Example usage for Java com.itextpdf.text Paragraph fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass
The text is from its open source code.
Paragraph(float leading) Constructs a Paragraph with a certain leading. | |
Paragraph(Chunk chunk) Constructs a Paragraph with a certain Chunk . | |
Paragraph(String string) Constructs a Paragraph with a certain String . | |
Paragraph(Phrase phrase) Constructs a Paragraph with a certain Phrase . | |
Paragraph(float leading, Chunk chunk) Constructs a Paragraph with a certain Chunk and a certain leading. | |
Paragraph(String string, Font font) Constructs a Paragraph with a certain String and a certain Font . | |
Paragraph(float leading, String string) Constructs a Paragraph with a certain String and a certain leading. | |
Paragraph() Constructs a Paragraph . | |
Paragraph(float leading, String string, Font font) Constructs a Paragraph with a certain leading, String and Font . |
boolean | add(Element o) Adds an Element to the Paragraph . |
void | add(final int index, final Element element) Adds a Chunk , an Anchor or another Phrase to this Phrase . |
java.util.List | getChunks() Gets all the chunks in this element. |
String | getContent() Returns the content as a String object. |
Font | getFont() Gets the font of the first Chunk that appears in this Phrase . |
float | getIndentationLeft() |
float | getLeading() Gets the leading of this phrase. |
float | getMultipliedLeading() Gets the variable leading |
boolean | isEmpty() Checks is this Phrase contains no or 1 empty Chunk . |
void | setAlignment(int alignment) Sets the alignment of this paragraph. |
void | setExtraParagraphSpace(float extraParagraphSpace) Setter for property extraParagraphSpace. |
void | setFirstLineIndent(float firstLineIndent) Setter for property firstLineIndent. |
void | setFont(final Font font) Sets the main font of this phrase. |
void | setIndentationLeft(float indentation) |
void | setIndentationRight(float indentation) |
void | setKeepTogether(boolean keeptogether) Indicates that the paragraph has to be kept together on one page. |
void | setLeading(final float fixedLeading) |
void | setLeading(final float fixedLeading, final float multipliedLeading) Sets the leading fixed and variable. |
void | setMultipliedLeading(final float multipliedLeading) Sets the variable leading. |
void | setPaddingTop(float paddingTop) |
void | setSpacingAfter(float spacing) |
void | setSpacingBefore(float spacing) |
void | setTabSettings(TabSettings tabSettings) Setter for the tab stops. |