PdfPCell blank = new PdfPCell(); blank.setBorder(0); wholePage.addCell(blank); pdfDoc.add(wholePage); } pdfDoc.close(); }
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License:Apache License
private void createFirstPage() throws DocumentException, IOException { Rectangle savePagesize = document.getPageSize(); document.setPageSize(PageSize.A4);/* w w w. j av a 2s. c o m*/ document.newPage(); Image imageLogo = Image.getInstance(PdfRenderer.class.getResource("/logo.png")); imageLogo.scaleToFit(document.getPageSize().getWidth() - document.leftMargin() - document.rightMargin(), imageLogo.getHeight()); document.add(imageLogo); Paragraph paragraph = new Paragraph("21, 22 et 23 mai"); paragraph.setSpacingAfter(80); paragraph.getFont().setSize(20); paragraph.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); document.add(paragraph); Paragraph title = new Paragraph("Programme 2014"); title.setSpacingAfter(100); title.getFont().setSize(56); title.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); document.add(title); PdfPTable sponsors = new PdfPTable(4); sponsors.setWidthPercentage(90f); addSponsor(sponsors, "", 2); addSponsor(sponsors, "", 2); addSponsor(sponsors, "", 1); addSponsor(sponsors, "", 1); addSponsor(sponsors, "", 1); addSponsor(sponsors, "", 1); addSponsor(sponsors, "", 1); addSponsor(sponsors, "", 1); addSponsor(sponsors, "", 1); addSponsor(sponsors, "", 1); document.add(sponsors); Image istic = Image.getInstance(""); istic.scaleToFit(150, 150); istic.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); document.add(istic); document.setPageSize(savePagesize); }
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License:Apache License
private List<Talk> createProgrammePages() throws DocumentException, IOException { List<Talk> talksToExplain = new ArrayList<>(); document.setPageSize(PageSize.A4.rotate()); Font font = new Font(); font.setStyle(Font.BOLD);//from w ww . java 2 s.c o m font.setSize(14); for (String date : service.getDates()) { Set<String> tracksInPage = new HashSet<>(); Map<String, Talk> precedentTalk = new HashMap<>(); PdfPTable table = createBeginningOfPage(font, date); for (String creneau : service.getCreneaux().get(date)) { // Nouvelle page 14h if (creneau.startsWith("14:00") && !tracksInPage.isEmpty()) { document.add(table); addLegend(tracksInPage); table = createBeginningOfPage(font, date); } PdfPCell cellCreneau = new PdfPCell(); cellCreneau.setPaddingBottom(10); Paragraph startTime = new Paragraph(creneau); startTime.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); cellCreneau.addElement(startTime); Paragraph endTime = new Paragraph(getEndTime(date, creneau)); endTime.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); cellCreneau.addElement(endTime); table.addCell(cellCreneau); for (String room : service.getRooms(date)) { PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(); cell.setPaddingBottom(10); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_LEFT); Talk talk = service.getTalkByDateAndCreneauxAndRoom(date, creneau, room); if (talk != null) { talksToExplain.add(talk); remplirCellWithTalk(cell, talk); cell.setRowspan(getRowSpan(date, talk)); precedentTalk.put(room, talk); tracksInPage.add(talk.getTrack()); table.addCell(cell); } else { talk = precedentTalk.get(room); if (!(talk != null && talk.getEnd().compareTo(creneau) > 0)) { table.addCell(cell); } } } } document.add(table); addLegend(tracksInPage); } return talksToExplain; }
From source
License:Apache License
private PdfPTable createBeginningOfPage(Font font, String date) throws DocumentException { Paragraph titre; document.newPage();//from ww w . j ava 2s . c o m titre = new Paragraph(); titre.setFont(font); titre.setAlignment(Paragraph.ALIGN_CENTER); titre.add(new Phrase("Programme du " + date)); document.add(titre); float[] relativeWidth = new float[service.getRooms(date).size() + 1]; Arrays.fill(relativeWidth, 1f); relativeWidth[0] = 0.5f; PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(relativeWidth); table.setWidthPercentage(100); table.setSpacingBefore(10); table.setSpacingAfter(20); table.addCell(createHeaderCell("Heure")); for (String room : service.getRooms(date)) { table.addCell(createHeaderCell(room)); } return table; }