Java tutorial
/* Copyright 2010 Jeremie Gottero, Romain Prevot, Thierry Chevalier, Nicolas Bosc This file is part of Fallen Galaxy. Fallen Galaxy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Fallen Galaxy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with Fallen Galaxy. If not, see <>. */ package fr.fg.client.core; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import fr.fg.client.ajax.Action; import fr.fg.client.ajax.ActionCallbackAdapter; import fr.fg.client.core.settings.Settings; import fr.fg.client.core.tactics.TacticsTools; import; import; import; import; import; import fr.fg.client.openjwt.animation.TimerHandler; import fr.fg.client.openjwt.animation.TimerManager; import fr.fg.client.openjwt.core.Config; import fr.fg.client.openjwt.core.EventManager; import fr.fg.client.openjwt.core.TextManager; import fr.fg.client.openjwt.core.ToolTipManager; import fr.fg.client.openjwt.core.TextManager.OutlineText; import fr.fg.client.openjwt.ui.JSScrollPane; import fr.fg.client.openjwt.ui.JSTextField; import fr.fg.client.core.Client; import fr.fg.client.core.UpdateManager; import fr.fg.client.core.Utilities; //import fr.fg.client.core.Chat.Channel; public class Chat extends AbsolutePanel implements EventPreview, EventListener { // ------------------------------------------------------- CONSTANTES -- // // -------------------------------------------------------- ATTRIBUTS -- // private JSScrollPane scrollPane; private FlowPanel messagesLayout, chatBar; private Widget[] channelsTab; private JSTextField writeMessageField; private String lastWhisperAuthor; private String ranks; private int currentChannelIndex; private ArrayList<String> completion; private Action currentAction; private List<Channel> channels; private String[] channelsStyles; private static String MODERATOR = "moderator", ADMINISTRATOR = "administrator", SUPER_ADMINISTRATOR = "administrator"; private static String moderatorColor = "#77B5FE", administratorColor = "#e96200"; // ---------------------------------------------------- CONSTRUCTEURS -- // public Chat() { super(DOM.createDiv()); this.currentChannelIndex = 0; this.completion = new ArrayList<String>(); this.channels = new ArrayList<Channel>(); this.channelsTab = new Widget[0]; Element element = getElement(); element.setId("chat"); element.setAttribute("unselectable", "on"); messagesLayout = new FlowPanel(); messagesLayout.addStyleName("chat"); // Barre de chat (canal + champ de rdaction de message) chatBar = new FlowPanel(); chatBar.getElement().setId("chatBar"); add(chatBar); // Barre de rdaction de message writeMessageField = new JSTextField(); writeMessageField.setPixelHeight(24); writeMessageField.setMaxLength(180); chatBar.add(writeMessageField); writeMessageField.setFocus(true); chatBar.setVisible(false); scrollPane = new JSScrollPane(); scrollPane.getElement().setId("chatMessages"); scrollPane.setView(messagesLayout); scrollPane.setPixelSize(400, 104); add(scrollPane); updateSize(); EventManager.addEventHook(this); sinkEvents(Event.ONCLICK | Event.ONKEYDOWN); } // --------------------------------------------------------- METHODES -- // public void setChannels(ChatChannelsData channelsData) { ArrayList<Channel> newChannels = new ArrayList<Channel>(); for (int i = 0; i < channelsData.getChannelsCount(); i++) { ChatChannelData channelData = channelsData.getChannelAt(i); newChannels.add(new Channel(channelData.getName(), channelData.isActive())); } Collections.sort(newChannels, new Comparator<Channel>() { public int compare(Channel c1, Channel c2) { int priority1, priority2; AllyData ally = Client.getInstance().getAllyDialog().getAlly(); String allyName = ally.getId() != 0 ? ally.getName() : ""; if (c1.getName().startsWith("%")) { priority1 = 6; } else if (c1.getName().startsWith("&")) { priority1 = 5; } else if (c1.getName().startsWith("@")) { priority1 = 4; } else if (c1.getName().startsWith("$")) { if (c1.getName().substring(1).equals(allyName)) priority1 = 3; else priority1 = 2; } else { priority1 = 1; } if (c2.getName().startsWith("%")) { priority2 = 6; } else if (c2.getName().startsWith("&")) { priority2 = 5; } else if (c2.getName().startsWith("@")) { priority2 = 4; } else if (c2.getName().startsWith("$")) { if (c2.getName().substring(1).equals(allyName)) priority2 = 3; else priority2 = 2; } else { priority2 = 1; } if (priority1 < priority2) return 1; else if (priority1 > priority2) return -1; else return c1.getName().compareToIgnoreCase(c2.getName()); } }); this.channels = newChannels; updateTabLabels(); } public void updateSize() { int clientWidth = Window.getClientWidth(); int width, height; if (clientWidth <= 1024) { width = Math.min(clientWidth - 470, 500); height = 91; } else { width = Math.min(clientWidth - 508, 560); height = 117; } scrollPane.setPixelSize(width, height); chatBar.setWidth(width + "px"); writeMessageField.setPixelWidth(width - 31); scrollDown(); } public void scrollDown() { scrollPane.update(); scrollPane.scrollDown(9999); } public void addMessage(ChatMessageData messageData) { addMessage(messageData.getType(), messageData.getChannel(), messageData.getAuthor(), messageData.getContent(), messageData.hasAllyTag() ? messageData.getAllyTag() : null, messageData.hasAllyTag() ? messageData.getAllyName() : null, messageData.getRights(), messageData.getDate(), messageData.getLevel(), messageData.getPlayerRank()); } public void addMessage(String type, String channelName, String author, String content, String allyTag, String allyName, String rights, String time, Integer level, Integer playerRank) { boolean hasAllyTag = allyTag != null; String richContent = Utilities.parseUrlAndSmilies(content); richContent = TacticsTools.parseTacticsLinks(richContent); boolean scroll = messagesLayout.getWidgetCount() < 10 || Math.floor(scrollPane.getScroll()) == 1; //on dtermine le rang du joueur int rank = 0; //rang joueur if (rights != null) { if (rights.equals(MODERATOR)) { rank = 1; //rang modrateur } else if (rights.equals(ADMINISTRATOR) || rights.equals(SUPER_ADMINISTRATOR)) { rank = 2; //rang administrateur } } if (type.equals("default")) { if (content.startsWith("/me")) { // Message d'action (/me) content = "<table cellspacing=\"0\">" + "<tr><td><span style=\"color:#FFFFFF;\"><" + time + "> </span></td><td class=\"allyTag\">" + (hasAllyTag ? "<span class=\"allyTag\">[" + allyTag + "]</span> " : "") + "</td><td>" + "<span class=\"sender\">" + (rank != 0 ? (rank == 1 ? "<span class=\"bookmark\"></span><span class=\"author\">" + author : "<span class=\"bookmark\"></span><span class=\"author\">" + author) : "<span class=\"author\">" + author) + "</span></span>" + richContent.substring(3) + "</td></tr></table>"; type = "action"; } else { // Message standard content = "<table cellspacing=\"0\">" + "<tr><td><span style=\"color:#FFFFFF;\"><" + time + "> </span></td><td class=\"allyTag\">" + (hasAllyTag ? "<span class=\"allyTag\">[" + allyTag + "]</span> " : "") + "</td><td>" + "<span class=\"sender\">" + (rank != 0 ? (rank == 1 ? "<span class=\"bookmark\"></span><span class=\"author\">" + author : "<span class=\"bookmark\"></span><span class=\"author\">" + author) : "<span class=\"author\">" + author) + "</span> : </span>" + (rank != 0 ? (rank == 1 ? "<span style=\"color:" + moderatorColor + ";\">" + richContent + "</span>" : "<span style=\"color:" + administratorColor + ";\">" + richContent + "</span>") : richContent) + "</td></tr></table>"; type = "default"; } } else if (type.equals("connection")) { // Connexion d'un ami content = "<table cellspacing=\"0\">" + "<tr><td class=\"allyTag\"" + (hasAllyTag ? " rel=\"" + allyName + "\"" : "") + ">" + (hasAllyTag ? "<span class=\"allyTag\">[" + allyTag + "]</span> " : "") + "</td><td>" + "<span class=\"author\">" + author + "</span> s'est connect(e)." + "</td></tr></table>"; type = "notification"; } else if (type.equals("disconnection")) { // Dconnexion d'un ami content = "<table cellspacing=\"0\">" + "<tr><td class=\"allyTag\"" + (hasAllyTag ? " rel=\"" + allyName + "\"" : "") + ">" + (hasAllyTag ? "<span class=\"allyTag\">[" + allyTag + "]</span> " : "") + "</td><td>" + "<span class=\"author\">" + author + "</span> s'est dconnect(e)." + "</td></tr></table>"; type = "notification"; } else if (type.equals("who") || type.equals("online") || type.equals("moderator") || type.equals("allyMembers")) { // Liste de joueurs String[] players = content.split(","); String[] logins = new String[players.length], allyTags = new String[players.length], allyNames = new String[players.length], lineClasses = new String[players.length]; for (int i = 0; i < players.length; i++) { String player = players[i]; lineClasses[i] = ""; //JSOptionPane.showMessageDialog("player: " + player, "ligne n" + i, JSOptionPane.OK_OPTION, type, null); if (player.contains("*")) { lineClasses[i] = " friend"; } if (player.contains("|")) { int startOffset = 0; if (player.contains("*")) startOffset = 1; logins[i] = player.substring(startOffset, player.indexOf("|")); allyTags[i] = player.substring(player.indexOf("|") + 1, player.lastIndexOf("|")); allyNames[i] = player.substring(player.lastIndexOf("|") + 1); } else { if (player.contains("*")) logins[i] = player.substring(1); else logins[i] = player; allyTags[i] = null; allyNames[i] = null; } } if (type.equals("allyMembers")) content = "<table cellspacing=\"0\">" + "<tr><td class=\"allyTag\"></td><td>" + "Il y a " + players.length + " membre" + (players.length > 1 ? "s" : "") + " de votre alliance connect" + (players.length > 1 ? "s" : "") + " :"; else if (type.equals("moderator")) content = "<table cellspacing=\"0\">" + "<tr><td class=\"allyTag\"></td><td>" + "Il y a " + players.length + " moderateur" + (players.length > 1 ? "s" : "") + " connect" + (players.length > 1 ? "s" : "") + " :"; else content = "<table cellspacing=\"0\">" + "<tr><td class=\"allyTag\"></td><td>" + "Il y a " + players.length + " joueur" + (players.length > 1 ? "s" : "") + " connect" + (players.length > 1 ? "s" : "") + (type.equals("who") ? " sur le canal :" : " sur Fallen Galaxy :"); type = "info"; for (int i = 0; i < logins.length; i++) { //JSOptionPane.showMessageDialog("lineClass: " + lineClasses[i], "ligne n" + i, JSOptionPane.OK_OPTION, type, null); content += (i == 0 ? "" : ",") + " " + (allyTags[i] != null ? "<span class=\"inlineAllyTag\" rel=\"" + allyNames[i] + "\">[" + allyTags[i] + "]</span> " : "") + "<span class=\"author" + lineClasses[i] + "\">" + logins[i] + "</span>"; } content += "</td></tr></table>"; } else if (type.equals("ping")) { // Ping (/ping) double ping = Double.parseDouble(content); Date date = new Date(); content = "<table cellspacing=\"0\">" + "<tr><td class=\"allyTag\"></td><td>" + "Ping : " + (int) Math.ceil(date.getTime() - ping) + "ms" + "</td></tr></table>"; type = "info"; } else if (type.equals("whisperSent")) { // Murmure envoy (/whisper) content = "<table cellspacing=\"0\">" + "<tr><td class=\"allyTag\"></td><td>" + "Vous murmurez " + (hasAllyTag ? "<span class=\"inlineAllyTag\">[" + allyTag + "]</span> " : "") + "<span class=\"author\">" + author + "</span> : " + richContent + "</td></tr></table>"; type = "whisper"; if (!author.equals(Settings.getPlayerLogin())) lastWhisperAuthor = author; } else if (type.equals("whisperReceived")) { // Murmure reu (/whisper) content = "<table cellspacing=\"0\">" + "<tr><td class=\"allyTag\"" + (hasAllyTag ? " rel=\"" + allyName + "\"" : "") + ">" + (hasAllyTag ? "<span class=\"allyTag\">[" + allyTag + "]</span> " : "") + "</td><td>" + "<span class=\"author\">" + author + "</span> vous murmure : " + richContent + "</td></tr></table>"; type = "whisper"; if (!author.equals(Settings.getPlayerLogin())) lastWhisperAuthor = author; } else { content = "<table cellspacing=\"0\">" + "<tr><td class=\"allyTag\"></td><td>" + richContent + "</td></tr></table>"; } OutlineText message = TextManager.getText(content, false, true); String channelStyle = ""; for (int i = 0; i < channels.size(); i++) if (channels.get(i).getName().equals(channelName)) channelStyle = channelsStyles[i]; message.addStyleName("msg " + type + (channelStyle.length() > 0 ? " channel-" + channelStyle : "")); NodeList<> elements = message.getElement().getElementsByTagName("span"); for (int i = 0; i < elements.getLength(); i++) { element = elements.getItem(i); if (element.getClassName().toLowerCase().contains("allytag")) { String rel = element.getAttribute("rel"); ToolTipManager.getInstance().register(element, rel.length() == 0 ? allyName : rel); } if (element.getClassName().contains("sender")) { if (rank == 1) { String modoPlayer = "Ce joueur est un Modrateur" + "</br>Niveau : " + level + "</br>Classement : " + (playerRank == 1 ? playerRank + "er" : playerRank + "me"); ToolTipManager.getInstance().register(element, modoPlayer); } else if (rank == 2) { String adminPlayer = "Ce joueur est un Administrateur" + "</br>Niveau : " + level + "</br>Classement : " + (playerRank == 1 ? playerRank + "er" : playerRank + "me"); ToolTipManager.getInstance().register(element, adminPlayer); } else { String normalPlayer = "Niveau : " + level + "</br>Classement : " + (playerRank == 1 ? playerRank + "er" : playerRank + "me"); ToolTipManager.getInstance().register(element, normalPlayer); } } } messagesLayout.add(message); // Supprime les premiers messages quand il y en a plus de 50 if (messagesLayout.getWidgetCount() > 50) messagesLayout.remove(0); if (!completion.contains(author)) completion.add(author); scrollPane.update(); if (scroll) scrollDown(); } public void setToolTipText(String toolTipText, int toolTipWidth) { if (toolTipText == null) ToolTipManager.getInstance().unregister(getElement()); else ToolTipManager.getInstance().register(getElement(), toolTipText, toolTipWidth); } public void clearMessages() { messagesLayout.clear(); scrollPane.update(); } public boolean isChatBarVisible() { return chatBar.isVisible(); } public void setChatBarVisible(boolean visible) { if (visible) { chatBar.setVisible(true); writeMessageField.setFocus(true); } else { chatBar.setVisible(false); writeMessageField.setFocus(false); } // Hack pour que IE n'affiche pas un cran noir quand la barre de chat est affiche Element div = DOM.createDiv(); Client.getInstance().getAreaContainer().getElement().appendChild(div); Client.getInstance().getAreaContainer().getElement().removeChild(div); } public void setVisible(boolean visible) { super.setVisible(visible); if (!visible) setChatBarVisible(false); } public void setWhisper(String login) { if (!isChatBarVisible()) { setChatBarVisible(true); writeMessageField.setText(login.length() > 0 ? "/w \"" + login + "\" " : "/w "); writeMessageField.setFocus(true); } else if (writeMessageField.getText().length() == 0) { writeMessageField.setText(login.length() > 0 ? "/w \"" + login + "\" " : "/w "); writeMessageField.setFocus(true); } } public void setChannelIndex(int channelIndex) { if (channelIndex == currentChannelIndex) return; this.currentChannelIndex = channelIndex; updateTabLabels(); } public void onBrowserEvent(Event event) { switch (event.getTypeInt()) { case Event.ONMOUSEOVER: case Event.ONCLICK: for (int i = 0; i < channelsTab.length; i++) if (channelsTab[i].getElement().isOrHasChild(event.getTarget())) { setChannelIndex(i); writeMessageField.setFocus(true); if (event.getTarget().getClassName().contains("channel-state")) { if (currentAction != null && currentAction.isPending()) return; HashMap<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("channel", channels.get(i).getName()); params.put("enable", String.valueOf(!channels.get(i).isActive())); currentAction = new Action("chat/setchannelenable", params, UpdateManager.UPDATE_CALLBACK); } break; } if (event.getTarget().getClassName().indexOf("author") != -1) { setWhisper(event.getTarget().getInnerHTML()); break; } break; case Event.ONKEYDOWN: if (writeMessageField.getElement().isOrHasChild(event.getTarget())) { int keyCode = event.getKeyCode(); switch (keyCode) { case 37: // = Slection du canal prcdent if (currentChannelIndex > 0 && writeMessageField.getText().length() == 0) { setChannelIndex(currentChannelIndex - 1); event.preventDefault(); event.cancelBubble(true); } break; case 39: // = Slection du canal suivant if (currentChannelIndex < channels.size() - 1 && writeMessageField.getText().length() == 0) { setChannelIndex(currentChannelIndex + 1); event.preventDefault(); event.cancelBubble(true); } break; case 3: case 13: sendMessage(); break; case 9: event.preventDefault(); event.cancelBubble(true); String text = writeMessageField.getText(); if (text.length() > 0) { // Recherche le dbut du nom du joueur en train d'tre saisi String beginPlayerName; if (text.indexOf(" ") == -1) beginPlayerName = text; else beginPlayerName = text.substring(text.lastIndexOf(" ") + 1); if (beginPlayerName.length() > 0) { // Recherche si le dbut du nom de joueur // correspond un nom d'un joueur ayant dj // envoy un message beginPlayerName = beginPlayerName.toLowerCase(); for (String playerName : completion) { if (playerName.toLowerCase().indexOf(beginPlayerName) == 0) { writeMessageField .setText(text.substring(0, text.length() - beginPlayerName.length()) + playerName + " "); break; } } } } break; } } break; } } public boolean onEventPreview(Event event) { switch (event.getTypeInt()) { case Event.ONKEYDOWN: if (event.getTarget().getNodeName().toLowerCase().equals("input")) return true; int keyCode = event.getKeyCode(); switch (keyCode) { case 82: // Whisper event.preventDefault(); event.cancelBubble(true); setWhisper(lastWhisperAuthor != null ? lastWhisperAuthor : ""); break; case 3: case 13: // Entre if (isVisible()) { writeMessageField.setText(""); setChatBarVisible(!isChatBarVisible()); } break; } break; } return true; } // ------------------------------------------------- METHODES PRIVEES -- // private void updateTabLabels() { if (currentChannelIndex >= channels.size()) currentChannelIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < channelsTab.length; i++) chatBar.remove(channelsTab[i]); channelsTab = new Widget[channels.size()]; channelsStyles = new String[channels.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < channels.size(); i++) { Channel channel = channels.get(i); String style, label; if (channel.getName().startsWith("%")) { label = "Public " + channel.getName().substring(1); style = "public"; } else if (channel.getName().startsWith("&")) { label = channel.getName().substring(1); style = "moderation"; } else if (channel.getName().startsWith("@")) { label = "Alliance"; style = "ally"; } else if (channel.getName().startsWith("$")) { AllyData ally = Client.getInstance().getAllyDialog().getAlly(); if (ally.getId() != 0 && ally.getName().equals(channel.getName().substring(1))) { label = "Ambassade"; style = "selfEmbassy"; } else { label = channel.getName().substring(1); style = "embassy"; } } else { label = channel.getName(); style = "custom"; } channelsStyles[i] = style; if (i == currentChannelIndex && !style.equals("custom")) label += " <img class=\"channel-state" + (!channel.isActive() ? " channel-state-disabled" : "") + "\" src=\"" + Config.getMediaUrl() + "images/misc/blank.gif\" unselectable=\"on\"/>"; SimplePanel channelTab = new SimplePanel(); channelTab.setStylePrimaryName("channel channel-" + style); OutlineText text = TextManager.getText(label); channelTab.getElement().setAttribute("unselectable", "on"); channelTab.add(text); chatBar.insert(channelTab, i); channelsTab[i] = channelTab; if (i == currentChannelIndex) channelTab.addStyleDependentName("active"); else channelTab.removeStyleDependentName("active"); } } private void sendMessage() { if (currentAction != null && currentAction.isPending()) return; String text = writeMessageField.getText(); if (text.length() > 0) { // Mode debug if (text.equals("/debug") && Settings.isAdministrator()) { writeMessageField.setText(""); setChatBarVisible(false); if (DOM.getElementById("console").getStyle().getProperty("display").equals("block")) { addMessage("info", "", "", "Mode debug dsactiv", null, null, null, null, (Integer) null, (Integer) null); DOM.getElementById("console").getStyle().setProperty("display", "none"); } else { addMessage("info", "", "", "Mode debug activ", null, null, null, null, (Integer) null, (Integer) null); DOM.getElementById("console").getStyle().setProperty("display", "block"); } return; } else if (text.equals("/dumptimers")) { writeMessageField.setText(""); setChatBarVisible(false); StringBuffer timers = new StringBuffer(); int baseCount = TimerManager.getBaseUnitHandlers().size(); int secondCount = TimerManager.getSecondUnitHandlers().size(); int minuteCount = TimerManager.getMinuteUnitHandlers().size(); timers.append("Total=" + (baseCount + secondCount + minuteCount) + ", base=" + baseCount + ", second=" + secondCount + ", minute=" + minuteCount + "\n"); for (TimerHandler handler : TimerManager.getBaseUnitHandlers()) timers.append("[B]" + handler + ", "); for (TimerHandler handler : TimerManager.getSecondUnitHandlers()) timers.append("[S]" + handler + ", "); for (TimerHandler handler : TimerManager.getMinuteUnitHandlers()) timers.append("[M]" + handler + ", "); Utilities.log(timers.toString()); return; } else if (text.equals("/clear") || text.equals("/efface")) { this.clearMessages(); writeMessageField.setText(""); setChatBarVisible(false); return; } else if (text.startsWith("/showinfo")) { // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // String[] splits = text.split(" "); if (splits.length == 2) { Client.getInstance().getCodexDialog().show(CodexDialog.INFO_PLAYER, splits[1]); writeMessageField.setText(""); setChatBarVisible(false); return; } } if (text.indexOf("/ping") == 0) { Date date = new Date(); text = "/ping " + date.getTime(); } HashMap<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("message", text); params.put("channel", channels.get(currentChannelIndex).getName()); currentAction = new Action("chat/addmessage", params, new ActionCallbackAdapter() { public void onSuccess(AnswerData data) { UpdateManager.UPDATE_CALLBACK.onSuccess(data); writeMessageField.setText(""); setChatBarVisible(false); } }); } else { setChatBarVisible(false); } } private class Channel { // --------------------------------------------------- CONSTANTES -- // // ---------------------------------------------------- ATTRIBUTS -- // private String name; private boolean active; // ------------------------------------------------ CONSTRUCTEURS -- // public Channel(String name, boolean active) { = name; = active; } // ----------------------------------------------------- METHODES -- // public boolean isActive() { return active; } public String getName() { return name; } // --------------------------------------------- METHODES PRIVEES -- // } }