List of usage examples for NodeList getItem
public T getItem(int index)
From source
private static void findFavIcon() { Document doc = Document.get(); NodeList<Element> eleList = doc.getElementsByTagName("link"); for (int i = 0; (i < eleList.getLength()); i++) { Element e = eleList.getItem(i); LinkElement le =; if ("image/x-icon".equals(le.getType())) { if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(le.getHref())) { favIconElement = le;/*from ww w . ja v a2 s . c o m*/ String favIcon = le.getHref(); break; } } } }
From source
License:GNU General Public License
private void buildSelectBox() { folderQuery.clear();/*from w w w . j a v a2 s .c om*/ folderQuery.addItem(I18N.strings.allMail(), "-in:trash"); for (Folder f : folders) { GWT.log("webmailctrl: " + WebmailController.get() + " f: " + f, null); String displayName = WebmailController.get().displayName(f); folderQuery.addItem(displayName, "in:\"" + f.getDisplayName().trim() + "\""); } folderQuery.addItem("----"); folderQuery.addItem(I18N.strings.mailAndTrash(I18N.strings.trash()), "in:anywhere"); folderQuery.addItem("----"); folderQuery.addItem(I18N.strings.readMail(), "is:read"); folderQuery.addItem(I18N.strings.unreadMail(), "is:unread"); folderQuery.addItem("----"); Element e = folderQuery.getElement(); NodeList<> toStyle = e.getElementsByTagName("option"); // Disable separator items toStyle.getItem(folderQuery.getItemCount() - 6).setAttribute("disabled", "disabled"); toStyle.getItem(folderQuery.getItemCount() - 4).setAttribute("disabled", "disabled"); toStyle.getItem(folderQuery.getItemCount() - 1).setAttribute("disabled", "disabled"); for (int i = 1; i < toStyle.getLength() - 7; i++) { opt = toStyle.getItem(i); Folder f = folders[i - 1]; int margin = 10 * depth(f.getDisplayName()); opt.setAttribute("style", "margin-left: " + margin + "px"); fe.put(f, opt); } }
From source
License:GNU General Public License
private void buildSelectBox(Folder[] folders) { folderQuery.clear();/*from w w w . j av a 2s . co m*/ folderQuery.addItem("Choose folder...", null); for (Folder f : folders) { String displayName = WebmailController.get().displayName(f); folderQuery.addItem(displayName, f.getName()); } Element e = folderQuery.getElement(); NodeList<> toStyle = e.getElementsByTagName("option"); for (int i = 1; i < toStyle.getLength(); i++) { opt = toStyle.getItem(i); Folder f = folders[i - 1]; int margin = 10 * depth(f.getDisplayName()); opt.setAttribute("style", "margin-left: " + margin + "px"); } }
From source
License:Open Source License
public void addMessage(String type, String channelName, String author, String content, String allyTag, String allyName, String rights, String time, Integer level, Integer playerRank) { boolean hasAllyTag = allyTag != null; String richContent = Utilities.parseUrlAndSmilies(content); richContent = TacticsTools.parseTacticsLinks(richContent); boolean scroll = messagesLayout.getWidgetCount() < 10 || Math.floor(scrollPane.getScroll()) == 1; //on dtermine le rang du joueur int rank = 0; //rang joueur if (rights != null) { if (rights.equals(MODERATOR)) { rank = 1; //rang modrateur } else if (rights.equals(ADMINISTRATOR) || rights.equals(SUPER_ADMINISTRATOR)) { rank = 2; //rang administrateur }// w ww.j a va 2s . c om } if (type.equals("default")) { if (content.startsWith("/me")) { // Message d'action (/me) content = "<table cellspacing=\"0\">" + "<tr><td><span style=\"color:#FFFFFF;\"><" + time + "> </span></td><td class=\"allyTag\">" + (hasAllyTag ? "<span class=\"allyTag\">[" + allyTag + "]</span> " : "") + "</td><td>" + "<span class=\"sender\">" + (rank != 0 ? (rank == 1 ? "<span class=\"bookmark\"></span><span class=\"author\">" + author : "<span class=\"bookmark\"></span><span class=\"author\">" + author) : "<span class=\"author\">" + author) + "</span></span>" + richContent.substring(3) + "</td></tr></table>"; type = "action"; } else { // Message standard content = "<table cellspacing=\"0\">" + "<tr><td><span style=\"color:#FFFFFF;\"><" + time + "> </span></td><td class=\"allyTag\">" + (hasAllyTag ? "<span class=\"allyTag\">[" + allyTag + "]</span> " : "") + "</td><td>" + "<span class=\"sender\">" + (rank != 0 ? (rank == 1 ? "<span class=\"bookmark\"></span><span class=\"author\">" + author : "<span class=\"bookmark\"></span><span class=\"author\">" + author) : "<span class=\"author\">" + author) + "</span> : </span>" + (rank != 0 ? (rank == 1 ? "<span style=\"color:" + moderatorColor + ";\">" + richContent + "</span>" : "<span style=\"color:" + administratorColor + ";\">" + richContent + "</span>") : richContent) + "</td></tr></table>"; type = "default"; } } else if (type.equals("connection")) { // Connexion d'un ami content = "<table cellspacing=\"0\">" + "<tr><td class=\"allyTag\"" + (hasAllyTag ? " rel=\"" + allyName + "\"" : "") + ">" + (hasAllyTag ? "<span class=\"allyTag\">[" + allyTag + "]</span> " : "") + "</td><td>" + "<span class=\"author\">" + author + "</span> s'est connect(e)." + "</td></tr></table>"; type = "notification"; } else if (type.equals("disconnection")) { // Dconnexion d'un ami content = "<table cellspacing=\"0\">" + "<tr><td class=\"allyTag\"" + (hasAllyTag ? " rel=\"" + allyName + "\"" : "") + ">" + (hasAllyTag ? "<span class=\"allyTag\">[" + allyTag + "]</span> " : "") + "</td><td>" + "<span class=\"author\">" + author + "</span> s'est dconnect(e)." + "</td></tr></table>"; type = "notification"; } else if (type.equals("who") || type.equals("online") || type.equals("moderator") || type.equals("allyMembers")) { // Liste de joueurs String[] players = content.split(","); String[] logins = new String[players.length], allyTags = new String[players.length], allyNames = new String[players.length], lineClasses = new String[players.length]; for (int i = 0; i < players.length; i++) { String player = players[i]; lineClasses[i] = ""; //JSOptionPane.showMessageDialog("player: " + player, "ligne n" + i, JSOptionPane.OK_OPTION, type, null); if (player.contains("*")) { lineClasses[i] = " friend"; } if (player.contains("|")) { int startOffset = 0; if (player.contains("*")) startOffset = 1; logins[i] = player.substring(startOffset, player.indexOf("|")); allyTags[i] = player.substring(player.indexOf("|") + 1, player.lastIndexOf("|")); allyNames[i] = player.substring(player.lastIndexOf("|") + 1); } else { if (player.contains("*")) logins[i] = player.substring(1); else logins[i] = player; allyTags[i] = null; allyNames[i] = null; } } if (type.equals("allyMembers")) content = "<table cellspacing=\"0\">" + "<tr><td class=\"allyTag\"></td><td>" + "Il y a " + players.length + " membre" + (players.length > 1 ? "s" : "") + " de votre alliance connect" + (players.length > 1 ? "s" : "") + " :"; else if (type.equals("moderator")) content = "<table cellspacing=\"0\">" + "<tr><td class=\"allyTag\"></td><td>" + "Il y a " + players.length + " moderateur" + (players.length > 1 ? "s" : "") + " connect" + (players.length > 1 ? "s" : "") + " :"; else content = "<table cellspacing=\"0\">" + "<tr><td class=\"allyTag\"></td><td>" + "Il y a " + players.length + " joueur" + (players.length > 1 ? "s" : "") + " connect" + (players.length > 1 ? "s" : "") + (type.equals("who") ? " sur le canal :" : " sur Fallen Galaxy :"); type = "info"; for (int i = 0; i < logins.length; i++) { //JSOptionPane.showMessageDialog("lineClass: " + lineClasses[i], "ligne n" + i, JSOptionPane.OK_OPTION, type, null); content += (i == 0 ? "" : ",") + " " + (allyTags[i] != null ? "<span class=\"inlineAllyTag\" rel=\"" + allyNames[i] + "\">[" + allyTags[i] + "]</span> " : "") + "<span class=\"author" + lineClasses[i] + "\">" + logins[i] + "</span>"; } content += "</td></tr></table>"; } else if (type.equals("ping")) { // Ping (/ping) double ping = Double.parseDouble(content); Date date = new Date(); content = "<table cellspacing=\"0\">" + "<tr><td class=\"allyTag\"></td><td>" + "Ping : " + (int) Math.ceil(date.getTime() - ping) + "ms" + "</td></tr></table>"; type = "info"; } else if (type.equals("whisperSent")) { // Murmure envoy (/whisper) content = "<table cellspacing=\"0\">" + "<tr><td class=\"allyTag\"></td><td>" + "Vous murmurez " + (hasAllyTag ? "<span class=\"inlineAllyTag\">[" + allyTag + "]</span> " : "") + "<span class=\"author\">" + author + "</span> : " + richContent + "</td></tr></table>"; type = "whisper"; if (!author.equals(Settings.getPlayerLogin())) lastWhisperAuthor = author; } else if (type.equals("whisperReceived")) { // Murmure reu (/whisper) content = "<table cellspacing=\"0\">" + "<tr><td class=\"allyTag\"" + (hasAllyTag ? " rel=\"" + allyName + "\"" : "") + ">" + (hasAllyTag ? "<span class=\"allyTag\">[" + allyTag + "]</span> " : "") + "</td><td>" + "<span class=\"author\">" + author + "</span> vous murmure : " + richContent + "</td></tr></table>"; type = "whisper"; if (!author.equals(Settings.getPlayerLogin())) lastWhisperAuthor = author; } else { content = "<table cellspacing=\"0\">" + "<tr><td class=\"allyTag\"></td><td>" + richContent + "</td></tr></table>"; } OutlineText message = TextManager.getText(content, false, true); String channelStyle = ""; for (int i = 0; i < channels.size(); i++) if (channels.get(i).getName().equals(channelName)) channelStyle = channelsStyles[i]; message.addStyleName("msg " + type + (channelStyle.length() > 0 ? " channel-" + channelStyle : "")); NodeList<> elements = message.getElement().getElementsByTagName("span"); for (int i = 0; i < elements.getLength(); i++) { element = elements.getItem(i); if (element.getClassName().toLowerCase().contains("allytag")) { String rel = element.getAttribute("rel"); ToolTipManager.getInstance().register(element, rel.length() == 0 ? allyName : rel); } if (element.getClassName().contains("sender")) { if (rank == 1) { String modoPlayer = "Ce joueur est un Modrateur" + "</br>Niveau : " + level + "</br>Classement : " + (playerRank == 1 ? playerRank + "er" : playerRank + "me"); ToolTipManager.getInstance().register(element, modoPlayer); } else if (rank == 2) { String adminPlayer = "Ce joueur est un Administrateur" + "</br>Niveau : " + level + "</br>Classement : " + (playerRank == 1 ? playerRank + "er" : playerRank + "me"); ToolTipManager.getInstance().register(element, adminPlayer); } else { String normalPlayer = "Niveau : " + level + "</br>Classement : " + (playerRank == 1 ? playerRank + "er" : playerRank + "me"); ToolTipManager.getInstance().register(element, normalPlayer); } } } messagesLayout.add(message); // Supprime les premiers messages quand il y en a plus de 50 if (messagesLayout.getWidgetCount() > 50) messagesLayout.remove(0); if (!completion.contains(author)) completion.add(author); scrollPane.update(); if (scroll) scrollDown(); }
From source
License:Open Source License
private void updateUI() { double scroll = missionsPane.getScrollOffset(); DynamicMessages dynamicMessages = GWT.create(DynamicMessages.class); JSRowLayout layout = new JSRowLayout(); switch (tabbedPane.getSelectedIndex()) { case VIEW_CONTRACT_OFFERS: acceptBt = new JSButton[contracts.getContractOffersCount()]; declineBt = new JSButton[contracts.getContractOffersCount()]; for (int i = 0; i < contracts.getContractOffersCount(); i++) { ContractData contract = contracts.getContractOfferAt(i); if (i > 0) { JSLabel separator = new JSLabel(); separator.setPixelWidth(450); layout.addRow();/*from ww w . j a va 2 s . co m*/ layout.addComponent(separator); layout.addRow(); } StringBuffer missionDescription = new StringBuffer(); missionDescription.append("<div style=\"padding: 5px; line-height: 20px;\">"); missionDescription.append("<div class=\"title\">" + contract.getTitle() + "</div>"); missionDescription.append("<div class=\"emphasize\">" + contract.getMissionType() + "</div>"); missionDescription.append("<div class=\"small\" style=\"font-style: italic;\">" + contract.getDescription() + "</div>"); missionDescription.append( "<div><div style=\"float: left; width: 120px;\">Objectif</div><div style=\"padding-left: 120px;\">" + contract.getGoal() + "</div></div>"); // Quadrants dans lesquels la mission a lieu missionDescription.append( "<div><div style=\"float: left; width: 120px;\">Quadrants</div><div style=\"padding-left: 120px;\">"); for (int j = 0; j < contract.getSectorsCount(); j++) { if (j > 0) missionDescription.append(", "); missionDescription.append(contract.getSectorAt(j)); } missionDescription.append("</div></div>"); missionDescription .append("<div><div style=\"float: left; width: 120px;\">Dbut</div>Immdiat</div>"); // Rcompense de la mission missionDescription.append("<div><div style=\"float: left; width: 120px;\">Rcompense</div>" + "<div style=\"padding-left: 120px;\">"); formatRewards(contract, missionDescription); missionDescription.append("</div></div>"); // Relations missionDescription.append("<div><div style=\"float: left; width: 120px;\">Relations</div>" + "<div style=\"padding-left: 120px;\">"); formatRelationships(contract, missionDescription); missionDescription.append("</div></div>"); missionDescription.append("</div>"); HTMLPanel missionDescriptionPanel = new HTMLPanel(missionDescription.toString()); OpenJWT.setElementFloat(missionDescriptionPanel.getElement(), "left"); missionDescriptionPanel.getElement().getStyle().setProperty("width", "100%"); NodeList<Element> elements = missionDescriptionPanel.getElement().getElementsByTagName("span"); for (int j = 0; j < elements.getLength(); j++) { Element element = elements.getItem(j); if (element.getClassName().toLowerCase().contains("allytag")) { String rel = element.getAttribute("rel"); ToolTipManager.getInstance().register(element, rel); } } acceptBt[i] = new JSButton("Accepter"); acceptBt[i].setPixelWidth(100); acceptBt[i].addClickListener(this); declineBt[i] = new JSButton("Refuser"); declineBt[i].setPixelWidth(100); declineBt[i].addClickListener(this); layout.addComponent(missionDescriptionPanel); layout.addRow(); layout.addComponent(acceptBt[i]); layout.addComponent(declineBt[i]); } break; case VIEW_ACTIVE_CONTRACTS: giveUpBt = new JSButton[contracts.getActiveContractsCount()]; for (int i = 0; i < contracts.getActiveContractsCount(); i++) { ContractData contract = contracts.getActiveContractAt(i); if (i > 0) { JSLabel separator = new JSLabel(); separator.setPixelWidth(450); layout.addRow(); layout.addComponent(separator); layout.addRow(); } StringBuffer missionDescription = new StringBuffer(); missionDescription.append("<div style=\"padding: 5px; line-height: 20px;\">"); missionDescription.append("<div class=\"title\">" + contract.getTitle() + "</div>"); missionDescription.append("<div class=\"emphasize\">" + contract.getMissionType() + "</div>"); missionDescription.append("<div class=\"small\" style=\"font-style: italic;\">" + contract.getDescription() + "</div>"); missionDescription.append( "<div><div style=\"float: left; width: 120px;\">Objectif</div><div style=\"padding-left: 120px;\">" + contract.getGoal() + "</div></div>"); // Participants la mission missionDescription.append( "<div><div style=\"float: left; width: 120px;\">Participants</div><div style=\"padding-left: 120px;\">"); for (int j = 0; j < contract.getAttendeesCount(); j++) { if (j > 0) missionDescription.append(", "); ContractAttendeeData attendee = contract.getAttendeeAt(j); if (attendee.getType().equals(ContractAttendeeData.TYPE_PLAYER)) { if (attendee.getAllyTag().length() > 0) missionDescription.append("<span class=\"inlineAllyTag\" " + "rel=\"" + attendee.getAllyName() + "\">[" + attendee.getAllyTag() + "]</span> "); missionDescription.append("<span class=\"owner-" + attendee.getTreaty() + "\">" + attendee.getLogin() + "</span>"); } else { missionDescription.append("<span class=\"owner-" + attendee.getTreaty() + "\">" + attendee.getAllyName() + "</span>"); } } missionDescription.append("</div></div>"); // Rcompense de la mission missionDescription.append("<div><div style=\"float: left; width: 120px;\">Rcompense</div>" + "<div style=\"padding-left: 120px;\">"); formatRewards(contract, missionDescription); missionDescription.append("</div></div>"); // Relations missionDescription.append("<div><div style=\"float: left; width: 120px;\">Relations</div>" + "<div style=\"padding-left: 120px;\">"); formatRelationships(contract, missionDescription); missionDescription.append("</div></div>"); missionDescription.append("</div>"); HTMLPanel missionDescriptionPanel = new HTMLPanel(missionDescription.toString()); OpenJWT.setElementFloat(missionDescriptionPanel.getElement(), "left"); missionDescriptionPanel.getElement().getStyle().setProperty("width", "100%"); NodeList<Element> elements = missionDescriptionPanel.getElement().getElementsByTagName("span"); for (int j = 0; j < elements.getLength(); j++) { Element element = elements.getItem(j); if (element.getClassName().toLowerCase().contains("allytag")) { String rel = element.getAttribute("rel"); ToolTipManager.getInstance().register(element, rel); } } layout.addComponent(missionDescriptionPanel); if (!contract.isFinished() && (contract.getMissionType().equals("Mission solo") || contract.getMissionType().equals("Mission d'alliance"))) { giveUpBt[i] = new JSButton("Abandonner"); giveUpBt[i].setPixelWidth(100); giveUpBt[i].addClickListener(this); layout.addRow(); layout.addComponent(giveUpBt[i]); } } break; case VIEW_RELATIONSHIPS: String[] colors = { "#ff0000", "#ff3600", "#ff6c00", "#ffa201", "#ffd800", "#d8e201", "#b0ec01", "#89f501", "#62ff01" }; layout.addRowSeparator(20); JSLabel relationTitle = new JSLabel("<div class=\"title\">Joueur</div>"); relationTitle.setAlignment(JSLabel.ALIGN_CENTER); relationTitle.setPixelWidth(500); layout.addComponent(relationTitle); layout.addRow(); for (int i = 0; i < contracts.getRelationshipsCount(); i++) { RelationshipData relationship = contracts.getRelationshipAt(i); if (relationship.getType() == 0) { if (i > 0) layout.addRow(); JSLabel factionLabel = new JSLabel("<img src=\"" + Config.getMediaUrl() + "images/misc/blank.gif\" class=\"faction faction-" + relationship.getFactionId() + "\"/> " + relationship.getFactionName()); factionLabel.setPixelWidth(270); JSLabel relationLabel = new JSLabel( dynamicMessages .getString("relationshipLevel" + (relationship.getLevel() < 0 ? "M" : "") + Math.abs(relationship.getLevel())) + " (" + relationship.getValue() + ")"); relationLabel.setAlignment(JSLabel.ALIGN_CENTER); relationLabel.setPixelWidth(150); relationLabel.getElement().getStyle().setProperty("color", colors[relationship.getLevel() + 4]); layout.addComponent(JSRowLayout.createHorizontalSeparator(40)); layout.addComponent(factionLabel); layout.addComponent(relationLabel); } } layout.addRowSeparator(10); JSLabel relationAllyTitle = new JSLabel("<div class=\"title\">Alliance</div>"); relationAllyTitle.setAlignment(JSLabel.ALIGN_CENTER); relationAllyTitle.setPixelWidth(500); layout.addComponent(relationAllyTitle); layout.addRow(); for (int i = 0; i < contracts.getAllyRelationshipsCount(); i++) { RelationshipData relationship = contracts.getAllyRelationshipAt(i); if (relationship.getType() == 1) { layout.addRow(); JSLabel factionLabel = new JSLabel("<img src=\"" + Config.getMediaUrl() + "images/misc/blank.gif\" class=\"faction faction-" + relationship.getFactionId() + "\"/> " + relationship.getFactionName()); factionLabel.setPixelWidth(270); JSLabel relationLabel = new JSLabel( dynamicMessages .getString("relationshipLevel" + (relationship.getLevel() < 0 ? "M" : "") + Math.abs(relationship.getLevel())) + " (" + relationship.getValue() + ")"); relationLabel.setAlignment(JSLabel.ALIGN_CENTER); relationLabel.setPixelWidth(150); relationLabel.getElement().getStyle().setProperty("color", colors[relationship.getLevel() + 4]); layout.addComponent(JSRowLayout.createHorizontalSeparator(40)); layout.addComponent(factionLabel); layout.addComponent(relationLabel); } } break; } missionsPane.setView(layout); missionsPane.setScrollOffset(scroll); layout.update(); }
From source
License:Open Source License
private void init() { NodeList<Element> tags = Document.get().getElementsByTagName("meta"); for (int i = 0; i < tags.getLength(); i++) { MetaElement metaTag = (MetaElement) tags.getItem(i); String metaName = metaTag.getName(); String metaContent = metaTag.getContent(); if (META_NAME_CSRF_TOKEN.equals(metaName) && !Strings.isNullOrEmpty(metaContent)) { this.token = metaContent; }//from ww w.j av a 2 s. c om if (META_NAME_CSRF_HEADER.equals(META_NAME_CSRF_HEADER) && !Strings.isNullOrEmpty(metaContent)) { this.header = metaContent; } } }
From source
License:Open Source License
/** * Removes all link tags in the head if not initialized. *//*from ww w .j a va 2 s . c o m*/ private void removeCssLinks() { if (this.isInit) { return; } this.isInit = true; // Remove all existing link element NodeList<Element> links = this.getHead().getElementsByTagName(LinkElement.TAG); int size = links.getLength(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { LinkElement elem =; if ("stylesheet".equals(elem.getRel())) { elem.removeFromParent(); } } }
From source
License:Open Source License
/** * Return the first meta tag from the head section with name matching. <br> * If createIfMissing the tag is created and added at the end of the head section.<br> * <p>//from w ww. j a v a2 s .c om * <strong>Note : </strong> the name is case insensitive * </p> * * @param name the name attribute of the metta tag * @param createIfMissing create the tag in the head section if missing * @return meta tag element or null */ public static MetaElement getDescriptionTag(String name, boolean createIfMissing) { Document doc = Document.get(); HeadElement head = doc.getHead(); assert head != null : "No head section found in the document"; assert name != null : "the name must not be null"; NodeList<Element> tags = head.getElementsByTagName("meta"); MetaElement metaTag = null; for (int i = 0; i < tags.getLength(); i++) { metaTag = (MetaElement) tags.getItem(i); if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(metaTag.getName())) { return metaTag; } } if (createIfMissing) { metaTag = doc.createMetaElement(); metaTag.setName(name); head.appendChild(metaTag); } return metaTag; }
From source
License:Apache License
public static Element getElementByAttribute(NodeList<Element> elems, String attr, String value) { if (elems != null) { for (int i = 0; i < elems.getLength(); i++) { Element child = elems.getItem(i); if (child.getAttribute(attr).equals(value)) { return child; }/*from w w w. ja va 2 s .c o m*/ } } return null; }
From source
License:Apache License
/** * Try to identify the embedded range elements input field (see ui xml) * @return The found element or null if none found. *///from w w w .j a v a 2 s . c o m private Element getRangeElement() { if (rangeElement == null) { NodeList<Element> elements = this.getElement().getElementsByTagName(INPUT); if (elements != null && elements.getLength() > 0) { rangeElement = elements.getItem(0); } } return rangeElement; }