Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2000-2002 INSciTE. All rights reserved * INSciTE is on the web at: * This code is released under GPL; see LICENSE.txt for details. */ package fll.web.playoff; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.time.LocalTime; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.itextpdf.text.BaseColor; import com.itextpdf.text.Chunk; import com.itextpdf.text.Document; import com.itextpdf.text.DocumentException; import com.itextpdf.text.Element; import com.itextpdf.text.Font; import com.itextpdf.text.FontFactory; import com.itextpdf.text.PageSize; import com.itextpdf.text.Paragraph; import com.itextpdf.text.Phrase; import com.itextpdf.text.Rectangle; import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfPCell; import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfPTable; import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfReader; import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfWriter; import fll.Team; import fll.Utilities; import fll.Version; import fll.scheduler.TournamentSchedule; import fll.util.FLLRuntimeException; import fll.util.FP; import fll.util.LogUtils; import fll.xml.AbstractGoal; import fll.xml.ChallengeDescription; import fll.xml.EnumeratedValue; import fll.xml.PerformanceScoreCategory; import net.mtu.eggplant.util.sql.SQLFunctions; /** * @author Dan Churchill */ public class ScoresheetGenerator { private static final Logger LOGGER = LogUtils.getLogger(); private static final String LONG_BLANK = "_________________________"; private static final String SHORT_BLANK = "______"; private final Font f6i = new Font(Font.FontFamily.HELVETICA, 6, Font.ITALIC); private String m_copyright; /** * Create document with the specified number of sheets. Initially all sheets * are empty. They should be filled in using the set methods. * * @param numSheets */ public ScoresheetGenerator(final int numSheets, final ChallengeDescription description) { m_numSheets = numSheets; initializeArrays(); setPageTitle(""); for (int i = 0; i < m_numSheets; i++) { m_table[i] = SHORT_BLANK; m_name[i] = LONG_BLANK; m_round[i] = SHORT_BLANK; m_number[i] = null; m_time[i] = null; } setChallengeInfo(description); } /** * Create a new ScoresheetGenerator object populated with form header data * provided in the given Map. The map should contain String[] objects, each of * length 1, keyed by the String objects listed below (this matches the * expected format of the Map returned by * javax.servlet.ServletRequest.getParameterMap): * <ul> * <li><b>"numMatches"</b> - The number of matches in the form. * <li><b>"checkX"</b> - Present only for matches that should be printed. * <li><b>"roundX"</b> - For X = 1, 2, ... numMatches. Playoff round number * for scoresheet X. * <li><b>"teamAX"</b> - For X = 1, 2, ... numMatches. Team number of team on * table A for match X. * <li><b>"tableAX"</b> - For X = 1, 2, ... numTeams. Table assignment for * table A on match X. * <li><b>"teamBX"</b> - For X = 1, 2, ... numMatches. Team number of team on * table B for match X. * <li><b>"tableBX"</b> - For X = 1, 2, ... numTeams. Table assignment for * table B on match X. * </ul> * If any of the above objects don't exist in the Map, blank lines will be * placed in the generated form for that field. This also updates the * PlayoffData table in the assumption that the created scoresheet will be * printed, so table assignments are stored into the database and the match is * marked as printed. It is very questionable whether this is where this * should happen, but I don't feel like breaking it out. */ public ScoresheetGenerator(final HttpServletRequest request, final Connection connection, final int tournament, final ChallengeDescription description) throws SQLException { final String numMatchesStr = request.getParameter("numMatches"); if (null == numMatchesStr) { // must have been called asking for blank m_numSheets = 1; initializeArrays(); setPageTitle(""); for (int i = 0; i < m_numSheets; i++) { m_table[i] = SHORT_BLANK; m_name[i] = LONG_BLANK; m_round[i] = SHORT_BLANK; m_divisionLabel[i] = AWARD_GROUP_LABEL; m_division[i] = SHORT_BLANK; m_number[i] = null; m_time[i] = null; } } else { final String division = request.getParameter("division"); // called with specific sheets to print final int numMatches = Integer.parseInt(numMatchesStr); final boolean[] checkedMatches = new boolean[numMatches + 1]; // ignore // slot // index 0 int checkedMatchCount = 0; // Build array of out how many matches we are printing for (int i = 1; i <= numMatches; i++) { final String checkX = "print" + i; checkedMatches[i] = null != request.getParameter(checkX); if (checkedMatches[i]) { checkedMatchCount++; } } if (checkedMatchCount == 0) { throw new FLLRuntimeException( "No matches were found checked. Please go back and select the checkboxes for the scoresheets that you want to print"); } m_numSheets = checkedMatchCount * 2; initializeArrays(); setPageTitle(m_pageTitle); // Loop through checked matches, populate data, and update database to // track // printed status and remember assigned tables. PreparedStatement updatePrep = null; try { // build up the SQL updatePrep = connection.prepareStatement("UPDATE PlayoffData SET Printed=true, AssignedTable=?" + " WHERE event_division=? AND Tournament=? AND PlayoffRound=? AND Team=?"); // could do division here, too, but since getting it from Team object, // will defer to same place as other updatePrep.setInt(3, tournament); int j = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= numMatches; i++) { if (checkedMatches[i]) { final String round = request.getParameter("round" + i); final int iRound = Integer.parseInt(round); // Get teamA info final Team teamA = Team.getTeamFromDatabase(connection, Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("teamA" + i))); m_name[j] = teamA.getTrimmedTeamName(); m_number[j] = teamA.getTeamNumber(); m_round[j] = "Round P" + round; m_table[j] = request.getParameter("tableA" + i); final int performanceRunA = Playoff.getRunNumber(connection, division, teamA.getTeamNumber(), iRound); m_divisionLabel[j] = HEAD_TO_HEAD_LABEL; m_division[j] = division; final int bracketA = Playoff.getBracketNumber(connection, tournament, teamA.getTeamNumber(), performanceRunA); final String bracketALabel = String.format("Match %d", bracketA); m_time[j] = bracketALabel; updatePrep.setString(1, m_table[j]); updatePrep.setString(2, division); updatePrep.setInt(4, iRound); updatePrep.setInt(5, teamA.getTeamNumber()); if (updatePrep.executeUpdate() < 1) { LOGGER.warn(String.format( "Could not update playoff table and print flags for team: %s playoff round: %s playoff bracket: %s", teamA.getTeamNumber(), iRound, division)); } j++; // Get teamB info final Team teamB = Team.getTeamFromDatabase(connection, Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("teamB" + i))); m_name[j] = teamB.getTrimmedTeamName(); m_number[j] = teamB.getTeamNumber(); m_round[j] = "Round P" + round; m_table[j] = request.getParameter("tableB" + i); final int performanceRunB = Playoff.getRunNumber(connection, division, teamB.getTeamNumber(), iRound); m_divisionLabel[j] = HEAD_TO_HEAD_LABEL; m_division[j] = division; final int bracketB = Playoff.getBracketNumber(connection, tournament, teamB.getTeamNumber(), performanceRunB); final String bracketBLabel = String.format("Match %d", bracketB); m_time[j] = bracketBLabel; updatePrep.setString(1, m_table[j]); updatePrep.setString(2, division); updatePrep.setInt(4, iRound); updatePrep.setInt(5, teamB.getTeamNumber()); if (updatePrep.executeUpdate() < 1) { LOGGER.warn(String.format( "Could not update playoff table and print flags for team: %s playoff round: %s playoff bracket: %s", teamB.getTeamNumber(), iRound, division)); } j++; } } } finally { SQLFunctions.close(updatePrep); } } setChallengeInfo(description); } /** * Private support function to create new data arrays for the scoresheet * information. IMPORTANT!!! The value of m_numTeams must be set before the * call to this method is made. */ private void initializeArrays() { m_table = new String[m_numSheets]; m_name = new String[m_numSheets]; m_round = new String[m_numSheets]; m_number = new Integer[m_numSheets]; m_divisionLabel = new String[m_numSheets]; m_division = new String[m_numSheets]; m_time = new String[m_numSheets]; } private static final Font ARIAL_8PT_NORMAL = FontFactory.getFont(FontFactory.HELVETICA, 8, Font.NORMAL, new BaseColor(0, 0, 0)); private static final Font ARIAL_10PT_NORMAL = FontFactory.getFont(FontFactory.HELVETICA, 10, Font.NORMAL); private static final Font COURIER_10PT_NORMAL = FontFactory.getFont(FontFactory.COURIER, 10, Font.NORMAL); private static final int POINTS_PER_INCH = 72; /** * Guess the orientation that the document should be. * * @return true if it should be portrait * @throws DocumentException * @throws IOException */ public static boolean guessOrientation(final ChallengeDescription description) throws DocumentException, IOException { final ScoresheetGenerator gen = new ScoresheetGenerator(1, description); final ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); gen.writeFile(out, false); final ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(out.toByteArray()); final PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(in); if (reader.getNumberOfPages() > 1) { // doesn't fit landscape return true; } else { return false; } } public void writeFile(final OutputStream out, final boolean orientationIsPortrait) throws DocumentException { // This creates our new PDF document and declares its orientation Document pdfDoc; if (orientationIsPortrait) { pdfDoc = new Document(PageSize.LETTER); // portrait } else { pdfDoc = new Document(PageSize.LETTER.rotate()); // landscape } PdfWriter.getInstance(pdfDoc, out); // Measurements are always in points (72 per inch) // This sets up 1/2 inch margins side margins and 0.35in top and bottom // margins pdfDoc.setMargins(0.5f * POINTS_PER_INCH, 0.5f * POINTS_PER_INCH, 0.35f * POINTS_PER_INCH, 0.35f * POINTS_PER_INCH);; // Header cell with challenge title to add to both scoresheets final Paragraph titleParagraph = new Paragraph(); final Chunk titleChunk = new Chunk(m_pageTitle, FontFactory.getFont(FontFactory.HELVETICA_BOLD, 14, Font.NORMAL, BaseColor.WHITE)); titleParagraph.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); titleParagraph.add(titleChunk); titleParagraph.add(Chunk.NEWLINE); final Chunk swVersionChunk = new Chunk("SW version: " + Version.getVersion(), FontFactory.getFont(FontFactory.HELVETICA, 8, Font.NORMAL, BaseColor.WHITE)); titleParagraph.add(swVersionChunk); if (null != m_revision) { final Chunk revisionChunk = new Chunk(" Descriptor revision: " + m_revision, FontFactory.getFont(FontFactory.HELVETICA, 8, Font.NORMAL, BaseColor.WHITE)); titleParagraph.add(revisionChunk); } final PdfPCell head = new PdfPCell(); head.setColspan(2); head.setBorder(1); head.setPaddingTop(0); head.setPaddingBottom(3); head.setBackgroundColor(new BaseColor(64, 64, 64)); head.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_TOP); head.addElement(titleParagraph); // Cells for score field, and 2nd check initials final Phrase des = new Phrase("Data Entry Score _______", ARIAL_8PT_NORMAL); final PdfPCell desC = new PdfPCell(des); desC.setBorder(0); desC.setPaddingTop(9); desC.setPaddingRight(36); desC.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); final Phrase sci = new Phrase("2nd Check Initials _______", ARIAL_8PT_NORMAL); final PdfPCell sciC = new PdfPCell(sci); sciC.setBorder(0); sciC.setPaddingTop(9); sciC.setPaddingRight(36); sciC.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); // Create a table with a grid cell for each scoresheet on the page PdfPTable wholePage = getTableForPage(orientationIsPortrait); wholePage.setWidthPercentage(100); for (int i = 0; i < m_numSheets; i++) { if (i > 0 && (orientationIsPortrait || (i % 2) == 0)) { pdfDoc.newPage(); wholePage = getTableForPage(orientationIsPortrait); wholePage.setWidthPercentage(100); } // This table is a single score sheet final PdfPTable scoreSheet = new PdfPTable(2); // scoreSheet.getDefaultCell().setBorder(Rectangle.LEFT | Rectangle.BOTTOM // | Rectangle.RIGHT | Rectangle.TOP); //FIXME DEBUG should be NO_BORDER scoreSheet.getDefaultCell().setBorder(Rectangle.NO_BORDER); scoreSheet.getDefaultCell().setPaddingRight(1); scoreSheet.getDefaultCell().setPaddingLeft(0); scoreSheet.addCell(head); final PdfPTable teamInfo = new PdfPTable(7); teamInfo.setWidthPercentage(100); teamInfo.setWidths(new float[] { 1f, 1f, 1f, 1f, 1f, 1f, .9f }); // Time label cell final Paragraph timeP = new Paragraph("Time:", ARIAL_10PT_NORMAL); timeP.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); final PdfPCell timeLc = new PdfPCell(scoreSheet.getDefaultCell()); timeLc.addElement(timeP); teamInfo.addCell(timeLc); // Time value cell final Paragraph timeV = new Paragraph(null == m_time[i] ? SHORT_BLANK : m_time[i], COURIER_10PT_NORMAL); final PdfPCell timeVc = new PdfPCell(scoreSheet.getDefaultCell()); timeVc.addElement(timeV); teamInfo.addCell(timeVc); // Table label cell final Paragraph tblP = new Paragraph("Table:", ARIAL_10PT_NORMAL); tblP.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); final PdfPCell tblLc = new PdfPCell(scoreSheet.getDefaultCell()); tblLc.addElement(tblP); teamInfo.addCell(tblLc); // Table value cell final Paragraph tblV = new Paragraph(m_table[i], COURIER_10PT_NORMAL); final PdfPCell tblVc = new PdfPCell(scoreSheet.getDefaultCell()); tblVc.addElement(tblV); teamInfo.addCell(tblVc); // Round number label cell final Paragraph rndP = new Paragraph("Round:", ARIAL_10PT_NORMAL); rndP.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); final PdfPCell rndlc = new PdfPCell(scoreSheet.getDefaultCell()); rndlc.addElement(rndP); teamInfo.addCell(rndlc); // Round number value cell final Paragraph rndV = new Paragraph(m_round[i], COURIER_10PT_NORMAL); final PdfPCell rndVc = new PdfPCell(scoreSheet.getDefaultCell()); // rndVc.setColspan(2); rndVc.addElement(rndV); teamInfo.addCell(rndVc); final PdfPCell temp1 = new PdfPCell(scoreSheet.getDefaultCell()); // temp1.setColspan(2); temp1.addElement(new Paragraph("Judge ____", ARIAL_8PT_NORMAL)); teamInfo.addCell(temp1); // Team number label cell final Paragraph nbrP = new Paragraph("Team #:", ARIAL_10PT_NORMAL); nbrP.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); final PdfPCell nbrlc = new PdfPCell(scoreSheet.getDefaultCell()); nbrlc.addElement(nbrP); teamInfo.addCell(nbrlc); // Team number value cell final Paragraph nbrV = new Paragraph(null == m_number[i] ? SHORT_BLANK : String.valueOf(m_number[i]), COURIER_10PT_NORMAL); final PdfPCell nbrVc = new PdfPCell(scoreSheet.getDefaultCell()); nbrVc.addElement(nbrV); teamInfo.addCell(nbrVc); // Team division label cell final Paragraph divP = new Paragraph(m_divisionLabel[i], ARIAL_10PT_NORMAL); divP.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); final PdfPCell divlc = new PdfPCell(scoreSheet.getDefaultCell()); divlc.addElement(divP); divlc.setColspan(2); teamInfo.addCell(divlc); // Team division value cell final Paragraph divV = new Paragraph(m_division[i], COURIER_10PT_NORMAL); final PdfPCell divVc = new PdfPCell(scoreSheet.getDefaultCell()); divVc.setColspan(2); divVc.addElement(divV); teamInfo.addCell(divVc); final PdfPCell temp2 = new PdfPCell(scoreSheet.getDefaultCell()); // temp2.setColspan(2); temp2.addElement(new Paragraph("Team ____", ARIAL_8PT_NORMAL)); teamInfo.addCell(temp2); // Team name label cell final Paragraph nameP = new Paragraph("Team Name:", ARIAL_10PT_NORMAL); nameP.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); final PdfPCell namelc = new PdfPCell(scoreSheet.getDefaultCell()); namelc.setColspan(2); namelc.addElement(nameP); teamInfo.addCell(namelc); // Team name value cell final Paragraph nameV = new Paragraph(m_name[i], COURIER_10PT_NORMAL); final PdfPCell nameVc = new PdfPCell(scoreSheet.getDefaultCell()); nameVc.setColspan(5); nameVc.addElement(nameV); teamInfo.addCell(nameVc); // add team info cell to the team table final PdfPCell teamInfoCell = new PdfPCell(scoreSheet.getDefaultCell()); teamInfoCell.addElement(teamInfo); teamInfoCell.setColspan(2); scoreSheet.addCell(teamInfoCell); if (null != m_goalsTable) { final PdfPCell goalCell = new PdfPCell(m_goalsTable); goalCell.setBorder(0); goalCell.setPadding(0); goalCell.setColspan(2); scoreSheet.addCell(goalCell); } scoreSheet.addCell(desC); scoreSheet.addCell(sciC); if (null != m_copyright) { final Phrase copyright = new Phrase("\u00A9" + m_copyright, f6i); final PdfPCell copyrightC = new PdfPCell(scoreSheet.getDefaultCell()); copyrightC.addElement(copyright); copyrightC.setBorder(0); copyrightC.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); copyrightC.setColspan(2); scoreSheet.addCell(copyrightC); } // the cell in the whole page table that will contain the single score // sheet final PdfPCell scoresheetCell = new PdfPCell(scoreSheet); scoresheetCell.setBorder(0); scoresheetCell.setPadding(0); // Interior borders between scoresheets on a page if (!orientationIsPortrait) { if (i % 2 == 0) { scoresheetCell.setPaddingRight(0.1f * POINTS_PER_INCH); } else { scoresheetCell.setPaddingLeft(0.1f * POINTS_PER_INCH); } } // Add the current scoresheet to the page wholePage.addCell(scoresheetCell); // Add the current table of scoresheets to the document if (orientationIsPortrait || (i % 2 != 0)) { pdfDoc.add(wholePage); } } // Add a blank cells to complete the table of the last page if (!orientationIsPortrait && m_numSheets % 2 != 0) { final PdfPCell blank = new PdfPCell(); blank.setBorder(0); wholePage.addCell(blank); pdfDoc.add(wholePage); } pdfDoc.close(); } /** * Stores the goal cells that are inserted into the output after the team name * headers and before the scoring/initials blanks at the bottom of the * scoresheet. */ private void setChallengeInfo(final ChallengeDescription description) { setPageTitle(description.getTitle()); if (null != description.getRevision()) { setRevisionInfo(description.getRevision()); } if (null != description.getCopyright()) { m_copyright = description.getCopyright(); } else { m_copyright = null; } final PerformanceScoreCategory performanceElement = description.getPerformance(); // use ArrayList as we will be doing indexed access in the loop final List<AbstractGoal> goals = new ArrayList<>(performanceElement.getGoals()); final float[] relativeWidths = new float[3]; relativeWidths[0] = 4; relativeWidths[1] = 48; relativeWidths[2] = 48; m_goalsTable = new PdfPTable(relativeWidths); String prevCategory = null; for (int goalIndex = 0; goalIndex < goals.size(); ++goalIndex) { final AbstractGoal goal = goals.get(goalIndex); if (!goal.isComputed()) { final String category = goal.getCategory(); // add category cell if needed boolean firstRowInCategory = false; if (!StringUtils.equals(prevCategory, category)) { if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(category)) { // find out how many future goals have the same category int categoryRowSpan = 1; for (int otherIndex = goalIndex + 1; otherIndex < goals.size(); ++otherIndex) { final AbstractGoal otherGoal = goals.get(otherIndex); if (!otherGoal.isComputed()) { if (StringUtils.equals(category, otherGoal.getCategory())) { ++categoryRowSpan; } else { break; } } } final Paragraph catPara = new Paragraph(category, ARIAL_10PT_NORMAL); final PdfPCell categoryCell = new PdfPCell(catPara); categoryCell.setBorderWidthTop(1); categoryCell.setBorderWidthBottom(0); categoryCell.setBorderWidthLeft(0); categoryCell.setBorderWidthRight(0); categoryCell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); categoryCell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); categoryCell.setRotation(90); categoryCell.setRowspan(categoryRowSpan); m_goalsTable.addCell(categoryCell); } // first row in a new category, which may be empty firstRowInCategory = true; } // This is the text for the left hand "label" cell final String title = goal.getTitle(); final Paragraph p = new Paragraph(title, ARIAL_10PT_NORMAL); final PdfPCell goalLabel = new PdfPCell(p); goalLabel.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); goalLabel.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); if (firstRowInCategory) { goalLabel.setBorderWidthTop(1); goalLabel.setBorderWidthBottom(0); goalLabel.setBorderWidthLeft(0); goalLabel.setBorderWidthRight(0); } else { goalLabel.setBorder(0); } goalLabel.setPaddingRight(9); goalLabel.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_TOP); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(category)) { // category column and goal label column goalLabel.setColspan(2); } m_goalsTable.addCell(goalLabel); // define the value cell final double min = goal.getMin(); final String minStr = FP.equals(min, Math.round(min), 1E-6) ? String.valueOf((int) min) : String.valueOf(min); final double max = goal.getMax(); final String maxStr = FP.equals(max, Math.round(max), 1E-6) ? String.valueOf((int) max) : String.valueOf(max); // If element has child nodes, then we have an enumerated list // of choices. Otherwise it is either yes/no or a numeric field. final PdfPCell goalValue = new PdfPCell(); final Chunk choices = new Chunk("", COURIER_10PT_NORMAL); if (goal.isEnumerated()) { // replace spaces with "no-break" spaces boolean first = true; final List<EnumeratedValue> values = goal.getSortedValues(); for (final EnumeratedValue value : values) { if (!first) { choices.append(" /" + Utilities.NON_BREAKING_SPACE); } else { first = false; } choices.append(value.getTitle().toUpperCase().replace(' ', Utilities.NON_BREAKING_SPACE)); } goalValue.addElement(choices); } else { if (goal.isYesNo()) { // order of yes/no needs to match ScoreEntry.generateYesNoButtons final Paragraph q = new Paragraph("NO / YES", COURIER_10PT_NORMAL); goalValue.addElement(q); } else { final String range = "(" + minStr + " - " + maxStr + ")"; final PdfPTable t = new PdfPTable(2); t.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_LEFT); t.setTotalWidth(1 * POINTS_PER_INCH); t.setLockedWidth(true); final Phrase r = new Phrase("", ARIAL_8PT_NORMAL); t.addCell(new PdfPCell(r)); final Phrase q = new Phrase(range, ARIAL_8PT_NORMAL); t.addCell(new PdfPCell(q)); goalValue.setPaddingTop(9); goalValue.addElement(t); } } if (firstRowInCategory) { goalValue.setBorderWidthTop(1); goalValue.setBorderWidthBottom(0); goalValue.setBorderWidthLeft(0); goalValue.setBorderWidthRight(0); } else { goalValue.setBorder(0); } goalValue.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE); m_goalsTable.addCell(goalValue); // setup for next loop prevCategory = category; } // if not computed goal } // foreach goal } private int m_numSheets; private String m_revision; private String m_pageTitle; private String[] m_table; private String[] m_name; private String[] m_round; private Integer[] m_number; public static final String HEAD_TO_HEAD_LABEL = "Head to head Bracket:"; public static final String AWARD_GROUP_LABEL = "Award Group:"; private String[] m_divisionLabel; private String[] m_division; private String[] m_time; private PdfPTable m_goalsTable; public void setPageTitle(final String title) { m_pageTitle = title; } private void setRevisionInfo(final String revision) { m_revision = revision; } /** * Sets the table label for scoresheet with index i. * * @param i The 0-based index of the scoresheet to which to assign this table * label. * @param table A string with the table label for the specified scoresheet. * @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if the index is out of valid range. */ public void setTable(final int i, final String table) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (i < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Index must not be < 0"); } if (i >= m_numSheets) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Index must be < " + m_numSheets); } m_table[i] = table; } /** * Sets the division for scoresheet with index i. * * @param i The 0-based index of the scoresheet to which to assign this table * label. * @param divisionLabel the label to use for this division should be * {@link #HEAD_TO_HEAD_LABEL} or {@link #AWARD_GROUP_LABEL} * @param division the string to display in the division section of the score * sheet * @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if the index is out of valid range. */ public void setDivision(final int i, final String divisionLabel, final String division) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (i < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Index must not be < 0"); } if (i >= m_numSheets) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Index must be < " + m_numSheets); } m_divisionLabel[i] = divisionLabel; m_division[i] = division; } /** * Sets the team name for scoresheet with index i. * * @param i The 0-based index of the scoresheet to which to assign this team * name. * @param name A string with the team name for the specified scoresheet. * @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if the index is out of valid range. */ public void setName(final int i, final String name) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (i < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Index must not be < 0"); } if (i >= m_numSheets) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Index must be < " + m_numSheets); } m_name[i] = name; } /** * Sets the team number for scoresheet with index i. * * @param i The 0-based index of the scoresheet to which to assign this team * number. * @param number A string with the team number for the specified scoresheet. * @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if the index is out of valid range. */ public void setNumber(final int i, final Integer number) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (i < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Index must not be < 0"); } if (i >= m_numSheets) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Index must be < " + m_numSheets); } m_number[i] = number; } /** * Sets the time for scoresheet with index i. * * @param i The 0-based index of the scoresheet to which to assign this time. * @param time the time for the specified scoresheet. * @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if the index is out of valid range. */ public void setTime(final int i, final LocalTime time) throws IllegalArgumentException { setTime(i, TournamentSchedule.formatTime(time)); } /** * Puts an arbitrary string in the time field. * * @param i The 0-based index of the scoresheet to which to assign this time. * @param time the time for the specified scoresheet. * @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if the index is out of valid range. */ public void setTime(final int i, final String time) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (i < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Index must not be < 0"); } if (i >= m_numSheets) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Index must be < " + m_numSheets); } m_time[i] = time; } /** * Sets the round number descriptor for scoresheet with index i. * * @param i The 0-based index of the scoresheet to which to assign this round * number. * @param round A string with the round number descriptor for the specified * scoresheet. Should be a 1-based number. * @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if the index is out of valid range. */ public void setRound(final int i, final String round) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (i < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Index must not be < 0"); } if (i >= m_numSheets) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Index must be < " + m_numSheets); } m_round[i] = round; } /** * Create table for page given number of sheets per page. * * @param nup * @return */ private static PdfPTable getTableForPage(final boolean orientationIsPortrait) { final PdfPTable wholePage; if (orientationIsPortrait) { wholePage = new PdfPTable(1); // 1 column } else { wholePage = new PdfPTable(2); // 2 columns } return wholePage; } }