List of usage examples for NodeList getItem
public T getItem(int index)
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public void setCollectionData(final ProfileLibraryDo profileLibraryDo, boolean isLessonHighlighted, Integer lessonNumber) {//from ww w . j av a 2 m if (profileLibraryDo != null) { lessonTitle.setHTML(profileLibraryDo.getTitle()); lessonList.add(lessonTitle); lessonId = lessonNumber; conceptId = profileLibraryDo.getGooruOid(); if (AppClientFactory.getCurrentPlaceToken().equals(PlaceTokens.PROFILE_PAGE)) { lessonTitle.addStyleName(style.lessonTitle()); lessonTitle.addStyleName(style.collection()); } else { //lessonTitle.addStyleName(style.libraryTitle()); lessonTitle.addStyleName(style.libraryConceptTitle()); } } if (lessonNumber == 1 && isLessonHighlighted) { if (AppClientFactory.getCurrentPlaceToken().equals(PlaceTokens.PROFILE_PAGE)) { lessonTitle.addStyleName(style.conceptActive()); } else { lessonTitle.addStyleName(style.libraryConceptActive()); lessonTitle.addStyleName(style.marginTop5()); } openCollection(); isLessonHighlighted = false; } lessonTitle.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { openCollection(); NodeList links = lessonList.getElement().getParentElement().getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < links.getLength(); i++) { link = ( links.getItem(i); link.getFirstChildElement().removeClassName(style.conceptActive()); link.getFirstChildElement().removeClassName(style.libraryConceptActive()); } lessonTitle.addStyleName(style.conceptActive()); } }); }
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License:Apache License
/** * Finds an item in the drop-down by value. * //from w w w . j av a 2 s .com * @param value * Value to search for. * @return The DOM element for the item. */ private Element findElementByValue(final String value) { NodeList<Element> options = dropDown.getElement().getElementsByTagName("option"); for (int i = 0; i < options.getLength(); i++) { Element option = options.getItem(i); if (option.getAttribute("value").equals(value)) { return option; } } return null; }
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/** * Constructor./*from w w w . j ava 2 s.c o m*/ * * @param person * Person whose data to display. */ public PersonalProfileAboutTabPanel(final PersonModelView person) { final HashMap<String, String> workHistoryTabURL = new HashMap<String, String>(); workHistoryTabURL.put("tab", "Work History & Education"); final HashMap<String, String> basicInfoTabURL = new HashMap<String, String>(); basicInfoTabURL.put("tab", "Basic Info"); final Panel biographyPanel = createTitledPanel("Biography"); final Panel interestsPanel = createTitledPanel("Interests"); final Panel workHistoryPanel = createTitledPanel("Work History"); final Panel educationPanel = createTitledPanel("Education"); final String currentViewerAccountId = Session.getInstance().getCurrentPerson().getAccountId(); addLeft(biographyPanel); addRight(interestsPanel); addRight(workHistoryPanel); addRight(educationPanel); if (person.getBiography() == null || stripHTML(person.getBiography()).trim().length() < 1) { if (currentViewerAccountId == person.getAccountId()) { CreateUrlRequest target = new CreateUrlRequest(Page.PERSONAL_SETTINGS, Session.getInstance().getCurrentPerson().getAccountId()); target.setParameters(workHistoryTabURL); biographyPanel.add(new Hyperlink("Add a biography.", Session.getInstance().generateUrl(target))); } else { biographyPanel.add(new HTML("A biography has not been added.")); } } else { HTML bio = new HTML(person.getBiography()); bio.addStyleName(StaticResourceBundle.INSTANCE.coreCss().profileAboutBiography()); biographyPanel.add(bio); // force URLs to absolute NodeList<Element> links = bio.getElement().getElementsByTagName("a"); if (links.getLength() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < links.getLength(); i++) { Element link = links.getItem(i); String href = link.getAttribute("href"); if (!href.isEmpty() && isRelativeUrl(href)) { link.setAttribute("href", "http://" + href); } } } } List<String> interests = person.getInterests(); if (interests == null || interests.isEmpty()) { if (currentViewerAccountId == person.getAccountId()) { CreateUrlRequest target = new CreateUrlRequest(Page.PERSONAL_SETTINGS, Session.getInstance().getCurrentPerson().getAccountId()); target.setParameters(basicInfoTabURL); interestsPanel.add( new Hyperlink("Add a list of your interests.", Session.getInstance().generateUrl(target))); } else { interestsPanel.add(new HTML("Interests have not been added.")); } } else { // TODO: keep sending this as a list of background items - will be changed to a list of Strings List<BackgroundItem> bgitems = new ArrayList<BackgroundItem>(); for (String interest : interests) { bgitems.add(new BackgroundItem(interest, BackgroundItemType.NOT_SET)); } interestsPanel.add(new BackgroundItemLinksPanel("interests or hobbies", bgitems)); } Session.getInstance().getEventBus().addObserver(GotPersonalEmploymentResponseEvent.class, new Observer<GotPersonalEmploymentResponseEvent>() { public void update(final GotPersonalEmploymentResponseEvent event) { Session.getInstance().getEventBus().removeObserver(GotPersonalEmploymentResponseEvent.class, this); if (event.getResponse().isEmpty()) { if (currentViewerAccountId == person.getAccountId()) { CreateUrlRequest target = new CreateUrlRequest(Page.PERSONAL_SETTINGS, Session.getInstance().getCurrentPerson().getAccountId()); target.setParameters(workHistoryTabURL); workHistoryPanel.add(new Hyperlink("Add your work history.", Session.getInstance().generateUrl(target))); } else { workHistoryPanel.add(new HTML("Work history has not been added.")); } } else { for (Job job : event.getResponse()) { workHistoryPanel.add(new EmploymentPanel(job, true)); } } } }); Session.getInstance().getEventBus().addObserver(GotPersonalEducationResponseEvent.class, new Observer<GotPersonalEducationResponseEvent>() { public void update(final GotPersonalEducationResponseEvent event) { Session.getInstance().getEventBus().removeObserver(GotPersonalEducationResponseEvent.class, this); if (event.getResponse().isEmpty()) { if (currentViewerAccountId == person.getAccountId()) { CreateUrlRequest target = new CreateUrlRequest(Page.PERSONAL_SETTINGS, Session.getInstance().getCurrentPerson().getAccountId()); target.setParameters(workHistoryTabURL); educationPanel.add(new Hyperlink("Add your educational background.", Session.getInstance().generateUrl(target))); } else { educationPanel.add(new HTML("Education has not been added.")); } } else { for (Enrollment enrollment : event.getResponse()) { educationPanel.add(new EducationPanel(enrollment, true)); } } } }); PersonalEmploymentModel.getInstance().fetch(person.getId(), false); PersonalEducationModel.getInstance().fetch(person.getId(), false); }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Update the style sheets to reflect the current theme and direction. * // ww w . j a v a2 s .c o m * @param currentTheme * @param lastTheme */ public static void updateStyleSheets(String currentTheme, String lastTheme) { // Generate the names of the style sheets to include String gwtStyleSheet = "resources/themes/" + currentTheme + "/" + currentTheme + ".css"; String showcaseStyleSheet = "resources/" + currentTheme + "-stylesheet.css"; if (LocaleInfo.getCurrentLocale().isRTL()) { gwtStyleSheet = gwtStyleSheet.replace(".css", "_rtl.css"); showcaseStyleSheet = showcaseStyleSheet.replace(".css", "_rtl.css"); } // Find existing style sheets that need to be removed boolean styleSheetsFound = false; final HeadElement headElem = StyleSheetLoader.getHeadElement(); final List<Element> toRemove = new ArrayList<Element>(); NodeList<Node> children = headElem.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { Node node = children.getItem(i); if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { Element elem =; if (elem.getTagName().equalsIgnoreCase("link") && elem.getPropertyString("rel").equalsIgnoreCase("stylesheet")) { styleSheetsFound = true; String href = elem.getPropertyString("href"); // If the correct style sheets are already loaded, then we // should have // nothing to remove. if (href.contains(lastTheme)) { toRemove.add(elem); } } } } lastTheme = currentTheme; // Return if we already have the correct style sheets if (styleSheetsFound && toRemove.size() == 0) { return; } // Detach the app while we manipulate the styles to avoid rendering // issues RootPanel.get().remove(CurrentState.getMainScreen()); // Remove the old style sheets for (Element elem : toRemove) { headElem.removeChild(elem); } // Load the GWT theme style sheet String modulePath = GWT.getHostPageBaseURL(); Command callback = new Command() { /** * The number of style sheets that have been loaded and executed * this command. */ private int numStyleSheetsLoaded = 0; public void execute() { /* * Wait until all style sheets have loaded before re-attaching * the app. */ numStyleSheetsLoaded++; if (numStyleSheetsLoaded < 2) { return; } /* * Different themes use different background colors for the body * element, but IE only changes the background of the visible * content on the page instead of changing the background color * of the entire page. By changing the display style on the body * element, we force IE to redraw the background correctly. */ RootPanel.getBodyElement().getStyle().setProperty("display", "none"); RootPanel.getBodyElement().getStyle().setProperty("display", ""); RootPanel.get().add(CurrentState.getMainScreen()); } }; StyleSheetLoader.loadStyleSheet(modulePath + gwtStyleSheet, getCurrentReferenceStyleName("gwt", currentTheme), callback); /* * Load the showcase specific style sheet after the GWT theme style * sheet so that custom styles supercede the theme styles. */ StyleSheetLoader.loadStyleSheet(modulePath + showcaseStyleSheet, getCurrentReferenceStyleName("Application", currentTheme), callback); CurrentState.LAST_THEME = currentTheme; }
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License:Open Source License
/** * When applying ShapeStyles, we create child elements for fill and stroke. According to Microsoft, this is the * proper way to go.// w ww .j a v a 2 s . co m */ private static void applyShapeStyle(Element element, ShapeStyle style) { // First check the presence of the fill and stroke elements: NodeList<Element> fills = element.getElementsByTagName("fill"); if (fills.getLength() == 0) { Element stroke = Dom.createElementNS(Dom.NS_VML, "stroke"); element.appendChild(stroke); Element fill = Dom.createElementNS(Dom.NS_VML, "fill"); element.appendChild(fill); fills = element.getElementsByTagName("fill"); } // Then if fill-color then filled=true: if (style.getFillColor() != null) { element.setAttribute("filled", "true"); fills.getItem(0).setAttribute("color", style.getFillColor()); fills.getItem(0).setAttribute("opacity", Float.toString(style.getFillOpacity())); } else { element.setAttribute("filled", "false"); } // Then if stroke-color then stroke=true: if (style.getStrokeColor() != null) { element.setAttribute("stroked", "true"); NodeList<Element> strokes = element.getElementsByTagName("stroke"); strokes.getItem(0).setAttribute("color", style.getStrokeColor()); strokes.getItem(0).setAttribute("opacity", Float.toString(style.getStrokeOpacity())); element.setAttribute("strokeweight", Float.toString(style.getStrokeWidth())); } else { element.setAttribute("stroked", "false"); } }
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License:Open Source License
/** * ??TextField(?)// w w w. java2 s .c om * * @param field */ private void setTextFieldAttribute(final TextField field) { if (!regex.equals("")) { field.setRegex(regex); } field.setPassword(Boolean.parseBoolean(pwd)); if (!allowBlank.equals("")) { field.setAllowBlank(Boolean.parseBoolean(allowBlank)); } if (max.matches(IRegExpUtils.POSITIVE_INTEGER)) { field.setMaxLength(Integer.parseInt(max)); } if (min.matches(IRegExpUtils.POSITIVE_INTEGER)) { field.setMinLength(Integer.parseInt(min)); } // elementrender??Render if (!maxLength.equals("")) { field.addListener(Events.Render, new Listener() { @Override public void handleEvent(BaseEvent be) { NodeList<Element> inputTag = field.getElement().getElementsByTagName("input"); if (inputTag.getLength() > 0) { // maxLengthL?IE? inputTag.getItem(0).setAttribute("maxLength", maxLength); } } }); } }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public void setValue(Boolean value) { if (rendered && value != null && value && group == null) { String select = "input[type='radio'][name='" + name + "']"; NodeList list =; for (int i = 0; i < list.getLength(); i++) { Element ele = ((Element) list.getItem(i)).getParentElement(); if (ele.getId().equals(getId())) { continue; }/*from ww w. j av a2s. c o m*/ Component com = ComponentManager.get().get(ele.getId()); if (com instanceof Field) { Field fd = (Field) com; fd.setValue(false); } } } super.setValue(value); }
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License:Apache License
/** * Returns the item list./*from w w w .j a v a2s.c om*/ * * @return the item list */ public List<Option> getItems() { List<Option> selectedItems = new ArrayList<>(0); NodeList<OptionElement> items = selectElement.getOptions(); for (int i = 0; i < items.getLength(); i++) { OptionElement item = items.getItem(i); Option option = itemMap.get(item); if (option != null) selectedItems.add(option); } return selectedItems; }
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License:Apache License
@Override public void buildPanel() { contentPanel.add(new HTML("Shows the use of the OpenLayers XML format class<br/>" + "OpenLayers has a very simple XML format class (OpenLayers.Format.XML) " + "that can be used to read/write XML docs. The methods available on the " + "XML format (or parser if you like) allow for reading and writing of " + "the various XML flavors used by the library - in particular the vector " + "data formats. It is by no means intended to be a full-fledged XML toolset. " + "Additional methods will be added only as needed elsewhere in the library.<br/>" + "This page loads an XML document and demonstrates a few of the methods available in the parser.")); final Label outputValue = new Label(); HorizontalPanel panel = new HorizontalPanel(); Label statusLabel = new Label("Status : "); final InlineHTML statusLabelValue = new InlineHTML(); statusLabelValue.setHTML("<strong>XML document loaded</strong>."); panel.add(statusLabel);//www. j av a m panel.add(statusLabelValue); contentPanel.add(panel); contentPanel.add(new HTML("<p>After the XML document loads, see the result " + "of a few of the methods below. Assume that you start with the " + "following code: <br/>" + "var format = new OpenLayers.Format.XML();</p>" + "Sample methods")); VerticalPanel vp = new VerticalPanel(); GwtOpenLayersULComponent uLComponent = new GwtOpenLayersULComponent(); HorizontalPanel wp = new HorizontalPanel(); Anchor write = new Anchor(); write.setHTML("format.write()"); wp.add(write); wp.add(new Label(" - write the XML doc as text")); write.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { outputValue.setText(xmlFormat.write(baseEl)); } }); uLComponent.add(wp); HorizontalPanel ebyTagNames = new HorizontalPanel(); Anchor tagNames = new Anchor(); tagNames.setHTML("format.getElementsByTagNameNS()"); ebyTagNames.add(tagNames); ebyTagNames.add(new Label(" - get all gml:MultiPolygon")); tagNames.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { NodeList elements = xmlFormat.getElementsByTagNameNS(baseEl.getDocumentElement(), "", "MultiPolygon"); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < elements.getLength(); i++) { builder.append(xmlFormat.write(elements.getItem(i))); } outputValue.setText(builder.toString()); } }); uLComponent.add(ebyTagNames); HorizontalPanel hasAttributePanel = new HorizontalPanel(); Anchor hasAttAnchor = new Anchor(); hasAttAnchor.setHTML("format.hasAttributeNS()"); hasAttributePanel.add(hasAttAnchor); hasAttributePanel.add(new Label(" - test to see schemaLocation " + "attribute exists in the namespace")); hasAttAnchor.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { outputValue.setText(String.valueOf(xmlFormat.hasAttributeNS(baseEl.getDocumentElement(), "", "schemaLocation"))); } }); uLComponent.add(hasAttributePanel); vp.add(uLComponent); HorizontalPanel getAttrNodeNSPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); Anchor getAttrNodeNSAnchor = new Anchor(); getAttrNodeNSAnchor.setHTML("format.getAttributeNodeNS()"); getAttrNodeNSPanel.add(getAttrNodeNSAnchor); getAttrNodeNSPanel.add(new Label( " - get schemaLocation attribute in " + "the namespace")); getAttrNodeNSAnchor.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { Element e = xmlFormat.getAttributeNodeNS(baseEl.getDocumentElement(), "", "schemaLocation"); outputValue.setText(e.getNodeName() + " = " + e.getNodeValue()); } }); uLComponent.add(getAttrNodeNSPanel); HorizontalPanel getAttrNSHorizontalPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); Anchor getAttrNSAnchor = new Anchor(); getAttrNSAnchor.setHTML("format.getAttributeNS()"); getAttrNSHorizontalPanel.add(getAttrNSAnchor); getAttrNSHorizontalPanel.add(new Label(" - get schemaLocation " + "attribute value in the" + "XMLSchema-instance namespace")); getAttrNSAnchor.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { outputValue.setText(xmlFormat.getAttributeNS(baseEl.getDocumentElement(), "", "schemaLocation")); } }); uLComponent.add(getAttrNSHorizontalPanel); HorizontalPanel createElNSPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); Anchor createElNSAnchor = new Anchor(); createElNSAnchor.setHTML("format.createElementNS()"); createElNSPanel.add(createElNSAnchor); createElNSPanel.add(new Label(" - create a foo:TestNode element" + " (and append it to the doc)")); createElNSAnchor.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { Element e = xmlFormat.createElementNS("", "foo:TestNode"); baseEl.getDocumentElement().appendChild(e); outputValue.setText(xmlFormat.write(baseEl)); } }); uLComponent.add(createElNSPanel); HorizontalPanel createTextNodePanel = new HorizontalPanel(); Anchor createTextNodeAnchor = new Anchor(); createTextNodeAnchor.setHTML("format.createTextNode()"); createTextNodePanel.add(createTextNodeAnchor); createTextNodePanel.add(new Label(" - create a text node" + " (and append it to the doc)")); createTextNodeAnchor.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { Element e = xmlFormat.createTextNode("test text "); baseEl.getDocumentElement().appendChild(e); outputValue.setText(xmlFormat.write(baseEl)); } }); uLComponent.add(createTextNodePanel); contentPanel.add(vp); contentPanel.add(new InlineHTML("<strong>Output</strong> :")); contentPanel.add(outputValue); initWidget(contentPanel); }
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License:Apache License
private Message checkForEOF(Document document) { NodeList<Element> eSpans = document.getElementsByTagName("span"); if (eSpans.getLength() == 0) return null; Element eSpan = eSpans.getItem(0); if ("EOF".equals(eSpan.getInnerText())) { Message message = new Message(); message.setEOF(true);/*from w w w. j a v a2s . c om*/ return message; } return null; }